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Searching Alternatives: Case Studies in Management & Entrepreneurship

In the growth of societies, business and entrepreneurship are regarded as two significant and determinative concerns. Both notions, in reality, must be intertwined since they are the instruments for strengthening the stake on innovation, creativity, employment, and economic growth. As a result, management and entrepreneurship education must be promoted, and real-life managerial entrepreneurial stories can serve as role models for young students in India. The case study methodology is a significant pedagogy tool in the management education. The book is an attempt to disseminate the innovative and practice-based teaching material on management and entrepreneurship for higher education, with a focus on real-life contexts and practical learning. The case studies in the book include a rich variety of managerial and entrepreneurial challenges that have to be understood and solved in the real world, giving the student a dynamic experience on how to solve real world managerial and entrepreneurial challenges.

The Second Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education: The Journey Continues

Since its establishment in 1976, PME (The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education) is serving as a much sought after venue for scientific debate among those at the cutting edge of the field, as well as an engine for the development of research in mathematics education. A wide range of research activities conducted over the last ten years by PME members and their colleagues are documented and critically reviewed in this handbook, released to celebrate the Group’s 40 year anniversary milestone.The book is divided into four main sections: Cognitive aspects of learning and teaching content areas; Cognitive aspects of learning and teaching transverse areas; Social aspects of learning and teaching mathematics; and Professional aspects of teaching mathematics. The selection for each chapter of a team of at least two authors, mostly located in different parts of the world, ensured effective coverage of each field. High quality was further enhanced by the scrupulous review of early chapter drafts by two leaders in the relevant field. The resulting volume with its compilation of the most relevant aspects of research in the field, and its emphasis on trends and future developments, will be a rich and welcome resource for both mature and emerging researchers in mathematics education.

Secondary Behaviour Management: The Essentials

This concise book supplements the Routledge School Based Teacher Training Hub which you can find at www.routledgeteachertraining.comThe Hub has been developed in conjunction with teacher training experts and offers busy trainees and their mentors focussed, accessible, evidence-informed guidance that will help develop skills and confidence for successful classroom practice.The chapters in this collection on the Hub explore one of the most challenging aspects of learning to teach in the secondary school: Managing behaviour. The Hub provides:-Online access to ten chapters, carefully selected from across the breadth of Routledge's publishing, written by experts in the field, to cover core skills and knowledge for effective behaviour management.-An introduction to each chapter, designed to show how the evidence applies to your setting and practice, and how you can build on the advice to develop and improve teaching.-A self-audit test, to help you pinpoint gaps and understand where you will most benefit from skills and confidence development. -Observation sheets, offering a framework that will help you focus and reflect when you’re observing colleagues.-Short mentor meeting guides to structure initial and ongoing meetings with your mentor, to help you get the most out of these important relationships.

Selbstoptimierung und Ambivalenz: Gesellschaftliche Appelle und ambivalente Rezeptionen (Lernweltforschung #31)

Der Band stellt theoretische Perspektiven auf das Thema Selbstoptimierung sowie empirische Beispiele für ambivalente Rezeptionen von Appellen der Selbstoptimierung vor. Gesellschaftliche Zwänge zum Selbstzwang manifestieren sich u.a. in Appellen des Lebenslangen Lernens und der Selbstdisziplinierung, wie sie Selftracking und Lifelogging darstellen. Dieses Perfektionsstreben kann Menschlichkeit untergraben, aber auch Handlungsformen wie das Dilettieren hervorbringen. In empirischen Analysen kann nachgewiesen werden, dass Menschen oft ambivalent auf diese Zwänge reagieren, also gleichzeitig Optimierung und Menschlichkeit oder Anpassung und Selbstbestimmung anstreben. Manchmal sogar gerät der eigene Verbesserungswahn zur „Zerbesserung“, also letztlich zur Zerstörung des Selbst.

Selbststudium im digitalen Wandel: Digitales, begleitetes Selbststudium in der Mathematik – MINT meistern mit optes

Selbststudium ist ein wichtiges Element im Zuge der Digitalisierungsbestrebungen an Hochschulen. Das Projekt optes widmet sich dem digitalen, begleiteten Selbststudium im Fach Mathematik. Es bietet mit seinen webbasierten Angeboten die Möglichkeit, das Selbstlernen in der Studienvorbereitung zu unterstützen, um so die Abbruchquoten in MINT-Fächern zu reduzieren. Neben dem Studienvorbereitungsprogramm und Assessment-Tools in der Mathematik im Lernmanagementsystem ILIAS wurden in optes diverse Materialien zur Lernprozessbegleitung entwickelt, inklusive adaptiver Lernempfehlungen, diagnostischer Testverfahren zur Prüfung des Wissensstandes (vor und während des Studiums), Selbstreflexionstools und überfachlicher Lernmodule sowie persönliche E-Mentoring- und E-Tutoring-Programme. Der vorliegende Open-Access-Sammelband stellt die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und praktischen Umsetzungen aus dem Projektkontext von optes dar.

Self-regulation of Learning and Performance: Issues and Educational Applications

In recent years, educators have become increasingly concerned with students' attempts to manage their own learning and achievement efforts through activities that influence the instigation, direction and persistence of those efforts. In 1989, Zimmerman and Schunk edited the first book devoted to this topic. They assembled key theorists offering a range of perspectives on how students self-regulate their academic functioning. One purpose of that volume was to provide theoretical direction to ongoing as well as nascent efforts to explore academic self-regulatory processes. Since that date, there has been an exponential surge in research. This second volume on academic self-regulation offers the fruits of the first generation of research. It also addresses a number of key issues that have arisen since then such as how self-regulation differs from such related constructs as motivation and metacognition, and whether students can be taught self-regulatory skills. The contributors reveal an interesting, uplifting, and at times, disturbing picture of how students grapple with the day-to-day problems of achieving in circumstances with inherent limitations and obstacles. This volume provides insight into the source of students' capabilities to surmount adversities -- the origins of their self-initiated processes designed to improve learning, motivation, and achievement. The text is organized on the basis of a conceptual framework that analyzes academic self-regulation into four major dimensions. That model is presented in the first chapter, and key processes that influence each of these dimensions are discussed by prominent researchers in the chapters that follow. Because each chapter is written to follow a common format, this work provides a level of continuity and parsimony normally found only in authored textbooks.

Sex, Intimacy and Living with Life-Shortening Conditions

This multi-disciplinary and inclusive collection brings together theoretically informed and empirically focused research on sex, intimacy and reproduction in relation to young people and adults with life-shortening conditions. Advances in healthcare mean that increasing numbers of young people with life-shortening conditions are transitioning into adulthood. Issues such as sex and intimacy, dating and relationships, fertility and having children are increasingly relevant to them and to the people that support them, including families, carers, practitioners and professional education, health and social care agencies. This three-part book explores the relevance and significance of this field, examines everyday experiences, and highlights the challenges faced by individuals and organisations in addressing the needs of such people in daily life and in the context of practice. Drawing on perspectives from sociology, disability studies, epidemiology, health policy, psychotherapy, legal studies, queer studies and nursing, this ground-breaking volume is written by academics, policy makers, practitioners and experts by experience. It is an essential read for all those practising and researching in the fields of sexuality, chronic illness and disability and transition.

Shakespeare and Digital Pedagogy: Case Studies and Strategies

Shakespeare and Digital Pedagogy is an international collection of fresh digital approaches for teaching Shakespeare. It describes 15 methodologies, resources and tools recently developed, updated and used by a diverse range of contributors in Great Britain, Australia, Asia and the United States. Contributors explore how these digital resources meet classroom needs and help facilitate conversations about academic literacy, race and identity, local and global cultures, performance and interdisciplinary thought. Chapters describe each case study in depth, recounting needs, collaborations and challenges during design, as well as sharing effective classroom uses and offering accessible, usable content for both teachers and learners.The book will appeal to a broad range of readers. College and high school instructors will find a rich trove of usable teaching content and suggestions for mounting digital units in the classroom, while digital humanities and education specialists will find a snapshot of and theories about the field itself. With access to exciting new content from local archives and global networks, the collection aids teaching, research and reflection on Shakespeare for the 21st century.

Shared Leadership in Higher Education: A Framework and Models for Responding to a Changing World

Today’s higher education challenges necessitate new forms of leadership. A volatile financial environment and the need for new business models and partnerships to address the impact of new technologies, changing demographics, and emerging societal needs, demand more effective and innovative forms of leadership. This book focusses on a leadership approach that has emerged as particularly effective for organizations facing complex challenges: shared leadership. Rather than concentrating power and authority in an individual leader at the top of an organization, shared leadership involves multiple people influencing one another across varying levels and at different times. It is a flexible, collective, and non-hierarchical approach to leadership. Organizations that have implemented shared leadership have been better able to learn, innovate, perform, and adapt to the types of external challenges that campuses now face and that will continue to shape higher education in the future. This book brings together the two foremost scholars of higher education who have studied, described and evaluated the impact of shared leadership, a university chancellor with prior experience of facilitating systemic institutional change at two university systems, and the former president of three universities where she coordinated processes that led to the transformational changes needed renew institutional mission and purpose. Opening with four chapters that define the nature of shared leadership, describe its key characteristics, and how to build institutional capacity, the book then presents ten institutional cases. Ranging from institution-wide initiatives at four year colleges and a community college, to examples of managing change in a college, a center, and across STEM departments, the contributing authors describe the context and drivers of the need for change, the building of shared vision to create coalitions, lessons learned, and outcomes. Intended as a resource for leaders at the highest levels such as Presidents and Provosts as well as mid-level leaders such as deans, directors, and department chairs, the book is also addressed to faculty and staff who are interested in collaborating with campus leaders on institutional decision-making or creating new change initiatives. It is intended to build capacity for shared leadership across institutions and for use in leadership courses and programs.

Singapore Inc.: Strategies, Innovations, and Insights from Singapore's Top Corporations

This book features 100 local case studies examining the experiences of leading Singaporean companies across different sectors including aviation, logistics, banking, and real estate. They offer valuable insights into how companies adapted to evolving market dynamics, expanded their business portfolios, ventured into global markets, prioritised sustainability, and leveraged innovation and technology to maintain competitiveness. Through case studies, readers gain practical knowledge that can be applied to their own enterprises, a unique perspective into Singapore’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, and the successes and challenges faced by Singaporean companies. The book is divided into different sections exploring specific themes such as business strategy and transformation, diversification and expansion, sustainability, innovation and technology, financial performance, and risk management. It scrutinises how companies responded to shifting market conditions, competition, regulations, customer preferences, and global events. Additionally, it sheds light on the obstacles companies encountered in terms of sustainable practices, financial performance, risk management, talent retention, and technological advancements. By presenting cases across industries and companies in Singapore, Choong et al. highlight their triumphs, setbacks, and valuable lessons learned. This book can be rendered as a practical and essential resource for business professionals, entrepreneurs, and students interested in understanding effective business strategies.

Singing in Signs: New Semiotic Explorations of Opera

Singing in Signs: New Semiotic Explorations of Opera offers a bold and refreshing assessment of the state of opera study as seen through the lens of semiotics. At its core, the volume responds to Carolyn Abbate and Roger Parker's Analyzing Opera, utilizing a semiotic framework to embrace opera on its own terms and engage all of its constituent elements in interpretation. Chapters in this collection resurrect the larger sense of serious operatic study as a multi-faceted, interpretive discipline, no longer in isolation. Contributors pay particular attention to the musical, dramatic, cultural, and performative in opera and how these modes can create an intertext that informs interpretation. Combining traditional and emerging methodologies, Singing in Signs engages composer-constructed and work-specific music-semiotic systems, broader socio-cultural music codes, and narrative strategies, with implications for performance and staging practices today.

Slave Culture [3 volumes]: A Documentary Collection of the Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project [3 volumes]

For the first time, the WPA Slave Narratives are organized by theme, making it easier to examine—and understand—specific aspects of slave life and culture.There is no better way to appreciate history than to experience it through the eyes of those who lived it. Slave Culture: A Documentary Collection of the Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project brings together the memories of the last generation of enslaved African Americans gathered through interviews conducted between 1936 and 1938. This three-volume work stands apart from previous Slave Narrative collections in that it organizes the narratives thematically, bringing the rich tapestry of slave culture to life in a fresh way. Within each thematic area, multiple excerpts span time, gender, and geography. An introductory essay for each theme and a contextual explanation for each narrative help readers draw lessons from this vast collection, while an introduction to the work explains the Works Progress Administration's Slave Narrative project—illuminating still another era in American history.

Sleep Science

Sleep's purposes and benefits - and the impacts of not sleeping well or well enough - have been intensively investigated as a modern science for nearly 60 years. Sleep Science is an advanced introduction to the subject of sleep and sleep disorders. Designed for upper-division undergraduate students who have completed introductory prerequisites in behavioral principles, systems physiology, and research methods, it is also appropriate for the post-graduate student adding sleep to their training portfolio. Sleep Science is ideal for use in a standard semester- or quarter-based course, and is organized into thematic sections: normative adult sleep; lifespan development; sleep and circadian disorders and treatments; sleep assessments; and sleep as a profession. Cross-cutting issues are specifically addressed in chapters such as women's health and culture. Chapters conform to a standardized layout and are authored by subject matter experts, all of whom are also sleep educators. Edited for a consistent voice and continuity, each chapter features explanatory figures, tables, and/or photographs to illustrate key concepts.

Social and Learning Relationships in Primary Schools

One of the most important factors in pupils' success in school are the relationships developed with teachers and other children. Not only are these relationships important in their own right, but they have considerable bearing on pupil motivation, achievement, and on their perceptions of themselves as learners. Social and Learning Relationships in Primary Schools is based upon, but not confined by, recent research projects focused on a range of relationships that exist within English primary schools. This text provides substantial evidence and rich insights into the development and ongoing influences on these social and learning relationships, relating to both the academic and affective outcomes of pupils. The book is presented in four parts: i) social interaction and the curriculum; ii) classroom relationships and the impact on learning; iii) professional identity and professional development; and iv) individual differences and inclusion. Through these sections, the authors identify important features of primary schooling including, for example, delivery of the core subjects, learning environment, role of student teachers in schools, classroom technology, and the transition between phases of education. They examine a number of social psychological influences on these relationships in terms of career phase, professional identity, adult-child and peer relationships, and self-efficacy and provide powerful evidence of the complexities of primary school life. Drawing together the perspectives of a number of authors, all of whom have served as practising teachers as well as gaining a wealth of experience in the higher education sector, Social and Learning Relationships in Primary Schools offers a detailed and holistic understanding of the influences that shape learning, policy and practice in this context.

Social Class Supports: Programs and Practices to Serve and Sustain Poor and Working-Class Students through Higher Education

Historically, higher education was designed for a narrow pool of privileged students. Despite national, state and institutional policies developed over time to improve access, higher education has only lately begun to address how its unexamined assumptions, practices and climate create barriers for poor and working class populations and lead to significant disparities in degree completion across social classes.The data shows that higher education substantially fails to provide poor and working class students with the necessary support to achieve the social mobility and success comparable to the attainments of their middle and upper class peers. This book presents a comprehensive range of strategies that provide the fundamental supports that poor and working-class students need to succeed while at the same time dismantling the inequitable barriers that make college difficult to navigate.Drawing on the concept of the student-ready college, and on emerging research and practices that colleges and universities can use to explore campus-specific social class issues and identify barriers, this book provides examples of support programs and services across the field of higher education – at both two- and four-year, public and private institutions – that cover:·Access supports. Examples and recommendations for how institutions can assist students as they make decisions about applications and admission.·Basic needs supports. Covering housing and food security, necessary clothing, sense of belonging through co-curricular engagement, and mental health resources.·Academic and learning supports. Describes courses and academic programs to promote full engagement among poor and working class students.·Advising supports. Illustrates advising that acknowledges poor and working class students’ identities, and recommends continued training for both staff and faculty advisors.·Supports for specific populations at the intersection of social class with other identities, such as Students of Color, foster youth, LGBTQ, and doctoral students.·Gaining support through external partnerships with social services, business entities, and fundraising.This book is addressed to administrators, educators and student affairs personnel, urging them to make the institutional commitment to enhance the college experience for poor and working class students who not only represent a substantial proportion of college students today, but constitute a significant future demographic.

The Social Context of Learning in India: Achievement Gaps and Factors of Poor Learning

Why are children from disadvantaged and minority communities overrepresented among academic underachievers, poor learners, and school dropouts? This volume engages with this question and examines classroom learning as a process that involves a multitude of actors situated in specific social, cultural, and historical contexts. The volume covers an interdisciplinary spectrum of educational processes, contexts, educational ambitions, and limitations of low-caste, working-class, and middle-class students from different Indian communities and regions. The volume delves into the problem of academic underperformance from a social identity perspective and probes into social context-based variability in classroom learning, systemic disadvantages in the form of negative stereotypes, and the family as an under-studied social group in all discussions of schooling. It also examines the teachers’ perceptions and attitudes towards Adivasi students and other minority groups in primary schools and their effect on children’s classroom engagement. The chapters in this volume provide insights into unresolved and critical research questions that require the attention of teachers, school management, educators, and policymakers alike. This book will also be useful for academicians, policymakers, teacher educators, pedagogic practitioners in India and abroad, and state and central government institutions working on school education, educational psychology, policymaking in education, learning methods, and research on educational enhancement.

Social Innovation and Sustainability Transition

This book uses a historical and modern lens to reimagine the role that Extension could potentially play in catalyzing reciprocal, co-learning relationships between Land-Grant Universities and their diverse local constituencies. The establishment of statewide extension systems was once seen as a way to ensure that Land-Grant Universities would be accessible and responsive to all of a state’s residents. Extension systems continue to offer a front-door to a major public university in almost every county of the United States, but they tend to be viewed primarily as a way to translate science or distribute information from the university to the public. This books argues for the importance of Extension and shows that we are conceiving of this system too narrowly. Only by retelling the stories of the Extension and getting people to see themselves as part of the story can we imagine a different future in which state universities and land-grant colleges engage more authentically and equitably in two-way relationships with their local catalyzing reciprocal, co-learning relationships between Land-Grant Universities and their diverse local constituencies.Chapter “Palatable disruption: the politics of plant milk", chapter “Feeding the melting pot: inclusive strategies for the multi-ethnic city", chapter "A carrot isn't a carrot isn't a carrot: tracing value in alternative practices of food exchange", chapter “Virtualizing the 'good life': reworking narratives of agrarianism and the rural idyll in a computer game" and chapter "'Workable utopias' for social change through inclusion and empowerment? Community supported agriculture (CSA) in Wales as social innovation" are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license via

Social Justice Education: Inviting Faculty to Transform Their Institutions

This book addresses the combination of pedagogical, curricular, and institutional commitments necessary to create and sustain diversity on campus. Its premise is that the socially just classroom flourishes in the context of a socially just institution, and it invites faculty and administrators to create such classrooms and institutions.This book grew out of a project – involving deans and directors of teaching centers and diversity offices from six institutions – to instigate discussions among teachers and administrators about implementing socially just practices in their classrooms, departments, and offices. The purpose was to explore how best to foster such conversations across departments and functions within an institution, as well as between institutions. This book presents the theoretical framework used, and many of the successful projects to which it gave rise.Recognizing that many faculty have little preparation for teaching students whose backgrounds, culture, and educational socialization differ from theirs, the opening foundational section asks teachers to attend closely to their and their students’ relative power and positionality in the classroom, and to the impact of the materials, resources and pedagogical approaches employed. Further chapters offer analytical tools to promote inquiry and change.The concluding sections of the book demonstrate how intra- and inter-institutional collaborations inspired teachers to rise to the challenge of their campuses’ commitments to diversity. Among the examples presented is an initiative involving the faculty development coordinator, and faculty from a wide range of domains at DePauw University, who built upon an existing ethics initiative to embed social justice across the curriculum. In another, professors of mathematics from three institutions describe how they collaborated to create socially just classrooms that both serve mathematical learning, and support service learning or community-based learning activities. The final essay by a student from the Maldives, describing how she navigated the chasm between life in an American college and her family circumstances, will reinforce the reader’s commitment to establishing social justice in the academy.This book provides individual faculty, faculty developers and diversity officers with the concepts, reflective tools, and collaborative models, as well as a wealth of examples, to confidently embark on the path to transforming educational practice.

Social Justice in EAP and ELT Contexts: Global Higher Education Perspectives

This book articulates an understanding of what is meant by the term social justice from a global perspective, drawing upon examples of practice from across a range of English for academic purposes (EAP) and English language teaching (ELT) higher education contexts. Presently, within western higher educational systems, there is a drive for greater integration of approaches that lend themselves to social justice. However, questions still remain about what that means in practice. This book seeks to answer that not by telling but by showing. It presents a series of chapters that act as vignettes into a diverse set of classrooms, contexts and countries, offering examples of how and where an epistemology of social justice has been put into practice in teaching and learning situations. Such situations range from cross-continental higher educational partnerships between east and west to instances of EAP practitioners' work with refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. These examples are threaded together by the common goal of understanding what it is that defines an enactment of social justice and what the shared denominators are across these contexts. Through looking at these various examples, the authors produce a set of codes and themes that are common to practice across contexts and discuss how these might help inform practice in other areas of language education, higher education and educational development work in general.

Social Justice in Practice in Education: Understanding Tensions and Challenges Through Lived Experiences

Exploring Social Justice in Practice in Education focuses on the tensions and challenges to issues of fairness and social and cognitive justice in the sphere of education. The terms ‘fairness’ and ‘social and cognitive justice’ are often used to justify particular policies and practices in the sphere of education. In providing a clear definition of what they should mean in practice, this book includes a discussion of, and, in some cases, potential resolutions to, tensions and challenges in relation to notions of fairness, and social and cognitive justice that are implicit within individuals’ lived experiences across all phases of education. Through their personal narratives, the authors illustrate how such tensions and challenges have played out in their own lives. They go on to explore differences in interpretations and consequent challenges in putting concepts of social justice into practice. Chapters consider important implications across different sectors and phases of education, including special educational needs, leadership and higher education. This insightful volume will enable educators, at all levels, to hear from students, family members, significant adults/carers and professionals, their experiences of fairness and social justice in education, and about what could be done in the future to redress injustices. It will appeal to readers at all levels in education including those studying for or teaching Education-related degrees at bachelors’, masters’ and doctoral levels.

Social Networks in Language Learning and Language Teaching

Sociocultural research has long recognized the necessity of sustained interpersonal interaction for language development. However, less is known about the underlying relationships that promote language acquisition and their relevance for language classrooms . Presenting cutting-edge research on social networks and their applications in language teaching, this book explores the relationships that mediate language learning in and out of classrooms. Highlighting the complexity of language in multilingual contexts, chapters engage social network analysis to understand the role of instructional practices, socialization, motivation, language status, online communications technology, and language policies in the development of social resources for language learning. Discussing popular language teaching frameworks such as translanguaging, Social Networks in Language Learning and Language Teaching provides a nuanced account of the influences of social context on language learning, exploring classroom applications and pointing the way to a robust research agenda.

Social Presence in Online Learning: Multiple Perspectives on Practice and Research

Published in Association with 2020 AECT Division of Distance Learning Book AwardSocial presence continues to emerge as a key factor for successful online and blended learning experiences. It is commonly described as the degree to which online participants feel connected to one another. Understanding social presence—with its critical connections to community-building, retention, and learning outcomes—allows faculty and instructional designers to better support and engage students. This volume, Social Presence in Online Learning, addresses the evolution of social presence with three distinct perspectives, outlines the relevant research, and focuses on practical strategies that can immediately impact the teaching and learning experience. These strategies include creating connections to build community, applying content to authentic situations, integrating a careful mix of tools and media, leveraging reflective and interactive opportunities, providing early and continuous feedback, designing with assessment in mind, and encouraging change in small increments. Because student satisfaction and motivation plays a key role in retention rates and because increased social presence often leads to enriched learning experiences, it is advantageous to mindfully integrate social presence into learning environments.Social Presence in Online Learning brings together eminent scholars in the field to distinguish among three different perspectives of social presence and to address how these viewpoints immediately inform practice. This important volume: • Provides an overview of the evolution of social presence, key findings from social presence research, and practical strategies that can improve the online and blended learning experience• Differentiates three distinct perspectives on social presence and explains the ideas and models that inform these perspectives• Explores specific ways in which social presence relates to course satisfaction, retention, and outcomes• Offers practical implications and ready-to-use techniques that are applicable to multiple disciplines• Introduces current research on social presence by prominent researchers in the field with direct inferences to the practice of online and blended learning • Looks at future directions for social presenceSocial Presence in Online Learning is appropriate for practitioners, researchers and academics involved in any level of online learning program design, course design, instruction, support, and leadership as well as for graduate students studying educational technology, technology-enhanced learning, and online and blended learning. It brings together multiple perspectives on social presence from the most influential scholars in the field to help shape the future of online and blended learning.

Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Through Service Learning

This concluding volume in the series presents the work of faculty who have been moved to make sustainability the focus of their work, and to use service learning as one method of teaching sustainability to their students. The chapters in the opening section of this book – Environmental Awareness – offer models for opening students to the awareness of the ecological aspects of sustainability, and of the interdependence of the ecosystem with human and with institutional decisions and behavior; and illustrate how they, in turn, can share that awareness with the community.The second section – Increasing Civic Engagement – explores means for fostering commitment to community service and experiencing the capacity to effect change.The concluding section – Sustainability Concepts in Business and Economics – addresses sustainability within the business context, with emphasis on the “triple bottom line”—the achievement of profitability through responsible environmental practice and respect for all stakeholders in the enterprise.

Social Structure Adaptation to COVID-19: Impact on Humanity (The COVID-19 Pandemic Series)

Social Structure Adaptation to COVID-19 offers global, interdisciplinary perspectives that examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the development trajectory of schools, public health, the workforce, and technology adoption. It explores social themes in society, economy, policy, and culture and draws on a social framework to describe key functions of societal adaptation to the pandemic.Edited by Suresh Nanwani and William Loxley, the volume is grounded in the study of system components and their objectives to improve overall well-being given the ill effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Chapters explore interconnected social networks and how sectors restructured themselves to stabilize or transform society. International contributors from 20 countries offer case studies that highlight key themes including personal connectivity, societal equality, well-being, big data, and national resilience. They predict how impactful the pandemic might be in reshaping the future and assess how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected school system shutdown, public health collapse, business closures, public policy failure, and technology-driven social media acceleration.Offering insights into how institutions and sectors work together in times of crisis, and how COVID-19 has restructured social behavior, Social Structure Adaptation to COVID-19 will be valuable reading for scholars and students of sociology, political science, anthropology, comparative international development, psychology, and education. It will also be of interest to policymakers concerned with education, work and organizations, and media and technology.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 international license.

Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education: Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research (Social Theory and Methodology in Education Research)

Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education brings together an international group of scholars who shine a theoretical light on the politics of academic life and higher education. The book covers three key areas: 1) Institutional governance, with a specific focus on issues such as measurement, surveillance, accountability, regulation, performance and institutional reputation. 2) Academic work, covering areas such as the changing nature of academic labour, neoliberalism and academic identity, and the role of gender and gender studies in university life. 3) Student experience, which includes case studies of student politics and protest, the impact of graduate debt and changing student identities. The editors and chapter authors explore these topics through a theoretical lens, using the ideas of Michel Foucault, Niklas Luhmann, Barbara Adams, Donna Massey, Margaret Archer, Jürgen Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Hartmut Rosa, Norbert Elias and Donna Haraway, among others. The case studies, from Africa, Europe, Australia and South America, draw on a wide range of research approaches, and each chapter includes a set of critical reflections on how social theory and research methodology can work in tandem.

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