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Transport Processes in Porous Media (NATO Science Series E: #202)

by Jacob Bear M. Yavuz Corapcioglu

This volume contains the invited lectures presented during the NATO/ASI conducted in Pullman, Washington, July 9-18, 1989. This is the third in a series of NATO/ASIs on transport phenomena in porous media. The first two, which took place at Newark, Delaware in 1982 and 1985, are devoted to various topics related to the Fundamentals of Transport Processes in Porous Media. The contents of the books resulting from previous NATO/ASIs are given at the end of this book. Transport of extensive quantities such as mass of a fluid phase, mass of chemical species carried by a fluid phase, energy and electric charge in porous media, as encountered in a large variety of engineering disciplines, is an emerging interdisciplinary field. The groundwater flow, the simultaneous flow of gas, oil and water in petroleum reservoirs, the movement and accumulation of pollutants in the saturated and unsaturated subsurface zones, thermal energy storage in reservoirs, land subsidence in response to charges in overburden loads, or to pumping of fluids from underground formations, wave propagation in seismic investigations or as produced by earthquakes, chemical reactors, water flow through sand filters and the movement of fluids through kidneys, may serve as examples of fields in which the theory of transport in porous media is employed.

Tsunami Hazard: A Practical Guide for Tsunami Hazard Reduction

by E. N. Bernard

The Fourteenth International Tsunami Symposium held from 31 July to 3 August 1989 in Novosibirsk, U.S.S.R., was sponsored by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Sixty-five scientists from 13 countries met to exchange information on recent advances in tsunami research. The Symposium was a great success due to the enthusiasm of the participants, the quality of research presented, and the great organization provided by the Soviet hosts. Teams of dedicated workers, under the fine leadership of Academician A. S. Alexseev and Dr V. K. Gusiakov, blended social and scientific activities in a memorable fashion. The 62 presentations of the Symposium were divided into six areas of research: generation (7), propagation (12), coastal effects (10), observations (11), seismics and tectonics (10), and hazard mitigation (12). A summary of the research presented appears as the first article in this special issue. Following the Symposium, a team of session chairmen nominated 20 of these oral presentations to be published in a special issue devoted to the International Tsunami Symposium.

Turbulent Motion and the Structure of Chaos: A New Approach to the Statistical Theory of Open Systems (Fundamental Theories of Physics #42)

by Yu.L. Klimontovich

analyzing the experimental data and constructing math.ematical models of the processes under study, one has to rely rather on the physical intuition than on the strict calculations. Now let us go one step higher and explain the main title of the book. The concepts of "laminary" and "turbulent" motions were first introduced in hydrodynamics. Since the old days these concepts have considerably broadened; now the laminar and the turbulent motions have been discovered and investigated at all levels of description of nonequilibrium processes in the open systems, from kinetics to reaction diffusion. In any case, one of the principal characteristics of the turbulent motion is the existence of a large number of well-developed macroscopic degrees of freedom. For this reason the turbulent motion is extremely complicated and to a large extent unpredictable. As the laminar and the turbulent flows play an important role in the processes of evolution in the open systems, and in particular, in the processes of self-organization, the need arises for assessing the relative degree of order of laminar and turbulent motions, and also for comparing the degree of order of various turbulent motions. Without being able to make such estimates it will be impossible to determine whether the evolution is going towards higher or towards lower organization when one turbulent state is replaced by another.

Umweltschutztechnik: Eine Einführung

by Ulrich Förstner

Der Begriff Umweltschutztechnik verbindet Schutz und Umwelt als Vorsorgeprinzip und Wiederherstellung geschädigter Ökosysteme mit technischen Mitteln. Dieses einführende Lehrbuch trägt der Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Techniken Rechnung. Es orientiert sich an der Ausrichtung der Lehrinhalte traditioneller Ingenieurdisziplinen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen auf diese neue Thematik. Das Buch behandelt ganzheitlich und umfassend die Probleme in den verschiedenen Umweltsektoren und ihre technischen Lösungsmöglichkeiten. Angesprochen werden auch ökologische, wirtschaftliche, ethische und rechtliche Aspekte. Die Schadstoffe im weitesten Sinne, ihre Herkunft, Ausbreitung und Wirkung bilden in dieser Einführung das Bindeglied zwischen den Ausführungen zu technischen Maßnahmen in den verschiedenen Umweltbereichen. Ausführliche Literaturangaben helfen bei der Vertiefung.

Vacuum Structure in Intense Fields (Nato Science Series B: #255)

by H. M. Fried Berndt Muller

This Advanced Study Institute (ASI) brought together two distinct ·"schools of approach" to Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) in the presence of intense, external, electromagnetic fields, in an effort to lay a joint foundation for a needed theoretical explanation of the sharp e+ e- "resonances" observed in the scattering of very heavy IOns. These (GSI/Darmstadt) experiments, whose history, latest reconfirmations, and most recent data were presented in three opening sessions (Bokemeyer, Koenig), show a smooth background of positron (e+) production, as a function of e+ kinetic energy. Superimposed upon this background are four very sharp peaks, of narrow widths (~ 30 KeV) and of clear experimental significance ('" 5 standard deviations). Most ofthese peaks correspond to sharp, essentially back-to-back electron-positron emission in the ions' center of mass. Following the approach of "supercritical" potential theory (SPT), where the total ionic charge unit Z satisfies Z > 137, it has been possible to provide a detailed and apparently correct understanding of the smooth e+ e- background; a coherent description of different facets of this approach, emphasizing the nature of the charged, supercritical vacuum, was described by the authors responsible for the invention of SPT (Greiner, Muller, Rafelski). In addition, predictions for related phenomena were outlined by other lecturers using the SPT approach (Bawin, Soff, SsJrensen).

Valuing the Environment: Six case studies

The 'Pearce Report', Blueprint for a Green Economy, puts the role which monetary evaluation of environmental costs and benefit. can play firmly into the public eye. This book goes further and looks at six countries where such evaluation techniques are applied and at the obstacles to their further use. The case studies, written by leading experts in each nation, show how these methods are being taken up in the UK, Norway and Italy and the ways in which they are already extensively in use in the USA, Germany and the Netherlands. The authors also describe the obstacles to their use, the lack of knowledge of environmental economics at government level; the competition from other government priorities; the failure of environmental groups to grasp the importance of financial evaluation to their cause. But, as this book makes clear, significant advances are being made, both in the implementation of these economic techniques and, above all, in striking and yet further developments in economic thinking.

Valuing the Environment: Six case studies (Environmental And Resource Economics Set Ser.)

by Jean-Philippe Barde David W. Pearce

The 'Pearce Report', Blueprint for a Green Economy, puts the role which monetary evaluation of environmental costs and benefit. can play firmly into the public eye. This book goes further and looks at six countries where such evaluation techniques are applied and at the obstacles to their further use. The case studies, written by leading experts in each nation, show how these methods are being taken up in the UK, Norway and Italy and the ways in which they are already extensively in use in the USA, Germany and the Netherlands. The authors also describe the obstacles to their use, the lack of knowledge of environmental economics at government level; the competition from other government priorities; the failure of environmental groups to grasp the importance of financial evaluation to their cause. But, as this book makes clear, significant advances are being made, both in the implementation of these economic techniques and, above all, in striking and yet further developments in economic thinking.

Vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions (Advances in Vegetation Science #12)

by A. Henderson-Sellers A. J. Pitman

The chapters in this section place the problems of vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions into the context which recur throughout the book. First, Verstraete and Schwartz review desertification as a process of global change evaluating both the human and climatic factors. The theme of human impact and land management is discussed further by Roberts whose review focuses on semi-arid land-use planning. In the third and final chapter in this section we return to the meteorological theme. Nicholls reviews the effects of El Nino/Southern Oscillation on Australian vegetation stressing, in particular, the interaction between plants and their climatic environment. Vegetatio 91: 3-13, 1991. 3 A. Henderson-Sellers and A. J. Pitman (eds). Vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions. © 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Desertification and global change 2 M. M. Verstraete! & S. A. Schwartz ! Institute for Remote Sensing Applications, CEC Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment, TP 440, 1-21020 Ispra (Varese), Italy; 2 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI48109-2143, USA Accepted 24. 8. 1990 Abstract Arid and semiarid regions cover one third of the continental areas on Earth. These regions are very sensitive to a variety of physical, chemical and biological degradation processes collectively called desertification.

Venus Aeronomy

by C.T. Russell

For almost three decades since Mariner 2 flew by the planet in December 1962, Venus has been the subject of intense investigation by both the Soviet and American space programs. Since the intrinsic magnetic field of Venus is exceedingly weak, if it exists at all, we expect many phenomena of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Venus to differ from their terrestrial counterparts. While flybys and landings of the many Venus missions provided useful data on these phenomena, orbital missions were needed for their detailed investigation. Such orbital missions were provided by the Soviet program with Veneras 9 and 10 in October 1975 and by the United States with the Pioneer Venus Orbiter in December 1978. Originally designed for a prime mission of only 243 days, the Pioneer Venus Orbiter is still functioning over a decade later, providing data nearly - hours a day through one of the most active solar cycles to date. We expect these transmis­ sions to continue until September 1992 when gravitation perturbations will lower the periapsis of the PVO orbit so that the spacecraft will be lost to the atmosphere. The Venera 9 and 10 and the Pioneer Venus observations have led to an explosion of knowledge about the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Venus and their interaction with the solar wind. The availability of data over a full solar cycle has.

A View of the Sea: A Discussion between a Chief Engineer and an Oceanographer about the Machinery of the Ocean Circulation (PDF)

by Henry M. Stommel

The description for this book, A View of the Sea: A Discussion between a Chief Engineer and an Oceanographer about the Machinery of the Ocean Circulation, will be forthcoming.

Water and the Environment

by J. Rose

This compilation of papers provides useful insights on the differing approaches to water quality and the diversity of strategies in water quality management worldwide. Considering the current situation and looking to the future, the aim of this publication is to provide a sensible addition to the literature by concentrating on several important aspects of water and the environment.

Water and the Environment

by J. Rose

This compilation of papers provides useful insights on the differing approaches to water quality and the diversity of strategies in water quality management worldwide. Considering the current situation and looking to the future, the aim of this publication is to provide a sensible addition to the literature by concentrating on several important aspects of water and the environment.

Water Pollution (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #5 / 5A)

by B. Allard G. F. Craun N.T. de Oude M. Falkenmark H. L. Golterman T. Lindstrom W. T. Piver

The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry provides the compilation of today's knowledge of processes in the natural environment and the behavior and impact of pollutants. It provides a valuable source for environmental managers, decision-makers, and scientists. Volume 5A is dedicated to water pollution.

Wave Packets and Their Bifurcations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (Applied Mathematical Sciences #85)

by Huijun Yang

The material in this book is based predominantly on my recent work. It is the first monograph on the subject, though some support material may overlap other monographs. The investigation of wave packets and their bi­ furcations is very interesting, and useful theoretically and in practice, not only in geophysical fluid dynamics, which is the field to which the theory is being applied here, but also in other fields in mathematics and the natural sciences. I hope that the applied mathematician will find reading this book worthwhile, especially the material on the behavior of highly nonlinear dy­ namic systems. However, it is my belief that applying the concepts and methods developed here to other fields will be both interesting and con­ structive, since there are numerous phenomena in other areas of physics that share the characteristics of those in geophysical fluid dynamics. The theory developed here provides an effective tool to investigate the structure and the structural changes of dynamic systems in physics. Applications of the theory in geophysical fluid dynamics are an example of its usefulness and effectiveness. Some of the results presented here give us more insight into the nature of geophysical fluids. Moreover, the material is presented systematically and developmentally. Necessary basic knowledge is provided to make the book more readable for graduate students and researchers in such fields as applied mathematics, geophysical fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and physical oceanogra­ phy.

The West African Orogens and Circum-Atlantic Correlatives (IGCP-Project 233)

by R. D. Dallmeyer

In December, 1987, Project 233 of the International Geological Correlation Pro­ gram hosted an international conference in Nouakchott, Mauritania. Discussions were focused on the "Tectonothermal Evolution Of The West Mrican Orogens And Circum-Atlantic Terrane Linkages". A wealth of new information was pre­ sented during the conference, and it was apparent that the time was appropriate to prepare a systematic volume dealing with the geology of northwest Mrica. The present volume is an outgrowth of this conference, but is not merely a compilation of the papers presented in Nouakchott. Instead, it represents a coordinated vol­ ume designed to present a balanced, comprehensive view of our present under­ standing of West Mrican geology and potential correlations in other Circum-At­ lantic Paleozoic orogens. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of all the reviewers whose comments have greatly helped to improve the quality of this volume. We also thank the various contributors for their diligence and perseverance in manuscript preparation. The calibre of the present volume is a reflection of their labor. Athens/Marseille, Autumn 1990 R. D. DALLMEYER J. P. LECORCHE Contents Chapter 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 R. D. DALLMEYER and J. P. LECORCHE Chapter 2 Geophysics and the Crustal structure of West Africa 9 J. ROUSSEL and A. LESQUER Chapter 3 Crystalline Basement of the West African Craton . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 31 .

What Is Integrability? (Springer Series in Nonlinear Dynamics)

by F. Calogero N. Ercolani H. Flaschka V. A. Marchenko A. V. Mikhailov A. C. Newell E. I. Schulman A. B. Shabat E. D. Siggia V. V. Sokolov M. Tabor A. P. Veselov V. E. Zakharov

The idea of devoting a complete book to this topic was born at one of the Workshops on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics taking place reg­ ularly in Kiev. With the exception of E. D. Siggia and N. Ercolani, all authors of this volume were participants at the third of these workshops. All of them were acquainted with each other and with each other's work. Yet it seemed to be somewhat of a discovery that all of them were and are trying to understand the same problem - the problem of integrability of dynamical systems, primarily Hamiltonian ones with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. No doubt that they (or to be more exact, we) were led to this by the logical process of scientific evolution which often leads to independent, almost simultaneous discoveries. Integrable, or, more accurately, exactly solvable equations are essential to theoretical and mathematical physics. One could say that they constitute the "mathematical nucleus" of theoretical physics whose goal is to describe real clas­ sical or quantum systems. For example, the kinetic gas theory may be considered to be a theory of a system which is trivially integrable: the system of classical noninteracting particles. One of the main tasks of quantum electrodynamics is the development of a theory of an integrable perturbed quantum system, namely, noninteracting electromagnetic and electron-positron fields.

Wine and the Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade

by Tim Unwin

Very few books have products as diverse as those of the grape vine: even fewer have products with such a cultural significance. Wine and the Vine provides an introduction to the historical geography of viticulture and the wine trade from prehistory to the present. It considers wine as both a unique expression of the interaction of people in a particular environment, rich in symbol and meaning, and a commercial product of great economic importance to particular regions.

Wine and the Vine: An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade

by Tim Unwin

Very few books have products as diverse as those of the grape vine: even fewer have products with such a cultural significance. Wine and the Vine provides an introduction to the historical geography of viticulture and the wine trade from prehistory to the present. It considers wine as both a unique expression of the interaction of people in a particular environment, rich in symbol and meaning, and a commercial product of great economic importance to particular regions.

Women and Development in the Third World

by Janet Momsen

For all societies, the common denominator of gender is female subordination. For women of the Third World the effects of this position are worsened by economic crisis, the legacy of colonialism, as well as patriarchal attitudes and economic crises.Feminist critique has introduced the gender factor to development theory, arguing that the equal distribution of the benefits of economic development can only be achieved through a radical restructuring of the process of development. This important new book reviews both policy and practice in Latin America, Africa and Asia and raises thought-provoking questions concerning the role of development planning and the empowerment of women.

Women and Development in the Third World

by Janet Momsen

For all societies, the common denominator of gender is female subordination. For women of the Third World the effects of this position are worsened by economic crisis, the legacy of colonialism, as well as patriarchal attitudes and economic crises.Feminist critique has introduced the gender factor to development theory, arguing that the equal distribution of the benefits of economic development can only be achieved through a radical restructuring of the process of development. This important new book reviews both policy and practice in Latin America, Africa and Asia and raises thought-provoking questions concerning the role of development planning and the empowerment of women.

A World Without Work: Story of the Welsh Miners

by Eli Ginzberg

Written just before the beginning of World War II, this is an early example of field research into human resources by one of the pioneers in the area. Ginzberg investigates why so many long-term unemployed coal miners in South Wales remained in their villages rather than relocating to other areas of the United Kingdom where jobs were more plentiful. The results of his work, originally published in 1942, remain of value both as a record of an era, an example of communities in distress, and a model of failed social policy.

A World Without Work: Story of the Welsh Miners

by Eli Ginzberg

Written just before the beginning of World War II, this is an early example of field research into human resources by one of the pioneers in the area. Ginzberg investigates why so many long-term unemployed coal miners in South Wales remained in their villages rather than relocating to other areas of the United Kingdom where jobs were more plentiful. The results of his work, originally published in 1942, remain of value both as a record of an era, an example of communities in distress, and a model of failed social policy.

Writing Worlds: Discourse, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape

by Trevor J. Barnes James S. Duncan

Writing Worlds represents the first systematic attempt to apply poststructuralist ideas to landscape representation. Landscape - city, countryside and wilderness - is explored through the discourse of economics, geopolitics and urban planning, travellers descriptions, propaganda maps, cartography and geometry, poetry and painting. The book aims to deconstruct geographical representation in order to explore the dynamics of power in the way we see the world.

Writing Worlds: Discourse, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape

by Trevor J. Barnes James S. Duncan

Writing Worlds represents the first systematic attempt to apply poststructuralist ideas to landscape representation. Landscape - city, countryside and wilderness - is explored through the discourse of economics, geopolitics and urban planning, travellers descriptions, propaganda maps, cartography and geometry, poetry and painting. The book aims to deconstruct geographical representation in order to explore the dynamics of power in the way we see the world.

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