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Showing 4,951 through 4,975 of 5,036 results

Social Skills for Teenagers and Adults with Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Day-to-Day Life

by Nancy J Patrick

This resource provides practical strategies for helping teenagers and adults with Asperger Syndrome to navigate social skills, friendships and relationships at home and in the community. The chapters are structured around real-life scenarios and the challenges they present, followed by step-by-step solutions and suggestions.

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law

by Michael Mandelstam

The book focuses on how many areas of law apply to vulnerable adults, bringing together an extensive body of case law to illustrate this. Also covered is how local authorities and the NHS may themselves be implicated in the harm suffered. For example, in terms of gross lapses in standards of care and basic dignity sometimes found in hospitals.

Getting Your Kid on a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet

by Susan Lord

Written by a dietician and mother of a child who is thriving on a gluten-free casein-free diet, this guide covers everything from how to get your child on the diet, to meal plans, recipes and shopping lists. Lord offers sound nutritional advice on how to implement the diet correctly, without harming your child by omitting major nutrient groups.

ADHD - Living without Brakes

by Martin L. Kutscher

This concise book contains everything that parents and professionals need to know about ADHD. The author describes the spectrum of ADHD, the co-occurring symptoms, and common difficulties that parents face. The rest of the book focuses on solutions. The role of medication is discussed. The concluding chapter summarizes the information covered.

Help your Child or Teen Get Back On Track: What Parents and Professionals Can Do for Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems

by Kenneth Talan

This book offers self-help interventions and a wide-ranging, practical discussion of the types of professional help available for a child with emotional and behavioural problems as well as guidance and ideas to help parents distinguish between normal disruption and that which warrants professional treatment.

Defying Disability: The Lives and Legacies of Nine Disabled Leaders

by Mary Wilkinson

This book tells the stories of nine disabled leaders who, by force of personality and concrete achievement, have made us think differently about disability. They share a common will to change society so that disabled people get a fair deal. It is based on extensive interviews with the subjects and people who know them.

Parental Learning Disability and Children's Needs: Family Experiences and Effective Practice

by Hedy Cleaver Don Nicholson

Parental Learning Disability and Children's Needs explores how to effectively assess children in families where one or more parent has a learning disability. These children often have unmet needs because their parents are more likely to be coping with mental and physical illness, domestic violence or substance abuse.

Small Steps Forward: Using Games and Activities to Help Your Pre-School Child with Special Needs Second Edition

by Sarah Newman

This new edition of an award-winning book includes up-to-date research and practice, providing parents and carers with a host of ideas to encourage their child's development. The games and activities use toys and materials which most children will already have, and involve no special preparation. They are also fun to play.

Psychological Processes in Deaf Children with Complex Needs: An Evidence-Based Practical Guide

by Lindsey Edwards Susan Crocker

This book is a concise and authoritative guide for professionals working with deaf children and their families. It draws on the latest evidence to explain the impact of hearing impairment and uses case studies to focus on the key issues for assessment and intervention. It also suggests practical strategies for treatment and development.

The Verbal Behavior Approach: How to Teach Children with Autism and Related Disorders

by Mary Lynch Barbera

The Verbal Behavior (VB) approach is a form of Applied Behavior Analysis that is based on B.F. Skinner's analysis of verbal behaviour. In this book Barbera draws on her experiences as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and also as a parent of a child with autism to explain VB and how to use it.

Asperger Syndrome in the Inclusive Classroom: Advice and Strategies for Teachers

by Dion Betts Stacey W. Betts Lisa N. Gerber-Eckard

Based on the experiences of classroom teachers, and written from a teacher's perspective, this book provides easy-to-apply strategies that support and encourage AS students in the mainstream classroom, from organization and time management techniques to framing classroom instructions to make lessons more accessible for children with AS.

Brotherly Feelings: Me, My Emotions, and My Brother with Asperger's Syndrome

by Robin Schiffmiller Sam Frender

This book explores the emotions commonly experienced by siblings of children with Asperger's Syndrome. With illustrations throughout, this book will help siblings to understand that their emotional responses are natural and OK. It is the ideal book for parents and professionals to use with siblings to discuss their emotional experiences.

A Will of His Own: Reflections on Parenting a Child with Autism - Revised Edition

by Kelly Harland

Will's anxieties and obsessions can dominate daily life, making a trip to the grocery store seem like a walk across a minefield. But amidst these unpredictable "flip-outs" there are moments of wonder. Kelly Harland's stories explore her son's life to the age of 14, and the unexpected universe she and her husband must learn to navigate with him.

Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: A Common-Sense Guide for Parents and Professionals (JKP Essentials)

by Maggie Mamen

This guide offers a complete overview of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLDs) and the wide variety of symptoms that different types of NLD present. Maggie Mamen provides a wealth of practical advice on key skills such as developing written and verbal communication, understanding social clues, managing behaviour, self-regulation and organization.

Parenting Across the Autism Spectrum: Unexpected Lessons We Have Learned

by Ann Palmer Maureen Morrell

The authors are raising two very different children: Justin, a whirlwind of activity and mood swings, who is supervised in a residential farm community, and Eric, quiet and passive, who lives independently at college. This book is an account of their experiences of parenting children at opposite extremes of the autism spectrum.

Genius!: Nurturing the Spirit of the Wild, Odd, and Oppositional Child – Revised Edition

by George Lynn

Drawing on their experiences with their son, who has TS, the authors offer strategies for creating an affirmative social and emotional environment that unlocks the potential genius in 'neurologically eccentric' children. They discuss identifying the signs of giftedness, providing care and mentoring, and using medication with due consideration.

Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence

by Luke Jackson

Drawing from his own experiences and gaining information from his teenage brother and sisters, Luke Jackson wrote this enlightening, honest and witty book in an attempt to address difficult topics such as bullying, friendships, when and how to tell others about AS, school problems, dating and relationships, and morality.

Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger's Disorder: Forty Years of Clinical Practice and Pioneering Research

by Edward R Ritvo

This book is an accessible introduction for professionals, families and individuals with autism. Prof. Ritvo traces the historical development of understanding about autism and Asperger's Disorder, from the centuries of misdiagnoses and the first recognition of the characteristics of the disorders to his own highly-regarded methods for diagnosis.

Understanding Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing in Children: Management Strategies for Parents and Professionals (JKP Essentials)

by Aileen Stalker Dr Pratibha Reebye

The authors describe the everyday experiences of those who interact with infants and children with Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing. They explain the distinguishing characteristics, symptoms, diagnosis, assessment and treatment approaches for the disorder.

Visual Perception Problems in Children with AD/HD, Autism, and Other Learning Disabilities: A Guide for Parents and Professionals (JKP Essentials)

by Elizabeth A Kurtz

This book provides an overview of vision problems in children with developmental disabilities such as AD/HD and specific learning disabilities. It is appropriate for parents and professionals alike and offers non-technical explanations of how vision difficulties are screened for and advice on where to seek appropriate professional care.

The Pampered Child Syndrome: How to Recognize it, How to Manage it, and How to Avoid it – A Guide for Parents and Professionals

by Maggie Mamen

Dr. Maggie Mamen describes common characteristics of the pampered child, and offers practical advice on how to strike an effective balance between caring for and nurturing children while at the same time maintaining authority and respect.

Creative Expressive Activities and Asperger's Syndrome: Social and Emotional Skills and Positive Life Goals for Adolescents and Young Adults

by Judith Martinovich

Martinovich combines activities such as art making, drama, music, puppetry, yoga and photography with conventional cognitive behavioural interventions to support individuals with AS. The different activities complement and reinforce each other and are designed to address specific traits of the autism spectrum to aid skills development.

What Did You Say? What Do You Mean?: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding Metaphors

by Jude Welton

Welton looks at one hundred of the most common figures of speech in this visual workbook designed as a springboard for family and classroom discussions. Each figure of speech is accompanied by an illustration showing its literal meaning, which will help AS children recognize and learn to enjoy metaphors and figurative language.

Autistic Planet

by Jennifer Elder

Autistic Planet is a world where trains run to time, people working in offices have rocking chairs, and all kids dream of winning the chess World Cup. Join us on a journey to this alternative reality, where being different is ordinary, and being "typical" is unheard of! This book is full of colour illustrations and written in child-friendly rhyme.

An Introduction to Dyslexia for Parents and Professionals (JKP Essentials)

by Alan M. Hultquist

This guide provides need-to-know information for parents and professionals and answers frequently asked questions about dyslexia. Alan M. Hultquist addresses many of the issues surrounding dyslexia, including possible causes and subtypes, means of testing, remediation and the controversial matter of "staying back" to repeat a school year.

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