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Showing 17,401 through 17,425 of 21,950 results

Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines SDN-gestützten echtzeitfähigen Gerätenetzwerkes (BestMasters)

by Eike Björn Schweißguth

Eike Björn Schweißguth entwickelt und realisiert ein neues Echtzeitkommunikationssystem auf Basis des Software Defined Networking (SDN), welches Schwachstellen existierender Industrial-Ethernet-Systeme, wie schlechte Skalierbarkeit und spezielle Hardwareanforderungen, vermeidet und dennoch den hohen Anforderungen einer Automatisierungsumgebung gerecht wird. Der Autor ermöglicht somit auch für eine zukünftig steigende Zahl kommunizierender Geräte eine effiziente und kostengünstige Vernetzung.

Deliberative Polling®: Ein demoskopischer Ausweg aus der Krise der politischen Kommunikation?

by Eva Johanna Schweitzer

Eva Johanna Schweitzer untersucht am Beispiel einzelner in der Praxis durchgeführter Deliberative Pollings® Ansatz, Methode und Grenzen dieses Verfahrens mit Blick auf sein Potential, die Krise der politischen Kommunikation zu beenden.

Das Internet im Wahlkampf: Analysen zur Bundestagswahl 2009

by Eva Johanna Schweitzer Steffen Albrecht

In keinem anderen deutschen Wahlkampf stand die politische Online-Kommunikation bislang derart im Vordergrund wie zur Bundestagswahl 2009. Unter dem Eindruck der amerikanischen Web-Innovationen suchten hiesige Parteistrategen alle Register des modernen E-Campaigning zu ziehen und das Internet gleichfalls als neues 'Leitmedium' der politischen Kampagne zu verankern. Wie sah dieses Unterfangen genau aus? Welche Strategien verfolgten politische Organisationen und Kandidaten im Netz und welche Resonanz erfuhr der Wahlkampf unter den Online-Nutzern? Diese Fragen beleuchtet der vorliegende Band anhand von empirischen Fallstudien zu den verschiedenen Formaten der deutschen Internetkampagne.

Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Guide to Building Trust, Inspiring Respect, and Creating Long-Lasting Business Relationships

by Sharon Schweitzer

Create meaningful relationships that translate to better business Access to Asia presents a deeply insightful framework for today's global business leaders and managers, whether traveling from Toronto to Taipei, Baltimore to Bangalore, or San Francisco to Shanghai. Drawing from her extensive experience and global connections, author Sharon Schweitzer suggests that irrespective of their industry, everyone is essentially in the relationship business. Within Asia, building trust and inspiring respect are vital steps in developing business relationships that transcend basic contractual obligations. Readers will find in-the-trenches advice and stories from 80 regional experts in 10 countries, including China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, and Korea. Discover the unique eight-question framework that provides rich interview material and insight from respected cultural experts Track cultural progress over time and highlight areas in need of improvement with the Self-Awareness Profile Learn the little-known facts, reports, and resources that help establish and strengthen Asian business relationships Effective cross-cultural communication is mandatory for today's successful global business leaders. For companies and individuals looking to engage more successfully with their counterparts in Asia, Access to Asia showcases the critical people skills that drive global business success.

Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Guide to Building Trust, Inspiring Respect, and Creating Long-Lasting Business Relationships

by Sharon Schweitzer

Create meaningful relationships that translate to better business Access to Asia presents a deeply insightful framework for today's global business leaders and managers, whether traveling from Toronto to Taipei, Baltimore to Bangalore, or San Francisco to Shanghai. Drawing from her extensive experience and global connections, author Sharon Schweitzer suggests that irrespective of their industry, everyone is essentially in the relationship business. Within Asia, building trust and inspiring respect are vital steps in developing business relationships that transcend basic contractual obligations. Readers will find in-the-trenches advice and stories from 80 regional experts in 10 countries, including China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, and Korea. Discover the unique eight-question framework that provides rich interview material and insight from respected cultural experts Track cultural progress over time and highlight areas in need of improvement with the Self-Awareness Profile Learn the little-known facts, reports, and resources that help establish and strengthen Asian business relationships Effective cross-cultural communication is mandatory for today's successful global business leaders. For companies and individuals looking to engage more successfully with their counterparts in Asia, Access to Asia showcases the critical people skills that drive global business success.

Medien und Emotionen: Evolutionspsychologische Bausteine einer Medientheorie

by Clemens Schwender

Clemes Schwender nutzt die Erkenntnisse der Evolutionspsychologie, um die Frage zu beantworten, warum die Menschen so viel Zeit mit Medien verbringen.

Medien und Emotionen: Evolutionspsychologische Bausteine einer Medientheorie

by Clemens Schwender

Clemens Schwender nutzt die Erkenntnisse der Evolutionspsychologie, um die Frage zu beantworten, warum die Menschen so viel Zeit mit Medien verbringen.

Die Produktivität von Musikkulturen (Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung)

by Holger Schwetter Hendrik Neubauer Dennis Mathei

Kultur wird in den letzten Jahren verstärkt aus kulturwirtschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet, dabei gelangen zunehmend Begriffe aus der Wirtschaftswissenschaft in kulturwissenschaftliche Diskurse und erfahren dort Anpassungen und Umdeutungen.Der Band widmet sich den (Entwicklungs-)Dynamiken von Musikkulturen unter dem speziellen Blickwinkel der Produktivität als einem zentralen Begriff ökonomischen Denkens, dessen Verwendung in aktuellen kulturwissenschaftlichen Debatten kaum reflektiert wird. Im Zentrum des Buchs stehen zum einen Begriffsbestimmungen von Produktivität und deren mögliche Erweiterung auf musikbezogene Prozesse. Zum anderen werden Praktiken in neuen und etablierten Musikkulturen sowie deren Rahmenbedingungen auf darin enthaltene oder darauf anwendbare Produktivitätsverständnisse hin untersucht.

Strategieberatung im Zentrum der Macht: Strategische Planer in deutschen Regierungszentralen

by Dominic R. Schwickert

Die richtigen Dinge tun. Die Dinge richtig tun. Für eine zukunftsfähige Politikgestaltung sind Regierungschefs auf anspruchsvolle Strategieberatung durch regierungsinterne Vordenker angewiesen. Doch wer sind diese konzeptionellen Köpfe, die sich kreativ mit den gesellschaftlichen Themen von morgen und übermorgen auseinandersetzen? Wie sieht ihr Arbeitsalltag aus? Und wie gelangen ihre Ideen schließlich in den politischen Prozess? Der Band leistet eine erste empirische Bestandsaufnahme strategischer Planung und Beratung in Regierungszentralen deutscher Bundesländer. Im Vordergrund steht dabei die übergeordnete Frage, wie die Strategiefähigkeit der Regierungsakteure erhöht und damit die Landespolitik zukunftsorientierter ausgerichtet werden kann.

Nachrichten - klassisch und multimedial: Ein Handbuch für Ausbildung und Praxis (Journalistische Praxis)

by Dietz Schwiesau Josef Ohler

Der Band vermittelt umfassend und systematisch alle Regeln des Nachrichtenhandwerks und geht gleichermaßen auf die Nachrichten in allen Medien ein: Presse, Radio, Fernsehen, Nachrichtenagentur und Internet. Er basiert auf dem Titel "Die Nachricht" aus der Reihe "Journalistische Praxis", wurde aber in weiten Teilen neu konzipiert und aktualisiert.

Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies

by John W. Schwieter Aline Ferreira

A unique and balanced combination of translation and interpreting studies, edited and written by leading voices in the fields In Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies, accomplished scholars Aline Ferreira and John W. Schwieter have brought together a detailed and comprehensive introductory-level textbook covering the essential aspects of translation and interpreting studies. Through chapters authored by leading voices in the field, this book covers topics of theoretical and conceptual relevance—such as the history of the development of the field and methods for understanding gender, society, and culture as aspects of the role of the interpreter—as well as critical topics in the application of theory to real world practice. Beginning with an authoritative treatment of the theoretical developments that have defined the field since the early 1970s, this textbook first describes the influential work of such figures as Jakobson, Holmes, and Toury, thus ensuring students develop a thorough understanding of the history and theoretical underpinnings of the fields of translation and interpreting studies. The text then begins to introduce grounded discussions of interpreting in specialized fields such as legal and healthcare interpreting and sign language translation. Learning is reinforced throughout the text through pedagogical features including reflection questions, highlighted key words, further readings, and chapter objectives. Instructors will also have access to companion website with PowerPoint slides and multiple-choice questions to support classroom application. Truly a unique work in translation and interpreting studies, this essential new textbook offers: A thorough introduction to the fields of translation and interpreting with discussion of applications to interdisciplinary topics Explorations of translation machines and technology, including their history and recent trends Practical discussions of culture, gender, and society in the context of translation and interpreting studies, as well as training and pedagogical issues in translation and interpreting A concise examination of translation process research and methods, including the mental processes and actions that people take while translating Complementary web materials including PowerPoint slides and practice questionsIdeal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in programs in such as linguistics, language studies, and communications, or for those who plan to work in translation and/or interpreting, Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies will earn a place in the libraries of anyone interested in a reader-friendly translation and interpreting resource.

Energy-Efficient Driving of Road Vehicles: Toward Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility (Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure)

by Antonio Sciarretta Ardalan Vahidi

This book elaborates the science and engineering basis for energy-efficient driving in conventional and autonomous cars. After covering the physics of energy-efficient motion in conventional, hybrid, and electric powertrains, the book chiefly focuses on the energy-saving potential of connected and automated vehicles. It reveals how being connected to other vehicles and the infrastructure enables the anticipation of upcoming driving-relevant factors, e.g. hills, curves, slow traffic, state of traffic signals, and movements of nearby vehicles. In turn, automation allows vehicles to adjust their motion more precisely in anticipation of upcoming events, and to save energy. Lastly, the energy-efficient motion of connected and automated vehicles could have a harmonizing effect on mixed traffic, leading to additional energy savings for neighboring vehicles. Building on classical methods of powertrain modeling, optimization, and optimal control, the book further develops the theory of energy-efficient driving. In addition, it presents numerous theoretical and applied case studies that highlight the real-world implications of the theory developed. The book is chiefly intended for undergraduate and graduate engineering students and industry practitioners with a background in mechanical, electrical, or automotive engineering, computer science or robotics.

Mobile Networking with WAP: The Ultimate Guide to the Efficient Use of Wireless Application Protocol (Xhott Guide Ser.)

by SCN Education B.V.

The combination of Internet and GSM (Global System for Mobile communications, cellular phones) enables individuals with wireless devices to interact easily with information and services over existing wireless networks. The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the facilitator of this process. This HOTT (Hands On HOT Topics) Guide illuminates effective strategies and marketing opportunities with respect to this new and uncharted territory. The white papers and case studies published in this book help you to combine this technology with your business. Consultants, Sales, Marketing and Technical managers can now profit from the knowledge gathered in this unique WAP Special.

Nexus Analysis: Discourse and the Emerging Internet

by Suzie Wong Scollon

Nexus Analysis presents an exciting theory by two of the leading names in discourse analysis and provides a practical guide to its application. The authors argue that discourse analysis can itself be a form of social action. If the discourse analyst is part of the nexus of practice under study, then the analysis can itself transform that nexus of practice. Focussing on their own involvement with and analysis of pioneering communication technologies in Alaska they identify moments of social importance in order to examine the links between social practice, culture and technology. Media are identified not only as means of expressing change but also as catalysts for change itself, with the power to transform the socio-cultural landscape. In this intellectually exciting yet accessible book, Ron Scollon and Suzie Wong Scollon present a working example of their theory in action and provide a personal snapshot of a key moment in the history of communication technology, as the Internet transformed Alaskan life.

Nexus Analysis: Discourse and the Emerging Internet

by Suzie Wong Scollon

Nexus Analysis presents an exciting theory by two of the leading names in discourse analysis and provides a practical guide to its application. The authors argue that discourse analysis can itself be a form of social action. If the discourse analyst is part of the nexus of practice under study, then the analysis can itself transform that nexus of practice. Focussing on their own involvement with and analysis of pioneering communication technologies in Alaska they identify moments of social importance in order to examine the links between social practice, culture and technology. Media are identified not only as means of expressing change but also as catalysts for change itself, with the power to transform the socio-cultural landscape. In this intellectually exciting yet accessible book, Ron Scollon and Suzie Wong Scollon present a working example of their theory in action and provide a personal snapshot of a key moment in the history of communication technology, as the Internet transformed Alaskan life.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly

by David Meerman Scott

The seventh edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, packed with new and updated information In the Digital Age, marketing tactics seem to change on a day-to-day basis. As the ways we communicate continue to evolve, keeping pace with the latest trends in social media, the newest online videos, the latest mobile apps, and all the other high-tech influences can seem an almost impossible task. How can you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter? The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR provides everything you need to speak directly to your audience, make a strong personal connection, and generate the best kind of attention for your business. An international bestseller with more than 400,000 copies sold in twenty-nine languages, this revolutionary guide gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for leveraging the power of technology to get your message seen and heard by the right people at the right time. You will learn the latest approaches for highly effective public relations, marketing, and customer communications—all at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising! The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR has been completely revised and updated to present more innovative methods and cutting-edge strategies than ever. The new content shows you how to harness AI and machine learning to automate routine tasks so you can focus on marketing and PR strategy. Your life is already AI-assisted. Your marketing should be too! Still the definitive guide on the future of marketing, this must-have resource will help you: Incorporate the new rules that will keep you ahead of the digital marketing curve Make your marketing and public relations real-time by incorporating techniques like newsjacking to generate instant attention when your audience is eager to hear from you Use web-based communication technologies to their fullest potential Gain valuable insights through compelling case studies and real-world examples Take advantage of marketing opportunities on platforms like Facebook Live and Snapchat The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly is the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and managers in organizations of all types and sizes.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly

by David Meerman Scott

The seventh edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, packed with new and updated information In the Digital Age, marketing tactics seem to change on a day-to-day basis. As the ways we communicate continue to evolve, keeping pace with the latest trends in social media, the newest online videos, the latest mobile apps, and all the other high-tech influences can seem an almost impossible task. How can you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter? The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR provides everything you need to speak directly to your audience, make a strong personal connection, and generate the best kind of attention for your business. An international bestseller with more than 400,000 copies sold in twenty-nine languages, this revolutionary guide gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for leveraging the power of technology to get your message seen and heard by the right people at the right time. You will learn the latest approaches for highly effective public relations, marketing, and customer communications—all at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising! The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR has been completely revised and updated to present more innovative methods and cutting-edge strategies than ever. The new content shows you how to harness AI and machine learning to automate routine tasks so you can focus on marketing and PR strategy. Your life is already AI-assisted. Your marketing should be too! Still the definitive guide on the future of marketing, this must-have resource will help you: Incorporate the new rules that will keep you ahead of the digital marketing curve Make your marketing and public relations real-time by incorporating techniques like newsjacking to generate instant attention when your audience is eager to hear from you Use web-based communication technologies to their fullest potential Gain valuable insights through compelling case studies and real-world examples Take advantage of marketing opportunities on platforms like Facebook Live and Snapchat The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly is the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and managers in organizations of all types and sizes.

Controversies Over the Imitation of Cicero in the Renaissance

by Izora Scott

Though the term Ciceronianism could be applied to Cicero's influence and teaching in the field of politics, philosophy, or rhetoric, it is limited in the present study to the technical department of rhetoric. In addition, it represents the trend of literary opinion in regard to accepting Cicero as a model for imitation in composition. The history of Ciceronianism, thus interpreted, has been written with more or less emphasis upon the controversial aspect of the subject in various languages. This work is particularly valuable because the author presents not only her clear analysis of the issues involved, but also translations of key texts by major Renaissance humanists who were involved in the controversy. These include a set of letters between the Italians Pietro Bembo and Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and, more importantly, "The Ciceronian" of the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus. The issues were complex. At one end of the spectrum were the "ultra Ciceronians," mainly Italian, who believed that no Latin word or syntactical structure should be used that was not in Cicero's works. At the other end of the spectrum were those who felt that a number of authors -- Cicero included -- were worthy of emulation. It was not however a mere quibbling about literary style, since the debate came to involve charges of paganism versus Christianity, and challenged the basic concept of humanism developed first in Italy and then in France during the 15th and 16th centuries. The work falls into three divisions: * an introductory chapter on the influence of Cicero from his own time to that of Poggio and Valla when men of letters began a series of controversial writings on the merits of Cicero as a model of style, * a series of chapters treating of these controversies, and * a study of the connection between the entire movement and the history of education.

Controversies Over the Imitation of Cicero in the Renaissance

by Izora Scott

Though the term Ciceronianism could be applied to Cicero's influence and teaching in the field of politics, philosophy, or rhetoric, it is limited in the present study to the technical department of rhetoric. In addition, it represents the trend of literary opinion in regard to accepting Cicero as a model for imitation in composition. The history of Ciceronianism, thus interpreted, has been written with more or less emphasis upon the controversial aspect of the subject in various languages. This work is particularly valuable because the author presents not only her clear analysis of the issues involved, but also translations of key texts by major Renaissance humanists who were involved in the controversy. These include a set of letters between the Italians Pietro Bembo and Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and, more importantly, "The Ciceronian" of the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus. The issues were complex. At one end of the spectrum were the "ultra Ciceronians," mainly Italian, who believed that no Latin word or syntactical structure should be used that was not in Cicero's works. At the other end of the spectrum were those who felt that a number of authors -- Cicero included -- were worthy of emulation. It was not however a mere quibbling about literary style, since the debate came to involve charges of paganism versus Christianity, and challenged the basic concept of humanism developed first in Italy and then in France during the 15th and 16th centuries. The work falls into three divisions: * an introductory chapter on the influence of Cicero from his own time to that of Poggio and Valla when men of letters began a series of controversial writings on the merits of Cicero as a model of style, * a series of chapters treating of these controversies, and * a study of the connection between the entire movement and the history of education.

Legal Translation Outsourced (Oxford Studies in Language and Law)

by Juliette R. Scott

As a result of globalization, cross-border transactions and litigation, and multilingual legislation, outsourcing legal translation has become common practice. Unfortunately, over-reliance on such outsourcing has given rise to significant dangers, including information asymmetry, goal divergence, and risk. Legal Translation Outsourced provides the only current reference on commercial legal translation performed outside institutions. Juliette Scott casts a critical eye on the practice as it now stands, offering an analysis of key risks and constraints. Her work is informed by empirical data of the legal translation outsourcing markets of 41 countries. Scott proposes original theoretical models aimed both at training legal translators and informing all stakeholders, including principals and agents. These include models of legal translation performance; a classification of constraints on legal translation applying upstream, during and downstream of translation work; and a description of the complex chain of supply. Working to improve the enterprise itself, Scott shows how implementing a comprehensive legal translation brief--a sorely needed template--can significantly benefit clients by increasing the fitness of translated texts. Further, she opens a number of avenues for future research with an eye to translator empowerment and professionalization.

LEGAL TRANSLATION OUTSOURCED OXSLL C (Oxford Studies in Language and Law)

by Juliette R. Scott

As a result of globalization, cross-border transactions and litigation, and multilingual legislation, outsourcing legal translation has become common practice. Unfortunately, over-reliance on such outsourcing has given rise to significant dangers, including information asymmetry, goal divergence, and risk. Legal Translation Outsourced provides the only current reference on commercial legal translation performed outside institutions. Juliette Scott casts a critical eye on the practice as it now stands, offering an analysis of key risks and constraints. Her work is informed by empirical data of the legal translation outsourcing markets of 41 countries. Scott proposes original theoretical models aimed both at training legal translators and informing all stakeholders, including principals and agents. These include models of legal translation performance; a classification of constraints on legal translation applying upstream, during and downstream of translation work; and a description of the complex chain of supply. Working to improve the enterprise itself, Scott shows how implementing a comprehensive legal translation brief--a sorely needed template--can significantly benefit clients by increasing the fitness of translated texts. Further, she opens a number of avenues for future research with an eye to translator empowerment and professionalization.

The Four-Dimensional Human: Ways of Being in the Digital World

by Laurence Scott

SHORTLISTED FOR THE SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2015WINNER OF THE JERWOOD PRIZEWe spend more time than ever online, and the digital revolution is rewiring our sense of what it means to be human. Smartphones let us live in one another's pockets, while websites advertise our spare rooms all across the world. Never before have we been so connected. Increasingly we are coaxed from the three-dimensional world around us and into the wonders of a fourth dimension, a world of digitised experiences in which we can project our idealised selves. But what does it feel like to live in constant connectivity? What new pleases and anxieties are emerging with our exposure to this networked world? How is the relationship to our bodies changing as we head deeper into digital life? Most importantly, how do we exist in public with these recoded inner lives, and how do we preserve our old ideas of isolation, disappearance and privacy on a Google-mapped planet?

Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective

by Linda M. Scott Rajeev Batra

This volume synthesizes and advances existing knowledge of consumer response to visuals. Representing an interdisciplinary perspective, contributors include scholars from the disciplines of communication, psychology, and marketing. The book begins with an overview section intended to situate the reader in the discourse. The overview describes the state of knowledge in both academic research and actual practice, and provides concrete sources for scholars to pursue. Written in a non-technical language, this volume is divided into four sections: Image and Response - illustrates the difficulty encountered even in investigating the basic influences, processes, and effects of "mere exposure" to imagery. Image and Word - presents instances in which the line between words and pictures is blurred, such as the corporate logo which is often pictorial in nature but communicates on an abstract level usually attributed to words. Image and the Ad - contributes to our appreciation for the exquisite variations among advertising texts and the resultant variability in response, not only to different ads but among different viewers of the same ad. Image and Object - carries the inquiry of visual response over the bridge toward object interaction. Having traveled a path that has gone from the precise working of the brain in processing visual stimuli all the way to the history of classical architecture, readers of this volume will have a new respect for the complexity of human visual response and the research that is trying to explain it. It will be of interest to those involved in consumer behavior, consumer psychology, advertising, marketing, and visual communication.

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