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Mikrocomputer, Struktur und Arbeitsweise

by Rainer Kassing

Modeling and Analysis of Computer Communications Networks (Applications of Communications Theory)

by Jeremiah F. Hayes

In large measure the traditional concern of communications engineers has been the conveyance of voice signals. The most prominent example is the telephone network, in which the techniques used for transmission multiplex­ ing and switching have been designed for voice signals. However, one of the many effects of computers has been the growing volume of the sort of traffic that flows in networks composed of user terminals, processors, and peripherals. The characteristics of this data traffic and the associated perfor­ mance requirements are quite different from those of voice traffic. These differences, coupled with burgeoning digital technology, have engendered a whole new set of approaches to multiplexing and switching this traffic. The new techniques are the province of what has been loosely called computer communications networks. The subject of this book is the mathematical modeling and analysis of computer communications networks, that is to say, the multiplexing and switching techniques that have been developed for data traffic. The basis for many of the models that we shall consider is queueing theory, although a number of other disciplines are drawn on as well. The level at which this material is covered is that of a first-year graduate course. It is assumed that at the outset the student has had a good undergraduate course in probability and random processes of the sort that are more and more common among electrical engineering and computer science departments.

Modern Cellular Automata: Theory and Applications (Advanced Applications in Pattern Recognition)

by Kendall Preston Jr. Michael J.B. Duff

It is with great pleasure that I present this fourth vol­ ume in the series "Advanced Applications in Pattern Recognition." It would be difficult to find two authors better versed in the design and application of parallel image processing systems, due to both their own many years of pioneering in the field and their encyclopedic knowledge of what is going on in uni­ versity and industrial laboratories around the world. The monograph is unique in its parallel presentation of orthogonal and hexagonal dissections, and the wealth of graphic illustration of algorithmic procedures for processing and analyz­ ing images in the various known implementations of parallel im­ age-processing architectures. This volume should find a place on the bookshelf of every practitioner of pattern recognition, image processing, and compu­ ter graphics. Morton Nadler General Editor vii PREFACE This book endeavors to introduce the reader to the subject of cellular logic and cellular automata and is devoted particu­ larly to those parts dealing with the manipulation of pictorial data. The study of cellular automata owes much to the pioneer­ ing work of John von Neumann during the 1950s. Von Neumann was interested in general problems in the behavior of computing structures and was immensely impressed by the complexity and performance of the human brain, which he felt must point to­ wards successful designs for automatic computing machines.

Modern Telecommunication (Applications of Communications Theory)

by E. Bryan Carne

Organized society depends on communication of all kinds, including the ability to communicate at a distance, instantaneously. With the development of solid­ state electronics and its application to digital processing, telecommunication has become extremely important to large segments of American business. The in­ troduction of competition to serve these voice, data, and video needs has ex­ panded the number of service options available, and some of them are finding their way into the residential sector. From a relatively stable, mature industry, telecommunication has rapidly become a technology-driven marketplace in which a host of companies are competing for customer attention with new services and equipment. Heretofore, books on telecommunications have addressed facilities and how they work. In this book, I am seeking to provide a much broader perspective which includes information on the motives driving the business itself, on new media and services, and on advancing technologies, as well as on digital facilities and their integration into the environment of future businesses and households. Covering so wide a set of topics presents many problems, not the least of which is that the character of the information is different in each chapter, and the material will be read by persons skilled in disparate fields. It is possible to read each chapter by itself-although a reading of all of them is needed to understand the new dimensions being introduced into the telecommunication experience.

Modula-2 for Pascal Programmers (Springer Books on Professional Computing)

by R. Gleaves

This book describes the programming language Modula-2. It is written for people who know the Pascal language and who wish to learn Modula-2 in terms of their knowledge of Pascal. The text is divided into three parts. Part 1 introduces concepts unique to Modula-2 and thus new to Pascal programmers. Part 2 describes differences from Pascal. Part 3 defines modules which provide basic programming facilities. The appendices include a glossary and syntax diagrams. Please note that this book does not offer a complete description of the Modula-2 language; it is intended to complement Niklaus Wirth's definitive book Programming in Modula-2 (Springer-Verlag, 1983). Some readers will recognize this book as being based upon the Volition Systems Modula-2 User's Manual. Enough has changed to merit its reappearance in this more dignified form: existing material has been reorganized to improve clarity; new material has been added to improve content. This book was written with the ASE text editor. The text was produced in camera-ready form on the Scenic LaserTezt composition system. I wish to thank the following people and organizations for their contributions to the development of this book: Volition Systems, for giving me the opportunity to write about Modula-2; Jim Merritt, for reviewing an early draft; the Institut far Informatik, ETH Zarich, for publishing a series of informative technical papers on Modula-2; and finally, all the pioneer users of Volition Systems Modula-2, for their patience and foresight and support.

Multiresolution Image Processing and Analysis (Springer Series in Information Sciences #12)

by A. Rosenfeld

This book results from a Workshop on Multiresolution Image Processing and Analysis, held in Leesburg, VA on July 19-21, 1982. It contains updated ver­ sions of most of the papers that were presented at the Workshop, as well as new material added by the authors. Four of the presented papers were not available for inclusion in the book: D. Sabbah, A computing with connections approach to visual recognition; R. M. Haralick, Fitting the gray tone intensity surface as a function of neighborhood size; E. M. Riseman, Hierarchical boundary formation; and W. L. Mahaffey, L. S. Davis, and J. K. Aggarwal, Region correspondence in multi-resolution images taken from dynamic scenes. The number and variety of papers indicates the timeliness of the H0rkshop. Multiresolution methods are rapidly gaining recognition as an important theme in image processing and analysis. I would like to express my thanks to the National Science Foundation for their support of the Workshop under Grant MCS-82-05942; to Barbara Hope for organizing and administering the Workshop; to Janet Salzman and Fran Cohen, for retyping the papers; and above all, to the speakers and other partici­ pants, for making the Workshop possible.

Musik mit dem TI-99/4A: Klangerzeugung und Syntheseprogramme

by Eugen Gehrer

Natural Language Communication with Pictorial Information Systems (Symbolic Computation)

by Leonard Bolc

This book contains the reports of selected projects involving natural language commu­ nication with pictorial information systems. More than just a record of research results, however, it presents concrete applications to the solution of a wide variety of problems. The authors are all prominent figures in the field whose authoritative contributions help ensure its continued expansion in both size and significance. Y. C. Lee and K S. Fu (Purdue University, USA) survey picture query languages which form an interface between the pictorial database system and the user and support infor­ mation retrieval, data entry and manipulation, data analysis and output generation. They include explicit picture query languages that augment alphanumeric data query langua­ ges as well as languages and command sets which are implicitly embedded in a pictorial information system but perform similar functions. It is worth mentioning that some forms of query languages can be transformed from a given set of natural language senten­ ces by using ATN (Augmented Transition Networks), which consequently allows for na­ turallanguage communication with information system.

Number Theory in Science and Communication: With Applications in Cryptography, Physics, Biology, Digital Information, and Computing (Springer Series in Information Sciences #7)

by Manfred R. Schroeder

"Beauty is the first test: there is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics. " - G. H. Hardy N umber theory has been considered since time immemorial to be the very paradigm of pure (some would say useless) mathematics. In fact, the Chinese characters for mathematics are Number Science. "Mathematics is the queen of sciences - and number theory is the queen of mathematics," according to Carl Friedrich Gauss, the lifelong Wunderkind, who hirnself enjoyed the epithet "Princeps Mathematicorum. " What could be more beautiful than a deep, satisfying relation between whole numbers. {One is almost tempted to call them wholesome numbersJ In fact, it is hard to come up with a more appropriate designation than their learned name: the integers - meaning the "untouched ones". How high they rank, in the realms of pure thought and aesthetics, above their lesser brethren: the real and complex number- whose first names virtually exude unsavory involvement with the complex realities of everyday life! Yet, as we shall see in this book, the theory of integers can provide totally unexpected answers to real-world problems. In fact, discrete mathematics is ta king on an ever more important role. If nothing else, the advent of the digital computer and digital communication has seen to that. But even earlier, in physics the emergence of quantum mechanics and discrete elementary particles put a premium on the methods and, indeed, the spirit of discrete mathematics.

Ökologische Datensätze — Programme für AOS-Rechner und BASIC-Taschencomputer (Anwendung programmierbarer Taschenrechner #24)

by Michael Meyer

In einer Zeit, in der man den umweltschädigenden Einfluß unserer technologischen Gesell­ schaften immer deutlicher zu spüren bekommt, muß zwangsläufig die "Lehre vom Haus­ halt der Natur", also die Ökologie, an Bedeutung zunehmen. Daß diese Wissenschaft sich nicht nur um die Rettung der vom Aussterben bedrohten Tiere und Pflanzen bemüht, sondern auch die in ihrer Existenzgrundlage sich selbst gefährdende Menschheit in ihre Betrachtung einbezieht, ist eine Tatsache, die bisher leider nicht in weiten Kreisen der Be­ völkerung bewußt gemacht wurde. Man kann wohl getrost behaupten, ökologische For­ schung sei neben einer ausgewogenen Politik und neben akzeptablen Konzepten der Öko­ nomie für den Fortbestand der Menschheit notwendig. Der Ökologe stützt sich bei seinen Untersuchungen auf nur verbal beschreibbare Beob­ achtungen (welche allerdings oft durch Fotos oder Zeichnungen dokumentarisch festge­ halten werden können) und auf (mehr oder weniger) objektive Meßdaten. Liegen nach der Untersuchung letztere vor, müssen diese in irgendeiner Weise in logischen Zusammen­ hang gebracht werden, sie müssen also verarbeitet werden. Bei der Auswahl von nume­ rischen Verfahren muß der Ökologe allerdings größtenteils auf fachfremde Literatur zu­ rückgreifen, d. h. Werke der mathematischen, naturwissenschaftlichen, sozialwissenschaft­ lichen und medizinischen Statistik sowie der praktischen Mathematik für technisch-natur­ wissenschaftliche Disziplinen. Entsprechend muß er sich Taschenrechnerprogramme für die Datenauswertung aus Büchern anderer Fachdisziplinen zusammensuchen. Für eine Wissenschaft, die - wie oben angedeutet - so bedeutungsvoll wurde, ist es allmählich an der Zeit, daß sie ihre eigene Literatur zu diesem Thema erhält.

On Conceptual Modelling: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages (Topics in Information Systems)

by M. L. Brodie J. Mylopoulos J. W. Schmidt

The growing demand for systems of ever-increasing complexity and precision has stimulated the need for higher level concepts, tools, and techniques in every area of Computer Science. Some of these areas, in particular Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Lan­ guages, are attempting to meet this demand by defining a new, more abstract level of system description. We call this new level conceptual in recognition of its basic conceptual nature. In Artificial Intelligence, the problem of designing an expert system is seen primarily as a problem of building a knowledge base that repre­ sents knowledge about an enterprise. Consequently, Knowledge Repre­ sentation is viewed as a central issue in Artificial Intelligence research. Database design methodologies developed during the last five years are almost unanimous in offering semantic data models in terms of which the designer directly and naturally models an enterprise before proceed­ ing to a detailed logical and physical database design. In Programming Languages, different forms of abstraction which allow implementation­ independent specifications of data, functions, and control have been a major research theme for a decade. To emphasize the common goals of these three research efforts, we call this new activity conceptual modelling.

Österreichisches Verfassungsrecht: Verfassungsrechtslehre unter Berücksichtigung von Staatslehre und Politikwissenschaft (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by Ludwig K. Adamovich Bernd-Christian Funk

Buchmann, Frau Gisela Klammer, Frau Dr. Gudrun Maurer, Herr Dr. Franz Merli und Herr Dr. Armin Stolz am Institut tiitig. Unser Dank gilt gleichermagen jenen Mitarbeitern, die in der Zwischenzeit aus dem Personalstand des Insti­ tuts ausgeschieden sind. Wien/Graz, im Oktober 1982 Ludwig K. Adamovich Bernd-Christian Funk Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage Die zweite A uflage des Lehrbuches ist als N achdruck der ersten in Verbin­ dung mit einem vorangestellten Erganzungsteil gestaltet. Der Text der ersten Auflage ist bis auf die Korrektur von Druckfehlern gleichgeblieben. Der Er­ in der Rechts­ ganzungsteil bietet eine Ubersicht iiberwichtige Veranderungen lage und Verfassungswirklichkeit, die sich seit der ersten Auflage ergeben ha­ ben. Die systematische Einarbeitung dieser und kommender Anderungen so­ wie der Entwicklungen in Lehre und Rechtsprechung bleibt einer spater fol­ genden Neuauflage vorbehalten. Wir hoffen, auf diese Weise dem Bediirfnis nach Information iiber den aktuellen Stand des Staatsrechts und des Verfassungslebens in entsprechender Weise Rechnung zu tragen. Der Wegfall des Untertitels des Buches auf der erst en Umschlagseite hat drucktechnische Griinde. In der positiven Auf­ nahme, die das Buch seit seinem Erscheinen im Spatherbst 1982 gefunden hat, sehen wir eine Bestatigung unseres Bemiihens urn eine moglichst vielseitige Betrachtungsweise des osterreichischen Verfassungsrechts.

Praktische Anwendungen mit dem PC 1500 A: 30 BASIC-Programme

by Gerfried Tatzl

Program Transformation and Programming Environments: Report on a Workshop, Munich, Germany, 12 to 16 September 1983 (NATO ASI Subseries F: #8)

by F. L. Bauer H. Remus

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Program Transformation and Programming Environments

Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard

by W. F. Clocksin C. S. Mellish

Since the first publishing of Programming in Prolog in 1981, Pro­ log has continued to attract an unexpectedly great deal of interest in the computer science community and is now seen as a potential ba­ sis for an important new generation of programming languages and systems. We hope that Programming in Prolog has partially satisfied the increasing need for an easy, yet comprehensive introduction to the language as a tool for practical programming. In this second edition we have taken the opportunity to improve the presentation and to correct various minor errors in the original. We thank the many people who have given us suggestions for corrections and improvement. W. F. C. C. S. M. Cambridge, England August, 198-1 Preface to the First Edition The computer programming language Prolog is quickly gaining popularity throughout the world. Since its beginnings around 1970, Prolog has been chosen by many programmers for applications of symbolic computation, including: • relational databases • mathematical logic • abstract problem solving • understanding naturallangur~ge • design automation • symbolic equation solving • biochemical structure analysis • many areas of artificial intelligence Until now, there has been no textbook with the aim of teaching Prolog as a practical programming language. It is perhaps a tribute to Prolog that so many people have been motivated to learn it by referring to the necessarily concise reference manuals, a few published papers, and by the orally transmitted 'folklore' of the modern computing community.

Programming in Z80 Assembly Language

by Roger Hutty

Prüfungsaufgaben Informatik

by G. Böhme

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