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Culture Wars in American Education: Past and Present Struggles Over the Symbolic Order (Critical Social Thought)

by Michael R. Olneck

Culture Wars in American Education: Past and Present Struggles Over the Symbolic Order radically questions norms and values held within US Education and analyses why and how culture wars in American education are intense, consequential, and recurrent.Applying the concept of “symbolic order,” this volume elaborates ways in which symbolic representations are used to draw boundaries, allocate status, and legitimate the exercise of authority and power within American schooling. In particular, the book illustrates the “terms of inclusion” by which full membership in the national community is defined, limited, and contested. It suggests that repetitive patterns in the symbolic order, for example, the persistence of the representation of an individualistic basis of American society and polity, constrain the reach of progressive change. The book examines the World War I era Americanization movement, the World War II era Intercultural Education movement, the late-twentieth-century Multicultural Education movement, continuing right-wing assaults on Ethnic Studies and Critical Race Theory in the first decades of the twenty-first century, and historical and contemporary conflicts over the incorporation of languages other than Standard English into approved instructional approaches.In the context of continuing culture wars in the United States and across the globe, this book will be of interest to graduate students and scholars in critical studies of education, history of education, sociology of education, curriculum theory, Multicultural Education, and comparative education, as well as to educators enmeshed in contemporary tensions and conflicts.

Classical Chinese: Selections from Historical Texts (The Princeton Language Program: Modern Chinese #52)

by Naiying Yuan James Geiss Hai-tao Tang

Supplementary readings to Classical Chinese: A Basic Reader—a must for every student of ChineseThis book presents selected historical texts and annotations to instruct, inform, and inspire students of Chinese. Taken from the works known as the Four Histories, these texts offer insights into the political, social, economic, and cultural aspects of China over a long period of time. The comprehensive annotations provide full pronunciation in pinyin, the grammatical function of individual words, and a full explication of the texts.One of the supplementary readings to Classical Chinese: A Basic Reader, this volume includes eight selections from the Shi Ji and two each from the Han Shu, the Hou Han Shu, and the San Guo Zhi. Each unfolds a fascinating account of the historical events and figures that represent certain salient values or distinctive cultural characteristics of what has come to be the Chinese tradition.The Shi Ji, a grand history by Sima Qian chronicling three thousand years of Chinese history, is divided into five sections of 130 chapters. Sima Qian is especially noted for his biographical style, and his work is considered the first and only "universal history" of China. The Han Shu, by Ban Gu, recounts the history of a single dynasty and is known for its dynastic style in depicting history. Together, these two histories represent paradigms of Chinese historiography. The Hou Han Shu, by Fan Ye, and the San Guo Zhi, by Chen Shou, continue this tradition of excellence. These four works are known collectively as the Four Histories.All texts are fully annotated to include a pinyin version marking the pronunciation of each word, glosses of each word by grammatical function and its meaning in the text, as well as detailed explication of each word. The exercises at the end of each selection are intended to help students apply newly gained knowledge, better appreciate Chinese history, and stimulate interest in additional reading.

Iberia negra: Textos para otra historia de la diáspora africana (siglos XVI y XVII)

Iberia negra provides textual and methodological resources to investigate and study the African Diaspora and early modern Iberian Studies with a transatlantic and global perspective. This unique and timely volume renovates the study of Black African lives in the Iberian Peninsula during the 16th and 17th centuries, contextualizing and illuminating Afro-Iberian experiences and representations through unpublished or little-known documents. Across twelve chapters, Iberia negra explores the Afro-Iberian presence and the construction of Black identity in the Iberian Peninsula through the era’s social practices and cultural representations. In dialogue with a vast critical production from different disciplines such as philology, history, anthropology, musicology, cultural studies, and Black and race studies, this volume offers a more complex vision of Black Iberia, moving away from stereotypes and giving an account of the life experiences of Black men and women.Iberia negra covers an existing gap in current academic production: within one comprehensive volume, it unites disciplines that until now have dealt with aspects of the diaspora but without dialogue between each other and it also allows access to a broad spectrum of texts on the diaspora in the Iberian Peninsula. With this double objective, Iberia negra is a fruitful resource for graduate and undergraduate students of Spanish, History, and Race, and for professors and researchers in these areas.Iberia negra propociona recursos textuales y metodológicos para estudiar y enseñar la diáspora africana y los estudios ibéricos modernos con una perspectiva transatlántica y global. Este volumen tan pertinente como único renueva nuestro conocimiento sobre las vidas de las personas negras de la Península Ibérica durante los siglos XVI y XVII, contextualizando e ilustrando las experiencias y representaciones afroibéricas con documentos inéditos o poco conocidos.A lo largo de doce capítulos, Iberia negra explora la presencia afroibérica y la construcción de la identidad negra en la Península Ibérica a través de las prácticas sociales y las representaciones culturales de la época. En diálogo con una vasta producción crítica procedente de diferentes disciplinas como la filología, la historia, la antropología, la musicología, los estudios culturales y los estudios negros y de raza, este volumen ofrece una visión profunda y compleja de la Iberia negra, alejándose de los estereotipos y dando cuenta de las experiencias vitales de las personas negras.Iberia negra cubre una laguna en la producción académica actual. Integra en un volumen disciplinas que han tratado aspectos de la diáspora sin apenas dialogar entre ellas hasta ahora. Además, permite acceder a un amplio espectro de textos sobre la diáspora en la Península Ibérica. Con este doble objetivo, Iberia negra constituye un fructífero recurso para estudiantes de grado y posgrado de español, historia y temas relacionado con la raza, así como para profesores e investigadores de estas áreas.

Phonemes, Graphemes and Democracy: The Significance of Accuracy in the Orthographical Development of isiXhosa

by Zandisile W. Saul Rudolph Botha

This book provides comprehensive guidelines on important aspects of isiXhosa orthography such as word division, spelling and capitalisation. Authors’ primary focus has been those challenging areas of standardisation which have not yet been attended to. The book makes an important contribution to the development of isiXhosa into a fully functional medium of teaching and learning in Higher Education, and facilitate the enhancement of its status as one of South Africa’s official languages.Print editions not for sale in Sub-Saharan Africa

Phonemes, Graphemes and Democracy: The Significance of Accuracy in the Orthographical Development of isiXhosa

by Zandisile W. Saul Rudolph Botha

This book provides comprehensive guidelines on important aspects of isiXhosa orthography such as word division, spelling and capitalisation. Authors’ primary focus has been those challenging areas of standardisation which have not yet been attended to. The book makes an important contribution to the development of isiXhosa into a fully functional medium of teaching and learning in Higher Education, and facilitate the enhancement of its status as one of South Africa’s official languages.Print editions not for sale in Sub-Saharan Africa

Trends And Tropes: Some Aspects of African Indigenous Literatures of South Africa

by E.D.M. Sibiya Zilibele Mtumane

This collection explores topical and current issues in indigenous African language literature of South Africa. These include narratological elements of literature, language usage, poetry analysis, and song lyrics. Each scholar presents findings that are particular to their research, thus making the book a valuable source of knowledge penned in a diversity of writing styles across different literary genres.Seventy per cent of the chapters are written in English and thirty per cent in isiZulu, a gesture towards encouraging research presentations in indigenous languages. Also of interest is that the chapter content covers traditional or largely obsolete forms such as folklore and essays.Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

Trends And Tropes: Some Aspects of African Indigenous Literatures of South Africa

This collection explores topical and current issues in indigenous African language literature of South Africa. These include narratological elements of literature, language usage, poetry analysis, and song lyrics. Each scholar presents findings that are particular to their research, thus making the book a valuable source of knowledge penned in a diversity of writing styles across different literary genres.Seventy per cent of the chapters are written in English and thirty per cent in isiZulu, a gesture towards encouraging research presentations in indigenous languages. Also of interest is that the chapter content covers traditional or largely obsolete forms such as folklore and essays.Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 9/10 – Tor – Trittrecht

Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.

Colloquial Yiddish (Colloquial Series)

by Lily Kahn

Specially written by an experienced teacher, Colloquial Yiddish offers a step-by-step approach to Yiddish as it is spoken and written today.Colloquial Yiddish provides the first widely available, easily accessible, comprehensive Yiddish course designed primarily for the twenty-first-century international English-speaking independent learner and suitable for use in Yiddish classes worldwide.Each unit presents numerous grammatical points that are reinforced with a wide range of exercises for regular practice. A full answer key can be found at the back as well as useful vocabulary summaries throughout.Key features include: graded development of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills realistic and entertaining dialogues jargon-free and clearly structured grammatical explanations a range of dynamic and appropriate supporting exercises supplementary texts presenting many of the most significant and relevant aspects of Yiddish culture. By the end of this rewarding course you will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in Yiddish in a broad range of situations.Course components:The complete course comprises the book and audio materials. These are available to purchase separately in paperback, ebook, CD and MP3 format. The paperback and CDs can also be purchased together in the great-value Colloquials pack. Paperback: 978-0-415-58019-9 (please note this does not include the audio)CDs: 978-0-415-58020-5eBook: 978-0-203-85120-3 (please note this does not include the audio, available to purchase from 978-0-415-58021-2 (available to purchase from 978-0-415-58022-9 (paperback and CDs)

Understanding Korean Film: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Routledge Studies in East Asian Translation)

by Jieun Kiaer Loli Kim

Film viewing presents a unique situation in which the film viewer is unwittingly placed in the role of a multimodal translator, finding themselves entirely responsible for interpreting multifaceted meanings at the mercy of their own semiotic repertoire. Yet, researchers have made little attempt, as they have for literary texts, to explain the gap in translation when it comes to multimodality. It is no wonder then that, in an era of informed consumerism, film viewers have been trying to develop their own toolboxes for the tasks that they are faced with when viewing foreign language films by sharing information online. This is particularly the case with South Korean film, which has drawn the interest of foreign viewers who want to understand these untranslatable meanings and even go as far as learning the Korean language to do so. Understanding Korean Film: A Cross-Cultural Perspective breaks this long-awaited ground by explaining the meaning potential of a selection of common Korean verbal and non-verbal expressions in a range of contexts in South Korean film that are often untranslatable for English-speaking Western viewers. Through the selection of expressions provided in the text, readers become familiar with a system that can be extended more generally to understanding expressions in South Korean films. Formal analyses are presented in the form of in-depth discursive deconstructions of verbal and non-verbal expressions within the context of South Korea’s Confucian traditions. Our case studies thus illustrate, in a more systematic way, how various meaning potentials can be inferred in particular narrative contexts.

Assessing L2 Digital Multimodal Composing Competence (Routledge Focus on Applied Linguistics)

by Emily Di Zhang Shulin Yu

This book focuses on assessing L2 student digital multimodal composing (DMC) competence. It explores key themes, including the conceptualization of L2 student DMC competence, and the development, validation, and utilization of L2 student DMC competence in the tertiary context.Through a thorough review of the DMC literature, the book furnishes readers with a theoretical framework to comprehensively grasp the underlying constructs of L2 student DMC competence. It also provides a delineation of the process of scale development, i.e., defining constructs, constructing items, and analyzing items, scale validation, i.e., the structural, external, and consequential construct validity of the scale, and scale utilization in students’ DMC self- and peer-assessment practices.This practical guidance equips educators and practitioners with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively assess and enhance L2 students’ DMC competence. Scholars and professionals in the fields of L2 writing, language assessment, digital literacy, and technology-enhanced language learning will gain valuable insights from the content.

Assessing L2 Digital Multimodal Composing Competence (Routledge Focus on Applied Linguistics)

by Emily Di Zhang Shulin Yu

This book focuses on assessing L2 student digital multimodal composing (DMC) competence. It explores key themes, including the conceptualization of L2 student DMC competence, and the development, validation, and utilization of L2 student DMC competence in the tertiary context.Through a thorough review of the DMC literature, the book furnishes readers with a theoretical framework to comprehensively grasp the underlying constructs of L2 student DMC competence. It also provides a delineation of the process of scale development, i.e., defining constructs, constructing items, and analyzing items, scale validation, i.e., the structural, external, and consequential construct validity of the scale, and scale utilization in students’ DMC self- and peer-assessment practices.This practical guidance equips educators and practitioners with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively assess and enhance L2 students’ DMC competence. Scholars and professionals in the fields of L2 writing, language assessment, digital literacy, and technology-enhanced language learning will gain valuable insights from the content.

Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen (Adaptation in Theatre and Performance)

by Sanja Garić-Komnenić

Bosnian Literature on Stage and Screen aims to reconcile theoretical approaches with theatrical and cinematic practices by examining two adaptations based on works by the Bosnian author Meša Selimović. The book is informed by scholarship in film and theatre adaptation theories, and is grounded in a comparative approach that focuses on the interplay of sign systems and codes unique to screen and stage. The book looks closely at two adaptations: a screen adaptation of the novel The Fortress and a stage adaptation of the novel The Island.

Einführung in die deutsche Sprachgeschichte

by Hans Ulrich Schmid

Diese Einführung bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache vom Althochdeutschen bis zum Frühneuhochdeutschen mit Ausblicken auf die jüngere Sprachgeschichte und die Gegenwartssprache. Soweit es für das Verständnis heutiger oder historischer Sprachformen notwendig ist, wird auch das Germanische und Indogermanische einbezogen. Der Autor stellt die Sprachentwicklung auf den verschiedenen Ebenen dar: Laut und Schrift, Bildung von Wörtern und Wortformen, Wortschatz, Syntax und Semantik (Bedeutungswandel). Mit Tabellen (zu Laut- und Flexionsparadigmen) und Überblicksdarstellungen, Abbildungen, Textbeispielen und Analysen sowie vertiefenden Literaturhinweisen. – Für die vierte Auflage wurde der Band komplett durchgesehen und aktualisiert.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Local Wisdom (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research #833)

This is an open access book. Every nation has local wisdom which is the hallmark of the different marks (icons) of a nation from the others. As a marker, different local wisdom can be reflected in the forms of mindset, pattern of action, and patterns of local wisdom products. Mindset is a way of life of a nation in coping with various phenomena of life. The patterns of action is the realization of mindset in the forms of human behaviors. The last are the material works that represent the previous two (mindset and patterns of action).For local wisdom to be recognized worldwide, it needs to be explored, studied, and published globally (local to global). The globalization/spread of local wisdom to the other world is expected to provide an interaction space among its owners. In addition, the interaction of local wisdom is expected to contribute to the implementation of basic human values ​​in the interaction with God, human, and nature.

Autoethnography in Language Education: Tensions, Characteristics, and Methods

by Bedrettin Yazan

This book presents an exploration of autoethnography in language education research as a qualitative method with the potential to decolonize language education practices and include marginalized scholars in knowledge generation. The author situates the method of autoethnography within the field, arguing that it has taken too long for autoethnography to be considered an established research method in language education in particular and in educational research in general. He then addresses tensions at the macro and micro levels of autoethnography, discusses its characteristics, and describes the processes and procedures involved in conducting autoethnographic research. This book will be of interest to graduate students and scholars in language education and related disciplines such as anthropology, communication studies, sociology, and broader educational research.

Language Teacher Psychology in the Online Teaching Context: An Ecological Perspective

by Honggang Liu

Employing a mixed-method approach, the book investigates the psychology of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in the online teaching environment in China during the COVID-19 pandemic.Specifically, questionnaires were conducted on Chinese EFL teachers to explore the profiles of EFL teachers’ anxiety, self-efficacy, buoyancy and engagement. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were used to demystify their psychological growth in the dynamic interaction with ecological environments, thus constructing an ecological model of EFL teacher psychology in online teaching. The book provides new insights into EFL teacher psychology and theoretical references for building a functional ecosystem for the professional development of EFL teachers.The book will be of interest to researchers in teacher psychology, language teachers and practitioners, especially those working in the complex technology-based educational environment, and policy makers in foreign language education.

Language Teacher Psychology in the Online Teaching Context: An Ecological Perspective

by Honggang Liu

Employing a mixed-method approach, the book investigates the psychology of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in the online teaching environment in China during the COVID-19 pandemic.Specifically, questionnaires were conducted on Chinese EFL teachers to explore the profiles of EFL teachers’ anxiety, self-efficacy, buoyancy and engagement. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were used to demystify their psychological growth in the dynamic interaction with ecological environments, thus constructing an ecological model of EFL teacher psychology in online teaching. The book provides new insights into EFL teacher psychology and theoretical references for building a functional ecosystem for the professional development of EFL teachers.The book will be of interest to researchers in teacher psychology, language teachers and practitioners, especially those working in the complex technology-based educational environment, and policy makers in foreign language education.

English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice

by Inger M. Mees Paul Carley

English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice provides a unique introduction to basic articulatory phonetics for students of English. Taking a practical approach, this book teaches the pronunciation of modern standard non-regional British English to intermediate and advanced learners worldwide.Now fully updated and restructured, the more concise new edition:• provides an up-to-date description of the pronunciation of modern British English;• demonstrates the use of English consonants and vowels in a variety of contexts and in contrast with other sounds with which they may be confused;• includes expanded theory sections for an improved balance of theory and practice;• is supported by extensive online audio material.Ideal for studying pronunciation in the classroom or for independent student practice, English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice is essential reading for any student of pronunciation and phonetics.

English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice

by Inger M. Mees Paul Carley

English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice provides a unique introduction to basic articulatory phonetics for students of English. Taking a practical approach, this book teaches the pronunciation of modern standard non-regional British English to intermediate and advanced learners worldwide.Now fully updated and restructured, the more concise new edition:• provides an up-to-date description of the pronunciation of modern British English;• demonstrates the use of English consonants and vowels in a variety of contexts and in contrast with other sounds with which they may be confused;• includes expanded theory sections for an improved balance of theory and practice;• is supported by extensive online audio material.Ideal for studying pronunciation in the classroom or for independent student practice, English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice is essential reading for any student of pronunciation and phonetics.

Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam (Global Vietnam: Across Time, Space and Community)

by Dat Bao Phan Le Ha Joel Windle

This open access edited book attempts to break new ground in investigating multiple facets of Vietnamese language, education and change in global contexts, engaging with global Vietnam through complex lenses of language and education. Issues of language, globalization, and global identities have often been framed through the lens of hierarchical/binary power relations, and/or through a dichotomy between hyper-central languages, such as English, and revisualized or marginalized local language and cultures. In this book, this dichotomy is turned on its head by considering how Vietnam and Vietnamese are constructed in and outside Vietnam and enacted in global spaces of classrooms, textbooks, student mobility, community engagement, curriculum, and intercultural contacts. Vietnamese is among the world’s most spoken languages and is ranked in the top 20th in terms the number of speakers. Yet, at the same time, as a ‘peripheral’ or ‘southern’ global language as often seen in the Global North-Global South spectrum, the dynamics of multilingual and multicultural encounters involving Vietnamese generate distinctive dilemmas and tensions, as well as pointing to alternative ways of thinking about global phenomena from a fresh angle. Rather than being outside of the global, Vietnamese - like many other ‘non-central’ global languages - is present in diasporas, commercial, and transnational structures of higher education, schooling, and in the more conventional settings of primary and secondary school, in which visions of culture and language also evoke notions of heritage and tradition as well as bring to the fore deep seated ideological conflicts across time, space, communities, and generations. Relevant to students and scholars researching language, education, identity, multiculturalism, and their intersections, particularly related to Vietnam, but also in Southeast Asia and beyond, this volume is a pioneering investigation into overlooked contexts and languages from a global, southern-oriented perspective."This book presents an eclectic collection of 15 chapters unified by an interest in developing and teaching the Vietnamese language. To my knowledge, there has been no previous attempt to make the national language of Vietnam a focus for as many perspectives as are documented in the book. In this regard, the book makes an original and intriguing contribution to the literature on Vietnamese culture, including the culture of Vietnam’s expanding diaspora. The book is pioneering in the extent to which it draws attention to the many roles played by a national language in a nation’s political, social and cultural development. It also documents the challenges of preserving a national language in settings where it is at risk of being marginalized. It is pleasing that so many of the contributing authors are young Vietnamese scholars who can provide a distinctly Vietnamese perspective on concepts and practices of global significance."- Dr. MartinHayden, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Southern Cross University, Australia "Vietnamese Language, Education and Change In and Outside Vietnam brings together an excellent collection of chapters that highlight the diverse and important but under-explored roles Vietnamese language plays in different settings within and outside Vietnam. The fifteen chapters of this much needed book provide unique insights into various aspects and meanings of Vietnamese language. Collectively, the volume contributes to broadening our view about the evolution and transformation of Vietnamese language under the impacts of local, national, regional and global forces. The book invites readers to engage in a reflective and intersectional approach to rethinking and re-examining our understandings of the changes and developments of Vietnamese language over the history of the country."- Dr Ly Tran, Professor, Centre for Research for Educational Impact (REDI), Deakin University, Australia, and Founder: Australia-Vietnam

English for the IB MYP 4 & 5: MYP by Concept (MYP By Concept)

by Ana de Castro

We are working with the IBO to gain endorsement for the MYP by Concept series.Drive meaningful inquiry for the new framework through a unique concept driven narrative.- Supports every aspect of assessment with opportunities that use the criteria- Gives you easy ways to differentiate and extend learning- Provides a meaningful approach by integrating the inquiry statement in a global context- Develops critical-thinking skills with activities and summative sections rooted in the ATL frameworkAlso coming soon are Teaching and Learning Resources and eTextbooks via Dynamic Learning, our complete digital solution.

El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: Un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas (Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)

El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas es el primer libro en ofrecer un panorama de investigaciones que se están realizando sobre el campo de español para fines específicos (EFE) en esta región. Está conformado por dos partes, las cuales ofrecen aproximaciones al español para fines académicos y el español para fines laborales con un énfasis en prácticas pedagógicas para el aula. El volumen se compone de estudios realizados por académicos de siete países latinoamericanos (Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Brasil, Guatemala, México y Perú) y explora temáticas relevantes para la enseñanza del español en los distintos contextos representados. Por medio de los estudios presentados por los autores, El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas pone de relieve cómo el campo de EFE puede responder a necesidades pedagógicas que se observan en Latinoamérica al incorporar nuevos acercamientos al campo de la lingüística aplicada.Este libro es de interés para investigadores y docentes en las áreas de la enseñanza de lenguas, el español para fines específicas y la lingüística aplicada.El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica is the first book to bring together the various lines of research being carried out on teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP) across Latin America.Divided into two parts, the book offers invaluable research into Spanish for academia and Spanish for professional purposes in Latin America with a particular focus on pedagogical practices for university classrooms. Comprised of studies by scholars from seven different Latin American countries (Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru), this volume explores themes individual to the region and concerns relevant to the teaching of Spanish in these environments. Through these studies, El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica illustrates how the field of SSP can respond to specific needs within Latin America by exploring issues specific to the region through exploring different approaches to the field of applied linguistics.This unique volume will be of interest to researchers in the areas of Spanish language pedagogy, Spanish for Specific Purposes, and applied linguistics.

El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: Un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas (Routledge Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics)

by Carmen King Ramírez

El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas es el primer libro en ofrecer un panorama de investigaciones que se están realizando sobre el campo de español para fines específicos (EFE) en esta región. Está conformado por dos partes, las cuales ofrecen aproximaciones al español para fines académicos y el español para fines laborales con un énfasis en prácticas pedagógicas para el aula. El volumen se compone de estudios realizados por académicos de siete países latinoamericanos (Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Brasil, Guatemala, México y Perú) y explora temáticas relevantes para la enseñanza del español en los distintos contextos representados. Por medio de los estudios presentados por los autores, El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica: un panorama de prácticas pedagógicas y tendencias investigativas pone de relieve cómo el campo de EFE puede responder a necesidades pedagógicas que se observan en Latinoamérica al incorporar nuevos acercamientos al campo de la lingüística aplicada.Este libro es de interés para investigadores y docentes en las áreas de la enseñanza de lenguas, el español para fines específicas y la lingüística aplicada.El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica is the first book to bring together the various lines of research being carried out on teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP) across Latin America.Divided into two parts, the book offers invaluable research into Spanish for academia and Spanish for professional purposes in Latin America with a particular focus on pedagogical practices for university classrooms. Comprised of studies by scholars from seven different Latin American countries (Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru), this volume explores themes individual to the region and concerns relevant to the teaching of Spanish in these environments. Through these studies, El español para fines específicos en Latinoamérica illustrates how the field of SSP can respond to specific needs within Latin America by exploring issues specific to the region through exploring different approaches to the field of applied linguistics.This unique volume will be of interest to researchers in the areas of Spanish language pedagogy, Spanish for Specific Purposes, and applied linguistics.

Terminología del español: el término / Spanish Terminology: The Term

Terminología del español: el término / Spanish Terminology: The Term provides a consolidated and research-based guide to Terminology Science in Spanish. This edited collection brings together experts in the field who draw upon a large-scale, multi-subject terminology and corpus linguistics research project to provide data, examples, trends, models, analysis, and discussion of terms.Readers will find this a practical guide to term characterization that can be applied to tasks and processes related to terminology, term extraction, specialized translation, knowledge representation, and language for specific purposes. Nine of the 13 chapters focus on a specialized category ranging from terminological nouns and verbs to complex terms and specialized phraseology and offers a qualitative characterization of the relevant category, as well as a quantitative insight into the category trends in a representative corpus of specialized discourses in Spanish. The volume also includes chapters on the teaching of terminology, term extraction, the methodology of terminological projects, and a quantum theory of the term.This volume will be of interest to specialists in Terminology, Spanish linguistics, technology-mediated language processing, specialized translation, specialized lexicography, and language for specific purposes.Terminología del español: el término / Spanish Terminology: The Term constituye una guía comprensiva y basada en investigación sobre la Terminología en español. Este volumen editado reúne a expertos en el campo, los cuales se basan en un proyecto de investigación multidisciplinario y representativo en terminología y lingüística de corpus para mostrar datos, ejemplos, tendencias, modelos, análisis y discusión de diversos términos.Los lectores encontrarán en este libro una guía práctica para la caracterización de términos, lo cual se puede aplicar a tareas y procesos relacionados con la terminología, la extracción de términos, la traducción especializada, la representación del conocimiento y el lenguaje con fines específicos, entre otros. Nueve de los 13 capítulos se centran en una categoría especializada que va desde sustantivos y verbos terminológicos hasta términos complejos y fraseología especializada, y ofrecen una caracterización cualitativa de la categoría relevante, así como una perspectiva cuantitativa sobre las tendencias de la categoría en un corpus representativo de discursos especializados en español. El volumen también incluye un capítulo que propone una teoría cuántica del término, así como tres capítulos adicionales dedicados a la enseñanza de la terminología, la extracción de términos y la metodología de proyectos terminológicos.El volumen será de interés para especialistas en Terminología, lingüística española, procesamiento del lenguaje mediado por tecnologías, traducción especializada, lexicografía especializada y lenguas con fines específicos.

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Showing 5,251 through 5,275 of 5,408 results