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The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media An Affective Approach - Sharing Death Online

by Carsten Stage Tina Thode Hougaard

This book investigates the language created and used on social media to express and respond to personal experiences of illness, dying and mourning. The authors begin by setting out the established and recent research on social and existential media, affect and language, before focusing on Facebook groups dealing with the illness and death of two Danish children. Through these in-depth case studies, they produce insights into different ways of engaging in affective processes related to illness and death on social media, and into both the ritualized and innovative vernacular vocabulary created through these encounters. Developing an analytical framework for understanding the social role and logics of "affective language" (such as emojis, interjections and other forms of expressive interactive writing), The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media will be of great interest to all those striving to understand the affective importance and roles of language for sharing experiences of illness, death and commemoration in these spheres.

The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media An Affective Approach - Sharing Death Online (PDF)

by Carsten Stage Tina Thode Hougaard

This book investigates the language created and used on social media to express and respond to personal experiences of illness, dying and mourning. The authors begin by setting out the established and recent research on social and existential media, affect and language, before focusing on Facebook groups dealing with the illness and death of two Danish children. Through these in-depth case studies, they produce insights into different ways of engaging in affective processes related to illness and death on social media, and into both the ritualized and innovative vernacular vocabulary created through these encounters. Developing an analytical framework for understanding the social role and logics of "affective language" (such as emojis, interjections and other forms of expressive interactive writing), The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media will be of great interest to all those striving to understand the affective importance and roles of language for sharing experiences of illness, death and commemoration in these spheres.

Mass Producing European Cinema: Studiocanal And Its Works (PDF)

by Christopher Meir

Equal parts historical study, industrial analysis and critical survey of some of the most important films and television programs in recent European history, this book gives readers an overview of the development and output of this important company while also giving them a ringside seat for the latest round of the oldest battle in the film business. With films like Lucy, The Impossible and Paddington, European studios are producing hits that are unprecedented in terms of global success. Christopher Meir delves into StudioCanal, the foremost European company in the contemporary film and television industries, and chronicles its rise from a small production subsidiary of Canal Plus to being the most important global challenger to Hollywood's dominance.

Advances in Information and Communication Technologies for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change II: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (AACC'18), November 21-23, 2018, Cali, Colombia (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #893)

by Juan Carlos Corrales Plamen Angelov José Antonio Iglesias

This book presents novel communication technology solutions to address the effects of climate change and climate variability on agriculture, with a particular focus on those that increase agricultural production. It discusses decision support and early warning systems for agriculture; information technology (IT) supporting sustainable water management and land cover dynamics; predictive of crop production models; and software applications for reducing the effects of diseases and pests on crops. Further topics include the real-time monitoring of weather conditions and water quality, as well as food security issues. Featuring the proceedings of the International Conference of ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change (AACC’18), held on November 21–23, 2018, in Cali, Colombia, the book represents a timely report and a source of new ideas and solutions for both researchers and practitioners active in the agricultural sector around the globe.

Probabilistic Methods and Distributed Information: Rudolf Ahlswede’s Lectures on Information Theory 5 (Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking #15)

by Rudolf Ahlswede Alexander Ahlswede Ingo Althöfer Christian Deppe Vladimir Blinovsky Ulrich Tamm Holger Boche Ulrich Krengel Ahmed Mansour

The fifth volume of Rudolf Ahlswede’s lectures on Information Theory focuses on several problems that were at the heart of a lot of his research. One of the highlights of the entire lecture note series is surely Part I of this volume on arbitrarily varying channels (AVC), a subject in which Ahlswede was probably the world's leading expert. Appended to Part I is a survey by Holger Boche and Ahmed Mansour on recent results concerning AVC and arbitrarily varying wiretap channels (AVWC). After a short Part II on continuous data compression, Part III, the longest part of the book, is devoted to distributed information. This Part includes discussions on a variety of related topics; among them let us emphasize two which are famously associated with Ahlswede: "multiple descriptions", on which he produced some of the best research worldwide, and "network coding", which had Ahlswede among the authors of its pioneering paper. The final Part IV on "Statistical Inference under Communication constraints" is mainly based on Ahlswede’s joint paper with Imre Csiszar, which received the Best Paper Award of the IEEE Information Theory Society. The lectures presented in this work, which consists of 10 volumes, are suitable for graduate students in Mathematics, and also for those working in Theoretical Computer Science, Physics, and Electrical Engineering with a background in basic Mathematics. The lectures can be used either as the basis for courses or to supplement them in many ways. Ph.D. students will also find research problems, often with conjectures, that offer potential subjects for a thesis. More advanced researchers may find questions which form the basis of entire research programs.

Hybrid Massive MIMO Precoding in Cloud-RAN (Wireless Networks)

by Tho Le-Ngoc Ruikai Mai

This book covers the design and optimization of hybrid RF-baseband precoding for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-enabled cloud radio access networks (RANs), where use cases such as millimeter-wave wireless backhauling, fully-loaded cellular networks are of interest. The suitability and practical implementation of the proposed precoding solutions for the Cloud RAN architecture are also discussed.Novel techniques are examined for RF precoding optimization in combination with nonlinear precoding at baseband, and the superiority of joint RF-baseband design is verified. Moreover, the efficacy of hybrid RF-baseband precoding to combat intercell interference in a multi-cell environment with universal frequency reuse is investigated, which is concluded to be a promising enabler for the dense deployment of base stations. This book mainly targets researchers and engineers interested in the challenges, optimization, and implementation of massive MIMO precoding in 5G Cloud RAN. Graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science interested in the application of mathematical optimization to model and solve precoding problems in massive MIMO cellular systems will also be interested in this book.

The 7 Second CV: How to Land the Interview

by James Reed

Write a killer CV and land your dream job. It takes an employer just seven seconds to save or reject a job applicant’s CV. In this book, James Reed – chairman of REED, Britain’s largest recruitment company – offers invaluable and specific advice on what employers want to see in the CVs they receive and how you can stand out from the crowd. Unlike other career development books, the honest advice presented here has been compiled from one-to-one interviews, surveys and countrywide workshops across REED’s network of recruitment consultants. This book is an accessible and enjoyable read, intensely practical and packed with pull-out quotes, layout examples and tips. Find out what future employers are looking for and take the first step to start loving Mondays again.

International Conference on Advanced Computing Networking and Informatics: ICANI-2018 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #870)

by Raj Kamal Michael Henshaw Pramod S. Nair

The book comprises selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics (ICANI 2018), organized by Medi-Caps University, India. It includes novel and original research work on advanced computing, networking and informatics, and discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the emerging techniques in the field of computing and networking.

Geschichten erzählen: Storytelling für Radio und Podcast (Journalistische Praxis)

by Sven Preger

s gehört zu den schönsten und komplexesten Aufgaben in Radio und Podcast: spannende Geschichten zu erzählen. Wie kann ich Hörer*innen 15, 30 oder 60 Minuten an eine reale Geschichte binden? Oder gar für eine ganze Serie begeistern? Dieses Buch beschreibt den professionellen Weg zu einer spannenden Erzählung. Es gibt praxistaugliche Antworten auf alle entscheidenden Fragen: Welche Stoffe taugen für lange Geschichten? Wie halte ich die Spannung von Anfang bis Ende aufrecht? Wie finde ich meine Erzählstimme? Und wie entwickelt man ein Sound-Design für komplexe Erzählungen? Ein Praxis-Buch, mit dessen Hilfe sich die Potenziale von Radio und Podcast entfalten lassen. Die Website zum Buch bietet weiterführende Links und ergänzt aktuelle Entwicklungen.

Interne Kommunikation in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen: Eine qualitative Analyse in Print- und Digitalunternehmen

by Jennifer Dietz Sina Mötzing Sarah Wolf Christoph Kochhan Holger Schunk

In einem komplexen Marktumfeld kann eine funktionierende Unternehmenskommunikation einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsvorteil für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen darstellen. Viele Betriebe konzentrieren sich jedoch auf die externe Kommunikation, während die interne Kommunikation vernachlässigt wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund gibt die vorliegende leitfaden-gestützte Interviewstudie einen Einblick in den Status quo und die Entwicklungsperspektiven der internen Kommunikation. Als ein Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass für Mitarbeiter aus der Generation Y, den so genannten „Digital Natives“, die Face-to-Face-Kommunikation am beliebtesten ist – dies gilt sowohl für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen der Digital- als auch der Printbranche.

Strategische Kommunikation deutscher Großkirchen: Von kirchlicher Publizistik zur strategischen Kirchenkommunikation (Organisationskommunikation)

by Markus Wiesenberg

Markus Wiesenberg liefert eine begriffliche und konzeptionelle interdisziplinäre Grundlegung einer Kirchenkommunikation sowie umfassende empirische Einblicke in die Praxis der strategischen Kommunikation organisierter Religion. Vor dem Hintergrund der schwindenden Legitimation der deutschen Großkirchen (römisch-katholisch und evangelisch) verknüpft er theoretisch-konzeptionell kommunikationswissenschaftliche und religionssoziologische Perspektiven zu einer Theorie strategischer Kirchenkommunikation. In einer komparativen Fallstudie analysiert der Autor mittels einer Mehrebenenuntersuchung in 15 deutschen Großstädten sowohl die Ebene der Gemeinden und Pfarreien als auch der Landeskirchen, Bistümer sowie der EKD und der Bischofskonferenz.

Advances in Body Area Networks I: Post-Conference Proceedings of BodyNets 2017 (Internet of Things)

by Giancarlo Fortino Zhelong Wang

This book presents the post-proceedings, including all revised versions of the accepted papers, of the 2017 European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2017). The goal of BodyNets 2017 was to provide a world-leading and unique forum, bringing together researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines to plan, analyze, design, build, deploy and experiment with/on Body Area Networks (BANs).

Digitale Unternehmensführung: Kommunikationsstrategien für ein exzellentes Management

by Anabel Ternès Marco Englert

Im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation spielen die interne wie auch die externe Kommunikation eine Schlüsselrolle in Unternehmen. Schließlich ist das Wissensmanagement mittlerweile mehr noch als das Produktionsmanagement ein entscheidender Faktor für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Das Buch liefert Verantwortlichen in Unternehmen das Know-how, um die digitalen Medien als Mittel der Kommunikation mit internen und externen Kommunikationspartnern zu verstehen und exzellent einzusetzen. In ihren Beiträgen beleuchten die Autoren die digitale Transformation für verschiedene Managementbereiche im Unternehmen: Projektmanagement, Reputations- und Marketingkommunikation, Value-Chain-Management und Human-Resources-Management. Während die digitale Vernetzung die Abstimmungen im Projektmanagement wesentlich einfacher macht, da Mitarbeiter nicht vor Ort sein müssen, revolutionieren die Möglichkeiten des Internets mit sozialen Netzwerken und Plattformen die Marketingkommunikation. Nicht nur die Reichweite der Marketingaktivitäten erhöht sich enorm, etwa durch Verfahren wie Seeding, auch die Zielgenauigkeit der Aktivitäten kann durch Search Engine Optimization (SEO) oder Content-Marketing gesteigert werden. Beim Value-Chain-Management kann die Kommunikation über digitale Kanäle vor allem Prozesse optimieren und den Zugriff auf Informationen verbessern. Personalverantwortliche können ihr Recruiting optimieren, indem sie beispielsweise auf Online-Video-Rekrutierung setzen. Auch die elektronische Verwaltung der Personalakten bietet Optimierungspotenziale.Theoretisch fundiert und stets nah an der Praxis stellen die Autoren Ansätze vor, mit denen sich digitale Kommunikation in Unternehmen nicht nur zeitgemäß, sondern auch effektiv gestalten lässt. Ein Buch für Verantwortliche in Unternehmen, die ihr Management weiterentwickeln wollen und dafür auf die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Kommunikation setzen.

Data and Communication Networks: Proceedings of GUCON 2018 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #847)

by Lakhmi C. Jain Valentina E. Balas Prashant Johri

The book constitutes selected high quality papers presented in International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies 2018 (GUCON 2018) organised by Galgotias University, India, in September 2018. It discusses issues in electrical, computer and electronics engineering and technologies. The selected papers are organised into three sections - cloud computing and computer networks; data mining and big data analysis; and bioinformatics and machine learning. In-depth discussions on various issues under these topics provides an interesting compilation for researchers, engineers, and students.

Gender in Literary Translation: A Corpus-Based Study of the English Translations of Chenzhong De Chibang (Corpora and Intercultural Studies #3)

by Lingzi Meng

This book explores the role of gender in male- and female-produced efforts to translate a Chinese novel into English. Adopting the CDA framework and corpus methodology, the study examines the specific ways in which, and extent to which, a female British translator and a male American translator construct their gender identity in translation. Based on an analysis of the two translations’ textual and paratextual features, it reveals the fascinating ways in which language, gender and translation interact. The book is intended for anyone who is interested in gender and translation studies, particularly in applying the new corpus methodology to exploring the interface between gender and translation in the Chinese context.

Industrial Process Identification: Perturbation Signal Design and Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)

by Ai Hui Tan Keith Richard Godfrey

Industrial Process Identification brings together the latest advances in perturbation signal design. It describes the approaches to the design process that are relevant to industries. The authors’ discussion of several software packages (Frequency Domain System Identification Toolbox, prs, GALOIS, multilev_new, and Input-Signal-Creator) will allow readers to understand the different designs in industries and begin designing common classes of signals.The authors include two case studies that provide a balance between the theory and practice of these designs: the identification of a direction-dependent electronic nose system; andthe identification of a multivariable cooling system with time-varying delay. Major aspects of signal design such as the formulation of suitable specifications in the face of practical constraints, the classes of designs available, the various objectives necessitating separate treatments when dealing with nonlinear systems, and extension to multi-input scenarios, are discussed. Codes, including some that will produce simulated data, are included to help readers replicate the results described.Industrial Process Identification is a powerful source of information for control engineers working in the process and communications industries seeking guidance on choosing identification software tools for use in practical experiments and case studies. The book will also be of interest to academic researchers and students working in electrical, mechanical and communications engineering and the application of perturbation signal design. Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.

Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the IoT Environment: Principles, Technologies and Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)

by Zaigham Mahmood

Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an element of pervasive computing that brings smartness to living and business environments to make them more sensitive, adaptive, autonomous and personalized to human needs. It refers to intelligent interfaces that recognise human presence and preferences, and adjust smart environments to suit their immediate needs and requirements. The key factor is the presence of intelligence and decision-making capabilities in IoT environments. The underlying technologies include pervasive computing, ubiquitous communication, seamless connectivity of smart devices, sensor networks, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and context-aware human-computer interaction (HCI). AmI applications and scenarios include smart homes, autonomous self-driving vehicles, healthcare systems, smart roads, the industry sector, smart facilities management, the education sector, emergency services, and many more. The advantages of AmI in the IoT environment are extensive. However, as for any new technological paradigm, there are also many open issues and limitations. This book discusses the AmI element of the IoT and the relevant principles, frameworks, and technologies in particular, as well as the benefits and inherent limitations. It reviews the state of the art of current developments relating to smart spaces and AmI-based IoT environments. Written by leading international researchers and practitioners, the majority of the contributions focus on device connectivity, pervasive computing and context modelling (including communication, security, interoperability, scalability, and adaptability). The book presents cutting-edge research, current trends, and case studies, as well as suggestions to further our understanding and the development and enhancement of the AmI-IoT vision.

Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems: Infinite-time and Finite-time Design Methods (Communications and Control Engineering)

by Yongduan Song Yujuan Wang

Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems is concerned with the distributed cooperative control of multiple networked nonlinear systems in the presence of unknown non-parametric uncertainties and non-vanishing disturbances under certain communication conditions. It covers stability analysis tools and distributed control methods for analyzing and synthesizing nonlinear networked systems. The book presents various solutions to cooperative control problems of multiple networked nonlinear systems on graphs. The book includes various examples with segments of MATLAB® codes for readers to verify, validate, and replicate the results. The authors present a series of new control results for nonlinear networked systems subject to both non-parametric and non-vanishing uncertainties, including the cooperative uniformly ultimately bounded (CUUB) result, finite-time stability result, and finite-time cooperative uniformly ultimately bounded (FT-CUUB) result. With some mathematical tools, such as algebraic graph theory and certain aspects of matrix analysis theory introduced by the authors, the readers can obtain a deeper understanding of the roles of matrix operators as mathematical machinery for cooperative control design for multi-agent systems. Cooperative Control of Nonlinear Networked Systems is a valuable source of information for researchers and engineers in cooperative adaptive control, as its technical contents are presented with examples in full analytical and numerical detail, and graphically illustrated for easy-to-understand results. Scientists in research institutes and academics in universities working on nonlinear systems, adaptive control and distributed control will find the book of interest, as it contains multi-disciplinary problems and covers different areas of research.

Vertrauen und die Suche nach Gesundheitsinformationen: Eine empirische Untersuchung des Informationshandelns von Gesunden und Erkrankten

by Elena Link

Im Zentrum der Arbeit von Elena Link steht die Bedeutung des Vertrauens als bisher wenig beachtete soziale Dimension des Informationshandelns von Patienten. Mit der Zielsetzung, dessen Rolle zu identifizieren, integriert die Arbeit die theoretischen Perspektiven des Unsicherheitsmanagements und Vertrauens. Auf eine fundierte theoretische Modellierung folgen eine empirische Modellspezifikation und -prüfung mittels qualitativer Leitfadengespräche und einer repräsentativen Befragung. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Bedeutung des Vertrauens und zeigen, dass die Kommunikation mit Ärzten, die Informationssuche im Internet wie auch die Bedeutung des Vertrauens für beide von situativen Faktoren abhängig sind.

Der Bertelsmann-Konzern und die französische Medienpolitik: Analysen der Strategien, Medienberichterstattung und parlamentarischen Debatten (Studies in International, Transnational and Global Communications)

by Marlen Bartsch

Marlen Bartsch analysiert das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den Interessen und Strategien des multinational ausgerichteten Bertelsmann-Konzerns und der als protektionistisch bezeichneten Medienpolitik des Nationalstaats Frankreich. Basierend auf dem theoretischen Modell der Akteurtheorie des Soziologen Uwe Schimank untersucht sie die französische Medienpolitik und die Aktivitäten und Strategien des Medienkonzerns weltweit sowie mit Fokus auf Frankreich. Inhaltsanalysen der Medienberichterstattung und der parlamentarischen Debatten in Frankreich verdeutlichen eine parteipolitische Relevanz in der Interpretation des Verhältnisses. Die Autorin bietet neben der Analyse von Makro-, Meso- und Mikroebene der Kommunikation zusätzlich neue Ansätze für ein erweitertes Verständnis und eine Neubewertung der französischen Medienpolitik.

Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #9)

by Jeremiah Morelock

After President Trump’s election, BREXIT and the widespread rise of far-Right political parties, much public discussion has intensely focused on populism and authoritarianism. In the middle of the twentieth century, members of the early Frankfurt School prolifically studied and theorized fascism and anti-Semitism in Germany and the United States. In this volume, leading European and American scholars apply insights from the early Frankfurt School to present-day authoritarian populism, including the Trump phenomenon and related developments across the globe. Chapters are arranged into three sections exploring different aspects of the topic: theories, historical foundations, and manifestations via social media. Contributions examine the vital political, psychological and anthropological theories of early Frankfurt School thinkers, and how their insights could be applied now amidst the insecurities and confusions of twenty-first century life. The many theorists considered include Adorno, Fromm, Löwenthal and Marcuse, alongside analysis of Austrian Facebook pages and Trump’s tweets and operatic media drama. This book is a major contribution towards deeper understanding of populism’s resurgence in the age of digital capitalism.

Critical Theory and Authoritarian Populism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #9)

by Jeremiah Morelock

After President Trump’s election, BREXIT and the widespread rise of far-Right political parties, much public discussion has intensely focused on populism and authoritarianism. In the middle of the twentieth century, members of the early Frankfurt School prolifically studied and theorized fascism and anti-Semitism in Germany and the United States. In this volume, leading European and American scholars apply insights from the early Frankfurt School to present-day authoritarian populism, including the Trump phenomenon and related developments across the globe. Chapters are arranged into three sections exploring different aspects of the topic: theories, historical foundations, and manifestations via social media. Contributions examine the vital political, psychological and anthropological theories of early Frankfurt School thinkers, and how their insights could be applied now amidst the insecurities and confusions of twenty-first century life. The many theorists considered include Adorno, Fromm, Löwenthal and Marcuse, alongside analysis of Austrian Facebook pages and Trump’s tweets and operatic media drama. This book is a major contribution towards deeper understanding of populism’s resurgence in the age of digital capitalism.

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #2)

by Mariano Zukerfeld

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalism’s totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property. The book offers nothing less than an introduction to the theory of cognitive materialism and an account of the entirety of the digital (or knowledge) capitalism of our time. 'A sustained and well-informed critical philosophical study of knowledge in society and capitalism.' Professor Christian Fuchs, CDSMS series editor and author of Critical Theory of Communication and Social Media: A Critical Introduction. 'A bold, comprehensive theoretical book, offering a new understanding of knowledge and its role in capitalism, historically, and today.' Dr Eran Fisher, author of Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age: The Spirit of Networks.

Knowledge In The Age Of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction To Cognitive Materialism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #2)

by Mariano Zukerfeld

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalism’s totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property.

Public Relations And The Power Of Creativity: Strategic Opportunities, Innovation And Critical Challenges (Advances In Public Relations And Communication Management Ser. (PDF) #3)

by Sarah Bowman Adrian Crookes Øyvind Ihlen Stefania Romenti

Creativity is the development and use of imagination to solve current challenges or create innovative ideas for the future. The complexity and challenges of the contemporary world arguably require increasing levels of creativity and innovation to manage the disruptive forces at work and build a prosperous and sustainable global society. Public relations is often seen as the discipline that amplifies creative ideas developed by other sectors, but this is changing. With the blurring of lines among creative industries, organisations are increasingly turning to PR to generate the 'big ideas' at the heart of effective communication. This volume gathers 12 outstanding contributions from scholars based in Germany, Finland, Austria, Romania, the UK, Spain, France, Norway, Turkey and the USA. Taken together, the chapters demonstrate a range of possibilities for creative thinking about public relations management and collaboration in different settings and with different purposes. The chapters hint at opportunities, point towards innovation, and challenge our thinking about the power of creativity.

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