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Programming in Modula-2 (Monographs in Computer Science)

by Niklaus Wirth

This text is an introduction to programming in general, and a manual for programming with the language Modula-2 in particular. It is oriented primarily towards people who have already acquired some basic knowledge of programming and would like to deepen their understanding in a more structured way. Neveltheless, an introductory chapter is included for the benefit of the beginner, displaying in a concise form some of the fundamental concepts of computers and their programming. The text is therefore also suitable as a self-contained tutorial. The notation used is Modula-2, which lends itself well for a structured approach and leads the student to a working style that has generally become known under the title of structured programming. As a manual for programming in Modula-2, the text covers practically all facilities of that language. Part 1 covers the basic notions of the variable, expression, assignment, conditional and repetitive statement, and array data structure. Together with Palt 2 which introduces the important concept of the procedure or subroutine, it contains essentially the material commonly discussed in introductory programming courses. Part 3 concerns data types and structures and constitutes the essence of an advanced course on programming. Palt 4 introduces the notion of the module, a concept that is fundamental to the design of larger programmed systems and to programming as team work. The most commonly used utility programs for input and output are presented as examples of modules.

Progress in Medical Imaging

by Vernon L. Newhouse

Progress in Medical Imaging contains a collection of interdisciplinary reviews of subtopics in medical imaging written by internationally known experts. Topics contained in the book include automatic recognition of cells and tissue types in light microscopy, computerized manipulation and assembly of two-dimensional scans of an organ into images of the three-dimensional organ which can be rotated in space, techniques for reducing the image degradation produced by scattering radiation in chest radiography, recent advances in instrumentation, and principles of positron-emission tomography. The final chapters of this book describe the advantages of pseudo-random codes as transmitted signals for ultrasonic flow measurement, imaging, and medium characterization. The primary audience for Progress in Medical Imaging includes engineers, physicists, and students engaged in research, development, or applications of medical imaging.

Prolog: Eine methodische Einführung (Künstliche Intelligenz)

by Ralf Cordes Paul Schmitz

Die Programmiersprache Prolog gewinnt in weiten Kreisen von EDV-Fachleuten und Anwendern stark an Popularität. Im universitären Kreis besitzt diese Spra­ che besonders im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz seit geraumer Zeit einen hohen Stellenwert. Das Ziel des Buches ist es, einen in Lektionen eingeteilten, methodisch geglie­ derten Einführungskurs in die Programmierung mit Prolog zu geben. Das Buch basiert auf den Skripten zu der Vorlesung "Mathematische Grundlagen von Ex­ pertensystemen" und zu dem Praktikum "Programmieren in Prolog", das an der Technischen Universität in Braunschweig seit dem Wintersemester 1984/85 regelmäßig angeboten wird. Das Buch wendet sich an Schüler und Studenten ebenso wie an Interessierte aller Fachrichtungen, die sich einen Einblick in die logische Programmierung und ihre Anwendungen verschaffen wollen. Wir danken unseren Kollegen K. Drosten, J. Risius und W. Struckmann für ihre konstruktive Kritik, Frau D. Kruse für das sorgfältige Korrekturlesen und dem Vieweg-Verlag für die gute Zusammenarbeit. Braunschweig, im August 1987 R. Cordes R. Kruse H. Langendörfer H. Rust VI Inhaltsverzeichnis Einleitung 1 Zur historischen Entwicklung von Prolog . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Einsatz von Prolog in Fachgebieten der Künstlichen Intelligenz 3 Verarbeitungsmodelle und Programmierstile . . . 5 Prolog- eine logik-basierte Programmiersprache 7 Zu diesem Buch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 I Reines Prolog 9 1 Fakten und Regeln 10 1.1 Fakten ..... . 10 1.2 Regeln ..... . 12 1.3 Übungsaufgaben 14 2 Arbeitsweise des Prologinterpreters 16 2.1 Anfragen 16 2.2 Unifikation ... 19 2.3 Backtracking .. 22 2.4 Übungsaufgaben 23 VII Inhaltsverzeichnis *3 Grundlagen der Prädikatenlogik 24 3.1 Syntax .. 24 27 3.2 Semantik . . . .

Prolog by Example: How to Learn, Teach and Use It (Symbolic Computation)

by Helder Coelho Jose C. Cotta

Prolog has a declarative style. A predicate definition includes both the input and output parameters, and it allows a programmer to define a desired result without being concerned about the detailed instructions of how it is to be computed. Such a declarative language offers a solution to the software crisis, because it is shorter and more concise, more powerful and understandable than present-day languages. Logic highlights novel aspects of programming, namely using the same program to compute a relation and its inverse, and supporting deductive retrieval of informa­ tion. This is a book about using Prolog. Its real point is the examples introduced from Chapter 3 onwards, and so a Prolog programmer does not need to read Chapters 1 and 2, which are oriented more to teachers and to students, respec­ tively. The book is recommended for introductory and advanced university courses, where students may need to remember the basics about logic program­ ming and Prolog, before starting doing. Chapters 1 and 2 were also kept for the sake of unity of the whole material. In Chapter 1 a teaching strategy is explained based on the key concepts of Pro­ log which are novel aspects of programming. Prolog is enhanced as a computer programming language used for solving problems that involve objects and the relationships between objects. This chapter provides a pedagogical tour of pre­ scriptions for the organization of Prolog programs, by pointing out the main draw­ backs novices may encounter.

Protecting Information on Local Area Networks

by James A Schweitzer

Protecting Information on Local Area Networks presents the various types of networks and explains why they are being expanded at such a rapid pace. This book considers how management can gain control of the valuable network-services information resources generally available.Organized into three parts encompassing seven chapters, this book begins with an overview of the various networks and their operations. This text then discusses the appropriate management actions to ensure some control over the use of networks and the business information resource. Other chapters consider the management rationale for network information security and explain the development of a company information network security policy. This book discusses as well security or network-connected personal computers. The final chapter deals with a number of major vulnerabilities of information when communicated or processed on network-connected personal computers.This book is a valuable resource for research scientists, technical security specialists, information systems specialists, and systems administrators.

Prozeßrechensysteme ’88: Automatisierungstechnik, Leittechnik, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik Stuttgart, 2.–4. März 1988 Proceedings (Informatik-Fachberichte #167)

by R. Lauber

Das Buch enthält die Vorträge, die auf der Fachtagung "Prozeßrechensysteme '88", Stuttgart, März 1988, gehalten wurden. Es gibt einen Überblick über den heutigen Stand der technischen Entwicklung auf den Gebieten der Automatisierungstechnik, der Prozeßleittechnik, sowie der Realzeit-Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik. Die Fachtagung "Prozeßrechensysteme '88" stellt - als Weiterführung der Fachtagungen unter der früheren Bezeichnung "Prozeßrechner" - die wichtigste und größte deutschsprachige Veranstaltung ihrer Art dar. Die in diesem Tagungsband zusammengefaßten Vorträge spiegeln den grundlegenden technischen Wandel wider, der sich in den letzten Jahren vollzogen hat und erfüllen die Zielsetzung der Fachtagung, aus den Gebieten der Automatisierungs-, Leit-, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zu berichten.

Quantenmechanik (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Franz Schwabl

Die einführende Quantenmechanik-Vorlesung im 4. oder 5. Semester legt die begrifflichen Grundlagen für die zumeist parallelen Vorlesungen zu Atom- und Molekül-, Kern- und Teilchenphysik, für die ganze Theorieausbildung und die "Allgemeinbildung" des Physikers. Aus dieser Sicht behandelt das vorliegende Lehrbuch nicht nur die Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik mit Sorgfalt, sondern auch zahlreiche ihrer Anwendungen. So kommt es zu einer nahezu vollständigen Darstellung der nichtrelativistischen Quantenmechanik ohne Feldquantisierung, die allein bei dem so wichtigen Abschnitt zur Quantisierung des Strahlungsfeldes behandelt wird. Kapitel zur supersymmetrischen Quantenmechanik und zur Theorie des Meßprozesses verdienen besondere Hervorhebung. Die Darstellung geht stark auf die üblichen Verständnisprobleme des Studierenden ein; dementsprechend sind alle mathematischen Schritte angegeben, Zwischenrechnungen ausführlich und vollständig durchgeführt, viele Beispiele leiten zur eigenen erfolgreichen Problemlösung an.

Quantitative Mathematical Models in Radiation Biology: Proceedings of the Symposium at Schloss Rauisch-Holzhausen, FRG, July 1987

by Jürgen Kiefer

Radiation is the one agent among all environmental factors which may damage biological systems that is not only easily quantifiable but can also be measured with unsurpassed resolution. Its primary effects on atoms and molecules are well understood, and the secondary processes can be followed by sophisticated experimental techniques. The quantum nature of interactions and the importance of stochastic variations call for an exact mathematical description. This task is by no means simple, and presents a challenge both to the experimentalist and to the theoretician. It is hoped that a generally acceptable formalism will help to quantify radiation responses, both in radiation protection and radiation therapy, and make it possible to move from a purely empirical approach with all its fallacies to real understanding.

Radon and Projection Transform-Based Computer Vision: Algorithms, A Pipeline Architecture, and Industrial Applications (Springer Series in Information Sciences #16)

by Jorge L.C. Sanz Eric B. Hinkle Anil K. Jain

This book deals with novel machine vision architecture ideas that make real-time projection-based algorithms a reality. The design is founded on raster-mode processing, which is exploited in a powerful and flexible pipeline. We concern ourselves with several image analysis algorithms for computing: projections of gray-level images along linear patterns (i. e. , the Radon transform) and other curved contours; convex hull approximations; the Hough transform for line and curve detection; diameters; moments and principal components, etc. Addition­ ally, we deal with an extensive list of key image processing tasks, which involve generating: discrete approximations of the inverse Radon transform operator; computer tomography reconstructions; two-dimensional convolutions; rotations and translations; multi-color digital masks; the discrete Fourier transform in polar coordinates; autocorrelations, etc. Both the image analysis and image processing algorithms are supported by a similar architecture. We will also of some of the above algorithms to the solution of demonstrate the applicability various industrial visual inspection problems. The algorithms and architectural ideas surveyed here unleash the power of the Radon and other non-linear transformations for machine vision applications. We provide fast methods to transform images into projection space representa­ tions and to backtrace projection-space information into the image domain. The novelty of this approach is that the above algorithms are suitable for implementa­ tion in a pipeline architecture. Specifically, random access memory and other dedicated hardware components which are necessary for implementation of clas­ sical techniques are not needed for our algorithms.

Random Fluctuations and Pattern Growth: Experiments and Models (NATO Science Series E: #157)

by Harry Eugene Stanley N. Ostrowsky

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cargèse, Corsica, France, 18-31 July, 1988

Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Databases

by John Mylopoulos Michael L. Brodie

The interaction of database and AI technologies is crucial to such applications as data mining, active databases, and knowledge-based expert systems. This volume collects the primary readings on the interactions, actual and potential, between these two fields. The editors have chosen articles to balance significant early research and the best and most comprehensive articles from the 1980s. An in-depth introduction discusses basic research motivations, giving a survey of the history, concepts, and terminology of the interaction. Major themes, approaches and results, open issues and future directions are all discussed, including the results of a major survey conducted by the editors of current work in industry and research labs. Thirteen sections follow, each with a short introduction.Topics examined include semantic data models with emphasis on conceptual modeling techniques for databases and information systems and the integration of data model concepts in high-level data languages, definition and maintenance of integrity constraints in databases and knowledge bases, natural language front ends, object-oriented database management systems, implementation issues such as concurrency control and error recovery, and representation of time and knowledge incompleteness from the viewpoints of databases, logic programming, and AI.

Readings in Cognitive Science: A Perspective from Psychology and Artificial Intelligence

by Allan Collins Edward E. Smith

Readings in Cognitive Science: A Perspective from Psychology and Artificial Intelligence brings together important studies that fall in the intersection between artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. This book is composed of six chapters, and begins with the complex anatomy and physiology of the human brain. The next chapters deal with the components of cognitive science, such as the semantic memory, similarity and analogy, and learning. These chapters also consider the application of mental models, which represent the domain-specific knowledge needed to understand a dynamic system or natural physical phenomena. The remaining chapters discuss the concept of reasoning, problem solving, planning, vision, and imagery. This book is of value to psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, and researchers who are interested in cognition.

Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence

by Alan H. Bond Les Gasser

Most artificial intelligence research investigates intelligent behavior for a single agent--solving problems heuristically, understanding natural language, and so on. Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) is concerned with coordinated intelligent behavior: intelligent agents coordinating their knowledge, skills, and plans to act or solve problems, working toward a single goal, or toward separate, individual goals that interact. DAI provides intellectual insights about organization, interaction, and problem solving among intelligent agents. This comprehensive collection of articles shows the breadth and depth of DAI research. The selected information is relevant to emerging DAI technologies as well as to practical problems in artificial intelligence, distributed computing systems, and human-computer interaction. "Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence" proposes a framework for understanding the problems and possibilities of DAI. It divides the study into three realms: the natural systems approach (emulating strategies and representations people use to coordinate their activities), the engineering/science perspective (building automated, coordinated problem solvers for specific applications), and a third, hybrid approach that is useful in analyzing and developing mixed collections of machines and human agents working together. The editors introduce the volume with an important survey of the motivations, research, and results of work in DAI. This historical and conceptual overview combines with chapter introductions to guide the reader through this fascinating field. A unique and extensive bibliography is also provided.

Real-Time Object Measurement and Classification (NATO ASI Subseries F: #42)

by Anil K. Jain

This book contains papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Real-time Object and Environment Measurement and Classification" held in Hotel Villa del Mare, Maratea, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 1987. This workshop was organized under the NATO Special Programme on Sensory Systems for Robotic Control. Professor Eric Backer, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands and Professor Erdal Panayirci, Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey were the members of the organizing committee for this workshop. There were four major themes of this workshop: Real-time Requirements, Feature Measurement, Object Representation and Recognition, and Architecture for Measurement and Classification. A total of twenty-five technical presentations were made. These talks covered a wide spectrum of topics including hardware implementation of specific vision algorithms, a complete vision system for object tracking and inspection, using three cameras (trinocular stereo) for feature measurement, neural network for object recognition, integration of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and vision systems, and the use of pyramid architectures for solving varioos computer vision problems.

Realistische Computergraphik: Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen und Maschinen (Informatik-Fachberichte #163)

by Heinrich Müller

Realistische Computergraphik beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese fotoähnlicher, realistischer Bilder aus dreidimensionalen Bildbeschreibungen. In diesem Buch wird zunächst eine kompakte Übersicht über den Stand der Technik dieses aktuellen Teilgebietes der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung gegeben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen und Maschinen für das aus der Strahlenoptik der Physik abgeleitete Strahlverfolgungsverfahren (Ray Tracing), das die Synthese von Bildern höchster Qualität, einschließlich Schlagschatten, Spiegelung und Brechung, erlaubt, aber einen entsprechend hohen Berechnungsaufwand erfordert. Die neuen, hier vorgestellten Strukturen und ihre Analyse erlauben eine erhebliche Aufwandsverminderung, die das Strahlverfolgungsverfahren in der Praxis einsetzbar machen, wie an Implementierungen demonstriert wurde. Die verwendeten Techniken sind auch von allgemeinem Interesse in der geometrischen Datenverarbeitung.

Recent Advances in Speech Understanding and Dialog Systems (NATO ASI Subseries F: #46)

by H. Niemann M. Lang G. Sagerer

This volume contains invited and contributed papers presented at the NATO Advanced study Insti tute on "Recent Advances in Speech Understanding and Dialog systems" held in Bad Windsheim, Federal Republic of Germany, July 5 to July 18, 1987. It is divided into the three parts Speech coding and Segmentation, Word Recognition, and Linguistic Processing. Although this can only be a rough organization showing some overlap, the editors felt that it most naturally represents the bottom-up strategy of speech understanding and, therefore, should be useful for the reader. Part 1, SPEECH CODING AND SEGMENTATION, contains 4 invited and 14 contributed papers. The first invited paper summarizes basic properties of speech signals, reviews coding schemes, and describes a particular solution which guarantees high speech quality at low data rates. The second and third invited papers are concerned with acoustic-phonetic decoding. Techniques to integrate knowledge­ sources into speech recognition systems are presented and demonstrated by experimental systems. The fourth invited paper gives an overview of approaches for using prosodic knowledge in automatic speech recogni tion systems, and a method for assigning a stress score to every syllable in an utterance of German speech is reported in a contributed paper. A set of contributed papers treats the problem of automatic segmentation, and several authors successfully apply knowledge-based methods for interpreting speech signals and spectrograms. The last three papers investigate phonetic models, Markov models and fuzzy quantization techniques and provide a transi tion to Part 2 .

Rechnerstrukturen und Rechnerarchitekturen

by Bernd Bundschuh Peter Sokolowsky

Rechtsprechung und Computer in den neunziger Jahren: Am Beispiel von Begriff und Typologie der Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (Informatik-Fachberichte #174)

by Alfred Endrös

Das Thema Rechtsprechung und Computer wird anhand eines praktischen Beispiels behandelt. Das Buch projiziert den Einfluß der Informationstechnik auf die Entwicklung der neunziger Jahre und vermittelt erstmals anhand eines Beispiels ein Bild davon, wie die Informationstechnik Entscheidungen selbst höchster Gerichte beeinflussen wird. Neue Ergebnisse und Methoden liegen in der Darstellung von Einzelheiten bereits ergangener höchstrichterlicher Entscheidungen, die bei Einsatz moderner Informationstechnik anders ausgesehen hätten. Zugleich wird durch Abgrenzung von Begriff und Typologie versucht, den Definitionswirrwarr bei der Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts auch im internationalen Rechtsbereich einzudämmen. In einem Anhang wird als Anschauungsmaterial die Praxis eines Wettbewerbsgerichts im Informatikzeitalter im einzelnen dargestellt. Ziel des Buches ist es, dem Juristen, der die Rechtsinformatik bisher im wesentlichen aus theoretischen Erörterungen kennt, aber auch dem Rechtsinformatiker eine praktische Vorstellung von den Möglichkeiten der Computerunterstützung zu vermitteln.

Reflexive Structures: An Introduction to Computability Theory

by Luis E. Sanchis

Reflexive Structures: An Introduction to Computability Theory is concerned with the foundations of the theory of recursive functions. The approach taken presents the fundamental structures in a fairly general setting, but avoiding the introduction of abstract axiomatic domains. Natural numbers and numerical functions are considered exclusively, which results in a concrete theory conceptually organized around Church's thesis. The book develops the important structures in recursive function theory: closure properties, reflexivity, enumeration, and hyperenumeration. Of particular interest is the treatment of recursion, which is considered from two different points of view: via the minimal fixed point theory of continuous transformations, and via the well known stack algorithm. Reflexive Structures is intended as an introduction to the general theory of computability. It can be used as a text or reference in senior undergraduate and first year graduate level classes in computer science or mathematics.

Robotics and Factories of the Future ’87: Proceedings of the Second International Conference San Diego, California, USA July 28–31, 1987

by R. Radharamanan

The papers presented at the Second International Conference on Robotics and Factories of the Future held in San Diego, California, USA during July 28-31, 1987 are compiled in this volume. Over two hundred participants attended the conference, made technical presentations and discussed about various aspects of manufacturing, robotics and factories of the future. The number of papers published in this volume and the number of unpublished presentations at the conference indicates the evidance of growing interest in the areas of CAD/CAM, robotics and their role in future factories. The conference consisted of five plenary sessions, twenty three technical sessions, workshops, and exhibits from local industries and educational institutions. I wish to acknowledge with many thanks the contributions of all the authors who presented their work at the conference and submitted the manuscripts for publication. It is also my pleasure to acknowledge the role of keynote, banquet, and plenary sessions speakers whose contributions added greatly to the success of the conference. My sincere thanks to all session chairmen. I wish that the series of the International Conferences on Robotics and Factories of the Future which was initiated in 1984 in Charlotte, North Carolina will have a major impact on the use of robots and computers in the automated factories of the future.

Scientific Computation with Automatic Result Verification (Computing Supplementa #6)

by Ulrich Kulisch Hans J. Stetter

Scientific Computation with Result Verification has been a persevering research topic at the Institute for Applied Mathematics of Karlsruhe University for many years. A good number of meetings have been devoted to this area. The latest of these meetings was held from 30 September to 2 October, 1987, in Karlsruhe; it was co-sponsored by the GAMM Committee on "Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computation". - - This volume combines edited versions of selected papers presented at this confer­ ence, including a few which were presented at a similar meeting one year earlier. The selection was made on the basis of relevance to the topic chosen for this volume. All papers are original contributions. In an appendix, we have supplied a short account of the Fortran-SC language which permits the programming of algorithms with result verification in a natural manner. The editors hope that the publication of this material as a Supplementum of Computing will further stimulate the interest of the scientific community in this important tool for Scientific Computation. In particular, we would like to make application scientists aware of its potential. The papers in the second chapter of this volume should convince them that automatic result verification may help them to design more reliable software for their particular tasks. We wish to thank all contributors for adapting their manuscripts to the goals of this volume. We are also grateful to the Publisher, Springer-Verlag of Vienna, for an efficient and quick production.

Search in Artificial Intelligence (Symbolic Computation)

by Leveen Kanal Vipin Kumar

Search is an important component of problem solving in artificial intelligence (AI) and, more generally, in computer science, engineering and operations research. Combinatorial optimization, decision analysis, game playing, learning, planning, pattern recognition, robotics and theorem proving are some of the areas in which search algbrithms playa key role. Less than a decade ago the conventional wisdom in artificial intelligence was that the best search algorithms had already been invented and the likelihood of finding new results in this area was very small. Since then many new insights and results have been obtained. For example, new algorithms for state space, AND/OR graph, and game tree search were discovered. Articles on new theoretical developments and experimental results on backtracking, heuristic search and constraint propaga­ tion were published. The relationships among various search and combinatorial algorithms in AI, Operations Research, and other fields were clarified. This volume brings together some of this recent work in a manner designed to be accessible to students and professionals interested in these new insights and developments.

Sensors and Sensory Systems for Advanced Robots (NATO ASI Subseries F: #43)

by Paolo Dario Centro E. Piaggio

This volume contains papers presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) on "Sensors and Sensory Systems for Advanced Robots", which was held in Maratea, Italy, during the week Apri I 28 - May 3, 1986. Participants in the ARW, who came from eleven NATO and two non-NATO countries, represented an i nternat i ona I assortment of d i st i ngu i shed research centers in industry, government and academia. Purpose of the Workshop was to rev i ew the state of the art of sensing for advanced robots, to discuss basic concepts and new ideas on the use of sensors for robot control and to provide recommendations for future research in this area, There IS an almost unanimous consensus among invest i gators in the fie I d of robot i cs that the add i t i on of sensory capabi I ities represents the "natural" evolution of present industrial robots, as wei I as the necessary premise to the development of advanced robots for nonindustrial app I i cat ions. However, a number of conceptua I and techn i ca I problems sti I I challenge the practical implementation and widespread appl ication of sensor-based robot control techn i ques. Cruc i a I among those prob I ems is the ava i lab iii ty of adequate sensors.

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