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Relaties in de zorg

by H. de Jonge

Bouwstenen voor gezondheidszorgonderwijs is een reeks leerboeken voor de opleidingen tot verpleegkundige, verzorgende en helpende. Deze reeks is volledig afgestemd op de kwalificatiestructuur voor de verpleegkundige en verzorgende beroepen; de samenhang die het opleidingsstelsel kent is in al haar onderdelen terug te vinden in de BGO-reeks.Bovendien is de reeks gebaseerd op een curriculummodel dat vier leer- en vormingsgebieden kent: verpleegkunde/verzorging, mens en gezondheid, gezondheids- problematiek en methoden & technieken. De cirkel op de voorzijde van het boek geeft aan voor welk kwalificatieniveau de uitgave bestemd is. De deelkwalificaties en eindtermen waar de inhoud betrekking op heeft staan in de redactionele verantwoording vermeld.Relaties in de zorg: Dit boek is bestemd voor kwalificatieniveau 2 (helpende) en vormt een onderdeel van het leer-en vormingsgebied mens en gezondheid. In acht hoofdstukken worden alle aspecten van interacties in de zorg behandeld. Het kennisniveau en de toekomstige beroepsuitoefening van de helpende zijn hierbij het uitgangspunt. Naast de algemene elementen van communiceren en samenwerken wordt specifiek ingegaan op kinderen, ouderen en allochtonen. Ook wordt enige elementaire psychologie behandeld. Het boek is rijk aan illustraties, voorbeelden en verwerkingsopdrachten.

Gezonde en zieke mensen.

by J. de Jonge

In dit boek wordt ingegaan op gezond functioneren en op ziek-zijn. Aspecten van gezondheidskunde, ziektekunde en anatomie-fysiologie worden in dit boek geïntegreerd. Dit gebeurt op een heldere manier, dicht bij het eigen (be)leven van de leerling. De stof wordt toegelicht aan de hand van voorbeelden en afbeeldingen. Theorie wordt alleen gegeven als de leerling dit in het toekomstig functioneren nodig heeft

Leerboek anamnese (Kernboek)

by T.O.H. de Jongh

De anamnese vormt de grondslag van de diagnostiek. Wie een anamnese afneemt, moet zich dan ook bewust zijn van de aard en het doel van dit vraagproces. Welke informatie is nodig voor het stellen van de juiste diagnose? Wat is het doel van de vragen die worden gesteld? Schuilt er een bepaalde systematiek achter al die anamnestische vragen? Een arts die met zorg hierover nadenkt, vermindert de kans op fouten bij het afnemen van de anamnese en het interpreteren van de daarbij verkregen informatie.In het Leerboek anamnese staat de anamnese als onderdeel van het diagnostisch proces centraal. Er wordt een duidelijke structuur van de anamnese besproken, die aansluit bij het huidige onderwijs aan de meeste Nederlandstalige medische faculteiten. Onderwerpen die aan de orde komen zijn onder meer gespreksvaardigheden, klacht- en vraagverheldering en de contextinformatie over de patiënt.Verscheidene anamnesevormen passeren de revue, zoals de klachtgerichte anamnese, de screenende anamnese en de hypothesetoetsende anamnese. De bij een anamnese toepasbare middelen worden systematisch en gedetailleerd beschreven. Het boek biedt voorbeeldvragen en besteedt aandacht aan de waarde van mogelijke antwoorden. Uiteraard is bij de samenstelling van dit boek uitvoerig gebruikgemaakt van ervaring van praktiserende artsen en docenten.Het Leerboek anamnese is een praktische en onmisbare gids voor studenten geneeskunde, artsen en specialistische verpleegkundigen die een goede, patiëntgerichte diagnostische anamnese willen leren afnemen.

Pre-School Start: Targeted Intervention for Language Ages 3 and 4 (Reception -1)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere

Pre-School Start is a practical resource that can be used with nursery children who need targeted additional help in developing communication skills. Devised by two speech and language therapists experienced in working with teaching staff, the book consists of three sets of 20 session sheets; one set per term. The session sheets are easy-to-follow plans for small groups; designed to be delivered by nursery staff. Pre-School Start offers: an introduction on how to use the Pre-School Start programme; programme delivery templates containing all the checklists, record sheets and handouts needed to carry out the programme; 60 photocopyable session sheets; templates for games (colour versions available to download); minimal preparation required. Pre-School Start is an invaluable resource for teachers and teaching assistants that encourages good collaborative practice between schools, speech & language therapists, the SENCO and parents. Catherine de la Bedoyere is a speech & language therapist with over 15 years' experience of managing and delivering services to children in a variety of settings, including mainstream and special needs schools.

School Start Storybooks: Supporting Auditory Memory and Sequencing Skills in Key Stage 1 (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere

School Start Storybooks support language development in reception and Key Stage 1 aged children both in school and at home. Through beautifully illustrated stories, children are invited to explore language, ask questions and recall events in order to aid language development, listening and memory skills. Each book contains a colourful and engaging story designed to appeal to young children, and with language specifically chosen for children with language needs. Key skills that these books support include: Comprehension Vocabulary Memory Sequencing Available either as a set or as individual books, the School Start Storybooks are a vital resource for professionals looking to support language development either with individual children, or groups of children. Each book also contains guidance and prompt questions to help the supporting adult use the book effectively, making it ideal for parents to support language development at home.

School Start Storybooks: Bozo the Clown (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere

In this beautifully illustrated storybook, part of the School Start series, children with language needs can explore the story of Bozo the Clown as he tries to make a new friend. School Start Storybooks support language development in reception and Key Stage 1 aged children both in school and at home. Through beautifully illustrated stories, children are invited to explore language, ask questions and recall events in order to aid language development, listening and memory skills. Each book contains a colourful and engaging story designed to appeal to young children, and with language specifically chosen for children with language needs. Key skills that these books support include: Comprehension Expression Vocabulary Memory Sequencing Available either as a set or as individual books, the School Start Storybooks are a vital resource for professionals looking to support language development either with individual children, or groups of children. Each book also contains guidance and prompt questions to help the supporting adult use the book effectively, making it ideal for parents to support language development at home.

School Start Storybooks: Nik the Ninja (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere

In this colourful illustrated storybook, part of the School Start series, children with language needs can explore the story of Nik the Ninja, and his disastrous night at Merryville Museum. School Start Storybooks support language development in reception and Key Stage 1 aged children both in school and at home. Through beautifully illustrated stories, children are invited to explore language, ask questions and recall events in order to aid language development, listening and memory skills. Each book contains a colourful and engaging story designed to appeal to young children, and with language specifically chosen for children with language needs. Key skills that these books support include: Comprehension Expression Vocabulary Memory Sequencing Available either as a set or as individual books, the School Start Storybooks are a vital resource for professionals looking to support language development either with individual children, or groups of children. Each book also contains guidance and prompt questions to help the supporting adult use the book effectively, making it ideal for parents to support language development at home.

School Start Storybooks: Rusty the Robber (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere

In this colourful illustrated storybook, part of the School Start series, children with language needs can explore the story of Rusty the Robber, and the night he got caught. School Start Storybooks support language development in reception and Key Stage 1 aged children both in school and at home. Through beautifully illustrated stories, children are invited to explore language, ask questions and recall events in order to aid language development, listening and memory skills. Each book contains a colourful and engaging story designed to appeal to young children, and with language specifically chosen for children with language needs. Key skills that these books support include: Comprehension Expression Vocabulary Memory Sequencing Available either as a set or as individual books, the School Start Storybooks are a vital resource for professionals looking to support language development either with individual children, or groups of children. Each book also contains guidance and prompt questions to help the supporting adult use the book effectively, making it ideal for parents to support language development at home.

School Start: Targeted Intervention for Language and Sound Awareness in Reception Class, 2nd Edition

by Catherine de la Bedoyere Cath Lowry

This is a practical resource that can be used with children who need additional help in developing communication skills during the first year of school and is a follow-on from the hugely successful first edition. This second edition focuses primarily on a targeted group intervention, to boost the language and sound awareness skills of children entering reception class, who are delayed in these areas of communication. It also addresses aspects of attention, following instructions and social communication. School Start, aims to help children catch up so that they may be ready to access the learning environment of Year 1. It is an invaluable resource for teachers and teaching assistants that encourages good collaborative practice between schools, speech & language therapists, the SENCO and parents. The programme consist of: an initial six-week period so that educational staff may identify children of concern; a screening checklist to confirm the identification of those children a structured programme of 30 Language group sessions that teaching assistants will find quick and easy to follow, delivered once a week a structured programme of 30 Sound Awareness group sessions that teaching assistants will find quick and easy to follow, delivered once a week activities and learning objectives linked into communication at home and in class monitoring of each child's objectives and readministration of the checklist in July. Teachers and teaching assistants first select children suitable for the programme through the checklists provided; set-up meetings then take place between the inclusion coordinator and school before the child is enrolled on the programme. Devised by two speech & language therapists experienced in working with teaching staff, the book consists of two 30-week programmes aimed at developing Language and Sound Awareness skills. Each six-week block has clearly written objectives that are linked to the National Curriculum Foundation Stage. Baseline and evaluation checklists are also provided to monitor each child's progress. School Start offers: an introduction on how to use the School Start programme group sessions for the Language and Sound Awareness programmes 70 photocopiable resource templates programme delivery templates containing all the checklists, record sheets and handouts needed to carry out the programme an accompanying CD-Rom giving the option to print out some of the resource templates in colour. Successfully trialled over a three-year period, School Start is an invaluable resource for teachers and teaching assistants that encourages good collaborative practice between schools, speech & language therapists, the school's inclusion coordinator and parents.

School Start Year 1: Targeted Intervention for Language and Sound Awareness (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere Catharine Lowry

This highly practical resource is designed to be used with children who need additional help in developing communication skills in Year 1. It offers a carefully structured group intervention which can be delivered by teachers or teaching assistants and is designed to boost language and sound awareness skills School Start Year 1 includes: detailed advice on how to set up the programme and identify children who may benefit; a structured programme of 30 Language group sessions; a structured programme of 30 Sound Awareness group sessions; activities and learning objectives that link with the Primary curriculum; 56 resource templates that can be photocopied or downloaded from the website; templates to monitor each child’s objectives and an end of year evaluation. Activities are supported by colourful and original illustrations to engage children’s interest and are themed around topics such as animal antics, detective stories and the seaside. An additional 5 template sessions are provided which can be used to extend the programme into Year 2. The authors provide clear guidance on how to use the resources and include an FAQ section for schools, parents and Speech and Language Therapists. This latest resource is a follow on to the hugely popular School Start and Pre-School Start and has been successfully piloted in schools. This is an invaluable resource for primary school staff that encourages good collaborative practice between teachers, teaching assistants, inclusion co-ordinators, SENCOs, speech and language therapists and parents.

School Start Year 1: Targeted Intervention for Language and Sound Awareness (School Start)

by Catherine de la Bedoyere Catharine Lowry

This highly practical resource is designed to be used with children who need additional help in developing communication skills in Year 1. It offers a carefully structured group intervention which can be delivered by teachers or teaching assistants and is designed to boost language and sound awareness skills School Start Year 1 includes: detailed advice on how to set up the programme and identify children who may benefit; a structured programme of 30 Language group sessions; a structured programme of 30 Sound Awareness group sessions; activities and learning objectives that link with the Primary curriculum; 56 resource templates that can be photocopied or downloaded from the website; templates to monitor each child’s objectives and an end of year evaluation. Activities are supported by colourful and original illustrations to engage children’s interest and are themed around topics such as animal antics, detective stories and the seaside. An additional 5 template sessions are provided which can be used to extend the programme into Year 2. The authors provide clear guidance on how to use the resources and include an FAQ section for schools, parents and Speech and Language Therapists. This latest resource is a follow on to the hugely popular School Start and Pre-School Start and has been successfully piloted in schools. This is an invaluable resource for primary school staff that encourages good collaborative practice between teachers, teaching assistants, inclusion co-ordinators, SENCOs, speech and language therapists and parents.

Education, Conservatism, and the Rise of a Pedagogical Elite in Colombian Panama: 1878-1903

by Rolando de la Guardia Wald

This book historically reconstructs the conservative and moderate liberals’ views on governance, morality, and education within the context of La Regeneración (1878-1903) in Colombian Panama. de la Guardia Wald explores the way political theories and ideologies, especially conservatism and positivism, shaped late nineteenth-century Panamanian pedagogues’ conceptualizations of proper education for the sake of social regeneration. By demonstrating that Isthmian political and pedagogical debates went beyond the preoccupation for the realisation of classic liberalism and exploitation of Panama’s geographical views, this book challenges the perspective that Panamanian identity was a fabrication of the United States. Instead, this study reveals that the combination of positivist and conservative understandings of morality, reason, and good science defined governmental policies intended to recuperate and enhance civic values and nationalism, leading the way to progress and modernity.

Boredom Experience and Associated Behaviors: A Lifelong Research by Dr. Augustin de la Peña

by Augustin de la Peña

This book collects the lifelong research on boredom by American psychologist Augustin de la Peña (1942-2021). It focuses on the experience of boredom—and other similar states, including ennui, melancholy, laziness, interest, attention, and entertainment—and its associated behaviors. Offering an interdisciplinary chronicle of boredom, from Antiquity to the present, special attention is paid to its daily experience as a ubiquitous phenomenon that informs cultural and political actions that continue to shape our society. Dr. de la Peña describes the obsolescence of the Western Commonsense View of Reality to propose a Developmental Psychophysiological Approach to Reality, reconceptualizing boredom. The book theorizes the condition as both logical and emotional, an axis that has defined the sensibility of the modern era. This is a volume edited posthumously by Josefa Ros Velasco and Christian Parreno in homage to Augustin’s work and his invaluable contribution to the establishment of the field of boredom studies.

Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series)

by Pietro De Laurentis

This is a study of the earliest and finest collated inscription in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 (Preface to the Sacred Teaching Scriptures Translated by Xuanzang in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters), which was erected on January 1, 673. The stele records the two texts written by the Tang emperors Taizong (599–649) and Gaozong (628–683) in honor of the monk Xuanzang (d. 664) and the Buddhist scripture Xin jing (Heart Sutra), collated in the semi-cursive characters of the great master of Chinese calligraphy, Wang Xizhi (303–361). It is thus a Buddhist inscription that combines Buddhist authority, political power, and artistic charm in one single monument. The present book reconstructs the multifaceted context in which the stele was devised, aiming at highlighting the specific role calligraphy played in the propagation and protection of Buddhism in medieval China.

Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 The Preface to the Buddhist Scriptures Engraved on Stone in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series)

by Pietro De Laurentis

This is a study of the earliest and finest collated inscription in the history of Chinese calligraphy, the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 (Preface to the Sacred Teaching Scriptures Translated by Xuanzang in Wang Xizhi’s Collated Characters), which was erected on January 1, 673. The stele records the two texts written by the Tang emperors Taizong (599–649) and Gaozong (628–683) in honor of the monk Xuanzang (d. 664) and the Buddhist scripture Xin jing (Heart Sutra), collated in the semi-cursive characters of the great master of Chinese calligraphy, Wang Xizhi (303–361). It is thus a Buddhist inscription that combines Buddhist authority, political power, and artistic charm in one single monument. The present book reconstructs the multifaceted context in which the stele was devised, aiming at highlighting the specific role calligraphy played in the propagation and protection of Buddhism in medieval China.

Education and Emancipation in the Neoliberal Era: Being, Teaching, and Power

by Noah De Lissovoy

This book describes how neoliberalism as societal philosophy works to limit human potential in our school systems. Analyzing contemporary school reform and control, punishment, and pathologization in schools, this book outlines a theory of emancipation and a process by which pedagogy can build solidarity in classrooms and society more broadly.

Power, Crisis, and Education for Liberation: Rethinking Critical Pedagogy

by Noah De Lissovoy

Progressive educational approaches are currently in crisis in the face of globalization and conservative retrenchment. This book proposes a new framework for critical pedagogy that develops strategies for responding to the proceduralization of schooling and public life in general.

The Early Career Researcher's Toolbox: Insights into Mentors, Peer Review, and Landing a Faculty Job

by Andres De Los Reyes

This book probes professional development issues crucial to early career researchers, beginning with advice on selecting mentors and optimizing mentoring relationships. From this foundation, the book describes how to navigate the peer-review process, particularly when publishing in academic journals, as well as build connections between the different pieces of academic work published during the early career years. It details strategies to leverage the tools of storytelling to build a research program coupled with concrete guidance on delivering job talks during academic job interviews. In addition, the book includes a feature, Anonymous Accounts, which provides real-life examples of how early career researchers experienced many aspects of their training and illustrates how to overcome obstacles on the path to success in the academic job market.Key topics featured include: Selecting and working with mentors. Navigating peer review when publishing in academic journals. Building a research program. Delivering academic job talks. The Early Career Researcher’s Toolbox is a must-have resource for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and aspiring undergraduate students as well as all early career and other professionals in search of a resource designed to help them succeed in the academic job market.

Dani's Dinosaur: Dani's Dinosaur Froglets: Dani's Dinosaur (Froglets #3)

by Clare De Marco

Dani's Dinosaur is a funny story for young lizard and pet fans who are learning to read on their own. Perfect for children aged 5-7 who are reading at book band green.When Dani finds a dinosaur in her garden, she and her mum are very surprised. Whatever can it be? And can it help Mum with the gardening?The Froglets series is perfect for children who are reading on their own, with fun stories of no more than 200 words and puzzles to encourage retelling the story and to help build vocabulary. Compiled in consultation with Catherine Glavina, PGCE and Primary Leader, The Centre for Professional Education, University of Warwick.

The Frog Prince and the Kitten (Leapfrog)

by Clare De Marco

Lily the kitten is a menace. She loves chasing the animals in the palace gardens. But when she meets a frog who returns her golden ball, the tables might be turned!The Leapfrog series is perfect for children who are reading on their own, with fun stories of no more than 200 words.

Lily Long Pockets (Tadpoles)

by Clare De Marco

Lily loves to carry as many treasures as she can. But soon her pockets have burst! Can she and Dad come uo with a plan for some super long pockets? The Tadpoles series contains fun, original stories told in under 80 words and accompanied by bright illustrations, perfect for beginner readers.

The Mad Scientist Next Door (Race Ahead With Reading #8)

by Clare De Marco

Ella's next door neighbour, Mr Willis, is seriously mean. She stays out of his way as much as possible. But when she accidentally catapaults her baby brother's favourite teddy bear into Mr Willis' garden, Ella is forced to go over to his house. And Ella is in for a SHOCK!Race Ahead with Reading is the perfect introduction to reading chapters with brand new page turning reads in five short bite size chapters, to encourage children to take the driving seat with their reading.

The Mermaid's Socks (Tiddlers #125)

by Clare De Marco

The Mermaid's Socks is a funny story for all little mermaid fans who are beginning to read on their own. Perfect for children aged 4+ who are reading at book band red.When Princess Bubble the mermaid gets a pair of socks for her birthday, she has no idea what they are! Can she think of a use for them?The Tiddlers series features fun stories with a word count of fewer than 50 words for children who are just starting to read. A word list at the beginning of the story allows for a quick check of the reader's ability to read and understand words before reading, and a spot the picture puzzle at the end of the story encourages rereading for pleasure. Compiled in consultation with Catherine Glavina, PGCE Primary and Early Years Course Leader, The Centre for Professional Education, University of Warwick.

Building Excellence in Higher Education: Singapore’s Experience

by Arnoud De Meyer Jovina Ang

Over the last 30 years, Singapore has developed a system of higher education that is the envy of many other countries and regions. How has Singapore developed such a highly performing education system? Was it planned? Was it mere luck? Written by Arnoud De Meyer, who is widely regarded as one of the pre-eminent management educators and leaders in higher education, the book focuses on Singapore as an in-depth case study of how to build a system of higher education, and specifically a portfolio of highly differentiated and diversified universities. He worked closely together with Jovina Ang during the preparation of the manuscript. This book is unique because it showcases several case studies of the emerging system of higher education, and it was written based on insights drawn from interviews with the key decision-makers and actors in the system from the past 20 years, including ministers and permanent secretaries of the Ministry of Education, and presidents and chairmen of the six universities. The success of this system can be attributed to several factors: the clarity of purpose of the decision-makers, with clear targets in cohort participation rate, commitment to significant funding for education and research, discipline of an intelligent and well-implemented governance system, flexibility in adjusting plans, and rapid and adaptive learning from overseas partners. In the last few chapters, the authors look at the future of the system and postulate how it should be adjusted to the changes in Singapore and the world. This unique book on educational strategy would be of particular interest to educational specialists and policy-makers in emerging countries who want to build a system of higher education, policy-makers in mature industrialised countries who are faced with the challenge of revamping their system of higher education, strategists who are interested in dynamic capability building and philanthropists who want to use education as an equaliser of social status.

Building Excellence in Higher Education: Singapore’s Experience

by Arnoud De Meyer Jovina Ang

Over the last 30 years, Singapore has developed a system of higher education that is the envy of many other countries and regions. How has Singapore developed such a highly performing education system? Was it planned? Was it mere luck? Written by Arnoud De Meyer, who is widely regarded as one of the pre-eminent management educators and leaders in higher education, the book focuses on Singapore as an in-depth case study of how to build a system of higher education, and specifically a portfolio of highly differentiated and diversified universities. He worked closely together with Jovina Ang during the preparation of the manuscript. This book is unique because it showcases several case studies of the emerging system of higher education, and it was written based on insights drawn from interviews with the key decision-makers and actors in the system from the past 20 years, including ministers and permanent secretaries of the Ministry of Education, and presidents and chairmen of the six universities. The success of this system can be attributed to several factors: the clarity of purpose of the decision-makers, with clear targets in cohort participation rate, commitment to significant funding for education and research, discipline of an intelligent and well-implemented governance system, flexibility in adjusting plans, and rapid and adaptive learning from overseas partners. In the last few chapters, the authors look at the future of the system and postulate how it should be adjusted to the changes in Singapore and the world. This unique book on educational strategy would be of particular interest to educational specialists and policy-makers in emerging countries who want to build a system of higher education, policy-makers in mature industrialised countries who are faced with the challenge of revamping their system of higher education, strategists who are interested in dynamic capability building and philanthropists who want to use education as an equaliser of social status.

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