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Showing 18,901 through 18,925 of 88,978 results

Pain in the Arts

by John Tusa

Over a distinguished career in cultural leadership, management and journalism spanning almost 30 years, John Tusa has amassed a unique experience of the arts world, the political controversies it faces and the battles it continues to fight. His new book is a fearless and passionate defence of the performing and visual arts at a time of increasing 'Pain in the Arts'. Tusa addresses the controversies in the arts that must be resolved so urgently today, including the ever-flowing arguments on whether they should be useful before they are excellent. He gives guidance on how the arts can survive in the downturn and explains why the case must always be made that they deserve special treatment. He writes an excoriating critique of the language of Whitehall bureaucracy and shows how crucial to the nation's health and wealth are the small regional arts projects alongside our big arts institutions like the Barbican or National Theatre. He also draws on his expertise as Chair of the Clore Leadership Programme to discuss those increasingly complex questions - practical, personal, professional - that today's and tomorrow's cultural leaders must face, including the qualities of character needed to succeed and what a revolution in arts leadership might achieve. The backdrop throughout is Tusa's personal story of discovery and love of the culture he strives to defend in hard times.

Touching and Imagining: An Introduction to Tactile Art (International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art)

by Jan Svankmajer

Jan Svankmajer wrote this remarkable book on tactile art when he stopped directing films and experimented intensively with tactile art after repeated censorship by the communist governmnent of Czechoslovakia. Illustrated with over 100 imges, this book is organised around many reproductions of Svanmajker's wondrous tactile art objects, tactile poems, experiments and games. It includes dialogues with, and artworks by, other collaborating artists from the Group of Czech and Slovak Surrealists. Svankmajer also gathers together as contributors such notable exponents of tactical experience as Edgar Allan Poe, Guillaume Appollinaire, Salvador Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Meret Oppenheim, Edith Clifford Williams, Ay-O, Valie Export, F.T. Marinetti and Karel Teige.

The Religious Philosophy of Simone Weil: An Introduction (Library of Modern Religion)

by Lissa McCullough

The French philosopher Simone Weil (1909-1943), a contemporary of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, remains in every way a thinker for our times. She was an outsider, in multiple senses, defying the usual religious categories: at once atheistic and religious; mystic and realist; sceptic and believer. She speaks therefore to the complex sensibilities of a rationalist age. Yet despite her continuing relevance, and the attention she attracts from philosophy, cultural studies, feminist studies, spirituality and beyond, Weil's reflections can still be difficult to grasp, since they were expressed in often inscrutable and fragmentary form. Lissa McCullough here offers a reliable guide to the key concepts of Weil's religious philosophy: good and evil, the void, gravity, grace, beauty, suffering and waiting for God. In addressing such distinctively contemporary concerns as depression, loneliness and isolation, and in writing hauntingly of God's voluntary 'nothingness', Weil's existential paradoxes continue to challenge and provoke. This is the first introductory book to show the essential coherence of her enigmatic but remarkable ideas about religion.

Encounters with the Ottoman Miniature: Contemporary Readings of an Imperial Art (International Library of Visual Culture)

by Begüm Özden Firat

The dominant form of Ottoman pictorial art until the eighteenth century, miniatures have traditionally been studied as reflecting the socio-historical contexts, aesthetic concerns and artistic tastes of the era within which they were produced. Begüm Özden F?rat proposes instead a radical re-reading of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century miniatures in the light of contemporary critical theory, highlighting the viewer's encounter with the image. Encounters with the Ottoman Miniature employs contemporary concepts such as the gaze, frame/framing, reading and re-reading, drawing on thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes and Gilles Deleuze to establish the vibrant cultural agency of miniature paintings. With analysis that illuminates both the social and political situations in which these miniatures were painted as well as emphasising the miniature's contemporary relevance, F?rat presents an important new re-imagining of this art form

50 Fantastic Ideas for Developing Emotional Resilience

by Jillian Harrison-Longworth

There has always been emphasis placed on personal, social and emotional education, particularly in the Early Years. Emotionally resilient children are well equipped to deal with the challenges they may face, and this resilience reflects a range of skills, strengths and characteristics acquired and refined throughout one's life. Over the last ten years, Jillian Harrison-Longworth has planned and delivered a wide range of short but focused activities that can be used to develop aspects of emotional resilience across five key areas: confidence, self-image, self-esteem, perseverance and cooperation. This book contains refined activities for each of these crucial sections that most commonly arise in schools and settings.50 Fantastic Ideas for Developing Emotional Resilience provides short but snappy practical activities as starting points for practitioners to develop emotional resilience in the children they work with.

CSR und Hochschulmanagement: Sustainable Education als neues Paradigma in Forschung und Lehre (Management-Reihe Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Monika Kolb Markus Raueiser

Ob es um die Einführung neuer Verwaltungsstrukturen, die Diversität von Studierenden und Lehrenden, die Demokratisierung von Wissen oder die demografische Entwicklung geht – Hochschulen befinden sich beständig im Wandel. Was bedeutet Hochschulentwicklung vor diesem Hintergrund und wie lassen sich die aktuellen Herausforderungen für das Hochschulmanagement nutzen? In dem Buch diskutieren Hochschulangehörige aus verschiedenen Fakultäten und aus der Verwaltung, aber auch Studierende sowie Akteure aus Politik, Forschung und Wirtschaft, inwieweit Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) und Sustainable Education geeignete Konzepte für den Umgang mit diesen inneren und äußeren Veränderungen sind.Anhand von Praxisbeispielen aus namhaften privaten wie öffentlichen Hochschulen reflektieren die Autoren ihre Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse als Stakeholder in und im Umfeld von Hochschulen. Können Hochschulen die Herausforderungen nutzen, um neue, passendere Organisationsstrukturen zu entwerfen und die Institution Hochschule weiterzuentwickeln? Wie verläuft der Weg vom kritischen Hinterfragen der Prozesse und Strukturen innerhalb der Hochschulorganisation hin zu einem besseren, nachhaltigen Hochschulmanagement und was können die verschiedenen Akteure dazu beitragen?Die Buchbeiträge liefern nicht nur Handlungsempfehlungen für das Hochschulmanagement, sondern regen auch zur Auseinandersetzung mit den Konzepten von Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) und Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext der Organisationsentwicklung in der Hochschule an. Damit bietet der Band auch einen Überblick zum aktuellen Stand der Diskussion – für Wissenschaftler, für Praktiker und für Experten in und außerhalb der Hochschule.

Winter of the Wolves: The Anglo-Saxon Age is Dawning (Flashbacks)

by Tony Bradman

The history and partnership of the Angles and Saxons are explored in this thrilling adventure about the trials and tribulations of their settlement in Britain. Written by bestselling author Tony Bradman, this coming of age tale is perfect for fans of Rosemary Sutcliff and will have readers gripped from start to finish. Oslaf works hard to prove his worth in the village: he labours on the farm, he trains as a warrior and he is slowly finding his place in the community. But when the Chieftain makes the decision to move the village across the sea to the great new land of Britannia, suddenly the Britons are a greater threat than Oslaf's rivalry with the Chieftain's son, Wermund. Can the Angles and the Saxons defeat the Britons? And will Oslaf be as brave as the hero in the tale of Beowulf?This exciting and dramatic story is packed with great characters and insight into the Angles' migration, settlement and partnership with the Saxons in 6th century Britain. The Flashbacks series offers dramatic stories set in key moments of history, perfect for introducing children to historical topics.

We're All White Thanks: The Persisting Myth About 'white' Schools (PDF)

by Chris Gaine

Pupils' and teachers' perspectives on race are changing, particularly in regions where white people have little first hand contact with ethnic minority people. Continuing the theme he first explored in his ground-breaking books "No Problem Here" and "Still No Problem Here" in the 1980s and 90s, Chris Gaine explores recent ideas and strategies that support those seeking positive change in schools and communities. The author revisits the old evidence of the misconceptions and prejudice that prevail in white areas and compares this with current views. He makes a convincing case for tackling the issues and devotes most of the book to moving things forward. His chapter on words, concepts and definitions is illuminating, and he rolls out past history to show why even though countering racism is never easy in white areas, it can - and has been - done. The remaining chapters are designed to support everyone working in education who is concerned to further racial justice and social cohesion through schools. They cover: suggestions for training; resources; and developing policies and strategies.

How to Steal Fire: The Myths of Creativity Exposed, The Truths of Creativity Explained

by Stephen Bayley Roger Mavity

Creativity is a powerful force. It drives innovation, boosts our economy and enables us to fulfil our human potential. But what actually is creativity? Is it overrated? And where exactly do ideas come from in the first place?In this book, design gurus Stephen Bayley and Roger Mavity debunk the myths and common misconceptions that form our current thinking around this complex subject. In showing readers how to think boldly and remain undaunted by challenges, they examine the phenomenon from all sides: not only the creativity of invention and of imagination but also that of perception and of discovery, in order to reveal the truths we often overlook.Ultimately, How to Steal Fire will help you reclaim yourself from the anonymous dreariness of a data-driven culture and spark imaginative thought.

Modellverstehen und Modellieren an einer Blackbox: Eine Videoanalyse aus der biologiedidaktischen Forschung (BestMasters)

by Leroy Großmann

Leroy Großmann entwickelt auf der Grundlage videografierter Blackbox-Untersuchungen eine Typologie von Modellierungsstrategien. Insbesondere in der biologiedidaktischen Forschung wurde eine Vielzahl quantitativer Untersuchungen zum Modellverstehen durchgeführt und damit das Kompetenzmodell der Modellkompetenz empirisch überprüft. Für das Modellieren als praktische Tätigkeit gibt es jedoch bislang kein ausdifferenziertes Kompetenzmodell – diese Forschungslücke wird mit der vorliegenden qualitativen Studie geschlossen. Die Relevanz der Befunde für den schulischen Biologieunterricht wird abschließend dargestellt.

Find The Girl

by Lydia Connell Lucy Connell

The perfect summer read for fans of Girl Online and Rainbow Rowell! ----- Falling for your best friend's love interest is bad...Falling for your twin's is catastrophic.As kids, Nina and Nancy were inseparable. As teenagers, not so much...Where Nancy is popular, an Instagram star, and obsessed with boy band heartthrob Chase, Nina is shy; a talented classical musician, and shuns the spotlight that her sister thrives in.But when the wrong twin unwittingly ends up at the centre of a romantic social media storm, the bonds of twin-ship will be tested like never before... Written in collaboration with Katy Birchall, #FINDTHEGIRL is a very modern twist on a Cinderella story.

Developmental and Adapted Physical Education: Making Ability Count

by Michael Horvat Ronald V. Croce Caterina Pesce Ashley Eason Fallaize

Now in a fully revised and updated 6th edition, reflecting changes in legislation and cutting-edge research, this is a complete introduction to adapted physical education, from the underpinning science to practical teaching strategies and program design. The book covers a broader range of disabilities, developmental disorders, and health conditions than any other textbook and includes brand new material on developmental coordination disorders and cognitive development. Full of teaching and coaching strategies and techniques, it introduces scientific fundamentals, key legislation, and best practice in designing effective programs. It encourages the reader to consider the individual before the disability and to focus on what learners can do rather than what they can’t. This is an essential reference for teachers, coaches, or exercise professionals working with children with disabilities. It is also an invaluable resource for undergraduate or postgraduate students of adapted physical education, kinesiology, physical education, physical therapy, exercise science, athletic training, or sports coaching. The new edition features updated online resources, including PowerPoint slides, web links, an example syllabus, and quizzes.

Beschreiben und Erklären beim Lernen von Mathematik: Rekonstruktion mündlicher Sprachhandlungen von mehrsprachigen Grundschulkindern (Kölner Beiträge zur Didaktik der Mathematik)

by Mona-Lisa Maisano

Wenn Lernende in der mündlichen Interaktion mathematische Phänomene beobachten und davon ausgehend Zusammenhänge entdecken, werden sie aus sprachlicher Sicht gefordert, Beschreibungen und Erklärungen zu äußern. Mona-Lisa Maisano hat sich in ihrer Studie diesen beiden Sprechhandlungen zunächst unabhängig voneinander gewidmet und vor dem Hintergrund der Mehrsprachigkeit im Schulunterricht ihre Zusammenhänge herausgearbeitet. Als Theoriegerüst liegt eine Verbindung zwischen linguistischen und philosophisch-logischen Ansätzen zugrunde. In der qualitativen Untersuchung liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Betrachtung von mehrsprachigen Lernenden der Grundschule, die in Kleingruppen an mathematischen Aufgaben mündlich arbeiten und dabei flexibel auf ihre mehrsprachigen Ressourcen zurückgreifen.

Action Learning and Action Research: Genres and Approaches

by Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt Lesley Wood

Action Research (AR) is an ideal methodology to enable practical and emancipatory outcomes, as well as to generate relevant and authentic theory. Consequently, it has gained popularity worldwide. However, this emerging paradigm of AR in the Social Sciences has been widely misunderstood and misused by researchers, educators and practitioners.The integration of Action Learning with Action Research deepens understanding and contributes to new knowledge about the theory, practice and processes of Action Learning (AL) and Action Research (AR). It clarifies what constitutes AL/AR in its many forms and what it is not. AL and AR enable participants to effectively approach increasingly complex global challenges confronting humankind in this twenty-first century, collectively achieve practical, emancipatory and sustainable outcomes and generate relevant, authentic theory. This book, written by internationally renowned experts, is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the main genres and approaches of AL/AR. They explain the genre of their expertise, reflect on their rich experiences with it, and consider both the common features shared across the AL/AR paradigm and what is distinctive about the particular genre they overview. This book discusses the what, why and how of their particular approach and will prove invaluable for researchers and practitioners alike.

Reading Ladder Level 2: Flat Stanley: The Haunted House (PDF)

by Lori Haskins Houran Jon Mitchell Jeff Brown

A spooky but funny story about Jeff Brown’s Flat Stanley – everyone’s favourite flat boy – perfect for children learning to read. Stanley and his brother Arthur are going to their school's Halloween party. They dress up in costumes and Stanley is particularly looking forward to the limbo competition. They're rather disappointed by the haunted house, though - it's really not very scary. But when they see a bully upsetting their friend Martin, they decide to teach him a lesson - by being very scary indeed! The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading. Level 2 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for readers who are growing in confidence and are beginning to enjoy longer stories. • Clear type • Up to 8 lines per page • Bright, appealing pictures for added interest • A variety of sentence structures • A wider range of vocabulary • Strong themes and characters to discuss All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading.

Optional Tests Year 4 English Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling. Set B: Paper 1: Questions (PDF)

by Marie Lallaway

Year 4 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Optional Test papers from the SET B range.

Optional Tests Year 4 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Set B: Paper 2: Spelling (PDF)

by Marie Lallaway

Year 4 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Optional Test papers from the SET B range.

Option Tests Year 4 Mathematics Set B: Paper 1: Arithmetic (PDF)

by Trevor Dixon

Year 4 Mathematics Optional Test papers from the SET B range.

Optional Tests Year 4 Mathematics Set B: Paper 2: Reasoning (PDF)

by Trevor Dixon

This test paper is part of Optional Tests Set B Year 4 Mathematics Pupil Pack.

Optional Tests Year 4 Mathematics Set B: Paper 3: Reasoning (PDF)

by Trevor Dixon

This test paper is part of Optional Tests Set B Year 4 Mathematics Pupil Pack.

Optional Tests Reading Booklet Year 4 Set B (PDF)

by Lorna Pepper Janet White

Year 4 Reading Optional Test papers from the SET B range.

Optional Tests Year 4 English Reading: Reading Answer Booklet Set B (PDF)

by Lorna Pepper Janet White

This test paper is part of Optional Tests Set B Year 4 English reading Pupil Pack.

Deutschland auf dem Weg zum zweigliedrigen Schulsystem: Transfer- und Lernprozesse in der Bildungspolitik (Educational Governance #47)

by Jens Ridderbusch

Jens Ridderbusch geht der Frage nach, welche Faktoren und Prozesse zur Ablösung der tradierten Dreigliedrigkeit im deutschen Schulsystem geführt haben und welche Entwicklung der Schulstrukturen in Zukunft zu erwarten ist. Gegenstand seiner Policy-Analyse sind die über 20 Sekundarschulreformen der Bundesländer von 2001 bis heute. Dabei zeigt sich, dass trotz der Kulturhoheit der Länder und der Vielfalt neuer Sekundarschulen in der Schulpolitik auch starke konvergente Kräfte wirken. Vor allem der langfristige Trend zu höheren Bildungsabschlüssen lässt erwarten, dass sich die Schulformen neben dem Gymnasium künftig weiter angleichen. Zweigliedrige Struktur­varianten mit Gymnasien und integrierten Sekundarschulformen sind daher die wahrscheinlichste Entwicklungs­richtung.

Schlüsselwerke der Vulnerabilitätsforschung

by Robert Stöhr Diana Lohwasser Daniel Burghardt Markus Dederich Nadine Dziabel Moritz Krebs Jörg Zirfas Juliane Noack Napoles

Das Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Zusammenhänge von subjektiven und strukturellen Momenten der Vulnerabilität und ihren pädagogischen Implikationen. Es greift auf Forschungen der Philosophie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Kultur- und Erziehungswissenschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts zurück, um zu verdeutlichen, welche Grundlagen, Auswirkungen, Formen und Entwicklungen von Verletzbarkeit und Fragilität von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Zugleich wird herausgearbeitet, welche pädagogischen Ansätze es ermöglichen, Vulnerabilitäten vorzubeugen, ihnen zu begegnen oder ihre Folgen zu bearbeiten. Strukturell orientiert sich das Buch an zentralen Autor*innen des 20. Jahrhunderts, denen nicht nur für ihre jeweilige Disziplin, sondern auch für den Vulnerabilitätsdiskurs insgesamt eine Schlüsselstellung zukommt.

Crossmedia Publishing: Single Source – XML – Web-to-Print (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Zunächst gehen die Autoren dieses Crossmedia Publishing Buchs auf die zunehmende Bedeutung von Redaktionssystemen – speziell Content Management Systeme (kurz: CMS) – und deren Vorteile für den Publikationsprozess ein. Im weiteren Verlauf dieses Werks stehen folgende Aspekte im Fokus:XML: Grundlagen und DateibearbeitungWeb-to-Print-AnwendungenWichtige DruckdatenRich-Media-InhalteKonvertierung von PDF in HTML5So vermittelt Ihnen das Buch „Crossmedia Publishing“ nicht nur theoretische Grundlagen, sondern stellt gleichzeitig Praxisbezüge her. Verständliche Anleitungen inklusive Screenshots unterstützen Sie bei der Arbeit mit verschiedenen Tools.

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Showing 18,901 through 18,925 of 88,978 results