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The Co-Teacher’s Guide: Intensifying Instruction Beyond One Teach, One Support

by Jennifer L. Goeke

This pragmatic guide provides concrete, detailed strategies for co-teachers looking to expand their instructional methods and involvement beyond the One Teach, One Support model. Including step-by-step examples, practical scenarios, and visuals of successful implementations to help you quickly and effectively put these tools into practice, each chapter also highlights specific tensions that can arise in your co-teaching partnership and frames effective solutions to move beyond them efficiently and effectively. While designed for both teachers in a co-teaching pair, the book’s tools can easily be applied on your own, making this an ideal resource for co-teachers with limited common planning time.

The Coaches' Handbook: The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches (Wiley-blackwell Handbooks In Organizational Psychology Ser.)

by Jonathan Passmore

This comprehensive practitioner guide provides an accessible evidenced based approach aimed at those new to coaching and who may be undertaking coach training for a certificate in coaching or professional credentials or accreditation with the AC, ICF, EMCC, CMI or ILM. The book will also be useful for those who want to enhance their coaching skills. The Coaches Handbook is edited by Jonathan Passmore, an internationally respected expert and executive coach, with chapters from leading coaching practitioners from across the world. The book is divided into seven sections. Section one examines the nature of coaching, its boundaries, the business case for coaching and how organisations can build a coaching culture. Section two focuses on deepening our self-understanding and understanding our clients, the non-violent communications mindset and the coaching relationship. Section three focuses on the key skills needed for coaching including goal setting, powerful questions, active listening, using direct communications and the role of silence, emotions and challenge in coaching. Section four offers a range of coaching approaches including behavioural, person-centred, solution-focused, psychodynamic, neuroscience, narrative, positive psychology, out-door eco-coaching, team coaching, careers coaching and integrated coaching. Section five focuses on fundamental issues in coaching such as ethics and contracting and evaluation. Section six explores continuous professional development, reflection and the role of supervision, as well as how to establish your coaching business. The final section contains a host of coaching tools which practitioners can use to broaden their practice. Unique in its scope, this key text will be essential reading for coaches, academics and students of coaching. It is an important text for anyone seeking to understand the best practice approaches that can be applied to their coaching practice, including human resources, learning and development and management professionals, and executives in a coaching role.

The Coaches' Handbook: The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches

by Jonathan Passmore

This comprehensive practitioner guide provides an accessible evidenced based approach aimed at those new to coaching and who may be undertaking coach training for a certificate in coaching or professional credentials or accreditation with the AC, ICF, EMCC, CMI or ILM. The book will also be useful for those who want to enhance their coaching skills. The Coaches Handbook is edited by Jonathan Passmore, an internationally respected expert and executive coach, with chapters from leading coaching practitioners from across the world. The book is divided into seven sections. Section one examines the nature of coaching, its boundaries, the business case for coaching and how organisations can build a coaching culture. Section two focuses on deepening our self-understanding and understanding our clients, the non-violent communications mindset and the coaching relationship. Section three focuses on the key skills needed for coaching including goal setting, powerful questions, active listening, using direct communications and the role of silence, emotions and challenge in coaching. Section four offers a range of coaching approaches including behavioural, person-centred, solution-focused, psychodynamic, neuroscience, narrative, positive psychology, out-door eco-coaching, team coaching, careers coaching and integrated coaching. Section five focuses on fundamental issues in coaching such as ethics and contracting and evaluation. Section six explores continuous professional development, reflection and the role of supervision, as well as how to establish your coaching business. The final section contains a host of coaching tools which practitioners can use to broaden their practice. Unique in its scope, this key text will be essential reading for coaches, academics and students of coaching. It is an important text for anyone seeking to understand the best practice approaches that can be applied to their coaching practice, including human resources, learning and development and management professionals, and executives in a coaching role.

Coaching als Förderung kreativen Lernens

by Alexander V. Steckelberg

In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden Zusammenhänge zwischen Lernen, Kreativität, Problemlösen und anderen adaptiven Prozessen geklärt und ein umfassendes Komponenten-Modell kreativen Lernens, das diese Phänomene in Einklang bringt, entwickelt. Darauf aufbauend wird die Komponenten-Theorie des Lernens im Coaching hergeleitet. Im Verlauf der Untersuchung wird nicht nur der Nachweis der prinzipiellen Möglichkeit kreativen Lernens im Coaching ohne direkte Wissensvermittlung und damit auch die Existenzberechtigung des Coachings als Profession erbracht, sondern gleichzeitig praktizierenden Coaches eine Hilfestellung zur Sicherung und Steigerung des Erfolgs ihres Coachings gegeben. Vielversprechend erscheinen die durch die vorliegende Untersuchung hergestellte Verbindung unterschiedlicher Fachdomänen sowie die Verknüpfung konstruktivistischer, prozessorientierter und systemtheoretischer Ansätze mit kognitivistischen und neuropsychologisch-orientierten Herangehensweisen.

Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development (Surviving and Thriving in Academia)

by Kay Guccione Steve Hutchinson

Learning through dialogue brings a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect to colleagues, navigate professional demands, and meet the challenges posed by a turbulent world. Written for all who mentor or coach in universities, this book addresses a critical question: how can mentoring and coaching conversations be effective and accessible ways to support researcher and academic development? Drawing on their wide range of experiences of coaching and mentoring, and designing and leading institutional programmes and policy, Guccione and Hutchinson provide an insight into the founding principles of reflective ethical practice, as well as a pragmatic and easy to navigate toolkit supporting you to understand the needs of the people you want to develop. Including bite-sized chapters packed full of applied solutions, the authors help you to design, re-design, or troubleshoot your mentoring or coaching approach, and offer up go-to guidance for building and enhancing a culture of developmental dialogue at the individual, programme and organisational level.

Coaching and Mentoring for Academic Development (Surviving and Thriving in Academia)

by Kay Guccione Steve Hutchinson

Learning through dialogue brings a powerful opportunity for individuals to connect to colleagues, navigate professional demands, and meet the challenges posed by a turbulent world. Written for all who mentor or coach in universities, this book addresses a critical question: how can mentoring and coaching conversations be effective and accessible ways to support researcher and academic development? Drawing on their wide range of experiences of coaching and mentoring, and designing and leading institutional programmes and policy, Guccione and Hutchinson provide an insight into the founding principles of reflective ethical practice, as well as a pragmatic and easy to navigate toolkit supporting you to understand the needs of the people you want to develop. Including bite-sized chapters packed full of applied solutions, the authors help you to design, re-design, or troubleshoot your mentoring or coaching approach, and offer up go-to guidance for building and enhancing a culture of developmental dialogue at the individual, programme and organisational level.

Coaching for Managers and Engineers (Management and Industrial Engineering)

by J. Paulo Davim Carolina Machado

This book communicates the latest developments and thinking on the coaching subject worldwide. It presents insights into coaching in the management and engineering field on an international and transnational scale. The chapters contain innovative models, processes, strategies and uses, as well as the most recent research activities relating to coaching. This book highlights key issues and uses related to coaching for managers and engineers.

Coaching im Rahmen der Auslandsentsendung: Modelle, Tools und Reflexionsfragen für einen erfolgreichen Auslandseinsatz

by Judith Eidems Susan Höntzsch

Dieser Herausgeberband behandelt die Bedeutung, die Wirkweisen und den Nutzen von Coaching für Expatriates und ihre Familien im Rahmen ihres Auslandsabenteuers. Durch das Hinzuziehen von Theorien aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen werden neuartige Erklärungen für den Gebrauch von Coaching in der internationalen Personalpraxis entwickelt. Wirkungsvolles Expatriate Coaching – Anleitungen und Erklärungen für Expatriates, Coachs und internationale Unternehmen Es ist sinnvoll, einem Entsandten und seiner Familie in den unterschiedlichen Phasen der Entsendung einen Coach zur Seite zu stellen, um mit interkulturellen Herausforderungen, Identitätsveränderungen, neuen Erwartungen als auch Heimweh besser umzugehen. Es werden zentrale Themen und Erfolgsfaktoren von Coaching erörtert und es wird dargelegt, wie Coaching den Erfolg einer Auslandsentsendung positiv beeinflussen kann. Unternehmen, Expatriates und deren Familien sowie Coachs werden für die Komplexität einer Entsendung sensibilisiert und erhalten theoretisch hergeleitete Anhaltspunkte und praxisnahe Implikationen für den Einsatz von Coachingmaßnahmen. Die einzelnen Beiträge offerieren darüber hinaus Coachingfragen und Übungen – auch zum Selbstcoaching von Expatriates. Die Herausgeberinnen Judith Eidems und Susan Höntzsch bilden gemeinsam mit den unterstützenden Autorinnen und Autoren die Breite des Themas aus psychologischer, betriebswirtschaftlicher sowie pädagogischer Sicht ab. Der InhaltNutzen und Wirksamkeit von Coaching für ExpatriatesCoaching innerhalb der verschiedenen Phasen der AuslandsentsendungCoaching für verschiedene Zielgruppen und ÜbungenErkenntnisse aus der Coachingforschung

Coaching Questions for Every Situation: A Leader's Guide to Asking Powerful Questions for Breakthrough Results

by Jeremy Kourdi

**Powerful coaching questions to get the best out of any situation.**In coaching, questions are the route to progress. Questions enable the people being coached to arrive at their own solutions and, crucially, to 'own' them as well. The effectiveness of this tool applies to anyone in a coaching role, whether as a leader, a professional coach, or a people management executive. A good question, asked at the right moment, can be transformative. Great questions allow coaches to influence, develop and shape someone's thinking far beyond that of their own knowledge or area of expertise, propelling the learner to new levels of insight, awareness, action and effectiveness. Coaching Questions for Every Situation delivers bags of context-specific questions to leaders and coaches right when they need them most, equipping them with the essential tools to deal with a difficult situation, raise performance or offer a moment of motivation. It includes sections on both virtual coaching and coaching across cultures.The book explains the guiding principles behind great questions as well as the pitfalls to avoid, serving as a practical guide to becoming a highly effective questioner.

Coaching von Mitarbeitern im persönlichen Verkauf: Nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung für den Face-to-Face-Kontakt mit Kunden (essentials)

by Alexander Tiffert

Das Coaching von Mitarbeitern ist eines der wirksamsten Instrumente der Mitarbeiterentwicklung und gehört zu den zentralen Aufgaben einer Führungskraft. Dieses essential zeigt, wie Führungskräfte durch Coaching die individuelle Kompetenzentwicklung von Mitarbeitern im persönlichen Verkauf stetig fördern können und wie sie dabei genau vorgehen sollten. Dazu werden wichtige Grundlagen des Mitarbeitercoachings dargestellt und praxiserprobte Methoden beschrieben. Verkaufsmitarbeiter, die lernen ihre eigenen Lösungen zu finden, werden selbständiger in der Problemlösung und agieren authentischer.Die 2. Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und um ein Kapitel über virtuelles Coaching erweitert.

Coding as a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early Childhood Classroom

by Marina Umaschi Bers

Coding as a Playground, Second Edition focuses on how young children (aged 7 and under) can engage in computational thinking and be taught to become computer programmers, a process that can increase both their cognitive and social-emotional skills. Learn how coding can engage children as producers—and not merely consumers—of technology in a playful way. You will come away from this groundbreaking work with an understanding of how coding promotes developmentally appropriate experiences such as problem-solving, imagination, cognitive challenges, social interactions, motor skills development, emotional exploration, and making different choices. Featuring all-new case studies, vignettes, and projects, as well as an expanded focus on teaching coding as a new literacy, this second edition helps you learn how to integrate coding into different curricular areas to promote literacy, math, science, engineering, and the arts through a project-based approach and a positive attitude to learning.

Coding as a Playground: Programming and Computational Thinking in the Early Childhood Classroom

by Marina Umaschi Bers

Coding as a Playground, Second Edition focuses on how young children (aged 7 and under) can engage in computational thinking and be taught to become computer programmers, a process that can increase both their cognitive and social-emotional skills. Learn how coding can engage children as producers—and not merely consumers—of technology in a playful way. You will come away from this groundbreaking work with an understanding of how coding promotes developmentally appropriate experiences such as problem-solving, imagination, cognitive challenges, social interactions, motor skills development, emotional exploration, and making different choices. Featuring all-new case studies, vignettes, and projects, as well as an expanded focus on teaching coding as a new literacy, this second edition helps you learn how to integrate coding into different curricular areas to promote literacy, math, science, engineering, and the arts through a project-based approach and a positive attitude to learning.

Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry: Research in a Pandemic (International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Series)

by Norman K. Denzin Michael D. Giardina

Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry critically reflects on and explores the role of qualitative research amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic. Against this unprecedented backdrop, it asks what research means during a global pandemic and what it means to be an academic. Leading international scholars from the United States, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom wrestle with the changing dynamics of research in pandemic times. Collectively and collaboratively, contributors call for a critical, performative, social justice inquiry directed at the multiple crises of our historical present—a rethinking of where we have been, and, critically, where we are going. More specifically, contributors focus on such topics as: the emotional geographies of academic writing; assaults on science and truth; pedagogies of the imagination; indigenization and reconciliation; the search for our common humanity; and the relevance of qualitative inquiry in an era of big data and digital transformation. Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry is a must-read for faculty and students alike who are interested in imagining new ways to collaborate, to engage in research and activism, and represent and intervene into social life in pandemic times.

Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry: Research in a Pandemic (International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry Series)

by Norman K. Denzin Michael D. Giardina

Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry critically reflects on and explores the role of qualitative research amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic. Against this unprecedented backdrop, it asks what research means during a global pandemic and what it means to be an academic. Leading international scholars from the United States, Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom wrestle with the changing dynamics of research in pandemic times. Collectively and collaboratively, contributors call for a critical, performative, social justice inquiry directed at the multiple crises of our historical present—a rethinking of where we have been, and, critically, where we are going. More specifically, contributors focus on such topics as: the emotional geographies of academic writing; assaults on science and truth; pedagogies of the imagination; indigenization and reconciliation; the search for our common humanity; and the relevance of qualitative inquiry in an era of big data and digital transformation. Collaborative Futures in Qualitative Inquiry is a must-read for faculty and students alike who are interested in imagining new ways to collaborate, to engage in research and activism, and represent and intervene into social life in pandemic times.

The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices (Library and Information Science Text Series)

by Marcia A. Mardis

This thorough treatment of collection development for school library educators, students, and practicing school librarians provides quick access to information.This seventh edition of The Collection Program in Schools is updated in several key areas. It provides an overview of key education trends affecting school library collections, such as digital textbooks, instructional improvement systems, STEM priorities, and open education resource (OER) use and reuse. Topics of discussion include the new AASL standards as they relate to the collection; the idea of crowd sourcing in collection development; and current trends in the school library profession, such as Future Ready Libraries and new standards from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.Each chapter has been updated and revised with new material, and particular emphasis is placed on disaster preparedness and response as they pertain to policies, circulation, preservation, and moving or closing a collection. This edition also includes updates to review of curation and community analysis principles as they affect the development of the library collection.

The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts and Practices (Library and Information Science Text Series)

by Marcia A. Mardis

This thorough treatment of collection development for school library educators, students, and practicing school librarians provides quick access to information.This seventh edition of The Collection Program in Schools is updated in several key areas. It provides an overview of key education trends affecting school library collections, such as digital textbooks, instructional improvement systems, STEM priorities, and open education resource (OER) use and reuse. Topics of discussion include the new AASL standards as they relate to the collection; the idea of crowd sourcing in collection development; and current trends in the school library profession, such as Future Ready Libraries and new standards from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.Each chapter has been updated and revised with new material, and particular emphasis is placed on disaster preparedness and response as they pertain to policies, circulation, preservation, and moving or closing a collection. This edition also includes updates to review of curation and community analysis principles as they affect the development of the library collection.

The College Administrator’s Survival Guide: Revised Edition

by C. K. Gunsalus

The book that every dean and department chair needs to survive—and thrive—in the twenty-first-century university. First released in 2006, The College Administrator’s Survival Guide has served as the bible for a generation of provosts, deans, department chairs, and program directors. Shrewd administrators have returned to the guide time and again for C. K. Gunsalus’s advice on handling complaints, negotiating disagreements, and dealing with difficult personalities. Now, in this revised and updated edition, Gunsalus guides rookie administrators and seasoned veterans through today’s most pressing higher-education challenges. These days academic leaders must respond to heightened demands for transparency and openness. These demands are intensified by social media, which increases the visibility of university conflicts and can foster widespread misinformation about campus affairs. Meanwhile, institutions have become flatter, with administrators expected to work more closely with faculty, students, and a range of professionals even as support staffs shrink. Between the ever-replenishing inbox, the integration of often-exasperating management systems into every dimension of academic life, and the new demands of remote learning, deans and department heads are juggling more balls than ever before. Tightening budgets have already forced administrators into more difficult choices and, in the wake of COVID-19, there will be no relief from financial constraints. From #metoo to partisan battles over curricula and funding, college and university leaders need more savvy and greater sensitivity than ever. What hasn’t changed are the challenges of dealing with difficult people and the importance of creating and maintaining environments in which faculty, staff, and students have the support they need to do their best work. The College Administrator’s Survival Guide provides the tools to keep cool and get the job done.

College Students in the United States: Characteristics, Experiences, and Outcomes

by Kristen A. Renn Robert D. Reason

In this book, the authors bring together in one place essential information about college students in the US in the 21st century. Synthesizing existing research and theory, they present an introduction to studying student characteristics, college choice and enrollment patterns, institutional types and environments, student learning, persistence, and outcomes of college. Substantially revised and updated, this new edition addresses contemporary and anticipated student demographics and enrollment patterns, a wide variety of campus environments (such as residential, commuter, online, hybrid), and a range of outcomes including learning, development, and achievement. The book is organized around Alexander Astin’s Inputs-Environment-Outputs (I-E-O) framework. Student demographics, college preparation, and enrollment patterns are the "inputs." Transition to college and campus environments are the substance of the "environment." The "outputs" are student development, learning, and retention/persistence/completion. The authors build on this foundation by providing relevant contemporary information and analysis of students, environments, and outcomes. They also provide strategies for readers to project forward in anticipation of higher education trends in a world where understanding "college students in the United States" is an ongoing project. By consolidating foundational and new research and theory on college students, their experiences, and college outcomes in the US, the book provides knowledge to inform policies, programs, curriculum and practice. As a starting point for those who seek a foundational understanding of the diversity of students and institutions in the US, the book includes discussion points, learning activities, and further resources for exploring the topics in each chapter.

College Students in the United States: Characteristics, Experiences, and Outcomes

by Kristen A. Renn Robert D. Reason

In this book, the authors bring together in one place essential information about college students in the US in the 21st century. Synthesizing existing research and theory, they present an introduction to studying student characteristics, college choice and enrollment patterns, institutional types and environments, student learning, persistence, and outcomes of college. Substantially revised and updated, this new edition addresses contemporary and anticipated student demographics and enrollment patterns, a wide variety of campus environments (such as residential, commuter, online, hybrid), and a range of outcomes including learning, development, and achievement. The book is organized around Alexander Astin’s Inputs-Environment-Outputs (I-E-O) framework. Student demographics, college preparation, and enrollment patterns are the "inputs." Transition to college and campus environments are the substance of the "environment." The "outputs" are student development, learning, and retention/persistence/completion. The authors build on this foundation by providing relevant contemporary information and analysis of students, environments, and outcomes. They also provide strategies for readers to project forward in anticipation of higher education trends in a world where understanding "college students in the United States" is an ongoing project. By consolidating foundational and new research and theory on college students, their experiences, and college outcomes in the US, the book provides knowledge to inform policies, programs, curriculum and practice. As a starting point for those who seek a foundational understanding of the diversity of students and institutions in the US, the book includes discussion points, learning activities, and further resources for exploring the topics in each chapter.

College Success for Adults: Insider Tips for Effective Learning

by C.M. Gill

College Success for Adults: Insider Tips for Effective Learning is a concise, user-friendly guide to college success for the adult college student. In it, readers learn to master the rules, vocabulary, and expectations of the college environment. They’ll discover how to balance their work and personal lives with college-level study, develop the mindset of the successful college student, take notes effectively, conquer testing anxiety, win over their professors, and much more. Armed with the knowledge this book provides, readers will emerge with a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in college—and how they can achieve this success. They’ll learn how to take their own experience and wisdom as adults and translate it into success in the college classroom. Readers also receive helpful supplementary resources that will aid them on their journey to college success, including a college vocabulary glossary, college knowledge quiz (with answer key), a list of scholarships exclusively for adult students, and a suggested course syllabus (with detailed course calendar).

College Success for Adults: Insider Tips for Effective Learning

by C.M. Gill

College Success for Adults: Insider Tips for Effective Learning is a concise, user-friendly guide to college success for the adult college student. In it, readers learn to master the rules, vocabulary, and expectations of the college environment. They’ll discover how to balance their work and personal lives with college-level study, develop the mindset of the successful college student, take notes effectively, conquer testing anxiety, win over their professors, and much more. Armed with the knowledge this book provides, readers will emerge with a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in college—and how they can achieve this success. They’ll learn how to take their own experience and wisdom as adults and translate it into success in the college classroom. Readers also receive helpful supplementary resources that will aid them on their journey to college success, including a college vocabulary glossary, college knowledge quiz (with answer key), a list of scholarships exclusively for adult students, and a suggested course syllabus (with detailed course calendar).

Collins Big Cat — Amazing Auroras: Band 15/Emerald

by Mike Gould and Royal Observatory Greenwich Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat

Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Levelled for guided and independent reading, each book includes ideas to support reading. Teaching and assessment support and eBooks are also available. The amazing auroras – sometimes known as the northern or southern lights – are lights which appear in the sky at certain times. Find out where you can see them and what causes this phenomenal natural light show. Emerald/Band 15 books provide a widening range of genres including science fiction and biography, prompting more ways to respond to texts. Text type – An information book. Curriculum Links – Science

Collins Big Cat — Are dragons real?: Band 11+/Lime Plus

by Isabel Thomas Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat

Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Book banded for guided and independent reading, there are reading notes in the back, comprehensive teaching and assessment support and ebooks available. All around the world, people have been telling stories about dragons for thousands of years. But where did these stories come from? Did dragons ever exist? Explore the history behind dragons and the creatures that helped create the dragon myths we still know today. Lime Plus/Band 11+ books provide challenging plots and vocabulary as well as opportunities to practise inference, prediction and reading stamina. Pages 46 and 47 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities. Scientists explore and try to explain the things they are most interested in – whether it’s plants or people, dogs or… dragons! Isabel wrote this book to explore how scientists have tried to explain dragons over the years, and in doing so, to show that being a scientist isn’t about being the brainiest person in the room. It’s about curiosity, teamwork, and challenging old ideas.

Collins Big Cat — Are Unicorns Real?: Band 11+/Lime Plus

by Isabel Thomas Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat

Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Book banded for guided and independent reading, there are reading notes in the back, comprehensive teaching and assessment support and ebooks available. Most people know what a unicorn looks like. We often see unicorns in books and films, and even on banknotes. But no one has ever seen a unicorn in real life. Were unicorns ancient animals that became extinct, like the dinosaurs? Or do they only exist in our imaginations? Get ready to explore the history of unicorn myths and legends, and weigh up the evidence that unicorns once existed – or still do! Lime Plus/Band 11+ books provide challenging plots and vocabulary as well as opportunities to practise inference, prediction and reading stamina. Pages 46 and 47 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities. Imagine spending every day finding out more about your favourite topic in the world. This sounds too good to be true but is exactly what scientists do! Isabel was inspired to write about the science of unicorns after receiving dozens of curious questions on her visits to schools.

Collins Big Cat — The Battle of Hastings: Band 11+/Lime Plus

by Ben Hubbard Prepared for publication by Collins Big Cat

Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Book banded for guided and independent reading, there are reading notes in the back, comprehensive teaching and assessment support and ebooks available. The Battle of Hastings was a pivotal point in England’s history. Power changed hands and the country was set on a different course. But what caused this to happen? Discover the reason for King Harold’s downfall. Lime Plus/Band 11+ books provide challenging plots and vocabulary as well as opportunities to practise inference, prediction and reading stamina. Pages 46 and 47 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities. The Battle of Hastings is often remembered as the last invasion of England and a turning point in the history of the country. For Ben it represents not only a fascinating one-day battle during a pivotal time in Middle Age warfare and weaponry, but also the beginning of French rule in Britain. This lasted for over 400 years and followed Viking and Roman occupations of the country. These cultures together help make up the melting pot that is Britain today. The history of warfare, weaponry and warriors is an endlessly fascinating subject. Among Ben’s titles in this area are books about Vikings, the Samurai, Roman gladiators and the Trojan war. Writing about the Battle of Hastings was a great excuse to look more closely at this important moment in history.

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