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Showing 88,351 through 88,375 of 89,079 results

Leadership de l’infirmière en pratique avancée : une perspective globale (Advanced Practice in Nursing)

by Susan B. Hassmiller Joyce Pulcini

Ce livre, rédigé sous les auspices du Conseil international des infirmières, se distingue par l’accent qu’il met sur le leadership des infirmières en pratique avancée (IPA) au niveau mondial. Il présente une structure unique qui souligne l’importance de ce leadership en incluant des études de cas provenant de diverses régions du monde. Cet ouvrage, à la fois utile et pratique, explore le leadership clinique, académique et politique et s’adresse à tout lecteur concerné par cette thématique en plein essor. En outre, une section est dévolue au développement du leadership axé sur le coaching et le mentorat, l’entreprenariat, la collaboration et la défense des patients. Les auteurs sont des leaders éminents dans le domaine de l’exercice infirmier en pratique avancée issus de différentes régions du monde, accompagnés d’auteurs plus juniors, futurs leaders, qui bénéficient de leur mentorat. Ce livre séduira les infirmières en pratique avancée qu’elles soient en pratique clinique, étudiantes, ou encore leaders émergentes qui souhaitent bénéficier des enseignements dégagés des expériences mondiales pour s’en inspirer dans leur activité. C’est une ressource indispensable dans la bibliothèque de tout leader infirmier en pratique avancée, utile à tous les stades de son développement et ce, partout dans le monde. Ce livre a été traduit de l’anglais. La traduction a été réalisée à l’aide d’une intelligence artificielle. Une révision par un expert du domaine a ensuite été effectuée, principalement en termes de contenu.

Researching Mathematical Modelling Education in Disruptive Times (International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling)

by Gabriele Kaiser Hans-Stefan Siller Vince Geiger

This edited volume documents research on mathematical modelling education, before, during, and after the Covid 19 pandemic. Mathematical modelling is essential for understanding natural and human generated phenomena, and informs decision-making about events such as the pandemic, climate change, and other disruptive events. Communication to the public, often by the media, makes use of mathematical modelling to justify changes to public policy, as seen during the COVID-19 crisis. Consequently, mathematical modelling has assumed an increasingly prominent role in curricula internationally, providing opportunities to understand how it is used in current circumstances and to plan for the needs of future societies. This book focuses on research on mathematical modelling education and its implementation at school and tertiary level. Contributions to the book and point to directions for further innovation in mathematical modelling education. Authors of this volume are members of the International Community of Teachers of Mathematical Modelling, the peak research body for the teaching and learning of mathematical modelling.

Practical Cookery for the Level 2 Professional Cookery Diploma, 3rd edition

by Patricia Paskins Ketharanathan Vasanthan Gary Farrelly Neil Rippington Steve Thorpe Professor David Foskett Ben Christopherson

Master culinary skills and prepare for assessment with the book which professional chefs have relied on for over 50 years to match the qualification and support their training and careers.With 460 recipes covering both classic dishes and the latest methods used in real, Michelin-starred kitchens, this book is structured exactly around the units and requirements of the Level 2 Professional Cookery Diploma (VRQ) to make perfecting culinary techniques, meeting the qualification requirements and preparing for assessments easier than ever before.- Break down key techniques with 50 step-by-step photo sequences- Hone your presentation skills with photos of each recipe- Test your understanding with questions at the end of each unit- Prepare for assignments, written tests and synoptic assessments with the new assessment section- Access professional demonstration videos with links throughout the book

Planning Primary English: How to Design and Teach Brilliant Lessons

by Kirstie Hewett

Effective lesson planning is a crucial skill for all primary school teachers and is key to fostering engaging and focused learning. So how can new teachers ensure that their plans are motivating and impactful so that their students can make good progress? This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for planning dynamic and effective English lessons and clearly explains key principles and concepts that underpin effective teaching in all aspects of the primary English curriculum. Covering a wide range of topics, this book discusses how to plan compelling lessons on teaching phonics, comprehension, grammar, spoken language and more, as well as adaptive teaching for an inclusive classroom. It identifies the key decisions new teachers, who are planning their own lessons for the first time, must consider to execute well-structured lessons and suggests how these can be tailored to meet the needs of all learners. Whether you′re on a university-based path (PGCE, BEd, BA with QTS) or exploring school-based routes (School Direct, SCITT, Teach First), or an Early Career Teacher, this book is essential reading to transforming lesson planning from a challenge into a creative and effective teaching tool. Kirstie Hewett is a senior lecturer in primary English at the University of Chichester.

Planning Primary English: How to Design and Teach Brilliant Lessons

by Kirstie Hewett

Effective lesson planning is a crucial skill for all primary school teachers and is key to fostering engaging and focused learning. So how can new teachers ensure that their plans are motivating and impactful so that their students can make good progress? This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for planning dynamic and effective English lessons and clearly explains key principles and concepts that underpin effective teaching in all aspects of the primary English curriculum. Covering a wide range of topics, this book discusses how to plan compelling lessons on teaching phonics, comprehension, grammar, spoken language and more, as well as adaptive teaching for an inclusive classroom. It identifies the key decisions new teachers, who are planning their own lessons for the first time, must consider to execute well-structured lessons and suggests how these can be tailored to meet the needs of all learners. Whether you′re on a university-based path (PGCE, BEd, BA with QTS) or exploring school-based routes (School Direct, SCITT, Teach First), or an Early Career Teacher, this book is essential reading to transforming lesson planning from a challenge into a creative and effective teaching tool. Kirstie Hewett is a senior lecturer in primary English at the University of Chichester.

Kompetenzen kommunikativen Handelns im Kontext mediatisierter Digitalität: Theoriegeleitete Entwicklung eines Kompetenzstrukturmodells für die Lehrkräftebildung (Digitale Gesellschaft #68)

by Ann-Kathrin Maria Watolla

In einer digital durchdrungenen Welt steht die Medienpädagogik vor fundamentalen Umwälzungen: Die Trennung zwischen digital und nicht-digital verschwindet zugunsten einer Hybridität, die als mediatisierte Digitalität grundlegenden Einfluss auf unsere Wahrnehmung der Welt sowie unsere kommunikativen Praktiken ausübt. Eingebettet in den medienpädagogischen Kompetenzdiskurs stellt Ann-Kathrin Maria Watolla Kompetenzen kommunikativen Handelns in der mediatisierten Digitalität heraus. Mit dem daraus resultierenden Kompetenzmodell leistet sie einen wegweisenden Beitrag für die Bewältigung der aktuellen Herausforderungen und gibt Orientierung für die Zukunft der Lehrkräftebildung.

Forschendes Entwerfen: Design-Based Research in der Hochschuldidaktik (Zukunft der Hochschule #7)

by Gabi Reinmann Dominikus Herzberg Alexa Brase

Wer Design-Based Research (DBR) im Kontext der Hochschullehre praktiziert, braucht Orientierung. Die Autor*innen bieten sie: Mit dem Forschenden Entwerfen stellen sie eine theoretisch begründete und an die Hochschuldidaktik angepasste Form von DBR vor. Heuristiken und Instrumente unterstützen in den verschiedenen Dimensionen des Forschungshandelns und helfen dabei, Entscheidungen reflektiert zu treffen sowie eigene Stärken zu nutzen. Prägnante Empfehlungen, z.B. zu Qualitätsstandards oder Ergebniskommunikation, und ein weiterführendes Literaturverzeichnis runden das Handbuch ab und machen es zum idealen didaktischen Begleiter für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen und Hochschullehrende.

Migration und Recht auf Bildung: Die Rolle des Aufenthaltsstatus beim Zugang zum Schulsystem (Bildungsforschung #26)

by B. Johanna Funck

Wie wird der menschenrechtlich gebotene Anspruch auf Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche umgesetzt, die im Schulalter nach Deutschland migriert sind und aufenthaltsrechtlich unterschiedlich positioniert werden? B. Johanna Funck nimmt den Prozess des Schulzugangs und der Platzierung im Sekundarschulwesen in den Blick. Hierzu befragt sie, ausgehend von den Erfahrungen migrierter Eltern, auch beteiligte Institutionen wie Behörden, Unterkünfte für Geflüchtete und Schulen. Die multiperspektivische Studie im »Follow-the-People«-Design legt Chancen und Barrieren für die Bildungsbeteiligung dar und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Rechtssoziologie, Migrationsforschung und Erziehungswissenschaft.

Prospects and Challenges for Caribbean Societies in and Beyond COVID-19

by Talia Esnard Camille Huggins Shelene Gomes Wendell C. Wallace Christine Descartes

This book presents contributions from a multidisciplinary team of researchers who analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and prospects for the Caribbean region. This book examines experiences, and responses to the pandemic in the region as well as some of the lessons that can be leveraged on beyond the pandemic. The volume is organized into four parts. Part I offers perspectives on the structural factors that influenced the Caribbean's experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. Part II delves into the social and psychological dimensions of the pandemic's impact in the region, offering specific examples. Part III explores the ramifications of the pandemic on crime and violence. And Part IV is dedicated to analyzing the regional and national responses to the pandemic. Prospects and Challenges for Caribbean Societies in and beyond COVID-19 will be of interest to researchers in a wide range of disciplines within the Social and Behavioral Sciences interested in studies about the Caribbean. It also aims to serve as a source of information and inspiration for researchers, practitioners and decision makers interested in contributing to the development of the Caribbean region.

Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature: Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture, (ISoLEC, 2023), July 07—08, 2023, Malang, Indonesia

This book contains the proceedings of The International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2023, an annual conference hosted by the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. With the theme, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature, ISoLEC aims to address key issues such as inclusive education in language, arts, and culture, sustainable education in language, arts, and culture, post-pandemic teaching and learning practices, corpus-based language, teaching and research, language in media, gender and identity, pop contemporary and digital culture, culture and spirituality, multilingualism and translanguaging, visual and performing arts, oral tradition and local culture, and digital literacy and information science. This book is a collection of selected articles that were presented at the conference covering issues of arts, language, and cultures. This conference addressed a range of relevant topics including:· Inclusive Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Sustainable Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Post Pandemic Teaching and Learning Practices· Corpus-Based Language, Teaching and Research· Language in Media· Gender and Identity· Pop, Contemporary and Digital Culture· Culture and Spirituality· Multilingualism and Translanguaging· Visual and Performing Arts· Oral Tradition & Local Culture· Digital Literacy and Information ScienceThis proceeding will be of interest to students, lecturers, teachers, and academics who are interested in developing their knowledge in the field of language, education, and culture. Specifically, this book will be an interesting read for those who want to reimagine the inclusive and sustainable education.

Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature: Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture, (ISoLEC, 2023), July 07—08, 2023, Malang, Indonesia

by Sari Karmina Kusubakti Andajani Lidya Amalia Rahmania

This book contains the proceedings of The International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 2023, an annual conference hosted by the Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. With the theme, Inclusive, Sustainable, and Transformational Education in Arts and Literature, ISoLEC aims to address key issues such as inclusive education in language, arts, and culture, sustainable education in language, arts, and culture, post-pandemic teaching and learning practices, corpus-based language, teaching and research, language in media, gender and identity, pop contemporary and digital culture, culture and spirituality, multilingualism and translanguaging, visual and performing arts, oral tradition and local culture, and digital literacy and information science. This book is a collection of selected articles that were presented at the conference covering issues of arts, language, and cultures. This conference addressed a range of relevant topics including:· Inclusive Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Sustainable Education in Language, Arts, & Culture· Post Pandemic Teaching and Learning Practices· Corpus-Based Language, Teaching and Research· Language in Media· Gender and Identity· Pop, Contemporary and Digital Culture· Culture and Spirituality· Multilingualism and Translanguaging· Visual and Performing Arts· Oral Tradition & Local Culture· Digital Literacy and Information ScienceThis proceeding will be of interest to students, lecturers, teachers, and academics who are interested in developing their knowledge in the field of language, education, and culture. Specifically, this book will be an interesting read for those who want to reimagine the inclusive and sustainable education.

Brilliant Teaching Assistant (Brilliant)

by Louise Burnham

Outlining the key teaching assistant duties and responsibilities, and illustrated with examples, practical case studies and helpful tips, this book is your essential guide to excelling as a teaching assistant.

Fehler im Griff: Fehlleistungen begreifen. Fehlertypen unterscheiden. Fehlerursachen vermeiden.

by Martin Sauerland

Dieses Buch enthält alles, was Sie über Fehler, Fehlerursachen, vor allem aber über die Möglichkeiten der Vermeidung von Fehlern bei typischen Bürotätigkeiten wissen müssen. Sie kennen es (natürlich nur vom Hörensagen): Die Originalvorlage im Kopierer liegen lassen, eine E-Mail ohne den erforderlichen Anhang versenden, eine vertrauliche Nachricht falsch adressieren, eine Rechnung über 17683 € statt über 17863 € ausstellen oder eine Stelle mit einer inkompetenten Person besetzen – menschliche Fehlleistungen sind ärgerlich, zumeist auch peinlich, zuweilen auch enorm kostspielig. Im Rahmen zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Analysen sind wir den Häufigkeiten, Typen, Ursachen und Bewältigungsmöglichkeiten solcher Heimsuchungen auf den Grund gegangen. Die Befunde werden auf beispielhafte, anschauliche und amüsante Weise vorgestellt. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den tieferliegenden motivationalen Fehlerursachen. Die Berücksichtigung dieser energetischen Komponente ermöglicht es nämlich, neue und wirkmächtige Strategien zur Vermeidung von Fehlern in einer immer komplexer und dynamischer werdenden Arbeitswelt zu entwickeln. Die entsprechenden Methoden können von Mitarbeitenden und Führungskräften niedrigschwellig, unmittelbar und selbstgesteuert angewendet werden. Vielleicht ist es durch authentisch-motiviertes Handeln sogar möglich, so etwas wie subjektiv erlebte Fehlerfreiheit zu erreichen. Doch lesen Sie selbst! Zum Autor: Dr. Martin Sauerland, Professor für Arbeit und Organisation an der Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Finanzen in Ludwigsburg.

An Introduction To Behavioral Endocrinology, Sixth Edition (Sinauer Ser.)

by Randy J. Nelson Lance J. Kriegsfeld

The market-leading text, An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology, Sixth Edition provides an updated, integrated presentation of the study of hormone-behavior-brain interactions. Maintaining a comparative approach, the text explores the endocrine mechanisms that have evolved in both human and nonhuman animals to solve common problems in survival and reproduction. The text describes interactions among hormones, brain, and behavior from a historical perspective, emphasizing connections among key theories and tracing the emergence of important hypotheses. The book is organized around the conceptual theme that hormones affect behavior by influencing one or more of three "components" of behaving animals--input mechanisms (such as sensory or perceptual processes), the central processing mechanisms of the nervous system (either directly, or by affecting its development or structure), and output mechanisms (such as effectors or peripheral structures). Despite increased coverage of molecular and cellular approaches, the book strives for accessibility for non-biological science students. An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology, Sixth Edition, is appropriate for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in psychology, biology, anthropology, or zoology. It contains several important pedagogical features: *Learning objectives are set out at the beginning of each chapter and now include 3 multiple choice questions per objective in the enhanced ebook. *Learning Activity in each chapter (new to this edition) *Key terms are defined in the margins throughout the text. *The text is richly illustrated with color photographs and drawings. *Chapter-end summaries restate important points. *Discussion questions and suggested further readings are also included in each chapter. *The text contains nearly 2,400 references to the literature in behavioral endocrinology. RESOURCES For Students As with previous editions, the book is accompanied by animations, video, web links, sound files, a complete glossary, and graphics--accessible via Oxford Learning Link--to aid in understanding the material in the text. This edition will also include an enhanced ebook. For Instructors -The Instructor's Resource Library includes electronic versions of all the textbook's figures and tables. All images are provided as both high- and low-resolution JPEGs, formatted and optimized for excellent legibility when projected. All figures and tables are also provided in ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations. -The Test Bank includes multiple-choice, short-answer, and essay questions for each chapter of the textbook. Prepared by the author, these questions are a helpful resource that can greatly speed the process of preparing exams and quizzes for the course.

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Feminism, Anarchism 2nd Edition

by Richard Kelly Neil McNaughton Maria Egan

These Student's Books will help students understand the core ideas and principles behind the political ideologies, and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy.- Comprehensive coverage of the ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism and Anarchism- Definitions of key terms and concepts to help clarify knowledge and understanding of political language- Exam focus sections at the end of each chapter to test and develop understanding of key topics, offering practice for short and long essay questions

AQA GCSE History: Health And The People Epub

by Alf Wilkinson

Exam Board: AQALevel: GCSESubject: HistoryFirst Teaching: September 2016First Exam: June 2018AQA approvedCreate a stimulating, well-paced teaching route through the 2016 GCSE History specification using this tailor-made series that draws on a legacy of market-leading history textbooks and the individual subject specialisms of the author team to inspire student success.- Motivate your students to deepen their subject knowledge through an engaging and thought-provoking narrative that makes historical concepts accessible and interesting to today's learners- Embed progressive skills development in every lesson with carefully designed Focus Tasks that encourage students to question, analyse and interpret key topics- Take students' historical understanding to the next level by using a wealth of original contemporary source material to encourage wider reflection on different periods- Help your students achieve their potential at GCSE with revision tips and practice questions geared towards the changed assessment model, plus useful advice to aid exam preparation- Confidently navigate the new AQA specification using the expert insight of experienced authors and teachers with examining experience

Family Oral History Across the World (Practicing Oral History)

by Mary Louise Contini Gordon

Family Oral History Across the World presents a process for memorializing family histories, bringing together established oral history standards, exploratory research, and narrative data analysis.Based on and using a prequestionnaire and over 40 recorded interviews with people from across six continents, the analysis system used in the book presents material from these interviews that brings alive the experience of the family history journey. One of the guiding principles is to encourage readers to interview family members, but also others outside the family unit, and to produce a family history in whatever format works. The book illustrates this through the inclusion of many unusual formats and stories uncovered. The book is divided into a number of themes that emerged through the analysis of numerical questionnaire and narrative interview data. Parts I, II, and III cover changing family demography, case studies, and factors such as memory, emotion, and ethics. Part IV offers a pliable process and practice guide with input and examples from interviews. It also discusses developing approaches to presenting oral histories from both oral historians and other interviewers and writers, such as journalists.With case studies as well as example guidelines and templates, this volume is ideal both for academics interested in family history as well as professional genealogists and families themselves.

A Surrealist Stratigraphy of Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm (Studies in Surrealism)

by Catriona McAra

In A Surrealist Stratigraphy of Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm, Catriona McAra offers the first critical study of the literary work of the celebrated American painter and sculptor Dorothea Tanning (1910–2012). McAra fills a major gap in the scholarship, repositioning Tanning’s writing at the centre of her entire creative oeuvre and focusing on a little-known short story "Abyss," a gothic-flavoured, desert adventure which Tanning worked on intermittently throughout her creative life, finally publishing it in 2004 as Chasm: A Weekend.McAra performs a major reassessment of the visual and literary principles upon which the surrealist movement was initially founded. Combining a groundbreaking methodological approach with reference to cultural theory and feminist aesthetics as well as Tanning’s unpublished journals and notes, McAra reveals Tanning as a key player in contemporary art practice as well as in the historical surrealist milieu.

The Writing Revolution 2.0: A Guide to Advancing Thinking Through Writing in All Subjects and Grades

by Natalie Wexler Judith C. Hochman

Lead a writing revolution in your classroom with the proven Hochman Method Building on the success of the original best-seller, this new edition of The Writing Revolution adds valuable guidance for teachers seeking a way to bring their students' writing ability up to rigorous state standards. As thousands of educators have already discovered, The Writing Revolution provides the road map they need, clearly explaining how to incorporate the Hochman Method into their instruction, no matter what subject or grade they're teaching and regardless of the ability level of their students. The new edition provides a reorganized sequence of activities and even more student-facing examples, making it easier than ever to bring the method to your classroom. The Writing Revolution isn't a separate curriculum or program teachers need to juggle. Rather, it is a method providing strategies and activities that teachers can adapt to their preexisting curriculum and weave into their content instruction. By focusing on specific techniques that match their students' needs and providing them with targeted feedback, The Writing Revolution can turn weak writers into strong and confident communicators. In addition, the method can: Identify misconceptions and gaps in knowledge Boost reading comprehension and learning Improve organizational skills Enrich oral language Develop analytical abilities The Writing Revolution takes the mystery out of teaching students to write well.

Twelfth Knight: a YA romantic comedy from the bestselling author of The Atlas Six

by Alexene Farol Follmuth

From the New York Times-bestselling author of The Atlas Six comes Twelfth Knight, a grumpy/sunshine YA romantic comedy and coming of age story. Featuring gorgeous inside cover artwork.Viola and Jack do not get along.Popular Jack Orsino is the worst Student Body President Viola Reyes has ever seen, and his lackadaisical attitude is just one more thing on Vi’s long list of things to be annoyed about.Her only escape? The online role-playing game Twelfth Knight – where she creates a masculine alter-ego in order to be taken seriously in the gaming world.When a football injury leads Jack to start playing Twelfth Knight too, their two worlds are set to collide. And as it becomes increasingly difficult for Vi to hide her true identity, Jack might just be falling for her offline . . .‘What a joy this book was, I found myself literally kicking my feet and screaming’ - Faridah àbíké-íyímídé - The New York times-bestselling author of Ace of SpadesAlexene Farol Follmuth is the globally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, under her adult pseudonym Olivie Blake.

Creative Sound Play for Young Learners: A Teacher’s Guide to Enhancing Transition Times, Classroom Communities, SEL, and Executive Function Skills

by Hayes Greenfield

This fun and engaging guide invites you to use sound-making as a collaborative, play-based practice in your early childhood classroom—first to transform tricky transition times and ultimately to support your children’s executive functioning development and social-emotional learning. The book offers techniques and ideas for every teacher to reach every child in their classroom including verbal, nonverbal, and special needs children. Easy to integrate into all standard early years curricula, it focuses on three basic elements of sound: pitch, volume, and duration. The book features an "overview of the school year" calendar and an implementation guide, in addition to a variety of suggested sound-making activities that start out simply and, through the course of the book, expand to engage children’s creativity in more dynamic ways. Creative Sound Play for Young Learners is key reading for any preschool teacher, leader, or parent.

Creative Sound Play for Young Learners: A Teacher’s Guide to Enhancing Transition Times, Classroom Communities, SEL, and Executive Function Skills

by Hayes Greenfield

This fun and engaging guide invites you to use sound-making as a collaborative, play-based practice in your early childhood classroom—first to transform tricky transition times and ultimately to support your children’s executive functioning development and social-emotional learning. The book offers techniques and ideas for every teacher to reach every child in their classroom including verbal, nonverbal, and special needs children. Easy to integrate into all standard early years curricula, it focuses on three basic elements of sound: pitch, volume, and duration. The book features an "overview of the school year" calendar and an implementation guide, in addition to a variety of suggested sound-making activities that start out simply and, through the course of the book, expand to engage children’s creativity in more dynamic ways. Creative Sound Play for Young Learners is key reading for any preschool teacher, leader, or parent.

Routledge Handbook of African Social Work Education (Routledge International Handbooks)

This timely Routledge Handbook creates a much-needed space to explore what makes social work uniquely African, as well as shaping, informing, and influencing a new culturally relevant era of social work. The specific focus on social work education offers approaches to transition away from the hegemony of Western literature, knowledge, and practice models underpinning African social work education. The authors identify what is relevant and meaningful to inform, influence, and reconceptualise culturally relevant social work curriculum. Covering Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, the Handbook comprises both empirical and conceptual chapters, multiple approaches, case studies, and key debates on social work education. It is structured in four parts:• Approaches to Indigenising, Decolonising and Developing Culturally Relevant Social Work Education• Social Work Education: Evolution across Contexts• Embedding Field Practicum into Social Work Education• Knowledge Exchange between the Global South and Global North.The range of indigenous, local knowledge that the Handbook presents is crucial to social work evolving and facilitating for reciprocal learning and knowledge exchange between the Global South and Global North. Whilst the context of the Handbook is Africa, the topics covered are relevant to a global audience engaged in social justice work across social work, social welfare, social development, and sustainability.

SEND Strategies for the Primary Years: Practical ideas and expert advice to use pre-diagnosis

by Georgina Durrant

With as many as 13% of children in schools in England receiving some form of SEN support, and waiting times of up to 3-5 years for a child to receive a formal diagnosis, there is a critical need for strategies teachers can use in the classroom and parents can use at home now. SEND Strategies for the Primary Years is the solution you've been looking for!The book gives teachers (and parents!) practical strategies that they can put in place while they wait for diagnoses, assessment or support. The strategies are practical, easy to implement and resource. Relevant to children who may be impacted by a range of SEND including autism, PDA, ADHD, dyslexia, DCD, dyscalculia, sensory processing differences, speech, language and communication needs and more. The book is split into seven areas of difficulties and provides the relevant support for:– Speech, language and communication– Literacy– Numeracy– Motor skills – Emotional regulation – Sensory differences– Concentration and organisation.Each chapter contains simple, effective actions to differentiate and improve learning outcomes for pupils who need more support in the classroom as well as at home. Each activity is supported by a demonstrative video, accessible via QR code. This book and the strategies can be used by any teacher or parent, not just SEND specialists.Georgina Durrant is a former teacher and SENDCO and the founder of The SEN Resources Blog, a leading SEND website in the UK, and this book features her trademark neuro-affirmative, supportive approach throughout.

SEND Strategies for the Primary Years: Practical ideas and expert advice to use pre-diagnosis

by Georgina Durrant

With as many as 13% of children in schools in England receiving some form of SEN support, and waiting times of up to 3-5 years for a child to receive a formal diagnosis, there is a critical need for strategies teachers can use in the classroom and parents can use at home now. SEND Strategies for the Primary Years is the solution you've been looking for!The book gives teachers (and parents!) practical strategies that they can put in place while they wait for diagnoses, assessment or support. The strategies are practical, easy to implement and resource. Relevant to children who may be impacted by a range of SEND including autism, PDA, ADHD, dyslexia, DCD, dyscalculia, sensory processing differences, speech, language and communication needs and more. The book is split into seven areas of difficulties and provides the relevant support for:– Speech, language and communication– Literacy– Numeracy– Motor skills – Emotional regulation – Sensory differences– Concentration and organisation.Each chapter contains simple, effective actions to differentiate and improve learning outcomes for pupils who need more support in the classroom as well as at home. Each activity is supported by a demonstrative video, accessible via QR code. This book and the strategies can be used by any teacher or parent, not just SEND specialists.Georgina Durrant is a former teacher and SENDCO and the founder of The SEN Resources Blog, a leading SEND website in the UK, and this book features her trademark neuro-affirmative, supportive approach throughout.

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