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Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology

by Laurel Gershwin

Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology presents basic immunological concepts in the context of actual cases seen in clinics. It is intended for veterinary medicine students, interns, residents, and veterinarians, and serves as a valuable supplement and companion to a variety of core immunology textbooks and courses. The book includes cases describing primary immune system defects, secondary immune system defects, and hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders, as well as dysproteinemias and lymphoid neoplasia. Drawing on the successful approach of Geha’s Case Studies in Immunology, each representative case is preceded by a discussion of the principles underlying that specific immunological mechanism. The case itself includes the presenting complaint (signalment), physical examination findings, pertinent diagnostic laboratory data, diagnosis, and treatment options. In those instances in which a specific disorder occurs in both animals and humans, the differences and similarities in the immunological mechanisms and manifestations of the disease are explored. End of case questions highlight important concepts and serve as a review aid for students. Details on standard vaccines and vaccination schedules, as well as descriptions of the types of assays used for evaluation of the immune system, are included as appendices.

Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology

by Laurel Gershwin

Case Studies in Veterinary Immunology presents basic immunological concepts in the context of actual cases seen in clinics. It is intended for veterinary medicine students, interns, residents, and veterinarians, and serves as a valuable supplement and companion to a variety of core immunology textbooks and courses. The book includes cases describing primary immune system defects, secondary immune system defects, and hypersensitivity and autoimmune disorders, as well as dysproteinemias and lymphoid neoplasia. Drawing on the successful approach of Geha’s Case Studies in Immunology, each representative case is preceded by a discussion of the principles underlying that specific immunological mechanism. The case itself includes the presenting complaint (signalment), physical examination findings, pertinent diagnostic laboratory data, diagnosis, and treatment options. In those instances in which a specific disorder occurs in both animals and humans, the differences and similarities in the immunological mechanisms and manifestations of the disease are explored. End of case questions highlight important concepts and serve as a review aid for students. Details on standard vaccines and vaccination schedules, as well as descriptions of the types of assays used for evaluation of the immune system, are included as appendices.

Jellyfish: A Natural History

by Lisa-ann Gershwin

Jellyfish, with their undulating umbrella-shaped bells and sprawling tentacles, are as fascinating and beautiful as they are frightening and dangerous. They are found in every ocean at every depth, and they are the oldest multi-organed life form on the planet, having inhabited the ocean for more than five hundred million years. In many places they are also vastly increasing in number, and these population blooms may be an ominous indicator of the rising temperatures and toxicity of the world’s oceans. Jellyfish presents these aquarium favorites in all their extraordinary and captivating beauty. Fifty unique species, from stalked jellyfish to black sea nettles, are presented in stunning color photographs along with the most current scientific information on their anatomy, history, distribution, position in the water, and environmental status. Foremost jellyfish expert Lisa-ann Gershwin provides an insightful look at the natural history and biology of each of these spellbinding creatures, while offering a timely take on their place in the rapidly changing and deteriorating condition of the oceans. Readers will learn about immortal jellyfish who live and die and live again as well as those who camouflage themselves amid sea grasses and shells, hiding in plain sight. Approachably written and based in the latest science and ecology, this colorful book provides an authoritative guide to these ethereal marine wonders.

Jellyfish: A Natural History

by Lisa-ann Gershwin

Jellyfish, with their undulating umbrella-shaped bells and sprawling tentacles, are as fascinating and beautiful as they are frightening and dangerous. They are found in every ocean at every depth, and they are the oldest multi-organed life form on the planet, having inhabited the ocean for more than five hundred million years. In many places they are also vastly increasing in number, and these population blooms may be an ominous indicator of the rising temperatures and toxicity of the world’s oceans. Jellyfish presents these aquarium favorites in all their extraordinary and captivating beauty. Fifty unique species, from stalked jellyfish to black sea nettles, are presented in stunning color photographs along with the most current scientific information on their anatomy, history, distribution, position in the water, and environmental status. Foremost jellyfish expert Lisa-ann Gershwin provides an insightful look at the natural history and biology of each of these spellbinding creatures, while offering a timely take on their place in the rapidly changing and deteriorating condition of the oceans. Readers will learn about immortal jellyfish who live and die and live again as well as those who camouflage themselves amid sea grasses and shells, hiding in plain sight. Approachably written and based in the latest science and ecology, this colorful book provides an authoritative guide to these ethereal marine wonders.

Jellyfish: A Natural History

by Lisa-ann Gershwin

Jellyfish, with their undulating umbrella-shaped bells and sprawling tentacles, are as fascinating and beautiful as they are frightening and dangerous. They are found in every ocean at every depth, and they are the oldest multi-organed life form on the planet, having inhabited the ocean for more than five hundred million years. In many places they are also vastly increasing in number, and these population blooms may be an ominous indicator of the rising temperatures and toxicity of the world’s oceans. Jellyfish presents these aquarium favorites in all their extraordinary and captivating beauty. Fifty unique species, from stalked jellyfish to black sea nettles, are presented in stunning color photographs along with the most current scientific information on their anatomy, history, distribution, position in the water, and environmental status. Foremost jellyfish expert Lisa-ann Gershwin provides an insightful look at the natural history and biology of each of these spellbinding creatures, while offering a timely take on their place in the rapidly changing and deteriorating condition of the oceans. Readers will learn about immortal jellyfish who live and die and live again as well as those who camouflage themselves amid sea grasses and shells, hiding in plain sight. Approachably written and based in the latest science and ecology, this colorful book provides an authoritative guide to these ethereal marine wonders.

Jellyfish: A Natural History

by Lisa-ann Gershwin

Jellyfish, with their undulating umbrella-shaped bells and sprawling tentacles, are as fascinating and beautiful as they are frightening and dangerous. They are found in every ocean at every depth, and they are the oldest multi-organed life form on the planet, having inhabited the ocean for more than five hundred million years. In many places they are also vastly increasing in number, and these population blooms may be an ominous indicator of the rising temperatures and toxicity of the world’s oceans. Jellyfish presents these aquarium favorites in all their extraordinary and captivating beauty. Fifty unique species, from stalked jellyfish to black sea nettles, are presented in stunning color photographs along with the most current scientific information on their anatomy, history, distribution, position in the water, and environmental status. Foremost jellyfish expert Lisa-ann Gershwin provides an insightful look at the natural history and biology of each of these spellbinding creatures, while offering a timely take on their place in the rapidly changing and deteriorating condition of the oceans. Readers will learn about immortal jellyfish who live and die and live again as well as those who camouflage themselves amid sea grasses and shells, hiding in plain sight. Approachably written and based in the latest science and ecology, this colorful book provides an authoritative guide to these ethereal marine wonders.

Immunologic Defects in Laboratory Animals 1

by M. Eric Gershwin Bruce Merchant

Tiselius demonstrated that the immunologically active components of immune sera migrated electrophoretically in the gamma globulin region. His findings illuminated the classic observations of Jenner regarding development of resistance to infection, and those of von Pirquet, Pasteur, and Arthus regarding the transfer and specificity of resistance. Conceptual integration of these observations provided the impetus for the present modern era of immunology. Subsequent to Tiselius's work, multiple, rapid advances have occurred in the study of congenital and acquired immune deficiency states in mice, chickens, and humans. These studies have readily demonstrated that the immunologic ability of an organ­ ism to protect itself from environmental influences is a prerequisite for survival. Indeed, this necessity for protection from microenvironmental influences has promoted the evolu­ tionary development of immunologic diversification, namely, host dependence upon a sophisticated, multifaceted network of cells and effector mechanisms responsible for the clearance and neutralization of toxins and potentially harmful pathogens. The obligate dependence of animals upon the functional integrity of their immunologic systems is illus­ trated by the ready invasion of ubiquitous organisms when the host is in a state of immune defense derangement. Nevertheless, derangements in immune function can range from par­ tial to complete and can be compatible with survival. The consequences of such derange­ ments run the gamut from subclinical disease to inevitable mortality.

Der Einfluß einiger Narkotica auf den Blind- und Wirkwiderstand der Froschhaut und auf ihre Permeabilität für Elektrolyte: Habilitationsschrift

by Herbert Gerstner

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Sensory Processes at the Neuronal and Behavioral Levels

by G. V. Gersuni

Sensory Processes at the Neuronal and Behavioral Levels is a collection of papers dealing with problems of functional organization of the visual and auditory systems. One paper points out that neurophysiological and psychophysiological research in vision can be combined. The paper compares the cat's contrast stimulation by Hermann's grid that elicits neuronal responses of cells with concentric and simple fields as being similar to the subjective vision in man. Another paper addresses the sources of information in the perception of visual spatial relations. For example, eye movements as the source of information about visual spatial relations are refuted. The visual system already estimates accurately the spatial properties of an object before the onset of eye movements. Another paper discusses certain concepts about the mechanisms of the auditory system. One paper presents the results of an experiment involving some adult cats. They were lightly anesthetized and their responses were recorded when the inferior colliculus, or the left and right auditory cortex were stimulated electrically. Another paper analyzes the mechanism used by insect in recognizing species-specific songs. This book is suitable for neurophysiologists, neurochemists, and researchers dealing with physiological acoustics and the psychophysics of the visual system.

Die Seele des Tieres: Berichte über die neuen Beobachtungen an Pferden und Hunden

by Gesellschaft für Tierpsychologie H.E. Ziegler

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Handbook of Pathogens and Diseases in Cephalopods

by Camino Gestal Santiago Pascual Ángel Guerra Graziano Fiorito Juan M. Vieites

The aim of this open access book is to facilitate the identification and description of the different organs as well as pathogens and diseases affecting the most representative species of cephalopods focussed on Sepia officinalis, Loligo vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris. These species are valuable ‘morphotype’ models and belong to the taxonomic groups Sepioidea, Myopsida and Octopoda, which include most of the species with a high market value and aquaculture potential. The study is based on photographs at macroscopic and histological level in order to illustrate the role of the most important pathogens and related diseases from the view of a pathological diagnosis. The reader is able to familiarize with functional anatomy, necropsy and general histology of adults and paralarvae, as well as with the identification of different pathogens and pathologies. This work is thus an invaluable guide for the diagnosis of cephalopod diseases. Besides including pathogens for non-European cephalopod species, it also provides a useful contribution encouraging marine pathologists, parasitologists, veterinarians and those involved in fishery sanitary assessments, aquarium maintenance and aquaculture practices aiming to increase their knowledge about the pathology of cephalopods.

Wale und Delphine: Spitzenkönner der Meere

by Wolfgang Gewalt

In der Antike mythisch verklärt, später als Rohstoffquelle verbraucht, sind Wale und Delphine mittlerweile zu Publikumslieblingen und Symboltieren des Naturschutzes geworden. Wolfgang Gewalt pflegt seit mehr als einem Vierteljahrhundert fast täglichen Umgang mit diesen faszinierenden Tieren - im Zoo und draußen im freien Meer. Er erzählt von der Herkunft der Wale und Delphine, ihrem Lernvermögen, ihrer Sprache und ihrem Verhalten. Locker und verständlich erhält der Leser damit einen unmittelbaren Einblick in den heutigen Stand der Walkunde.

Absolute Age Determination: Physical and Chemical Dating Methods and Their Application

by Mebus A. Geyh Helmut Schleicher

With the growing recognition during the last two centuries that the Earth has an immense age and processes over long periods of time have changed the morphology and composition of the Earth's crust, geologists have become increasingly interested in determination of absolute ages. A rela­ tive geochronology was established on the basis of the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic principles developed during the last century. With the discovery of radioactivity, the basis for a new geoscientific discipline - geochronology - was established (Rutherford 1906). It is the study of geological time, based mainly on the time signatures provided by the isotopic composition in geologic materials. The isotopic signature in a rock yields more information than that provided by the geochemical signature alone because it reflects the origin and history of the element in the rock. The aim of geochronology is to calibrate and standardize chronostrati­ graphic scales, to develop geological time scales that have a sensitive or at least useful resolution in order to place the geological events in the correct chronological order, and to assign their proper time spans. In practice, the application of geochronology is much wider because the data in the "natural archives" often provide information on the origin, genesis, and history of the materials. This, of course, requires an understanding of the geochemical behavior of the substances involved.

Genetics of Subpolar Fish and Invertebrates (Developments in Environmental Biology of Fishes #23)

by Anthony J. Gharrett Richard G. Gustafson Jennifer L. Nielsen James E. Seeb Lisa W. Seeb William W. Smoker Gary H. Thorgaard Richard L. Wilmot

Fisheries genetics researchers will find invaluable the thirty-eight peer-reviewed contributions in this book, presented at the 20th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium "Genetics of Subpolar Fish and Invertebrates," held in May 2002 in Juneau, Alaska. Looming over concerns of lost fisheries stocks and persistent erosion of genetic variability are predictions of global warming, which may further tax genetic resources. One consequence is an increased reliance on genetic applications to many aspects of fisheries management, aquaculture, and conservation. The contributions in this book are important to modern fisheries science and genetics, and illustrate the evolution of the field over the past decade. The improved technology provides tools to address increasingly complicated problems in traditional applications and ecological and behavioral studies. The union between molecular and quantitative genetics, where many of the major questions about population structure and evolution remain unanswered, will also benefit from the new technologies.

The Suffering Animal: Life Between Weakness and Power (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

by Simone Ghelli

This book provides a critical and innovative reassessment of contemporary debate on the human-animal relationship. Starting with a critique of the “official philosophical narration” of animal studies, and then a reassessment of Descartes' animal-machine paradigm, Simone Ghelli tracks down the conceptual coordinates of what he calls “the paradigm of the suffering animal.” The suffering animal is a materialist thesis on the condition of the living, which, while contesting the metaphysical and anthropocentric structure of western axiology, eventually redefines and re-establishes ethics on the experience of suffering, that is on the mutual compassion sentient beings feel before the unjust sight of their finitude. The suffering animal paradigm shows how, within our philosophical tradition, the animal question has been always intertwined with the questions of atheism and of materialism. The ultimate aim of this research is to define the “ethical equilibrium” between aspects of the living, such as weakness and power, joy and suffering, life and death, which our philosophical tradition largely tends to consider as mutually excluding. To overcome such oppositions means avoiding opposing, in our ethical and political discourse, the defense of the vulnerability of the weak and the freedom of the powerful.

Manual to Veterinary Video-Oto-Endoscopy: Use and Utility in Canine and Feline Ear Diseases

by Giovanni Ghibaudo

This atlas provides a step-by-step manual in using the video-oto-endoscope (VOE) as a tool to study ear diseases in cats and dogs. Illustrated by numerous high-resolution images and case studies, the book explains in a highly accessible manner when and how to use VOE. It teaches how to differ between a normal and a pathological animal ear and guides the reader in diagnosing a particular disease. The book's main section provides in-depth information on causes, clinical picture, and imaging of ear diseases such as acute otitis externa, chronic otitis externa, and otitis media in small animals. Moreover, the atlas introduces technical fundamentals of the instrument and gives tips for its correct handling and cleaning. Further, readers are instructed on how to best prepare the animal patient for examination by VOE. The atlas addresses veterinary practitioners and veterinary technicians who are interested in performing otological examinations in cats and dogs.

Musicality of Human Brain through Fractal Analytics (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Dipak Ghosh Ranjan Sengupta Shankha Sanyal Archi Banerjee

This book provides a comprehensive overview of how fractal analytics can lead to the extraction of interesting features from the complex electroencephalograph (EEG) signals generated by Hindustani classical music. It particularly focuses on how the brain responses to the emotional attributes of Hindustani classical music that have been long been a source of discussion for musicologists and psychologists. Using robust scientific techniques that are capable of looking into the most intricate dynamics of the complex EEG signals, it deciphers the human brain’s response to different ragas of Hindustani classical music, shedding new light on what happens inside the performer’s brain when they are mentally composing the imagery of a particular raga. It also explores the much- debated issue in the musical fraternity of whether there are any universal cues in music that make it identifiable for people throughout the world, and if so, what are the neural correlates associated with the universal cues? This book is of interest to researchers and scholars of music and the brain, nonlinear science, music cognition, music signal processing and music information retrieval. In addition, researchers in the field of nonlinear biomedical signal processing and music signal analysis benefit from this book.

Homemade Treats for Happy, Healthy Dogs: Delicious Homemade Treats For Happy, Healthy Dogs

by Cheryl Gianfrancesco

Pamper Your Pup With All-Natural Taste Temptations!Treat your dog to the tastiest and healthiest biscuits and bones ever made for canine consumption! Cheryl Gianfrancesco’s easy-to-follow recipes call for only the best all-natural ingredients, and as your dog will agree, the results are fantastic. Could any dog resist Peanut Butter Biscuits, Cheese and Garlic Bites, Chicken and Cheese Biscuits, or Ginger Cookies? How about a Best-Friend Birthday Cake, complete with frosting? Homemade Treats for Happy, Healthy Dogs offers 50 recipes for the canine connoisseur of fine foods. If dogs could read, this would be their favorite cookbook!

Neurobiology of Actin: From Neurulation to Synaptic Function (Advances in Neurobiology #5)

by Gianluca Gallo and Lorene M. M. Lanier

This text is an introduction to the interface between the actin cytoskeleton and the myriad of issues fundamental to the understanding of the nervous system. It covers the neurobiology of actin ranging from basic cellular organization and function to the roles of actin in the health and disease states of the nervous system. Its opening chapter presents the fundamental concepts required to appreciate the details of the molecular machinery that regulates actin in a cellular context, setting the stage for the first part of the book which reviews the neurobiology of actin at the cellular level. The latter section of the book then discusses the functions of actin in the context of neurobiological issues ranging from early development to synaptic function and disease states of the nervous system. This text is intended for neuroscientists interested in investigating the actin cytoskeleton in the context of their particular neuroscience research program, and its chapters are cross-referenced in order to assist readers in finding relevant information that is covered in greater depth in other chapters.

The Little Mermaid (Best-Loved Classics)

by Sarah Gibb

A beautifully illustrated, magical re-telling of one of the most-beloved fairy tales, which no child’s library should be without!

Snow White (Best-Loved Classics)

by Sarah Gibb

A beautifully illustrated, magical retelling of one of the most beloved children’s fairy tales.

Pocket Guide to Butterflies (Pocket Guides)

by Bob Gibbons

This book is as visually impressive as it is useful in the field, with many stunning full-page and double-page photographs to support the authoritative text. The introduction explains the basics of butterflies and their identification. Each species is illustrated by the author's remarkable photographs. The text covers information such as ID features, distribution, habitat, status, confusion species and interesting facts.

Pocket Guide to Butterflies (Pocket Guides)

by Bob Gibbons

This book is as visually impressive as it is useful in the field, with many stunning full-page and double-page photographs to support the authoritative text. The introduction explains the basics of butterflies and their identification. Each species is illustrated by the author's remarkable photographs. The text covers information such as ID features, distribution, habitat, status, confusion species and interesting facts.

Pocket Guide to Insects (Pocket Guides)

by Bob Gibbons

This pocket-sized eBook is an essential guide to insects, providing comprehensive detail on around 240 of the most easily noticed British species selected from a range of orders and families. Each species is divided into simple sections covering general information followed by it's flight period, habitat and similar species.This easy-to-use book is as visually impressive as it is useful in the field, with many stunning images supporting the authoritative text. The introduction covers the characteristics of an insect, where to find them as well as the conservation work in demand around the world.

Pocket Guide to Insects (Pocket Guides)

by Bob Gibbons

This pocket-sized book is an essential guide to insects, providing comprehensive detail on around 240 of the most easily noticed British species selected from a range of orders and families. Each species is divided into simple sections covering general information followed by it's flight period, habitat and similar species.This easy-to-use book is as visually impressive as it is useful in the field, with many stunning full-page and double-page images supporting the authoritative text. The introduction covers the characteristics of an insect, where to find them as well as the conservation work in demand around the world.

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