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Showing 88,751 through 88,775 of 89,203 results

A Special Kind of Grief: The Complete Guide for Supporting Bereavement and Loss in Special Schools (and Other SEND Settings)

by Sarah Helton

A toolkit for all special educational needs professionals, providing the resources to ensure that every special school is prepared to handle a pupil bereavement, as well as giving the knowledge and tools to effectively support bereaved children.

Sport und Selbstkonzept II: Differenzierung und Anwendung (Basiswissen Lernen im Sport)

by Rüdiger Heim

Seit langem wird dem Sport eine förderliche Wirkung auf das Selbstkonzept, insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter, zugeschrieben. Allerdings sind die entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Befunde mittlerweile weit verzweigt und unübersichtlich. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die sportbezogene Selbstkonzeptforschung und ihre theoretischen wie empirischen Erträge. Im Mittelpunkt dieses zweiten Bandes steht die Darstellung der charakteristischen Mechanismen der Selbstkonzeptentwicklung und der differenzierten Zusammenhänge mit dem Sportengagement, um empirisch und schulpädagogisch gestützte Schlussfolgerungen für den Sportunterricht zu empfehlen.

Algebraisches Denken im Arithmetikunterricht der Grundschule: Muster entdecken – Strukturen verstehen (Mathematik Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe I + II)

by Kathrin Akinwunmi Anna Susanne Steinweg

Dieses Buch thematisiert algebraisches Denken in der Grundschule als wesentlichen Kern der übergreifenden Leitidee „Muster, Strukturen und funktionaler Zusammenhang“ in den aktuellen KMK-Bildungsstandards.Für algebraische Lehr-Lernprozesse ist eine Unterscheidung zwischen sichtbaren Mustern und allgemeinen Strukturen wesentlich; eine solche wird hier vorgelegt und an vielen Beispielen konkretisiert: Muster machen aufmerksam und lassen neugierig werden. Die Suche nach Begründungen des Musters erwartet, die Tür zu dahinterliegenden Strukturen zu öffnen. Strukturen, d. h. die mathematischen Eigenschaften und Relationen, können so als ursächlich für die Regelmäßigkeit des Musters erkannt werden.Für die unterrichtliche Förderung und gezielte Unterstützung der algebraischen Denkentwicklung werden in diesem Buch einerseits Grundideen algebraischen Denkens für den Arithmetikunterricht ausgearbeitet und andererseits Prinzipien für Unterricht zu algebraischen Grundideen und ihr Zusammenspiel mit prozessbezogenen, allgemeinen Kompetenzen erläutert. Den vier algebraischen Grundideen folgend werden vielfältige, didaktisch aufbereitete Anregungen zur praktischen Umsetzung sowie jeweils entsprechendes Hintergrundwissen angeboten.Das Buch richtet sich an Lehramtsstudierende, an angehende und bereits praktizierende Lehrkräfte sowie an Personen, die in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung tätig sind.

Higher Education in an Age of Disruption: Comparing European Internationalisation Policies

by Anna P. Lohse

This book investigates European higher education internationalisation policies during a period marked by extreme upheaval due to Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic. Situating her analysis at the intersection of higher education research and policy studies, the author combines historical and sociological institutionalism to investigate how this time of disruption impacted higher education policies in England, France and Germany. Based on extensive qualitative data derived from expert interviews and document analysis, the study offers timely insights into dynamics of institutional change and stability in higher education governance, as well as implications for the future of cross-border education and internationalisation. The book will appeal to academics and students interested in education policy and the internationalisation of higher education.

Learning Technology for Education Challenges: 12th International Workshop, LTEC 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 29 – August 1, 2024, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2082)

by Lorna Uden Dario Liberona

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Technology for Education Challenges, LTEC 2024, held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, during July 29–August 1, 2024. The 26 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: serious games and virtual learning environments; learning practices and methodologies; learning technologies; learning processes and culture; e-learning and performance, and artificial intelligence and learning.

Sport und Selbstkonzept I: Grundlagen und Entwicklung (Basiswissen Lernen im Sport)

by Rüdiger Heim

Seit langem wird dem Sport eine förderliche Wirkung auf das Selbstkonzept, insbesondere im Kindes- und Jugendalter, zugeschrieben. Allerdings sind die entsprechenden wissenschaftlichen Befunde mittlerweile weit verzweigt und unübersichtlich. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt einen kompakten Überblick über die sportbezogene Selbstkonzeptforschung und ihre theoretischen wie empirischen Erträge. Im Mittelpunkt dieses ersten Bandes steht eine übersichtliche Darstellung des mehrdimensionalen Modells des Selbstkonzepts und seiner Entwicklung sowie der Bedeutung für das Sportengagement.

Systems Thinking for Sustainability Education in Business Schools (SpringerBriefs in Complexity)

by Hassan Qudrat-Ullah

This book delves into the current state and future prospects of systems thinking and sustainability education within business schools. It meticulously examines the trends and drivers shaping the demand and supply of such education, along with the implications and challenges it presents for various stakeholders and society at large. Strategic recommendations and suggestions are provided to elevate and propel systems thinking and sustainability education in business schools, outlining a visionary roadmap for the future. Furthermore, the book explores the intersectionality of sustainability and diversity in business education, offering examples and cases of visionary and innovative initiatives and projects in the field. Distinguished by special features such as illustrations, the book offers a comprehensive and integrative overview of the current landscape and future trajectories of systems thinking and sustainability education in business schools. The primary benefit for readers lies in gaining a deeper and broader understanding of systems thinking and sustainability education in business schools. It equips them with the knowledge to apply systems thinking and sustainability principles and tools to tackle the complex and wicked problems of the twenty-first century. Additionally, the book aims to inspire and inform business schools and their stakeholders to embrace and enhance systems thinking and sustainability education in their curricula and pedagogy, contributing to the advancement of sustainability and systems thinking in both business and society.

Status Quo: Legasthenie oder Dyskalkulie im Tertiärbereich Studium (Higher Education Research and Science Studies)

by Henrike Schmidtchen

Menschen mit Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie sind an deutschen Hochschulen stark unterrepräsentiert und die Forschung zu diesem Thema ist rar. Eine gleichberechtigte und diskriminierungsfreie Teilhabe von Studierenden mit studienerschwerenden Beeinträchtigungen gemäß der UN-Behindertenrechtskonventionen kann durch die Hochschulen allerdings nur sichergestellt werden, wenn wissenschaftlich fundierte Ergebnisse in den Prozess bis hin zur 2009 von der Hochschulrektorenkonferenz geforderten „Hochschule für alle“ einfließen. In diesem Buch wird untersucht, wie sich der Tertiärbereich Studium in der Bildungskarriere von Personen mit den Teilleistungsstörungen Legasthenie oder Dyskalkulie gestaltet und gibt damit erstmals einen Überblick über den Status Quo dieser Studierendengruppe. Die inhaltlich-strukturierende qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zeigt, dass Studierende mit Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie bereits hilfreiche individuelle Ressourcen beispielsweise in Form von Lern- und Copingstrategien nutzen und auch den an Hochschulen gesetzlich-verankerten Nachteilsausgleich teils als unterstützend empfinden. Dennoch sind die befragten Studierenden - nicht zuletzt durch die Covid-19-Pandemie – auf diversen Ebenen mit verschiedensten Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die zu psychischer Belastung und Studienerschwernissen führen können.

Reflektierte Zielsetzung: Ein Ansatz zur Persönlichkeits- und Führungskräfteentwicklung

by Cheryl J. Travers

Dieses Buch präsentiert erstmals einen umfassenden Überblick über das Modell des "Reflective Goal Setting", seinen theoretischen Rahmen und Ursprung sowie seine praktischen Anwendungen für die persönliche Entwicklung, verbesserte Bewältigung und Stressreduktion, akademisches Wachstum und Leistungsfähigkeit sowie Führung. In drei Teile gegliedert, untersucht die Autorin zunächst die besondere Bedeutung der persönlichen Entwicklung, insbesondere der Entwicklung von Soft Skills und zwischenmenschlichen Fähigkeiten. Unter Verwendung von Originalforschung und anschaulichen Fallstudien beschreibt die Autorin den zyklischen Fünf-Schritte-Prozess des "Reflective Goal Setting" in fünf Kapiteln, die Teil 2 des Buches bilden. Teil 3 untersucht die praktischen Anwendungen und Auswirkungen der Verwendung von "Reflective Goal Setting" anhand anschaulicher Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich Hochschulbildung, beruflicher Entwicklung und Führungskräfteentwicklung. Dieses Werk ist eine wertvolle Ressource für Forscher:innen und Praktiker:innen in den Bereichen Organisations- und Industriepsychologie, Bildung sowie Wirtschaft und Management sein - und für jede/n, der/die an der persönlichen Entwicklung arbeiten möchte.Die Übersetzung wurde mit Hilfe von künstlicher Intelligenz durchgeführt. Eine anschließende menschliche Überarbeitung erfolgte vor allem in Bezug auf den Inhalt.

Minds on Fire: How Role-Immersion Games Transform College

by Mark C. Carnes

A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the YearIn Minds on Fire, Mark C. Carnes shows how role-immersion games channel students’ competitive (and sometimes mischievous) impulses into transformative learning experiences. His discussion is based on interviews with scores of students and faculty who have used a pedagogy called Reacting to the Past, which features month-long games set during the French Revolution, Galileo’s trial, the partition of India, and dozens of other epochal moments in disciplines ranging from art history to the sciences. These games have spread to over three hundred campuses around the world, where many of their benefits defy expectations.“[Minds on Fire is] Carnes’s beautifully written apologia for this fascinating and powerful approach to teaching and learning in higher education. If we are willing to open our minds and explore student-centered approaches like Reacting [to the Past], we might just find that the spark of student engagement we have been searching for in higher education’s mythical past can catch fire in the classrooms of the present.”—James M. Lang, Chronicle of Higher Education“This book is a highly engaging and inspirational study of a ‘new’ technique that just might change the way educators bring students to learning in the 21st century.”—D. D. Bouchard, Choice

Stylish Academic Writing

by Helen Sword

Elegant data and ideas deserve elegant expression, argues Helen Sword in this lively guide to academic writing. For scholars frustrated with disciplinary conventions, and for specialists who want to write for a larger audience but are unsure where to begin, here are imaginative, practical, witty pointers that show how to make articles and books a pleasure to read—and to write.Dispelling the myth that you cannot get published without writing wordy, impersonal prose, Sword shows how much journal editors and readers welcome work that avoids excessive jargon and abstraction. Sword’s analysis of more than a thousand peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of fields documents a startling gap between how academics typically describe good writing and the turgid prose they regularly produce.Stylish Academic Writing showcases a range of scholars from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences who write with vividness and panache. Individual chapters take up specific elements of style, such as titles and headings, chapter openings, and structure, and close with examples of transferable techniques that any writer can master.

The Young Professional’s Survival Guide: From Cab Fares to Moral Snares

by C. K. Gunsalus

Imagine yourself in your new job, doing your best to make a good impression—and your boss asks you to do something that doesn’t feel right, like fudge a sales report, or lie to a customer. You have no idea how to handle the situation, and your boss is hovering. When you’re caught off guard, under pressure from someone more powerful, it’s easy to make a mistake. And having made one, it’s easier to rationalize the next one.The Young Professional’s Survival Guide shows how to avoid these traps in the first place, and how to work through them if you can’t avoid them. Many of the problems that arise in the workplace are predictable. C. K. Gunsalus, a nationally recognized expert on professional ethics, uses short, pungent real-world examples to help people new to the work world recognize the situations that can lead to career-damaging missteps—and prevent them. Gunsalus offers questions to ask yourself (and others) to help you recognize trouble and temptation, sample scripts to use to avoid being pressured into doing something you’ll regret, and guidance in handling disputes fairly and diplomatically. Most of all, she emphasizes, choose your mentors for their characters as well as their titles and talents.You can’t control the people around you, but you can control what you do. Reliance on a few key habits and a professional persona, Gunsalus shows, can help you advance with class, even in what looks like a “casual” workplace.

Frameworks for Practice in Educational Psychology, Second Edition: A Textbook for Trainees and Practitioners

by Susan Dean Stephen Joseph Sandra Dunsmuir Geoff Lindsay Jane Leadbetter Ioan Rees Gillian Rhydderch Patsy Wagner Fraser Lauchlan John Gameson Norah Frederickson Andrew Richards Bob Burden Jeremy Monsen Michael E. Harker Dr Antonia Cobbald Tommy MacKay

Now in its second edition, this comprehensive textbook presents a rich overview of approaches to educational psychology, through an in-depth exploration of both existing and emerging practice frameworks.Covering established techniques such as the Monsen et al. Problem-Solving Framework and the Constructionist Model of Informed and Reasoned Action, the book sets out new material on innovative methods and approaches such as Implementation Science and a Problem-Solving - Solution Focussed integrated model for service delivery. Accessible summaries are accompanied by perceptive assessments of how these frameworks meet modern needs for accountable, transparent and effective practice.Providing a definitive, up-to-date view of educational psychology, the book explains the complex, integrated methodology necessary to succeed in the field today. Thoughtful and clear, this textbook will be an invaluable resource for all practicing educational psychologists, students, trainers and educators.

Dyslexia in the Early Years: A Handbook for Practice

by Gavin Reid

Identifying dyslexia in children during Early Years is key to preventing dyslexia from limiting them later on in life. This book helps to enhance the understanding of teachers, and offers practical guidance on how to create resource material that facilitates the development of the child at risk of dyslexia.

Practical Supervision for Counsellors Who Work with Young People

by Nick Luxmoore

A collection of supervision stories from an experienced counselling supervisor, this book explores issues specific to counselling young people. From stories of counsellors at the start of their career facing their first hurdles to accounts of the author's own work after 40 years, this engaging book will improve practice and communication.

Creating Excellence in Primary School Playtimes: How to Make 20% of the School Day 100% Better

by Michael Follett

Helping schools to develop a long-term playtime strategy, this book shows how schools can overcome barriers to excellent play for child development and wellbeing. With proven examples that are workable within schools' playtime budgets, the strategies show how to tackle and improve upon common issues including behaviour, staffing and facilities.

British Values and the Prevent Duty in the Early Years: A Practitioner's Guide

by Kerry Maddock

An informed guide to understanding and implementing the British Values and Prevent Duty in an early years setting. With an extensive background on the legislation, the author provides detailed strategies for educators to deliver age-appropriate instruction on radicalisation and terrorism.

English for the IB MYP 4 & 5: MYP by Concept (MYP By Concept)

by Ana de Castro

We are working with the IBO to gain endorsement for the MYP by Concept series.Drive meaningful inquiry for the new framework through a unique concept driven narrative.- Supports every aspect of assessment with opportunities that use the criteria- Gives you easy ways to differentiate and extend learning- Provides a meaningful approach by integrating the inquiry statement in a global context- Develops critical-thinking skills with activities and summative sections rooted in the ATL frameworkAlso coming soon are Teaching and Learning Resources and eTextbooks via Dynamic Learning, our complete digital solution.

Self-fulfilment with Dyslexia: A Blueprint for Success

by Margaret Malpas

Margaret Malpas and other high achievers such as Anna Devin and Lord Addington explain their ten-step recipe to matching dyslexia with success. Learn how to foster your creativity, passion, verbal influencing skills and more, making the most of your own traits and skills to unlock your full potential.

Disruptive, Stubborn, Out of Control?: Why kids get confrontational in the classroom, and what to do about it

by Bo Hejlskov Elvén

One of the biggest challenges in the classroom is trying to teach when students act in unexpected and annoying ways. Based on the psychology of how children and people act, this book offers practical strategies for understanding why your students are behaving in the way they are, and how to react in a way that restores peace and harmony in the classroom. With many examples of typical confrontational behaviours and clues for how to understand and resolve the underlying issues, this book will be every stressed teacher's best friend.

Learning through Movement and Active Play in the Early Years: A Practical Resource for Professionals and Teachers

by Tania Swift

Written in an accessible and practical style, this book explains the importance of physical activity for promoting young children's cognitive learning, wellbeing and physical development and sets out tips and examples for incorporating physical activity into a curriculum. It is ideal for teachers and practitioners working with children aged 3 - 7.

101 Inclusive and SEN Maths Lessons: Fun Activities and Lesson Plans for Children Aged 3 – 11 (101 Inclusive And Sen Lessons Ser.)

by Claire Brewer Kate Bradley

These simple and creative lesson plans, created to teach the National Curriculum, gives you new ideas for teaching maths to inclusive classrooms. Encourage every child to achieve their best through the easily adaptable and fun activities.

PANDAS and PANS in School Settings: A Handbook for Educators

by Darlene Fewster Janice Tona Kandace M. Hoppin Amy Mazur Kathleen Stein Margo Thienemann

Providing readily accessible and practical information, this guide addresses the impact of PANDAS and PANS in school settings. Contributors share their expertise and experience to provide educators with a thorough understanding of the disorders, alongside practical strategies for dealing with associated symptoms, such as tics, OCD and ADHD.

Positive Behaviour Management in Early Years Settings: An Essential Guide

by Liz Williams

Informed by the author's wealth of practical experience, this is an essential guide to promoting positive behaviour in early years settings. It explains why children may act the way they do, describes the key factors in promoting appropriate behaviour and provides a range of easy to use techniques for improving behaviour and supporting development.

Teaching University Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Guide to Developing Academic Capacity and Proficiency

by Kim Draisma Kimberley McMahon-Coleman

Drawing on the latest research, this book offers practical strategies for supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in tertiary education. By looking at common issues faced by students with ASD, teaching and support staff will better understand how to help students develop vital skills needed for academic success.

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