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Showing 87,576 through 87,600 of 89,126 results

Bewegter Unterricht – reloaded!: Eine empirische Untersuchung zu Effekten lernzeitwahrender und lernzeitschonender Maßnahmen zur Sitzzeitreduzierung in der Grundschule

by Robert Zimmermann

Übermäßiges, ununterbrochenes Sitzen und wenig körperliche Aktivität sind Risikofaktoren für zahlreiche Zivilisationskrankheiten. Bereits im Kindesalter wirkt sich das sedentäre Verhalten negativ auf die Gesundheit aus und bedingt nachweislich Adipositas. Den Großteil der täglichen hohen Sitzzeiten verbringen Kinder in der Schule. Nationale Interventionsstrategien versuchen derweil den Schulalltag bewegungsfreundlicher zu gestalten, stoßen jedoch in der Praxis häufig an ihre Grenzen. Grund hierfür ist häufig die fehlende Zeit, um Bewegung in Lernphasen des Unterrichts zu integrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit erweitert den Blick zur Gestaltung des bewegungsfreundlichen Unterrichts um zentrale Ergebnisse internationaler Forschung. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden für die Entwicklung praxisnaher, lernzeitwahrenden (Nutzung aktivierender Sitzgelegenheiten) und lernzeitschonenden (bewegungsförderliche Methoden) Interventionen zur Sitzzeitenreduzierung im Unterricht herangezogen. Neben der ausführlichen Evaluation der beiden Interventionsstrategien mittels moderater Technik (u.a. activPAL® Sensoren) werden ausblickend wertvolle Tipps für den praktischen Einsatz formuliert.

Soziale Arbeit und Selbstwirksamkeit: Die Chancen der Schüler*innenfirma als ganzheitliches Konzept (Pädagogik)

by Sabine Zimmermann

Die Entwicklung und Stärkung von Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und Kompetenzen sowie eine Anregung zur Entwicklung eines beruflichen Selbstkonzepts sind zentrale Ziele der »Schüler*innenfirma«. Sabine Zimmermann diskutiert dieses ganzheitliche und integrative Konzept aus der Perspektive der Sozialen Arbeit und vor dem Hintergrund interaktionistisch-konstruktivistischer, partizipativer und ästhetischer Theorien. Dabei macht sie deutlich, warum die Soziale Arbeit dieses Konzept in ihrem Handlungs- und Methodenrepertoire als ein eigenes Angebot stärker berücksichtigen sollte - insbesondere in der Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in sozial benachteiligten Stadtteilen.

Bilanzen lesen und verstehen: Ein leichtes Lernprogramm

by Werner Zimmermann

Das Lernprogramm "Bilanzen lesen und verstehen" ist der Grundkurs eines Manager­ Schulungsprogramms des Internationalen Arbeitsamtes. Das IAA ist verantwortlich für ein weltweites Programm der Manager-Ausbildung und -Schulung in etwa 35 Ländern der Erde. Die Kurse des IAA werden normalerweise gemeinsam mit den Schulungszentren der einzelnen Länder organisiert, bis diese Zentren in der Lage sind, selbständig weiterzuarbeiten. Es besteht wohl kein Zweifel darüber, daß viele Mißverständnisse zwischen Arbeit­ geber und Arbeitnehmer oder Gewerkschaften vermieden werden können, wenn beide Partner gleiches Wissen über das Rechnungswesen, über die Beurteilung und Interpretation der Wirtschaftszahlen ihres Unternehmens besitzen. Da die Bilanz das überall anerkannte und wichtigste Mittel zur Information der Interessenten über die wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Situation und zur Kontrolle und Führung des Unternehmens darstellt, ist das Lesen und Verstehen der Bilanz der natürliche Beginn jeder Manager-Ausbildung. Eine Bilanz lesen, verstehen und beurteilen zu können, ist aber nicht nur für einen Manager erforderlich sondern unbedingt auch für jeden Arbeitnehmer, insbesondere dann, wenn er als Betriebsrat, Mitglied des Wirtschaftsausschusses oder des Auf­ sichtsrats oder als Gewerkschaftler die Interessen seiner Kollegen vertreten muß. ln dem Maße, in dem das allgemeine Interesse an der industriellen und wirtschaft­ lichen Entwicklung eines Landes wächst, und je mehr die Mitwirkung und Mitbe­ stimmung der Arbeitnehmer in den Wirtschaftsbetrieben an Bedeutung gewinnt, umso größer wird die Notwendigkeit für jeden einzelnen, Bilanzen zu lesen und zu verstehen.

Den Kern des Funktionsbegriffs verstehen: Eine Entwicklungsforschungsstudie zur fach- und sprachintegrierten Förderung (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Entwicklung und Erforschung des Mathematikunterrichts #40)

by Carina Zindel

Sprache ist zugleich Lernmedium und Lerngegenstand, insbesondere beim Aufbau eines konzeptuellen Verständnisses zu mathematischen Konzepten. Carina Zindel identifiziert vor diesem Hintergrund konzeptuelle und sprachliche Anforderungen, die Lernende beim Umgang mit funktionalen Zusammenhängen bewältigen müssen. Ihre tiefgehenden Analysen von Lernprozessen bei einem von ihr entwickelten fach- und sprachintegrierten Lehr-Lern-Arrangement geben Einblicke, wie beim Aufbau von Funktionsverständnis die konzeptuell-kognitiven und sprachlichen Prozesse miteinander verwoben sind.

Team Coaching for Organisational Development: Team, Leader, Organisation, Coach and Supervision Perspectives

by Helen Zink

Working with teams, leading teams and being a member of a team is part of everyday working life for most of us. Through the lens of a team coaching case study, this book considers the development journey of a team and system influences over a three-year period. Readers are invited to walk in the shoes of the team, the team leader, the organisation, the team coach and the coach’s supervision and support networks, providing a unique insight into team coaching and development that goes beyond the traditional focus on the coach’s perspective. Helen Zink uses her considerable experience as a leadership and team growth coach, and leader to illustrate how team coaching interventions can be combined with other disciplines such as positive psychology, change management and strategic implementation in effective ways. The book takes a pracademic approach, showing how theories, models and best practice are applied to a real case and highlighting both the successes and challenges experienced to offer an example for all those involved in team, leadership and organisational development. With it widely recognised that collective leadership and teamwork is needed to deal with the rapidly changing environment organisations find themselves in, this is a timely and important resource for coaches, team coaches, coach supervisors, team leaders, team members, organisational development specialists, change managers, academics and consultants.

Team Coaching for Organisational Development: Team, Leader, Organisation, Coach and Supervision Perspectives

by Helen Zink

Working with teams, leading teams and being a member of a team is part of everyday working life for most of us. Through the lens of a team coaching case study, this book considers the development journey of a team and system influences over a three-year period. Readers are invited to walk in the shoes of the team, the team leader, the organisation, the team coach and the coach’s supervision and support networks, providing a unique insight into team coaching and development that goes beyond the traditional focus on the coach’s perspective. Helen Zink uses her considerable experience as a leadership and team growth coach, and leader to illustrate how team coaching interventions can be combined with other disciplines such as positive psychology, change management and strategic implementation in effective ways. The book takes a pracademic approach, showing how theories, models and best practice are applied to a real case and highlighting both the successes and challenges experienced to offer an example for all those involved in team, leadership and organisational development. With it widely recognised that collective leadership and teamwork is needed to deal with the rapidly changing environment organisations find themselves in, this is a timely and important resource for coaches, team coaches, coach supervisors, team leaders, team members, organisational development specialists, change managers, academics and consultants.

Howard Zinn on Democratic Education (Series in Critical Narrative)

by Howard Zinn Donaldo Macedo

Perhaps no other historian has had a more profound and revolutionary impact on American education than Howard Zinn. This is the first book devoted to his views on education and its role in a democratic society. Howard Zinn on Democratic Education describes what is missing from school textbooks and in classrooms-and how we move beyond these deficiencies to improve student education. Critical skills of citizenship are insufficiently developed in schools, according to Zinn. Textbooks and curricula must be changed to transcend the recitation of received wisdom too common today in schools. In these respects, recent Bush Administration and educational policies of most previous US presidents have been on the wrong track in meeting educational needs. This book seeks to redefine national goals at a time when public debates over education have never been more polarised--nor higher in public visibility and contentious debate. Zinn's essays on education-many never before published--are framed in this book by a dialogue between Zinn and Donaldo Macedo, a distinguished critic of literacy and schooling, whose books with Paulo Freire, Noam Chomsky and other authors have received international acclaim.

Implementation of Prevention Programs: A Special Issue of the journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation

by Joseph E. Zins

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Implementation of Prevention Programs: A Special Issue of the journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation

by Joseph E. Zins Maurice J. Elias Mark T. Greenberg Marsha Kline Pruett

First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools: The Next Generation of Prevention

by Joseph Zins Maurice Elias

Bullying and harassment threaten academic achievement and mental health in our schools. Look beyond your work with individual students to address these problems in their larger context! This book presents enlightening empirical studies and reviews of the literature on peer harassment, bullying, and victimization. Designed to expand our knowledge and understanding of these topics, Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools: The Next Generation of Prevention documents the widespread nature of the phenomena both inside and outside the United States, identifies risk and protective factors, and provides practitioners with specific, evidence-based guidelines for effective preventive action. From the editors: The problem of bullying, peer harassment, and victimization is a serious one in our schools. It greatly affects the climate for learning and productivity and the emotional health of students and staff. This book presents empirical data and theoretical and legal case reviews to show how pervasive and serious these problems are and how they threaten both academic achievement and mental health within many of our schools. Taking a longitudinal and developmental perspective, the authors begin to outline the next generation of research in this field that will shape knowledge and practice for the next few decades. For practitioners, the book is a call to action, particularly at the school-wide level, focusing on reducing the substantial social/emotional harm done to perpetrators, bystanders, and especially, victims. Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools provides vital information on: what mental health professionals can do to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in schools the relationship between middle-school adjustment and bullying aggressive behavior and friendship patterns in immigrant children school-based intervention strategies the relationship between the cultures of childhood and sexual harassment-from developmental, domestic violence, and legal perspectives risk factors and protective factors affecting victimization and more! It has been estimated that bullying affects more than half of the students in American schools. This book can add significantly to your ability to combat and prevent this pervasive problem. Use it to improve the quality of education received by students in your community!

Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools: The Next Generation of Prevention

by Joseph Zins Maurice Elias

Bullying and harassment threaten academic achievement and mental health in our schools. Look beyond your work with individual students to address these problems in their larger context! This book presents enlightening empirical studies and reviews of the literature on peer harassment, bullying, and victimization. Designed to expand our knowledge and understanding of these topics, Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools: The Next Generation of Prevention documents the widespread nature of the phenomena both inside and outside the United States, identifies risk and protective factors, and provides practitioners with specific, evidence-based guidelines for effective preventive action. From the editors: The problem of bullying, peer harassment, and victimization is a serious one in our schools. It greatly affects the climate for learning and productivity and the emotional health of students and staff. This book presents empirical data and theoretical and legal case reviews to show how pervasive and serious these problems are and how they threaten both academic achievement and mental health within many of our schools. Taking a longitudinal and developmental perspective, the authors begin to outline the next generation of research in this field that will shape knowledge and practice for the next few decades. For practitioners, the book is a call to action, particularly at the school-wide level, focusing on reducing the substantial social/emotional harm done to perpetrators, bystanders, and especially, victims. Bullying, Peer Harassment, and Victimization in the Schools provides vital information on: what mental health professionals can do to prevent and respond to sexual harassment in schools the relationship between middle-school adjustment and bullying aggressive behavior and friendship patterns in immigrant children school-based intervention strategies the relationship between the cultures of childhood and sexual harassment-from developmental, domestic violence, and legal perspectives risk factors and protective factors affecting victimization and more! It has been estimated that bullying affects more than half of the students in American schools. This book can add significantly to your ability to combat and prevent this pervasive problem. Use it to improve the quality of education received by students in your community!

No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education

by Katherine M. Zinsser

For over 15 years, researchers have described a crisis in our nations' early learning classrooms. Hundreds of children are expelled from childcare and preschool every day; a rate nearly three times that of kindergarten-12th grade students. While policymakers have taken steps to mitigate this crisis, disparities in who is expelled persist. Boys and Black children are routinely over-represented among those pushed out of the exact environments that are supposed to help prepare them for school. Each child's expulsion is symptomatic of a larger crisis--an overburdened, underfunded, undervalued, and fragmented early education system. In early childhood, expulsion is the result of a series of adult decisions made within constrained contexts and at times blind to downstream consequences: exhausted and underpaid teachers deciding how to expend their limited attention and energy in a chaotic classroom; administrators on razor-thin budgets deciding among hiring additional personnel, providing high-quality training, or investing in adequate classroom resources; fragmented state agencies separately deciding on standards and policies and allocating funds for early intervention and consultation services. By examining these complex causes, No Longer Welcome starts a critical conversation between and across sectors of the early childhood field. Parents, teachers, preschool administrators, researchers, and policymakers all have a role to play in ensuring that all children can be retained in high-quality early care and education settings. Drawing on her research and interviews with teachers, program administrators, parents, and policymakers, Dr. Zinsser presents the reader with a rich description of the myriad of factors contributing to the expulsion crisis. She presents a compelling argument for not only the importance of ending the practice of excluding young children but also outlines roles that each and every member of the field (from classroom aide to legislator) must play in sustaining this change.

No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education

by Katherine M. Zinsser

For over 15 years, researchers have described a crisis in our nations' early learning classrooms. Hundreds of children are expelled from childcare and preschool every day; a rate nearly three times that of kindergarten-12th grade students. While policymakers have taken steps to mitigate this crisis, disparities in who is expelled persist. Boys and Black children are routinely over-represented among those pushed out of the exact environments that are supposed to help prepare them for school. Each child's expulsion is symptomatic of a larger crisis--an overburdened, underfunded, undervalued, and fragmented early education system. In early childhood, expulsion is the result of a series of adult decisions made within constrained contexts and at times blind to downstream consequences: exhausted and underpaid teachers deciding how to expend their limited attention and energy in a chaotic classroom; administrators on razor-thin budgets deciding among hiring additional personnel, providing high-quality training, or investing in adequate classroom resources; fragmented state agencies separately deciding on standards and policies and allocating funds for early intervention and consultation services. By examining these complex causes, No Longer Welcome starts a critical conversation between and across sectors of the early childhood field. Parents, teachers, preschool administrators, researchers, and policymakers all have a role to play in ensuring that all children can be retained in high-quality early care and education settings. Drawing on her research and interviews with teachers, program administrators, parents, and policymakers, Dr. Zinsser presents the reader with a rich description of the myriad of factors contributing to the expulsion crisis. She presents a compelling argument for not only the importance of ending the practice of excluding young children but also outlines roles that each and every member of the field (from classroom aide to legislator) must play in sustaining this change.

STEM in the Technopolis: The Power of STEM Education in Regional Technology Policy

by Cliff Zintgraff Sang C. Suh Bruce Kellison Paul E. Resta

This book addresses how forward-thinking local communities are integrating pre-college STEM education, STEM pedagogy, industry clusters, college programs, and local, state and national policies to improve educational experiences, drive local development, gain competitive advantage for the communities, and lead students to rewarding careers. This book consists of three sections: foundational principles, city/regional case studies from across the globe, and state and national context. The authors explore the hypothesis that when pre-college STEM education is integrated with city and regional development, regions can drive a virtuous cycle of education, economic development, and quality of life.Why should pre-college STEM education be included in regional technology policy? When local leaders talk about regional policy, they usually talk about how government, universities and industry should work together. This relationship is important, but what about the hundreds of millions of pre-college students, taught by tens of millions of teachers, supported by hundreds of thousands of volunteers, who deliver STEM education around the world? Leaders in the communities featured in STEM in the Technopolis have recognized the need to prepare students at an early age, and the power of real-world connections in the process. The authors advocate for this approach to be expanded. They describe how STEM pedagogy, priority industry clusters, cross-sector collaboration, and the local incarnations of global development challenges can be made to work together for the good of all citizens in local communities. This book will be of interest to government policymakers, school administrators, industry executives, and non-profit executives. The book will be useful as a reference to teachers, professors, industry professional volunteers, non-profit staff, and program leaders who are developing, running, or teaching in STEM programs or working to improve quality of life in their communities.

Oxford IB Skills and Practice: Economics for the IB Diploma (PDF)

by Constantine Ziogas

Economics Skills and Practice is aimed at the new 2011 Economics Diploma programme and is suitable for Higher and Standard level. Packed full of examples and activities this new series takes the IB student step-by-step through the essential skills development needed to be successful in the course and examination. Special attention is paid to unpacking the language of the subject with plenty of workbook-style exercises to engage students and reinforce the lessons learnt in the course. Detailed guidance on the new mathematical elements of the Higher Level syllabus will provide extra reinforcement and build confidence.

Evil Children in Religion, Literature, and Art (Cross Currents in Religion and Culture)

by E. Ziolkowski

Evil Children in Religion, Literature and Art explores the genesis, development, and religious significance of a literary and iconographic motif, involving a gang of urchins, usually male, who mock or assault a holy or eccentric person, typically an adult. Originating in the biblical tale of Elisha's mockery (2 Kings 2.23-24), this motif recurs in literature, hagiography, and art, from antiquity up to our own time, strikingly defying the conventional Judeo-Christian and Romantic image of the child as a symbol of innocence.

Bau Dir Deine Zukunft: Ein Anstiftungs- und Umsetzungsbuch für ein großartiges Leben

by Silvia Ziolkowski

Dieses Anstiftungs- und Umsetzungsbuch lädt Sie ein, sich ausführlich und sehr fokussiert mit den Themen Vision und Zukunft zu befassen. Es geht um Ihr eigenes "Warum?" und ein neues Lebenszuhause, in dem Sie künftig wohnen wollen und werden. Das Fundament bilden Ihre Einstellungen und Überzeugungen: „Seien Sie beseelt genug, um an Ihre Vision zu glauben, und bekloppt genug, um die Gegenwart zu ändern, damit sie wahr wird.“Das Buch nimmt dem schillernden Begriff Vision den Schrecken und stellt eine wirkungsvolle Methode der Lebensplanung vor: das Zukunftshaus®. Dabei geht es um ein einfaches, sehr klares Konzept. Dreizehn Interviews unterstreichen, dass dieser Ansatz funktioniert. Sie zeigen, dass Lebenswege selten gerade sind und machen Ihnen Mut, Ihre eigenen Wege zu finden – und zu beschreiten.Die Interviewpartner:Sabine Asgodom - Mike Fischer - Bianca Fuhrmann - Dieter Härthe - Antje Heimsoeth - Dr. Christoph Heinen - Wiestaw Kramski - Svea Kuschel - Stephan Landsiedel - Christine Lassen - Matthias H. Lehner - Andreas Nau - Anke Wirnsperger

Bau Dir Deine Zukunft: Ein Anstiftungs- und Umsetzungsbuch für ein großartiges Leben

by Silvia Ziolkowski

Dieses Anstiftungs- und Umsetzungsbuch lädt Sie ein, sich sehr fokussiert mit Ihrer Wunschzukunft zu befassen. Es geht um Ihr eigenes „Warum?" und ein neues Lebenszuhause, in dem Sie künftig wohnen wollen und werden. Statten Sie Ihr Leben mit viel Energie und ein wenig Magie aus: „Seien Sie beseelt genug, um an Ihre Vision zu glauben, und bekloppt genug, um die Gegenwart zu ändern, damit sie wahr wird.“Dieses Buch nimmt dem schillernden Begriff Vision den Schrecken und stellt eine wirkungsvolle Methode der Lebensplanung vor: das Zukunftshaus®. 13 Interviews unterstreichen, dass dieses klare Konzept funktioniert. Sie zeigen, dass Lebenswege selten gerade sind und machen Ihnen Mut, Ihre eigenen Wege zu finden - und zu beschreiten. Die überarbeitete 2. Auflage wurde um einen nützlichen Werkzeugkasten mit Online-Tools und Übungen für Ihr Zukunftsmuskeltraining ergänzt. Sabine Asgodom - Mike Fischer - Bianca Fuhrmann - Dieter Härthe - Antje Heimsoeth - Dr. Christoph Heinen - Wiestaw Kramski - Svea Kuschel - Stephan Landsiedel - Christine Lassen - Matthias H. Lehner - Andreas Nau - Anke Wirnsperger

Electrocardiography of Arrhythmias: A Companion to Cardiac Electrophysiology

by Douglas P. Zipes Mithilesh Kumar Das

Easy to read and abundantly illustrated, Electrocardiography of Arrhythmias: A Comprehensive Review, 2nd Edition, provides the core knowledge and clinical competencies you need to accurately interpret ECGs in preparation for cardiology boards and clinical practice. World-renowned cardiologists Mithilesh K. Das and Douglas P. Zipes offer a concise yet definitive review of all the ECG basics with realistic scenarios and detailed explanations for a wide range of ECG applications. Use this outstanding review tool alone or as a companion to Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside.Provides a solid understanding of normal electrocardiograms and common abnormal findings, preparing you to accurately interpret ECGs and ace the ECG part of cardiology boards or the ABIM ICE ECG certifying exam.Contains realistic cases that simulate the clinical exam experience, and each ECG includes a brief clinical history in board format. Features more than 250 ECGs that demonstrate virtually any arrhythmia you’re likely to encounter. Includes new ECGs covering intracardiac electrophysiology, atrial fibrillation, ablation of many arrhythmias, arrhythmias associated with valvular surgery, idiopathic PVCs, arrhythmias associated with structural heart disease, ARVC, Brugada syndrome, and others. Covers key topics such as AV conduction abnormalities, complex atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, and inherited arrhythmia syndromes.

Organisationsentwicklung und Fachlichkeit: Eine Fallstudie zur Neustrukturierung von Beratungsdiensten im Jugendamt (Forschung und Entwicklung in der Erziehungswissenschaft)

by Mirjana Zipperle

Soziale Dienste stehen unter zunehmendem Veränderungsdruck, dem häufig mit Organisationsentwicklungsprozessen begegnet wird. Mirjana Zipperle untersucht am Beispiel eines Neustrukturierungsprozesses eines Allgemeinem Sozialdienstes und einer Erziehungsberatungsstelle in einem Jugendamt inwiefern über Organisationsveränderung fachliche Entwicklungen initiiert werden.

The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Torts (Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law)

by Benjamin C. Zipursky John C.P. Goldberg

Torts--personal injury law--is a fundamental yet controversial part of our legal system. The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Torts provides a clear and comprehensive account of what tort law is, how it works, what it stands to accomplish, and why it is now much-disputed. Goldberg and Zipursky--two of the world's most prominent tort scholars--carefully analyze leading judicial decisions and prominent tort-related legislation, and place each event into its proper context. Topics covered include products liability, negligence, medical malpractice, intentional torts, defamation and privacy torts, punitive damages, and tort reform.

Phänomenologien der Identität: Human-, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Analysen

by Jörg Zirfas Benjamin Jörissen

Die Grundidee des Buches besteht darin, strukturelle Dimensionen der Identitätsvorstellungen auf phänomenologische und anthropologische Sachverhalte zu beziehen, d.h. nicht die Frage nach der Identität zu stellen, sondern diejenigen Themenfelder zu rekonstruieren, die als konstitutiv für den Identitätsbegriff betrachtet werden müssen. Identität erscheint in diesem Sinne weniger als ein fest umrissenes Konzept oder Modell, sondern als ein phänomenologisches Prisma, ein problematisierendes Diskursfeld: Denn es sind die Schwierigkeiten des modernen Lebens, die es notwendig erscheinen lassen, auf den Gedanken der Identität zu rekurrieren.

Produktiver Umgang mit Spannungsfeldern und Grenzen in der Projektarbeit: Handlungsempfehlungen aus der Praxis (essentials)

by Michael Zirkler Christian Bachmann

Projektleitende erleben vielfältige Spannungsfelder in ihrer Arbeit und sind dabei besonders exponiert. Das Buch erklärt die verschiedenen Spannungsfelder, denen Projektverantwortliche ausgesetzt sind und zeigt, wie ein nachhaltiger Umgang über Grenzmanagement gelingen kann, damit die anspruchsvolle Aufgabe mit Freude, Erfolg und bleibender Gesundheit erledigt werden kann. Praktische Hinweise zur produktiven und nachhaltigen Gestaltung der Projektleitungsrolle werden aus Sicht der Praxis vorgestellt.

Kohlberg Revisited (Moral Development and Citizenship Education)

by Boris Zizek Detlef Garz Ewa Nowak

“I could easily say, what a timely book, but the truth is that Kohlberg is for the ages, which means any time is worthwhile to revisit his work. So, in that sense, let us ask, what aspects of his work in Moral Development and Moral Education are timely today? One answer can be found in the Kohlberg Lounge on the sixth floor of Larsen Hall, which I have the privilege to visit every day. Placed there in 1987, a plaque in his honor states: In memory of Lawrence Kohlberg: In this room where ideas are born through discussion and tested through debate Let us listen and speak with the same respect that he gave to all In 2015, the emphasis on discussion and debate has reached beyond moral development to all aspects of pedagogy, from literacy to history education and beyond. And, in an era of fast and slow thinking, this book reminds us that ethical reflection, self-awareness, and a social conscience are the three malleable developmental skills that allow us all to be truly human. Kohlberg then, Kohlberg now, Kohlberg forever.” – Robert L. Selman, Harvard University (Roy Edward Larsen Professor of Education and Human Development, Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry) “This book about one of the giants of psychology is very timely. There is a whole generation of students and scholars that is growing up with a knowledge about moral development without learning about the roots of the field. This is not a matter of nostalgia or ‘attributional justice,’ but one of missing out on a fountain of knowledge and insight that has not been surpassed in its depth and breadth. This book should become required reading for students in the social sciences that should begin to ask the questions that would require their teachers to ‘read up.’” – Gil Noam, Harvard Medical School (Founder and Director of the Program in Education, Afterschool & Resiliency (PEAR)) “Kohlberg’s theory of moral developmental might be more relevant today than ever, given increasing worries about the fragmentation and declining solidarity in modern Western society. But does the theory hold up in light of old criticisms and new questions and methods? The chapters, by leading scholars in the field of moral development, introduce new generations of moral psychologists, philosophers, and educators to Kohlberg’s work, by addressing strengths and weaknesses and suggesting ways to move forward. A must read for anyone interested in moral education.” – Jan Boom, Utrecht University (Chair of the Kuhmerker Dissertation Award Committee)

Computer Science and Education in Computer Science: 18th EAI International Conference, CSECS 2022, On-Site and Virtual Event, June 24-27, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #450)

by Tanya Zlateva Rossitza Goleva

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 18th EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, CSECS 2022, held in June 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held On-Site and virtually.The 15 full papers and 9 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The papers present are grouped into 2 tracks, i.e., computer science implementations and education in computer science. CSECS conference presents research in software engineering and information systems design, cryptography, the theoretical foundation of the algorithms, and implementation of machine learning and big data technologies. Another important topic of the conference is the education in computer science which includes the introduction and evaluation of computing programs, curricula, and online courses, to syllabus, laboratories, teaching, and pedagogy aspects. The technical and education topics evolved multiple existing and emerging technologies, solutions, and services for design and training providing a heterogeneous approach towards delivering Software 4.0 and Education 4.0 to a broad range of citizens and societies.

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