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Parallel Processes and Related Automata / Parallele Prozesse und damit zusammenhängende Automaten (Computing Supplementa #3)

by Hans-Juergen Schneider W. Knödel

The third supplement volume of "Computing" deals with parallel processes and thus with a highly topical area of informatics. As both the first supplement volumes were concerned with numerical questions, the entire subject, the cultivation of which "Computing" purports, is now broadly outlined in the supplement volumes too. The reason for the simultaneous production of so many papers on the same subject was the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Handler, an eminent specialist in the field of parallel processing. It was the wish of his friends, colleagues and collaborators that Herr Handler be honoured by the gift of a volume which would have as its centre of interest the area of research that he represents. In this volume, parallelism is focused upon from various angles and an attempt has been made, through new results, to bring it a little further. It is obvious from a glance at the bibliographies of the papers contributed, in which many of Herr Handler's publications are referenced, that he was never far from the writer's minds.

PASCAL for Programmers

by S. Eisenbach C. Sadler

The material for this book first appeared in the magazine Personal Computer World, as a series of articles which ran from September 1979 to June 1980. It was designed to appeal to a new (in 1979) sort of reader the microcomputer enthusiast, both amateur and professional about whom two assumptions were made. The first was that the reader was someone who had already learned to program (probably in BASIC) and who wanted to create programs in as systematic and proficient a fashion as possible. The second was that the reader would not be adverse to an occasional glimpse of how the underlying machine played its part in executing these programs. As a result of these, no attempt was made to teach the "problem-solving" aspects of programming (although the Top-Down philosophy for program design formed a key feature) and no apology was made for the repeated references to the way in which a Pascal compiler "viewed" some particular code fragment. In preparing this material for publication as a single volume, there has been little deviation from this policy. Nevertheless, it should be remarked that the first five chapters contain all the material one would need to cover in an initial course in programming (up to the level of most BASIC's) while the second half of the book tackles some of the more sophisticated techniques available to the Pascal programmer.

Pattern Analysis (Springer Series in Information Sciences #4)

by H. Niemann

This book is devoted to pattern analysis, that is, the automatic construc­ tion of a symbolic description for a complex pattern, like an image or con­ nected speech. Pattern analysis thus tries to simulate certain capabilities which go without saying in any human central nervous system. The increasing interest and growing efforts at solving the problems related with pattern analysis are motivated by the challenge of the problem and the expected ap­ plications. Potential applications are numerous and result from the fact that data can be gathered and stored by modern devices in ever increasing extent, thus making the finding of particular interesting facts or events in these hosts of data an ever increasing problem. It was tried to organize the book around one particular view of pattern analysis: the view that pattern analysis requires an appropriate set of modules operating on a common data base which contains interme­ processing diate results of processing. Although other views are certainly possible, this one was adopted because the author feels that it is a useful idea, be­ cause the size of this book had to be kept within reasonable bounds, and because it facilitated the composition of fairly self-contained chapters.

Pattern Classifiers and Trainable Machines

by J. Sklansky G.N. Wassel

This book is the outgrowth of both a research program and a graduate course at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) since 1966, as well as a graduate course at the California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona). The research program, part of the UCI Pattern Recogni­ tion Project, was concerned with the design of trainable classifiers; the graduate courses were broader in scope, including subjects such as feature selection, cluster analysis, choice of data set, and estimates of probability densities. In the interest of minimizing overlap with other books on pattern recogni­ tion or classifier theory, we have selected a few topics of special interest for this book, and treated them in some depth. Some of this material has not been previously published. The book is intended for use as a guide to the designer of pattern classifiers, or as a text in a graduate course in an engi­ neering or computer science curriculum. Although this book is directed primarily to engineers and computer scientists, it may also be of interest to psychologists, biologists, medical scientists, and social scientists.

Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Objective Function Algorithms (Advanced Applications in Pattern Recognition)

by James C. Bezdek

The fuzzy set was conceived as a result of an attempt to come to grips with the problem of pattern recognition in the context of imprecisely defined categories. In such cases, the belonging of an object to a class is a matter of degree, as is the question of whether or not a group of objects form a cluster. A pioneering application of the theory of fuzzy sets to cluster analysis was made in 1969 by Ruspini. It was not until 1973, however, when the appearance of the work by Dunn and Bezdek on the Fuzzy ISODATA (or fuzzy c-means) algorithms became a landmark in the theory of cluster analysis, that the relevance of the theory of fuzzy sets to cluster analysis and pattern recognition became clearly established. Since then, the theory of fuzzy clustering has developed rapidly and fruitfully, with the author of the present monograph contributing a major share of what we know today. In their seminal work, Bezdek and Dunn have introduced the basic idea of determining the fuzzy clusters by minimizing an appropriately defined functional, and have derived iterative algorithms for computing the membership functions for the clusters in question. The important issue of convergence of such algorithms has become much better understood as a result of recent work which is described in the monograph.

PISA: A Programming System for Interactive Production of Application Software (Informatik-Fachberichte #45)

by R. Marty

This report introduces the programming system PISA intendei for the interactive production of application software. The heart of the programming system is a new programming language, also called PISA. An interactive environment for this language permits the creation, test, maintenance, and usage of PISA programs in a real-time dialogue fashion. Both the programming language and its interactive environment are described without any reference to a specific implementation. Together, they form a well defined programming system whose components interact harmoniously. The programming system PISA is dedicated to application software production. This implies that production of system software and online-control programs is not a goal of PISA. Furthermore, it means that PISA must meet several requirements as they arise from commercial application software production, the most stringent ones being economy, availability, and compatibility: In the long term the overall cost of software production and usage with such a programming system must be less than with conventional means, the programming system must be available or implementable on a wide range of computer systems currently used, and existing data must be accessible in its actual physical representation. The definition of PISA is given in a heavily annotated form in this report: Examples for the use of single componer.ts as well as for the entire system are presented, most of the lan~uage constructs and system facilities are commented on briefly, and the implications of the programming system's design on implementability and portability issues are discussed.

Principles of Artificial Intelligence

by Nils J. Nilsson

A classic introduction to artificial intelligence intended to bridge the gap between theory and practice, Principles of Artificial Intelligence describes fundamental AI ideas that underlie applications such as natural language processing, automatic programming, robotics, machine vision, automatic theorem proving, and intelligent data retrieval. Rather than focusing on the subject matter of the applications, the book is organized around general computational concepts involving the kinds of data structures used, the types of operations performed on the data structures, and the properties of the control strategies used.Principles of Artificial Intelligenceevolved from the author's courses and seminars at Stanford University and University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is suitable for text use in a senior or graduate AI course, or for individual study.

Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard

by W. F. Clocksin C. S. Mellish

The computer programming language Prolog is quickly gaining popularity throughout the world. Since Its beginnings around 1970. Prolog has been chosen by many programmers for applications of symbolic computation. including: D relational databases D mathematical logic D abstract problem solving D understanding natural language D architectural design D symbolic equation solving D biochemical structure analysis D many areas of artificial Intelligence Until now. there has been no textbook with the aim of teaching Prolog as a practical programming language. It Is perhaps a tribute to Prolog that so many people have been motivated to learn It by referring to the necessarily concise reference manuals. a few published papers. and by the orally transmitted 'folklore' of the modern computing community. However. as Prolog is beginning to be Introduced to large numbers of undergraduate and postgraduate students. many of our colleagues have expressed a great need for a tutorial guide to learning Prolog. We hope this little book will go some way towards meeting this need. Many newcomers to Prolog find that the task of writing a Prolog program Is not like specifying an algorithm in the same way as In a conventional programming language. Instead. the Prolog programmer asks more what formal relationships and objects occur In his problem.

Prose Comprehension Beyond the Word

by A.C. Graesser

When individuals read or listen to prose they try to understand what it means. This is quite obvious. However, the cognitive mechanisms that participate in prose comprehension are far from obvious. Even simple stories involve com­ plexities that have stymied many cognitive scientists. Why is prose comprehen­ sion so difficult to study? Perhaps because comprehension is guided by so many domains of knowledge. Perhaps because some critical mysteries of prose comprehension reside between the lines-in the mind of the comprehender. Ten years ago very few psychologists were willing to dig beyond the surface of explicit code in their studies of discourse processing. Tacit knowledge, world knowledge, inferences, and expectations were slippery notions that experimental psychologists managed to circumvent rather than understand. In many scientific circles it was taboo to investigate mechanisms and phenomena that are not directly governed by the physical stimulus. Fortunately, times have changed. Cognitive scientists are now vigorously exploring the puzzles of comprehension that lie beyond the word. The study of discourse processing is currently growing at a frenetic pace.

Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View

by J. Glimm A. Jaffe

This book is addressed to one problem and to three audiences. The problem is the mathematical structure of modem physics: statistical physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum fields. The unity of mathemati­ cal structure for problems of diverse origin in physics should be no surprise. For classical physics it is provided, for example, by a common mathematical formalism based on the wave equation and Laplace's equation. The unity transcends mathematical structure and encompasses basic phenomena as well. Thus particle physicists, nuclear physicists, and con­ densed matter physicists have considered similar scientific problems from complementary points of view. The mathematical structure presented here can be described in various terms: partial differential equations in an infinite number of independent variables, linear operators on infinite dimensional spaces, or probability theory and analysis over function spaces. This mathematical structure of quantization is a generalization of the theory of partial differential equa­ tions, very much as the latter generalizes the theory of ordinary differential equations. Our central theme is the quantization of a nonlinear partial differential equation and the physics of systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Mathematicians, theoretical physicists, and specialists in mathematical physics are the three audiences to which the book is addressed. Each of the three parts is written with a different scientific perspective.

Readings in Artificial Intelligence

by Bonnie Lynn Webber Nils J. Nilsson

Readings in Artificial Intelligence focuses on the principles, methodologies, advancements, and approaches involved in artificial intelligence. The selection first elaborates on representations of problems of reasoning about actions, a problem similarity approach to devising heuristics, and optimal search strategies for speech understanding control. Discussions focus on comparison with existing speech understanding systems, empirical comparisons of the different strategies, analysis of distance function approximation, problem similarity, problems of reasoning about action, search for solution in the reduction system, and relationship between the initial search space and the higher level search space. The book then examines consistency in networks of relations, non-resolution theorem proving, using rewriting rules for connection graphs to prove theorems, and closed world data bases. The manuscript tackles a truth maintenance system, elements of a plan-based theory of speech acts, and reasoning about knowledge and action. Topics include problems in reasoning about knowledge, integration knowledge and action, models of plans, compositional adequacy, truth maintenance mechanisms, dialectical arguments, and assumptions and the problem of control. The selection is a valuable reference for researchers wanting to explore the field of artificial intelligence.

Real-Time Parallel Computing: Image Analysis

by Morio Onoe

This book is concerned with the aspects of real-time, parallel computing which are specific to the analysis of digitized images including both the symbolic and semantic data derived from such images. The subjects covered encompass processing, storing, and transmitting images and image data. A variety of techniques and algorithms for the analysis and manipulation of images are explored both theoretically and in terms of implementation in hardware and software. The book is organized into four topic areas: (1) theo­ retical development, (2) languages for image processing, (3) new computer techniques, and (4) implementation in special purpose real-time digital systems. Computer utilization, methodology, and design for image analy­ sis presents special and unusual problems. One author (Nagao)* points out that, "Human perception of a scene is very complex. It has not been made clear how perception functions, what one sees in a picture, and how one understands the whole picture. It is almost certain that one carries out a very quick trial-and-error process, starting from the detection of gross prominent features and then analyzing details, using one's knowledge of the world. " Another author (Duff) makes the observation that, "It is therefore more difficult to write computer programs which deal with images than those which deal with numbers, human thinking about arithmetic being a largely conscious activity.

Rechner-Einsatz in der Wasserkraftwirtschaft (Schriftenreihe der Technischen Universität Wien #20)

by K. Dorfmeister

Erarbeitet am Institut für Energiewirtschaft der Technischen Universität Wien

The Science of Programming (Monographs in Computer Science)

by David Gries

Describes basic programming principles and their step-by- step applications.Numerous examples are included.

Sinclair Z. X. 81 Programming for Real Applications

by Randle Hurley

Struktur und Effizienz berufsvorbereitender Maßnahmen: Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung von Förderungslehrgängen für noch nicht berufsreife Jugendliche (Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen #3044)

by Wolfgang Kokoska

Das Problem der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, insbesondere des Übergangs von der Schule in die Arbeitswelt, ist zu Beginn der 80er Jahre auch in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland weiter­ hin virulent. Sowohl in ökonomischer, politischer als auch pädagogischer Dimension sind die strukturellen Merkmale der Ausbildungs- und Berufsnot Jugendlicher noch immer aktuell. Ist zwar einerseits eine gewisse Entspannung insofern einge­ treten, als die rapide, krisenhafte Ausweitung der Betroffen­ heit im Verlauf der 70er Jahre zum Stillstand und Rückgang gekommen ist, so kann andererseits immer noch nicht die Rede von einer Bewältigung oder gar dem Ende jugendlicher Berufs­ startschwierigkeiten sein. Nach dem Tenor gegenwärtiger Wirtschaftsprognosen ist vielmehr davon auszugehen, daß auch noch in absehbarer Zeit beschäftigungs- und arbeitsmarkt­ intervenierende sowie schul- und berufsbildungspolitisch orientierte Instrumentarien und Strategien, diesem uner­ wünschten Phänomen gegenzusteuern, erforderlich sein werden. Zumal die Nahtstelle des Übergangs vom allgemeinbildenden in den beruflichen Sektor bedarf auch fernerhin besonderer Zu­ wendung, markiert sie doch nach wie vor für einen beträcht­ lichen Teil von Schulabgängern eine nachhaltige Barriere zu qualifizierter Berufsausbildung und beruflicher Tätigkeit.

Studies in Ada Style

by P. Hibbard A. Hisgen J. Rosenberg M. Shaw M. Sherman

The major problems of modern software involve finding effective techniques and tools for organizing and maintaining large, complex programs. The key concept in modern programming for controlling complexity is abstraction; that is, selective emphasis on detail. This monograph discusses how the Ada programming language provides ways to support and exploit such abstraction techniques. The monograph is organized into two parts. The first part traces the important ideas of modern programming languages to their roots in the languages of the past decade and shows how modern languages, such as Ada, respond to contemporary problems in software development. The second part examines five problems to be programmed using Ada. For each problem, a complete Ada program is given, followed by a discussion of how the Ada language affected various design decisions. These problems were selected to be as practical as possible rather than to illustrate any particular set of language features. Much of this material has appeared previously in print. An earlier version of the first section, by Mary Shaw, was published as "The Impact of Abstraction Concerns on Modern Programming Languages" in the Proceedings of the IEEE special issue on Software Engineering, September 1980, Vol. 68, No. 9, pages 1119·1130. It is reprinted with the IEEE's permission. The article has been updated to reflect the revised Ada syntax and semantics.

Telecommunications Switching (Applications of Communications Theory)

by J. Gordon Pearce

The motivation for this book stems from an early exposure to the book Ap­ plied Mechanics by John Perry. Professor Perry strove to encourage his readers to understand the applications and use of mathematics in engineering with­ out insisting that they become immersed in pure mathematics. The following text uses this approach to the application of telecommunications switching. Readers wishing to study the derivation and proof of formulas will be able to do so using relevant references. The existence of low-cost programmable calculators frees practicing engineers from much laborious calculation, allowing more time for creative design and application of the art. The reader should not need to be able to derive formulas in order to apply them just as, to quote Professor Perry, "He should not have to be able to design a watch in order to tell time ... The material for this book has been drawn from my own experience in the field. Inevitably, however, I have used CCITT and Bell System publications for references and in some cases quotation, and I gratefully acknowledge permission for their use. I am also grateful to Stromberg Carlson Corporation for their earlier encour­ agement and support without which this book would not have been possible. Thanks are also due to Fred Hadfield for his advice and assistance in the preparation of the many figures and to my wife Ada for her support and patience as I pursued the demanding but interesting task of producing the text.

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