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Kalman-Filter: Einführung in die Zustandsschätzung und ihre Anwendung für eingebettete Systeme

by Reiner Marchthaler Sebastian Dingler

Dieses Lehrbuch befasst sich leicht verständlich mit der Theorie der Kalman-Filterung. Die Autoren geben damit eine Einführung in Kalman-Filter und deren Anwendung für eingebettete Systeme. Zusätzlich wird anhand konkreter Praxisbeispiele der Kalman-Filterentwurf demonstriert – Teilschritte werden im Buch ausführlich erläutert.Kalman-Filter sind die erste Wahl, um Störsignale auf den Sensorsignalen zu eliminieren. Dies ist von besonderer Bedeutung, da viele technische Systeme ihre prozessrelevanten Informationen über Sensoren gewinnen. Jeder Messwert eines Sensors weißt jedoch aufgrund verschiedener Ursachen einen Messfehler auf. Würde ein System nur auf Basis dieser ungenauen Sensorinformationen arbeiten, so wären viele Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel ein Navigationssystem oder autonome arbeitende Systeme, nicht möglich.Das Buch ist geeignet für interessierte Bachelor- und Master-Studierende der Fachrichtungen Informatik, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik undMechatronik. Ebenso ist das Buch eine Hilfe für Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler, die ein Kalman-Filter z. B. für die Datenfusion oder die Schätzung unbekannter Größen in Echtzeitanwendungen einsetzen möchten.

Kantian Ethics and the Attention Economy: Duty and Distraction

by Timothy Aylsworth Clinton Castro

In this open access book, Timothy Aylsworth and Clinton Castro draw on the deep well of Kantian ethics to argue that we have moral duties, both to ourselves and to others, to protect our autonomy from the threat posed by the problematic use of technology. The problematic use of technologies like smartphones threatens our autonomy in a variety of ways, and critics have only begun to appreciate the vast scope of this problem. In the last decade, we have seen a flurry of books making “self-help” arguments about how we could live happier, more fulfilling lives if we were less addicted to our phones. But none of these authors see this issue as one involving a moral duty to protect our autonomy.

Key 5G/5G-Advanced Physical Layer Technologies: Enabling Mobile and Fixed Wireless Access

by Douglas H. Morais

This third edition of this text covers the key technologies associated with the physical transmission of data on 5G mobile systems. Following an updated overview of these technologies, the author provides a high-level description of 3GPP’s mobile communications standard (5G/5G-Advanced) and shows how the key technologies presented earlier facilitate the transmission of very high-speed user data and control data and can provide very low latency for use cases where this is important. In the final chapter, an updated overview and the physical layer aspects of 5G NR enabled Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) networks is presented. Material in the second edition addressed mainly the key physical layer technologies and features associated with 3GPP Release 15, the first release to support 5G, and Release 16. This edition adds descriptions of some of the technological advancements supported in Releases 17 and 18, the latter being designated by 3GPP as 5G-Advanced. In addition to numerous enhancements of existing features, these releases include new features such as support for 1024-QAM in the downlink in the FR1 band, Reduced Capability (RedCAP) devices, Network Controlled repeaters, operation in the 6 GHz band and above 52.6 GHz, support for broadcast/multicast services, and Non-terrestrial Networks (NTNs). Additionally, a look ahead at some of the planned features and enhancements of Release 19 is provided. This textbook is intended for graduate and upper undergraduate engineering students and practicing engineers and technicians who have an interest in 3GPP’s 5G enabled mobile and or FWA networks and want to acquire, where missing, the necessary technology background in order to understand 3GPP’s physical layer specifications and operation. Provided are working problems and helpful examples throughout the text.

KI als Zukunftsmotor für Verlage: Potenziale und Fallbeispiele für KI-Anwendungen in der Buchbranche

by Okke Schlüter

Generative KI ist ein Game Changer für Verlage. Wie aber sollten Verlage darauf reagieren? Da in der Publishing-Branche Daten eine wichtige Rolle spielen, können KI-Technologien auch hier wertvolle Beiträge leisten. Diese Innovationen sichern gleichzeitig die Zukunft der Verlagsbranche gegenüber globalen Tech-Konzernen ab, die selbst Publishing anbieten. Ziel des Bandes ist es daher, über konkrete Potenziale in Verlagen zu sprechen, seien es z. B. Manuskriptarbeit, Marketingkommunikation oder Nachauflagen. Mit einer Einführung in KI, drei konkreten Fallbeispielen und einer Potenzialanalyse zu ChatGPT.

Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation: MICCAI 2023 Challenge, KiTS 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 8, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14540)

by Nicholas Heller Andrew Wood Fabian Isensee Tim Rädsch Resha Teipaul Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos Christopher Weight

This book constitutes the Third International Challenge on Kidney and Kidney Tumor Segmentation, KiTS 2023, which was held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023. The challenge took place in Vancouver, BC, Canada, on October 8, 2023. The 22 contributions presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 29 submissions. This challenge aims to develop the best system for automatic semantic segmentation of kidneys, renal tumors and renal cysts.

Knowledge-augmented Methods for Natural Language Processing (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Meng Jiang Bill Yuchen Lin Shuohang Wang Yichong Xu Wenhao Yu Chenguang Zhu

Over the last few years, natural language processing has seen remarkable progress due to the emergence of larger-scale models, better training techniques, and greater availability of data. Examples of these advancements include GPT-4, ChatGPT, and other pre-trained language models. These models are capable of characterizing linguistic patterns and generating context-aware representations, resulting in high-quality output. However, these models rely solely on input-output pairs during training and, therefore, struggle to incorporate external world knowledge, such as named entities, their relations, common sense, and domain-specific content. Incorporating knowledge into the training and inference of language models is critical to their ability to represent language accurately. Additionally, knowledge is essential in achieving higher levels of intelligence that cannot be attained through statistical learning of input text patterns alone. In this book, we will review recent developmentsin the field of natural language processing, specifically focusing on the role of knowledge in language representation. We will examine how pre-trained language models like GPT-4 and ChatGPT are limited in their ability to capture external world knowledge and explore various approaches to incorporate knowledge into language models. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of knowledge in enabling higher levels of intelligence that go beyond statistical learning on input text patterns. Overall, this survey aims to provide insights into the importance of knowledge in natural language processing and highlight recent advances in this field.

Knowledge Management in Organisations: 18th International Conference, KMO 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 – August 1, 2024, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2152)

by Lorna Uden I-Hsien Ting

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Knowledge management in Organizations, KMO 2024, which took place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, during July 29–August 1, 2024 The 33 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. The papers are organized in subject areas as follows: Knowledge Transfer and Sharing; Knowledge in Business and Organisation; Innovation and Knowledge Creation; KM and Education; KM Process and Model; Information and Knowledge Management Systems; AI, IT and New Trends in KM; and Healthcare.

Künstliche Intelligenz im Bauwesen: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfälle

by Shervin Haghsheno Gerhard Satzger Svenja Lauble Michael Vössing

Dieses Fachbuch demonstriert das Potenzial Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Bauwesen. Die rasant wachsende Menge an Daten sowie die in Bauprojekten eingesetzte Hard- und Software bilden die Grundlage für projektübergreifende und vorausschauende Analysen, die u.a. durch Ansätze des maschinellen Lernens und der Robotik ermöglicht werden.Die einzelnen Beiträge dieses Buches geben einen allgemeinen Überblick über Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und veranschaulichen deren Einsatz im Bauwesen anhand konkreter Anwendungsfälle aus Forschung und Praxis. KI-Methoden versprechen hier sowohl Effizienzgewinne und Fehlerreduzierung durch Automatisierung repetitiver Tätigkeiten als auch völlig neue Möglichkeiten der Entscheidungsunterstützung in Bauplanung, -ausführung und -betrieb. Die Publikation richtet sich insbesondere an Führungskräfte und Fachexperten der Bauwirtschaft, die mit KI-Methoden eine nachhaltige Verbesserung ihrer Unternehmensprozesse erreichen wollen.

The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI

by Justin Hutchens

A penetrating look at the dark side of emerging AI technologies In The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity veteran Justin Hutchens delivers an incisive and penetrating look at how contemporary and future AI can and will be weaponized for malicious and adversarial purposes. In the book, you will explore multiple foundational concepts to include the history of social engineering and social robotics, the psychology of deception, considerations of machine sentience and consciousness, and the history of how technology has been weaponized in the past. From these foundations, the author examines topics related to the emerging risks of advanced AI technologies, to include: The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for social manipulation, disinformation, psychological operations, deception and fraud The implementation of LLMs to construct fully autonomous social engineering systems for targeted attacks or for mass manipulation at scale The technical use of LLMs and the underlying transformer architecture for use in technical weapons systems to include advanced next-generation malware, physical robotics, and even autonomous munition systems Speculative future risks such as the alignment problem, disembodiment attacks, and flash wars.Perfect for tech enthusiasts, cybersecurity specialists, and AI and machine learning professionals, The Language of Deception is an insightful and timely take on an increasingly essential subject.

The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI

by Justin Hutchens

A penetrating look at the dark side of emerging AI technologies In The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity veteran Justin Hutchens delivers an incisive and penetrating look at how contemporary and future AI can and will be weaponized for malicious and adversarial purposes. In the book, you will explore multiple foundational concepts to include the history of social engineering and social robotics, the psychology of deception, considerations of machine sentience and consciousness, and the history of how technology has been weaponized in the past. From these foundations, the author examines topics related to the emerging risks of advanced AI technologies, to include: The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for social manipulation, disinformation, psychological operations, deception and fraud The implementation of LLMs to construct fully autonomous social engineering systems for targeted attacks or for mass manipulation at scale The technical use of LLMs and the underlying transformer architecture for use in technical weapons systems to include advanced next-generation malware, physical robotics, and even autonomous munition systems Speculative future risks such as the alignment problem, disembodiment attacks, and flash wars.Perfect for tech enthusiasts, cybersecurity specialists, and AI and machine learning professionals, The Language of Deception is an insightful and timely take on an increasingly essential subject.

Large Language Model-Based Solutions: How to Deliver Value with Cost-Effective Generative AI Applications (Tech Today)

by Shreyas Subramanian

Learn to build cost-effective apps using Large Language Models In Large Language Model-Based Solutions: How to Deliver Value with Cost-Effective Generative AI Applications, Principal Data Scientist at Amazon Web Services, Shreyas Subramanian, delivers a practical guide for developers and data scientists who wish to build and deploy cost-effective large language model (LLM)-based solutions. In the book, you'll find coverage of a wide range of key topics, including how to select a model, pre- and post-processing of data, prompt engineering, and instruction fine tuning. The author sheds light on techniques for optimizing inference, like model quantization and pruning, as well as different and affordable architectures for typical generative AI (GenAI) applications, including search systems, agent assists, and autonomous agents. You'll also find: Effective strategies to address the challenge of the high computational cost associated with LLMs Assistance with the complexities of building and deploying affordable generative AI apps, including tuning and inference techniques Selection criteria for choosing a model, with particular consideration given to compact, nimble, and domain-specific models Perfect for developers and data scientists interested in deploying foundational models, or business leaders planning to scale out their use of GenAI, Large Language Model-Based Solutions will also benefit project leaders and managers, technical support staff, and administrators with an interest or stake in the subject.

Large Language Model-Based Solutions: How to Deliver Value with Cost-Effective Generative AI Applications (Tech Today)

by Shreyas Subramanian

Learn to build cost-effective apps using Large Language Models In Large Language Model-Based Solutions: How to Deliver Value with Cost-Effective Generative AI Applications, Principal Data Scientist at Amazon Web Services, Shreyas Subramanian, delivers a practical guide for developers and data scientists who wish to build and deploy cost-effective large language model (LLM)-based solutions. In the book, you'll find coverage of a wide range of key topics, including how to select a model, pre- and post-processing of data, prompt engineering, and instruction fine tuning. The author sheds light on techniques for optimizing inference, like model quantization and pruning, as well as different and affordable architectures for typical generative AI (GenAI) applications, including search systems, agent assists, and autonomous agents. You'll also find: Effective strategies to address the challenge of the high computational cost associated with LLMs Assistance with the complexities of building and deploying affordable generative AI apps, including tuning and inference techniques Selection criteria for choosing a model, with particular consideration given to compact, nimble, and domain-specific models Perfect for developers and data scientists interested in deploying foundational models, or business leaders planning to scale out their use of GenAI, Large Language Model-Based Solutions will also benefit project leaders and managers, technical support staff, and administrators with an interest or stake in the subject.

Large-Scale Scientific Computations: 14th International Conference, LSSC 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 5–9, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13952)

by Ivan Lirkov Svetozar Margenov

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations, LSSC 2023, held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, during June 5–9, 2023. The 49 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: preconditioning and multilevel methods; fractures and mixed dimensional modeling: discretizations, solvers, and methodology; machine learning and model order reduction for large scale predictive simulations; fractional differential problems: theoretical aspects, algorithms and applications; variational analysis and optimal control; stochastic optimal control and numerical methods in economics and finance; tensor methods for big data analytics and low-rank approximations of PDEs solutions; applications of metaheuristics to large-scale problems; large-scale models: numerical methods, parallel computations and applications; HPC and HPDA: algorithms and applications.

Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor and the American Presidency

by Stephen J. Farnsworth S. Robert Lichter Farah Latif

This book traces the trajectory of late-night political humor, which has long been a staple of entertainment television and is now a prominent part of social media political discourse, especially when it comes to the presidency. From Richard Nixon on Laugh-In to Donald Trump’s avatar on Saturday Night Live, this book takes the next step and considers how late-night comedy treats Joe Biden, the new American president who strives to restore a civil public tone but offers far less comedy fodder than his predecessor. Employing content analysis, public opinion surveys, and a variety of other quantitative and qualitative research, the authors look beyond the day-to-day memes and mimes of late-night comics and show how political humor may evolve. For students and scholars of politics and the media, this book will appeal to the general public and political pundits as well.

Late-Night in Washington: Political Humor and the American Presidency

by Stephen J. Farnsworth S. Robert Lichter Farah Latif

This book traces the trajectory of late-night political humor, which has long been a staple of entertainment television and is now a prominent part of social media political discourse, especially when it comes to the presidency. From Richard Nixon on Laugh-In to Donald Trump’s avatar on Saturday Night Live, this book takes the next step and considers how late-night comedy treats Joe Biden, the new American president who strives to restore a civil public tone but offers far less comedy fodder than his predecessor. Employing content analysis, public opinion surveys, and a variety of other quantitative and qualitative research, the authors look beyond the day-to-day memes and mimes of late-night comics and show how political humor may evolve. For students and scholars of politics and the media, this book will appeal to the general public and political pundits as well.

LaTeX Cookbook: Over 100 practical, ready-to-use LaTeX recipes for instant solutions

by Stefan Kottwitz

Explore practical LaTeX examples across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science, and learn to quickly create tables, diagrams, and plots for your thesis, presentations, and articlesKey FeaturesWork with ready-to-use document templates to write articles, books, a thesis, and moreRefine text, fonts, formulas, and tables, and optimize PDF propertiesCreate captivating graphics directly within LaTeX in 2D and 3DPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionThe second edition of LaTeX Cookbook offers improved and additional examples especially for users in science and academia, with a focus on new packages for creating graphics with LaTeX. This edition also features an additional chapter on ChatGPT use to improve content, streamline code, and automate tasks, thereby saving time. This book is a practical guide to utilizing the capabilities of modern document classes and exploring the functionalities of the newest LaTeX packages. Starting with familiar document types like articles, books, letters, posters, leaflets, and presentations, it contains detailed tutorials for refining text design, adjusting fonts, managing images, creating tables, and optimizing PDFs. It also covers elements such as the bibliography, glossary, and index. You’ll learn to create graphics directly within LaTeX, including diagrams and plots, and explore LaTeX’s application across various fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. The book’s website offers online compilable code, an example gallery, and supplementary information related to the book, including the author’s LaTeX forum, where you can get personal support. By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills to optimize productivity through practical demonstrations of effective LaTeX usage in diverse scenarios.What you will learnUtilize various document classes and incorporate bibliography, glossary, and index sectionsHandle arranging and annotating images with easeCreate visually appealing tables and learn how to manage fonts efficientlyGenerate diverse and colorful graphics, including diagrams, flow charts, bar charts, trees, and both 2D and 3D plotsSolve writing and drawing tasks across various scientific disciplinesOptimize PDF output, enhancing it with metadata, annotations, popups, animations, and fill-in fieldsLeverage ChatGPT to improve content and codeWho this book is forIf you're a LaTeX user in school, academia, or industry with a foundational understanding of LaTeX basics, this book offers efficient solutions to expedite your tasks. Tailored to students, teachers, authors, and engineers, its example-driven format enables quick access to solutions. Familiarity with basic LaTeX syntax and using LaTeX with your preferred editor for compiling is recommended to make the most of this book.

LaTeX für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Rainer Griesbaum Ivica Rogina

LaTeX lernen leicht gemacht Von der Installation bis zum Druck: Rainer Griesbaum und Ivica Rogina erklären Ihnen in diesem Buch alles, was Sie zu dem bei Mathematikern, Naturwissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren beliebten Textsatzsystem LaTeX wissen müssen. Bringen Sie mit LaTeX umfangreiche Texte elegant in Form und integrieren Sie anschauliche Abbildungen, übersichtliche Tabellen, informative Fu?noten und schön gestaltete mathematische Formeln. Im Handumdrehen haben Sie ein Inhaltsverzeichnis erstellt, ein Register angelegt oder eine ansprechende Präsentation aufgebaut. Das alles können Sie mit dem Online- Editor Overleaf auch im Internet erledigen, alleine oder gemeinsam mit anderen. Sie erfahren Wie Sie LaTeX und eine bersichtliche Arbeitsumgebung einrichten Wie Sie Texte formatieren, Tabellen erstellen oder Formeln setzen Wie Sie Dokumente strukturieren, Verzeichnisse erstellen und Abbildungen einbinden

LATIN 2024: 16th Latin American Symposium, Puerto Varas, Chile, March 18–22, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14578)

by José A. Soto Andreas Wiese

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2042, which took place in Puerto Varas, Chile, in March 2024. The 44 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Algorithms and Data Structures; Approximation and Online Algorithms; Complexity Theory; Part II: Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Parameterized Algorithms; Automata Theory and Formal Languages; and Game Theory and Fairness.

LATIN 2024: 16th Latin American Symposium, Puerto Varas, Chile, March 18–22, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14579)

by José A. Soto Andreas Wiese

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2042, which took place in Puerto Varas, Chile, in March 2024. The 44 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Algorithms and Data Structures; Approximation and Online Algorithms; Complexity Theory; Part II: Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Parameterized Algorithms; Automata Theory and Formal Languages; and Game Theory and Fairness.

Law and Emerging Issues: Proceedings of the International Conference on Law and Emerging Issues (ICLEI 2023)

In the ever-evolving landscape of law and governance, adaptation and innovation are key to addressing the challenges of our times. This edited volume is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the legal field and the ongoing efforts of legal scholars and academicians to dissect, analyze, and grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by these changes. The topics covered in this book span a wide spectrum of legal domains, reflecting the complex and rapidly changing nature of our contemporary world. From corporate governance structures to emerging challenges in the digital space, from analyzing the implications of the Social Security Code 2020 in India to understanding the legal developments surrounding unorganized migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the breadth of subjects addressed here is both impressive and vital.

Law and Emerging Issues: Proceedings of the International Conference on Law and Emerging Issues (ICLEI 2023)

In the ever-evolving landscape of law and governance, adaptation and innovation are key to addressing the challenges of our times. This edited volume is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the legal field and the ongoing efforts of legal scholars and academicians to dissect, analyze, and grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by these changes. The topics covered in this book span a wide spectrum of legal domains, reflecting the complex and rapidly changing nature of our contemporary world. From corporate governance structures to emerging challenges in the digital space, from analyzing the implications of the Social Security Code 2020 in India to understanding the legal developments surrounding unorganized migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the breadth of subjects addressed here is both impressive and vital.

Law, Video Games, Virtual Realities: Playing Law (TechNomos)

by Dale Mitchell Ashley Pearson Timothy D. Peters

This edited volume explores the intersection between the coded realm of the video game and the equally codified space of law through an insightful collection of critical readings. Law is the ultimate multiplayer role-playing game. Involving a process of world-creation, law presents and codifies the parameters of licit and permitted behaviour, requiring individuals to engage their roles as a legal subject – the player-avatar of law – in order to be recognised, perform legal actions, activate rights or fulfil legal duties. Although traditional forms of law (copyright, property, privacy, freedom of expression) externally regulate the permissible content, form, dissemination, rights and behaviours of game designers, publishers, and players, this collection examines how players simulate, relate, and engage with environments and experiences shaped by legality in the realm of video game space. Featuring critical readings of video games as a means of understanding law and justice, this book contributes to the developing field of cultural legal studies, but will also be of interest to other legal theorists, socio-legal scholars, and games theorists.

Law, Video Games, Virtual Realities: Playing Law (TechNomos)

This edited volume explores the intersection between the coded realm of the video game and the equally codified space of law through an insightful collection of critical readings. Law is the ultimate multiplayer role-playing game. Involving a process of world-creation, law presents and codifies the parameters of licit and permitted behaviour, requiring individuals to engage their roles as a legal subject – the player-avatar of law – in order to be recognised, perform legal actions, activate rights or fulfil legal duties. Although traditional forms of law (copyright, property, privacy, freedom of expression) externally regulate the permissible content, form, dissemination, rights and behaviours of game designers, publishers, and players, this collection examines how players simulate, relate, and engage with environments and experiences shaped by legality in the realm of video game space. Featuring critical readings of video games as a means of understanding law and justice, this book contributes to the developing field of cultural legal studies, but will also be of interest to other legal theorists, socio-legal scholars, and games theorists.

Lead-Management: Prozesse – Menschen – Daten (essentials)

by Ulrich Vossebein Gabriele Hildmann Stefan Wengler

Lead-Management ist eine der großen Herausforderungen im Vertrieb, da die Neukundengewinnung immer bedeutsamer wird. Dieses essential erläutert, wie durch den parallelen Ausbau der drei Basisdimensionen: Prozesse, Menschen und Daten Lead-Exzellenz erreicht werden kann. Hierzu sind zunächst die Rahmenbedingungen zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Anschließend müssen die Prozesse in eine Prozesslandkarte eingebunden, die Kompetenzprofile den neuen Anforderungen angepasst und die Datenbasis vervollständigt werden. Eine umfangreiche Checkliste zeigt auf, wie Unternehmen bei der Einführung oder Überarbeitung ihres bereits existierenden Lead-Managements sinnvollerweise vorgehen sollten.

Leadership in Music Technology Education: Philosophy, Praxis, and Pedagogy

by Daniel Walzer

Leadership in Music Technology Education examines the pedagogical, sociocultural, and philosophical issues that affect curriculum, research, and decision-making in music technology in higher education. This book considers a range of cutting-edge topics, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, professional development concepts, partnerships between higher education and the creative and cultural industries, and the effects technology has on sustainability. Drawing on Leadership theories, including Transformational, Situational, Servant, and Social Change Model Theory, the book puts forward a new model, Creative Industry Leadership, which considers the sociocultural aspects of Music Technology Education, and interrogates biased ideologies that limit opportunities for a broad range of learners and practitioners in education and beyond. Additionally, Leadership in Music Technology Education examines educators’ informal leadership capacities during the COVID-19 pandemic and how inclusive pedagogy expands the creative boundaries of teaching, learning, and music-making for all. Leadership in Music Technology Education is crucial reading for instructors teaching audio engineering and music technology, as well as researchers in education, music pedagogy and related fields. This is also a valuable read for anyone with an interest in music technology and its many potentialities.

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