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Showing 21,801 through 21,825 of 22,347 results

Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications: Proceedings of WCNA 2014 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #348)

by Qing-An Zeng

This book is based on a series of conferences on Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications that have been held on December 27-28, 2014 in Shenzhen, China. The meetings themselves were a response to technological developments in the areas of wireless communications, networking and applications and facilitate researchers, engineers and students to share the latest research results and the advanced research methods of the field. The broad variety of disciplines involved in this research and the differences in approaching the basic problems are probably typical of a developing field of interdisciplinary research. However, some main areas of research and development in the emerging areas of wireless communication technology can now be identified. The contributions to this book are mainly selected from the papers of the conference on wireless communications, networking and applications and reflect the main areas of interest: Section 1 - Emerging Topics in Wireless and Mobile Computing and Communications; Section 2 - Internet of Things and Long Term Evolution Engineering; Section 3 - Resource Allocation and Interference Management; Section 4 - Communication Architecture, Algorithms, Modeling and Evaluation; Section 5 - Security, Privacy, and Trust; and Section 6 - Routing, Position Management and Network Topologies.

Key Technologies of Internet of Things and Smart Grid (Advanced and Intelligent Manufacturing in China)

by Xianwu Zeng Shuping Bao

This book focuses on the key technology applied Internet of things and smart grid, which include some novel ICT technologies such as big data, edge computing, 5G, and wide area wireless communication technology. The mutual penetration, deep integration, and wide application of smart grid and IoT effectively integrate communication infrastructure resources and power system infrastructure resources, further realize energy conservation and emission reduction, improve the level of grid informatization, automation, and interaction, and improve grid operation capacity and quality of service. These key technologies are presented and studied in detail, which help readers deeply understand those key technologies to apply IoT and grid. The book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of IoT and energy systems, etc.

International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City: Branch of ISADS (The International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems) (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #62)

by Xiaoqing Zeng Xiongyao Xie Jian Sun Limin Ma Yinong Chen

This book presents research advances in intelligent transportation and smart cities in detail, mainly focusing on green traffic and urban utility tunnels, presented at the 3rd International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITASC) held at Tongji University, Shanghai, on May 19–20, 2017. It discusses a number of hot topics, such as the 2BMW system (Bus, Bike, Metro and Walking), transportation safety and environmental protection, urban utility design and application, as well as the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in city design. By connecting the theory and applications of intelligent transportation in smart cities, it enhances traffic efficiency and quality. The book gathers numerous selected papers and lectures, including contributions from respected scholars and the latest engineering advances, to provide guidance to researchers in the field of transportation and urban planning at universities and in related industries.

International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City: Branch of ISADS (The International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems) (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #127)

by Xiaoqing Zeng Xiongyao Xie Jian Sun Limin Ma Yinong Chen

This book presents research advances in intelligent transportation and smart cities in detail, mainly focusing on green traffic and urban utility tunnels, presented at the 4th International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITASC) held at Tongji University, Shanghai, on May 8–10, 2019. It discusses a number of hot topics, such as the 2BMW system (Bus, Bike, Metro and Walking), transportation safety and environmental protection, urban utility design and application, as well as the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in city design. By connecting the theory and applications of intelligent transportation in smart cities, it enhances traffic efficiency and quality. The book gathers numerous selected papers and lectures, including contributions from respected scholars and the latest engineering advances, to provide guidance to researchers in the field of transportation and urban planning at universities and in related industries.The first conference in the ITASC series was held in 2013 as a workshop of the International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized System (ISADS) in Mexico City. The second and third were held in May 2015 and May 2017, respectively, in Tongji University, Shanghai.

African Women, ICT and Neoliberal Politics: The Challenge of Gendered Digital Divides to People-Centered Governance (Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa)

by Assata Zerai

How can we promote people-centered governance in Africa? Cell phones/ information and communications technology (ICT) are shown to be linked to neoliberal understandings of more democratic governance structures, defined by the Worldwide Governance Indicators as: the rule of law, corruption-control, regulation quality, government effectiveness, political stability/no violence, and voice and accountability. However, these indicators fall short: they do note emphasize gender equity or pro-poor policies. Writing from an African feminist scholar-activist perspective, Assata Zerai emphasizes the voices of women in two ways: (1) she examines how women's access to ICT makes a difference to the success of people-centered governance structures; and (2) she demonstrates how African women's scholarship, too often marginalized, must be used to expand and redefine the goals and indicators of democratice governance in African countries. Challenging the status quo that praises the contributions of cell phones to the diffusion of knowledge and resultant better governance in Africa, this book is an important read for scholars of politics and technology, gender and politics, and African Studies.

African Women, ICT and Neoliberal Politics: The Challenge of Gendered Digital Divides to People-Centered Governance (Routledge Studies on Gender and Sexuality in Africa)

by Assata Zerai

How can we promote people-centered governance in Africa? Cell phones/ information and communications technology (ICT) are shown to be linked to neoliberal understandings of more democratic governance structures, defined by the Worldwide Governance Indicators as: the rule of law, corruption-control, regulation quality, government effectiveness, political stability/no violence, and voice and accountability. However, these indicators fall short: they do note emphasize gender equity or pro-poor policies. Writing from an African feminist scholar-activist perspective, Assata Zerai emphasizes the voices of women in two ways: (1) she examines how women's access to ICT makes a difference to the success of people-centered governance structures; and (2) she demonstrates how African women's scholarship, too often marginalized, must be used to expand and redefine the goals and indicators of democratice governance in African countries. Challenging the status quo that praises the contributions of cell phones to the diffusion of knowledge and resultant better governance in Africa, this book is an important read for scholars of politics and technology, gender and politics, and African Studies.

Die Internet-Ökonomie: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft (European Communication Council Report)

by Axel Zerdick Klaus Schrape Alexander Artope Klaus Goldhammer Dominik K. Heger Ulrich T. Lange Eckart Vierkant Esteban Lopez-Escobar Roger Silverstone

Das Buch analysiert die zentrale Rolle von Medien, Telekommunikation und Informationstechnologie als Antriebsfaktoren auf dem Weg in eine digitale Wirtschaft: der Internet-Ökonomie. Schon im Jahr 2005 wird die Hälfte der deutschen Bevölkerung online sein. Die in wesentlichen Teilen überarbeitete dritte Auflage des Buches bezieht die aktuellen Entwicklungen des dynamischen Marktes ein. In der Neuauflage werden insbesondere die Themen Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit und Elektronic Commerce erweitert und fortgeführt. Auch der umfangreiche Datenanhang, der die wichtigsten europäischen Kennziffern liefert, wurde auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Mit diesem Konzept und der internationalen Einbindung steht das Buch konkurrenzlos da. Die zukunftsbezogene Analyse macht es zu einem unverzichtbaren Standardwerk für Industrie und Wissenschaft.

Die Internet-Ökonomie: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft (European Communication Council Report)

by Axel Zerdick Klaus Schrape Alexander Artope Klaus Goldhammer Ulrich T. Lange Eckart Vierkant Esteban Lopez-Escobar Roger Silverstone

Das Buch analysiert die zentrale Rolle des Medien-, Telekommunikations- und IT-Sektors als Antriebsfaktoren auf dem Weg in eine digitale Wirtschaft: der Internet-Ökonomie. Mit zunehmendem Wachstum des Internet breiten sich die damit verbundenen ökonomischen Spielregeln auf die ganze Volkswirtschaft aus. Der bereits 1997 präsentierte Ansatz (ECC-Report 1997, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg) wird in einer systematischen und umfassenden Darstellung des Themas Medienfinanzierung erweitert und fortgeführt. Mit diesem Konzept und der internationalen Einbindung steht das Buch konkurrenzlos da. Die zukunftsbezogene Analyse macht es zu einem unverzichtbaren Standardwerk für die Industrie und die Wissenschaft.

E-Conomics: Strategies for the Digital Marketplace (European Communication Council Report)

by Axel Zerdick Klaus Schrape Alexander Artope Klaus Goldhammer Ulrich T. Lange Eckart Vierkant Esteban Lopez-Escobar Roger Silverstone

E-conomics provides readers with a roadmap to the landscape of the new Internet economy and serves as a reference to the economics of the information age. Written by communication economists and experts in the media business from the US and Europe, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the Internet revolution showing how the rules of business have changed. It takes the European telecommunications industry as a focal point and features strategies for a successful Network Economy. E-conomics is essential reading for economists, managers, and business strategists requiring an understanding of the dynamics of electronic commerce.

E-Merging Media: Communication and the Media Economy of the Future (European Communication Council Report)

by Axel Zerdick Klaus Schrape Jean-Claude Burgelmann Roger Silverstone V. Feldmann C. Wernick C. Wolff

Examines the long-term developments for communication systems and the media industry Shows the structural changes of the media economy Authors are international renowned experts in the field

Unternehmensführung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Grundlegung einer Theorie der Unternehmenskommunikation und Public Relations (Organisationskommunikation)

by Ansgar Zerfaß

Mit der dritten Auflage dieser mehrfach ausgezeichneten Studie ist eines der zentralen Werke der deutschsprachigen PR-Forschung wieder verfügbar. Der Autor entwickelt eine Theorie der Integrierten Unternehmenskommunikation, die Erkenntnisse aus Kommunikationswissenschaft, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Organisationstheorie und Öffentlichkeitssoziologie mit Hilfe eines einheitlichen, wissenschafts- und sozialtheoretisch stimmigen Fundaments zusammenführt.

Unternehmensführung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Grundlegung einer Theorie der Unternehmenskommunikation und Public Relations (Organisationskommunikation)

by Ansgar Zerfaß

Mit der zweiten Auflage dieser mehrfach ausgezeichneten Studie ist eines der zentralen Werke der deutschsprachigen PR-Forschung wieder verfügbar. Der Autor entwickelt eine Theorie der Integrierten Unternehmenskommunikation, die Erkenntnisse aus Kommunikationswissenschaft, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Organisationstheorie und Öffentlichkeitssoziologie mit Hilfe eines einheitlichen, wissenschafts- und sozialtheoretisch stimmigen Fundaments zusammenführt.

Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement: Strategien im Zeitalter der Open Innovation

by Ansgar Zerfaß Kathrin M. Möslein

Als erstes Werk leistet dieses Buch einen Brückenschlag zwischen Kommunikations- und Innovationsmanagement. Zukunftsweisende Innovations-Konzepte werden ebenso vorgestellt wie der State of the art der Innovationskommunikation. Fallstudien namhafter Unternehmen, theoretische Perspektiven aus Sicht der Wirtschafts- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie empirische Ergebnisse der ersten deutschen Studie zur Rolle von Kommunikation als Erfolgsfaktor im Innovationsmanagement vermitteln einen umfassenden Einblick.

Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation: Strategie - Management – Wertschöpfung (Springer Nachschlagewissen Ser.)

by Ansgar Zerfaß Manfred Piwinger

Die vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage des deutschsprachigen Standardwerks zur Unternehmenskommunikation zeigt, wie Kommunikation zum wirtschaftlichen Erfolg beiträgt, die Führung unterstützt, Handlungsspielräume schafft, Beziehungen aufbaut und die Reputation steigert. Die verstärkte Transparenz wirtschaftlichen Handelns im Zeitalter von Social Media und die Herausforderungen internationaler Kommunikation in Echtzeit stellen klassische Konzepte des Kommunikationsmanagements vor Herausforderungen. Strategien, Organisationsformen und Instrumente müssen neu konfiguriert werden. Das Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation gibt Antworten. Es verbindet betriebswirtschaftliches Know-how mit kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Konzepten und Erfahrungen aus der Unternehmenspraxis. Vorstände und Geschäftsführer sowie Entscheider in Public Relations, Marketing, Interner Kommunikation und Finanzkommunikation erhalten in annähernd 70 Beiträgen einen umfassenden Einblick in Theorie und Praxis der Unternehmenskommunikation.

Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations: Forschungsparadigmen und neue Perspektiven

by Ansgar Zerfaß Lars Rademacher Stefan Wehmeier

Der Band diskutiert das Verhältnis von Konzeptionen der Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations. Public Relations wird in der Regel als spezifische Form oder Funktion der Kommunikation einer Organisation verstanden. Dennoch lassen sich PR-Praxis und selbst PR-Forschung betreiben, ohne dass ein expliziter Bezug auf Theorien und Konzepte der Organisation genommen werden müsste. Der Sammelband schließt diese Lücke, indem die Entwicklungslinien von PR-Theorien und Organisationskommunikation offengelegt, neue Ansätze zur Kombination beider Richtungen präsentiert und Untersuchungsfelder sowie empirische Zugänge zur internen Kommunikation von Organisationen vorgestellt werden.

Public Relations Research: European and International Perspectives and Innovations

by Ansgar Zerfaß A. A. Van Ruler Krishnamurthy Sriramesh

This volume is a major contribution to the trans-national debate on public relations research and communication management. It presents dominant concepts and findings from the scientific community in Germany in English language. At the same time, the compilation contains a selection of the most influential and relevant approaches from European and international researchers. Editors and contributors are renowned academics from all over the world. This books honours Guenter Bentele, one of the international spearheads of public relations research, and gives academics, students and communication managers a focussed insight into the field.

Toolbox Kommunikationsmanagement: Denkwerkzeuge und Methoden für die Steuerung der Unternehmenskommunikation

by Ansgar Zerfaß Sophia Charlotte Volk

Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch Wissenswertes rund um das Thema strategische Unternehmenskommunikation Dieses Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick zu bestehenden Ansätzen, Methoden und Instrumenten für das strategische Kommunikationsmanagement in Unternehmen. Es behandelt die folgenden Themenbereiche:Der Beitrag von Kommunikation zur WertschöpfungToolbox für das Kommunikationsmanagement: Analysetools, Planungstools, Umsetzungstools, EvaluationstoolsNeue Tools für das KommunikationsmanagementAnwendungsbeispiele für die ToolboxTop-Tools und ErfolgsfaktorenWeiterhin werden im Buch „Toolbox Kommunikationsmanagement - Denkwerkzeuge für die Steuerung der Unternehmenskommunikation“ aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der internationalen Forschung neu systematisiert und mit empirischen Daten sowie Best-Practice-Beispielen aus der Kommunikationspraxis von Unternehmen in Deutschland verknüpft. Erfolgreiche Kommunikationschefs berichten darüber hinaus über ihre eigenen Erfahrungen und praktische Lösungsansätze. Ein optimaler Wegweiser für Unternehmensleitung und KommunikationsverantwortlicheAnsgar Zerfaß und Sophia Charlotte Volk stellen konkrete Tools zum Management der Kommunikation vor und wenden sich damit an alle, die den Beitrag der Unternehmenskommunikation zum Organisationserfolg ganzheitlich verstehen und steuern wollen. Die in diesem Buch erwähnten Tools sind zum Beispiel: Communication-Touchpoint-AnalyseZieleradar Sentiment-AnalyseCommunication Value Circle MaßnahmenportfolioIssue MapsCommunication ScrumMit dieser umfassenden Betrachtung des Kommunikationsmanagements richtet sich dieser praktische Wegweiser in erster Linie an die Unternehmensleitung und an Kommunikationsverantwortliche.

Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-line Resources To Build A Lexicon

by Uri Zernik

On-line information -- and free text in particular -- has emerged as a major, yet unexploited, resource available in raw form. Available, but not accessible. The lexicon provides the major key for enabling accessibility to on-line text. The expert contributors to this book explore the range of possibilities for the generation of extensive lexicons. In so doing, they investigate the use of existing on-line dictionaries and thesauri, and explain how lexicons can be acquired from the corpus -- the text under investigation -- itself. Leading researchers in four related fields offer the latest investigations: computational linguists cover the natural language processing aspect; statisticians point out the issues involved in the use of massive data; experts discuss the limitations of current technology; and lexicographers share their experience in the design of the traditional dictionaries.

Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-line Resources To Build A Lexicon

by Uri Zernik

On-line information -- and free text in particular -- has emerged as a major, yet unexploited, resource available in raw form. Available, but not accessible. The lexicon provides the major key for enabling accessibility to on-line text. The expert contributors to this book explore the range of possibilities for the generation of extensive lexicons. In so doing, they investigate the use of existing on-line dictionaries and thesauri, and explain how lexicons can be acquired from the corpus -- the text under investigation -- itself. Leading researchers in four related fields offer the latest investigations: computational linguists cover the natural language processing aspect; statisticians point out the issues involved in the use of massive data; experts discuss the limitations of current technology; and lexicographers share their experience in the design of the traditional dictionaries.

Digitales Fernsehen in Deutschland: Medienpolitische und medienwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen des zukünftigen Fernsehens

by Frank Zervos

Im Jahr 2010 erfolgt in Deutschland der sogenannte "Analogue-Switch-Off", d.h. die Rundfunkübertragung wird gänzlich von analog auf digital umgestellt. Digitales Fernsehen gibt es bereits heute, doch gehört Deutschland europaweit zu den Nachzüglern in Akzeptanz und Verbreitung. Gründe hierfür liegen in Schwierigkeiten und Uneinigkeiten bei technischen Standards, in unausgereiften Geschäftsmodellen, in geringer Akzeptanz bei den Zuschauern und in der Regulierung der Verbreitungswege. Untersucht wurde die aktuelle Lage des digitalen Fernsehens mit einem Schwerpunkt auf die entscheidenden medienwirtschaftlichen und medienpolitischen Aspekte.

Critics, Compilers, and Commentators: An Introduction to Roman Philology, 200 BCE-800 CE

by James E.G. Zetzel

"To teach correct Latin and to explain the poets" were the two standard duties of Roman teachers. Not only was a command of literary Latin a prerequisite for political and social advancement, but a sense of Latin's history and importance contributed to the Romans' understanding of their own cultural identity. Put plainly, philology-the study of language and texts-was important at Rome. Critics, Compilers, and Commentators is the first comprehensive introduction to the history, forms, and texts of Roman philology. James Zetzel traces the changing role and status of Latin as revealed in the ways it was explained and taught by the Romans themselves. In addition, he provides a descriptive bibliography of hundreds of scholarly texts from antiquity, listing editions, translations, and secondary literature. Recovering a neglected but crucial area of Roman intellectual life, this book will be an essential resource for students of Roman literature and intellectual history, medievalists, and historians of education and language science.

CRITICS,COMPILERS & COMMENTATORS C: An Introduction to Roman Philology, 200 BCE-800 CE

by James E.G. Zetzel

"To teach correct Latin and to explain the poets" were the two standard duties of Roman teachers. Not only was a command of literary Latin a prerequisite for political and social advancement, but a sense of Latin's history and importance contributed to the Romans' understanding of their own cultural identity. Put plainly, philology-the study of language and texts-was important at Rome. Critics, Compilers, and Commentators is the first comprehensive introduction to the history, forms, and texts of Roman philology. James Zetzel traces the changing role and status of Latin as revealed in the ways it was explained and taught by the Romans themselves. In addition, he provides a descriptive bibliography of hundreds of scholarly texts from antiquity, listing editions, translations, and secondary literature. Recovering a neglected but crucial area of Roman intellectual life, this book will be an essential resource for students of Roman literature and intellectual history, medievalists, and historians of education and language science.

Die Entwickelung der Automatischen Telegraphie

by Karl Eduard Zetzsche

Cooperative Coverage Control of Multi-Agent Systems and its Applications (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #408)

by Chao Zhai Hai-Tao Zhang Gaoxi Xiao

This book highlights cooperative coverage control approaches of multi-agent systems in uncertain environments and their applications in various fields. A novel theoretical formulation of multi-agent coverage is proposed to fulfill the coverage task via divide-and-conquer scheme. By taking workload partition and sweeping operations simultaneously, a distributed sweep coverage algorithm of multi-agent systems is developed to cooperatively complete the workload on the given region, and its input-to-state stability is guaranteed in theory. Moreover, the coverage performance is evaluated by estimating the error between the actual coverage time and the optimal time. Three application scenarios are presented to demonstrate the advantages of cooperative coverage control approaches in missile interception, intelligent transportation systems and environment monitoring, respectively.

Security-Aware Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Aiqing Zhang Liang Zhou Lei Wang

The objective of this SpringerBrief is to present security architectures and incentive mechanisms to realize system availability for D2D communications. D2D communications enable devices to communicate directly, improving resource utilization, enhancing user’s throughput, extending battery lifetime, etc. However, due to the open nature of D2D communications, there are two substantial technical challenges when applied to large-scale applications, that is, security and availability which is demonstrated in this book.This SpringerBrief proposes a secure data sharing protocol, which merges the advantages of public key cryptography and symmetric encryption, to achieve data security in D2D communications. Furthermore, a joint framework involving both the physical and application layer security technologies is proposed for multimedia service over D2D communications thus the scalable security service can be achieved without changing the current communication framework. Additionally, as the system availability largely depends on the cooperation degree of the users, a graph-theory based cooperative content dissemination scheme is proposed to achieve maximal Quality of Experience (QoE) with fairness and efficiency.This SpringerBrief will be a valuable resource for advanced-level students and researchers who want to learn more about cellular networks.

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