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Studies in Public Enterprise: From Evaluation to Privatisation

by V. V. Ramanadham

First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Studies in Public Enterprise: From Evaluation to Privatisation (Routledge Library Editions: Public Enterprise And Privatization Ser.)

by V. V. Ramanadham

First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Sustainable Development: Constraints and Opportunities

by Mostafa Kamal Tolba

Sustainable Development: Constraints and Opportunities contains a selection of the author's speeches made between 1982 and 1986. During this 5-year period knowledge of environment-development relationships has grown considerably, and this evolving perception can be discerned in his statements spanning those years. Taken together, the common thread binding all the speeches is the fact that long-term development can only be achieved through sound environmental management, that is, sustainable development, which is the title of this book. The speeches included in this volume were delivered in the author's capacity as the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). They thus cover primarily broad areas of interest of UNEP's programs and policies. Key topics discussed include environmental protection; disarmament and the environment; environmental information for engineers; the impact of human settlements on the environment; environmental management in the Gulf; the causes, effects, and prevention of desertification; and the environmental impact assessment process.

Taming the Tiger: Software Engineering and Software Economics (Springer Books on Professional Computing)

by Leon S. Levy

A small program is presented to motivate the concerns for programmer productivity and program quality that are the central issues of this set of essays. The example is one which demonstrates the performance aspect of programming. In order to achieve program quality, where a program is understood and known to be correct, we need a primary program description. This primary program description not only describes the program but is also used to generate the program. The method of applying primary program descriptions to produce programs is called metaprogramming and is described in Chapter 3. In the later chapters, we show how the method can be analyzed from an economic point of view to address the issues of productivity as well. 1 Introduction In thinking about programming over the last decade, I have concluded that very little is known about the process of programming or the engineering of software [1]. The consequence of having very little established truth to use as a basis for thinking about programming is that almost every conclusion must be reasoned out from first principles. Also, you cannot rely solely on textbooks but must use experimentation and direct observation to gain some experience with which to proceed.

Tax Coordination in the European Community

by Sijbren Cnossen

The results of the work of the Conference on Tax Coordination in the European Community appear at a time when the Community has undertaken, as a priority task, the completion of the internal market. The Commission's programme and proposed timetable for the achievement of that goal are spelt out in the White Paper, which was endorsed by the European Council at Milan in June 1985, an endorsement which was repeated at the Council's subsequent meeting in Luxemburg in December 1985. The Commission wholly endorses the views of the Conference as regards the need for urgent action to remove the grave restrictions on the free movement of the factors of production which continue to exist within the Community. It is the Commission's firm view that only a true dismantling of fiscal frontiers can permit the creation of an area without internal frontiers for which the Single European Act provides. To that end a certain approximation of rates of indirect taxation is indispensable if unacceptable distortion of competition is to be avoided. It is noteworthy that the Conference attaches great importance to the Community's problems in the field of direct taxation. This work will be particularly useful to the Commission, which intends to produce a further White Paper on company taxation in the near future. As the Conference rightly notes, action in this field is important for equalisation of the conditions of competition necessary for the completion of the internal market.

Taxation, Housing Markets, and the Markets for Building Land: An Intertemporal Analysis (Microeconomic Studies)

by Bernd Gutting

Almost everywhere in the world housing policies play an important role in government programs. Especially in the industrialized Western economies housing policy issues are triggered mainly by two developments: growing population density and increasing environmental pollution enforce a systematic planning of regional and urban development; all social groups want to participate in the increasing welfare of the domestic economies; until today housing policy is considered an appropriate tool for redistribution and social policy. Taxation serves as an important instrument for the realization of the political objectives mentioned above. Surprisingly, there exists wide-spread consent (even on the academic side) on the effectivity of this instrument. However, strictly speaking this consent concerns only the short run. Long-term effects are usually ignored. Therefore, there is always the inherent risk in these policies that (supposed) market inefficiencies will not be cured, but merely carried forward, and possibly amplified. Moreover, it is characteristic for the political discussion that there is no consistent notion of what efficient housing and land markets ought to look like. Generally accepted for example, is the position that land speculation should be fought whereever possible. Hardly anyone asks the question whether the holding of building land will be beneficial to the economy as a whole, and not only to the speculant.

Taxes and Capital Formation (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

by Martin S. Feldstein

Economists have long recognized the importance of capital accumulation for productivity and economic growth. The National Bureau of Economic Research is currently engaged in a study of the relationship between such accumulation and taxation policies, with particular focus on saving, risk-taking, and corporate investment in the United States and abroad. The papers presented in Taxes and Capital Formation are accessible, nontechnical summaries of fourteen individual research projects within that study. Complete technical reports on this research are published in a separate volume, The Effects of Taxation on Capital Accumulation, also edited by Martin Feldstein. By addressing some of the most critical policy issues of the day with a minimum of economic jargon, Taxes and Capital Formation makes the results of Bureau research available to a wide audience of policy officials and staff as well as to members of the business community. The volume should also prove useful for courses in public policy, business, and law. In keeping with Bureau tradition, the papers do not contain policy recommendations; instead, they promote a better understanding of how the economy works and the effects of specific policies on particular aspects of the economy.

Technische Risiken: Ermittlung und Beurteilung

by Ulrich Hauptmanns M. Herttrich Wolfgang Werner

Die Erweiterung der menschlichen Möglichkeiten durch die Nutzung technischer Hilfsmittel stand am Anfang menschlicher Zivilisation. Technik muß ein Hilfsmit­ tel zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Lebensbedingungen bleiben. Sie muß kalku­ lierbar und beherrschbar sein, damit nicht Kräfte entfesselt werden, die auch das Ende menschlicher Zivilisation bewirken können. Bereits die griechische Mytholo­ gie lehrt uns, daß Segen und Fluch eng beieinander liegen, wenn der Mensch über seine natürlichen Kräfte hinausstrebt. Prometheus straften die Götter, weil er den Menschen das Feuer brachte, ihr Leben erleichterte, ihnen jedoch damit zugleich göttergleiche Kräfte verlieh. Die uralte Botschaft ist aktueller denn je. Es gilt, die gewaltigen Möglichkeiten des technischen Fortschritts zum Wohle des Menschen zu nutzen, ohne zugleich zum Frevler an der göttlichen Schöpfungsordnung zu werden. Zum technischen Fortschritt gibt es keine Alternative. Nur mit Hilfe der Technik können wir den Wohlstand in den Industrieländern erhalten, die Lebensbedingun­ gen der Menschen in der Dritten Welt verbessern und auch die Umweltprobleme bewältigen. Wir wissen aber heute, daß mit der Erweiterung der technischen Möglichkeiten auch die Risiken anwachsen. Moderne Technologien wirken sich tiefgreifender und langfristiger denn je auf unsere menschliche Gesellschaft und auf die natürliche Umwelt aus. Viele befürchten eine nicht mehr kontrollierbare Eigendynamik. Unre­ flektiertes Wachstumsdenken und blinde Fortschrittsgläubigkeit sind deshalb nicht mehr verantwortbar. Technischer Fortschritt muß vielmehr immer wieder auf un­ angemessene Risiken und zweifelhaften Nutzen geprüft werden.

Theorie des Bankverhaltens (Studies in Contemporary Economics)

by Ernst Baltensperger Hellmuth Milde

Eine mikroökonomische Theorie des Bankverhaltens ist ein unverzichtbares Element für ein Verständis der Funktionsweise der Finanz- und Kreditmärkte und des Geldangebotsprozesses. Aus diesem Bedürfnis heraus ist während der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte, besonders im angelsächsischen Raum, eine inzwischen recht umfangreiche Literatur entstanden, welche versucht, das Verhalten der Bankunternehmung mikroökonomisch zu modellieren und erklären. Risiko, Informationsunvollständigkeiten und Anpassungskosten spielen in diesen Ansätzen eine zentrale Rolle. Diese Literatur, die im deutschen Sprachraum bisher nur beschränkt Eingang gefunden hat, ist durch offene Fragen in zahlreichen Bereichen gekennzeichnet. Eine Reihe von teilweise sehr unterschiedlichen und nur lose miteinander verbundenen Modellansätzen existiert nebeneinander. Die vorliegende Monographie ist ein Versuch einer kohärenten Darstellung und Weiterentwicklung dieser Literatur. Die Sichtweise der Arbeit ist primär volkswirtschaftlich.

The Theory of Committees and Elections

by Duncan Black

THIS book or some related work has occupied me spasmodically over rather a long period, in fact ever since I listened to the class lectures of Professor A. K. White on the possibility of forming a pure science of Politics. Mter an earlier version of Part I had failed to obtain publication in 1947, some chapters appeared as articles, and I am obliged to the editors of the journals mentioned below for permission to reprint this material, sometimes in a modified form. When I first attempted publication I was unacquainted with the earlier history of the theory, and, indeed, did not even know that it had a history; and the later additions to the book have largely been by way of writing the present Part II. This historical section does not include the important recent work, Social Ohoice and Individual Values (1951), of Professor Kenneth J. Arrow; but it does include all the mathematical work on committees and elections appearing before the middle of this century which has come to my notice, although the last item in it is dated 1907. No doubt there is much important material which I have failed to see. The theorizing of the book grew out of a reading of the English political philosophers and of the Italian writers on Public Finance. At a very early stage I was helped to find the general lines of development by discussion with my colleague Professor Ronald H.

Time Series and Econometric Modelling: Advances in the Statistical Sciences: Festschrift in Honor of Professor V.M. Joshi’s 70th Birthday, Volume III (The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science #36)

by I. B. MacNeill G. Umphrey

On May 27-31, 1985, a series of symposia was held at The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, to celebrate the 70th birthday of Pro­ fessor V. M. Joshi. These symposia were chosen to reflect Professor Joshi's research interests as well as areas of expertise in statistical science among faculty in the Departments of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Economics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Philosophy. From these symposia, the six volumes which comprise the "Joshi Festschrift" have arisen. The 117 articles in this work reflect the broad interests and high quality of research of those who attended our conference. We would like to thank all of the contributors for their superb cooperation in helping us to complete this project. Our deepest gratitude must go to the three people who have spent so much of their time in the past year typing these volumes: Jackie Bell, Lise Constant, and Sandy Tarnowski. This work has been printed from "camera ready" copy produced by our Vax 785 computer and QMS Lasergraphix printers, using the text processing software TEX. At the initiation of this project, we were neophytes in the use of this system. Thank you, Jackie, Lise, and Sandy, for having the persistence and dedication needed to complete this undertaking.

Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Volume 1 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Held at Kyoto, Japan, August 18–22, 1986 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #285)

by Yoshikazu Sawaragi Koichi Inoue Hirotaka Nakayama

These proceedings include papers presented at the VII-th Internatio­ nal Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making which was held in Kyoto/Japan on August 18-22, 1986. Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) has been a greatly import­ ant subject in many practical fields, for example, in planning, design, control and management in both private and public sectors. After remark­ able developments of theory, methodology and pilot case studies in rec­ ent years, it is now facing the stage of real applications and develop­ ment of more sophisticated methodology as interactive intelligent decision support systems. The conference aimed to provide a significant contribu­ tion to the future of MCDM as one of total systems including human factors: Substantial emphasis was given to knowledge engineering and cognitive sci­ ence. The conference inherits the tradition and the style of the previous conferences: (1) Jouy-en-Josas/France (1975), (2) Buffalo/U.S.A. (1977), (3) Konigswinter/FRG (1978), (4) Delaware/U.S.A. (1980), (5) Mons/Belgium (1982), (6) Cleveland/U.S.A. (1984). This time a great many Japanese com­ panies provided grants for the conference. As a result, the total number of participants was over 120, and a computer demonstration could be reali­ zed on an extensive scale as well as the conference sessions. Throughout the conference, it was observed that MCDM is making steady progress not only in theory but also as a tool for decision support.

Toward Interactive and Intelligent Decision Support Systems: Volume 2 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making Held at Kyoto, Japan August 18–22, 1986 (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems #286)

by Yoshikazu Sawaragi Koichi Inoue Hirotaka Nakayama

In the past, technological as well as economic forces dominated the evolution of industrial structures: these factors have been treated extensively in numerous studies. However, another major factor which has begun to have a decisive influ­ ence on the performance of the chemical industry is technological risk and public and environmental health considerations, in particular those related to toxic and hazardous substances used in industrial production processes. The issues of con­ trolling process risk, waste streams, and potential environmental consequences of accidental or routine release of hazardous chemicals are rapidly gaining in impor­ tance vis CI vis narrow economic considerations, and are increasingly reflected in national and international legislation. In the context of several ongoing R&D projects aiming at the development of a new generation of tools for "intelligent" decision support, two related problem areas that have been identified are: (i) Structuring the industry or plant for the minimum cost of production as well as least risk - e.g., toxicity of chemicals involved. In this multi-criteria framework, we seek to resolve the conflict between industrial structure or plant design established by economic considerations and the one shaped by environmental concerns. This can be formulated as a design problem for nor­ mal production conditions. In section 3.1. and 3.2. an approach on how to deal with this problem at the industry and plant level is discussed.

Towards Full Employment: A Policy Appraisal (Routledge Revivals)

by Ciaran Driver

At the time in which this book was first published in 1987, mass unemployment had emerged as the dominant, most visible, problem of the West European economies. The post-war experience of expansion was remarkable in that it experienced growth high enough to sustain a consensus on the possibility and desirability of full employment. This period declined into one of poor economic performance in the 1970s. Growth slowed and the subsequent years were characterised by painful adjustment and dislocation. In this challenging discussion of ways to overcome unemployment Ciaran Driver stresses the importance of managed restructuring. Driver focuses attention of the role of investment in fixed assets and human resources, and argues that governments do have a major role in steering the economy through a period of turbulent change, and that there are policies which can move the economy towards full employment. This book is ideal for students of business and economics.

Towards Full Employment: A Policy Appraisal (Routledge Revivals)

by Ciaran Driver

At the time in which this book was first published in 1987, mass unemployment had emerged as the dominant, most visible, problem of the West European economies. The post-war experience of expansion was remarkable in that it experienced growth high enough to sustain a consensus on the possibility and desirability of full employment. This period declined into one of poor economic performance in the 1970s. Growth slowed and the subsequent years were characterised by painful adjustment and dislocation. In this challenging discussion of ways to overcome unemployment Ciaran Driver stresses the importance of managed restructuring. Driver focuses attention of the role of investment in fixed assets and human resources, and argues that governments do have a major role in steering the economy through a period of turbulent change, and that there are policies which can move the economy towards full employment. This book is ideal for students of business and economics.

Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Colin I. Bradford William H. Branson

The rapid development of Pacific Asia over the past twenty years offers an excellent opportunity to analyze the dynamics of economic growth. Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia explores the nature and causes of changes that have occurred in the economic structure of Pacific Asia, the relationship between these changes and economic growth, and the implications of these changes for trading relationships. Themes in the research reported here includes the sectoral composition of output and trade; rates of structural change in production and exports and their relation to economic growth; the effect of abundant resource endowments on industrialization and manufactured exports; the nature of the mix between active government policies and market forces; and the balance between demand-determined and supply-determined industrialization and exports. Many of the issues explored have important implications for United States foreign economic policy, and the volume includes a look at the basic economic and political forces influencing shifts in United States trade policy in the postwar period. A timely and informative analysis, the volume probes the causes and consequences of economic growth in Pacific Asia, focusing on the interaction of exports of manufactured goods and the developmental process. The results reported contribute to ongoing research in structural change and economic policy and will be important to economists working on empirical patters in international trade and the process of economic development.

Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

by Colin I. Bradford William H. Branson

The rapid development of Pacific Asia over the past twenty years offers an excellent opportunity to analyze the dynamics of economic growth. Trade and Structural Change in Pacific Asia explores the nature and causes of changes that have occurred in the economic structure of Pacific Asia, the relationship between these changes and economic growth, and the implications of these changes for trading relationships. Themes in the research reported here includes the sectoral composition of output and trade; rates of structural change in production and exports and their relation to economic growth; the effect of abundant resource endowments on industrialization and manufactured exports; the nature of the mix between active government policies and market forces; and the balance between demand-determined and supply-determined industrialization and exports. Many of the issues explored have important implications for United States foreign economic policy, and the volume includes a look at the basic economic and political forces influencing shifts in United States trade policy in the postwar period. A timely and informative analysis, the volume probes the causes and consequences of economic growth in Pacific Asia, focusing on the interaction of exports of manufactured goods and the developmental process. The results reported contribute to ongoing research in structural change and economic policy and will be important to economists working on empirical patters in international trade and the process of economic development.

Trade in Transit: World Trade and World Economy — Past, Present, and Future

by H. Visser E. Schoorl

PAPERsJOF THE WORLD TRADE CONFERENCE 1985 HELD IN AMSTERDAM ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THE WORLD TRADE CENTER AMSTERDAM ON 4,5, AND 6 SEPTEMBER 1985 Between the covers of this book the reader will find the papers presented at the World Trade Conference 1985, held on 4,5 and 6 September 1985. This conference was organized by the World Trade Center Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam and the Free University of Amsterdam on the occasion of the opening of the World Trade Center Amsterdam. The aim was to bring together businessmen, academics and policy makers in order to study pro blems of international trade and finance from a variety of viewpoints, sc. of those who are engaged in the cut and thrust of trade and finance, those who analyse it without being themselves involved, and those who regulate it. Hopefully this resulted in some useful cross­ fertilisation. The conference covered not only the whole globe, including the Japanese threat, the problems of the dollar, East-West trade, the Pacific Basin, barter trade etcetera, but also spanned a long historical period. The present and the future were examined, but also the past. The articles provide a round-up of what's going on in the field of international trade and finance. They cover a wide field, not remaining within the traditional boundaries of international economics. At the same time, the organizers strove to avoid shallowness.

Trade Routes to Sustained Economic Growth

by A. Viravan

Trade Unions and Politics in the 1980s: The 1984 Act and Political Funds (Routledge Library Editions: Trade Unions #6)

by Derek Fatchett

Originally published in 1987, this book traces the historical and sociological dimensions of the Trade Union movement and analyses the nature of the trade unions’ involvement in the UK Labour Party during the 1970s and 80s. It discusses the review campaigns, and their implications, both for trade unions specifically and for politics in general. From the viewpoint of the trade unions, this book tells of an experience which was, for the Thatcher era, uniquely successful and innervating, opening up new approaches to campaigning.

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