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The Basic Problems of Phenomenology: From the Lectures, Winter Semester, 1910-1911 (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Collected Works #12)

by Edmund Husserl

This book provides a short introduction to Husserlian Phenomenology by Husserl himself. Husserl highly regarded his work "The Basic Problems of Phenomenology" as basic for his theory of the phenomenological reduction. He considered this work as equally fundamental for the theory of empathy and intersubjectivity and for his theory of the life-world. Further, with the appendices, it reveals Husserl in a critical dialogue with himself.

Phantasy, Image Consciousness, and Memory (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Collected Works #11)

by Edmund Husserl

This is the first English translation of Husserliana XXIII, the volume in the critical edition of Edmund Husserl's works that gathers together a rich array of posthumous texts on representational consciousness. The lectures and sketches comprising this work make available the most profound and comprehensive Husserlian account of image consciousness. They explore phantasy in depth, and furnish nuanced accounts of perception and memory.

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband I Verstand und Gegenstand Texte aus dem Nachlass (1909-1927) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-I)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der erste Teilband enthält Manuskripte, die der deskriptiven Analyse verschiedener Weisen der Objektivation in unterschiedlichen Aktformen und Aktvollzügen des Vorstellens und Denkens wie dem thematischen Meinen, dem Aufmerken und Zuwenden, dem Explizieren und Urteilen sowie dem Stellungnehmen gewidmet sind. Husserls besonderes Interesse gilt dabei der Beziehung zwischen Rezeptivität und Spontaneität.Dieser Band ist der erste Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the first part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).f

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband II Gefühl und Wert Texte aus dem Nachlass (1896-1925) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-II)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der zweite Teilband enthält Husserls deskriptive Untersuchungen der Gefühlsakte und der Konstitution der Werte in solchen Akten. In detaillierten Beschreibungen unterscheidet er zwischen verschiedenen Gefühlsarten, zwischen Gefühlspassivität und Gefühlsaktivität und er ringt mit dem Problem der objektivierenden Leistung der Gefühlsakte. Dieser Band ist der zweite Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the second part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband III Wille und Handlung Texte aus dem Nachlass (1902-1934) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-III)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden, vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der dritte Teilband dokumentiert Husserls deskriptive Forschung im Willensgebiet, seine Analysen der Willens- und Handlungsformen, eingeschlossen die Willenspassivität in Form der Neigungen, Triebe, Tendenzen und Strebungen. Das Wollen als Ingangsetzen der Handlung, das fiat, wird vom die Handlung ausführenden Wollen, dem Handlungswillen, unterschieden. Verschiedene Formen der Handlung werden analysiert. Passive und aktive Willensmodi und ihre Beziehung werden untersucht.Dieser Band ist der dritte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the third part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband IV Textkritischer Anhang (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-IV)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der vierte Teilband enthält den textkritischen Apparat.Dieser Band ist der vierte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält den kritischen Apparat und Index zu den Texten in den ersten drei Teilbänden dieses Sets. This volume is the fourth part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It the Critical Apparatus and the Index for the edited texts available in the first three volumes of the set.

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

by Gerry Hussey

Gerry Hussey is Ireland's leading health and performance coach and founder of the incredible movement Soul Space. Here in his first book, Awaken Your Power Within, he brings us on an open, honest and mind-blowing human encounter that takes us inside the heart and mind of a young boy who dared to ask deeper questions about the mind and soul. With amazing insights, life lessons, and powerful meditations Awaken Your Power Within unlocks the truths about how we experience the world and shows us how we can break free from unconscious, self-limiting beliefs, habits, emotions and thinking patterns to reshape and reclaim our inner world, enabling us to live as our truest and most powerful self. From letting go of the fear of not being enough, to overcoming the dis-ease of distraction, to opening up to a deeper level of consciousness, Awaken Your Power Within is a powerful guide for all ages, one which takes us on a path of discovery to a deeper understanding of who we truly are and the limitless possibilities of which we are all capable. 'You are an infinite being with infinite potential. All you need to do is open yourself to a new consciousness, a true vision of who you really are and awaken to the power within' Gerry Hussey

Awaken Your Power Within: Let Go of Fear. Discover Your Infinite Potential. Become Your True Self.

by Gerry Hussey

'You are an infinite being with infinite potential. All you need to do is open yourself to a new consciousness, a true vision of who you really are and awaken to the power within'From leading health and performance coach, Gerry Hussey, comes a powerful guide to transforming your mind, body and soul.In Awaken Your Power Within, Gerry tells an open, honest and mind-blowing story of self-discovery that takes us inside the heart and mind of a young boy who dared to ask deeper questions about the mind and soul. Bringing together insights from psychology, neuroscience, gut health, quantum physics, mindfulness and philosophy, the book shows you how to break free from limiting and self-destructive habits and reclaim your inner world, so that you can live as your truest and most powerful self.From letting go of the fear of not being enough to opening up a deeper level of consciousness, Awaken Your Power Within is a life-changing introduction to the limitless possibilities of which you are capable.

The Freedom Within: Heal Your Emotional Wounds. Awaken Your Higher Consciousness. Discover the Power of Emotional Health.

by Gerry Hussey

Do you find yourself dwelling in unhelpful emotions like fear, anxiety and overwhelm?Endlessly chasing something intangible to help you feel 'enough'?What if a life of greater ease and joy is available to you?In his new book The Freedom Within, bestselling author and health coach Gerry Hussey gives us a remarkable insight into the truth about human emotions: how they shape every aspect of our lives and how every emotion we hold is either enabling or disabling us, healing or hurting us.From understanding the impact of early childhood experiences, family dynamics and unconscious beliefs, to discovering how to unlock our emotional triggers and establish healthy boundaries, this transformative guide shows us how we can redirect our energy from a place of emotional pain to one of power and begin living with incredible inner peace.Step out of the shadows of your past.Connect to your truest self.Discover your emotional superpower.

The Delusions of Certainty

by Siri Hustvedt

Prizewinning novelist, feminist, and scholar Siri Hustvedt turns her brilliant and critical eye toward the metaphysical issues of neuropsychology in this lauded, standalone volume. Originally published in her collection A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women, The Delusions of Certainty exposes how the age-old, unresolved mind-body problem has shaped - and often distorted and confused - contemporary thought in neuroscience, psychiatry, genetics, artificial intelligence, and evolutionary psychology.

A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women: Essays on Art, Sex, and the Mind

by Siri Hustvedt

A trail-blazing and inspiring collection of essays on art, feminism, neuroscience and psychology featuring The Delusions of Certainty, winner of the European Essay Prize 2019.As well as being a prize-winning, bestselling novelist, Siri Hustvedt is widely regarded as a leading thinker in the fields of neurology, feminism, art criticism and philosophy. She believes passionately that art and science are too often kept separate and that conversations across disciplines are vital to increasing our knowledge of the human mind and body, how they connect and how we think, feel and see. The essays in this volume - all written between 2011 and 2015 - are in three parts. A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women brings together penetrating pieces on particular artists and writers such as Picasso, Kiefer and Susan Sontag as well as essays investigating the biases that affect how we judge art, literature, and the world in general. The Delusions of Certainty is an essay about the mind/body problem, showing how this age-old philosophical puzzle has shaped contemporary debates on many subjects and how every discipline is coloured by what lies beyond argument-desire, belief, and the imagination. The essays in the final section, What Are We? Lectures on the Human Condition, tackle such elusive neurological disorders as synesthesia and hysteria. Drawing on research in sociology, neurobiology, history, genetics, statistics, psychology and psychiatry, this section also contains a profound consideration of suicide and a towering reconsideration of Kierkegaard. Together they form an extremely stimulating, thoughtful, wide-ranging exploration of some of the fundamental questions about human beings and the human condition, delivered with Siri Hustvedt's customary lucidity, vivacity and infectiously questioning intelligence.

Information Skills for Nursing Students

by Kay Hutchfield

It is essential for nursing students to access current and reliable information to succeed in academic assignments and nursing practice, yet there are increasingly diverse information sources available, which can raise questions about the authenticity and reliability of information provided.

Information Skills for Nursing Students (PDF)

by Kay Hutchfield

It is essential for nursing students to access current and reliable information to succeed in academic assignments and nursing practice, yet there are increasingly diverse information sources available, which can raise questions about the authenticity and reliability of information provided.

Succeeding In Essays, Exams And OSCEs For Nursing Students (PDF)

by Kay Hutchfield

The word assessment can strike terror into any student. However, providing evidence of knowledge and skills for professional practice is an integral and essential part of university life as a nursing student. This book helps nursing students better understand the processes of assessment so that every student can achieve their potential in their studies.

Endure: Mind, Body, And The Curiously Elastic Limits Of Human Performance

by Alex Hutchinson

‘This book is AMAZING!’ – MALCOLM GLADWELL ‘If you want to gain insight into the mind of great athletes, adventurers, and peak performers then prepare to be enthralled by Alex Hutchinson’s Endure.’ – BEAR GRYLLS

F*cked: Being Sexually Explorative and Self-Confident in a World That's Screwed

by Krystyna Hutchinson Corinne Fisher

An Uncensored Conversation About Sex and Self from the Creators of the Top-Rated Guys We F*cked: The Anti Slut-Shaming Podcast'They are the voices of a new generation of women for whom no sexual encounter is off limits' Times MagazineComedians Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson started Guys We F*cked: The Anti Slut-Shaming Podcast in 2013, intending to interview guys they'd slept with to learn more about themselves and squash the stigma so often associated with sexual women. As the podcast grew, and Corinne and Krystyna got to know their fans, stories of sexual assault, verbal and emotional abuse and crippling shame became common topics of discussion along with those humorous conversations highlighting overall sexual confusion among many adults. The podcast is now a community of over a million listeners worldwide and a place where any and all taboo sex topics are discussed freely, both with celebrity guests and the real people in their lives.F*cked follows that model, as Corinne and Krystyna bring a mix of raw, ridiculous and serious sexual conversation to the page that will include topics like:· Why shame is completely made up and how we can stop giving into it· Sexual exploration and how it sometimes ends in a trip to A&E· Stuff we should stop doing: Snooping, nitpicking our bodies, and faking orgasms· Asking your sexual partner uncomfortable questions· How to get yourself out of an unsafe situation· Masturbation, threesomes, porn, sex toys, butt stuff and much, much moreThis is a guide to love and sex for anyone who has ever felt afraid to be their authentic sexual self. It won't talk down to you or coddle you, because you're better than that. Despite what Rom-Coms and glossy magazines tell you, you can handle sexual exploration without the assistance of a man, a glass of rosé, or a Xanax-and more importantly, you're fine all by yourself.

Manifest Your Dreams: Your beginner’s toolkit for manifesting in 10 easy steps

by Natalie Jade Hutchinson

Your dreams are just within your reach - master the magic of manifestation in 10 steps and bring those dreams to life.Manifesting is a philosophy and a practice to help you visualise and achieve your dream goals, discover self-love and live a life full of good vibes and gratitude. An internet sensation, with 19 billion views of #manifestation alone on TikTok, the world is discovering the power of manifesting techniques. But what is manifesting and how does it work? This book takes you through 10 practical steps for how to manifest, covering what manifesting is to begin with, how you can use it, and different ways of manifesting. It is a beginner's guide, making it perfect for anyone curious about manifesting but unsure where to start.The author, Natalie Hutchinson aka Manifesting Minnie, is a guiding light for readers who want to manifest their dreams. With her friendly and approachable tone and the book's beautiful illustrations throughout, Natalie's tips and instructions are easy to follow. From explaining the Law of Attraction and how you can manifest your desires by planting the seeds of your goals, to harnessing the power of crystals and the moon, Natalie leaves no manifesting stone unturned.This step-by step guide will help you recognise your self-worth, get clear on what you want, ask the universe, work toward your goals, change your mindset, feel the joy, be grateful and set a healthy manifesting routine.*Includes practical techniques such as guides to manifesting with crystals, journaling, visualisation and mastering the 5 x 55 technique.*If you have the power to see something and believe it, you have the power to make it happen.

The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine: Understanding the Hormone Connection to find Hope and Wellness

by Susan Hutchinson

Headache in women is truly a major health issue. Every year, over 22 million women in the United States suffer from migraine headache, often debilitating attacks that can leave the sufferer bedridden and that, in many cases, can undermine both one's career and even one's marriage. The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine is a concise and practical handbook that gives female headache sufferers all the tools they need to work with their healthcare providers to properly diagnose types of headache and develop the best possible treatment plans. A headache specialist, family practice physician, and fellow migraine sufferer, Dr. Susan Hutchinson introduces the reader to seven women with different lives--ranging from a nineteen-year-old college student, to a twenty-nine-year-old attorney, to a fifty-five-year-old mother of three grown children--different women with the common thread of suffering from disabling monthly migraines. As these women's lives unfold throughout the book, the reader gains insight into their own headache experience. Readers will learn about hormonal therapy, preventive strategies, and treatment options, ranging from the most promising new drugs to the most effective complementary and alternative therapies. Dr. Hutchinson answers common questions, such as how to plan for pregnancy and how to manage family and work life while coping with ongoing migraine attacks. She shows you how to carefully maintain your body and brain to minimize disruptions that can trigger a migraine, how to keep a migraine diary, how to find a headache-focused provider in your area, and how to make the most out of a visit to your doctor. The book includes a "headache quiz" that will determine if you are having true migraines. The time in a woman's life when migraine is most common--her twenties through her early fifties--represents her peak earning-power and child-raising years. The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine will empower women to take charge of their treatment and find the path to living well.

The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine: Understanding the Hormone Connection to find Hope and Wellness

by Susan Hutchinson

Headache in women is truly a major health issue. Every year, over 22 million women in the United States suffer from migraine headache, often debilitating attacks that can leave the sufferer bedridden and that, in many cases, can undermine both one's career and even one's marriage. The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine is a concise and practical handbook that gives female headache sufferers all the tools they need to work with their healthcare providers to properly diagnose types of headache and develop the best possible treatment plans. A headache specialist, family practice physician, and fellow migraine sufferer, Dr. Susan Hutchinson introduces the reader to seven women with different lives--ranging from a nineteen-year-old college student, to a twenty-nine-year-old attorney, to a fifty-five-year-old mother of three grown children--different women with the common thread of suffering from disabling monthly migraines. As these women's lives unfold throughout the book, the reader gains insight into their own headache experience. Readers will learn about hormonal therapy, preventive strategies, and treatment options, ranging from the most promising new drugs to the most effective complementary and alternative therapies. Dr. Hutchinson answers common questions, such as how to plan for pregnancy and how to manage family and work life while coping with ongoing migraine attacks. She shows you how to carefully maintain your body and brain to minimize disruptions that can trigger a migraine, how to keep a migraine diary, how to find a headache-focused provider in your area, and how to make the most out of a visit to your doctor. The book includes a "headache quiz" that will determine if you are having true migraines. The time in a woman's life when migraine is most common--her twenties through her early fifties--represents her peak earning-power and child-raising years. The Woman's Guide to Managing Migraine will empower women to take charge of their treatment and find the path to living well.

Menstrual Migraine

by Susan Hutchinson B. Lee Peterlin

Wittgenstein and the End of Philosophy: Neither Theory Nor Therapy

by D. Hutto

What is the true worth of Wittgenstein's contribution to philosophy? Opinions are strongly divided, with many resting on misreadings of his purpose. This book challenges 'theoretical' and 'therapeutic' interpretations, proposing that Wittgenstein saw clarification as the true end of philosophy, that his approach exemplifies critical philosophy.

Folk Psychology Re-Assessed

by D. Hutto Matthew M. Ratcliffe

This is a truly groundbreaking work that examines today’s notions of folk psychology. Bringing together disciplines as various as cognitive science and anthropology, the authors analyze the consensual views of the subject. The contributors all maintain that current understandings of folk psychology and of the mechanisms that underlie it need to be revised, supplemented or dismissed altogether. That’s why this book is essential reading for those in the field.

Psychedelics: Vintage Minis (Vintage Minis)

by Aldous Huxley

Could drugs offer a new way of seeing the world? In 1953, in the presence of an investigator, Aldous Huxley took four-tenths of a gramme of mescalin, sat down and waited to see what would happen. When he opened his eyes everything, from the flowers in a vase to the creases in his trousers, was transformed. His account of his experience, and his vision for all that psychedelics could offer to mankind, has influenced writers, artists and thinkers around the world.The unabridged text of The Doors of Perception by Aldous HuxleyVINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS.A series of short books by the world’s greatest writers on the experiences that make us humanAlso in the Vintage Minis series:Drinking by John CheeverSwimming by Roger DeakinEating by Nigella LawsonDesire by Haruki Murakami

Conscious and Unconscious Mentality: Examining their Nature, Similarities, and Differences (Current Issues in Consciousness Research)

by Juraj Hvorecký

In this collection of essays, experts in the field of consciousness research shed light on the intricate relationship between conscious and unconscious states of mind. Advancing the debate on consciousness research, this book puts centre stage the topic of commonalities and differences between conscious and unconscious contents of the mind. The collection of cutting-edge chapters offers a breadth of research perspectives, with some arguing that unconscious states have been unjustly overlooked and deserve recognition for their richness and wide scope. Others contend that significant differences between conscious and unconscious states persist, highlighting the importance of their distinct characteristics. Explorations into the nature of the transition from unconscious to conscious mind further complicate the picture, with some authors questioning whether a sharp divide between unconscious and conscious states truly exists. Delving into ontological, epistemological, and methodological issues, this thought-provoking text challenges established paradigms and paves the way for a reimagining of consciousness research. It does so in an understandable and accessible way, making this a perfect companion for both experts and students of philosophy, psychology, and related fields. Chapters 2, 4, 9, 10, 14 and 16 of this book are freely available as downloadable Open Access PDFs at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

The Chinese Zodiac: And Other Paths to Luck, Riches & Prosperity

by Aaron Hwang

The Chinese Zodiac is a beautifully illustrated introduction to eastern astrology, perfect for discovering what your sign—Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, or Pig—says about you.Are you loyal like the Dog? Or stubborn like the Ox? What does the time you were born have to do with who you are? And does it determine your fate? The Chinese Zodiac doesn't have all the answers but offers a fun and fresh perspective on the magic behind when you were born. Known as the Bazi, or Eight Words, the four animals and Wuxing elements associated with one's birth make up a complete horoscope and can help you to better understand yourself and others. Someone born in the year of the Pig, for example, comes last in the cycle and embodies qualities of release, completion, and return, indulging in the rich after-hours of life that favor food, love, and good company. A Rat, on the other hand, comes first; they're ambitious and eager to begin new projects but might have trouble seeing them through.No matter your sign, there is something to be uncovered in these pages. Charmingly illustrated, with sidebars on Chinese culture and myth throughout, this book is an informative and mystical guide to knowing just a little more about the universe—and how you fit into it.

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