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Logo: Jenseits der Turtle

by H. Schauer

Lotus 1–2–3 Software Training

by Detlef Krusekopf

Mit Lotus 1-2-3 Software Training erscheint ein weiteres Buch aus der Praxis flir die Praxis. Lotus 1-2-3 Software Training wendet sich an den Lotus 1-2-3 Neuling und führt ihn Schritt flir Schritt von den Grundlagen der Arbeit mit Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen in die Nutzung der verschiedenen Arbeitsbereiche des Lotus Programmpaketes ein. Lotus 1-2-3 beinhaltet als bewährtes integriertes Programmpaket eine leistungsfahige Tabellenkalkulation, Geschäftsgrafik und eine flexible Datenbankverwaltung. Durch eine gute Menütechnik bleibt das Programm dabei benutzerfreundlich, so daß auch der Anfanger leicht umfangreiche und tiefgehende Analysen von Datenmaterial durchfUhren kann. Aber auch f Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten der Arbeitsschritte vorgestellt. Kapitel 7 behandelt den Ausdruck der mit Lotus 1-2-3 erstellten Diagramme.

Machine Learning of Robot Assembly Plans (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #51)

by Alberto Maria Segre

The study of artificial intelligence (AI) is indeed a strange pursuit. Unlike most other disciplines, few AI researchers even agree on a mutually acceptable definition of their chosen field of study. Some see AI as a sub field of computer science, others see AI as a computationally oriented branch of psychology or linguistics, while still others see it as a bag of tricks to be applied to an entire spectrum of diverse domains. This lack of unified purpose among the AI community makes this a very exciting time for AI research: new and diverse projects are springing up literally every day. As one might imagine, however, this diversity also leads to genuine difficulties in assessing the significance and validity of AI research. These difficulties are an indication that AI has not yet matured as a science: it is still at the point where people are attempting to lay down (hopefully sound) foundations. Ritchie and Hanna [1] posit the following categorization as an aid in assessing the validity of an AI research endeavor: (1) The project could introduce, in outline, a novel (or partly novel) idea or set of ideas. (2) The project could elaborate the details of some approach. Starting with the kind of idea in (1), the research could criticize it or fill in further details (3) The project could be an AI experiment, where a theory as in (1) and (2) is applied to some domain. Such experiments are usually computer programs that implement a particular theory.

Mastering Computers (Macmillan Master)

by G.G.L. Wright

Mathematical Models for Decision Support (NATO ASI Subseries F: #48)

by Harvey J. Greenberg Freerk A. Lootsma Marcel J. Rijckaert Hans J. Zimmermann

It is quite an onerous task to edit the proceedings of a two week long institute with learned contributors from many parts of the world. All the same, the editorial team has found the process of refereeing and reviewing the contributions worthwhile and completing the volume has proven to be a satisfying task. In setting up the institute we had considered models and methods taken from a number of different disciplines. As a result the whole institute - preparing for it, attending it and editing the proceedings - proved to be an intense learning experience for us. Here I speak on behalf of the committee and the editorial team. By the time the institute took place, the papers were delivered and the delegates exchanged their views, the structure of the topics covered and their relative positioning appeared in a different light. In editing the volume I felt compelled to introduce a new structure in grouping the papers. The contents of this volume are organised in eight main sections set out below: 1 . Abstracts. 2. Review Paper. 3. Models with Multiple Criteria and Single or Multiple Decision Makers. 4. Use of Optimisation Models as Decision Support Tools. 5. Role of Information Systems in Decision Making: Database and Model Management Issues. 6. Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Decision Making: Intelligent Knowledge Based Systems. 7. Representation of Uncertainty in Mathematical Models and Knowledge Based Systems. 8. Mathematical Basis for Constructing Models and Model Validation.

Mathematics and Computer Science in Medical Imaging (NATO ASI Subseries F: #39)

by Max A. Viergever Andrew Todd-Pokropek

Medical imaging is an important and rapidly expanding area in medical science. Many of the methods employed are essentially digital, for example computerized tomography, and the subject has become increasingly influenced by develop­ ments in both mathematics and computer science. The mathematical problems have been the concern of a relatively small group of scientists, consisting mainly of applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists. Their efforts have led to workable algorithms for most imaging modalities. However, neither the fundamentals, nor the limitations and disadvantages of these algorithms are known to a sufficient degree to the physicists, engineers and physicians trying to implement these methods. It seems both timely and important to try to bridge this gap. This book summarizes the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute, on these topics, that was held in the mountains of Tuscany for two weeks in the late summer of 1986. At another (quite different) earlier meeting on medical imaging, the authors noted that each of the speakers had given, there, a long introduction in their general area, stated that they did not have time to discuss the details of the new work, but proceeded to show lots of clinical results, while excluding any mathematics associated with the area.

Mathematics of Kalman-Bucy Filtering (Springer Series in Information Sciences #14)

by Peter A. Ruymgaart Tsu T. Soong

The second edition has not deviated significantly from the first. The printing of this edition, however, has allowed us to make a number of corrections which escaped our scrutiny at the time of the first printing, and to generally improve and tighten our presentation of the material. Many of these changes were suggested to us by colleagues and readers and their kindness in doing so is greatly appreciated. Delft, The Netherlands and P. A. Ruymgaart Buffalo, New York, December, 1987 T. T. Soong Preface to the First Edition Since their introduction in the mid 1950s, the filtering techniques developed by Kalman, and by Kalman and Bucy have been widely known and widely used in all areas of applied sciences. Starting with applications in aerospace engineering, their impact has been felt not only in all areas of engineering but as all also in the social sciences, biological sciences, medical sciences, as well other physical sciences. Despite all the good that has come out of this devel­ opment, however, there have been misuses because the theory has been used mainly as a tool or a procedure by many applied workers without fully understanding its underlying mathematical workings. This book addresses a mathematical approach to Kalman-Bucy filtering and is an outgrowth of lectures given at our institutions since 1971 in a sequence of courses devoted to Kalman-Bucy filters.

Mathematik für Wirtschaftsinformatiker Grundlagen, Modelle, Programme: Band I

by Dietmar Dorninger Günther Karigl

Dieses Lehrbuch (vermutlich das erste seiner Art) präsentiert die wichtigsten mathematischen Methoden, die in der Betriebs- und Wirtschaftsinformatik angewandt werden. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, daß der Einsatz dieser Methoden zur Lösung von konkreten Problemen von der mathematischen Formulierung bis hin zum lauffähigen Computerprogramm (in Pascal) demonstriert wird. Der Stoff ist nach mathematischen Gesichtspunkten geordnet: Band 1 umfaßt die Angewandte Algebra, Differential- und Integralrechnung, Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen und Lineare Algebra. In Band 2 folgen Differenzengleichungen, Numerische Mathematik, Differential- und Integralrechnung von Funktionen in mehreren Variablen und Optimierungsverfahren. Die mathematischen Grundlagen sind jeweils knapp und überschaubar dargestellt, ihre Anwendung wird sowohl anhand von Rechenbeispielen als auch durch zahlreiche, vollständig durchgerechnete Aufgaben aus der Wirtschaftsinformatik erläutert. Zusätzlich sind am Ende eines jeden Abschnittes Übungsbeispiele angegeben, deren Ergebnisse am Buchende zusammengefaßt sind. Das Buch wendet sich sowohl an den Praktiker wie an den Studierenden der Wirtschaftsinformatik.

Mathematische Grundlagen der Computergraphik

by Wolfgang Luther

Mechanik: Von den Newtonschen Gesetzen zum deterministischen Chaos (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Florian A. Scheck

Die Mechanikvorlesung als zumeist erste Berührung des Studenten mit der theoretischen Physik hat in der Grundausbildung besonderes Gewicht. Zum einen führt sie weit hinein in die klassischen Konzepte der Physik des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, zum anderen zeigt sie deren Leistungsfähigkeit und Bedeutung für die moderne Physik. Das vorliegende Buch geht diesen Weg von der Newtonschen Mechanik bis zum weiten Feld der heutigen nichtlinearen Dynamik. Begleitet von einfachen, PC-gestützten Beispielen und in einer Darstellung, die den mehr physikalischen Zugang zur Mechanik verbindet mit ihren mathematischen Grundlagen, führt das Buch ein in die kanonische Mechanik in Lagrangescher und Hamiltonscher Form und behandelt die symplektische Struktur des Phasenraums (Kap. 2). Die Theorie des starren Körpers (Kap. 3) wird ebenso entwickelt wie die Grundlagen der speziellen Relativitätstheorie (Kap. 4). Kapitel 5 über die geometrischen Aspekte der Mechanik schlägt dann die Brücke zur modernen Forschung und mechanischen Fachliteratur. Das abschließende Kapitel 6 definiert und illustriert die für das Studium nichtlinearer Dynamik und qualitativer Mechanik wesentlichen Begriffe und führt heran an die einfachsten Beispiele für Langzeitverhalten und deterministisches Chaos.

Mechanik auf dem Bildschirm — mit dem C64

by K. Desoyer P. Kopacek N. Girsule R. Probst

In der Kombination von Lehrbuch und Programmdiskette wird hier ein neuer Weg bestritten: Der an der Mechanik Interessierte hat die Möglichkeit, die wesentlichen Grundlagen dieses Fachgebietes mit seinem C64 an Hand ausgewählter Beispiele einzuüben und zu vertiefen. Diejenigen, die vor allem am Rechner selbst und seinen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten interessiert sind, können so ihr Gerät sinnvoll und effizient einsetzen. Die Gestaltung der Programme bietet darüber hinaus Möglichkeiten zur spielerischen Auflockerung der Lerneinheiten. Es werden die wesentlichen Grundlagen aus den Teilgebieten Statik, Festigkeitslehre, Kinematik und Kinetik innerhalb des Fachgebietes der Mechanik enzyklopädisch erläutert. Der Bogen spannt sich dabei von der einführenden Mechanik innerhalb des Physikunterrichts in der Oberstufe der Gymnasien über die spezielle Mechanik, wie sie an Technischen Höheren Schulen unterrichtet wird, bis hin zu den einführenden Mechanik-Vorlesungen an den Technischen Universitäten. Die Programmbeschreibungen wurden so aufgebaut, daß auch "Neueinsteiger" keine Probleme damit haben werden.

Memory Performance of Prolog Architectures (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #40)

by Evan Tick

One suspects that the people who use computers for their livelihood are growing more "sophisticated" as the field of computer science evolves. This view might be defended by the expanding use of languages such as C and Lisp in contrast to the languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL. This hypothesis is false however - computer languages are not like natural languages where successive generations stick with the language of their ancestors. Computer programmers do not grow more sophisticated - programmers simply take the time to muddle through the increasingly complex language semantics in an attempt to write useful programs. Of course, these programmers are "sophisticated" in the same sense as are hackers of MockLisp, PostScript, and Tex - highly specialized and tedious languages. It is quite frustrating how this myth of sophistication is propagated by some industries, universities, and government agencies. When I was an undergraduate at MIT, I distinctly remember the convoluted questions on exams concerning dynamic scoping in Lisp - the emphasis was placed solely on a "hacker's" view of computation, i. e. , the control and manipulation of storage cells. No consideration was given to the logical structure of programs. Within the past five years, Ada and Common Lisp have become programming language standards, despite their complexity (note that dynamic scoping was dropped even from Common Lisp). Of course, most industries' selection of programming languages are primarily driven by the requirement for compatibility (with previous software) and performance.

Mini and Microcomputer Systems: An Introduction (Computer Science Series)

by Michael G. Hartley Martin Healey P. Depledge

A first introduction to computer architecture, logic design and software engineering for students of electrical/electronics engineering or computer science. An integrated approach to the hardware and software aspects of computer architecture is adopted throughout. The coverage will also be suitable for applied scientists and engineering who require a background in computer technology.

Models in Statistical Physics and Quantum Field Theory (Trieste Notes in Physics)

by Harald Grosse

In these lectures we summarize certain results on models in statistical physics and quantum field theory and especially emphasize the deep relation­ ship between these subjects. From a physical point of view, we study phase transitions of realistic systems; from a more mathematical point of view, we describe field theoretical models defined on a euclidean space-time lattice, for which the lattice constant serves as a cutoff. The connection between these two approaches is obtained by identifying partition functions for spin models with discretized functional integrals. After an introduction to critical phenomena, we present methods which prove the existence or nonexistence of phase transitions for the Ising and Heisenberg models in various dimensions. As an example of a solvable system we discuss the two-dimensional Ising model. Topological excitations determine sectors of field theoretical models. In order to illustrate this, we first discuss soliton solutions of completely integrable classical models. Afterwards we dis­ cuss sectors for the external field problem and for the Schwinger model. Then we put gauge models on a lattice, give a survey of some rigorous results and discuss the phase structure of some lattice gauge models. Since great interest has recently been shown in string models, we give a short introduction to both the classical mechanics of strings and the bosonic and fermionic models. The formulation of the continuum limit for lattice systems leads to a discussion of the renormalization group, which we apply to various models.

MS-DOS and PC-DOS: A Practical Guide (Computer Science Series)

by Pim Oets

This book in the Macmillan Computer Science Series explains how to make full and effective use of the MS-DOS and the PC-DOS computer operating systems.

Multiplan 3.0

by Gisela Semrau

Vor dem eigentlichen Arbeitsbeginn mit Multiplan sollten Sie emtge Vorarbeiten durchführen. Das betrifft das Formatieren einer Diskette, das Laden des Software-Pakets Multiplan, das Verstehen des Bild­ schirmaufhaus und der Tastatur. 1.1 Formatieren einer leeren Diskette Sie benötigen zum Arbeiten mit Multiplan mindestens die Programm­ diskette und eine Diskette, auf der Ihre Daten (Datendiskette) ab­ gespeichert werden können. Um Ihre Daten auf einer Diskette speichern zu können, muß diese vorher formatiert werden. Sie können eine Diskette folgendermaßen formatieren: 1. Schalten Sie Ihr Gerät ein. 2. Legen Sie die Betriebssystemdiskette in Laufwerk A: ein. 3. Legen Sie die leere Diskette ins Laufwerk B: ein. 4. Wenn Sie auf dem Bildschirm die Anzeige A> sehen, ist Ihr Be­ triebssystem geladen und Sie können den Befehl zum Formatieren eingeben. 5. Schreiben Sie hinter die Anzeige A> die Anweisung formal b: und drücken Sie die Return-Taste. WICHTIG: Bitte bedenken Sie bei der Eingabe: Jeder Befehl muß mit der Return­ Taste bestätigt werden. Der Computer akzeptiert die Befehle nur, wenn diese mit der Return-Taste bestätigt worden sind. 6. Danach erhalten Sie die Auskunft, daß Sie die Diskette in Laufwerk B einlegen und eine beliebige Taste zur Durchführung des Befehls betätigen sollen. 7. Es erscheint auf dem Bildschirm die Anzeige, daß das System die Diskette formatiert. 8. Das System teilt Ihnen außerdem mit, wann die Formatierung abgeschlossen ist.

Mustererkennung 1988: 10. DAGM-Symposium, Zürich, 27.–29. September 1988. Proceedings (Informatik-Fachberichte #180)

by Horst Bunke Olaf Kübler Peter Stucki

Der Band enthält die Vorträge, die auf dem 10. DAGM-Symposium Ende September 1988 in Zürich gehalten wurden. Die DAGM veranstaltet seit 1978 jährlich an verschiedenen Orten ein wissenschaftliches Symposium mit dem Ziel, Aufgabenstellungen, Denkweisen und Forschungsergebnisse aus verschiedenen Gebieten der Mustererkennung vorzustellen, den Erfahrungs- und Ideenaustausch zwischen den Fachleuten anzuregen und den Nachwuchs zu fördern. Die Beiträge zum Symposium kommen aus dem gesamten deutschen Sprachraum und darüber hinaus. Die DAGM ist Mitglied der International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).

Naive Semantics for Natural Language Understanding (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science #58)

by Kathleen Dahlgren

This book introduces a theory, Naive Semantics (NS), a theory of the knowledge underlying natural language understanding. The basic assumption of NS is that knowing what a word means is not very different from knowing anything else, so that there is no difference in form of cognitive representation between lexical semantics and ency­ clopedic knowledge. NS represents word meanings as commonsense knowledge, and builds no special representation language (other than elements of first-order logic). The idea of teaching computers common­ sense knowledge originated with McCarthy and Hayes (1969), and has been extended by a number of researchers (Hobbs and Moore, 1985, Lenat et aI, 1986). Commonsense knowledge is a set of naive beliefs, at times vague and inaccurate, about the way the world is structured. Traditionally, word meanings have been viewed as criterial, as giving truth conditions for membership in the classes words name. The theory of NS, in identifying word meanings with commonsense knowledge, sees word meanings as typical descriptions of classes of objects, rather than as criterial descriptions. Therefore, reasoning with NS represen­ tations is probabilistic rather than monotonic. This book is divided into two parts. Part I elaborates the theory of Naive Semantics. Chapter 1 illustrates and justifies the theory. Chapter 2 details the representation of nouns in the theory, and Chapter 4 the verbs, originally published as "Commonsense Reasoning with Verbs" (McDowell and Dahlgren, 1987). Chapter 3 describes kind types, which are naive constraints on noun representations.

Natural Language Generation Systems (Symbolic Computation)

by David D. McDonald Leonard Bolc

Natural language generation is a field within artificial intelligence which looks ahead to the future when machines will communicate complex thoughts to their human users in a natural way. Generation systems supply the sophisticated knowledge about natural languages that must come into play when one needs to use wordings that will overpower techniques based only on symbolic string manipulation techniques. Topics covered in this volume include discourse theory, mechanical translation, deliberate writing, and revision. Natural Language Generation Systems contains contributions by leading researchers in the field. Chapters contain details of grammatical treatments and processing seldom reported on outside of full length monographs.

Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theories (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy #35)

by U. Reyle C. Rohrer

presupposition fails, we now give a short introduction into Unification Grammar. Since all implementations discussed in this volume use PROLOG (with the exception of BlockjHaugeneder), we felt that it would also be useful to explain the difference between unification in PROLOG and in UG. After the introduction to UG we briefly summarize the main arguments for using linguistic theories in natural language processing. We conclude with a short summary of the contributions to this volume. UNIFICATION GRAMMAR 3 Feature Structures or Complex Categories. Unification Grammar was developed by Martin Kay (Kay 1979). Martin Kay wanted to give a precise defmition (and implementation) of the notion of 'feature'. Linguists use features at nearly all levels of linguistic description. In phonetics, for instance, the phoneme b is usually described with the features 'bilabial', 'voiced' and 'nasal'. In the case of b the first two features get the value +, the third (nasal) gets the value -. Feature­ value pairs in phonology are normally represented as a matrix. bilabial: + voiced: + I nasal: - [Feature matrix for b.] In syntax features are used, for example, to distinguish different noun classes. The Latin noun 'murus' would be characterized by the following feature-value pairs: gender: masculin, number: singular, case: nominative, pred: murus. Besides a matrix representation one frequently fmds a graph representation for feature value pairs. The edges of the graph are labelled by features. The leaves denote the value of a feature.

New Trends in Computer Graphics: Proceedings of CG International ’88

by Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann Daniel Thalmann

New Trends in Computer Graphics contains a selection of research papers submitted to Computer Graphics International '88 (COl '88). COl '88 is the Official Annual Conference of the Computer Graphics Society. Since 1982, this conference ha~ been held in Tokyo. This year, it is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1989, it will be held in Leeds, U. K. , in 1990 in Singapore, in 1991 in U. S. A. and in 1992 in Montreal, Canada. Over 100 papers were submitted to CGI '88 and 61 papers were selected by the International Program Committee. Papers have been grouped into 6 chapters. The flrst chapter is dedicated to Computer Animation because it deals with all topics presented in the other chapters. Several animation systems are described as well as speciflc subjects like 3D character animation, quaternions and splines. The second chapter is dedicated to papers on Image Synthesis, il1 particular new shading models and new algorithms for ray tracing are presented. Chapter 3 presents several algorithms for geometric modeling and new techniques for the creation and manipulation of curves, surfaces and solids and their applications to CAD. In Chapter 4, an important topic is presented: the specification of graphics systems and images using l~nguages and user-interfaces. The last two chapters are devoted to applications in sciences, medicine, engineering, art and business.

Non-Standard Datenbanken für Anwendungen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung: GI-Fachgespräch, Dortmund, 21./22. März 1988 (Informatik-Fachberichte #171)

by H. Lutterbach

Dies ist der Tagungsband zu dem Fachgespräch "Non-Standard Datenbanken für Anwendungen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung", das am 21. und 22. März 1988 in Dortmund vom Fachausschuß 4.1 der Gesellschaft für Informatik veranstaltet wurde. Viele der Anforderungen an moderne Graphiksysteme erfordern Datenstrukturen, die sich aufgrund ihrer Komplexität und der Leistungsanforderungen kaum noch effizient auf klassische Datenbanksysteme abbilden lassen. Die intensiven Forschungsarbeiten für diesen Anwendungsbereich gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung für die Anwender und Entwickler graphischer Systeme. Ziel des Fachgespräches war es insbesondere, den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen der Forschung und den Anwendern neuer Datenbanktechnologien zu fördern und über den Entwicklungsstand zu berichten.

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