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Qualität managen: Das ISO-Handbuch für Kreative in Medien (Journalistische Praxis)

by Christian Chang-Langhorst Dirk Heynen Sylvia Homann Ursula Wienken

"Mind the GAPZ" - mit dieser Formel zeigt das Autorenteam, wie man ganzheitlich Änderungen gestaltet, Prozesse lebt und Ziele definiert. Qualität und damit Erfolg erreichen Medien langfristig nur, wenn sie sich nicht nur mit dem Produkt, sondern auch mit Strukturen und Strategien beschäftigen. Das Handbuch kristallisiert die Grundgedanken und Leitlinien der Qualitätsmanagement-Norm DIN EN ISO 9001 heraus und bricht diese auf den Medien- und Redaktionsalltag herunter. So wird die tägliche Arbeit in strukturierte Bahnen gelenkt - trotz knapper Zeit entsteht ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt.

Memory, Meaning, and Resistance: Reflecting on Oral History and Women at the Margins

by Fran Leeper Buss

Fran Leeper Buss, a former welfare recipient who earned a PhD in history and became a pioneer in the field of oral history, has for forty years dedicated herself to the goal of collecting the stories of marginal and working-class U.S. women. Memory, Meaning, and Resistance is based on over 100 oral histories gathered from women from a variety of racial, ethnic, and geographical backgrounds, including a traditional Mexican American midwife, a Latina poet and organizer for the United Farm Workers, and an African American union and freedom movement organizer. Buss now analyzes this body of work, identifying common themes in women’s lives and resistance that unite the oral histories she has gathered. From the beginning, her work has shed light on the inseparable, compounding effects of gender, race, ethnicity, and class on women’s lives—what is now commonly called intersectionality. Memory, Meaning, and Resistance is structured thematically, with each chapter analyzing a concept that runs through the oral histories, e.g., agency, activism, religion. The result is a testament to women’s individual and collective strength, and an invaluable guide for students and researchers, on how to effectively and sensitively conduct oral histories that observe, record, recount, and analyze women’s life stories.

Smart Computing and Informatics: Proceedings of the First International Conference on SCI 2016, Volume 1 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #77)

by Suresh Chandra Satapathy Vikrant Bhateja Swagatam Das

This volume contains 74 papers presented at SCI 2016: First International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics. The conference was held during 3-4 March 2017, Visakhapatnam, India and organized communally by ANITS, Visakhapatnam and supported technically by CSI Division V – Education and Research and PRF, Vizag. This volume contains papers mainly focused on applications of advanced intelligent techniques to video processing, medical imaging, machine learning, sensor technologies, and network security.

In the Name of Editorial Freedom: 125 Years at the Michigan Daily

by Stephanie Steinberg

At a time when daily print newspapers across the country are failing, the Michigan Daily continues to thrive. Completely operated by students of the University of Michigan, the paper was founded in 1890 and covers national and international news topics ranging from politics to sports to entertainment. The Daily has been a vital part of the college experience for countless UM students, none more so than those who staffed the paper as editors, writers, and photographers over the years. Many of these Daily alumni are now award-winning journalists who work for the premier news outlets in the world. In the Name of Editorial Freedom, titled after the paper’s longstanding masthead, compiles original essays by some of the best-known Daily alumni about their time on staff. For example Dan Okrent, first public editor of the New York Times, discusses traveling with a cohort of Daily reporters to cover the explosive 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Rebecca Blumenstein, deputy editor-in-chief of the Wall Street Journal, and author Alan Paul talk about the intensity of the Daily newsroom and the lasting relationships it forged. Adam Schefter of ESPN recalls his awkward first story that nevertheless set him on the path to become the ultimate NFL insider. The essays of this book offer a glimpse, as activist Tom Hayden writes, at the Daily’s impressive role covering historic events and how those stories molded the lives of the students who reported them. Search and browse the Bentley Historical Library's Michigan Daily Archive, The free online archive contains stories from 23,000 issues published between 1891 and 2014. "They say a newspaper is a daily miracle. If that’s so, The Michigan Daily is something beyond that, with the whole operation run by a bunch of sleep-deprived 20-year olds. What could go wrong? Here, Daily alums share their mistakes freely, weaving their stories through a half-century of American history with wit and wisdom--much of it hard-earned--but also justifiable pride in their idealism, their dedication, and the seriousness of the work they did while mere undergraduates. For all they've accomplished since their Daily days, you get the feeling they’d trade it all for another year at 420 Maynard--and you understand why." --John U. Bacon, bestselling author of Three and Out: Rich Rodriguez and the Michigan Wolverines in the Crucible of College Football and Endzone: The Rise, Fall, and Return of Michigan Football “I cannot imagine a better way to celebrate 125 years of student journalism than the essays contained in this wonderful volume. Going back some 55 years, the authors, all of whom are successful in their craft, have fashioned for us a unique window into the lives of students at the University of Michigan. Their stories are powerful and remind us of the magic of this place where students both are challenged and challenge others daily to change the world for the better.” —Mary Sue Coleman, President Emerita at the University of Michigan “This book provides a truly wonderful collection of essays by alumni of the Michigan Daily, one of the nation’s leading college newspapers, concerning their experiences as students covering some of the most important moments in the history of our university, the nation, and the world. Since many of these Michigan Daily alumni have gone on to important careers in American journalism, their fascinating perspectives provide strong evidence of the educational power of such student extracurricular experiences.” —James J. Duderstadt, President Emeritus at the University of Michigan

Vorstandsvorsitzende aus der Sicht ihrer Stakeholder: Bedeutung und Zusammensetzung von CEO-Images

by Julia Caspers

Julia Caspers untersucht die Wahrnehmung von CEOs deutscher börsennotierter Unternehmen durch Medien, Investoren, politische Akteure und Mitarbeiter. Anhand von Interviews mit hochrangigen Experten für die verschiedenen Stakeholdergruppen stellt sie insbesondere zwei Aspekte in den Vordergrund: Die Bedeutung von CEOs für die Unternehmenswahrnehmung sowie die Zusammensetzung von CEO-Images. Die Autorin filtert wesentliche Merkmale heraus, in denen sich die Bedeutung von CEOs in der Stakeholderwahrnehmung manifestiert, sowie relevante Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, anhand derer CEOs bewertet werden. Die CEO-Wahrnehmung ist dabei immer auch von verschiedenen unternehmens- und stakeholderspezifischen Einflussfaktoren abhängig.

Speaking in Tongues: Languages at Play in the Theatre

by Marvin Carlson

Speaking in Tongues presents a unique account of how language has been employed in the theatre, not simply as a means of communication but also as a stylistic and formal device, and for a number of cultural and political operations. The use of multiple languages in the contemporary theatre is in part a reflection of a more globalized culture, but it also calls attention to how the mixing of language has always been an important part of the functioning of theatre. The book begins by investigating various "levels" of language-high and low style, prose and poetry-and the ways in which these have been used historically to mark social positions and relationships. It next considers some of the political and historical implications of dialogue theatre, as well as theatre that literally employs several languages, from classical Greek examples to the postmodern era. Carlson treats with special attention the theatre of the postcolonial world, and especially the triangulation of the local language, the national language, and the colonial language, drawing on examples of theatre in the Caribbean, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Finally, Carlson considers the layering of languages in the theatre, such as the use of supertitles or simultaneous signing. Speaking in Tongues draws important social and political conclusions about the role of language in cultural power, making a vital contribution to the fields of theatre and performance. Marvin Carlson is Sidney E. Cohn Professor of Theatre and Comparative Literature, CUNY Graduate Center. He is author of Performance: A Critical Introduction; Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey, from the Greeks to the Present; and The Haunted Stage: The Theatre as Memory Machine, among many other books.

Security and Data Storage Aspect in Cloud Computing (Studies in Big Data #52)

by Prachi S. Deshpande Subhash C. Sharma Sateesh K. Peddoju

This book analyses the various security threats in cloud computing. A host-based IDS (HIDS) using signature verification is developed and implemented for the concerned security issues. Further, owing to the vulnerability of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing, a network based IDS (NIDS) is developed and implemented against such attacks. The performance of these IDS is verified in the Cloud scenario as well against the standard data set. Finally, a simple data storage and security model is developed and implemented for the Cloud computing scenario. The contents of this book will be of interest to researchers and professionals alike.

Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships

by Walid Afifi Dr Peter A. Andersen Dr Laura K. Guerrero

A relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships, Fifth Edition helps students better understand their relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family members. Bestselling authors Laura K. Guerrero, Peter A. Andersen, and Walid A. Afifi offer research-based insights and content illustrated with engaging scenarios to show how state-of-the-art research and theory can be applied to specific issues within relationships—with a focus on issues that are central to describing and understanding close relationships. While maintaining the spotlight on communication, the authors also emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the study of personal relationships by including research from such disciplines as social psychology and family studies. The book covers issues relevant to developing, maintaining, repairing, and ending relationships. Both the "bright" and "dark" sides of interpersonal communication within relationships are explored.

Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships

by Walid Afifi Dr Peter A. Andersen Dr Laura K. Guerrero

A relational approach to the study of interpersonal communication Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships, Fifth Edition helps students better understand their relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family members. Bestselling authors Laura K. Guerrero, Peter A. Andersen, and Walid A. Afifi offer research-based insights and content illustrated with engaging scenarios to show how state-of-the-art research and theory can be applied to specific issues within relationships—with a focus on issues that are central to describing and understanding close relationships. While maintaining the spotlight on communication, the authors also emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the study of personal relationships by including research from such disciplines as social psychology and family studies. The book covers issues relevant to developing, maintaining, repairing, and ending relationships. Both the "bright" and "dark" sides of interpersonal communication within relationships are explored.

Advances in Communication, Devices and Networking: Proceedings of ICCDN 2018 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #537)

by Rabindranath Bera Subir Kumar Sarkar Om Prakash Singh Hemanta Saikia

The book covers recent trends in the field of devices, wireless communication and networking. It presents the outcomes of the International Conference in Communication, Devices and Networking (ICCDN 2018), which was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim, India on 2–3 June, 2018. Gathering cutting-edge research papers prepared by researchers, engineers and industry professionals, it will help young and experienced scientists and developers alike to explore new perspectives, and offer them inspirations on addressing real-world problems in the field of electronics, communication, devices and networking.

Emotions Meet Cognitions: Zum Zusammenspiel von emotionalen und kognitiven Prozessen in der Medienrezeptions- und Medienwirkungsforschung

by Holger Schramm Jörg Matthes Christian Schemer

Anlässlich des 60. Geburtstags von Werner Wirth nehmen die Autorinnen und Autoren in dieser Festschrift jüngere theoretische Entwicklungen und empirische Befunde der Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung zum wechselseitigen Einfluss von Emotionen und Kognitionen in den Blick. Die ausgewiesenen Expertinnen und Experten – gleichzeitig langjährige Wegbegleiter Werner Wirths – widmen sich schlaglichtartig prominenten Forschungsfeldern, die Werner Wirth intensiv und nachhaltig bearbeitet hat.

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet: The Modern Guide to Performing in the Electronic Media

by Carl Hausman Philip G. Benoit Fritz Messere

Announcing for Broadcasting and the Internet is the standard text for traditional broadcasters and emerging pioneers. While many still pursue careers in traditional fields such as television and radio news announcing, broadcast performance has expanded to Internet radio, podcasting, home voice-over production, and performance on YouTube and other Internet video venues. This text is an update of the classic text Announcing. The practical guide to mastering the techniques and mechanics of broadcast announcing remains, updated to give readers the ability to produce their own portfolio of performance products and get started in the career they want. It covers audio and video editing programs, new streaming media, and how to develop a powerful, consistent, and noteworthy speaking voice.

Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning (Digital Humanities)

by Jack Dougherty Tennyson O'Donnell

The essays in Web Writing respond to contemporary debates over the proper role of the Internet in higher education, steering a middle course between polarized attitudes that often dominate the conversation. The authors argue for the wise integration of web tools into what the liberal arts does best: writing across the curriculum. All academic disciplines value clear and compelling prose, whether that prose comes in the shape of a persuasive essay, scientific report, or creative expression. The act of writing visually demonstrates how we think in original and critical ways and in ways that are deeper than those that can be taught or assessed by a computer. Furthermore, learning to write well requires engaged readers who encourage and challenge us to revise our muddled first drafts and craft more distinctive and informed points of view. Indeed, a new generation of web-based tools for authoring, annotating, editing, and publishing can dramatically enrich the writing process, but doing so requires liberal arts educators to rethink why and how we teach this skill, and to question those who blindly call for embracing or rejecting technology.

Smartland Korea: Mobile Communication, Culture, and Society (Perspectives On Contemporary Korea)

by Dal Yong Jin

The dramatic advancement of cellphone technology has fundamentally changed our daily lives. Smartphones and their applications have created new capital for information and communication technology corporations and changed the way people communicate. Because of an interesting awareness of the significance for digital economy and people’s daily culture, many countries, from the U.S. to China, have massively invested in the smartphone industries since the early 21st century. Among them, South Korea has become one of the centers for technology development and digital culture, although the country was once lagging behind in the penetration of the phones and their apps. Yet within the last few years, the country has taken a big step toward their goal of becoming a ‘mobile game wonderland’ by appropriating smartphones and it now exists as a curious test-bed for the future of smartphone technology. Smartland Korea, as the first attempt to comprehensively analyze mobile communication in the context of Korean smartphones, looks into a largely neglected focus of inquiry, a localized mobile landscape, with particular reference to young Koreans’ engagement with their devices and applications. Dal Yong Jin focuses not only on the celebratory achievement of technological advancement, but also the significance of social milieu in the development of the smartphones. He situates the emergence of smartphones within the growth of mobile technologies and overall telecommunications industries embedded in Korea’s information and communication technologies. The book examines the technology’s innovation and the evolution, the digital economy through the lens of political economy, and the youth culture embedded in the Korean smartphone context.

Can't Stand Up For Falling Down: Rock'n'Roll War Stories

by Allan Jones

Allan Jones launched Uncut magazine in 1997 and for 15 years wrote a popular monthly column called Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before, based on his experiences as a music journalist in the 70s and 80s, a gilded time for the music press. By turns hilarious, cautionary, poignant and powerful, the Stop Me...stories collected here include encounters with some of rock's most iconic stars, including David Bowie, Lou Reed, Leonard Cohen, Van Morrison, Neil Young, Elvis Costello, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Smiths, R.E.M. and Pearl Jam. From backstage brawls and drug blow-outs, to riots, superstar punch-ups, hotel room confessionals and tour bus lunacy, these are stories from the madness of a music scene now long gone.

Captive Audience: The Telecom Industry and Monopoly Power in the New Gilded Age

by Susan Crawford

Ten years ago, the United States stood at the forefront of the Internet revolution. With some of the fastest speeds and lowest prices in the world for high-speed Internet access, the nation was poised to be the global leader in the new knowledge-based economy. Today that global competitive advantage has all but vanished because of a series of government decisions and resulting monopolies that have allowed dozens of countries, including Japan and South Korea, to pass us in both speed and price of broadband. This steady slide backward not only deprives consumers of vital services needed in a competitive employment and business market—it also threatens the economic future of the nation.This important book by leading telecommunications policy expert Susan Crawford explores why Americans are now paying much more but getting much less when it comes to high-speed Internet access. Using the 2011 merger between Comcast and NBC Universal as a lens, Crawford examines how we have created the biggest monopoly since the breakup of Standard Oil a century ago. In the clearest terms, this book explores how telecommunications monopolies have affected the daily lives of consumers and America's global economic standing.

A Life Less Lonely: What We Can All Do to Lead More Connected, Kinder Lives

by Nick Duerden

Loneliness has reached the levels of an epidemic. From the bullied child to the new parent, from the pensioner who has outlived friends and family members to teenagers who manage their social lives through the glow of a mobile phone, it can - and does - affect anyone and everyone, irrespective of age, race or class. Many suffer in silence, convinced it's a confession too far, a sign of too much vulnerability, a shameful failing. But the human condition is not a failing.What's it like when loneliness descends? How does it announce itself, and how do you recognise it? Do you discuss it, or conceal it? From where can you seek help?A Life Less Lonely shares stories of loneliness and social isolation, and looks for ways in which we can help one another to future-proof ourselves against this most insidious affliction. By talking to those who suffer from it, and by highlighting the work of those who fight to combat it, the book offers guidance on how to spot the symptoms in yourself and in others, how to connect with those around you, and how, by understanding it all better, we might just set ourselves free from it.In this way, what is an epidemic today might not be one tomorrow.

Return from the Natives: How Margaret Mead Won The Second World War And Lost The Cold War

by Mr. Peter Mandler

Celebrated anthropologist Margaret Mead, who studied sex in Samoa and child-rearing in New Guinea in the 1920s and '30s, was determined to show that anthropology could tackle the psychology of the most complex, modern societies in ways useful for waging the Second World War. This fascinating book follows Mead and her closest collaborators-her lover and mentor Ruth Benedict, her third husband Gregory Bateson, and her prospective fourth husband Geoffrey Gorer-through their triumphant climax, when Mead became the cultural ambassador from America to Britain in 1943, to their downfall in the Cold War. Part intellectual biography, part cultural history, and part history of the human sciences, Peter Mandler's book is a reminder that the Second World War and the Cold War were a clash of cultures, not just ideologies, and asks how far intellectuals should involve themselves in politics, at a time when Mead's example is cited for and against experts' involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

International Film Festivals: Contemporary Cultures and History Beyond Venice and Cannes (International Library of the Moving Image (PDF))

by Tricia Jenkins

More than 5,000 film festivals take place globally and many of these have only been established in the last two decades. International Film Festivals collects the leading scholarship on this increasingly prominent phenomenon from both historical and contemporary perspectives, using diverse methods including archival research, interviews and surveys and drawing widely from fields like sociology, urban studies and film criticism to patent technology and history. With contributors from across the world and covering the major festivals - Cannes, Venice, Toronto, Berlin - as well as niche, genre and online film festivals, this book is an authoritative and exemplary guide to the evolution of these key sites for film distribution, exhibition and reception. Chapters unravel topics such as the relationship between corporations and festivals, the soft power function they can perform for their host nations and the changing identities of audiences on arrival at, and during exploration of, a given festival venue. Tricia Jenkins' edited volume reconceives the film festival for the global, digital age whilst drawing out its historic importance and ultimately makes a major intervention in film festival studies as well as film and cultural studies more widely.

Pax Technica: How the Internet of Things May Set Us Free or Lock Us Up

by Philip N. Howard

Should we fear or welcome the internet’s evolution? The “internet of things” is the rapidly growing network of everyday objects—eyeglasses, cars, thermostats—made smart with sensors and internet addresses. Soon we will live in a pervasive yet invisible network of everyday objects that communicate with one another. In this original and provocative book, Philip N. Howard envisions a new world order emerging from this great transformation in the technologies around us. Howard calls this new era a Pax Technica. He looks to a future of global stability built upon device networks with immense potential for empowering citizens, making government transparent, and broadening information access. Howard cautions, however, that privacy threats are enormous, as is the potential for social control and political manipulation. Drawing on evidence from around the world, he illustrates how the internet of things can be used to repress and control people. Yet he also demonstrates that if we actively engage with the governments and businesses building the internet of things, we have a chance to build a new kind of internet—and a more open society.

This Program Is Brought to You By...: Distributing Television News Online

by Prof. Joshua A. Braun

Journalism, television, cable, and online media are all evolving rapidly. At the nexus of these volatile industries is a growing group of individuals and firms whose job it is to develop and maintain online distribution channels for television news programming. Their work, and the tensions surrounding it, provide a fulcrum from which to pry analytically at some of the largest shifts within our media landscape. Based on fieldwork and interviews with different teams and organizations within MSNBC, this multi-disciplinary work is unique in its focus on distribution, which is rapidly becoming as central as production, to media work.

Humans Need Not Apply: A Guide to Wealth and Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Jerry Kaplan

After billions of dollars and fifty years of effort, researchers are finally cracking the code on artificial intelligence. As society stands on the cusp of unprecedented change, Jerry Kaplan unpacks the latest advances in robotics, machine learning, and perception powering systems that rival or exceed human capabilities. Driverless cars, robotic helpers, and intelligent agents that promote our interests have the potential to usher in a new age of affluence and leisure — but as Kaplan warns, the transition may be protracted and brutal unless we address the two great scourges of the modern developed world: volatile labor markets and income inequality. He proposes innovative, free-market adjustments to our economic system and social policies to avoid an extended period of social turmoil. His timely and accessible analysis of the promise and perils of artificial intelligence is a must-read for business leaders and policy makers on both sides of the aisle.

The Gift of the Gab: How Eloquence Works

by David Crystal

We all know eloquence when we hear it. But what exactly is it? And how might we gain more of it for ourselves? This entertaining and, yes, eloquent book illuminates the power of language from a linguistic point of view and provides fascinating insights into the way we use words. David Crystal, a world-renowned expert on the history and usage of the English language, probes the intricate workings of eloquence. His lively analysis encompasses everyday situations (wedding speeches, business presentations, storytelling) as well as the oratory of great public gatherings. Crystal focuses on the here and now of eloquent speaking—from pitch, pace, and prosody to jokes, appropriateness, and how to wield a microphone. He explains what is going on moment by moment and examines each facet of eloquence. He also investigates topics such as the way current technologies help or hinder our verbal powers, the psychological effects of verbal excellence, and why certain places or peoples are thought to be more eloquent than others. In the core analysis of the book, Crystal offers an extended and close dissection of Barack Obama’s electrifying “Yes we can” speech of 2008, in which the president demonstrated full mastery of virtually every element of eloquence—from the simple use of parallelism and an awareness of what not to say, to his brilliant conclusion constructed around two powerful words: dreams and answers.

Science Blogging: The Essential Guide

by Christie Wilcox Bethany Brookshire Jason G. Goldman

Here is the essential how-to guide for communicating scientific research and discoveries online, ideal for journalists, researchers, and public information officers looking to reach a wide lay audience. Drawing on the cumulative experience of twenty-seven of the greatest minds in scientific communication, this invaluable handbook targets the specific questions and concerns of the scientific community, offering help in a wide range of digital areas, including blogging, creating podcasts, tweeting, and more. With step-by-step guidance and one-stop expertise, this is the book every scientist, science writer, and practitioner needs to approach the Wild West of the Web with knowledge and confidence.

The Political Spectrum: The Tumultuous Liberation of Wireless Technology, from Herbert Hoover to the Smartphone

by Thomas Winslow Hazlett

From the former chief economist of the FCC, a remarkable history of the U.S. government’s regulation of the airwaves Popular legend has it that before the Federal Radio Commission was established in 1927, the radio spectrum was in chaos, with broadcasting stations blasting powerful signals to drown out rivals. In this fascinating and entertaining history, Thomas Winslow Hazlett, a distinguished scholar in law and economics, debunks the idea that the U.S. government stepped in to impose necessary order. Instead, regulators blocked competition at the behest of incumbent interests and, for nearly a century, have suppressed innovation while quashing out-of-the-mainstream viewpoints. Hazlett details how spectrum officials produced a “vast wasteland” that they publicly criticized but privately protected. The story twists and turns, as farsighted visionaries—and the march of science—rise to challenge the old regime. Over decades, reforms to liberate the radio spectrum have generated explosive progress, ushering in the “smartphone revolution,” ubiquitous social media, and the amazing wireless world now emerging. Still, the author argues, the battle is not even half won.

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