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Showing 826 through 850 of 862 results

Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession around the Pacific Rim (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series)

by Penelope Edmonds Amanda Nettelbeck

Violence and intimacy were critically intertwined at all stages of the settler colonial encounter, and yet we know surprisingly little of how they were connected in the shaping of colonial economies. Extending a reading of ‘economies’ as labour relations into new arenas, this innovative collection of essays examines new understandings of the nexus between violence and intimacy in settler colonial economies of the British Pacific Rim. The sites it explores include cross-cultural exchange in sealing and maritime communities, labour relations on the frontier, inside the pastoral station and in the colonial home, and the material and emotional economies of exploration. Following the curious mobility of texts, objects, and frameworks of knowledge, this volume teases out the diversity of ways in which violence and intimacy were expressed in the economies of everyday encounters on the ground. In doing so, it broadens the horizon of debate about the nature of colonial economies and the intercultural encounters that were enmeshed within them.

Intimacies of Violence in the Settler Colony: Economies of Dispossession around the Pacific Rim (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series)

by Penelope Edmonds Amanda Nettelbeck

Violence and intimacy were critically intertwined at all stages of the settler colonial encounter, and yet we know surprisingly little of how they were connected in the shaping of colonial economies. Extending a reading of ‘economies’ as labour relations into new arenas, this innovative collection of essays examines new understandings of the nexus between violence and intimacy in settler colonial economies of the British Pacific Rim. The sites it explores include cross-cultural exchange in sealing and maritime communities, labour relations on the frontier, inside the pastoral station and in the colonial home, and the material and emotional economies of exploration. Following the curious mobility of texts, objects, and frameworks of knowledge, this volume teases out the diversity of ways in which violence and intimacy were expressed in the economies of everyday encounters on the ground. In doing so, it broadens the horizon of debate about the nature of colonial economies and the intercultural encounters that were enmeshed within them.

Australia in the US Empire: Australia In The Us Empire

by Erik Paul

This book argues that Australia is vital to the US imperial project for global hegemony in the struggle among great powers, and why Australia's deep dependency on the US is incompatible with democracy and the security of the country. The Australian continent is increasingly a contestable geopolitical asset for the US grand strategy and for China's economic and political expansionism. The election of Donald Trump to the US presidency is symptomatic of the US hegemonic crisis. The US is Australia's dangerous ally and the US crisis is a call for Australia to regain sovereignty and sever its military alliance with the US. Political realism provides a critical paradigm to analyse the interactions between capitalism, imperialism and militarism as they undermine Australian democracy and shift governmentality towards new forms of authoritarianism.

Italians in Australia: History, Memory, Identity (Palgrave Studies in Migration History)

by Francesco Ricatti

This book provides a concise and innovative history of Italian migration to Australia over the past 150 years. It focuses on crucial aspects of the migratory experience, including work and socio-economic mobility, disorientation and reorientation, gender and sexual identities, racism, sexism, family life, aged care, language, religion, politics, and ethnic media. The history of Italians in Australia is re-framed through key theoretical concepts, including transculturation, transnationalism, decoloniality, and intersectionality. This book challenges common assumptions about the Italian-Australian community, including the idea that migrants are ‘stuck’ in the past, and the tendency to assess migrants’ worth according to their socio-economic success and their alleged contribution to the Nation. It focuses instead on the complex, intense, inventive, dynamic, and resilient strategies developed by migrants within complex transcultural and transnational contexts. In doing so, this book provides a new way of rethinking and remembering the history of Italians in Australia.

Italians in Australia: History, Memory, Identity (Palgrave Studies in Migration History)

by Francesco Ricatti

This book provides a concise and innovative history of Italian migration to Australia over the past 150 years. It focuses on crucial aspects of the migratory experience, including work and socio-economic mobility, disorientation and reorientation, gender and sexual identities, racism, sexism, family life, aged care, language, religion, politics, and ethnic media. The history of Italians in Australia is re-framed through key theoretical concepts, including transculturation, transnationalism, decoloniality, and intersectionality. This book challenges common assumptions about the Italian-Australian community, including the idea that migrants are ‘stuck’ in the past, and the tendency to assess migrants’ worth according to their socio-economic success and their alleged contribution to the Nation. It focuses instead on the complex, intense, inventive, dynamic, and resilient strategies developed by migrants within complex transcultural and transnational contexts. In doing so, this book provides a new way of rethinking and remembering the history of Italians in Australia.

Constructing National Identity in Canadian and Australian Classrooms: The Crown of Education (Britain and the World)

by Stephen Jackson

This book explores the evolution of Canadian and Australian national identities in the era of decolonization by evaluating educational policies in Ontario, Canada, and Victoria, Australia. Drawing on sources such as textbooks and curricula, the book argues that Britishness, a sense of imperial citizenship connecting white Anglo-Saxons across the British Empire, continued to be a crucial marker of national identity in both Australia and Canada until the late 1960s and early 1970s, when educators in Ontario and Victoria abandoned Britishness in favor of multiculturalism. Chapters explore how textbooks portrayed imperialism, the close relationship between religious education and Britishness, and efforts to end assimilationist Anglocentrism and promote equality in education. The book contributes to British World scholarship by demonstrating how decolonization precipitated a massive search for identity in Ontario and Victoria that continues to challenge educators and policy-makers today.

Anglo-Australian Naval Relations, 1945–1975: A More Independent Service

by Mark Gjessing

This book examines Anglo-Australian naval relations between 1945-75, a period of great change for both Australia and Great Britain and their respective navies. It explores the cultural and historical ties between the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the efficacy of communications between the services, and the importance of personal relations to the overall inter-service relationship. The author assesses the dilemmas faced by Great Britain associated with that nation’s declining power, and the impact of the retreat from ‘East of Suez’ on the strategic relationship between the United Kingdom and Australia. The book also considers operational co-operation between the Royal Navy and the RAN including conflicts such as the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, and confrontation with Indonesia, as well as peacetime pursuits such as port visits and the testing of atomic weapons in the 1950s. Co-operation in matters of personnel and training are also dealt with in great detail, along with the co-operation between the Royal Navy and the RAN in equipment procurement and design and the increased ability of the RAN to look to non-British sources for equipment procurement. The book considers the impact of stronger Australian-American ties on the RAN and appraises the role it played in the conflict in Vietnam.

Anglo-Australian Naval Relations, 1945–1975 (PDF)

by Mark Gjessing

This book examines Anglo-Australian naval relations between 1945-75, a period of great change for both Australia and Great Britain and their respective navies. It explores the cultural and historical ties between the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), the efficacy of communications between the services, and the importance of personal relations to the overall inter-service relationship. The author assesses the dilemmas faced by Great Britain associated with that nation’s declining power, and the impact of the retreat from ‘East of Suez’ on the strategic relationship between the United Kingdom and Australia. The book also considers operational co-operation between the Royal Navy and the RAN including conflicts such as the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, and confrontation with Indonesia, as well as peacetime pursuits such as port visits and the testing of atomic weapons in the 1950s. Co-operation in matters of personnel and training are also dealt with in great detail, along with the co-operation between the Royal Navy and the RAN in equipment procurement and design and the increased ability of the RAN to look to non-British sources for equipment procurement. The book considers the impact of stronger Australian-American ties on the RAN and appraises the role it played in the conflict in Vietnam.

The Slow Evolution of Foster Care in Australia: Just Like a Family? (Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood)

by Nell Musgrove Deidre Michell

​This book draws on archival, oral history and public policy sources to tell a history of foster care in Australia from the nineteenth century to the present day. It is, primarily, a social history which places the voices of people directly touched by foster care at the centre of the story, but also within the wider social and political debates which have shaped foster care across more than a century. The book confronts foster care’s difficult past—death and abuse of foster children, family separation, and a general public apathy towards these issues—but it also acknowledges the resilience of people who have survived a childhood in foster care, and the challenges faced by those who have worked hard to provide good foster homes and to make child welfare systems better. These are themes which the book examines from an Australian perspective, but which often resonate with foster care globally.

The Slow Evolution of Foster Care in Australia: Just Like a Family? (Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood)

by Nell Musgrove Deidre Michell

​This book draws on archival, oral history and public policy sources to tell a history of foster care in Australia from the nineteenth century to the present day. It is, primarily, a social history which places the voices of people directly touched by foster care at the centre of the story, but also within the wider social and political debates which have shaped foster care across more than a century. The book confronts foster care’s difficult past—death and abuse of foster children, family separation, and a general public apathy towards these issues—but it also acknowledges the resilience of people who have survived a childhood in foster care, and the challenges faced by those who have worked hard to provide good foster homes and to make child welfare systems better. These are themes which the book examines from an Australian perspective, but which often resonate with foster care globally.

Inner Aspect: The Articulation of VP (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #80)

by Lisa deMena Travis

Finishing this book was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. It took far too long from original idea to page proofs and suffered from being relegated to small corners of my life. It was very rarely on the front burner. Since I started working on this topic in 1991, there has been a lot of interesting work done on the areas of the articulation of VP, phrase structure mirroring event structure, the use of functional categories to represent Aktionsart, and many other areas that the research presented here touches on. The hardest thing about doing a project of this size is to accept that not everyone’s ideas can be addressed and not all new research can be incorporated. The only way that I have found it possible to let this book go to press is to reread the Preface to Events in the Semantics of English by Terence Parsons where he writes, ‘‘The goal of this book is neither completeness nor complete accuracy; it is to get some interesting proposals into the public arena for others to criticize, develop, and build on. ’’ My aim in this book is to make connections between various accounts of various constructions in various languages at the risk of treating each of these too lightly. I am grateful to too many people to thank them individually.

History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand

by Graham Oppy and N.N. Trakakis

Syntactic Variables: Resumptive Pronouns and A′ Binding in Palauan (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #24)

by C. Georgopoulos

This book represents the culmination of an extended period of field work on the Palauan language, carried out while I was a graduate student at the University of California at San Diego. The book was born as a short term paper written in 1982; from a forgettable infancy, that paper grew and grew, reaching the age of majority in my dissertation at the end of 1985. Some of its offspring have gone off on their own, as indepen­ dent papers, as course materials, or as thoughts that have not yet com­ pletely materialized. Some have been disowned. The full adulthood of this study of Palauan is realized in the present book. Virtually every section of the dissertation has been rewritten, updated, or otherwise (I hope) improved. Where the dissertation was still struggling with various problems, the book has found solutions. The aim of the book remains, however, to give broad coverage of Palauan, with emphasis on A' binding, rather than to focus narrowly on a few highly specific theoretical issues. I hope to have achieved a balance between presenting the language clearly and nonprejudicially, and deal­ ing with various of its properties in current theoretical terms. If I have, the book should prove to be a resource for further typological study of the phenomena it describes.

A Critical Survey of Studies on the Languages of Java and Madura: Bibliographical Series 7 (Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde #3)

by E.M. Uhlenbeck

At the completion of this critical bibliography which forms another step in the direction of the realization of the bibliographical project inaugurated in 1955 by Dr. Voorhoeve's survey of the languages of Sumatra, I acknowledge with gratitude the valuable assistance received from various people. I am indebted to my colleagues Prof. Dr. G. W. J. Drewes, Dr. J. Noorduyn, Dr. Th. Pigeaud, Prof. Dr. A. Teeuw and Dr. P. Voorhoeve, who read all or part of the manuscript and who generously put their extensive knowledge of the Java languages at my disposal. Heartfelt thanks are due to Mr. B. J. Hoff and Mr. A. G. Sciarone, both members of my staff, who verified many of the biblio­ graphical details. I am grateful to the library of the University of Leiden and to the library of the Institute in The Hague because of their readiness in giving me all the facilities I needed for the preparation of this book. Most useful was the cordial assistance received from my colleague Prof. Dr. P. E. de Josselin de Jong, who spent much time correcting the many imperfections of my English text, which greatly promoted the readability of the narrative sections of this survey.

A Subgrouping of Nine Philippine Languages

by NA Llamzon

BY J. C. ANCEAUX Since the appearance of Brugmann's famous article on the relation­ ships of the Indo-European languages in 1884, the subject of sub­ grouping of languages as a methodological problem has been raised only occasionally. To this apparent lack of interest in a major point in comparative linguistics several causes can be assigned. One of them is that a consensus has been reached about the main outlines of the family-tree for the language-family which has received more attention than any other: the Indo-European. Another explanation is that for most of the branches of this family historical materials are available which have proved very valuable for the reconstruction of the inter­ mediate stages between the proto-Ianguage ande the modem languages. For a few branches only has the problem of subgrouping been a matter for discussion (e.g. Germanic). Special attention, however, could be expected from those who started to apply the comparative methods to other language-families. This attention did come forward, though not immediately, because linguists first had to deal with the problems of proving the existence of the family in question and deciding which languages belonged to it. For the Austronesian languages serious attemps to arrive at a lin­ guistic classification started relatively late. Certain cases of closer relationships were obvious enough to be recognized very early ( e.g.

Formal Issues in Austronesian Linguistics (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #49)

by I. Paul V. Phillips Lisa Travis

Austronesian languages have long raised interesting questions for generative theories of syntax and morphology. The papers in this volume encompass some of these traditional questions and place them in newer theoretical contexts. Some of the papers also address new issues which add to our understanding of members of this language family on one side and the nature of linguistic theories on the other. There are three broad issues that re-occur throughout the volume - the role and analysis of verbal morphology, the nature of the subject or the topic in these languages, and the interaction of syntax and specificity. The papers in this volume show that as formal theories become more precise, a wider range of language data can be captured, and as the inventory of language data grows, the accuracy of formal linguistic theories improves.

The Particles of Relation of the Isinai Language

by Otto Scheerer

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