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Datenmanagement: Daten – Datenbanken – Datensicherheit (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Im einführenden Kapitel dieses Datenmanagementbuchs geht es zunächst um die Frage, wie im Zuge der Digitalisierung die Umwandlung von analogen Daten in binäre Zahlen abläuft und welche Auswirkungen dies auf die computergesteuerte Verarbeitung von Texten, Bildern, Farben sowie Musik hat. Des Weiteren betrachten die Verfasser folgende Gesichtspunkte: Grundlagen von DatenbankenDatenbankentwürfeMalwareMögliche Datenschutzmaßnahmen

Argumentative Lehr-Lern-Prozesse im Politikunterricht: Eine Videostudie (Empirische Forschung in den gesellschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachdidaktiken)

by Dorothee Gronostay

Dorothee Gronostay untersucht das Potential argumentativer Lehr-Lern-Prozesse im Politikunterricht (z.B. kontroverser Diskussionen) zur kognitiven Aktivierung der Schülerinnen und Schüler. In drei empirischen Teilstudien werden Sequenzmuster argumentativer Abwägung identifiziert, Wirkungen eines fachspezifischen Argumentationstrainings auf die Diskussionsqualität geprüft sowie Effekte von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und zugewiesenen Diskussionspositionen (pro/kontra) auf die Diskussionsbeteiligung und persönliche Position der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu einer politischen Streitfrage untersucht. Die Autorin stellt vielfältige Bezüge zur Unterrichtspraxis her und leitet aus den Ergebnissen auch unterrichtspraktische Implikationen ab.

Fuzzy Leadership: Trilogie Teil I: Von den Wurzeln der Fuzzy-Logik bis zur smarten Gesellschaft (essentials)

by Edy Portmann Andreas Meier

Die unscharfe Logik (Fuzzy Logic) erweitert die klassische Logik, indem neben den beiden Wahrheitswerten 1 für ‚wahr’ und 0 für ‚falsch’ alle Werte des Einheitsintervalls zugelassen sind. Die unscharfe Logik entspricht der menschlichen Wahrnehmung, da sie unsichere Sachverhalte oder vage Aussagen in einem Entscheidungsprozess mitberücksichtigt. Edy Portmann und Andreas Meier geben in diesem essential über Fuzzy Leadership einen Überblick zu Grundlagen der unscharfen Logik und zeigen das Potenzial in unterschiedlichen Anwendungen der digitalen Wirtschaft sowie in der Informations- und Wissensgesellschaft auf. Die Autoren:Prof. Dr. Edy Portmann ist Swiss Post Professor of Computer Science am Human-IST Institut der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz. In seiner Forschung beschäftigt er sich mit Fragen rund um Informationssysteme, -verarbeitung und -beschaffung. Prof. Dr. Andreas Meier leitete in den Jahren 1999 bis 2018 den Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Universität Fribourg, Schweiz. Seine Forschungsgebiete waren eBusiness, eGovernment und Informationsmanagement.

Präsentation: Konzeption – Design – Medien (Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung)

by Peter Bühler Patrick Schlaich Dominik Sinner

Das Buch „Präsentation“ ist ein Band aus der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“. Diese ist mittlerweile in der 6. Auflage erhältlich und umfasst mehr als 2.700 Seiten. Im Zuge einer Weiterentwicklung des Kompendiums haben die Autoren auch das Buch „Präsentation“ neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht, um es an die Entwicklungen der Werbe- und Medienbranche anzupassen und aktuelle Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge zu integrieren. Daher eignet sich dieses Buch ideal als Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Schulen und Hochschulen, aber auch zum Selbststudium der wichtigsten Grundlagen. Zusätzlich enthält das Werk viele Aufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen (z.B. PowerPoint) und ein praktisches Stichwortverzeichnis.

Problem-Based Learning: A Didactic Strategy in the Teaching of System Simulation (Studies in Computational Intelligence #824)

by Lorenzo Cevallos-Torres Miguel Botto-Tobar

This book describes and outlines the theoretical foundations of system simulation in teaching, and as a practical contribution to teaching-and-learning models. It presents various methodologies used in teaching, the goal being to solve real-life problems by creating simulation models and probability distributions that allow correlations to be drawn between a real model and a simulated model. Moreover, the book demonstrates the role of simulation in decision-making processes connected to teaching and learning.

Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education (Routledge Studies in Marketing)

by Bang Nguyen T. C. Melewar Jane Hemsley-Brown

University branding has increased substantially, due to demands on universities to enrol greater numbers of students, rising tuition fees, the proliferation of courses, the growing ‘internationalization’ of universities, financial pressures, and reliance on income from foreign students. As higher education continues to grow, increased competition places more pressure on institutions to market their programs. Technological, social, and economic changes have necessitated a customer-oriented marketing system and a focus on developing the university brand. This book is unique in providing a composite overview of strategy, planning, and measurement informed by ground-breaking research and the experiences of academics. It combines theoretical and methodological aspects of branding with the views of leading exponents of branding in different contexts and across a range of higher education institutions. Expert contributors from research and practice provide relevant and varying perspectives allowing readers to access information on international trends, theory, and practices about branding in higher education. Readers are exposed to the critical elements of strategic brand management, gain insights into the planning process of higher education branding, and gain a solid understanding of the emerging research area of branding concepts in higher education. Advanced students, and researchers will find this book a unique resource and it will also be of interest to brand practitioners in both education and public sector markets.

Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education (Routledge Studies in Marketing)

by Bang Nguyen T. C. Melewar Jane Hemsley-Brown

University branding has increased substantially, due to demands on universities to enrol greater numbers of students, rising tuition fees, the proliferation of courses, the growing ‘internationalization’ of universities, financial pressures, and reliance on income from foreign students. As higher education continues to grow, increased competition places more pressure on institutions to market their programs. Technological, social, and economic changes have necessitated a customer-oriented marketing system and a focus on developing the university brand. This book is unique in providing a composite overview of strategy, planning, and measurement informed by ground-breaking research and the experiences of academics. It combines theoretical and methodological aspects of branding with the views of leading exponents of branding in different contexts and across a range of higher education institutions. Expert contributors from research and practice provide relevant and varying perspectives allowing readers to access information on international trends, theory, and practices about branding in higher education. Readers are exposed to the critical elements of strategic brand management, gain insights into the planning process of higher education branding, and gain a solid understanding of the emerging research area of branding concepts in higher education. Advanced students, and researchers will find this book a unique resource and it will also be of interest to brand practitioners in both education and public sector markets.

New Edexcel International GCSE Maths Revision Guide - for the Grade 9-1 Course (with Online Edition) (PDF)

by Cgp Books

This CGP Revision Guide is the ideal companion to Edexcel’s ‘Grade 9-1’ International GCSE Maths course (specification A). Every topic is explained in a concise, friendly style, with plenty of step-by-step examples to make everything crystal clear. Grade information (on the new 9-1 scale) is included to show the difficulty level of each topic, and there are exam-style questions throughout the book. Finally, there’s a code that gives you access to a free Online Edition of the whole book - this also includes fully worked answers to all the exam-style questions. For even more International GCSE Maths practice, try CGP’s matching Workbook (9781782946724) and Exam Practice Workbook (9781782946700).

New 9-1 GCSE Chemistry Edexcel Revision Question Cards (PDF)

by Cgp Books

"There’s more to revision than just reading through study notes. If you really want to make sure you know GCSE Chemistry, you’ll need to test yourself - and that’s where these CGP Revision Question Cards come in! There are 95 cards in the pack, covering every key Grade 9-1 Edexcel topic. Each one starts off with quick questions to warm you up, followed by harder questions to get your brain into top gear. Flip the card over and you’ll find full answers to each question, carefully written to help you understand everything you need to know. Along the way, we’ve packed in plenty of diagrams and expert revision tips, and there are even questions on Working Scientifically and Practical Skills. Amazing! You’ll find matching study notes for the whole course in CGP’s Edexcel GCSE Chemistry Revision Guide (9781782945727). And of course, we have Revision Question Cards for Edexcel GCSE Biology (9781789082739) and Physics (9781789082746) too. "

Spektrometrie im Fernlabor: Wirkung von Informationsdarbietungen beim forschenden Lernen

by Lars-Jochen Thoms

Lars-Jochen Thoms entwickelt das weltweit erste ferngesteuerte Labor zur spektrometrischen Untersuchung von Leuchtmitteln. Mit diesem Fernlabor können Lernende über das Internet z. B. Spektren verschiedener Leuchtmittel aufnehmen, den Abfall der Beleuchtungsstärke mit steigendem Abstand messen, die spektrale Abstrahlcharakteristik studieren und die Eignung dieser Leuchtmittel für bestimmte Einsatzzwecke bewerten. Der Autor untersucht in einer experimentellen Laborstudie, in der die Teilnehmer selbstständig in einer Online-Lernumgebung arbeiten, wie sich die Art der Informationsdarbietung bei verschiedenen Führungsgraden (Inquiry-Level) auf den Wissenserwerb beim entdeckenden Lernen im Fernlabor auswirkt. Seine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Erwerb von Wissen eine an den Wissensbereich angepasste Art der Informationsdarbietung erfordert und dass der Führungsgrad beim forschend-entdeckenden Lernen zu den dargebotenen Informationen und dem zu erwerbenden Wissen passen muss.Der Autor: Lars-Jochen Thoms ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Dozent für Physik und Physikdidaktik am Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

The Use of Sobriquets in the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls (The Library of Second Temple Studies #67)

by Matthew A. Collins

This book constitutes an examination of key sobriquets found among the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls. Its primary focus is literary rather than historical and concentrates on the function of the sobriquets as labels utilised positively or negatively within the sectarian compositions. Noting the presence of 'standard' and 'variant' forms of these designations, this study examines the differing form and function of the sobriquets across the range of texts in which they appear. More specifically, it attempts to demonstrate that over time they underwent a developmental process, changing in form and perhaps denotation. Adopting a chronological schema that posits a Formative, Early and Late Sectarian Period, and concentrating on the sobriquets 'the Teacher of Righteousness' and 'the Spouter of the Lie', this investigation observes a development from contextualised scriptural typologies towards titular forms constituting discrete elements of sectarian terminology. A more general evolutionary trend towards a definite ('standard') form is also highlighted, with so-called variants representing earlier stages in this process (further demonstrated by means of a supplementary case study involving the sobriquet, 'the Seekers of Smooth Things').Comparison of these results with sociological insights, drawing upon the sociology of deviance and 'labelling theory', suggests that this phenomenon can be understood against a wider context of labelling practices. Thus it is demonstrated that the sobriquets function as tools for labelling deviance and affirming positive counterparts. Furthermore, it is suggested that the move towards definite titular forms reflects a process of role engulfment, increased prototypically and the ultimate acquisition of 'master status'.

God's Body: The Anthropomorphic God in the Old Testament

by Andreas Wagner

Images of the body in ancient Near Eastern civilizations are radically different from body images today, which in turn creates significant consequences for our understanding of the biblical notion of God's human shape and the frequent and widespread misconceptions therein. Andreas Wagner illuminates such frequent and widespread misconceptions, and reveals the sometimes distant pictorial world of ancient body images. He contrasts these with contemporary models and makes the matter of the Old Testament concept of God's human form accessible and clear.Wagner begins by introducing readers to aspects of anthropomorphism, the study of body parts, and Israel's basic understanding of the human body. He then turns specifically to the body of God, analysing why and how certain body parts are emphasized or regularly employed in the biblical text when it tries to describe God. Wagner draws out the theological aspects of the ways in which God's body is described as well as considering the diverse range of ancient Near Eastern perspectives on God, and the ways in which ancient cultures constructed and understood deities. Wagner concludes by looking at how the depiction of God in the Old Testament fits with the concept of mankind made in God's image. Enhanced by over fifty illustrations, God's Body will lead the debate in biblical anthropomorphism for years to come.

T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World (T&T Clark Handbooks)

by Peter-Ben Smit Soham Al-Suadi

This handbook situates early Christian meals in their broader context, with a focus on the core topics that aid understanding of Greco-Roman meal practice, and how this relates to Christian origins. In addition to looking at the broader Hellenistic context, the contributors explain the unique nature of Christian meals, and what they reveal about early Christian communities and the development of Christian identity.Beginning with Hellenistic documents and authors before moving on to the New Testament material itself, according to genre - Gospels, Acts, Letters, Apocalyptic Literature - the handbook culminates with a section on the wider resources that describe daily life in the period, such as medical documents and inscriptions. The literary, historical, theological and philosophical aspects of these resources are also considered, including such aspects as the role of gender during meals; issues of monotheism and polytheism that arise from the structure of the meal; how sacrifice is understood in different meal practices; power dynamics during the meal and issues of inclusion and exclusion at meals.

Engaging with Multicultural YA Literature in the Secondary Classroom: Critical Approaches for Critical Educators

by Ricki Ginsberg Wendy J. Glenn

With a focus on fostering democratic, equitable education for young people, Ginsberg and Glenn’s engaging text showcases a wide variety of innovative, critical classroom approaches that extend beyond traditional literary theories commonly used in K-12 and higher education classrooms and provides opportunities to explore young adult (YA) texts in new and essential ways. The chapters pair YA texts with critical practices and perspectives for culturally affirming and sustaining teaching and include resources, suggested titles, and classroom strategies. Following a consistent structure, each chapter provides foundational background on a key critical approach, applies the approach to a focal YA text, and connects the approach to classroom strategies designed to encourage students to think deeply and critically about texts, themselves, and the world. Offering a wealth of innovative pedagogical tools, this comprehensive volume offers opportunities for students and their teachers to explore key and emerging topics, including culture, (dis)ability, ethnicity, gender, immigration, race, sexual orientation, and social class.

Special Education Leadership: Building Effective Programming in Schools

by David Bateman Jenifer Cline

Integrating coverage of the most important knowledge base, research, and practice in the field, this book prepares educators for the challenging role of special education leader. Special Education Leadership provides leaders with tools to review programs, implement special education law, and build special education programs that effectively supervise and support teachers. Grounded in theory, this book also includes best practice for day-to-day operations, such as issues of teaching and learning, personnel selection and evaluation, basic financial management, working with parent relations, mental health issues, and legal matters related to special education. Full of advice from practitioners, end-of-chapter questions, and coverage of emerging trends, this book helps prepare special education administrators and supervisors to survive the pressures of working with students with disabilities while supporting appropriate services and preventing litigation.

Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education (Bloomsbury Research Methods for Education)

by Vicky Duckworth Liz Atkins

Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education offers researchers a full understanding of very important concepts, showing how they can be used a means to develop practical strategies for undertaking research that makes a difference to the lives of marginalised and disadvantaged learners. It explores different conceptualisations of social justice and equity, and leads the reader through a discussion of what their implications are for undertaking educational research that is both moral and ethical and how it can be enacted in the context of their chosen research method and a variety of others, both well-known and more innovative. The authors draw on real, practical examples from a range of educational contexts, including early childhood, special and inclusive education and adult education, and cultures located in both western and developing nations in order to exemplify how researchers can use methods which contribute to the creation of more equitable education systems. In this way, the authors provide a global perspective of the contrasting and creative ways in which researchers reflect on and integrate principles of social justice in their methods and their methodological decision making.It encourages the reader to think critically about their own research by asking key questions, such as: what contribution can research for equity and social justice make to new and emerging methods and methodologies? And how can researchers implement socially just research methods from a position of power? This book concludes by proposing a range of methods and methodologies which researchers can use to challenge inequality and work towards social justice, offering a springboard from which they can further their own studies.

Rethinking TESOL in Diverse Global Settings: The Language and the Teacher in a Time of Change

by Fiona English Tim Marr

What do TESOL teachers actually teach? What do they know about language, about English and the ways it is used in the world? How do they view themselves and their work, and how are they viewed by others? How is TESOL perceived as a profession and as a discipline? How can teachers make the most of the available resources? Can global English really deliver what it seems to promise? These are some of the questions explored in Rethinking TESOL in Diverse Global Settings, a book which examines what we mean when we talk about English language teaching and what we understand the job of an English language teacher to be. Covering diverse teaching environments, from China to Latin America and the Middle East, and from elementary school to university, the authors take a critical look at TESOL by focusing on the actual substance of the subject, language, and attitudes towards it. Through concrete examples from language classrooms, in the form of vignettes and accounts from native speaker and non-native speaker teachers alike, they explore the experiences of teachers worldwide in relation to issues of identity and professionalism, nativeness and non-nativeness, and the pressures of dealing with the expectations with which English has become invested. While recognising the often precarious academic and institutional status of TESOL teachers, the book pulls no punches in challenging those teachers as a whole to become more ambitious in their aims, positioning themselves not as mere skills providers, but language experts, specialists in their subject, members of a legitimate academic discipline. Only then, the authors argue, will TESOL teachers and their work be taken seriously and their expertise recognised.

Lebensernte: Psychologie der Großelternschaft

by Anton A. Bucher

In diesem Buch können sich alle, die in ihre Enkel vernarrt sind, informieren, warum sie damit sehr richtig liegen. Ein Streifzug durch Geschichte und Literatur wird fundiert durch Aspekte der Familienforschung und die soziologische Betrachtung einer neuen Rolle der Großeltern. Heute haben Großeltern nicht mehr nur eine Funktion für die Kleinen, sondern begleiten über die Lebensspanne. In einer Zeit, in der man den Eindruck bekommt, jeder Zweite würde das Alter als Last empfinden oder jeder Vierte lebe in Zwist und Trennung, lädt der Autor ein, die Etappe als Oma und Opa als Ressource für ein gelungenes Leben zwischen Individuation und Bezogenheit zu entdecken – für sich selbst wie für die Enkel. Die Sicht der Enkel rundet das Lesebuch ab. Aus dem Inhalt: Großeltern in Literatur und Geschichte – Nicht nur Märchen erzählen, sondern joggen gehen – Ernte der Beziehung – Die Sicht der Enkel. Über den Autor: Prof. Dr. Anton A. Bucher widmet sich neben seinen universitären Studien gern psychologischen Aspekten des guten Lebens und ist Autor mehrerer erfolgreicher Bücher.

Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Citizenship, Human Rights and Peace Education

by Karen Edge Fazal Rizvi Mary Drinkwater

Transnational Perspectives on Democracy, Citizenship, Human Rights, and Peace Education considers ways in which national systems of education could work together, across borders, to determine the meaning and significance of the principles of democracy, human rights and peace education, in ways that are comparative and relational. The contributors and editors (Mary Drinkwater, Fazal Rizvi and Karen Edge) argue that in an era of globalization, collaborative investigations are crucial for developing an understanding of rights, democracy and peace that is transnationally inflected, and through which national systems of education hold each other accountable. The chapters address issues such as citizenship, identity, language, conflict and peace-building, global educational policy, and democratic approaches to policy and education issues of democracy, human rights and peace education through analyses of case studies, research findings and policy initiatives drawn from countries in the global north and south.

Schizoanalysis and Animal Science Education

by Helena Pedersen

Within the education system, acts of violence toward animals take place and are manifested on a routine basis in science classes, in lecture halls, in school canteens, and during study visits to zoos, farms, and slaughterhouses. Taken for granted as ”necessary” for teaching and learning, this violence profoundly affects animals as well as students. It also provides new entry points for understanding education as a multispecies power regime, driven by numerous other investments than knowledge dissemination alone. What, then, is the nature of this educational violence, and how exactly does education work through techniques of interference with student and animal bodies? Based on ethnographic research within upper secondary schools and higher education, this book challenges the use of animals in education by innovative engagement of Deleuze and Guattari's tool of schizoanalysis. Sparking a fundamental rethinking of educational processes, relations, and aims, the book explores how scientific knowledge about animals proliferates through complex interplay of power and desire in contested spaces of teaching and learning. Configuring animal science education as a set of machines working in tandem with the animal industry, Helena Pedersen offers radical new insights into how education forms subjectivities and social orders under conditions of capitalist expansion that capture students and animals alike. Bringing together education studies, science studies, critical animal studies, and continental philosophy, Pedersen also provides examples of disruptive action that can put education to work for transformation and liberation.

Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education: A Cross-National Study

by Ian Menter Maria Teresa Tatto

Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education reviews the evolution of education policy on initial teacher education as an indicator of the knowledge that is considered important for nation building. It also looks at research on approaches and structures to initial teacher learning as an indication of the intellectual and moral direction to which schooling must aspire. Contributors look at these dynamics across a range of societies including Australia, the Czech Republic, England, Finland, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Russia, and the USA. Using a review of the literature approach within a comparative framework, the book seeks to answer the following questions for each country:What has been the evolution of different approaches to learning to teach in each setting, and what factors have influenced change over the years?What are the underlying theories that characterize past and current thinking about the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed by teachers and what evidence is used to support these theories?What does a review on the state of the knowledge about teacher education over the past 30 years reveal about the evolution of the research and knowledge traditions that have supported current and past innovations in teacher education? Maria Teresa Tatto and Ian Menter explore international variability in different conceptions of knowledge in the context of learning to teach and explore the way in which national and international influences interact in the developing trajectories of teacher education policy and practice, considering what knowledge is considered important for teachers to have.

Problems in Philosophy of Education: A Systematic Approach

by James Scott Johnston

Problems in Philosophy of Education canvasses several of the leading issues in philosophy of education. These include the disconnect between the disciplines of philosophy and philosophy of education, the strained relationship between educational practice and philosophy of education, the role of educational research in philosophy of education, and the lack of an independent scholarship for philosophy of education. James Scott Johnson argues for a philosophy of education separate and distinct from both the disciplines of philosophy and education and claims that philosophy of education should raise and address its own questions and concerns. Supporting this is a model of how philosophy of education should originate basic questions, together with a set of philosophic presuppositions regarding the model's logic, ethics, politics, and relationship to science and social science.

The 39 Steps Play Guide for AQA GCSE Drama (PDF)

by Annie Fox

Provides structured support for the three Sections that are all part of Component 1: Understanding Drama in the specification: Section A Theatre Roles and Responsibilities. Section B Study of a Set Play Section C Understanding Drama - Live Theatre Production Fully supports the written examination and helps students develop their key knowledge and understanding of the set plays. Knowledge and understanding are developed alongside the key drama skills through a range of practical ideas and activities, tasks and exercises. Includes a dedicated section on how to improve exam and writing skills with a number of practice exam-style questions.

Blood Brothers Play Guide for AQA GCSE Drama (PDF)

by Annie Fox

Provides structured support for the three Sections that are all part of Component 1: Understanding Drama in the specification: Section A Theatre Roles and Responsibilities. Section B Study of a Set Play Section C Understanding Drama - Live Theatre Production Fully supports the written examination and helps students develop their key knowledge and understanding of the set plays. Knowledge and understanding are developed alongside the key drama skills through a range of practical ideas and activities, tasks and exercises. Includes a dedicated section on how to improve exam and writing skills with a number of practice exam-style questions.

The Crucible Play Guide for AQA GCSE Drama (PDF)

by Annie Fox

Provides structured support for the three Sections that are all part of Component 1: Understanding Drama in the specification: Section A Theatre Roles and Responsibilities. Section B Study of a Set Play Section C Understanding Drama - Live Theatre Production Fully supports the written examination and helps students develop their key knowledge and understanding of the set plays. Knowledge and understanding are developed alongside the key drama skills through a range of practical ideas and activities, tasks and exercises. Includes a dedicated section on how to improve exam and writing skills with a number of practice exam-style questions.

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