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Showing 43,001 through 43,025 of 43,031 results

Energy Flow and Earth: How Earth Works (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences)

by John A. Whitehead

This book shows how energy flow plays a major role in: plate tectonics; the formation of continents; ocean basins; and building mountains. Energy flow also produces and drives volcanos, Earth’s magnetic field, the wind belts, our weather, and ocean circulation. The studies of convection cells, eddies, and energy flow all contribute to our understanding of how they are all formed and driven. Insight accumulated during 55 years of research is presented using simple fluid mechanics. The mathematics is algebra. No calculus or advanced geometry is used, so the text is readable to a broad audience. Some laboratory and computer studies are described that help to visualize the applications. This book should appeal to anyone interested in how energy flow is responsible for much of the earth’s larger “workings”. In addition to the general public, these include people who work in applied mathematics, fluid mechanics, earth science, and climate.

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas: STESSA 2024 - Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #519)

by Federico M. Mazzolani Vincenzo Piluso Elide Nastri Antonio Formisano

This volume highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of seismic design and performance of steel structures, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 11th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA), held in Salerno, Italy, on July 8-10, 2024. It covers a diverse range of topics such as behaviour of structural members and connections, performance of structural systems, mixed and composite structures, energy dissipation systems, self-centring and low-damage systems, assessment and retrofitting, codes and standards, light-gauge systems. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.

Risiko, Katastrophen und Resilienz: Eine Einführung in Methoden, Konzepte und Themen

by Alexander Fekete

Wöchentlich gibt es neue Meldungen über Krisen und Katastrophen weltweit. Einige der Risiken und inzwischen auch der Ereignisse überschlagen sich und man hat es in einigen Regionen zum Beispiel gleichzeitig mit einem Hochwasser, einer Pandemie und einer Bedrohung von Lieferketten durch einen fernen Krieg zu tun. Diese multiplen Krisen stellen die Gesellschaft vor große Herausforderungen. Während Einzelne aufgrund der Vielzahl dieser Vorfälle, deren Fremdheit und Komplexität zunehmend abschalten, bedarf es auf der anderen Seite Menschen, die sich sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Forschung damit beschäftigen. Dass sich Vorsorge nicht nur beim Klimawandel, sondern auch bei Lieferkettenabhängigkeiten der Kritischen Infrastruktur oder Notfalleinsätzen lohnt, ist eigentlich offensichtlich. Es mangelt leider oft an der Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, gerade dann, je länger ein aufsehenerregendes Ereignis zurückliegt.Dieses Buch bietet allen Interessierten einen Einstiegin das Thema der Risiko-, Katastrophen- und Resilienzforschung. Es stellt eine schrittweise Anleitung für Risiko- und Verwundbarkeitsanalysen sowie Konzepte für Resilienz dar und illustriert anhand von Fallstudien, insbesondere im Bereich des Hochwasserrisikos. Darüber hinaus werden erstmals zahlreiche theoretische Rahmenwerke aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übertragen und präsentiert. Dies eröffnet Ihnen einen breiteren Zugang zu internationalen Forschungsergebnissen. ​Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf kritischen Infrastrukturen im Bevölkerungsschutz und Geographischen Informationssystemen und deren Anwendung im Katastrophen-Management.Abgerundet wird das Buch durch Ausblicke auf noch zu entwickelnde spezielle Methoden, um die Risiko- und Resilienzforschung stärker mit großen gesellschaftlichen Themen wie Sicherheit, Nachhaltigkeit und Daseinsvorsorge zu verknüpfen. Warum begeistern sich Menschen aus Disziplinen wie den Geowissenschaften, dem Rettungsingenieurwesen, der Stadt- und Regionalplanung und vielen anderen für dieses Thema? Dieses Buch bietet Einblicke in ihre Motivation und zeigt, wie vielfältig und wichtig die Forschung auf diesem Gebiet ist.

Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future

by Oleg Golubchikov Komali Yenneti

Collective insight of key thought leaders in the field to clarify and reshape the vision of smart cities Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future is a seminal work that draws together insights and case studies on post-carbon urbanism across a variety of fields—from smart energy grids to active buildings, sustainable mobility and urban design. Another objective is to foster an understanding of how digitally-enhanced smart city solutions can assist energy transitions, and what new developments and challenges they bring in areas ranging from urban governance to energy security. Key topics covered in this book include: Recent developments in urban planning, building design and smart technologiesUrban-scale digital platforms and innovation for clean energy systems, energy efficiency and net-zero policiesSocio-technical and political relationships in climate-neutral cities and smart citiesContext-rich, situated perspectives from Europe, Africa and Asia Smart Cities, Energy and Climate serves as a primary reference for scholars, students and policy makers interested in the conceptual, technical, economic and political challenges associated with the transition towards a smart and sustainable urban future.

The Eigen Theory of the Physical World - Fourth Edition: Featuring the proper form of dark matter

by Deepal S. Benaragama

This book, which is the fourth edition of the Eigen Theory of the Physical World, presents the eigen theory of the natural physical world of geometrical origin the principal feature of which happens to be the proper form of dark matter. According to this theory the fundamental form of a particle of matter is a continuous distribution of points that forms a manifold of its own. Each of these points results from the intersection of a corresponding pair of eigen velocity vectors that generate the wave aspect of the wave-particle duality of matter. The theory evolves in three stages. The first stage develops the pair of eigen velocity vectors. These vectors are complete with their own field of a pair of symmetric and antisymmetric tensors characteristic of gravitation and electromagnetism respectively. The second stage transforms the wave aspect into its very opposite, the particle aspect, as a pair of particles that are the progenitors of proton and electron. The base manifolds of these particles are made up of the proper form dark matter. The third stage brings together proton and electron as the Hydrogen atom which in effect is the proper particle aspect of the wave-particle duality of matter. In the eigen theory General Relativity becomes complete and Quantum Mechanics gets restructured; in particular the principle of uncertainty ceases to exist.

Digital Communication for Agricultural and Rural Development: Participatory Practices in a Post-COVID Age (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Gordon A. Gow Ataharul Chowdhury

This volume presents insights on the challenges of digital communication and participation in agricultural and rural development. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that digital technology and mediated participation is more important and essential in managing ongoing communication for development projects than ever before. However, it has also underscored the various challenges and gaps in knowledge with digital participatory practices, including the further exclusion of marginalized groups and those with limited access to digital technology. The book considers how the concept of participation has been transformed by the realities of the pandemic, reflecting on essential principles and practical considerations of communication for development and social change, particularly in the context of global agriculture and food security, the well-being of rural communities, and evolving environmental challenges, such as climate change. In gathering these insights, this volume highlights lessons for the future of participatory development in communication for development and social change processes. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of agricultural and rural development, communication for development, digital communication, and sustainable development more broadly.

Digital Communication for Agricultural and Rural Development: Participatory Practices in a Post-COVID Age (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Gordon A. Gow

This volume presents insights on the challenges of digital communication and participation in agricultural and rural development. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that digital technology and mediated participation is more important and essential in managing ongoing communication for development projects than ever before. However, it has also underscored the various challenges and gaps in knowledge with digital participatory practices, including the further exclusion of marginalized groups and those with limited access to digital technology. The book considers how the concept of participation has been transformed by the realities of the pandemic, reflecting on essential principles and practical considerations of communication for development and social change, particularly in the context of global agriculture and food security, the well-being of rural communities, and evolving environmental challenges, such as climate change. In gathering these insights, this volume highlights lessons for the future of participatory development in communication for development and social change processes. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of agricultural and rural development, communication for development, digital communication, and sustainable development more broadly.

Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy (Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development)

by Adriana Grigorescu and Jean Vasile Andrei

The COVID-19 outbreak aggravated recurrent economic issues and problems of developing a resilient economy and technological development inequality between entities, countries, production structure, unemployment and social disorders that have resulted in the accentuating of political, economic, business and trade relations. Resilient economies, technological development and green entrepreneurship in the New Normal present opportunities and challenges in achieving a balanced transition. Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy covers extensive ground in contemporary green entrepreneurship, from fundamental theories such as business investments and venturing capital to emerging and new concepts that reflect the critical challenges of the current times, including technological development slowdowns, economic resilience, economic systems downfalls, digitalization, green business footprints, and many more topics. Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development is Emerald's innovative book series on the study of entrepreneurship and development, striving to set the agenda for advancing research on entrepreneurship in the context of finance, economic development, innovation, and the society at large.

Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy (Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development)

by Jean Vasile Andrei Adriana Grigorescu

The COVID-19 outbreak aggravated recurrent economic issues and problems of developing a resilient economy and technological development inequality between entities, countries, production structure, unemployment and social disorders that have resulted in the accentuating of political, economic, business and trade relations. Resilient economies, technological development and green entrepreneurship in the New Normal present opportunities and challenges in achieving a balanced transition. Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy covers extensive ground in contemporary green entrepreneurship, from fundamental theories such as business investments and venturing capital to emerging and new concepts that reflect the critical challenges of the current times, including technological development slowdowns, economic resilience, economic systems downfalls, digitalization, green business footprints, and many more topics. Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development is Emerald's innovative book series on the study of entrepreneurship and development, striving to set the agenda for advancing research on entrepreneurship in the context of finance, economic development, innovation, and the society at large.

Dynamical Properties of Baryon Resonances in the Holographic QCD (Springer Theses)

by Daisuke Fujii

This book focuses on the study of the dynamical properties of hadron resonances, especially their transition processes by electromagnetic and strong interactions, by using the holographic quantum chromodynamics (QCD) model. Understanding the nature of hadrons leads to revealing non-perturbative phenomena that are prominent in the low-energy region of QCD. However, there remain many open questions regarding the nature of resonant states. Holographic QCD is one of the most powerful methods to elucidate non-perturbative phenomena in QCD. We will attempt to investigate the dynamical properties of hadron resonances using the Sakai-Sugimoto model, which has achieved much success in the study of hadron physics. In particular, we studied the transition process of hadrons through the calculation of the form factors of them employing the approach of holographic QCD. The book contains a systematic review of the treatment of hadron physics by the Sakai-Sugimoto model. It further covers how to calculate the form factors of baryons through the calculation of the n-point function from holographic QCD. It also includes remarks on the modern understanding of hadron physics. The method of collective coordinate quantization of solitons—Skyrmion and Instanton—is also explained in a concise manner. These are useful not only for students and young researchers interested in this field.

Transforming Food Systems: Narratives of Power (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Molly D. Anderson

This book focuses on the contested nature and competing narratives of food system transformations, despite it being widely acknowledged that changes are essential for the safeguarding of human and planetary health and well-being.The book approaches food system transformation through narratives, or the stories we tell ourselves and others about how things work. Narratives are closely connected with theories of change, although food system actors frequently lack explicit theories of change. Using political economy and systems approaches to analyze food system transformation, the author focuses on how power in food systems manifests, and how this affects whom can obtain healthy and culturally appropriate food on a reliable basis. Among the narratives covered are agroecology, food sovereignty and technological innovation. The book draws on interviews and recorded speeches by a broad range of stakeholders, including international policymakers, philanthropists, academics and researchers, workers in the food and agricultural industries and activists working for NGOs and social movements. In doing so, it presents contrasting narratives and their implicit or explicit theories of change. This approach is vitally important as decisions made by policymakers over the next few years, based on competing narratives, will have a major influence on who will eat what, how food will be produced, and who will have a voice is shaping food systems. The overarching contribution of this book is to point toward the most promising pathways for achieving sustainable food systems and refute pathways that show little hope of achieving a more sustainable future.This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers interested in creating a sustainable food system which will ensure a food secure, socially just and environmentally sustainable future.

Transforming Food Systems: Narratives of Power (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment)

by Molly D. Anderson

This book focuses on the contested nature and competing narratives of food system transformations, despite it being widely acknowledged that changes are essential for the safeguarding of human and planetary health and well-being.The book approaches food system transformation through narratives, or the stories we tell ourselves and others about how things work. Narratives are closely connected with theories of change, although food system actors frequently lack explicit theories of change. Using political economy and systems approaches to analyze food system transformation, the author focuses on how power in food systems manifests, and how this affects whom can obtain healthy and culturally appropriate food on a reliable basis. Among the narratives covered are agroecology, food sovereignty and technological innovation. The book draws on interviews and recorded speeches by a broad range of stakeholders, including international policymakers, philanthropists, academics and researchers, workers in the food and agricultural industries and activists working for NGOs and social movements. In doing so, it presents contrasting narratives and their implicit or explicit theories of change. This approach is vitally important as decisions made by policymakers over the next few years, based on competing narratives, will have a major influence on who will eat what, how food will be produced, and who will have a voice is shaping food systems. The overarching contribution of this book is to point toward the most promising pathways for achieving sustainable food systems and refute pathways that show little hope of achieving a more sustainable future.This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers interested in creating a sustainable food system which will ensure a food secure, socially just and environmentally sustainable future.

Stoats, Weasels, Martens and Polecats (Collins New Naturalist Library)

by null Jenny MacPherson

A definitive account of the bright-eyed assassins of the British countryside. Stoats, weasels, martens and polecats belong to the mustelid family, along with badgers and otters, and feral American mink, which are a recent addition to the UK countryside, following escapes and releases from fur farms. This new volume in the New Naturalist Library focuses on the four ‘small mustelids’, all highly specialised predators, ubiquitous assassins to be marvelled at. There is a family likeness, the rather pointed snout, powerful jaws and sharp fangs and the long sinuous slender body with short legs. These small mustelids are also possessed of dense fur, which once led to their being hunted nearly to extinction. Some can kill prey larger than themselves, in some cases much larger, and they are uniquely adapted to hunt their rodent prey. They also have extraordinary lives – some in total seclusion, some in large, related groups – now brought into the light by one of the UK’s leading small mustelid experts. Dr Jenny MacPherson, who managed the Pine Marten Recovery Project for England and Wales, introduces readers to Britain’s small mustelid species in delightfully rich text, covering the animals’ physiology, daily lives and distribution, as well as their significance in UK history and folklore. And she shares her experiences from the forefront of the work to conserve these amazing animals.

Tunnelling for a Better Life

by Jinxiu Yan

Tunnelling for a Better Life contain the contributions presented at the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2024, which was held from 19-25 April 2024 in Shenzhen, China. As urbanization accelerates, the pivotal role of tunnels and underground spaces in fostering environmental sustainability and improving quality of life becomes ever more pronounced. These underground structures serve as sustainable solutions to the challenges posed by rapid urban growth. By seamlessly integrating into urban landscapes, they alleviate congestion, reduce pollution, and enhance overall mobility, thus contributing to a greener and more sustainable urban environment. Moreover, tunnels and underground works provide vital support for various urban functions, such as accommodating economic activities, providing safe shelters during emergencies or disasters, and facilitating efficient utility management. They address immediate urban needs and lay the foundation for a better and more resilient future.By focusing on the latest trends in tunnelling and underground engineering, and looking ahead to the era of low-carbon and intelligent technology, the papers in this book illustrate the transformative potential of tunnels and underground works in shaping a better life for present and future generations. The contributions cover a comprehensive range of topics on tunnel engineering, showcasing the latest advancements, insights, and innovations across the following areas:1. Planning and General Aspects2. Design and Methodology3. Geotechnics, Geology and Geophysical Prospecting4. Ground Stability and Consolidation5. Support and Lining6. Conventional Tunnelling7. Mechanized Tunneling (TBM, shield)8. Immersed Tunnels9. Waterproofing and Drainage10. Instrumentation and Monitoring/ Testing and Inspection11. Digital and Information Technology12. Machine Learning13. Underground Caverns/Underground Space Use14. Operational Safety, Maintenance and Repair15. Contractual Practices and Risk ManagementTunnelling for a Better Life is a must-read for professionals, engineers, owners, and other stakeholders worldwide in tunnelling and underground engineering.

3 Degrees More: The Impending Hot Season and How Nature Can Help Us Prevent It

by Klaus Wiegandt

This open access book describes in detail what life on this planet would be like if its average surface temperature were to rise 3 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial level. On this basis, the book argues that it is imperative to keep this temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius. It then lays out a detailed plan of what politically feasible, cost-effective measures should now be taken to achieve this goal. In this context, the book provides detailed discussions of climate finance, climate education and nature-based solutions. The book has been translated into English from the original German version published in 2022, and contains an original foreword and preface.

Eco-Thrifty: Discover the Secrets to Stylish and Sustainable Living Without it Costing the Earth, Including Upcycling, Recycling, Budget-Friendly Ideas and More

by Alexa Kaye

Living well doesn’t have to cost the earthWe all want to do our bit for the planet, and now it’s easier than ever. This book is your guide to eco-thrifty living: the way to look out for the climate and your budget at the same time. Explore the art of recycling and upcycling to spruce up your home and garden, find out how to revamp old clothes and how to say no to waste, and learn the secrets to conscious, creative living – all without the hefty price tag.There is no planet B, but with eco-thrifty living, we won’t need one. From nifty cleaning tips, to stylish home decor and natural beauty, discover the countless ways to reduce your carbon footprint and live a life you love that’s sustainable – both for the world and your wallet.

Come Rain or Shine: A Weather Miscellany

by Storm Dunlop

This charming miscellany, as wide-ranging and unpredictable as the weather itself, is filled with curious historical facts, amazing statistics and fascinating anecdotes that will keep you entertained come rain or shine!

Footprints in the Woods: The Secret Life of Forest and Riverbank

by Sir John Lister-Kaye

LONGLISTED FOR THE HIGHLAND BOOK PRIZESHORTLISTED FOR THE RICHARD JEFFERIES AWARDA WATERSTONES BEST BOOK OF 2023Footprints in the Woods is John Lister-Kaye's charming account of a year spent with otters, badgers, weasels and pine martens. This family - Mustelidae - all live in the wild at Aigas, the conservation and field study centre in the Highlands that he calls home.With fifty years of experience living side-by-side with these creatures and the patience of a true naturalist, John reveals the lives of these elusive animals: sometimes red in tooth and claw, but often playful, familial, curious and surprising.

Japan's Withdrawal from International Whaling Regulation: Implications For Global Environmental Diplomacy (Routledge Studies in Conservation and the Environment)

by Nikolas Sellheim Joji Morishita

This book examines the impact and implications of Japan’s withdrawal from the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW), which came into effect in July 2019. In 1982 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) adopted a moratorium on commercial whaling which has been in effect ever since, despite the resistance of some countries, first and foremost Japan, Norway and Iceland, that engage in commercial whaling. As one of the key contributors to scientific research and funding, Japan’s withdrawal has the potential to have wide-ranging implications and this volume examines the impact of Japan’s withdrawal on the IWC itself, on the governance of whaling, and on indigenous and coastal whaling. It provides backgrounds and commentaries on this decision as well as normative and legal discussions on matters relating to sustainable use of resources, and philosophies surrounding whaling in different IWC countries. The consideration of other international environmental regimes, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), is also examined in order to determine the international ripple effect of Japan’s decision. The book reveals that this is not just a matter of whaling but one which has significant legal, managerial and cultural implications. Drawing on deep analyses of IWC structures, the book addresses core philosophies underlying the whaling debate and in how far these may influence environmental governance in the future. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental law and governance, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, as well as policymakers involved in international environmental and conservation agreements.

Arctic Abstractive Industry: Assembling the Valuable and Vulnerable North (Studies in the Circumpolar North #5)

by Arthur Mason

Through diverse engagements with natural resource extraction and ecological vulnerability in the contemporary Arctic, contributors to this volume apprehend Arctic resource regimes through the concept of abstraction. Abstraction refers to the creation of new material substances and cultural values by detaching parts from existing substances and values. The abstractive process differs from the activity of extractive industries by its focus on the conceptual resources that conceal processes of exploitation associated with extraction. The study of abstraction can thus help us attune to the formal operations that make appropriations of value possible while disclosing the politics of extraction and of its representation.

Klimatologie: Klimaforschung im 21. Jahrhundert - Herausforderung für Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften

by Martin Kappas

Klimaforschung – Einführung in eine „Mega-Science"Die zweite Auflage des Lehrbuchs zur Einführung in die Klimatologie greift die Entwicklung als globale "Erd-Systemwissenschaft" auf. Sie ist hoch interdisziplinär, extrem problemgetrieben und zunehmend in internationale Zusammenhänge eingebettet. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen verbinden sich hier mit gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen und Grundlagenforschung mit politischen Rahmensetzungen.Das Werk besteht aus drei miteinander vernetzten Teilen:I: Klimatologie als WissenschaftII: Klimawandel und Global ChangeIII: Wechselwirkungen: Klima – Mensch, Gesellschaft und PolitikDieses Buch liefert neue Einsichten zu Zusammenhängen im Bereich Erdsystemforschung und stellt das Konzept des „Anthropozäns“ vor, welches die Anerkennung einer radikal veränderten Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung in den Vordergrund gerückt hat. Der Fokus der Neuauflage liegt auf den Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen sozialen und ökologischen Prozessen und greift dabei auf die aktuellen Reports des IPCC zurück. Es ermöglicht Lesern Wissen über die ökologischen und menschlichen Aspekte des globalen Wandels aufzubauen und Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu finden.Anders als bisherige Lehrbücher der Klimatologie geht das Werk sehr ausführlich auf das hoch aktuelle Themenfeld "Global Change" ein und verdeutlicht die gesellschaftliche Relevanz der Klimaforschung. Zahlreiche Abbildungen zeigen komplexe Klimaphänomene, aber auch internationale Forschungsnetzwerke und politische Strukturen auf.Dieses Buch sticht durch seinen interdisziplinären Ansatz hervor und wird insbesondere Forscher ansprechen, die sich für Themen im Bereich Globaler Umweltwandel interessieren. Es eröffnet neue Perspektiven auf die Zusammenhänge von Klima, Ozean, Waldbedeckung und Landnutzung sowie die Veränderung dieser Bereiche im Erdsystem. Leser gewinnen einen Überblick über die komplexen Forschungsstrukturen (Future Earth) und das Weltklimaprogramm.

Electronic Phase Separation in Magnetic and Superconducting Materials: Recent Advances (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences #201)

by Maxim Yu. Kagan Kliment I. Kugel Alexander L. Rakhmanov Artem O. Sboychakov

This book focuses on nanoscale electronic phase separation in a wide class of different materials, especially in strongly correlated electron systems. It features an extensive review of the field of inhomogeneous spin and charge states in condensed matter physics while delivering a topical and timely discussion of a wide range of recent advances in electronic phase separation. It describes the formation of different types of nanoscale ferromagnetic metallic droplets in antiferromagnetically ordered, charge-ordered, or orbitally-ordered insulating matrices, as well as the colossal magnetoresistance effect and tunneling electron transport in the nonmetallic phase-separated state of complex magnetic oxides. It also discusses compounds with spin-state transitions, inhomogeneously phase-separated states in strongly correlated multiband systems, and the electron polaron effect, paying special attention to systems with imperfect Fermi surface-nesting such as chromium alloys, iron-based pnictides, and AA-stacked graphene bilayers. The authors investigate also the formation of order parameter clusters and insulator-superconductor transition in different superconducting systems including bismuth oxides, two-dimensional films in the presence of strong disorder, as well as inhomogeneous Fermi-Bose mixtures in Aharonov-Bohm rings with a superconducting bridge in a topologically nontrivial state. This book is a valuable resource for researchers involved in theoretical and experimental studies of strongly correlated materials, such as magnetic semiconductors, Fermi-Bose mixtures, and twisted bilayer graphene.

Economic Transformation: Designing a Contemporary Economy (Springer Studies in Alternative Economics)

by Johannes Wolf

This book discusses the requirements and preconditions for transforming the economy in order to achieve defined goals while maintaining and utilizing the efficiency of markets. It shows how economic concepts and practices need to be reconsidered and revised in the face of enormous ecological damage and significant economic inequality across much of the world. The book systematizes essential ecological and social targets and presents factors influencing Economic Transformation. Various transformation concepts are discussed with regard to their contribution to adequate economic design and corresponding options for action are developed. Businesses, private households, the state and the commons are involved in these reflections, but also supranational institutions and (civil) society. The ecological compatibility of the economy and the reduction of excessive divergencies in income and wealth are the guiding principles of the overall considerations. In addition, the extent to which the concerns of Economic Transformation are reflected in the government programs of the USA, Great Britain, South Africa and Germany is examined. The book will be of interest to anyone who shares the belief that increasing well-being in a market-oriented society must go hand in hand with ecological compatibility and improved social equity, both globally and within societies.

Climate-Resilient Agriculture: A Molecular Perspective

by Ashutosh Singh Saurabh Pandey

Developing climate-smart crops is vital to securing food security around the world. This new book discusses the state-of-the-art technologies that can help to mitigate plant abiotic stresses in cultivated crops. It covers the current aspects of climate-resilience agriculture, including the crucial physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of cultivated crops under stress conditions, which play a pivotal role in developing climate-smart crops. The volume explores breeding, omics, genetic engineering, bioengineering of metabolic pathways, artificial intelligence, and more.Key features: Addresses the current and future challenges of climate changes on food security Details the impact of different biotic, abiotic stresses, along with their interactions and effect on crop plants in climate-changing scenarios Gives a comprehensive account of molecular mechanisms associated with different stresses in crop plants Discusses advances in breeding and biotechnological techniques to tackle the different stresses in challenging climatic fluctuations Highlights various emerging approaches and technologies currently being used in developing climate-smart crops Provides success stories of crop improvement against the different stresses.

Climate-Resilient Agriculture: A Molecular Perspective

Developing climate-smart crops is vital to securing food security around the world. This new book discusses the state-of-the-art technologies that can help to mitigate plant abiotic stresses in cultivated crops. It covers the current aspects of climate-resilience agriculture, including the crucial physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of cultivated crops under stress conditions, which play a pivotal role in developing climate-smart crops. The volume explores breeding, omics, genetic engineering, bioengineering of metabolic pathways, artificial intelligence, and more.Key features: Addresses the current and future challenges of climate changes on food security Details the impact of different biotic, abiotic stresses, along with their interactions and effect on crop plants in climate-changing scenarios Gives a comprehensive account of molecular mechanisms associated with different stresses in crop plants Discusses advances in breeding and biotechnological techniques to tackle the different stresses in challenging climatic fluctuations Highlights various emerging approaches and technologies currently being used in developing climate-smart crops Provides success stories of crop improvement against the different stresses.

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