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Stochastic Optimization Methods: Applications in Engineering and Operations Research

by Kurt Marti

This book examines optimization problems that in practice involve random model parameters. It outlines the computation of robust optimal solutions, i.e., optimal solutions that are insensitive to random parameter variations, where appropriate deterministic substitute problems are needed. Based on the probability distribution of the random data and using decision theoretical concepts, optimization problems under stochastic uncertainty are converted into corresponding deterministic problems.Due to the probabilities and expectations involved, the book also shows how to apply approximative solution techniques. Several deterministic and stochastic approximation methods are provided: Taylor expansion methods, regression and response surface methods (RSM), probability inequalities, multiple linearization of survival/failure domains, discretization methods, convex approximation/deterministic descent directions/efficient points, stochastic approximation and gradient procedures, and differentiation formulas for probabilities and expectations.The fourth edition of this classic text has been carefully and thoroughly revised. It includes new chapters on the solution of stochastic linear programs by discretization of the underlying probability distribution, and on solving deterministic optimization problems by means of controlled random search methods and multiple random search procedures. It also presents a new application of stochastic optimization methods to machine learning problems with different loss functions. For the computation of optimal feedback controls under stochastic uncertainty, besides the open-loop feedback procedures, a new method based on Taylor expansions with respect to the gain parameters is presented. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students who are interested in stochastics, stochastic optimization, and control. It will also benefit professionals and practitioners whose work involves technical, economicand/or operations research problems under stochastic uncertainty.

Stochastic Programming in Supply Chain Risk Management: Resilience, Viability, and Cybersecurity (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #359)

by Tadeusz Sawik

This book offers a novel multi-portfolio approach and stochastic programming formulations for modeling and solving contemporary supply chain risk management problems. The focus of the book is on supply chain resilience under propagated disruptions, supply chain viability under severe crises, and supply chain cybersecurity under direct and indirect cyber risks. The content is illustrated with numerous computational examples, some of which are modeled on real-world supply chains subject to severe multi-regional or global crises, such as pandemics. In the computational examples, the proposed stochastic programming models are solved using an advanced algebraic modeling language AMPL and GUROBI solver. The book seamlessly continues the journey begun in the author’s previously published book “Supply Chain Disruption Management: Using Stochastic Mixed Integer Programming.” It equips readers with the knowledge, tools, and managerial insights needed to effectively model and address modern supply chain risk management challenges. As such, the book is designed for practitioners and researchers who are interested in supply chain risk management. Master’s and Ph.D. students in disciplines like supply chain management, operations research, industrial engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science will also find the book a valuable resource.

Störungstolerante Datenauthentifizierung für drahtlose Kommunikation

by Obaid Ur-Rehman Natasa Zivic

Dieses Buch gibt einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen der Datenauthentifizierung über drahtlose Kommunikationskanäle. Die Autoren gehen davon aus, dass die etablierten Standard-Authentifizierungsmechanismen nicht ausreichen, um Daten wie Sprache, Bilder und Videos über drahtlose Kanäle zu authentifizieren, da die drahtlose Kommunikation durch zahlreiche Störungen gekennzeichnet ist. Die Autoren schlagen neue Mechanismen vor, die auf so genannten Soft-Authentifizierungsalgorithmen basieren, die einige Änderungen an den zu schützenden Daten tolerieren. Die Autoren erklären, dass das Ziel dieser Algorithmen darin besteht, tolerant gegenüber inhaltlichen Änderungen auf Grund von Übertragungsfehler zu sein, aber dennoch in der Lage zu sein, Fälschungen zu erkennen. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Soft-Authentifizierungsalgorithmen besteht darin, dass sie in der Lage sind, die veränderten Stellen zu identifizieren und sie nach Möglichkeit zu korrigieren. Die Autoren zeigen, wie man dies erreicht, indem man die Datenmerkmale mit Hilfe von fehlerkorrigierenden Codes schützt. · Erörtert Methoden zur Authentifizierung von Daten (insbesondere von Bildern) bei Übertragungsstörungen, die bei der drahtlosen Kommunikation auftreten; · Stellt eine neue Klasse von Soft-Authentifizierungsmethoden vor, die anstelle der üblichen Hard-Authentifizierungsmethoden verwendet werden, um geringfügige Änderungen der Bilddaten zu tolerieren; · Verfügt über Authentifizierungsmethoden, die auf der Verwendung von Authentifizierungscodes und digitalen Wasserzeichen basieren

Story Mode: The Creative Writer's Guide to Narrative Video Game Design

by Professor Julialicia Case Professor Eric Freeze Professor Salvatore Pane

Against the backdrop of a hyper-competitive AAA industry and the perception that it is a world reserved for top programmers and hard-core 'gamers', Story Mode offers an accessible entry-point for all into writing and designing complex and emotionally affecting narrative video games. The first textbook to combine game design with creative writing techniques, this much-needed resource makes the skills necessary to consume and create digital and multi-modal stories attainable and fun. Appealing to the growing calls for greater inclusivity and access to this important contemporary apparatus of expression, this book offers low-cost, accessible tools and instruction that bridge the knowledge gap for creative writers, showing them how they can merge their skill-set with the fundamentals of game creation and empowering them to produce their own games which push stories beyond the page and the written word. Broken down into 4 sections to best orientate writers from any technological background to the strategies of game production, this book offers: - Contextual and introductory chapters exploring the history and variety of various game genres. - Discussions of how traditional creative writing approaches to character, plot, world-building and dialogue can be utilised in game writing. - An in-depth overview of game studies concepts such as game construction, interactivity, audience engagement, empathy, real-world change and representation that orientate writers to approach games from the perspective of a designer. - A whole section on the practical elements of work-shopping, tools, collaborative writing as well as extended exercises guiding readers through long-term, collaborative, game-centred projects using suites and tools like Twine, Audacity, Bitsy, and GameMaker. Featuring detailed craft lessons, hands-on exercises and case studies, this is the ultimate guide for creative writers wanting to diversify into writing for interactive, digital and contemporary modes of storytelling. Designed not to lay out a roadmap to a successful career in the games industry but to empower writers to experiment in a medium previously regarded as exclusive, this book demystifies the process behind creating video games, orienting readers to a wide range of new possible forms and inspiring them to challenge mainstream notions of what video games can be and become.

Strategic Blueprint for Enterprise Analytics: Integrating Advanced Analytics into Data-Driven Business (Studies in Big Data #150)

by Liang Wang Jianxin Zhao

This book is a comprehensive guide for professionals, leaders, and academics seeking to unlock the power of data and analytics in the modern business landscape. It delves deeply into the strategic, architectural, and managerial aspects of implementing enterprise analytics (EA) systems in large enterprises. The book is meticulously structured into three parts. Part 1 lays the foundation for adaptable architecture in EA. Part 2 explores technical considerations: data, cloud platforms, and AI solutions. The final part focuses on strategy execution, investment, and risk management. Acting as a comprehensive guide, the book enables the creation of robust EA capabilities that foster growth, optimize operations, and keep pace with EA's dynamic world. Whether readers are leaders harnessing data's potential, practitioners navigating analytics, or academics exploring this evolving domain, this book provides insights and knowledge to guide readers toward a thriving, data-driven future.

Strategic Content Marketing: Creating Effective Content in Practice

by Dan Farkas Rebecca Geier

Strategic Content Marketing offers a comprehensive guide to planning, creating, implementing and analyzing an effective content marketing strategy in practice. Each chapter marries established theory with modern practice, illustrating concepts with real-world case studies and examples alongside interviews with prominent content marketers, including a foreword by Joe Pulizzi, founder of The Content Marketing Institute and often referred to as the Father of Content Marketing. Chapter objectives and summaries structure learning, while reflective questions and activities aid comprehension. On reading, students will understand: The definition, purpose, and practical implementation of a content marketing programme The relationship between content marketing and broader marketing, strategic positioning, buyer personas, and research initiatives The most effective and valued forms of content marketing and how they are structured and used, including a special focus on digital and B2B content marketing How to create persuasive content and measure the effectiveness of content marketing The careers, associated competencies, and software technologies in the burgeoning field of content marketing. This comprehensive text is perfect core and recommended reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying content marketing, inbound marketing, marketing communications, digital and social media marketing, and public relations. In practice, the book is also highly valuable for practicing professionals studying for professional qualifications and looking to develop their skills. Online resources include instructor teaching slides, four-color images and templates, and chapter test bank questions.

Strategic Content Marketing: Creating Effective Content in Practice

by Dan Farkas Rebecca Geier

Strategic Content Marketing offers a comprehensive guide to planning, creating, implementing and analyzing an effective content marketing strategy in practice. Each chapter marries established theory with modern practice, illustrating concepts with real-world case studies and examples alongside interviews with prominent content marketers, including a foreword by Joe Pulizzi, founder of The Content Marketing Institute and often referred to as the Father of Content Marketing. Chapter objectives and summaries structure learning, while reflective questions and activities aid comprehension. On reading, students will understand: The definition, purpose, and practical implementation of a content marketing programme The relationship between content marketing and broader marketing, strategic positioning, buyer personas, and research initiatives The most effective and valued forms of content marketing and how they are structured and used, including a special focus on digital and B2B content marketing How to create persuasive content and measure the effectiveness of content marketing The careers, associated competencies, and software technologies in the burgeoning field of content marketing. This comprehensive text is perfect core and recommended reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying content marketing, inbound marketing, marketing communications, digital and social media marketing, and public relations. In practice, the book is also highly valuable for practicing professionals studying for professional qualifications and looking to develop their skills. Online resources include instructor teaching slides, four-color images and templates, and chapter test bank questions.

Strategic Tourism Planning for Communities: Restructuring and Rebranding (Building the Future of Tourism)

by Anukrati Sharma Shruti Arora

From developed to developing nations, the utilization of tourism as a development strategy has been a prevalent practice at both national and local levels. In this compelling read, authors Shruti Arora and Anukrati Sharma explore an understanding of how countries envision the future of their tourism sectors and chart a course towards that vision. Unveiling the potential of tourism as a catalyst for economic prosperity, numerous communities view it as a promising avenue to enhance their standard of living. With evidence showcasing its wealth-generating capabilities, these communities place unwavering faith in tourism's ability to uplift their societies. Strategic Tourism Planning for Communities: Restructuring and Rebranding offers fresh insights and knowledge for students and researchers alike. Drawing on examples from around the world, this is a must-read for anyone passionate about the growth and development of regions through the lens of tourism.

Strategic Tourism Planning for Communities: Restructuring and Rebranding (Building the Future of Tourism)


From developed to developing nations, the utilization of tourism as a development strategy has been a prevalent practice at both national and local levels. In this compelling read, authors Shruti Arora and Anukrati Sharma explore an understanding of how countries envision the future of their tourism sectors and chart a course towards that vision. Unveiling the potential of tourism as a catalyst for economic prosperity, numerous communities view it as a promising avenue to enhance their standard of living. With evidence showcasing its wealth-generating capabilities, these communities place unwavering faith in tourism's ability to uplift their societies. Strategic Tourism Planning for Communities: Restructuring and Rebranding offers fresh insights and knowledge for students and researchers alike. Drawing on examples from around the world, this is a must-read for anyone passionate about the growth and development of regions through the lens of tourism.

Strategische Planung in Business und IT – lean, agil & systematisch: Strategien, Roadmap und Leitplanken für den ständigen Wandel einfach & effektiv

by Inge Hanschke

Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie kompaktes Wissen zur Ausrichtung der IT an den Geschäftserfordernissen:- Geschäftstreiber verstehen und nachvollziehbar dokumentieren- Systematisch Anforderungen an die IT ableitenMit dem Ziel-Bild vor Augen und der Roadmap für die Umsetzung gestalten Sie die digitale Transformation – vom Business bis zur technischen Umsetzung. Schaffen Sie so die organisatorischen Voraussetzungen für die strategische IT-Planung. Dashboards und KPIs zur wirksamen Steuerung der Umsetzung der Planung sind dabei wichtige Hilfsmittel. Ein Schritt-für-Schritt-Leitfaden und ein ausführliches Glossar unter-stützen Sie bei Ihrer Arbeit.

Strategy in the Age of Disruption: A Handbook to Anticipate Change and Make Smart Decisions

by Henrik Von Scheel Ciprian Popa Joshua Von Scheel

Seize your place in a new era in commerce and industry In Strategy in The Age of Disruption, a team of dedicated strategists delivers an exciting and practical guide to Industry 4.0, a commercial transformation that’s impacting every facet of the market, the environment, and our social lives. You’ll learn what Industry 4.0 is, what it means for you and your company, and how you—as a leader, manager, expert, entrepreneur, or investor—can capitalize on it and put it into practice. This is a complete handbook on strategic execution. It’s a step-by-step tutorial designed to get you to clearly see your strategic position, the choices available to you, and how to execute on those choices. You’ll also find: Ways to move beyond outdated business models that no longer serve the companies that follow them Common myths about strategy and how to put them to bed for good Deep and insightful explanations of the fourth industrial revolution and what it means for your sector and companyHighly visual and endlessly engaging, Strategy in The Age of Disruption will systematically guide you through how to manage the challenges of the present and the promise of the future.

Strategy in the Age of Disruption: A Handbook to Anticipate Change and Make Smart Decisions

by Henrik Von Scheel Ciprian Popa Joshua Von Scheel

Seize your place in a new era in commerce and industry In Strategy in The Age of Disruption, a team of dedicated strategists delivers an exciting and practical guide to Industry 4.0, a commercial transformation that’s impacting every facet of the market, the environment, and our social lives. You’ll learn what Industry 4.0 is, what it means for you and your company, and how you—as a leader, manager, expert, entrepreneur, or investor—can capitalize on it and put it into practice. This is a complete handbook on strategic execution. It’s a step-by-step tutorial designed to get you to clearly see your strategic position, the choices available to you, and how to execute on those choices. You’ll also find: Ways to move beyond outdated business models that no longer serve the companies that follow them Common myths about strategy and how to put them to bed for good Deep and insightful explanations of the fourth industrial revolution and what it means for your sector and companyHighly visual and endlessly engaging, Strategy in The Age of Disruption will systematically guide you through how to manage the challenges of the present and the promise of the future.

Structural Decision Diagrams in Digital Test: Theory and Applications (Computer Science Foundations and Applied Logic)

by Raimund Ubar Jaan Raik Maksim Jenihhin Artur Jutman

This is the first book that sums up test-related modeling of digital circuits and systems by a new structural-decision-diagrams model. The model represents structural and functional information jointly and opens a new area of research.The book introduces and discusses applications of two types of structural decision diagrams (DDs): low-level, structurally synthesized binary DDs (SSBDDs) and high-level DDs (HLDDs) that enable diagnostic modeling of complex digital circuits and systems.Topics and features:Provides the definition, properties and techniques for synthesis, compression and optimization of SSBDDs and HLDDsProvides numerous working examples that illustrate the key points of the textDescribes applications of SSBDDs and HLDDs for various electronic design automation (EDA) tasks, such as logic-level fault modeling and simulation, multi-valued simulation, timing-critical path identification, and test generationDiscusses the advantages of the proposed model to traditional binary decision diagrams and other traditional design representationsCombines SSBDDs with HLDDs for multi-level representation of digital systems for enabling hierarchical and cross-level solving of complex test-related tasksThis unique book is aimed at researchers working in the fields of computer science and computer engineering, focusing on test, diagnosis and dependability of digital systems. It can also serve as a reference for graduate- and advanced undergraduate-level computer engineering and electronics courses.Three authors are affiliated with the Dept. of Computer Systems at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia: Raimund Ubar is a retired Professor, Jaan Raik and Maksim Jenihhin are tenured Professors. Artur Jutman, PhD, is a researcher at the same university and the CEO of Testonica Lab Ltd., Estonia.

Structural Information and Communication Complexity: 31st International Colloquium, SIROCCO 2024, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, May 27–29, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14662)

by Yuval Emek

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2024, held in Haifa, Israel in May 2024. The 24 full papers and 6 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 49 submissions. SIROCCO is devoted to the study of the interplay between structural knowledge, communication, and computing in decentralized systems of multiple communicating entities. Special emphasis is given to innovative approaches leading to better understanding of the relationship between computing and communication.

Structures of Computing: A Guide to Practice-Oriented Theory

by Egon Börger Vincenzo Gervasi

Structures of Computing explains the behavioral meaning of fundamental concepts of computing from a practical viewpoint and in generic terms, unrestricted by specific computing devices or programming languages. To compute is understood as processing structures by a set of cooperating agents each of which executes an algorithm assigned to it and interacts with the other agents. Part I of the book defines the conceptual constituents of interactive processes: (i) data, i.e. structured objects with associated properties, relations and functions the algorithmic processes operate upon, (ii) basic operations that affect the data in single execution steps, and (iii) control mechanisms that determine the combination of single steps in multi-agent computations where the interaction happens via communication or other forms of data sharing. Part II analyses these constituents concerning (i) methods to achieve process correctness (inspection, experimental validation, reasoning), (ii) principal computational paradigms (architectures, programming styles, communication structures, control patterns from sequential and reflective to concurrent, mixed synchronous/asynchronous and data flow control), and (iii) complexity (power and limits of computing structures). The book is mainly addressed to students and professionals who want to understand the conceptual foundation of computing. It does not assume any specific programming experience but only a basic understanding of what are mechanically executable processes and their descriptions. Any unnecessary formalism is thus avoided, and definitions are formulated as much as possible in natural language, using common mathematical notation only where needed to prevent ambiguities. Numerous examples and exercises serve as comprehension checkpoints.

Supporting Higher Education 4.0 with Blockchain: Critical Analyses of Automation, Data, Digital Currency, and Other Disruptive Applications

This book explores the current and future impacts of blockchain technologies, such as cryptocurrency, on the education system. Blockchain is a disruptive technology based on a shared, distributed ledger, where transactions are registered by consensus in a network of peers, using cryptographic mechanisms that render the records virtually immutable and, ideally, enable transparency, auditability, and resilience. What role, then, could it play in fostering transformative approaches such as student-centred teaching and learning, distributed learning environments, and lifelong learning? This book provides essential perspectives into blockchain applications and challenges within education and offers a broader view of blockchain technology against existing information and communication technologies used in education. Spanning the effects on institutions, students, and the labor market, these chapters offer critical reviews and analyses of current research, practical first-hand applications of blockchain in education, and original conceptual models.

Supporting Higher Education 4.0 with Blockchain: Critical Analyses of Automation, Data, Digital Currency, and Other Disruptive Applications

by Grażyna Paliwoda-Pękosz Piotr Soja

This book explores the current and future impacts of blockchain technologies, such as cryptocurrency, on the education system. Blockchain is a disruptive technology based on a shared, distributed ledger, where transactions are registered by consensus in a network of peers, using cryptographic mechanisms that render the records virtually immutable and, ideally, enable transparency, auditability, and resilience. What role, then, could it play in fostering transformative approaches such as student-centred teaching and learning, distributed learning environments, and lifelong learning? This book provides essential perspectives into blockchain applications and challenges within education and offers a broader view of blockchain technology against existing information and communication technologies used in education. Spanning the effects on institutions, students, and the labor market, these chapters offer critical reviews and analyses of current research, practical first-hand applications of blockchain in education, and original conceptual models.

Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #378)

by John R. Littlewood Lakhmi Jain Robert J. Howlett

This book contains the proceedings of the 15th KES International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings 2023 (SEB2023) held in Bari, Italy, during September 18–20, 2023, organized by KES International. SEB23 invited contributions on a range of topics related to sustainable buildings and explored innovative themes regarding sustainable energy systems. The conference formed an exciting chance to present, interact, and learn about the latest research and practical developments on the subject. The conference attracted submissions from around the world. Submissions for the full-paper track were subjected to a blind peer-reviewed process. Only the best of these were selected for presentation at the conference and publication in these proceedings. It is intended that this book provides a useful and informative snapshot of recent research developments in the important and vibrant area of sustainability in energy and buildings.

Sustainable Community Development in Ghana (Routledge Studies in African Development)

by John Kwame Boateng Isaac Kofi Biney Paul Gary Nixon

This book explores sustainable community development in Ghana post-COVID-19, highlighting examples of how individuals facing extreme challenges have adapted to their changing circumstances.Through the voices of African researchers, it explores the different responses that local, subnational, and national stakeholders and communities initiated to preserve the gains made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana during the global pandemic. This collection considers how policy makers are tackling the pressing issues of sustainability, climate change and its effects on Africa and Ghana in particular, and multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in a post-COVID-19 world. The case studies show how communities are interacting to ensure sustainable community development and learning in the Global South, and the role that education and learning, both formal and informal, play in strengthening livelihoods, choices, and opportunities in African communities.An assessment of multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in Ghana, this book will be of interest to scholars and students in the field of Education, Education Management, Sociology, Economics, and African Studies. It will also be of interest to policy makers and practitioners engaged in community development programmes and activities and the development of associated policies.

Sustainable Community Development in Ghana (Routledge Studies in African Development)

This book explores sustainable community development in Ghana post-COVID-19, highlighting examples of how individuals facing extreme challenges have adapted to their changing circumstances.Through the voices of African researchers, it explores the different responses that local, subnational, and national stakeholders and communities initiated to preserve the gains made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana during the global pandemic. This collection considers how policy makers are tackling the pressing issues of sustainability, climate change and its effects on Africa and Ghana in particular, and multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in a post-COVID-19 world. The case studies show how communities are interacting to ensure sustainable community development and learning in the Global South, and the role that education and learning, both formal and informal, play in strengthening livelihoods, choices, and opportunities in African communities.An assessment of multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in Ghana, this book will be of interest to scholars and students in the field of Education, Education Management, Sociology, Economics, and African Studies. It will also be of interest to policy makers and practitioners engaged in community development programmes and activities and the development of associated policies.

Sustainable Energy Solutions with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, and Internet of Things (Smart Technologies for Engineers and Scientists)

The text provides sustainable energy solutions using smart technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things. It further presents several case studies on applications of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology in the field of sustainable energy. Focuses on the integration of smart technology including artificial intelligence and sustainable energy Covers recent advancements in energy management techniques used in residential and commercial energy systems Highlights the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their applications in sustainable energy Discusses important topics such as green energy, grid modernization, smart security in the power grid, and fault diagnosis Presents case studies on the applications of the Internet of Things, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in sustainable energy The text showcases the latest advancements, and the importance of technologies including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and Internet of Things in achieving sustainable energy systems. It further discusses the role of machine learning, applied deep learning, and edge computing in renewable energy. The text cover key concepts such as intelligent battery management system, energy trading, green energy, grid modernization, electric vehicles, and charging station optimization. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields including electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering, and environmental engineering.

Sustainable Energy Solutions with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Technology, and Internet of Things (Smart Technologies for Engineers and Scientists)

by Arpit Jain Abhinav Sharma Vibhu Jately Brian Azzopardi

The text provides sustainable energy solutions using smart technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things. It further presents several case studies on applications of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology in the field of sustainable energy. Focuses on the integration of smart technology including artificial intelligence and sustainable energy Covers recent advancements in energy management techniques used in residential and commercial energy systems Highlights the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their applications in sustainable energy Discusses important topics such as green energy, grid modernization, smart security in the power grid, and fault diagnosis Presents case studies on the applications of the Internet of Things, blockchain, and artificial intelligence in sustainable energy The text showcases the latest advancements, and the importance of technologies including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and Internet of Things in achieving sustainable energy systems. It further discusses the role of machine learning, applied deep learning, and edge computing in renewable energy. The text cover key concepts such as intelligent battery management system, energy trading, green energy, grid modernization, electric vehicles, and charging station optimization. It will serve as an ideal reference text for senior undergraduate, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields including electrical engineering, electronics and communication engineering, computer engineering, and environmental engineering.

Sustainable Security Practices Using Blockchain, Quantum and Post-Quantum Technologies for Real Time Applications (Contributions to Environmental Sciences & Innovative Business Technology)

by Adarsh Kumar Neelu Jyothi Ahuja Keshav Kaushik Deepak Singh Tomar Surbhi Bhatia Khan

This book focuses on the sustainable security practices in the domain of blockchain, quantum, and post-quantum technologies dealing with the real-time applications. The topics discussed in this book include banking applications, protection of digital assets in healthcare, military defense applications, supply chain management, secure messaging, and keyless secure infrastructures.Blockchains and quantum technologies are the emerging technological developments both in academic and industrial domains. The problems related to quantum threat and execution of post-quantum signatures in a blockchain platform have become hot topics in today's scientific community because they have remarkably progressed in recent years and have found a variety of applications.This book is a valuable resource for academicians, researchers, students, and technicians in the field of blockchain and quantum computing.

Sustained Simulation Performance 2022: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), University of Stuttgart and Tohoku University, May and October 2022

by Michael M. Resch Wolfgang Bez Hiroaki Kobayashi Hiroyuki Takizawa Johannes Gebert

This book presents the state of the art in High-Performance Computing on modern supercomputer architectures. It addresses trends in hardware and software development in general. The contributions cover a broad range of topics, from performance evaluations in context with power efficiency to Computational Fluid Dynamics and High-Performance Data Analytics. In addition, they explore new topics like the use of High-Performance Computers in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. All contributions are based on selected papers presented in 2022 at the 33rd Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, WSSP33, held at HLRS in Stuttgart, Germany, and WSSP34, held at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.

Swarm Intelligence and its Applications in Biomedical Informatics

by A. Sheik Abdullah

Swarm Intelligence and Its Applications in Biomedical Informatics discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in medicine and biology, as well as challenges and opportunities presented in these arenas. It covers healthcare big data analytics, mobile health, personalized medicine, and clinical trial data management. This book shows how AI can be used for early disease diagnosis, prediction, and prognosis, and it offers healthcare case studies that demonstrate the application of AI and Machine Learning. Key Features: • Covers all major topics of swarm intelligence research and development such as novel-based search methods and novel optimization algorithm: applications of swarm intelligence to management problems and swarm intelligence for real-world application.• Provides a unique insight into the complex problems of bioinformatics and the innovative solutions which make up ‘intelligent bioinformatics’.• Covers a wide range of topics on the role of AI, Machine Learning, and Big Data for healthcare applications and deals with the ethical issues and concerns associated with it.• Explores applications in different areas of healthcare and highlights the current research. This book is designed as a reference text, and it aims primarily at advanced undergraduates and postgraduate students studying computer science and bioinformatics. Researchers and professionals will find this book useful.

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