"Meena’s Furry Little Pet" is an engaging big book tailored for Grade 2 English sessions, authored by Melanie Julia Annea and illustrated by Crishma Uckiah and Vedita Jokhun. The story revolves around Meena and her playful pet dog, Fluffy. Meena engages in a spirited game of hide and seek with Fluffy, searching in various places around the house until discovering Fluffy happily playing in the garden. However, when Fluffy gets dirty, Meena attempts to give it a bath, only to meet with resistance from the pet. Despite her efforts, Fluffy manages to stay clean by unexpectedly running into the water from her father's watering can. The story unfolds with humor and playful interactions between Meena and her furry pet, highlighting the simple joys and challenges of caring for a pet. The book's interactive sessions aim to enhance comprehension and vocabulary while encouraging creative activities for young learners, making the English learning experience enjoyable and enriching.