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Shakespeare, Italy, and Transnational Exchange: Early Modern to Present (Routledge Studies in Shakespeare)

This interdisciplinary, transhistorical collection brings together international scholars from English literature, Italian studies, performance history, and comparative literature to offer new perspectives on the vibrant engagements between Shakespeare and Italian theatre, literary culture, and politics, from the sixteenth to the twenty-first century. Chapters address the intricate, two-way exchange between Shakespeare and Italy: how the artistic and intellectual culture of Renaissance Italy shaped Shakespeare’s drama in his own time, and how the afterlife of Shakespeare’s work and reputation in Italy since the eighteenth century has permeated Italian drama, poetry, opera, novels, and film. Responding to exciting recent scholarship on Shakespeare and Italy, as well as transnational theatre, this volume moves beyond conventional source study and familiar questions about influence, location, and adaptation to propose instead a new, evolving paradigm of cultural interchange. Essays in this volume, ranging in methodology from archival research to repertory study, are unified by an interest in how Shakespeare’s works represent and enact exchanges across the linguistic, cultural, and political boundaries separating England and Italy. Arranged chronologically, chapters address historically-contingent cultural negotiations: from networks, intertextual dialogues, and exchanges of ideas and people in the early modern period to questions of authenticity and formations of Italian cultural and national identity in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. They also explore problems of originality and ownership in twentieth- and twenty-first-century translations of Shakespeare’s works, and new settings and new media in highly personalized revisions that often make a paradoxical return to earlier origins. This book captures, defines, and explains these lively, shifting currents of cultural interchange.

Sine ira et studio: Disziplinenübergreifende Annäherungen an die zwischenmenschliche Kommunikation

Der Band gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Debatten der Kommunikationswissenschaft und angrenzender Disziplinen. Fünf sowohl in der Tradition einer interpersonalen Kommunikationsforschung als auch in den gegenwärtigen Debatten wiederkehrende Themenkomplexe dienen dabei als Ausgangspunkte für empirisch interessierte und theoretisch reflektierte Annäherungen an Kommunikation als Koordination des Handelns. Fachvertreter benachbarter Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Germanistik, Anglistik, Philosophie, Journalistik und Geschichte beleuchten diese Themenkomplexe aus ihren je spezifischen Sichtweisen.

Social Justice, Activism and Diversity in U.S. Media History

This book offers a diverse approach to journalism history told from a multimedia perspective, re-examining mainstream stories and highlighting contributions that are often overlooked. Bringing together a team of prominent journalism historians, the volume centers race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, class, religion, disability, mental health and generations to tell forgotten stories of journalism’s historical influence. The book is designed to appeal to Generation Z college students, offering budding mass communicators a valuable tool that addresses gaps in historical pedagogy and fosters representation in the classroom. Each chapter contains access to video and podcast extras, chapter summaries, guides to further reading and suggested activities to bring these narratives alive and keep readers engaged. Interactive and accessible, Social Justice, Activism and Diversity in U.S. Media History is an indispensable resource for Generation Z, scholars in mass communication and American history, journalists and general readers.

Social Marketing and Advertising in the Age of Social Media (New Horizons in Marketing series)

Reviewing and analysing the most relevant concepts, theories and strategies related to the field, this timely book reveals what makes for strong social marketing and social advertising campaigns. With a comprehensive understanding of social advertising models and their applications, chapters present original case studies and scenarios from international researchers to illustrate strategies and concepts in practice. Exploring the mechanics of social media, contributors highlight what makes a successful campaign. They evaluate the use and impact of emotions in social power, exploring the power of storytelling, whilst weighing ethical implications. The book covers important and upcoming areas of interest in the field including the rise of social media influencers, the use of memes, the functionality of social media, and the use of fear, guilt and shame in communications campaigns as well as positive emotions. This book will assist marketing academics and practitioners in the development of successful campaigns as it highlights not only what these campaigns look like, but also why they achieve success. It will also prove an excellent guide for government organisations and public policy makers interested in using social marketing for health promotion and social change.

Social Media, Freedom of Speech, and the Future of our Democracy

A broad explanation of the various dimensions of the problem of "bad" speech on the internet within the American context. One of the most fiercely debated issues of this era is what to do about "bad" speech-hate speech, disinformation and propaganda campaigns, and incitement of violence-on the internet, and in particular speech on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. In Social Media, Freedom of Speech, and the Future of our Democracy, Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone have gathered an eminent cast of contributors--including Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar, Sheldon Whitehouse, Newt Minow, Cass Sunstein, Jack Balkin, Emily Bazelon, and others--to explore the various dimensions of this problem in the American context. They stress how difficult it is to develop remedies given that some of these forms of "bad" speech are ordinarily protected by the First Amendment. Bollinger and Stone argue that it is important to remember that the last time we encountered major new communications technology-television and radio-we established a federal agency to provide oversight and to issue regulations to protect and promote "the public interest." Featuring a variety of perspectives from some of America's leading experts on this hotly contested issue, this volume offers new insights for the future of free speech in the social media era.

Social Media, Fundamental Rights and Courts: A European Perspective (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)

This volume examines European and national higher court decisions on social media from the perspective of fundamental rights and judicial dialogue. While the challenges social media poses for public policy and regulation have been widely discussed, the role of courts in this evolving legal area, especially from a fundamental rights standpoint, has hitherto remained largely underexplored. This volume probes the contribution of national and European judiciaries to the protection of fundamental rights in a social media setting and delves into patterns of dialogue and interaction between domestic courts, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and between the CJEU and the ECtHR. The book specifically examines the extent and ways in which national and European judges incorporate fundamental rights reasoning in their social media rulings. It also investigates the nature and breadth of the use of European supranational case law in domestic judicial assessment, and analyses the engagement of the CJEU and the ECtHR with the other’s case law. In doing so, the book instils jurisprudential dynamics into the study of social media law and regulation, exploring in particular the effects of European constitutionalism on the shaping and enforcement of fundamental rights in a social media context. Written by emerging and established experts in the field, this book will be essential reading for scholars of comparative, European and constitutional law, as well as those with a particular interest in digital technologies and social media.

Social Media in Health Care: A Guide to Creating Your Professional Digital Presence

A practical, essential guide to social media for health care professionals, Social Media in Health Care equips readers with the skills to build their online brand, share their professional knowledge with a wider audience, and become a trusted source of information and thought leader in their field.Authors Mona Shattell, Melissa Batchelor, and Rebecca Darmoc explain the principles behind building a respected digital presence and developing meaningful online connections, while providing practical tips for navigating the five major social media platforms: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Everyone from health care students to the most seasoned professionals will benefit from the 3C’s Framework outlined in the book: Consume, Contribute, and Create.Social Media in Health Care can be read cover to cover or used as quick reference guide. Topics include: Exercises for novice, intermediate, and advanced users Best practices for consuming, sharing, and creating content Tips for readers to build their social media presence and professional brand Recommendations for using digital platforms to expand professional networks Patient privacy concerns and how to avoid ethical pitfalls Social media can start conversations and serve as an open line of communication between peers, the public, and patients. Social Media in Health Care guides members of the medical community in how to use social media to help educate the public and specific patient communities about health care and health policy, make connections with industry leaders and peers, and enhance their professional reputation.

Social Media Politics: Digital Discord in the 2020 Presidential Election

Social media and social networking services are integrated into the American political process and have profoundly influenced political communication and participation. Social media platforms have transformed the political landscape by revolutionizing information dissemination, citizen engagement, and public opinion formation and change. Politicians use social media to communicate directly with voters in an unmediated and unfiltered manner. Comparatively, voters use social media to follow the latest messaging from politicians accompanied by demonstrating their support for particular politicians. This book is a comprehensive examination of the role of digital and social media in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Political discourse during the 2020 election revealed political disharmony and a deep political division among vast swaths of Americans that was powered, in part, by social media. This book reveals how digital and social media have reshaped power dynamics by altering the relationships among citizens, politicians, and traditional media outlets, the emergence of new influencers, and the impact of online activism on policy agendas.This book, Social Media Politics, includes scholars with varied backgrounds and experience, using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, from leading research institutions around the nation. Students, scholars, and practitioners will gain new knowledge to more clearly understand the role social media played in the 2020 presidential campaign.

Soft Skills: Alternative zur Fachlichkeit oder weiche Perfomance? (Schulpädagogik #10)

Nach einer Zeitspanne intensiver Begründung und Evaluierung des pädagogischen Gehalts von Schule durch schulpädagogische Forschung deutet sich an, dass die Aufmerksamkeit der von Schule Betroffenen und Interessierten sich dauerhaft dem Kommunikations-, Konflikt- bzw. dem generellen Umgangsverhalten der Personen zuwendet, die im Handlungsfeld Schule agieren und leben. Das ist nicht neu, die Personalität von Schule hat immer schon im Mittel-punkt des Interesses von Akteuren und Adressaten schulischen Wirkens gestanden. Neu ist: Im außerwissenschaftlichen Diskurs hat sich der Begriff Soft Skills etabliert, die Politik hat ihn inzwischen fest vereinnahmt, die Erziehungswissenschaft hat ein nicht ganz geklärtes Verhältnis zu ihm, weil er nicht zu ihrem etablierten Begriffsrepertoire gehört, sondern einen Import aus anderweitigen Wissenschaftsfeldern darstellt, insbesondere der Betriebswirtschaft und der Wirtschaftspädagogik. Mittlerweile gelten Soft Skills, also die „weichen Umgangs-qualitäten“, als „Allzweckwaffe“ beruflichen Erfolgs und sind deshalb „natürliche“ Gegens-tände öffentlicher Bildung und Erziehung.Den damit korrespondierenden Fragen wendet sich der vorliegende Band zu. Die Autoren haben sich dabei keineswegs allein auf die Schule und die in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich geführte Zieledebatte beschränkt, sondern die Rückbindung an den Ort ihres Wirkens gesucht.Besonderes Augenmerk legt der Herausgeber auf die Lesbarkeit, um die Texte nicht nur Fachleuten an die Hand zu geben, sondern gleichermaßen auch Studierenden, Referendaren, Praktikern und interessierten Laien, um ihnen ein Forum für Argumente und Gegenargumente zu erschließen und den Diskurs in der Sache zu befördern.

Soziales Medienhandeln: Integrative Perspektiven auf den Wandel mediatisierter interpersonaler Kommunikation

Ob Soziale Netzwerke, Smartphones oder Social Robots: Menschen handeln in nahezu allen Lebensbereichen mit Medien. Eine integrative Analyseperspektive kann die Relevanz sozialen Medienhandelns sichtbar machen und Antworten auf grundlegende Fragen unserer Mediengesellschaft liefern. Die Bedeutung von Medien entfaltet sich im sozialen Handeln, in den zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und Organisationen. Anliegen des Bandes ist es, Phänomene sozialen Medienhandelns umfassend zu analysieren und den damit verbundenen sozialen Wandel nachhaltig zu verstehen. Der Band vereint Beiträge zu verschiedenen Themenfeldern, die aktuelle Forschungen zu sozialen Dimensionen mediatisierter interpersonaler Kommunikation vorlegen.

Statistische Datenanalyse im Journalismus: Fallstudien und wissenschaftliche Anforderungen zum Einsatz fortgeschrittener statistischer Methoden

Dieses Buch zeigt anhand von journalistischen Fallbeispielen, warum und wie fortgeschrittene statistische Analysemethoden eingesetzt werden können, um aussagekräftige journalistische Informationen aus Daten zu extrahieren. Gleichzeitig setzt das Buch einen Anforderungsrahmen für die datenjournalistische Arbeit bezüglich Datenkompetenz und -visualisierung, dem Einsatz von Algorithmen sowie daten-ethischen Anforderungen und der Überprüfung externer Studien. Ziel ist es, die Qualität und Aussagekraft datenjournalistischer Arbeiten zu verbessern, welche, neben der angemessenen Erfassung und Aufbereitung von Daten, wesentlich von einer adäquaten Datenanalyse abhängen. Aber wie statistisch arbeiten Datenjournalist:innen heute eigentlich? Und wie statistisch können oder sollten sie arbeiten, um den Ansprüchen ihrer Leserschaft in Sachen Verständlichkeit gerecht zu werden, auch mit Blick auf deren unterschiedliches mathematisch-statisches Vorwissen? Das Buch zielt darauf ab, diese Fragen zu beantworten, indem es weiterführende statistische Methoden anhand von Fallstudien untersucht. Es verdeutlicht, warum diese Methoden auch im journalistischen Kontext oftmals problemangemessener sind und tiefer gehende Erkenntnisse liefern als vereinfachte Analysen und Basismethoden. Die Fallstudien decken dabei die wichtigsten statistischen Methoden ab: Verteilungen und Tests, Klassifikation, Regression, Zeitreihenanalyse, Clusteranalyse, Analyse von sequentiellen Daten ohne direkten Zeitbezug, Verwendung von Vorwissen und geplante Studien.

Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform

Drawing on a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives, this volume examines the roles strategic communications play in creating social media messaging campaigns designed to engage in digital activism. As social activism and engagement continue to rise, individuals have an opportunity to use their agency as creators and consumers to explore issues of identity, diversity, justice, and action through digital activism. This edited volume situates activism and social justice historically and draws parallels to the work of activists in today’s social movements such as modern-day feminism, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, Missing Murdered Indigenous Women, and We Are All Khaled Said. Each chapter adds an additional filter of nuance, building a complete account of mounting issues through social media movements and at the same time scaffolding the complicated nature of digital collective action. The book will be a useful supplement to courses in public relations, journalism, social media, sociology, political science, diversity, digital activism, and mass communication at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation)

The field of translation studies has grown rapidly over recent decades, with critical questions being investigated across the globe. Drawing together this scattered research, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies consolidates important propositions by drawing on systemic functional linguistics (SFL).Using the SFL dimensions of stratification, rank, axis and delicacy to show how languages are more similar or more different, this book provides a state-of-the-art critical assessment of the interaction between SFL and translation studies. Highlighting the major contribution SFL can make in developing translation theories, a team of world-leading experts investigate how intricate and wide-ranging translation questions, such as re-instantiation and multimodality, can be most efficiently explored through a detailed meaning- and function-oriented linguistic theory. Examining the theoretical concepts and practical applications of SFL in the translation of a range of languages, including Arabic, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Translation Studies provides a stimulus for new work spanning the two fields and suggests new directions for future research.

A Tactical Guide to Science Journalism: Lessons From the Front Lines

A Tactical Guide to Science Journalism brings together award-winning journalists from around the world to share fascinating tales of science and how it works and to provide guidance into reporting specialties like infectious disease, climate change, astronomy, public health, physics, and statistics. From practical advice on finding sources and distilling complex research subjects for a general audience, to tips on how to cover science in authoritarian regimes, the book serves as an essential survey of the best in science reporting today--and a testament to the importance of independent journalistic inquiry in understanding research and building trust with audiences. Drawing insights from writers based at publications including The New York Times, the BBC, The Washington Post, Science, The New Yorker, National Geographic and more, this guide is designed to help journalists everywhere improve their craft and serve as a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the profession at its best.

Televised Presidential Debates in a Changing Media Environment [2 volumes]: [2 volumes]

This two-volume set examines recent presidential and vice presidential debates, addresses how citizens make sense of these events in new media, and considers whether the evolution of these forms of consumption is healthy for future presidential campaigns—and for democracy.The presidential debates of 2016 underscored how television highlights candidates' and campaigns' messages, which provide fodder for citizens' widespread use of new media to "talk back" to campaigns and other citizens. Social media will continue to affect the way that campaign events like presidential debates are consumed by audiences and how they shape campaign outcomes. This two-volume study is one of the first to examine the relationship between debates as televised events and events consumed by citizens through social media. It also assesses the town hall debate format from 1992 to 2016, uses the lens of civil dialogue to consider how citizens watch the debates, and considers the growing impact of new media commentary on candidate images that emerge in presidential and vice presidential debates.Televised Presidential Debates in a Changing Media Environment features contributions from leading political communication scholars that illuminate how presidential debates are transforming from events that are privately contemplated by citizens, to events that are increasingly viewed and discussed by citizens through social media. The first volume focuses on traditional studies of debates as televised campaign events, and the second volume examines the changing audiences for debates as they become consumed and discussed by viewers outside the traditional channels of newspapers, cable news channels, and campaign messaging. Readers will contemplate questions of new forms, problems, and possibilities of political engagement that are resulting from citizens producing and consuming political messages in new media.

Television Sitcom and Cultural Crisis (Routledge Advances in Television Studies)

This volume demonstrates that television comedies are conduits through which we might resist normative ways of thinking about cultural crises.By drawing on Gramscian notion of crisis and the understanding that crises are overlapping, interconnected, and mutually constitutive, the essays in this collection demonstrate that situation comedies do more than make us laugh; they also help us understand the complexities of our social world’s moments of crisis. Each chapter takes up the televisual representation of a modern cultural crisis in a contemporary sitcom and is grounded in the extensive body of literature that suggests that levity is a powerful mechanism to make sense of and cope with these difficult cultural experiences.Divided into thematic sections that highlight crises of institutions and systems, identity and representation, and speculation and futurism, this book will interest scholars of media and cultural studies, political economy, communication studies, and humor studies.

Television’s Streaming Wars (Routledge Advances in Television Studies)

This volume addresses contemporary debates and trends regarding the production and distribution, content, and audience engagement with the television streaming industry. The book interrogates the economics and structure of the industry, questions the types and diversity of content perpetuated on streaming services, and addresses how audiences engage with content from US and global perspectives and within various research paradigms. Chapters address television streaming wars, including the debates and trends in terms of its production and competition, diversity and growth of programming, and audience consumption, focusing on multiple platforms, content, and users. This timely and creative volume will interest students and scholars working in television studies, media industry studies, popular culture studies, audience studies, media psychology, critical cultural studies and media economics.

Theatre Responds to Social Trauma: Chasing the Demons (Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance)

This book is a collection of chapters by playwrights, directors, devisers, scholars, and educators whose praxis involves representing, theorizing, and performing social trauma.Chapters explore how psychic catastrophes and ruptures are often embedded in social systems of oppression and forged in zones of conflict within and across national borders. Through multiple lenses and diverse approaches, the authors examine the connections between collective trauma, social identity, and personal struggle. We look at the generational transmission of trauma, socially induced pathologies, and societal re-inscriptions of trauma, from mass incarceration to war-induced psychoses, from gendered violence through racist practices. Collective trauma may shape, protect, and preserve group identity, promoting a sense of cohesion and meaning, even as it shakes individuals through pain. Engaging with communities under significant stress through artistic practice offers a path towards reconstructing the meaning(s) of social trauma, making sense of the past, understanding the present, and re-visioning the future.The chapters combine theoretical and practical work, exploring the conceptual foundations and the artists’ processes as they interrogate the intersections of personal grief and communal mourning, through drama, poetry, and embodied performance.

Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida

Spanning the centuries, from the seventeenth to the twentieth, and ranging across cultures, from England to Mexico, this collection gathers together important statements on the function and feasibility of literary translation. The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, Ortega, Benjamin, Pound, Jakobson, Paz, Riffaterre, Derrida, and others. A fine companion to The Craft of Translation, this volume will be a valuable resource for all those who translate, those who teach translation theory and practice, and those interested in questions of language philosophy and literary theory.

This Is a Classic: Translators on Making Writers Global (Literatures, Cultures, Translation)

This Is a Classic illuminates the overlooked networks that contribute to the making of literary classics through the voices of multiple translators, without whom writers would have a difficult time reaching a global audience. It presents the work of some of today's most accomplished literary translators who translate classics into English or who work closely with translation in the US context and magnifies translators' knowledge, skills, creativity, and relationships with the literary texts they translate, the authors whose works they translate, and the translations they make. The volume presents translators' expertise and insight on how classics get defined according to language pairs and contexts. It advocates for careful attention to the role of translation and translators in reading choices and practices, especially regarding literary classics.

Towards Wireless Heterogeneity in 6G Networks

The connected world paradigm effectuated through the proliferation of mobile devices, Internet of Things (IoT), and the metaverse will offer novel services in the coming years that need anytime, anywhere, high-speed access. The success of this paradigm will highly depend on the ability of the devices to always obtain the optimal network connectivity for an application and on the seamless mobility of the devices. This book will discuss 6G concepts and architectures to support next-generation applications such as IoT, multiband devices, and high-speed mobile applications. IoT applications put forth significant challenges on the network in terms of spectrum utilization, latency, energy efficiency, large number of users, and supporting different application characteristics in terms of reliability, data rate, and latency.While the 5G network developmentwas motivated by the need for larger bandwidth and higher quality of service (QoS), 6G considerations are supporting many users with a wide application requirement, lowering network operating cost, and enhanced network flexibility. Network generations beyond 5G are expected to accommodate massive number of devices with the proliferation of connected devices concept in connected cars, industrial automation, medical devices, and consumer devices.This book will address the fundamental design consideration for 6G networks and beyond. There are many technical challenges that need to be explored in the next generation of networks, such as increased spectrum utilization, lower latency, higher data rates, accommodating more users, heterogeneous wireless connectivity, distributed algorithms, and device-centric connectivity due to diversified mobile environments and IoT application characteristics. Since 6G is a multidisciplinary topic, this book will primarily focus on aspects of device characteristics, wireless heterogeneity, traffic engineering, device-centric connectivity, and smartness of application.

Tracing Gestures: The Art and Archaeology of Bodily Communication (UCL World Archaeology Series)

This volume examines the role of gestures in past societies, exploring both how meaning was communicated through bodily actions, and also how archaeologists can trace the symbolism and significance of ancient gestures, ritual practices and bodily techniques through the material remnants of past human groups.Gesture studies is an area of increasing interest within the social sciences, and the individual chapters not only respond to developments in the field, but push it forward by bringing a wide range of perspectives and approaches into dialogue with one another. Each exhibits a critical and reflexive approach to bodily communication and to re-tracing bodies through the archaeological record (in art, the treatment of the body and material culture), and together they demonstrate the diversity of pioneering global research on gestures in archaeology and related disciplines, with contributions from leading researchers in Aegean, Mediterranean, Mesoamerican, Japanese and Near Eastern archaeology. By bringing case studies from each of these different cultures and regions together and drawing on interdisciplinary insights from anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, design, art history and the performing arts, this volume reveals the similarities and differences in gestures as expressed in cultures around the world, and offers new and valuable perspectives on the nature of bodily communication across both space and time.

Traffic and Performance Engineering for Heterogeneous Networks

The diversity of methodologies and applications in the literature for the traffic engineering, performance modelling and analysis of convergent multiservice heterogeneous networks attests to the breath and richness of recent research and developments towards the design and dimensioning of the next and future generation Internets.Heterogeneous Networks: Traffic Engineering, Performance Evaluation Studies and Tools describes recent advances in networks of diverse technology reflecting the state-of-the-art technology and research achievements in traffic engineering, performance evaluation studies and tools worldwide. Technical topics presented in the book include:• Traffic Modelling and Characterisation• Queueing and Interconnection Networks• Performance Evaluation Studies• TCP Performance Analysis• Congestion Control• Application Layer Multicast• Numerical and Software Tools;This book contains recently extended research papers, which have their roots in the series of the HET-NETs International Working Conferences focusing on the 'Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks' under the auspices of the EU Networks of Excellence Euro-NGI and Euro-FGI. Heterogeneous Networks: Traffic Engineering, Performance Evaluation Studies and Tools is ideal for personnel in computer/communication industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science, operational research, electrical engineering and telecommunication systems and the Internet.

Translating Crises

Translating and interpreting in crises is emotionally and cognitively demanding, with crisis communication in intercultural and multilingual disaster settings relying on a multitude of cross-cultural mediators and ever-emerging new technologies. This volume explores the challenges and demands involved in translating crises and the ways in which people, technologies and organisations look for effective, impactful solutions to the communicative problems.Problematising the major issues, but also providing solutions and recommendations, chapters reflect on and evaluate the role of translation and interpreting in crisis settings. Covering a diverse range of situations from across the globe, such as health emergencies, severe weather events, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, conflicts, and mass migration, this volume analyses practices and investigates the effectiveness of current approaches and communication strategies. The book considers perspectives, from interpreting specialists, educators, emergency doctors, healthcare professionals, psychologists, and members of key NGOs, to reflect the complex and multifaceted nature of crisis communication. Placing an emphasis on lessons learnt and innovative solutions, Translating Crises points the way towards more effective multilingual emergency communication in future crises.

Translating in Town: Local Translation Policies During the European 19th Century (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation)

Translating in Town uncovers administrative and cultural multilingualism and translation practices in multilingual European communities during the long 19th century. Challenging the traditional narrative of nationalist, monolingual language ideologies, this book focuses instead upon translation policies which aimed to accommodate complex language situations with new democratic principles at local levels. Covering a time-frame from 1785 to 1914, chapters investigate towns and cities in the heartland of Europe, such as Barcelona, Milan and Vienna, as well as those on its outer rim, including Nicosia, Cork and Tampere. Highlighting the conflicts and negotiations that took place between official language(s), local language(s) and translation, the book explores the impact on both represented and non-represented monolingual and multilingual citizens. In so doing, Translating in Town highlights the subtle compromises obtained between official monolingualism, multilingualism and translation, and between competing views on official and private translation and transfer techniques, during this fascinating era of European history.

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