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Ankho Ki Chamak

by Arvind Gupta

Arvind Gupta, the author, is the winner of the National Award for Science Popularisation amongst children (1988) and the distinguished alumnus award from IIT Kanpur.(2000). Arvind has dedicated his life to teaching science to underprivileged children in rural ares by employing simple stories and toys. Here is one such treasure.

Maida's Little Shop

by Inez Haynes Irwin

A motherless girl with very wealthy dad struggles to recover from surgery. Her depression finds relief as she makes new and unlikely friends and shares new adventures with them.

Going to Buy a Book

by Rukmini Banerji

A girl and her younger brother decide to go to a bookstore for the day. Read and find out which books they read and choose to buy.

Going to a Market

by Meera Tendolkar

A boy accompanies his mother shopping. Follow along as he describes the bustling scenes of an Indian market.

Going to a Wedding

by Rukmini Banerji

A wedding is about to happen but the groom is missing. His niece describes what happens as the rest of the family waits for him at a train station.

Going Home

by Rukmini Banerji

A little girl hurries home from school. Follow her as she describes all the exciting encounters on her way home.

A Little Maid of Ticonderoga

by Alice Turner Curtis

This is the story of a little girl whose home was among the Green Mountains of Vermont, then known as "The Wilderness," at the beginning of the American Revolution; and at the time when Ethan Allen and his brave soldiers were on guard to defend their rights.

A Little Maid of Old New York

by Alice Turner Curtis

Originally published in 1921, this historical novel is set in 1783 at a time when British soldiers were still in control of New York City. It is a story of the adventures of a courageous loyal American girl, Annette Vincent, and her best friend, a Tory.

A Yankee Girl at Gettysburg

by Alice Turner Curtis

Follow the experiences of Kathleen, a spirited 11-year-old in the days surrounding the eventful Civil War Battle at Gettysburg.

A Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter

by Alice Turner Curtis

When she is caught up in the events that will lead to the start of the Civil War, ten-year-old Sylvia is glad for the several good friends, including a young slave girl, she has made while living in Charleston, South Carolina.

A Little Maid of Mohawk Valley

by Alice Turner Curtis

In May 1777, little Joanne Clarke and her friend Nancy Wagner are taken captive by a Native American, an ally of the British army. They are left in the woods where they find the Indian's pouch containing a letter with valuable information to the American Army at Albany.

A Little Maid of Old Maine

by Alice Turner Curtis

To help the men of Machias, Maine, capture an English gunboat in June 1775, Rebecca and Anna undertake a dangerous journey through a forest to get ammunition for them-- based on a true story of the brave effort of two girls to bring help to a little settlement on the Maine coast at the time of the Revolution.

The Swiss Family Robinson

by Johann David Wyss

When a Swiss couple and their four sons are shipwrecked on an isolated island, they adapt to their "New Switzerland" using many imaginative methods of farming and animal taming.

كليلة و دمنة

by مجهول

قال علي بن الشاه الفارسي: كان السبب الذي من أجله وضع بيدبا الفيلسوف لدبشليم ملك الهند كتاب "كليلة ودمنة" أن الإسكندر ذا القرنين الرومي لمَّا فرغ من أمر الملوك الذين كانوا بناحية المغرب سار يريد ملوك المشرق من الفرس وغيرهم. فلم يزل يحارب مَنْ نازعه ويواقع مَنْ واقعه ويسالم مَنْ وادعه من ملوك الفرس وهم الطبقة الأولى حتى ظهر عليهم وقهر مَنْ ناواه، وتغلَّب على مَنْ حاربه فتفرَّقوا طرائق وتمزَّقوا حزائق؛ فتوجه بالجنود نحو بلاد الصين فبدأ في طريقه بملك الهند ليدعوه إلى طاعته والدخول في ملته وولايته. وكان على الهند في ذلك الزَّمان ملك ذو سطوة وبأس وقوة ومراس يقال له فور؛ فلمَّا بلغه إقبال ذي القرنين نحوه تأهب لمحاربته واستعدَّ لمجاذبته وضمَّ إليه أطرافه وجدَّ في التألب عليه وجمع له العدَّة في أسرع مدَّة، من الفيلة المعدَّة للحروب والسباع المضراة بالوثوب، مع الخيول المسرجة، والسيوف القواطع، والحراب اللوامع. فلمَّا قرب ذو القرنين من فور الهندي وبلغه ما قد أعدَّ له من الخيل التي كأنها قطع الليل، مما لم يلقه بمثله أحد من الملوك الذين كانوا في الأقاليم، تخوَّف ذو القرنين من تقصير يقع به إن عجَّل المبارزة. وكان ذو القرنين رجلاً ذا حيل ومكايد مع حسن تدبير وتجربة؛ فرأى إعمال الحيلة والتمهُّل، واحتفر خندقًا على عسكره وأقام بمكانه لاستنباط الحيلة والتدبير لأمره وكيف ينبغي له أن يقدم على الإيقاع به، فاستدعى المنجمين وأمرهم بالاختيار ليوم موافق تكون له فيه سعادة لمحاربة ملك الهند والنصرة عليه؛ فاشتغلوا بذلك. وكان ذو القرنين لا يمرُّ بمدينة إلاَّ أخذ الصُنَّاع المشهورين من صُنَّاعها بالحذق من كل صنف؛ فنتجت له همته ودلته فطنته أن يتقدَّم إلى الصناع الذين معه أن يصنعوا خيلاً من نحاس مجوفة عليها تماثيل من الرجال على بكر تجري، إذا دفعت مرَّت سراعًا، وأمر إذا فرغوا منها أن تُحْشَى أجوافها بالنفط والكبريت وتلبس وتقدَّم أمام الصف في القلب، ووقف ما يلتقي الجمعان تضرب فيها النيران، فإن الفيلة إذا لفت خراطيمها على الفرسان وهي حامية ولَّت هاربة، وأوعز إلى الصناع بالتشمير والانكماش والفراغ منها؛ فجدُّوا في ذلك وعجَّلوا وقرب أيضًا وقت اختيار المنجمين؛ فأعاد ذو القرنين رسله إلى فور بما يدعوه إليه من طاعته والإذعان لدولته؛ فأجاب جواب مُصرٍّعلى مخالفته مقيم على محاربته. فلمَّا رأى ذو القرنين عزيمته سار إليه بأهبته وقدَّم فور الفيلة أمامه، ودفعت الرجال تلك الخيل وتماثيل الفرسان، فأقبلت الفيلة نحوها ولفت خراطيمها عليها، فلمَّا أحسَّت بالحرارة ألقت مَنْ كان عليها وداستهم تحت أرجلها ومضت مهزومة هاربة لا تلوي على شيء ولا تمرُّ بأحد إلاَّ وطئته. وتقطع فور وجمعه وتبعهم أصحاب الإسكندر وأثخنوا فيهم الجراح، وصاح الإسكندر: يا ملك الهند ابرز إلينا وأبق على عدتك وعيالك ولا تحملهم على الفناء. فإنه ليس من المروءة أن يرمي الملك بعدته في المهالك المتلفة والمواضع المجحفة، بل يقيهم بماله ويدفع عنهم بنفسه. فابرز إلي ودع الجند فأينا قهر صاحبه فهو الأسعد. فلمَّا سمع فور من ذي القرنين ذلك الكلام دعته نفسه إلى ملاقاته؛ طمعًا فيه، وظن ذلك فرصة، فبرز إليه الإسكندر فتجاولا على ظهري فرسيهما ساعات من النهار ليس يلقى أحدهما من صاحبه فرصة ولم يزالا يتعاركان. فلمَّا أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة وظنَّها مكيدة في عسكره، فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه أتبعها بأخرى فوقع إلى الأرض. فلمَّا رأت الهنود ما نزل بهم وما صار إليه ملكهم حملواعلى الإسكندر فقاتلوه قتالاً أحبوا معه الموت، فوعدهم من نفسه الإحسان ومنحه الله أكتافهم فاستولى على بلادهم وملَّك عليهم رجلاً من ثقاته وأقام بالهند حتى استوسق  له ما أرد من أمرهم واتفاق كلمتهم، ثم انصرف عن الهند وخلَّف ذلك الرجل عليهم ومضى متوجهًا نحو ما قصد له.  

Great Expectations

by Charles Dickens

Pip's life changes when he is provided with money by a secret benefactor and he goes to London to live as a gentleman. He thinks he will now be able to marry the woman he loves. But Pip's "great expectations" do not turn out as he hoped.

Myths and Folk-Tales of Ireland

by Jeremiah Curtin

[from the back cover] "Fearsome giants, magic spells, Druidic rods of enchantment; gallant princes and beautiful princesses, brave kings and wicked queens; cloaks of invisibility, swords of light and swords of darkness, horses that go faster than the wind, animals that speak and have strange powers ... these are elements common to all fairy tales, and they appear prominently in this excellent collection of Irish examples, gathered by the renowned folklorist and linguist Jeremiah Curtin (1840-1906) from the West of Ireland in 1887. Taken down from Gaelic story tellers, these 20 tales fall into two parts: 11 are miscellaneous stories offering Irish versions of the general European fairy tales, and 9 are stories from the Fenian cycle--tales of Fin MacCumhail and his warriors, the Fenians of Erin. The same fairy-tale elements apply to all the stories, however, including battles with giants, dead men who come back to life, people imprisoned in the bodies of animals, a wonderful land of perpetual youth, and heroes with incredible strength. The heroes in the miscellaneous tales tend to be sons of the Kings of Erin, with heroines like Yellow Lily, daughter of the Giant of Loch Léin; Trembling, the Irish Cinderella; the queen of Tubber Tintye; and various princesses who are in danger. The Fenian stories relate some of the adventures of Fin MacCumhail, his sons--Fialan, Oisin, Pogán, and Ceolán; his men--Diarmuid Duivne, Conán Maol MacMorna, the famous Cucúlin, and others; and strangers who are out to help or hurt the Fenians in such tales as "Fin MacCumhail and the Fenians of Erin in the Castle of Fear Dubh" and "Gilla na Grakin and Fin MacCumhail." Tales of legend and tales of magic, these stories transport us to a world where everything is alive and anything can happen, a world born in a time before literature, and captured in print just as the oral tradition in Ireland was dying out. Considered an essential work in the history of folk-lore, this book is also a collection of fairy tales that have fascinated young and old for hundreds of years. They will continue to fascinate you and your children." Contains a section of notes explaining many of the Gaelic words used. There is also an extensive list of other Dover Publication books of fairy tales, myths, etc. from all parts of the world and another catalog of Dover books on topics such as poetry, famous speeches, dress, architecture, trains, biographies and more, most from the public domain.

What Katy Did At School (Katy #2)

by Susan Coolidge

Katy's aunt believes she and her younger sister, Clover, should go to boarding school to learn the social graces. Their father is skeptical, but agrees to send them for a year. This book tells the story of their adventures, and what Katy did at school.

Ruby and the Magic Stones

by Lori Werhane

A bag of magical stones helps Ruby with her biggest fears and troubles.


by William Shakespeare

One of the greatest plays of all time, the compelling tragedy of the tormented young prince of Denmark continues to capture the imaginations of modern audiences worldwide. Confronted with evidence that his uncle murdered his father, and with his mother’s infidelity, Hamlet must find a means of reconciling his longing for oblivion with his duty as avenger. The ghost, Hamlet’s feigned madness, Ophelia’s death and burial, the play within a play, the “closet scene” in which Hamlet accuses his mother of complicity in murder, and breathtaking swordplay are just some of the elements that make Hamlet an enduring masterpiece of the theater.

Frogs' Discovery (Bunka Pony #1)

by Fujiya Iida

This collection includes: Frogs' Discovery, Silence Competition, Wrestling a Water-Imp, An Inelastic Answer, The Cheated Foxes, and The Panacea.

The Reluctant Dragon

by Kenneth Grahame

When a dragon is discovered up on the Downs, the Boy is not in the least surprised. He's always known the cave there was a dragon cave, so it seems only right for a dragon to be living in it. The Boy decides to pay a visit to the cave, and he thinks he knows just what to expect. But this particular dragon is not a bit like the ones in fairy tales!

Girl Of Kosovo

by Alice Mead

Eleven-year-old Zana enjoys her village life in Kosovo, even though she never feels entirely safe. Her family of Kosovo-born Albanians are ruled by the Serbian police and army. They want to destroy anyone fighting for an independent Kosovo. When bombs explode around Zana's village, her life fills with terror and tragedy. Still she remembers her father's words: "Don't let them fill your heart with hate. " But that's hard when those that were her friends are now her enemies.

The Black Stallion's Steeplechaser

by Steven Farley

Sired by the champion Black Stallion, Black Storm is everything a race horse should be--strong and fast, brave and proud. But he is also very hard to handle, and his unruly nature makes him a misfit at Hopeful Farm. Young jockey Alec Ramsay continues to believe in the unpredictable colt, confident that Storm has it in his blood to become a champion steeplechaser. Unfortunately, Storm's trainer, Henry, has lost patience with the colt's violent mood swings and is threatening to sell the magnificent animal--at any price. Now Alec must convince Henry to allow him and Storm to enter one more race together. One more chance for the Black Stallion's Steeplechaser to prove himself a winner. And one last chance to save Hopeful Farm. . .

The Velveteen Rabbit

by Margery Williams

This is a classic story which encourages us to tumble, bump and bounce through each page alongside the rabbit. As he journeys from Christmas stocking to nursery to forests, losing bits of tail and whisker on the way, he finally learns what it means to be loved.

My Father's Dragon

by Ruth Stiles Gannett

When Elmer Elevator hears about the plight of an overworked and underappreciated baby flying dragon, he stows away on a ship and travels to Wild Island to rescue the dragon.<P><P> A Newbery Honor book

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