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Showing 3,626 through 3,650 of 3,658 results

The Every Body Book: The LGBTQ+ Inclusive Guide for Kids about Sex, Gender, Bodies, and Families

by Rachel E. Simon

An illustrated LGBTQ+ inclusive kid's guide to sex and relationship education that includes children and families of all genders and sexual orientations, covering puberty, hormones, consent, sex, pregnancy and safety.

My Trans Parent: A User Guide for When Your Parent Transitions

by Heather Bryant

When a parent transitions, the whole family transitions. Providing tips and advice, information on gender identity and transitioning, and a wealth of real-life stories, this book will guide you through your relative's transition, and your own.

Being a Super Trans Ally!: A Creative Workbook and Journal for Young People

by Phoenix Schneider Sherry Paris

An interactive workbook full of activities to give children aged 10+ the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to be an ally for their trans friends and family.

Gender Explorers: Our Stories of Growing Up Trans and Changing the World

by Juno Roche

'I believe that children who are questioning and exploring their gender are the gender bosses that we all so desperately need. I believe that they are our future.'In this life-affirming, heartening and refreshing collection of interviews, young trans people offer valuable insight and advice into what has helped them to flourish and feel happy in their experience of growing up trans.Speaking openly and candidly about their gender, their experiences of coming out, their aspirations, and their fears - accompanied by interviews and support from their parents and carers - this book is beautiful proof of the potential for trans children to live rich and fulfilling lives when given the support and love they need.With their trademark candour and empathy, Juno Roche gives voice to a generation of gender explorers who are making gender work for them, and in the process, reveals a kinder, more accepting world, that we should all be fighting for.

ACT for Gender Identity: The Comprehensive Guide

by Alex Stitt

Increasingly adopted by therapists and mental health professionals, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) helps clients to cope with social, emotional and mental health issues by using the six core ACT processes: Acceptance, Cognitive Defusion, Being Present, the Self as Context, Values and Committed Action.This is the go-to-guide for evidence-based ACT techniques to be used by professionals to help their transgender, genderqueer, genderfluid, third gender and agender clients. It provides the tools to help these clients develop emotional processing skills they can implement throughout their life, from coping with mental health issues and substance abuse, to navigating prejudice and social pressure, to building a career and developing a family.

XOXY: A Memoir (Intersex Woman, Mother, Activist)

by Kimberly M. Zieselman

AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 2021 STONEWALL HONOR BOOKMeet Kimberly, a regular suburban housewife and mother, whose discovery later in life that she was born intersex fuelled her to become an international human rights defender and globally-recognised activist. Charting her intersex discovery and her journey to self-acceptance, this book movingly portrays how being intersex impacted Kimberly's personal and family life, as well as her career. From uncovering a secret that was intentionally kept from her, to coming out to her family and friends and fighting for intersex rights, her candid and empowering story helps breakdown barriers and misconceptions of intersex people and brings to light the trauma and harmful impact medical intervention continues to have on the intersex community. Written from a non-queer perspective, and filled with much-needed, straightforward information and advice about what it means to be intersex, this is a vital and timely resource for intersex people and their families, as well as the general reader.

The Spectrum of Sex: The Science of Male, Female, and Intersex

by Hida Viloria Maria Nieto

This transformative guide completely breaks down our current understanding of biological sex and gender diversity.Introducing readers to seven variations of human sex, commonly considered intersex, the book challenges the myth that sex and gender are exclusively binary and explores the inherent diversity of biological sex and its relationship to gender identity and expression, and the impact this has on society. Examining historical, linguistic and socio-cultural understandings of sex and gender, as well as genetic and scientific definitions, the book is an important resource for dismantling gender and sexuality-based discrimination and promoting understanding and inclusivity.Co-written by one of the world's leading intersex activists and a highly respected scholar in biological sciences, and accompanied with detailed anatomical illustrations throughout, this pioneering text is the essential introduction to gender and sex diversity for gender studies, women's studies, biology and genetics courses, as well as professionals working with intersex and trans communities.

Creative Arts Therapies and the LGBTQ Community: Theory and Practice

by Mark Beauregard Britton Williams Judith Luongo Julie Lipson Beth Gonzalez-Dolginko Mikella Millen Sarah Gluck Michael Kariyev Liisa Murray Olivia Cohen Ashley L. Koenig Cara Aubrey Gallo

This book addresses research and theory on creative art therapies and the LGBTQ society, and offers illustrations of practical applications including self-studies, case studies and explorations of large group projects.

A Reflective Guide to Gender Identity Counselling

by Madison-Amy Webb

By reflecting on their own gender identity, counsellors can relate to gender variant clients in new and productive ways. In this incisive work, Webb guides counsellors through examination of their own gender identity, pairing thoughtful exercises with case studies, personal diary excerpts, sociocultural context and clinical techniques.

Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary People with Disabilities or Illnesses: A Good Practice Guide for Health and Care Provision

by Jennie Kermode

By drawing on the experience of trans people who are affected by physical disability, chronic illness and mental illness, this book is the definitive guide on providing best practice in approaches to health and care policy.Suggesting solutions to areas where understanding and care provision is poor, Kermode gives advice on topics such as transitioning with a disability, sex-specific service provision and fertility and reproduction. The book also examines how health and care professionals can adapt to cater for transgender and non-binary people's needs and can support those who must use health services due to their condition.Written in an accessible and comprehensive manner, Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary People with Disabilities or Illnesses is an essential guide for practitioners in health and social care positions.

Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics

by Rachel Anne Williams

How do I know I am trans? Is trans feminism real feminism? What is there to say about trans women's male privilege? This collection of insightful, pithy and passionately argued think pieces from a trans-feminist perspective explores issues surrounding gender, feminism and philosophy and challenges misconceptions about trans identities. The book confronts contentious debates in gender studies to alleviate ongoing tension between feminism and trans women. Split into six sections, this collection covers wider issues, as well as autobiographical experiences, designed to stimulate the reader and encourage them to actively participate.

Person-Centred Counselling for Trans and Gender Diverse People: A Practical Guide

by Sam Hope

Trans clients are frequently doubted, misunderstood, infantilised and judged by professionals, and this book presents an approach that ensures psychological wellbeing and trust is built between counsellor and client. This person-centred, affirmative approach is based around unlearning assumptions about gender and destabilising professionals' ideas of 'knowing better' than, and judging the client, so that they can forge a relationship and connection that is on an equal footing. The book explores a range of topics such as the overlap of gender diversity and autism, sex and sexuality, intersectionality, unconscious bias and reflective practice. Essential reading for professionals that want to support trans people's mental health and social wellbeing.

Trans Power: Own Your Gender

by Juno Roche

SHORTLISTED FOR THE POLARI BOOK PRIZE 2020'Staggeringly visionary' ATTITUDE'Essential reading' CHARLIE CRAGGS'Not to be missed' AMELIA ABRAHAM'An absolute gem' FOX FISHER'Beautiful' CHRISTINE BURNS'All those layers of expectation that are thrust upon us; boy, masculine, femme, transgender, sexual, woman, real, are such a weight to carry round. I feel transgressive. I feel hybrid. I feel trans.'In this radical and emotionally raw book, Juno Roche pushes the boundaries of trans representation by redefining 'trans' as an identity with its own power and strength, that goes beyond the gender binary.Through intimate conversations with leading and influential figures in the trans community, such as Kate Bornstein, Travis Alabanza, Josephine Jones, Glamrou and E-J Scott, this book highlights the diversity of trans identities and experiences with regard to love, bodies, sex, race and class, and urges trans people - and the world at large - to embrace a 'trans' identity as something that offers empowerment and autonomy.Powerfully written, and with humour and advice throughout, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of gender and how we identify ourselves.

Trans Love: An Anthology of Transgender and Non-Binary Voices

by Freiya Benson

Selected as a 2019 LGBT Book of the Year by Dazed and Ms. MagazineA ground-breaking anthology of writing on the topic of love, written by trans and non-binary people who share their thoughts, feelings and experiences of love in all its guises. The collection spans familial, romantic, spiritual and self-love as well as friendships and ally love, to provide a broad and honest understanding of how trans people navigate love and relationships, and what love means to them.Reclaiming what love means to trans people, this book provokes conversations that are not reflected in what is presently written, moving the narrative around trans identities away from sensationalism. At once intimate and radical, and both humorous and poignant, this book is for anyone who has loved, who is in love, and who is looking for love.

They/Them/Their: A Guide to Nonbinary and Genderqueer Identities

by Eris Young

Showing what life is like as a non-binary or genderqueer person, this book explores relationships, mental and physical health, language use and identity and appearance, providing advice for non-binary people and how friends and family can support them.

Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman

by Laura Kate Dale

"So while the assumption when I was born was that I was or would grow up to be a neurotypical heterosexual boy, that whole idea didn't really pan out long term."In this candid, first-of-its-kind memoir, Laura Kate Dale recounts what life is like growing up as a gay trans woman on the autism spectrum. From struggling with sensory processing, managing socially demanding situations and learning social cues and feminine presentation, through to coming out as trans during an autistic meltdown, Laura draws on her personal experiences from life prior to transition and diagnosis, and moving on to the years of self-discovery, to give a unique insight into the nuances of sexuality, gender and autism, and how they intersect.Charting the ups and downs of being autistic and on the LGBT spectrum with searing honesty and humour, this is an empowering, life-affirming read for anyone who's felt they don't fit in.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Trans (But Were Afraid to Ask)

by Brynn Tannehill

Leading activist and essayist Brynn Tannehill tells you everything you ever wanted to know about transgender issues but were afraid to ask. The book aims to break down deeply held misconceptions about trans people across all aspects of life, from politics, law and culture, through to science, religion and mental health, to provide readers with a deeper understanding of what it means to be trans.The book walks the reader through transgender issues, starting with "What does transgender mean?" before moving on to more complex topics including growing up trans, dating and sex, medical and mental health, and debates around gender and feminism. Brynn also challenges deliberately deceptive information about transgender people being put out into the public sphere. Transphobic myths are debunked and biased research, bad statistics and bad science are carefully and clearly refuted.This important and engaging book enables any reader to become informed the most critical public conversations around transgender people, and become a better ally as a result.

Working with Trans Survivors of Sexual Violence: A Guide for Professionals

by Sally Rymer Valentina Cartei

This book provides practical advice for professionals working with transgender (including non-binary) people who have survived any form of sexual violence or abuse. It gives professionals an understanding of the impact and trauma of sexual violence on trans people, as well as the additional difficulties they face accessing services that have traditionally been designed to serve cisgendered clients.The authors reveal specific issues faced by trans people as they recover from traumatic sexual experiences, and what steps professionals and organisations can take to meet the needs of the trans community. They also take a critical look at what can be done to reduce discrimination, particularly as many services for sexual violence tend to enforce strict gender segregation which can be exclusionary for trans clients. This book helps mitigate the traumatic effects of sexual violence on trans individuals, by recommending effective responses for all levels of service delivery, from organisational policies to advice for front-line professionals.

Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Students and Staff in Further and Higher Education: Practical Advice for Colleges and Universities

by Matson Lawrence Stephanie Mckendry

This practical guide enables post-secondary education professionals to support transgender applicants, students and staff. Providing an introduction to transgender identities, it sets out policies, interventions and advice for supporting transgender people through learning, teaching, recruitment, mental health, and medical and legal considerations.

The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People: Your Transition as Your Partner Transitions

by D. M. Maynard

Partners of people in transition go through their own transitions and may or may not be conflicted as to whether they will remain in their relationship. This unique self-help workbook was created for and focuses on the partner's perspective and own journey. By providing the support and structure needed for partners to reflect, this resource helps navigate the unexpected transition that affects both of their lives. Providing an essential tool that is currently missing, this book gives guidance and advice specifically designed for this situation, alongside activities, quizzes, and personal anecdotes. By combining portions of the author's self-exploration-as the partner of someone who began to transition after 17 years of being in their relationship- with the experiences shared by those who attended her workshops, this workbook examines the challenges, uncertainties, and possible grieving some partners experience throughout the transition process. With space for responding to reflective questions, exercises and games, this workbook offers partners a safe haven to discover their own wants and needs and will be of interest to both couples and individual counselors.

Trans Teen Survival Guide

by Fox Fisher Owl Fisher

'I wish I had a book like this when I was growing up' PARIS LEES'Wonderful and ground-breaking' MERMAIDSFrank, friendly and funny, the Trans Teen Survival Guide will leave transgender and non-binary teens informed, empowered and armed with all the tips, confidence and practical advice they need to navigate life as a trans teen.Wondering how to come out to your family and friends, what it's like to go through cross hormonal therapy or how to put on a packer? Trans youth activists Fox and Owl have stepped in to answer everything that trans teens and their families need to know.With a focus on self-care, expression and being proud of your unique identity, the guide is packed full of invaluable advice from people who understand the realities and complexities of growing up trans. Having been there, done that, Fox and Owl are able to honestly chart the course of life as a trans teen, from potentially life-saving advice on dealing with dysphoria or depression, to hilarious real-life awkward trans stories.

Transitioning in the Workplace: A Guidebook

by Dana Pizzuti

Written from the author's own experience of transitioning within a major US corporation, this book prepares transgender people with everything they need to know to successfully transition in the workplace. The first guide of its kind, it offers all the practical advice and support trans people need to be able to balance their career ambitions with their personal needs.Many businesses lack specific trans-inclusive HR strategies - this guide fills the gap with tools, resources and an easy-to-read breakdown of all the relevant laws and policies. It covers everything from how to come out to colleagues and clients and realistic medical timetables, to introducing a new professional name and creating a workplace support system. This is a must-read guide for every trans person preparing to transition, as well as for managers and HR professionals wishing to support their employees.

Yes, You Are Trans Enough: My Transition from Self-Loathing to Self-Love

by Mia Violet

With entertaining anecdotes and thoughtful observations, this memoir depicts the realities of being a trans woman - from bullying and botched coming out attempts to self-acceptance and love - whilst exploring the most pressing questions in the transgender debate.

Raising Rosie: Our Story of Parenting an Intersex Child

by Stephani Lohman Eric Lohman

There is often medical pressure on parents of intersex children to have their child's gender reassigned at birth, based on cultural ideas of gender. When Rosie was born, Eric and Stephani Lohman decided to not have her gender reassigned. Part memoir, part guide, this book gives much needed information for parents of children born intersex children.

Supporting Young Transgender Men: A Guide for Professionals

by Matthew Waites

There is a current shortage of information for professionals on the specific needs of transgender men. Exploring the obstacles that trans men face across health and social services, and addressing common myths and misconceptions about transitioning, this book solves this shortfall.

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