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Showing 21,951 through 21,968 of 21,968 results

Wearable and Wireless Systems for Healthcare I: Gait and Reflex Response Quantification (Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation #47)

by Timothy Mastroianni Robert LeMoyne

This book is the second edition of the one originally published in 2017. The original publication features the discovery of numerous novel applications for the use of smartphones and portable media devices for the quantification of gait, reflex response, and an assortment of other concepts that constitute first-in-the-world applications for these devices. Since the first edition, numerous evolutions involving the domain of wearable and wireless systems for healthcare have transpired warranting the publication of the second edition. This volume covers wearable and wireless systems for healthcare that are far more oriented to the unique requirements of the biomedical domain. The paradigm-shifting new wearables have been successfully applied to gait analysis, homebound therapy, and quantifiable exercise. Additionally, the confluence of wearable and wireless systems for healthcare with deep learning and neuromorphic applications for classification is addressed. The authors expect that these significant developments make this book valuable for all readers.

Towards Success in Communicating and Teaching Internationally: Teach and Talk Like You Walk

by Marijana Prodanović Begoña Crespo

This book is an accessibly-written guide to international communicating and teaching practices. Intended for teachers and practitioners, it is written in a reader-friendly way in order to answer some common questions, and overcome obstacles that arise when interacting internationally. Cross-cultural encounters are often burdened with stereotypes, prejudices and misconceptions, which can lead to unwanted outcomes, miscommunication, and even result in total pragmatic failure. The situation becomes even more delicate when the paths of intercultural communication and teaching-learning processes cross. Its style, form and content make this book a vital resource for students, scholars, teachers, and practitioners working in fields such as applied linguistics, cross-cultural pragmatics, education and teaching, cultural studies, as well as international management.

Was machen Menschen und Medien?: Grundzüge einer praxistheoretischen Perspektive für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

by Wolfgang Reißmann Christian Pentzold Peter Gentzel

Die Rede von Praktiken ist in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft weit verbreitet. Eine systematische Diskussion des Potenzials praxistheoretischer Denk- und Forschungsansätze steht dagegen noch aus. Dieses Buch ist eine Einladung zur tieferen Beschäftigung mit Medienpraktiken und wirbt für eine entsprechende Neuorientierung von Kommunikationsforschung und Medienanalyse. Dazu wird der Status quo praxistheoretischer Ansätze in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft kompakt vorgestellt. Interessierte bekommen einen Einstieg und Expert:innen werden Anschlussmöglichkeiten angeboten. Es geht sowohl um Grundprinzipien praxistheoretischen Denkens als auch um die sich daraus ergebenden Haltungen sowie um Zugänge für praktische Untersuchungen. Im Zentrum stehen aktuelle Herausforderungen und die Möglichkeiten, Praktiken in Digitalmedien und vernetzten Medienumgebungen zu analysieren.

Co-simulations of Microwave Circuits and High-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

by Mei Song Tong Xiao Yu Li

This book aims to provide many advanced application topics for microwave circuits and high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) fields by using advanced design system (ADS) and high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) as simulation platforms. In particular, it contains the latest multidisciplinary co-simulation guidance on the design of relevant components and devices. Currently, the circuit/field design and performance analysis and optimization strongly rely on various kinds of robust electronic design automation (EDA) software. RF/microwave engineers must grasp two or more types of related simulation design software. ADS by Keysight and HFSS by Ansys are the representative for circuit simulations and for field and structural simulations of microwave devices, respectively. At present, these two types of software are widely used in enterprises, universities, and research institutions. The main purpose of this book is to enable readers, who are interested in microwave engineering and applied electromagnetics, to master the applications of these two tools. It also helps readers expand their knowledge boundaries behind those types of software and deepen their understanding of developing interdisciplinary technologies by co-simulations. The book is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the two latest versions of ADS and HFSS and helps readers better understand the basic principles and latest functions better. It also advises how to choose appropriate simulation tools for different problems. The second part mainly describes co-simulations for high-frequency EM fields, microwave circuits, antenna designs, EM compatibility (EMC), and thermal and structural analyses. It provides guides and advices on performing co-simulations by ADS and HFSS incorporated with other types of software, respectively. The last part narrates the automation interfaces and script programming methods for co-simulations. It primarily deals with the Advanced Extension Language (AEL), Python Data Link (PDL), and MATLAB interface in ADS. For HFSS, it discusses VBScript, IronPython scripting, and Application Programming Interface (APIs) based on MATLAB. Each topic contains practical examples to help readers understand so that they can gain a solid knowledge and skills regarding automated interfaces and scripting methods based on these kinds of software. Concisely written in combination with practical examples, this book is very suitable as a textbook in introductory courses on microwave circuit and EM simulations and also as a supplementary textbook in many courses on electronics, microwave engineering, communication engineering, and related fields. As well, it can serve as a reference book for microwave engineers and researchers.

Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICASPACE 2023 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1157)

by S. P. Singh Pradip Kumar Jain Yatindra Nath Singh Ravi Paul Gollapalli

This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering (ICASPACE 2023). The book covers several theoretical and mathematical approaches addressing day-to-day challenges in signal, image, and speech processing and advanced communication systems. It primarily focuses on effective mathematical methods, algorithms, and models that enhance the performance of existing systems. The topics covered in the book are advances in signal processing (radar and biomedical), image processing, speech processing, technical and environmental challenges in 5G technology, and strategies for optimal utilization of resources to improve the efficacy of the communication systems in terms of bandwidth and radiating power, etc. The works published in the book will remarkably be helpful to prospective scholars, academicians, and students seeking knowledge in signal processing and communication engineering.

#WeRateDogs: The Most Hilarious and Adorable Pups You've Ever Seen

by Matt Nelson

Based on the social media sensation, #WeRateDogs features the most heroic puppers, adorable floofers and entertaining pooches the world has ever seen. It will take you on a journey through the science of dog rating and its unwavering rules. They are certainly not arbitrary and this book is definitely not just about how cute dogs are.

Media Politics and Democracy in Palestine: Political Culture, Pluralism and the Palestinian Authority (pdf)

by Amal Jamal

In opposition to the PA, liberal as well as Islamic social forces promote policies of protest and resistance, through media tools, against the authoritarian policies of the PA. The media is viewed as a public sphere in which these forces compete. Media institutions play an important role in setting the parameters of communication in processes of state building: promoting public debate and forming public spheres influence the modes of statecivil society relations. Combining concepts of political communication with social movement theory, the author examines the extent to which public opinion plays a role in determining the character of the political regime. The rising tension between the Palestinian Authority's attempts to deepen its control over society and the reaction to this development by opposition groups informs the analysis of each civil institution: the role of NGOs, the Islamic movement, the women's movement and Palestinian feminism, and the liberal-democratic intellectual elite, are all assessed through their media institutions and communication policies, to reveal the character of the emerging Palestinian public sphere.

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication focuses on how diverse actors can come together to promote sustainable environmental practices.Bringing together 25 environmental communication scholars and practitioners across 15 innovative chapters, this book explores the dynamic roles of stakeholders – ranging from governmental bodies and non-profit organisations to local communities and industry players – involved in advancing environmental communication across the Asian continent. Drawing on a rich tapestry of case studies and interdisciplinary perspectives, the book sheds light on the interplay of religious, cultural, political, and economic factors that shape environmental communication strategies and public perception in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Iran, Japan, and Pakistan. It probes into contemporary issues such as Islamic environmental communication, gender roles, social media, political communication, the role of games and gaming companies, as well as the portrayal of ecological messages in film. Overall, this book aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice and will make a significant contribution to the growing literature on multi-stakeholder contribution in environmental communication, particularly in the Asian context.This volume will be of great interest to practitioners, policymakers, and researchers working in the field of environmental communication.

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication (Routledge Studies in Environmental Communication and Media)

by Huang Miao Mohamad Saifudin Mohamad Saleh Shaidatul Akma Adi Kasuma

Multi-Stakeholder Contribution in Asian Environmental Communication focuses on how diverse actors can come together to promote sustainable environmental practices.Bringing together 25 environmental communication scholars and practitioners across 15 innovative chapters, this book explores the dynamic roles of stakeholders – ranging from governmental bodies and non-profit organisations to local communities and industry players – involved in advancing environmental communication across the Asian continent. Drawing on a rich tapestry of case studies and interdisciplinary perspectives, the book sheds light on the interplay of religious, cultural, political, and economic factors that shape environmental communication strategies and public perception in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, China, Thailand, Iran, Japan, and Pakistan. It probes into contemporary issues such as Islamic environmental communication, gender roles, social media, political communication, the role of games and gaming companies, as well as the portrayal of ecological messages in film. Overall, this book aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice and will make a significant contribution to the growing literature on multi-stakeholder contribution in environmental communication, particularly in the Asian context.This volume will be of great interest to practitioners, policymakers, and researchers working in the field of environmental communication.

Einblick: Potenziale und Perspektiven im Kontext von Nähe und Distanz (Designforschung – Designwissenschaft - Designtheorie)

by Tobias Held

Der Band beschäftigt sich mit der Erforschung sozio-interaktiver Potentiale der Videotelefonie im Kontext von Nähe und Verbundenheit mit Fokus auf dem Eigenbild sowie dem Rederechtswechsel. Die Videotelefonie als Kommunikationsform hat sich – und darauf deuten die Erfahrungen der Covid-19-Pandemie hin – im lebensweltlichen Alltag der Menschen etabliert und wird dort in naher Zukunft nicht mehr wegzudenken sein. Auf Basis ihrer Möglichkeiten und Errungenschaften ist es inzwischen Realität und Lebenswirklichkeit, dass die Kommunikation sowohl im privaten als auch im geschäftlichen Kontext mittels verschiedenster Kanäle stattfindet. Der Videotelefonie kommt hierbei als solche nicht nur eine tragende Funktion, sondern auch eine herausragende Rolle bei der vermeintlichen Reproduktion der Face-to-Face-Kommunikation im digitalen Raum zu und wird wie selbstverständlich zum zwischenmenschlichen Austausch genutzt. Just an diesem Punkt knüpft die Forschungsarbeit an. Zentral stand dabei das Vorhaben einer dezidierte Untersuchung des Forschungsgegenstandes Videotelefonie, sowohl aus Kultur- als auch Technikhistorischer, aber auch Medien-, Wahrnehmungs- wie Kommunikations- theoretischer Perspektive, indem analytische und phänosemiotische Perspektiven miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden (z.B. Wahrnehmungsbedingungen, Interaktionsmerkmale, realisierte Kommunikationsprozesse etc.). Die Arbeit ist damit vor allem im Bereich des Produkt- und Interactiondesigns zu verorten, adressiert jedoch auch Motive der Medien- und Wahrnehmungstheorie. Darüber hinaus hat sie das Ziel der Darlegung und Begründung der Videotelefonie als eigenständige Kommunikationsform, welche durch eigene, kommunikative Besonderheiten, die sich in ihrer jeweiligen Ingebrauchnahme sowie durch spezielle Wahrnehmungsbedingungen äußern, und die die Videotelefonie als »Rederechtswechselmedium« avant la lettre konsolidieren, gekennzeichnet ist. Dabei soll der Beweis erbracht werden, dass die Videotelefonie nicht als Schwundstufe einer Kommunikation Face-to-Face, sondern als ein eigenständiges Mediatisierungs- und Kommunikationsereignis zu verstehen sei. Und eben nicht als eine beliebige – sich linear vom Telefon ausgehende – entwickelte Form der audio-visuellen Fernkommunikation darstellt, sondern die gestalterische (Bewegtbild-)Technizität ein eigenständiges Funktionsmaß offeriert, welches wiederum ein innovatives Kommunikationsmilieu im Kontext einer Rederechtswechsel-Medialität stabilisiert.

Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks: Proceedings of Fourth MRCN 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #915)

by Dinesh Kumar Shruti Jain Nikhil Kumar Marriwala Sunil Dhingra

This book features selected high-quality papers from the Forth International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks (MRCN 2023), held at University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India, during August 25–26, 2023. The book features original papers by active researchers presented at the International Conference on Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks. It includes recent advances and upcoming technologies in the field of cellular systems, 2G/2.5G/3G/4G/5G, and beyond, LTE, WiMAX, WMAN, and other emerging broadband wireless networks, WLAN, WPAN, and various home/personal networking technologies, pervasive and wearable computing and networking, small cells and femtocell networks, wireless mesh networks, vehicular wireless networks, cognitive radio networks and their applications, wireless multimedia networks, green wireless networks, standardization of emerging wireless technologies, power management and energy conservation techniques.

Through the Grapevine: Socially Transmitted Information and Distorted Democracy (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Taylor N. Carlson

An enlightening examination of what it means when Americans rely on family and friends to stay on top of politics. Accurate information is at the heart of democratic functioning. For decades, researchers interested in how information is disseminated have focused on mass media, but the reality is that many Americans today do not learn about politics from direct engagement with the news. Rather, about one-third of Americans learn chiefly from information shared by their peers in conversation or on social media. How does this socially transmitted information differ from that communicated by traditional media? What are the consequences for political attitudes and behavior? Drawing on evidence from experiments, surveys, and social media, Taylor N. Carlson finds that, as information flows first from the media then person to person, it becomes sparse, more biased, less accurate, and more mobilizing. The result is what Carlson calls distorted democracy. Although socially transmitted information does not necessarily render democracy dysfunctional, Through the Grapevine shows how it contributes to a public that is at once underinformed, polarized, and engaged.

Through the Grapevine: Socially Transmitted Information and Distorted Democracy (Chicago Studies in American Politics)

by Taylor N. Carlson

An enlightening examination of what it means when Americans rely on family and friends to stay on top of politics. Accurate information is at the heart of democratic functioning. For decades, researchers interested in how information is disseminated have focused on mass media, but the reality is that many Americans today do not learn about politics from direct engagement with the news. Rather, about one-third of Americans learn chiefly from information shared by their peers in conversation or on social media. How does this socially transmitted information differ from that communicated by traditional media? What are the consequences for political attitudes and behavior? Drawing on evidence from experiments, surveys, and social media, Taylor N. Carlson finds that, as information flows first from the media then person to person, it becomes sparse, more biased, less accurate, and more mobilizing. The result is what Carlson calls distorted democracy. Although socially transmitted information does not necessarily render democracy dysfunctional, Through the Grapevine shows how it contributes to a public that is at once underinformed, polarized, and engaged.

Hands-on Signals and Systems Theory

by Kajetana Marta Snopek

This textbook presents the theory of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems and shows how it can be used to solve analytically different problems. The book is dedicated to engineering students who are interested in mathematical methods used to solve real technical problems connected with signals and systems. The book covers, both in continuous- and in discrete domains, analysis of signals in time domain; orthogonal signal representation including Fourier series; convolution and correlation of signals; analysis of signals in the frequency domain and signal sampling, including aliasing and stroboscopic effects, among others. The author also emphasizes the role of Fourier-, one-sided Laplace- and one-sided Z transformations in signals and systems. Chosen methods of analog and digital filter design and stability criteria of analog and digital filters are also described. The author presents the necessary theory in the form of a concise “lecture” accompanied with a number of solved original problems. Every chapter ends with examples of complete solutions with explanation and necessary graphical visualization (graphs, schemes etc.).

Uninformed: Why People Seem to Know So Little about Politics and What We Can Do about It

by Arthur Lupia

Research polls, media interviews, and everyday conversations reveal an unsettling truth: citizens, while well-meaning and even passionate about current affairs, appear to know very little about politics. Hundreds of surveys document vast numbers of citizens answering even basic questions about government incorrectly. Given this unfortunate state of affairs, it is not surprising that more knowledgeable people often deride the public for its ignorance. Some experts even think that less informed citizens should stay out of politics altogether. As Arthur Lupia shows in Uninformed, this is not constructive. At root, critics of public ignorance fundamentally misunderstand the problem. Many experts believe that simply providing people with more facts will make them more competent voters. However, these experts fail to understand how most people learn, and hence don't really know what types of information are even relevant to voters. Feeding them information they don't find relevant does not address the problem. In other words, before educating the public, we need to educate the educators. Lupia offers not just a critique, though; he also has solutions. Drawing from a variety of areas of research on topics like attention span and political psychology, he shows how we can actually increase issue competence among voters in areas ranging from gun regulation to climate change. To attack the problem, he develops an arsenal of techniques to effectively convey to people information they actually care about. Citizens sometimes lack the knowledge that they need to make competent political choices, and it is undeniable that greater knowledge can improve decision making. But we need to understand that voters either don't care about or pay attention to much of the information that experts think is important. Uninformed provides the keys to improving political knowledge and civic competence: understanding what information is important to and knowing how to best convey it to them.

The Rise of Liberal Religion: Book Culture and American Spirituality in the Twentieth Century

by Matthew S. Hedstrom

Winner of the Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Best First Book Prize of the American Society of Church History Society for U. S. Intellectual History Notable Title in American Intellectual History The story of liberal religion in the twentieth century, Matthew S. Hedstrom contends, is a story of cultural ascendency. This may come as a surprise-most scholarship in American religious history, after all, equates the numerical decline of the Protestant mainline with the failure of religious liberalism. Yet a look beyond the pews, into the wider culture, reveals a more complex and fascinating story, one Hedstrom tells in The Rise of Liberal Religion. Hedstrom attends especially to the critically important yet little-studied arena of religious book culture-particularly the religious middlebrow of mid-century-as the site where religious liberalism was most effectively popularized. By looking at book weeks, book clubs, public libraries, new publishing enterprises, key authors and bestsellers, wartime reading programs, and fan mail, among other sources, Hedstrom is able to provide a rich, on-the-ground account of the men, women, and organizations that drove religious liberalism's cultural rise in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. Critically, by the post-WWII period the religious middlebrow had expanded beyond its Protestant roots, using mystical and psychological spirituality as a platform for interreligious exchange. This compelling history of religion and book culture not only shows how reading and book buying were critical twentieth-century religious practices, but also provides a model for thinking about the relationship of religion to consumer culture more broadly. In this way, The Rise of Liberal Religion offers both innovative cultural history and new ways of seeing the imprint of liberal religion in our own times.

Legal Interpretation: Perspectives from Other Disciplines and Private Texts

by Kent Greenawalt

In Legal Interpretation, Kent Greenawalt focuses on the complex and multi-faceted topic of textual interpretation of the law. All law needs to be interpreted, and there are many ways to do it. But what sorts of questions must one seek to answer in interpreting law and what approach should one take in each case? Whose interpretations should be prioritized? Why would one be drawn to one strategy over another? And should legal interpretation seek to satisfy specific aims or general objectives? In order to provide the answers to these questions, Greenawalt explores the ways in which interpretive strategies from other disciplines--the philosophy of language, literary and musical interpretation, religious interpretation, and general interpretive theory--can augment and enrich methods of legal interpretation. Over the course of the book, he suggests how such forms of interpretation are analogous to legal interpretation--and points to those cases in which interpretation must rest on the distinctive aspects of legal theory, such as is the case with private documents. Furthermore, Greenawalt's meditation suggests that interpretive strategies from other disciplines can shed light on the essential nature of legal interpretation and provide roads by which to account for dissonance between various methods of interpretation. Legal Interpretation is a thought-provoking reflection on the ways that insights from a range of intellectual traditions can deepen our understanding of law, particularly with regard to constitutional law.

The Oxford Handbook of African American Language (Oxford Handbooks)

by Sonja Lanehart

The goal of The Oxford Handbook of African American Language is to provide readers with a wide range of analyses of both traditional and contemporary work on language use in African American communities in a broad collective. The Handbook offers a survey of language and its uses in African American communities from a wide range of contexts organized into seven sections: Origins and Historical Perspectives; Lects and Variation; Structure and Description; Child Language Acquisition and Development; Education; Language in Society; and Language and Identity. It is a handbook of research on African American Language (AAL) and, as such, provides a variety of scholarly perspectives that may not align with each other -- as is indicative of most scholarly research. The chapters in this book "interact" with one another as contributors frequently refer the reader to further elaboration on and references to related issues and connect their own research to related topics in other chapters within their own sections and the handbook more generally to create dialogue about AAL, thus affirming the need for collaborative thinking about the issues in AAL research. Though the Handbook does not and cannot include every area of research, it is meant to provide suggestions for future work on lesser-studied areas (e.g., variation/heterogeneity in regional, social, and ethnic communities) by highlighting a need for collaborative perspectives and innovative thinking while reasserting the need for better research and communication in areas thought to be resolved.

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