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Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties

In an educational system founded on rigid standards and categories, students who demonstrate a very specific manifestation of intelligence flourish, while those who deviate tend to fall between the cracks. Too often, talents and interests that do not align with classroom conventions are left unrecognized and unexplored in children with extraordinary potential but little opportunity. For twice-exceptional (2e) children, who have extraordinary strengths coupled with learning difficulties, the problem is compounded by the paradoxical nature of their intellect and an unbending system, ill-equipped to cater to their unique learning needs. Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties provides cutting-edge, evidence-based approaches to creating an environment where twice-exceptional students can thrive. Viewing the 2e student as neither exclusively disabled nor exclusively gifted, but, rather, as a dynamic interaction of both, leading experts offer holistic insight into identification, social-emotional development, advocacy, and support for 2e students. With chapters focusing on special populations (including autism, dyslexia, and ADHD) as well as the intersection of race and 2e, this book highlights practical recommendations for school and social contexts. In expounding the unique challenges faced by the 2e population, Twice Exceptional makes a case for greater flexibility in our approach to education and a wider notion of what it means to be academically successful.

Typical and Atypical Language Development in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (Routledge Research in Language Education)

Typical and Atypical Language Development in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity brings together state-of-the-art studies in both typical and atypical language development. Placing the topic in the context of cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD), the book offers readers serious theoretical consideration of the topic and provides implications for multilingual educational and clinical practices. The content covers a wide range of topics related to multilingual language development in CALD: typical and atypical language development in CALD, and the interface between both; the relationship between multilingual competence and academic performance in CALD; providing unbiased speech and language measures in CALD; and heritage and minority languages education in CALD. Each chapter outlines the core theoretical and practical issues and explores both theoretical and pedagogical/clinical implications in the area and possible future developments. This volume is an essential resource for all those who study, research, or are interested in multilingual development, educational linguistics, and clinical linguistics in the CALD context.

U.S. Engineering in a Global Economy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)

Since the late 1950s, the engineering job market in the United States has been fraught with fears of a shortage of engineering skill and talent. U.S. Engineering in a Global Economy brings clarity to issues of supply and demand in this important market. Following a general overview of engineering-labor market trends, the volume examines the educational pathways of undergraduate engineers and their entry into the labor market, the impact of engineers working in firms on productivity and innovation, and different dimensions of the changing engineering labor market, from licensing to changes in demand and guest worker programs. The volume provides insights on engineering education, practice, and careers that can inform educational institutions, funding agencies, and policy makers about the challenges facing the United States in developing its engineering workforce in the global economy.

Ubuntu Philosophy and Disabilities in Sub-Saharan Africa (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies)

This book uses Ubuntu philosophy to illuminate the voices of people with disabilities from Sub-Saharan Africa. Disability literature is largely dominated by scholars and studies from the Global North, and these studies are largely informed by Global North theories and concepts. Although disability literature in the Global South is now fast growing, most studies continue to utilise conceptual, theoretical, and philosophical frameworks that are framed within Global North contexts. This presents two major challenges: Firstly, the voices of people with disabilities in the Global South remain on the fringes of disability discourses. Secondly, when their voices are heard, their realities are distorted. This edited book, consisting of 11 chapters, provides case studies from Botswana, Ghana, Lesotho, Uganda, and South Africa, explores disability in various fields: Inclusive education, higher education, environment, Open Distance Learning, and Technical and Vocational Education and Technical Colleges. The book contributes to the ways in which disability is understood and experienced in the Global South thereby challenging the Western hegemonic discourses on disability. This collection of contributions will be of interest to all scholars and students of disability studies, development studies, medical sociology, and African studies.

Umkämpfte Anerkennung: Außerhochschulisch erworbene Kompetenzen im akademischen Raum (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

Der vorliegende Band bündelt Beiträge, die Hochschulen dabei unterstützen sollen, sich dem Feld der Anrechnung außerhochschulisch erbrachter Vorleistungen zu öffnen und individuelle Operationalisierungsstrategien zu entwickeln. Hierfür erfolgt eine Systematisierung in zwei Perspektiven. Beiträge mit einer primär forschungsorientierten Perspektive liefern Erkenntnisse zu Relevanzen und Praktiken sowie Analysen zur Haltung gegenüber der Anrechnungsthematik sowohl auf institutioneller als auch auf Akteursebene. Beiträge mit einer primär entwicklungsorientierten Perspektive fokussieren sowohl Fragen nach förderlichen Prozessen und Strukturen als auch nach Optimierungspotentialen auf operativer Ebene.

Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement für eine nachhaltige Zukunftsgestaltung

In diesem Open Access-Buch werden fünf zentrale Themenbereiche des Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagement (UBRM) vorgestellt. Umwelt- und Bioressourcenmanagerinnen und -manager kennen die Herausforderungen des 21. Jahr­hunderts, wie sie zum Beispiel in der Agenda 2030 der Vereinten Nationen – den sogenannten nach­haltigen Entwicklungs­zielen (Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs) – formuliert wurden. Sie denken vernetzt und verfügen über fachliche, methodische und soziale Kompe­ten­zen, die für eine inter- und transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit erforderlich sind. Sie sind in der Lage, mit sich verändernden Anforderungen um­zugehen und können sich in eine breite Palette von Fachbereichen vertiefen. Ihre Qualifikation wird in vielen Wirtschaftsbereichen, in nationalen und internationalen Organisationen sowie in privaten und öffentlichen Einrichtungen nachgefragt.Die Leserinnen und Leser bekommen in jedem der hier vorgestellten Themenbereich Einblicke in verschiedene UBRM-Fachbereiche sowie darüber, welche Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten erworben werden können. Dies wird anhand konkreter Fallbeispiele verdeutlicht. Abschließend veranschaulichen Porträts von Absolventinnen und Absolventen die Studien- und Berufspraxis und zeigen, wie nachhaltige Zu­kunfts­gestaltung im Sinne der Agenda 2030 aussehen kann. Die Herausgeber Erwin Schmid ist Professor für Nachhaltige Landnutzung und Globalen Wandel, Tobias Pröll ist Professor für Energietechnik und Energiemanagement, beide an der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU). Ebenso sind alle Beitragsautorinnen und -autoren an der BOKU Wien tätig.Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY-NC 4.0-Lizenz.

Underachievement in Gifted Education: Perspectives, Practices, and Possibilities

This book provides an opportunity for researchers, professionals, and practitioners working directly with gifted individuals to engage with and examine the concept of underachievement of highly capable and talented individuals from different perspectives.Chapters written by experts in gifted education from diverse backgrounds explore underachievement in principle, illuminate underachievement as a response to written and unwritten policy and practice, showcase ranges of intellectual capability outside of traditional academic subjects, shift deficit views of not meeting rigid expectations to honoring interests and cultural values of the individual, and provide suggested and proven practices and services as solutions to bridge the gaps in achievement and performance for gifted and talented students.Expertly blending theory with practice, Underachievement in Gifted Education is a must read for all practitioners, educators of gifted individuals, and researchers seeking more opportunities to help students align how they choose to exhibit their talent and efforts with external and internal expectations, personal interests, and cultural values to reach their maximum potential.

Undergraduate Research in Online, Virtual, and Hybrid Courses: Proactive Practices for Distant Students

Co-published with and With the growing interest in undergraduate research as a high-impact practice, and the recognition that college education is increasingly moving online, this book – the first to do so – provides a framework, guidance from pioneering practitioners, and a range of examples across disciplines on how to engage remote students in research.Two foundational chapters set the scene. For those new to incorporating undergraduate research in their courses, the opening chapter provides an introduction to its evolution and practice, and reviews the evidence of its benefits for students, faculty, and institutions. The second addresses the benefit that undergraduate research can bring to online learning and provides an overview of the ways research can be incorporated into online and virtual courses to meet the course and student learning objectives. The remaining chapters illustrate implementation of undergraduate research in courses across many disciplines. They address thematic issues related to the work and its effects on students, such as transitioning them from users of, to active participants in, research; and consideration of the technological tools needed to support students in a virtual environment. The contributors, some of whom have been implementing these practices for some years, offer important insights and expertise.While the examples range across the behavioral sciences, business, education, the health professions, the humanities, social sciences, and STEM, readers will find much of value and inspiration from reading the chapters beyond their disciplines.

Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education: Contexts for Teaching and Learning About Your Educational Practice

Providing readers with insights and examples of how teacher educators learn and teach a pedagogy of teacher education (PTE), Butler and Bullock organize a wholistic and practical resource for the next generation of teacher educators. Expanding on the highly referenced scholarship of John Loughran and Tom Russell, Understanding a Pedagogy of Teacher Education explores the learning of PTE through individual and collaborative endeavors, and large-scale institutional and cross-national initiatives. Contributors highlight their experiences teaching PTE in formal learning spaces, in international workshop settings, and on the program-wide scale in order to uncover how they came to understand PTE and enact it effectively. Each chapter connects broad strokes concepts of PTE to well-defined teacher education fields, such as social justice, literacy, early childhood education, and communities of practice. Blending well- established theory with contemporary examples, this book is a great tool for teacher education faculty, doctoral students, and those interested in improving their PTE or supporting others in their PTE learning.

Understanding Adult Education and Training

'This is an impressive book that will be of wide interest to adult educators everywhere.Many of the book's contributors work at the University of Technology, Sydney - surely the world's pre-eminent institution for the study of adult learning, and the most open and generous location for debate. Its virtues are the book's.'Alan Tuckett, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, UK'I am happy to endorse this book enthusiastically as being appropriate for a North American audience of adult educators.Though it's an intentionally introductory survey, it never talks down to readers, never condescends. On the other hand, it's not so intenationally erudite that it collagpses into theoretical posturing; it stays firmly grounded in and connected to practice.'Stephen Brookfield, University of St. Thomas, USAUnderstanding Adult Education and Training offers a broad overview of the field for adult educators and workplace trainers. It introduces the keys issues, debates and theories in a way which is relevant to practice. Its aim is to deepen readers' understanding of adult learning and education so that they can be better practitioners.Adult education is a diverse field so there is no single body of knowledge which is appropriate for all adult educators. Understanding Adult Education and Training introduces a wide range of formal theory from adult education and associated fields, and shows readers how they can use it their own circumstances.The first edition of this book has become a standard reference for students and professionals in Australia. This edition is fully revised and updated for an international readership.

Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions (The Routledge Education Studies Series)

This book explores undergraduate education programmes in a new way. Written by those at the forefront of teaching and learning, it encourages students to delve beneath the surface of their degree subject and reveals important insights about the how, why and where next for education studies. With contributions from course leaders, tutors, current students and recent graduates, this book offers insights from nearly 60 authors based in 20 different institutions from five different countries. The chapters offer opportunities for readers to consider their own learning experiences in a wider context, enhance their understanding of the degree course and actively shape the education studies community of the future. Each chapter is written in an accessible way, with ‘questions to consider’ throughout and ‘recommended readings’ at the end to advance readers’ thinking and reflections. Chapters cover topics such as: Education Studies’ development as a degree subject Its evolving identity, values and purposes Teaching and assessment approaches in undergraduate education programmes How the subject develops students’ professional aptitudes and transferable skills Possibilities for advancing inclusion, equity and justice in education at degree level These ‘behind the scenes’ factors are brought to the fore through case studies and examples of how lecturers and students make sense of their teaching and learning. With its unique approach to examining these issues, this book is essential for students of Education Studies at undergraduate level while also being relevant for staff and postgraduate students in education.

Understanding Educational Leadership: Critical Perspectives and Approaches

Understanding Educational Leadership guides you through critical perspectives and approaches across the world, taking in the global north and south, and explores the ways in which educational leadership is currently understood, theorised, researched, modelled and practised. The book also covers contemporary issues including gender, sexual identity and race, as well as topics such as governance, performativity and corporatisation. It brings together evidence and ideas that illuminate the power structures and relations in educational leaders, leading and leadership and helps you to consider the impact on policy and practice, and to think about changes needed to mitigate the issues identified. The book showcases a wide range of theorists, including Bourdieu, Foucault and Fraser. Its impressive scope includes analyses of collectivist, neoliberal and historical influences on educational leadership. It explores forensically leadership styles, with an explicit focus on distributed, instructional, democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire and organisational forms.Carefully curated by the editors, the world-leading contributors draw on their wealth of knowledge about research and practice to provide you with an overview of educational leadership today, looking at global research, evidence, arguments and conceptualisations. Each chapter is written in an engaging and inspiring way, following a consistent approach to help you to develop your understanding in each of the areas covered.Full pedagogical features throughout include chapter summaries, key questions, case studies, questions for readers and further reading suggestions with questions on key texts. A companion website provides links to open-access outputs, research-project outcomes, and networking seminars, conferences with links to local, national and global events and connections.

Understanding the Adult Learner: Perspectives and Practices

Adults seek out learning for very different reasons in different contexts, and this book is intended to support adult educators’ development in responding to this rich array. There is no single way to be an adult learner, and so it should not be surprising that there is no single way to be an adult educator. However, the authors believe that all educators must demonstrate a commitment to meeting adult learners where they are. Adult educators should help learners move forward not only with new content knowledge, information, and skills, but also with new ways of making meaning and seeing themselves, their role, and the world. This volume introduces many theories and concepts that can help adult educators do this effectively.

Understanding the Working College Student: New Research and Its Implications for Policy and Practice

How appropriate for today and for the future are the policies and practices of higher education that largely assume a norm of traditional-age students with minimal on-campus, or no, work commitments?Despite the fact that work is a fundamental part of life for nearly half of all undergraduate students – with a substantial number of “traditional” dependent undergraduates in employment, and working independent undergraduates averaging 34.5 hours per week – little attention has been given to how working influences the integration and engagement experiences of students who work, especially those who work full-time, or how the benefits and costs of working differ between traditional age-students and adult students.The high, and increasing, prevalence and intensity of working among both dependent and independent students raises a number of important questions for public policymakers, college administrators, faculty, academic advisors, student services and financial aid staff, and institutional and educational researchers, including: Why do so many college students work so many hours? What are the characteristics of undergraduates who work? What are the implications of working for students’ educational experiences and outcomes? And, how can public and institutional policymakers promote the educational success of undergraduate students who work? This book offers the most complete and comprehensive conceptualization of the “working college student” available. It provides a multi-faceted picture of the characteristics, experiences, and challenges of working college students and a more complete understanding of the heterogeneity underlying the label “undergraduates who work” and the implications of working for undergraduate students’ educational experiences and outcomes. The volume stresses the importance of recognizing the value and contribution of adult learners to higher education, and takes issue with the appropriateness of the term “non-traditional” itself, both because of the prevalence of this group, and because it allows higher education institutions to avoid considering changes that will meet the needs of this population, including changes in course offerings, course scheduling, financial aid, and pedagogy.

Understanding Writing Transfer: Implications for Transformative Student Learning in Higher Education

While education is based on the broad assumption that what one learns here can transfer over there– across critical transitions – what do we really know about the transfer of knowledge?The question is all the more urgent at a time when there are pressures to “unbundle” higher education to target learning particular subjects and skills for occupational credentialing to the detriment of integrative education that enables students to make connections and integrate their knowledge, skills and habits of mind into a adaptable and critical stance toward the worldThis book – the fruit of two-year multi-institutional studies by forty-five researchers from twenty-eight institutions in five countries – identifies enabling practices for, and five essential principles about, writing transfer that should inform decision-making by all higher education stakeholders about how to generally promote the transfer of knowledge.This collection concisely summarizes what we know about writing transfer and explores the implications of writing transfer research for universities’ institutional decisions about writing across the curriculum requirements, general education programs, online and hybrid learning, outcomes assessment, writing-supported experiential learning, e-portfolios, first-year experiences, and other higher education initiatives. This volume makes writing transfer research accessible to administrators, faculty decision makers, and other stakeholders across the curriculum who have a vested interest in preparing students to succeed in their future writing tasks in academia, the workplace, and their civic lives, and offers a framework for addressing the tensions between competency-based education and the integration of knowledge so vital for our society.

Unequals: The Power of Status and Expectations in our Social Lives

This book presents the latest research on status generalization in a variety of settings, examining new interventions for its negative effects. Drawing from research on status processes in sociology, social psychology, education, organizations, mental health, and other fields, the book connects to several bodies of research that include stigma and stereotyping, exchange and power, and organizations. The first part of the book establishes the foundations and recent developments. Next, the book delves into elaborations, variants, and interrelations. Throughout, the book illustrates how status processes are evident in settings like school classrooms and others, where interventions can improve interaction and participation between advantaged and disadvantaged students, genders, organizational positions, races, other dynamics that may be impacted by social status and expectation. The book concludes with chapters on applications and interventions to reduce unwanted inequalities in social interactions and institutions. With its balanced, multidisciplinary approach to the challenges of social hierarchies and deep-rooted expectations, Unequals is an essential volume for all academic and scholarly readers interested in status processes and inequalities in our social lives.

The United Nations Global Compact and the Encyclical Laudato Si: A special theme issue of The Journal of Corporate Citizenship (Issue 64)

In April 2016, the Center for Ethics and Religious Values in Business of the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Office convened a group of scholars and business leaders to discuss the Encyclical Laudato Si (LS) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The articles in this special issue are from that conference; the hope is that they will provoke your thinking and lead to new action to make the world a better place.How is it that the secular United Nations and the religious Vatican have a common vision for business? At root, this common vision for business flows from a common vision for society as a whole.For business, flowing from this common vision is a common understanding of the purpose of business. Catholic social thought has always taught that the single-minded focus on making money in business can never be acceptable. The purpose of business is to create sustainable value for stakeholders and that value is not exclusively monetary value.

Unity in the Book of Isaiah (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)

Building on previous holistic readings of the Book of Isaiah, this collection approaches Isaiah through the concept of unity. Contributors outline research that point to new directions in the unity movement and, in the process, bring it under a critical gaze, considering the perennial challenges to unity reading and thus problematizing the very concept of unity.Divided into four parts, the book provides methodological reflections on reading Isaiah as a unity, and examines historical and redactional readings, literary readings and contextual or reader-orientated readings. Topics include how the figure of Jacob functions as a unifying motif in the final form of the book, Isaiah 1 as an example of the relevance of local structure for global coherence and how woman as a root metaphor of Zion not only bears revelatory significance but also serves as a theological linchpin for a more holistic reading of the book. Overall, the book highlights the continued promise of holistic readings for diverse methods and varied approaches to the Book of Isaiah.

Universities in Crisis: Academic Professionalism in Uncertain Times

This book goes beyond now-familiar analyses of 'neoliberal governmentality' which tend to characterise academics as passive subjects or as 'strategic actors', drawing on and cynically exploiting metrics as a form of capital exchangeable across different fields. Instead, Universities in Crisis draws on newer paradigms by drawing on processual, post-critical and phenomenological approaches that leave room for new spaces of negotiation – discursive and practical – for understanding and advancing academic professionalism in this rapidly changing context.Contributors reflect various manifestations of the changing political and public climate, as well as the unease that surrounds contemporary debates which position the academy in troubling ways. Unifying concepts such as academic work, jurisdiction and transdisciplinarity are deployed to transcend functional divisions within and between academics, administrators, managers and students. Drawing on these theoretical and conceptual resources, contributors engage in critical consideration of whether the potential for 'push back' lies both in re-emphasising the specialness of academic professionalism and in defining the commonalities with other professional groups of knowledge workers.The book offers an unflinching analysis on the conditions which frame the darker side of professionalism and which are associated with increased precarity and reduced autonomy. The contributors explore the dilemmas, challenges and possibilities of professionalism for both early career academics and senior academic leaders.

Universities under Neoliberalism: Ideologies, Discourses and Management Practices (Routledge Advances in Management Learning and Education)

The COVID-19 pandemic, the surge of populism, the climate crisis and many other destabilizing factors in our time, all point at the expectation of trustworthy knowledge and reliable organization devoted to knowledge production and dissemination. However, universities remain enmeshed in economic liberalization and ensuing cultural struggles where their funding, governance and practices reflect market imprints – even academic ideals such as originality, or social ideals such as relevance have been transformed into measurable units and thereby risk losing their historical sway. This predicament is the focus of this book. The book explores the rise of neo-liberalization in academic system in a highly unlikely place: Sweden, a country with a strong social democratic tradition and a long history of state regulation of higher education. As an advanced welfare state with a powerful labour movement and a large public sector, market ideals and practices have been carefully curtailed historically. This notwithstanding, a neoliberal university model has evolved there, reshaping notions of academic identities, institutional directions and notions of quality. This edited collection will be of value to researchers, academics and students with an interest in organizational studies, governance, management, higher education, sociology and politics.

University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa: Community Action Research Platforms (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

This book explains and explores how collaborations can be built and strengthened between African universities and farming communities to address real-world contemporary challenges. The book focuses on Community Action Research Platforms, an approach that has successfully enabled African universities to break free of the ivory tower and prove their relevance to society through deep collaborative engagements in targeted agricultural value chains. Developed in a pan-African network of universities (RUFORUM) focused on capacity building in agriculture, the approach has been tested in diverse settings over the last 15 years. The book draws on the experiences and lessons from 21 different projects initiated by RUFORUM member universities in Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. It highlights a critical yet underutilised role for African universities as collaborators and catalysts for multisector solutions. These are solutions that increase productivity and address climate change. They develop livelihoods and resilience in rural communities, as well as promote farmers’ access to markets, innovation and trade while safeguarding biodiversity and enhancing food and nutrition security. The book makes a case for repositioning African universities as fulcrums of development in society. It shares the rich experiences, learnings and scientific findings of diverse researchers, practitioners and students who have been working towards achieving this reality on the ground. This multidisciplinary book holds appeal for university leaders, higher education, agrifood and development specialists, researchers and practitioners, policymakers and development agencies engaged in African agriculture and rural development, higher education and sustainable growth.

Unpacking Students’ Engagement with Feedback: Pedagogy and Partnership in Practice (Assessment in Schools: Principles in Practice)

Learners of all levels receive a plethora of feedback messages on a daily – or even hourly – basis. Teachers, coaches, parents, peers – all have suggestions and advice on how to improve or sustain a certain level of performance. This volume offers insights into the complexity of students’ engagement with feedback, the diversity of teachers’ feedback practices, and the influence of personal assessment beliefs in tension with prevailing contexts. It focuses on two main sections: what is students’ engagement with feedback? And what is the variety of teachers’ feedback practices? Under these themes, the content covers a broad range of key topics pertaining to instructional feedback, how it operates in a classroom and how students engage with feedback. Unarguably, feedback is a key element of successful instructional practices – however we also know that (a) learners often dread it and dismiss it and (b) the effectiveness of feedback varies depending on teacher’s and student’s characteristics, specific characteristic of feedback messages that learners receive, as well as a number of contextual variables. What this volume articulates are new ways for learners to engage with feedback beyond recipience and uptake. With nuanced insights for research and practice, this book will be most useful to teachers, university teacher educators, and researchers working to design and enact new ways of engaging with feedback in schools and beyond.

Urban Environmental Education Review (Cornell Series in Environmental Education)

Urban Environmental Education Review explores how environmental education can contribute to urban sustainability. Urban environmental education includes any practices that create learning opportunities to foster individual and community well-being and environmental quality in cities. It fosters novel educational approaches and helps debunk common assumptions that cities are ecologically barren and that city people don't care for, or need, urban nature or a healthy environment.Topics in Urban Environmental Education Review range from the urban context to theoretical underpinnings, educational settings, participants, and educational approaches in urban environmental education. Chapters integrate research and practice to help aspiring and practicing environmental educators, urban planners, and other environmental leaders achieve their goals in terms of education, youth and community development, and environmental quality in cities.The ten-essay series Urban EE Essays, excerpted from Urban Environmental Education Review, may be found here: These essays explore various perspectives on urban environmental education and may be reprinted/reproduced only with permission from Cornell University Press.

Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education: Sustainable and Ethical Practices for Learning, Teaching and Assessment (SEDA Focus Series)

Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education explores how higher education providers can realise their role and responsibility in harnessing the power of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) ethically and sustainably.This rich collection of established and evaluated practices from across global higher education offers a practical guide to leading an agile institutional response to emerging technologies, building critical digital literacy across an entire institution, and embedding the ethical and sustainable use of GenAI in teaching, learning, and assessment. Including reflections from stakeholders testifying to the value of the approaches outlined, the book examines how higher education can equip staff and students with the critical-digital literacy necessary to use GenAI in work, study, and social life responsibly and with integrity. It provides an evidence-based resource for any kind of higher education (HE) provider (modern, college-based, and research-focused) looking for inspiration and approaches which can build GenAI capability and includes chapters on the development of cross-institutional strategy, policies and processes, pedagogic practices, and critical-digital literacy.This resource will be invaluable to educational leaders, educational developers, learning developers, learning technologists, course administrators, quality assurance staff, and HE teachers wishing to embrace and adapt to a GenAI-enabled world.

Using Reflection and Metacognition to Improve Student Learning: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy

Research has identified the importance of helping students develop the ability to monitor their own comprehension and to make their thinking processes explicit, and indeed demonstrates that metacognitive teaching strategies greatly improve student engagement with course material.This book -- by presenting principles that teachers in higher education can put into practice in their own classrooms -- explains how to lay the ground for this engagement, and help students become self-regulated learners actively employing metacognitive and reflective strategies in their education.Key elements include embedding metacognitive instruction in the content matter; being explicit about the usefulness of metacognitive activities to provide the incentive for students to commit to the extra effort; as well as following through consistently.Recognizing that few teachers have a deep understanding of metacognition and how it functions, and still fewer have developed methods for integrating it into their curriculum, this book offers a hands-on, user-friendly guide for implementing metacognitive and reflective pedagogy in a range of disciplines. Offering seven practitioner examples from the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, the social sciences and the humanities, along with sample syllabi, course materials, and student examples, this volume offers a range of strategies for incorporating these pedagogical approaches in college classrooms, as well as theoretical rationales for the strategies presented. By providing successful models from courses in a broad spectrum of disciplines, the editors and contributors reassure readers that they need not reinvent the wheel or fear the unknown, but can instead adapt tested interventions that aid learning and have been shown to improve both instructor and student satisfaction and engagement.

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