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Planning and Passing Your PhD Defence: A Global Toolbox for Success (Insider Guides to Success in Academia)

by Olga Degtyareva Eva O.L. Lantsoght

The 'Insider Guides to Success in Academia' offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers. Covering the topics that really matter, but which often get overlooked, this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate, and remain, in academia. These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game -- the things you need to know but usually aren't told by institutional postgraduate support, researcher development units, or supervisors -- and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. They are essential reading for doctoral students, early-career researchers, supervisors, mentors, or anyone looking to launch or maintain their career in academia. This book is a toolbox for PhD students to plan and prepare for the PhD defence regardless of their scientific discipline or location. The authors discuss various defence formats that are used internationally and identify the main differences and similarities. With international examples, practical strategies, and tips from former PhD students and supervisors, this book unpacks the principles and unwritten rules underpinning the defence. Addressing planning and preparing for the doctoral defence, and what to do afterwards, this book covers topics such as: understanding your defence format preparing for committee questions preparing mentally and dealing with anxiety dealing with corrections, finalizing your graduation requirements and marking the end of your PhD trajectory. This book is crucial reading for students across the world looking to defend their PhD thesis, and also for their supervisors and examiners.

Planning and Passing Your PhD Defence: A Global Toolbox for Success (Insider Guides to Success in Academia)

by Olga Degtyareva Eva O.L. Lantsoght

The 'Insider Guides to Success in Academia' offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers. Covering the topics that really matter, but which often get overlooked, this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate, and remain, in academia. These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game -- the things you need to know but usually aren't told by institutional postgraduate support, researcher development units, or supervisors -- and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. They are essential reading for doctoral students, early-career researchers, supervisors, mentors, or anyone looking to launch or maintain their career in academia. This book is a toolbox for PhD students to plan and prepare for the PhD defence regardless of their scientific discipline or location. The authors discuss various defence formats that are used internationally and identify the main differences and similarities. With international examples, practical strategies, and tips from former PhD students and supervisors, this book unpacks the principles and unwritten rules underpinning the defence. Addressing planning and preparing for the doctoral defence, and what to do afterwards, this book covers topics such as: understanding your defence format preparing for committee questions preparing mentally and dealing with anxiety dealing with corrections, finalizing your graduation requirements and marking the end of your PhD trajectory. This book is crucial reading for students across the world looking to defend their PhD thesis, and also for their supervisors and examiners.

How We Learn: The New Science of Education and the Brain

by Stanislas Dehaene

Humanity's greatest feat is our incredible ability to learn. Even in their first year, infants acquire language, visual and social knowledge at a rate that surpasses the best supercomputers. But how, exactly, do our brains learn?In How We Learn, leading neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene delves into the psychological, neuronal, synaptic and molecular mechanisms of learning. Drawing on case studies of children who learned despite huge difficulty and trauma, he explains why youth is such a sensitive period, during which brain plasticity is maximal, but also assures us that our abilities continue into adulthood. We can all enhance our learning and memory at any age and 'learn to learn' by taking maximal advantage of the four pillars of the brain's learning algorithm: attention, active engagement, error feedback and consolidation.The human brain is an extraordinary machine. Its ability to process information and adapt to circumstances by reprogramming itself is unparalleled, and it remains the best source of inspiration for recent developments in artificial intelligence. How We Learn finds the boundary of computer science, neurobiology, cognitive psychology and education to explain how learning really works and how to make the best use of the brain's learning algorithms - and even improve them - in our schools and universities as well as in everyday life.

Connecting Theory and Practice in Middle School Literacy: Critical Conversations

by Jason DeHart Carla K. Meyer Katie Walker

Bringing together the voices of researchers and teachers, this volume addresses how teachers connect theory to practice in the middle school English Language Arts education setting and explores how to teach and engage with young adults in a way that treats them as ethical and thoughtful citizens. The book bridges the gap between educational theory and real-world implementation and covers a range of timely topics in middle level education through a focus on text choice, identity, and practice. Contributors acknowledge and balance the challenges associated with the reality of teaching, including time constraints, sudden shifts, and fast-paced work, with real-world guidance on key topics, such as supporting multilingual students, queering middle grade pedagogies, teaching diverse texts, examining racial bias in the classroom, and critical digital literacy. Ideal for courses on middle level education and literacy education, this book encourages and equips pre-service teachers to engage in meaningful conversations with their students that foster reflection and transformative learning.

Connecting Theory and Practice in Middle School Literacy: Critical Conversations

by Jason DeHart Carla K. Meyer Katie Walker

Bringing together the voices of researchers and teachers, this volume addresses how teachers connect theory to practice in the middle school English Language Arts education setting and explores how to teach and engage with young adults in a way that treats them as ethical and thoughtful citizens. The book bridges the gap between educational theory and real-world implementation and covers a range of timely topics in middle level education through a focus on text choice, identity, and practice. Contributors acknowledge and balance the challenges associated with the reality of teaching, including time constraints, sudden shifts, and fast-paced work, with real-world guidance on key topics, such as supporting multilingual students, queering middle grade pedagogies, teaching diverse texts, examining racial bias in the classroom, and critical digital literacy. Ideal for courses on middle level education and literacy education, this book encourages and equips pre-service teachers to engage in meaningful conversations with their students that foster reflection and transformative learning.

Medienpädagogische Professionalisierung in der beruflichen Weiterbildung: Eine Studie aus Perspektive der biografischen Medienforschung (Medienbildung und Gesellschaft #52)

by Lukas Dehmel

Das Buch setzt sich in einer qualitativ konzeptualisierten empirischen Analyse mit der medienpädagogischen Professionalisierung einer medienaffinen Zielgruppe von Lehrenden innerhalb der beruflichen Weiterbildung auseinander. Zusammenfassend geht es hierbei um die den gesamten Lebensverlauf begleitenden Prozesse und Prozeduren zur individuellen Beschäftigung mit Medien, um im Zusammenhang mit dem eigenen Lehrprozedere kompetent mit ihnen zu agieren. Die Arbeit schließt hier an Überlegungen aus der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildungswissenschaft an und entwickelt sie mit Bezug auf medienpädagogische Forschungsansätze und Konzepte weiter. Zentral wichtig ist hierbei die Annahme, dass zugehörige medienverwiesene Vorgänge in den Biografien der Lehrenden nicht nur auf einer Ebene des Lehrens und Lernens ablaufen. Die Studie definiert zudem eine inhaltliche und eine organisatorische Ebene medienpädagogischer Professionalisierung und macht sie ebenso zum Gegenstand der qualitativ ausgerichteten Analyse. Dafür knüpft die Untersuchung an die biografietheoretischen Ideengrundlagen zur Beschreibung individueller Professionalisierung in der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung an und verbindet sie mit dem in der Medienpädagogik entwickelten Analyseparadigma der biografischen Medienforschung.

Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Effective Instruction

by Milton J. Dehn

“This book will be a valuable resource for psychologists and educators who work with children or adolescents who are having difficulties with memory and learning. Translating theory and research into practice is a talent that Dr. Dehn possesses and we will benefit from his professional skills.” — From the Foreword by Daniel C. Miller, PhD, ABPP, ABSNP, NCSP An indispensable guide that examines the effect of long-term memory functions on children's learning Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Effective Instruction is the first book of its kind for psychologists, school psychologists, and special education teachers who need an overview of long-term memory as it relates to learning and education. It presents the best practices for assessing long-term memory functions, as well as selecting and using evidence-based instructional practices with memory-impaired students. This useful and timely guide bridges theory and practice to provide professional guidance with coverage of: Risk factors that can lead to long-term memory impairments How long-term memory relates to other types of memory The subcomponents and processes of long-term memory and how they relate to academic achievement What is known about the neuroanatomy of how memories are formed The developmental trajectory of memory and learning Common types of memory dysfunction Memory assessment strategies, interventions for memory problems, and instructional practices that support memory Author Milton Dehn draws on his extensive experience as a trainer and workshop presenter, school psychologist, and educator to present both the theory and research on long-term memory in children and adolescents in this book. Specific step-by-step guidance and hands-on case studies enable professionals to identify how memory can be assessed as well as the interventions that can be linked to the results of the assessment.

Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Effective Instruction

by Milton J. Dehn

“This book will be a valuable resource for psychologists and educators who work with children or adolescents who are having difficulties with memory and learning. Translating theory and research into practice is a talent that Dr. Dehn possesses and we will benefit from his professional skills.” — From the Foreword by Daniel C. Miller, PhD, ABPP, ABSNP, NCSP An indispensable guide that examines the effect of long-term memory functions on children's learning Long-Term Memory Problems in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Intervention, and Effective Instruction is the first book of its kind for psychologists, school psychologists, and special education teachers who need an overview of long-term memory as it relates to learning and education. It presents the best practices for assessing long-term memory functions, as well as selecting and using evidence-based instructional practices with memory-impaired students. This useful and timely guide bridges theory and practice to provide professional guidance with coverage of: Risk factors that can lead to long-term memory impairments How long-term memory relates to other types of memory The subcomponents and processes of long-term memory and how they relate to academic achievement What is known about the neuroanatomy of how memories are formed The developmental trajectory of memory and learning Common types of memory dysfunction Memory assessment strategies, interventions for memory problems, and instructional practices that support memory Author Milton Dehn draws on his extensive experience as a trainer and workshop presenter, school psychologist, and educator to present both the theory and research on long-term memory in children and adolescents in this book. Specific step-by-step guidance and hands-on case studies enable professionals to identify how memory can be assessed as well as the interventions that can be linked to the results of the assessment.

Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Eine Einführung für Eltern, PädagogInnen und TherapeutInnen (essentials)

by Roswitha Dehu Stefanie Brettner Doris Freiberger

Die Autorinnen geben einen übersichtlichen und kompakten Einblick in die Fragen, was genau man unter „sozial kompetentem Verhalten“ versteht, wie sich soziale Kompetenz entwickelt und wodurch sie beeinflussbar ist. Zu den Entwicklungsaufgaben in der Kindheit und Jugend zählt neben der körperlichen und geistigen auch die Entwicklung einer sozialen Kompetenz. Beobachtet man viele Kinder und Jugendliche bzw. befragt man deren Eltern und Erzieher, trifft man oft auf überzogenes Verhalten auf der einen Seite bzw. maßlose Überforderung auf der anderen. In diesem Zusammenhang stellt sich somit die Frage: Warum fällt es vielen Kindern und Jugendlichen schwer, sozial kompetent aufzutreten und zu agieren?

Reframing Blackness and Black Solidarities through Anti-colonial and Decolonial Prisms (Critical Studies of Education #4)

by George J. Dei

This book grounds particular struggles at the curious interface of skin, body, psyche, hegemonies and politics. Specifically, it adds to current [re]theorizations of Blackness, anti-Blackness and Black solidarities, through anti-colonial and decolonial prisms. The discussion challenges the reductionism of contemporary polity of Blackness in regards to capitalism/globalization, particularly when relegated to the colonial power and privileged experiences of settler. The book does so by arguing that this practice perpetuates procedures of violence and social injustice upon Black and African peoples. The book brings critical readings to Black racial identity, representation and politics informed by pertinent questions: What are the tools/frameworks Black peoples in Euro-American/Canadian contexts can deploy to forge community and solidarity, and to resist anti-Black racism and other social oppressions? What critical analytical tools can be developed to account for Black lived experiences, agency and resistance? What are the limits of the tools or frameworks for anti-racist, anti-colonial work? How do such critical tools or frameworks of Blackness and anti-Blackness assist in anti-racist and anti-colonial practice? The book provides new coordinates for collective and global mobilization by troubling the politics of “decolonizing solidarity” as pointing to new ways for forging critical friends and political workers. The book concludes by offering some important lessons for teaching and learning about Blackness and anti-Blackness confronting some contemporary issues of schooling and education in Euro-American contexts, and suggesting ways to foster dialogic and generative forums for such critical discussions.

Elders’ Cultural Knowledges and the Question of Black/ African Indigeneity in Education (Critical Studies of Education #16)

by George J. Dei Wambui Karanja Grace Erger

This book makes a strong case for the inclusion of Indigenous Elders’ cultural knowledge in the delivery of inclusive education for learners who are members of minority communities. It is relevant to curriculum developers, teachers, policy makers and institutions that engage in the education of Black, Indigenous, Latinx and other minority students. This book provides opportunities for exploring the decolonization of educational approaches. It promotes the synthesis of multiple types of knowledge and ways of knowing by making a case for the incorporation of Indigenous knowledges and Indigenous Elders as teachers in learning spaces. The book is of interest to educators, students, and researchers of Indigenous knowledge and decolonizing education. Additionally, it is important for educational policy makers, especially those engaged in looking for strategic solutions to bridging educational disparities and gaps for Indigenous, Black, Latinx and other minority learners.

Politikunterricht verstehen und gestalten (Politische Bildung)

by Carl Deichmann Michael May

Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes beschäftigen sich mit dem Verstehen der politischen Realität. Dabei werden unterrichtspraktische Wege aufgezeigt, die Verstehensprozesse bei Lernenden ermöglichen sollen. Die Aufgabe von Lehrenden ist es jedoch nicht nur, das Verstehen anzubahnen, sondern auch die tatsächlich ablaufenden Verstehensvorgänge zu rekonstruieren. Deshalb stellen die Autoren auch Aspekte der Rekonstruktion politischen Verstehens vor.

Demokratie im Stresstest: Reaktionen von Politikdidaktik und politischer Bildung (Politische Bildung)

by Carl Deichmann Marc Partetzke

Das Ziel des Sammelbandes besteht erstens darin, die Herausforderungen für die demokratisch-politische Ordnung durch die Corona-Krise sowie die damit verbundenen Einschränkungen der demokratischen Grundrechte der Bürger*innen unter politikdidaktischen Gesichtspunkten zu analysieren. Zweitens geht es darum, Forschungsansätze, -projekte und -ergebnisse sowie Methoden der Lehr-Lernforschung vorzustellen, die sich auf die veränderten Bedingungen in der (außer-)schulischen Politischen Bildung sowie auf mögliche Unterrichtsprojekte beziehen.

Schulische und außerschulische politische Bildung: Qualitative Studien und Unterrichtsbeispiele hermeneutischer Politikdidaktik (Politische Bildung)

by Carl Deichmann Marc Partetzke

Der Sammelband widmet sich in zehn Beiträgen dem Zusammenhang zwischen der Zielbestimmung der schulischen und außerschulischen politischen Bildung sowie der Praxis in diesen Lernbereichen. Diese Zusammenhänge werden an signifikanten Beispielen herausgestellt und durch qualitative Forschung belegt. So erhalten Praktiker der schulischen und außerschulischen politischen Bildung durch dieses Buch nicht nur Anregungen für ihre Tätigkeit durch Unterrichts- und Seminarbeispiele, sondern werden durch konkrete Beispiele auch dazu angeregt, ihre Aktivitäten in Unterricht und Seminaren zu planen und zu evaluieren.Der Inhalt• Politikdidaktische Forschung: Zusammenhang von hermeneutischer Politikdidaktik und Politikunterricht; Urteilskompetenz; demokratisch-politische Bildung als Gegenstand universitärer Lehramtsausbildung• Konzepte des Politikunterrichts/der Unterrichtsforschung: Personenbezogene Geschichtspolitik im Politikunterricht; „Denkhüte“ im Politikunterricht; Demokratiepräkonzepte bei Schüler*innen• Außerschulische politische Bildung: Historische Lernorte politisch verstehen; Politische Lernorte; Politische Bildung in der offenen Kinder- und JugendarbeitDie HerausgeberDr. Carl Deichmann ist Univ. - Professor em. für Didaktik der Politik und zurzeit Lehrbeauftragter an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.Dr. Marc Partetzke ist Universitätslektor für Politikwissenschaft und ihre Didaktik am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Bremen.

The Linguistic Challenge of the Transition to Secondary School: A Corpus Study of Academic Language (Routledge Applied Corpus Linguistics)

by Alice Deignan Duygu Candarli Florence Oxley

This book provides a unique analysis and description of the linguistic challenges faced by school students as they move from primary to secondary school, a major transition, which some students struggle with emotionally and academically. The study: • draws on a bespoke corpus of 2.5 million words of written materials and transcribed classroom recordings, provided by the project's partner schools; • combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to the corpus data to explore linguistic variation across school levels, registers and subjects; • describes the procedures of corpus compilation and analysis of written and spoken academic language, showing how modern corpus tools can be applied to this far-reaching social and educational issue; • uncovers differences and similarities between the academic language that school children are exposed to at primary and secondary school, contrasting this against the backdrop of the non-academic language that they encounter outside school. This book is important reading for advanced students and researchers in corpus linguistics, applied linguistics and teacher education. It carries implications for policymakers and schools looking to support students at this critical point in their schooling.

The Linguistic Challenge of the Transition to Secondary School: A Corpus Study of Academic Language (Routledge Applied Corpus Linguistics)

by Alice Deignan Duygu Candarli Florence Oxley

This book provides a unique analysis and description of the linguistic challenges faced by school students as they move from primary to secondary school, a major transition, which some students struggle with emotionally and academically. The study: • draws on a bespoke corpus of 2.5 million words of written materials and transcribed classroom recordings, provided by the project's partner schools; • combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to the corpus data to explore linguistic variation across school levels, registers and subjects; • describes the procedures of corpus compilation and analysis of written and spoken academic language, showing how modern corpus tools can be applied to this far-reaching social and educational issue; • uncovers differences and similarities between the academic language that school children are exposed to at primary and secondary school, contrasting this against the backdrop of the non-academic language that they encounter outside school. This book is important reading for advanced students and researchers in corpus linguistics, applied linguistics and teacher education. It carries implications for policymakers and schools looking to support students at this critical point in their schooling.

Open Education: Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen Hochschulbildung (Pädagogik)

by Markus Deimann

»Open Education«, also das bildungspolitische Ziel, Bildung frei verfügbar zu machen, ist Gegenstand eines lebendigen Diskurses. Markus Deimann gibt einen systematischen Überblick zum Thema »Offene Bildung/Open Education« aus historischer, theoretischer und philosophischer Sicht und zeichnet nach, wie sich die Argumente pro und contra offener Bildung über die Zeit verschoben haben. Als Fazit skizziert er eine vorläufige Architektur offener Bildung im Kontext der Hochschule.

Machen MOOCs Karriere?: Eine praxisnahe Reflexion über Erfahrungen von Unternehmen

by Markus Deimann Christian Friedl

Immer mehr Unternehmen entdecken Massive Open Online Courses, kurz: MOOCs als Format für Aus- und Weiterbildung, Training, Rekrutierung und Onboarding. Sind MOOCs ein valides Modell für eine zukunftsfähige, betriebliche Weiterbildung? Können sie die formale Wissensvermittlung in Form von Seminaren, Kursen und Web-based Trainings ergänzen? Bieten sie Möglichkeiten, um Mitarbeiter mit sich ändernden Bedürfnissen und ihre Erfahrungen über dieses Format zu mobilisieren und zu skalieren?Dieses Buch bietet einen praxisnahen Überblick zu Vorreitern im deutschsprachigen RaumUnternehmen wie die Credit Suisse, Telekom, SAP, Audi, Erste Bank und andere haben bereits interne MOOCs durchgeführt und teilen ihre Erfahrungen mit den Lesern. Die Beiträge bieten unterschiedliche Einblicke, etwa wie ein Firmeninternes soziales Netzwerk in eine Lern-Community umgewandelt wurde, wie Ausbildungsverantwortliche und Fachtrainer auf eine MOOC-Lernreise geschickt wurden und wie unterschiedliche didaktische Ansätze probiert und reflektiert wurden. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Ausblick auf aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen in diesem Feld angestellt.

Methodenbuch Sozialraum

by Ulrich Deinet

Die Sozialraumanalyse ist zu einem festen Bestandteil der Sozialen Arbeit geworden. In zahlreichen Einrichtungen und Projekten werden sozialräumliche Analyse- und Beteiligungsmethoden praktisch eingesetzt und durchgeführt. Diese qualitativen Methoden wurden im Rahmen einer sozialräumlichen Konzeptentwicklung besonders in der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit entwickelt und werden zunehmend in anderen Bereichen der Sozialen Arbeit eingesetzt, auch in einer sozialräumlich orientierten Jugendhilfeplanung. Das Buch bietet theoretische Grundlagen und stellt aktuelle Methoden für verschiedene Felder der Sozialen Arbeit vor: von der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit über Kindertageseinrichtungen, regionale Arbeitsgemeinschaften der Jugendhilfe, die Öffnung von Schule bis hin zur Seniorenarbeit. Dazu kommen spezifische Methoden für Großgruppen oder die Sozialreportage. Das Verhältnis virtueller und realer (Sozial-)Räume wird diskutiert und es werden Methoden beschrieben, die sich virtueller Räume bedienen. Zu den besonderen sozialräumlichen Bedingungen des ländlichen Raumes werden spezifische methodische Verfahren und Projekte vorgestellt.

Qualität durch Dialog: Bausteine kommunaler Qualitäts- und Wirksamkeitsdialoge

by Ulrich Deinet Marco Szlapka Wolfgang Witte

In der Entwicklung kommunaler Qualitäts- und Wirksamkeitsdialoge für die Kinder- und Jugendarbeit geht es darum, Prozesse auf Einrichtungs-, Träger-, kommunaler- und politischer Ebene in Gang zu bringen und sowohl partizipativ als auch steuerungsorientiert zu gestalten. Verantwortliche und Fachkräfte bei Jugendämtern und freien Trägern stehen also vor neuen Aufgaben, um das Feld besser zu orientieren und damit auch zu legitimieren. Hierzu stellt das Buch zentrale Bausteine vor: Erfahrungen mit dem Wirksamkeitsdialog in NRW, mehrere Modelle des Berichtswesens und das Instrument eines gemeinsamen Qualitätshandbuches aller Jugendfreizeitstätten in Berlin.

König, Weiser, Liebhaber und Skeptiker: Rezeptionen Salomos (Studien zu Literatur und Religion / Studies on Literature and Religion #4)

by Elena Deinhammer Susanne Gillmayr-Bucher Antonia Krainer Imelda Rohrbacher

Kaum eine andere biblische Figur wird so enthusiastisch geschildert wie König Salomo. Er ist unvergleichlich weise, erbaut den Tempel in Jerusalem, und er verhilft auch seinem Volk zu einem Leben in Frieden und Wohlstand. Dennoch scheitert Salomo und erfüllt die in ihn gesetzten Erwartungen letztendlich nicht. Dadurch entsteht ein ambivalentes Bild, das innerhalb des biblischen Kanons und in der späteren Rezeptionsgeschichte vielfältig ausgestaltet wird. Wie facettenreich die Figur Salomos vom 16. bis 21. Jahrhundert in Literatur und Musik entfaltet wird, zeigt dieser Band auf. Die Beiträge im ersten Teil bieten überblicksartige Querschnitten, die Salomo als König, Weisen, Skeptiker und Liebenden in den künstlerischen Bearbeitungen präsentieren. Die Studien im zweiten Teil zeigen am Beispiel ausgewählter Werke, welche Diskurse der jeweiligen Zeit in der Figur König Salomos gespiegelt werden.

Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800-1950: Convents, classrooms and colleges (Routledge Research in Education)

by Deirdre Raftery and Elizabeth M. Smyth

This book brings together the work of eleven leading international scholars to map the contribution of teaching Sisters, who provided schooling to hundreds of thousands of children, globally, from 1800 to 1950. The volume represents research that draws on several theoretical approaches and methodologies. It engages with feminist discourses, social history, oral history, visual culture, post-colonial studies and the concept of transnationalism, to provide new insights into the work of Sisters in education.Making a unique contribution to the field, chapters offer an interrogation of historical sources as well as fresh interpretations of findings, challenging assumptions. Compelling narratives from the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Africa, Australia, South East Asia, France, the UK, Italy and Ireland contribute to what is a most important exploration of the contribution of the women religious by mapping and contextualizing their work. Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800–1950: Convents, classrooms and colleges will appeal to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of social history, women’s history, the history of education, Catholic education, gender studies and international education.

Transnationalism, Gender and the History of Education

by Deirdre Raftery and Marie Clarke

In the past decade, historians have begun to make use of the optic of ‘transnationalism’, a perspective used traditionally by social anthropologists and sociologists in their study of the movement and flow of ideas between continents and countries. Historical scholarship has adopted this tool, and in this book historians of education use it to add nuance and depth to research on gender and education, and particularly to the education experiences of women and girls. The book brings together a group of internationally-regarded scholars, who are doing important research on transnationalism and the social construction of gender, with particular reference to education environments such as schools and colleges. The book is therefore very much at the cutting-edge of theoretical and methodological advances in the history of education.This book was originally published as a special issue of the History of Education.

Chancen bilden: Wege zu einer gerechteren Bildung - ein internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch

by David Deißner

Warum sind Bildungschancen ungleich verteilt? Wo liegen die tieferen Ursachen der sozialen Disparitäten und wie lassen sich diese reduzieren? Der vorliegende Band geht diesen wichtigen Fragen nach. Versammelt werden die Beiträge führender WissenschaftlerInnen aus dem In- und Ausland, die im Jahr 2011 auf Einladung des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung und der Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland in Berlin zusammenkamen. Ziel der Tagung mit dem Titel „Neue Wege zur Bildungsgerechtigkeit“ war ein internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch von BildungsforscherInnen und politischen EntscheidungsträgerInnen über die Wirkungsmechanismen sozialer Herkunftseffekte und Maßnahmen zu deren Reduzierung. Insbesondere durch den international vergleichenden Dialog liefert der Band grundlegende Erkenntnisse im Grenzbereich zwischen Wissenschaft und politischer Praxis, die in dieser Deutlichkeit selten zu lesen sind.

Material Culture of the Bible: An Introduction (Biblical Seminar)

by Ferdinand Deist

Scholarly discussions of biblical interpretation often ignore the fact that language and literature form an integral part of a people's culture, that interpretation therefore implies the total cultural system of the relevant literature, and that biblical interpretation consequently implies inter-cultural communication. This book explores the theoretical and practical implications of this observation from a cultural anthropological perspective, looks at recent anthropological studies of ancient Israelite society, supplies practical examples of a cultural interpretation of ancient Hebrew narratives, and discusses the impact of the notions 'cultural relativity' and 'inter-cultural communication' for biblical interpretation.

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Showing 21,026 through 21,050 of 89,126 results