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Global Report on Assistive Technology

by World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund

This Global Report on Assistive Technology captures for the first time a global snapshot illustrating the need, access to and the preparedness of countries to support assistive technology. More than 2.5 billion people require one or more assistive products, and this is expected to grow to over 3.5 billion by 2050 as the global population ages. The Report also features many stories illustrating the profound impact that assistive products such as spectacles, hearing aids, communication devices and wheelchairs can have on people’s lives. There is also evidence of the economic and social return on investment in assistive technology. And yet, despite the benefits, many people do not have access to assistive technology, with the gaps greatest in low- and middle-income countries. This global inequity requires urgent collective attention and action.

Lawyers Making Meaning: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education II

by Jan M. Broekman Larry Catà Backer

This book present a structure for understanding and exploring the semiotic character of law and law systems. Cultivating a deep understanding for the ways in which lawyers make meaning—the way in which they help make the world and are made, in turn by the world they create —can provide a basis for consciously engaging in the work of the law and in the production of meaning. The book first introduces the reader to the idea of semiotics in general and legal semiotics in particular, as well as to the major actors and shapers of the field, and to the heart of the matter: signs. The second part studies the development of the strains of thinking that together now define semiotics, with attention being paid to the pragmatics, psychology and language of legal semiotics. A third part examines the link between legal theory and semiotics, the practice of law, the critical legal studies movement in the USA, the semiotics of politics and structuralism. The last part of the book ties the different strands of legal semiotics together, and closely looks at semiotics in the lawyer’s toolkit—such as: text, name and meaning. ​

Universal Grammar and American Sign Language: Setting the Null Argument Parameters (Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics #13)

by D.C. Lillo-Martin

AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE American Sign Language (ASL) is the visual-gestural language used by most of the deaf community in the United States and parts of Canada. On the surface, this language (as all signed languages) seems radically different from the spoken languages which have been used to formulate theories of linguistic princi­ ples and parameters. However, the position taken in this book is that when the surface effects of modality are stripped away, ASL will be seen to follow many of the patterns proposed as universals for human language. If these theoretical constructs are meant to hold for language in general, then they should hold for natural human language in any modality; and ifASL is such a natural human language, then it too must be accounted for by any adequate theory of Universal Grammar. For this rea­ son, the study of ASL can be vital for proposed theories of Universal Grammar. Recent work in several theoretical frameworks of syntax as well as phonology have argued that indeed, ASL is such a lan­ guage. I will assume then, that principles of Universal Gram­ mar, and principles that derive from it, are applicable to ASL, and in fact that ASL can serve as one of the languages which test Universal Grammar. There is an important distinction to be drawn, however, be­ tween what is called here 'American Sign Language', and other forms of manual communication.

Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches To Community, Justice, And Decolonizing Disability (PDF)

by Pamela Block Devwa Kasnitz Akemi Nishida Nick Pollard

This book explores the concept of "occupation" in disability well beyond traditional clinical formulations of disability: it considers disability not in terms of pathology or impairment, but as a range of unique social identities and experiences that are shaped by visible or invisible diagnoses/impairments, socio-cultural perceptions and environmental barriers and offers innovative ideas on how to apply theoretical training to real world contexts. Inspired by disability justice and "Disability Occupy Wall Street / Decolonize Disability" movements in the US and related movements abroad, this book builds on politically engaged critical approaches to disability that intersect occupational therapy, disability studies and anthropology. "Occupying Disability" will provide a discursive space where the concepts of disability, culture and occupation meet critical theory, activism and the creative arts. The concept of "occupation" is intentionally a moving target in this book. Some chapters discuss occupying spaces as a form of protest or alternatively, protesting against territorial occupations. Others present occupations as framed or problematized within the fields of occupational therapy and occupational science and anthropology as engagement in meaningful activities. The contributing authors come from a variety of professional, academic and activist backgrounds to include perspectives from theory, practice and experiences of disability. Emergent themes include: all the permutations of the concept of "occupy," disability justice/decolonization, marginalization and minoritization, technology, struggle, creativity and change. This book will engage clinicians, social scientists, activists and artists in dialogues about disability as a theoretical construct and lived experience.

The Social, Cultural, and Political Discourses of Autism (Education, Equity, Economy #9)

by Jessica Nina Lester Michelle O'Reilly

Taking up a social constructionist position, this book illustrates the social and cultural construction of autism as made visible in everyday, educational, institutional and historical discourses, alongside a careful consideration of the bodily and material realities of embodied differences. The authors highlight the economic consequences of a disabling culture, and explore how autism fits within broader arguments related to normality, abnormality and stigma. To do this, they provide a theoretically and historically grounded discussion of autism—one designed to layer and complicate the discussions that surround autism and disability in schools, health clinics, and society writ large. In addition, they locate this discussion across two contexts – the US and the UK – and draw upon empirical examples to illustrate the key points. Located at the intersection of critical disability studies and discourse studies, the book offers a critical reframing of autism and childhood mental health disorders more generally.

Educational Achievement and Psychosocial Transition in Visually Impaired Adolescents: Studies from India (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Ranjita Dawn

This book provides a fresh approach to studies on adolescents with visual impairment. It threads through the three elements of disability (visual impairment), psychosocial development of adolescents, and their educational achievement. It highlights how these concepts traverse across and cast an irrefutable impact on each other. The author prepares the ground by highlighting the failure of existing theories of disability studies in addressing issues concerning adolescents. She further critiques the psycho-medical approach to disability which undermines or disregards its social construction. The book provides an analysis of numerous issues affecting the psychosocial development of adolescents with visual impairment, which is further validated through narratives in educational settings. It also strongly advocates the need to create awareness about the basic ethics of human relationships and rights, moral consciousness and social and civic responsibilities, which can play a vital role in ensuring healthy psychosocial development of adolescents with visual impairment, and in ensuring inclusion.

From Exploitation to Empowerment: A Socio-Legal Model of Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Intellectually Disabled Children

by Asha Bajpai

This book presents the outcomes of a field action project at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS). Project Chunauti (English translation: Project Challenge) focused on a group of intellectually disabled, orphan children who were survivors of abuse, exploitation and neglect, and describes their journey toward empowerment. It offers a vision and a reproducible, adaptable model for rehabilitation that can foster the social re-integration of intellectually disabled orphans at institutions. As the implementation of laws is especially important for vulnerable groups, the book also outlines a socio-legal approach that not only impacts the children directly, but can also bring about policy level reforms.Project Chunauti was born out of the need to explore options for these children and to set standards for their care, protection, rehabilitation and social re-integration. The core objectives of the project were to provide support and services, including counseling, education, life skills and vocational skills training, as well as medical and psychiatric support to help them overcome the trauma of abuse and exploitation. Its further goal was to train the staff of state-run homes and state authorities, helping them prepare and implement care plans and rehabilitation, combat child sexual abuse and malnutrition, employ positive disciplining, and better understand disabilities. The book also draws on the Project team’s experiences of rolling out the replication process in Maharashtra. This book highlights the role of the courts, media and other stakeholders in the journey towards empowerment and justice. It is a combination of social-work methods, application and implementation of law and legal advocacy, as well as best practices for protecting children’s rights and developing rehabilitation and re-integration projects for intellectually disabled, orphaned children in India. The interventions detailed here provide a reproducible, adaptable model of intervention for children in institutional care across the country.

Inclusion, Equity and Access for Individuals with Disabilities: Insights from Educators across World

by Santoshi Halder Vassilios Argyropoulos

The book provides multiple perspectives and insights on the area of Inclusion, Equity and Access for people with disabilities and brings together various inclusive effective practices from 21 countries across the world most comprehensively in one book. The book documents perspectives from educational researchers and teacher educators through first-hand experience using cutting-edge research and conceptual understandings, thought processes, and reflections.The book brings together various methodologies to expose scientific truths in the area of disability and inclusion. Chapter authors utilize a self-reflective stance, representing state of the art theory and practice for exploring notions of disability. Authors examine cultural relational practices, common values and beliefs, and shared experiences for the purpose of helping cultural members and cultural strangers better understand interdependent factors. Each chapter is an attempt to unravel a thought provoking, comprehensive, and thorough understanding of the challenges and abilities of individuals with disabilities shaped by their own culture, society and country, re-engaging the promise of scientific research as a generative form of inquiry. The book is designed to be of use to a wide range of professionals; researchers, practitioners, advocates, special educators and parents providing information and or discussions on educational needs, health care provisions, and social services irrespective of country and culture.

Politicising Polio: Disability, Civil Society and Civic Agency in Sierra Leone

by Diana Szántó

This book examines disability in post-war Sierra Leone. Its protagonists are polio-disabled people living in the nation’s capital of Freetown, organizing themselves as best as they can in a state without welfare. There is little concrete support for people with disabilities in a country where the government is struggling with the competing requirements of the international community, demanding - in exchange for its support - good standards of democracy and the maintenance of a free market economy. To what extent is the Human Rights framework of the disability movement effective in protecting the polio-disabled and what are the limitations of this framework? Diana Szántó’s detailed ethnography reveals, through many real-life examples, the vulnerability of disabled people living in the intersections of poverty, informality and disability activism. At the same time, it also tells about the many ways the polio-disabled community is transforming vulnerability into strength.

Family, School, and Community Partnerships for Students with Disabilities (Advancing Inclusive and Special Education in the Asia-Pacific)

by Lusa Lo Yaoying Xu

This book presents a collection of research-based, effective, and culturally responsive practices that are used in schools and communities to support and empower families of students with disabilities to be equal partners for schools. As the demographics of the U.S. population become increasingly diverse, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that, by 2044, more than half of the U.S. population will belong to a minority group. Currently, students from diverse backgrounds comprise over 53% of the special education student population. While their parents are the key decision makers and advocates who ensure that they receive services and support that address their individual needs, research consistently indicates that families from diverse backgrounds face many challenges that prevent them from taking on these active roles.Along with the improvements in the U.S. since the enactment of its first special education law in 1975, other parts of the world are also making changes to their special education systems in terms of responding to the diverse needs of children and students with disabilities and their families. This book also shares research-based and effective practices from other countries. The studies presented employ both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate family-school-community partnerships.

Intellectual Disability and Social Policies of Inclusion: Invading Consciousness without Permeability

by David P. Treanor

This book explores why, after forty years of funded policies of social inclusion, persons living with an intellectual disability are still separated from the social fabric of neoliberal societies. David Treanor shows how the nature of the reform process is driven unnecessarily by the economic neoliberal paradigm, the cultural misconceptions of intellectual disability, and the inattention accorded to personal relationships between persons living with and without an intellectual disability. Treanor utilizes John Macmurray’s personalist philosophy, Julia Kristeva’s ontology of disability and Michele Foucault’s concept of bio-power to explain this phenomenon. The concepts in this book challenge current approaches to social inclusion and have radical implications for future practices.

New Dynamics of Disability and Rehabilitation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Ivan Harsløf Ingrid Poulsen Kristian Larsen

This collection provides a broad coverage of recent changes in medical and vocational rehabilitation in Northern Europe. It presents analyses that cut across health sciences, medical sociology, disability studies and comparative welfare state research. Through this interdisciplinary perspective, the book explores the changing roles of patients, caregivers, professionals and institutions, and the wider implications of these changes for social inequalities in health. What obstacles do different groups of patients encounter when negotiating the complex chains of medical and vocational services? Who decides regarding references to specialized treatments, and the provision of comprehensive and coordinated services, and different types of benefits and material support? What is the importance of the resources that patients and caregivers bring to bear in the rehabilitation process?

Economy and Disability: A Game Theoretic Approach (Economy and Social Inclusion)

by Akihiko Matsui

Society has developed so that it accommodates the needs of intertwined people, but a question arises as to which people have been accommodated. Has everyone been taken care of in an equal manner? If not, who has fallen into the gap between the institutions that are supposed to accommodate them? This book is a study of these issues of economy and disability using game theory, which has provided a means of analyzing various social phenomena. Part I provides actual cases related to economy and disability, with the stories based on interviews by the author. Part II is geared toward a game theoretic analysis. This book explains disability-related issues by game theory and innovates that theory by deeply contemplating the issues.It is not common that first-rate theorists manage to make their research relevant and applicable to the most pressing problems our society faces these days. This is the remarkable achievement of this book. Akihiko Matsui, an internationally recognized leader in economic theory, succeeds in bringing profound game theoretical insights to the questions of disability, the social norms relating to it, and the ethical and economic problems they raise. The book is a tour de force, brilliantly combining economic and sociology, mathematics and philosophy, to provide us a fresh look at the way we run modern societies.Itzahk Gilboa, Professor, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University and Professor of Economics and Decision Sciences, HEC, ParisThe present world faces a broad range of societal problems such as discrimination against minorities and conflicts between groups. The market mechanism may solve some of these dilemmas, but many others remain. This book targets various societal problems and provides game theoretical approaches to them, stressing the importance of social institutions including the market system and individual interactive attitudes to society. Aki Matsui’s splendid Economy and Disability is indispensable for students and scholars interested in social science, particularly in economic theory, and gives a better understanding of these phenomena and their potential cures.Mamoru Kaneko, Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda UniversityIn this book, Aki Matsui is revealed to be a fully-fledged humanist in the guise of a game theoretician. He beautifully presents game-theoretical ideas while at the same time suggesting how society should relate to the disabled. This unique combination makes Economy and Disability—apart from anything else—a truly moving book.Ariel Rubinstein, Professor of Economics, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel-Aviv University and Professor of Economics, New York University

Autistic Community and the Neurodiversity Movement: Stories from the Frontline

by Steven K. Kapp

This open access book marks the first historical overview of the autism rights branch of the neurodiversity movement, describing the activities and rationales of key leaders in their own words since it organized into a unique community in 1992. Sandwiched by editorial chapters that include critical analysis, the book contains 19 chapters by 21 authors about the forming of the autistic community and neurodiversity movement, progress in their influence on the broader autism community and field, and their possible threshold of the advocacy establishment. The actions covered are legendary in the autistic community, including manifestos such as “Don’t Mourn for Us”, mailing lists, websites or webpages, conferences, issue campaigns, academic project and journal, a book, and advisory roles. These actions have shifted the landscape toward viewing autism in social terms of human rights and identity to accept, rather than as a medical collection of deficits and symptoms to cure.

Disability Inclusion and Inclusive Education

by Sailaja Chennat

The book approaches the topic of disability, inclusion and inclusive education in a holistic way including both academic and psycho-social perspectives. It also focuses on the contemporary status of disability studies with a multidisciplinary dimension. The experiences and challenges of children with disabilities and the different dimensions of inclusive education have been situated appropriately by including at the outset, a chapter on 'Disability Studies: The Context'. Chapter on 'Sociology of Disability' accentuates the tone and perspective of the presentations of the authors and editor. The research findings presented in the book indicate grounded realities and suggestions for transactional strategies which are plausible in the Indian context. It has never been timely to publish a book that helps professionals who work with schools, special education teachers, and counsellors to analyze disabilities from a socio-psychological perspective keeping the protagonist at the centre. Case narrations situated in the Indian context enrich the presentations giving voice to the marginalized children/adults with disabilities. This work serves as a comprehensive reference for the most prevalent disabilities at school education level covering the conceptual understanding about each disability, their psycho-social perspectives, implications for classroom transactions, suggestions of transactional strategies along with a brief explanation of assistive technology that can be used in case of each disability.With Right to Education Act (2009) in place, a diverse range of readers, from special educators and other teachers in schools, prospective teachers pursuing their pre service teacher education programmes, teacher educators and researchers in the field of disabilities and inclusive education will all find this volume useful, as a reference material with long shelf life.

Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

by Kelley Johnson Emily Julia Kakoullis

This book explores the journey of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as it is interpreted and translated from International Human Rights Law into domestic law and policy in different cultural contexts. Beginning with reflections on ‘culture’, ‘disability’ and ‘human rights’ from different disciplinary perspectives, the work is then organised as ‘snapshots’ of the journey of the CRPD from the international level to the domestic; the process of ratification, the process of implementation, and then the process of monitoring the CRPD’s implementation in States Parties cultural contexts. Leading global contributors provide cutting-edge accounts of the interactions between the CRPD and diverse cultures, revealing variations in the way that the concept of ‘culture’ is defined. This collection will appeal to academics and students in Law and Socio-Legal Studies, Disability Studies, Policy Studies and Social Work, Sociology, Anthropology; and those training to be service providers with persons with disabilities.

Resilient Cyborgs: Living and Dying with Pacemakers and Defibrillators (Health, Technology and Society)

by Nelly Oudshoorn

This book examines how pacemakers and defibrillators participate in transforming life and death in high-tech societies. In both popular and medical accounts, these internal devices are often portrayed as almost magical technologies. Once implanted in bodies, they do not require any ‘user’ agency. In this unique and timely book, Nelly Oudshoorn argues that any discourse or policy assuming a passive role for people living with these implants silences the fact that keeping cyborg bodies alive involves their active engagement. Pacemakers and defibrillators not only act as potentially life-saving technologies, but simultaneously transform the fragility of bodies by introducing new vulnerabilities. Oudshoorn offers a fascinating examination of what it takes to become a resilient cyborg, and in the process develops a valuable new sociology of creating ‘resilient’ cyborgs.

Disability Studies in India: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

by Nilika Mehrotra

This book examines the state of art in disability studies, focusing on the Indian context, as well as the broader South Asian situation. It presents interdisciplinary perspectives on the basic idea, evolution, practices and challenges of researching and teaching disability studies at various higher education institutions and in other civil society spaces. The chapters address a range of related themes, including activism, development policies, research, pedagogy, spatial and social access, caste and gender representations and rights-based discourses. Given the scope of its coverage, the book is of interest to scholars and students in area of humanities, education, law, sociology and social work, political science development and disability studies.

India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017: Building Laws, Protecting Rights

by Richard M. Duffy Brendan D. Kelly

This book comprehensively discusses the background to the passing of India's revolutionary Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, offering a detailed description of the Act itself and a rigorous analysis in the context of the CRPD and the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for mental health law. It examines the fine balance, between complying with the CRPD while still delivering practical, humane, and implementable legislation. It explores how this legislation was shaped by the WHO standards and provides insights into areas where the Indian legislators deviated from these guidelines and why. Taking India as an example, it highlights what is possible in other low- and middle-income countries. Further it covers key issues in mental health, identifying potential competing interests and exploring the difficulties and limitations of international guidelines.The book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, non-governmental organizations and all mental healthcare workers in India and anyone studying human rights law.

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents with Disabilities

by Tafadzwa Rugoho France Maphosa

This book investigates various experiences of teaching sexual and reproductive health to adolescents with disabilities. Following the adoption of the UNCRPD, adolescents with disabilities still commonly suffer from widespread violation of their rights particularly concerning sexual and reproductive health – often being viewed as either asexual or hypersexual. Contemporary societies do not readily encourage the participation of these young people in conversations or decision making processes concerning their own sexual and reproductive health. This book delves into such complex issues, critically examining how global communities attempt to teach sexual and reproductive issues to adolescents with disabilities in the modern era.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme: An Australian Public Policy Experiment

by Mhairi Cowden Claire McCullagh

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (known commonly as the NDIS) was introduced as a radical new way of funding disability services in Australia. It is a rare moment in politics and policy making that an idea as revolutionary, ambitious and expensive as the NDIS makes it into its implementation phase. Not surprising, then, that the NDIS has been described by many as the biggest social shift in Australia since Medicare. This book will be a key text for scholars and public policy professionals wishing to understand the NDIS, how it was designed, and lessons learned through its introduction and roll-out. The book addresses how the NDIS has intersected with particular cohorts and sectors, and some of the challenges that have arisen. It highlights the experiences of people with disability through a collection of personal stories from participants and families in the NDIS. The key insights from this large scale public policy experiment are relevant for anyone interested in social change in Australia, or internationally.

Inclusive Sustainability: Harmonising Disability Law and Policy

by Ottavio Quirico

In light of the third-generation concept of ‘inclusive sustainability’, the volume explores the architecture of global disability governance and its degree of harmonisation. The book integrates socio-cultural, economic, political and legal analyses from an international and comparative perspective. The first part of the volume outlines a tripartite systematisation of disability rights for States and non-state persons. In light of essential economic considerations, the second part explores the relationship between disability and specific fundamental rights and regimes, particularly the rights to life, health, education, work and participation. The third part takes an institutional approach and focuses on the way in which the UN and regional organisations regulate disability (rectius, different ability).

ADHD Medications: History, Science, and Issues (The Story of a Drug)

by Victor B. Stolberg

The treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex challenge. This book provides comprehensive, scientific coverage of the numerous different types of drugs that are used to treat ADHD, and it examines the historical, sociological, and policy-related factors involved in the use of ADHD medications.A national study indicated that 11 percent of U.S. children and teens were diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in 2011—a figure 43 percent higher than in 2003. The incidence of ADHD diagnoses among females has also increased significantly. For the millions of Americans of all ages who are diagnosed with ADHD, the proper treatment of this disorder is critically important. ADHD Medications: History, Science, and Issues provides readers with the complete story of ADHD drugs. The book discusses the pharmacological basis of the effects of these powerful drugs; examines the myriad social dimensions of the use, misuse, and abuse of these substances; and identifies the range of issues that affect the recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD.After an introductory case study of an individual with ADHD and this individual's problems and successes with ADHD medicines, this new book in the Story of a Drug series provides an overview of ADHD and its various symptoms, as well as the causes, prevalence, and diagnosis of ADHD. Various treatment approaches—including information about the many medications used—are discussed in detail, as well as other substances and alternative ways used to treat individuals with ADHD. Readers will also gain an understanding of neurotransmission and the specific mechanism of action of ADHD medications; the effects and applications of these drugs, plus their associated risks, misuse, and abuse; as well as related policy issues, with special focus on the controversial issues regarding ADHD drug scheduling (categorization).

Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities (Health and Medical Issues Today)

by Denis K. Anson

How would you make a phone call or send email if you couldn't hear, see, or use your hands? This book shows how assistive technology helps individuals with disabilities perform tasks that people without disabilities may take for granted.Assistive technology can be used in two ways: to help people with disabilities to do things that people without disabilities can do without technology, and to improve access to everyday technology that is not designed for people with disabilities. In both cases, the focus is on matching individuals with the tools best suited to fill their needs. A part of Greenwood's Health and Medical Issues Today series, Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities explores what technologies are available to individuals with disabilities, what they can help them to accomplish, and potential hurdles to their use that must be overcome. It explores this exciting field broadly and in depth while still keeping the "people-first" mindset that is the hallmark of assistive technology. In addition, it provides guidance and resources for individuals seeking assistive technology for themselves or for a loved one.

Disability and U.S. Politics [2 volumes]: Participation, Policy, and Controversy [2 volumes]

by Dana Lee Baker

More than 1 billion people worldwide have a disability, and they are all affected by politics. This two-volume work explores key topics at the heart of disability policy, such as voting, race, gender, age, health care, social security, transportation, abuse, and the environment.Disability policy is no longer an area that can be adequately addressed within major areas of public policy such as welfare, health, labor, and education. Disability has become widely acknowledged in recent decades, partly because of the increasing number of disabled citizens across all demographic populations. Advocates argue that diversity of all kinds deserves recognition and accommodation. This set examines policies targeting disability to provide a multifaceted description of the political participation of people with disabilities as well as disability policy development in the United States. The first volume focuses on political participation and voting issues, and the second volume covers disability public policy.In these two volumes, numerous scholars and experts in the social sciences and humanities explore timely topics that are key to disability policy questions, including activism, voting, race, gender, age, health care, social security, civil rights, abuse, the environment, and even death. Readers will better understand the challenges that policymakers face in grappling with controversies over issues of social engineering and public policy, often attempting to reconcile majority experience with minority rights. The chapters analyze the history of disability politics, describe the disability policy infrastructure as it currently exists in the United States, and provide insight into current disability-related controversies.

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