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Showing 20,976 through 21,000 of 89,060 results

The 60-Year Curriculum: New Models for Lifelong Learning in the Digital Economy

by Christopher J. Dede John Richards

The 60-Year Curriculum explores models and strategies for lifelong learning in an era of profound economic disruption and reinvention. Over the next half-century, globalization, regional threats to sustainability, climate change, and technologies such as artificial intelligence and data mining will transform our education and workforce sectors. In turn, higher education must shift to offer every student life-wide opportunities for the continuous upskilling they will need to achieve decades of worthwhile employability. This cutting-edge book describes the evolution of new models—covering computer science, inclusive design, critical thinking, civics, and more—by which universities can increase learners’ trajectories across multiple careers from mid-adolescence to retirement. Stakeholders in workforce development, curriculum and instructional design, lifelong learning, and higher and continuing education will find a unique synthesis offering valuable insights and actionable next steps.

Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Moving Forward into Practice

by Yüksel Dede Gosia Marschall Philip Clarkson

This book is a follow-up to 'Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education: Scanning and Scoping the Territory' (2019, Springer). This book adds a critical emphasis on practice and fosters thinking concerning positive mathematical well-being, engagement, teacher noticing, and values alignment among a range of critical notions that intersect with values and valuing. Values and valuing play a key role in many aspects of education, such as assessment, planning, classroom interactions, choosing tasks, and general well-being. What one values and finds important in the learning and teaching of mathematics operates within the intersection of all social, cognitive, and affective aspects of school pedagogy, making values a significant holistic factor in education. The chapters explore potential teaching strategies that enhance the understanding of the central place of values in mathematics itself as a subject, as well as how values impact how mathematics is used withinsociety. This book includes examples of strategies for facilitating students’ meaningful engagement with, and conscious learning of, values when engaging in mathematical thinking and doing.

Glossar der Vulnerabilität

by Markus Dederich Jörg Zirfas

Dieses Glossar unternimmt den ersten Versuch, das semantische Feld des Begriffs ‚Vulnerabilität‘ einzugrenzen und die mit ihm verbundenen heterogenen Phänomene in ihren Überlappungen und Wechselwirkungen kenntlich zu machen. Das Glossar ist dabei an einem anthropologischen, phänomenologischen und pragmatischen Verständnis von Vulnerabilität orientiert. Dargestellt und analysiert werden Phänomene, Ursachen und Folgen unterschiedlicher Formen von Vulnerabilität aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Zugängen. Neben der Vielschichtigkeit und Komplexität und neben den problematischen und positiven Momenten von Vulnerabilität kommen auch pädagogische Möglichkeiten zur Sprache, diese zu bewältigen und zu gestalten.

Schulische Qualitätsentwicklung durch Netzwerke: Das Internationale Netzwerk Innovativer Schulsysteme (INIS) der Bertelsmann Stiftung als Beispiel (Schule und Gesellschaft)

by Kathrin Dedering

Schulnetzwerke tragen auf ganz vielfältige Weise dazu bei, dass auf der Ebene von Einzelschulen Schulentwicklungsprozesse in Gang gesetzt werden, die inhaltlich, methodisch und organisatorisch zu einer Qualitätsverbesserung führen. Ihnen kommt die Funktion eines Impulsgebers und einer Reflexionshilfe zu. Sie nutzen den Schulen und führen zu einem Mehrwert. Kathrin Dedering zeigt, dass die Teilnahme von Einzelschulen an Schulnetzwerken nicht per se eine weit reichende oder umfängliche Einflusskraft auf deren Entwicklungsarbeit ausübt. Wie erfolgreich die Teilnahme am Schulnetzwerk ist, wird vornehmlich von an den Schulen bereits bestehenden Merkmalen der Organisationskultur bestimmt.

Steuerung und Schulentwicklung: Bestandsaufnahme und Theorieperspektive

by Kathrin Dedering

'Steuerung im Bildungssystem' ist zu einem Schlüsselbegriff geworden, der in dieser Einführung in seiner Relation zur Schulentwicklung dargestellt und erklärt wird. Beide Kategorien 'Steuerung' und 'Schulentwicklung' werden nachvollziehbar konkretisiert und in ihrem Verhältnis zueinander beschrieben. Ausgehend von der Frage, welchen Stellenwert der Aspekt der Steuerung des Bildungssystems bzw. der Einzelschule in einer Theorie der Schulentwicklung einnimmt und welche Relevanz Steuerungsinstrumente für den theoretischen Diskurs besitzen, wird 'Steuerung' als Kategorie verortet. Nach einer theoretischen wie empirischen Analyse ausgewählter Steuerungsinstrumente wird gefragt, welchen Beitrag im diese zu einer Theorie der Schulentwicklung leisten können - mit dem Ergebnis, dass ein eher unzulänglicher Steuerungsbezug in Entwürfen komplexer Schulentwicklungstheorien und ein nur vermittelter schulentwicklungstheoretischer Bezug im Ansatz der Educational Governance zu finden ist. ​

Wenn Experten in die Schule kommen: Schulentwicklungsberatung - empirisch betrachtet (Educational Governance #23)

by Kathrin Dedering Klaus-Jürgen Tillmann Martin Goecke Melanie Rauh

Das Buch befasst sich mit der Beratung von Schulen bei ihrer Entwicklungsarbeit durch externe Experten: Was bewirken Unternehmensberater, was Pädagogische Berater, wenn sie in Schulen aktiv werden? Drei theoretische Zugänge – die Beratungstheorie, die Schulentwicklungstheorie und das Konzept von Educational Governance – bilden den Rahmen. Präsentiert werden Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung, die erstmals Erkenntnisse zur externen Schulentwicklungsberatung in Deutschland zur Verfügung stellt. Das DFG-geförderte Forschungsprojekt liefert auf der Basis von Befragungs- und Fallstudiendaten umfassende Informationen zu Rahmenbedingungen, zur Gestaltung, zum Ablauf und zu den Effekten der externen Schulentwicklungsberatung.

Improving Transition Planning (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Lesley Dee

Transition planning for young people with special educational needs is a crucial but often overlooked element of social inclusion. While there is now considerable official guidance on how to manage the school leaving process for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, little is known about how to make effective transitions happen in practice. This book supports the transition experiences of young people with a range of special educational needs. The book:Provides insights into the experiences and perspectives of young people, their parents or carers and the professionals who support them during the transition periodExplores influences on the decision-making processes and the involvement of young people and their parents or carers Suggests practical ways in which young people and their families and carers can be supported during the transition to adulthood.This is essential reading for Education students, teachers, headteachers, careers guidance and pastoral care personnel, parents or carers and educational psychologists.

Machine Learning for Medical Image Reconstruction: Third International Workshop, MLMIR 2020, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2020, Lima, Peru, October 8, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12450)

by Farah Deeba Patricia Johnson Tobias Würfl Jong Chul Ye

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Medical Reconstruction, MLMIR 2020, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2020, in Lima, Peru, in October 2020. The workshop was held virtually. The 15 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 18 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: deep learning for magnetic resonance imaging and deep learning for general image reconstruction.

Children's Friendships In Culturally Diverse Classrooms (The\world Of Childhood And Adolescence Ser.)

by James G. Deegan

Using material from American, Australian and British empirical studies, this book examines children's interests, needs, assets and capacities in multicultural classrooms and provides international comparisons on what it is like to "be" and "have" friends. The book also explores children's developing ideas of friendships and how they are linked to peer cultures And Looks Into How Such Friendships Can Motivate Children's Socializing in today's schools.

Children's Friendships In Culturally Diverse Classrooms

by James G. Deegan

Using material from American, Australian and British empirical studies, this book examines children's interests, needs, assets and capacities in multicultural classrooms and provides international comparisons on what it is like to "be" and "have" friends. The book also explores children's developing ideas of friendships and how they are linked to peer cultures And Looks Into How Such Friendships Can Motivate Children's Socializing in today's schools.

Reflections on Criticality in Educational Philosophy: Critical Traditions, Freire and Wittgenstein (Palgrave Studies in Educational Philosophy and Theory)

by Marc James Deegan

This book navigates global educational policy concerning critical thinking skills and competencies. The author explores the concept of criticality from the perspectives of several critical traditions, and draws on the works of Paulo Freire and Ludwig Wittgenstein. The diverse and intricate ideas, methods and ways of thinking that emerge are examined in the new perspectival space of ‘criticality scholarship’. Pursuing his own political and philosophical aspirations, the author endeavours to link a critical education with the promotion of democracy and social justice. Opportunities for further empirical and theoretical research are signposted. The book will be of interest to scholars in educational philosophy.

The Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instruments: A comprehensive review of methods and findings from 25 years of science education research (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by James Deehan

The purpose of this Springer Brief is to provide a comprehensive review of both the STEBI methods and findings through the use of a clearly defined analytic framework. A systematic review of literature yielded 107 STEBI-A research items and 140 STEBI-B research items. The STEBI instruments have been used in a wide range of qualitative, cross sectional, longitudinal and experimental designs. Analysis of the findings of the papers reveals that in-service and pre-service programs that use innovative practices such as cooperative learning, inquiry based investigation and nature of science instruction can produce positive growth in participants’ science teaching efficacy beliefs. The personal science teaching efficacy beliefs of pre-service and in-service teachers showed greater mean scores and higher growth than their outcome expectancies. Implications are discussed.

Berufs — Lexikon: Welchen Beruf soll ich ergreifen? 600 Berufsbilder mit Angaben über Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten

by Hans Deeken

Die Berufswahl ist die bedeutsamste Entscheidung für einen Menschen; denn sie ist ausschlaggebend für den Verlauf des größten Teils seines Lebens. Wie oft aber wird dieseWahlnach augenblicklichen Gegebenheiten getroffen, die später keine Gültig­ keit mehr haben! Wie oft auch macht sich der Junge ein ganz falsches Bild von "seinem" Beruf! Sinn und Zweck dieses Buches ist es deshalb in erster Linie, den vor der Berufswahl stehenden Jugendlichen sowie ihren Eltern und Erziehern einen umfassenden Ein­ blick in das gesamte Berufsleben zu ermöglichen und damit Anregungen für die Berufswahl zu geben; denn nur wer die vielen Berufe kennt, die einem jungen Menschen offenstehen, wer über die Fähigkeiten, die sie voraussetzen, über die An­ forderungen, die sie stellen, und über die Arbeits-und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten Be­ scheid weiß, kann seine Wahl richtig treffen, kann seinen Beruf finden und sich damit viele Enttäuschungen, ja vielleicht sogar ein verpfuschtes Leben ersparen. Das Buch bringt keine wissenschaftliche und psychologische Berufskunde. Es zeigt den berufstätigen Menschen an seinem Arbeitsplatz, schildert seine Ausbildung, was er zu leisten hat, wie er vorwärtskommen kann. Von dem Grundsatz ausgehend, daß Anschauung die beste Lehrmeisterin ist, wird der in leichtverständlicher Sprache gehaltene Text durch reiche Bebilderung erläutert. Der Jugendliche, der das Buch gelesen hat, wird sich eine richtige Vorstellung von den verschiedenen Berufen machen können. Damit sind viele Fehlentscheidungen bei seiner Wahl von vornherein ausgeschlossen. Den Eltern erleichtert das Buch die Beratung, mit der sie ihren Kindern, die ins Berufsleben eintreten, zur Seite stehen.

Critical Perspectives on Service-Learning in Higher Education

by S. Deeley

Through innovative analysis of theory and practice, this book offers refreshing critical perspectives on service-learning in higher education. It constructs a theoretical paradigm for service-learning which extends to critical pedagogy, and investigates critical reflection and academic reflective writing, supported throughout by empirical evidence.

Assessment and Service-Learning in Higher Education: Critical Reflective Journals as Praxis

by Susan J. Deeley

This book examines service-learning as a critical pedagogy and explores the benefit of creating a reflective journal. It can be a form of assessment for the students' service experiences connected to academic theory through their critical reflection and it can also be a form of critical action based on critical thought.

The University as a Critical Institution? (Higher Education Research in the 21st Century)

by Rosemary Deem Heather Eggins

Whether universities can survive as critical organisations in the current time is an open question which this volume seeks to address. The book examines particular aspects of three main themes: governance, critical regulation and regulated criticism; growth, equality, movement and instability in higher education systems; and teaching and learning. Topics range from ‘University Futures’ to an examination of governance by procedure and the loss of the social process of the university; a discussion of the meaning of academic freedom; and approaches to managerialism. Quality management is discussed, along with the question of whether European Liberal Education actually exists. Various aspects of the theme of teaching and learning are examined, from student participation in out-of-class activities, to the role of Centres of Excellence, and a consideration of widening participation. The book is international in its reach, and addresses the continuing dilemmas faced in higher education systems, within Europe and beyond.

Nurse Practitioners and the Performance of Professional Competency: Accomplishing Patient-centered Care

by Staci Defibaugh

This book examines the interactional practices of nurse practitioners (NPs) and the delivery of health care in the US. The author takes a discourse analytic approach, examining the linguistic resources that NPs employ in their interactions with patients. These linguistic features are connected to the concept of professional competency with specific focus on the enactment of the patient-centered approach. Analytic focus is placed on how NPs address organizational responsibilities during medical visits with patients, the form and function of patient education, the use of indirect speech, and the role that small talk plays in health care encounters. The book explores the understudied professional field of nurse practitioners and examines their linguistic practices with an eye on crossing disciplinary boundaries, integrating research from linguistics, discourse analysis and health communication. It will appeal to those interested in medical discourse analysis and health communication, as well as applied linguistics scholars.

Nurse Practitioners and the Performance of Professional Competency: Accomplishing Patient-centered Care (Communicating in Professions and Organizations)

by Staci Defibaugh

This book examines the interactional practices of nurse practitioners (NPs) and the delivery of health care in the US. The author takes a discourse analytic approach, examining the linguistic resources that NPs employ in their interactions with patients. These linguistic features are connected to the concept of professional competency with specific focus on the enactment of the patient-centered approach. Analytic focus is placed on how NPs address organizational responsibilities during medical visits with patients, the form and function of patient education, the use of indirect speech, and the role that small talk plays in health care encounters. The book explores the understudied professional field of nurse practitioners and examines their linguistic practices with an eye on crossing disciplinary boundaries, integrating research from linguistics, discourse analysis and health communication. It will appeal to those interested in medical discourse analysis and health communication, as well as applied linguistics scholars.

Distributed Leadership in Schools: A Practical Guide for Learning and Improvement

by John A. DeFlaminis Mustafa Abdul-Jabbar Eric Yoak

Building on best practices and lessons learned, Distributed Leadership in Schools shows educators how to design and implement distributed leadership to effectively address challenges in their schools. Grounded in case studies and full of practical tools, this book lays out a framework for building strategic, collaborative, and instructionally-focused teams. Supported by voices of practitioners and based upon original research, this comprehensive resource shares concrete strategies, tips, and tools for creating teams that are skilled at using data to plan and monitor their work, and successful in facilitating change to improve student learning. This innovative method will aid leader development and facilitate reflection, and will reshape leadership practice in a way that benefits teachers, leaders, schools, and students.

Distributed Leadership in Schools: A Practical Guide for Learning and Improvement

by John A. DeFlaminis Mustafa Abdul-Jabbar Eric Yoak

Building on best practices and lessons learned, Distributed Leadership in Schools shows educators how to design and implement distributed leadership to effectively address challenges in their schools. Grounded in case studies and full of practical tools, this book lays out a framework for building strategic, collaborative, and instructionally-focused teams. Supported by voices of practitioners and based upon original research, this comprehensive resource shares concrete strategies, tips, and tools for creating teams that are skilled at using data to plan and monitor their work, and successful in facilitating change to improve student learning. This innovative method will aid leader development and facilitate reflection, and will reshape leadership practice in a way that benefits teachers, leaders, schools, and students.

Oxford Reading Tree, TreeTops Classics, Level 17: Robinson Crusoe (2014 edition) (PDF)

by Daniel Defoe Anthony Masters

Book band 15 dark red. Oxford Level 17. Robinson Crusoe is the diary of a man shipwrecked on a desert island. He is alone for many years, but then cannibals arrive, bringing with them a prisoner. Can he rescue the prisoner? Will he ever escape from the island? TreeTops Classics presents 24 popular classic literature titles, abridged to extend your most capable upper-primary readers. The strong plots of these much-loved classics encourage deeper and more engaged readingLevelled to provide clear and gradual progression, developing reading stamina Each book includes author biographies, historical notes, footnotes to support understanding of challenging 9780199193301 9780198480631

Oxford Bookworms Library, Stage 2: Robinson Crusoe (2007 edition) (PDF)

by Defoe, Daniel|Mowat, Diane

The Oxford Bookworms Library offers enjoyable reading at seven levels (Starter to Stage 6). To find your required reading level please take the Oxford Bookworks reading level test. 'I often walked along the shore, and one day I saw something in the sand. I went over to look at it more carefully...nbsp;It was a footprint - the footprint of a man!' In 1659 Robinson Crusoe was shipwrecked on a small island off the coast of South America. After fifteen years alone, he suddenly learns that there is another person on the island. But will this man be a friend - or an enemy?

Helping Foster Children In School: A Guide for Foster Parents, Social Workers and Teachers

by John DeGarmo

Helping Foster Children In School explores the challenges that foster children face in schools and offers positive and practical guidance tailored to help the parents, teachers and social workers supporting them. Children in care often perform poorly at school both in terms of their behavior and their academic performance, with many failing to complete their education. They will have often experienced trauma or neglect which can result in a number of developmental delays. By looking at why children in foster care do not perform as well as their counterparts, John DeGarmo, who has fostered more than 40 children, provides easy-to-use strategies to target the problems commonly faced. He emphasizes the importance of an open dialogue between teacher, parent and social worker, to ensure that everyone is working jointly to achieve the best outcome for the child. An invaluable resource for foster parents, social workers and educators alike, this book encourages a unified response to ensure foster children are given the best chance to succeed at school.

Artificial Intelligence in HCI: 3rd International Conference, AI-HCI 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13336)

by Helmut Degen Stavroula Ntoa

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI, AI-HCI 2022, which was held as part of HCI International 2022 and took place virtually during June 26 – July 1, 2022. A total of 1271 papers and 275 posters included in the 39 HCII 2022 proceedings volumes. AI-HCI 2022 includes a total of 39 papers; they are grouped thematically as follows: Human-Centered AI; Explainable and Trustworthy AI; UX Design and Evaluation of AI-Enabled Systems; AI Applications in HCI.

Artificial Intelligence in HCI: 5th International Conference, AI-HCI 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29–July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14736)

by Helmut Degen Stavroula Ntoa

The three-volume book set LNAI 14734, 14735, and 14736 constitutes the refereed proceedings of 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in HCI, AI-HCI 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, which took place in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29-July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The AI-HCI 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Human-centered artificial intelligence; explainability and transparency; AI systems and frameworks in HCI; Part II: Ethical considerations and trust in AI; enhancing user experience through AI-driven technologies; AI in industry and operations; Part III: Large language models for enhanced interaction; advancing human-robot interaction through AI; AI applications for social impact and human wellbeing.

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