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Rewriting the First World War: Lloyd George, Politics and Strategy 1914-1918

by Andrew Suttie

This book assesses Lloyd George's attempt to shape the history of 1914-18 through his War Memoirs. His account of the British conduct of the war focused on the generals' incompetence, their obsession with the Western Front, and their refusal to consider alternatives to the costly trench warfare in France and Belgium. Yet as War Minister and Prime Minister Lloyd George presided over the bloody offensives of 1916-17, and had earlier taken a leading role in mobilising industrial resources to provide the weapons which made them possible. Rewriting the First World War examines how Lloyd George addressed this paradox.

Rewriting the History of School Mathematics in North America 1607-1861: The Central Role of Cyphering Books

by Nerida Ellerton M.A. (Ken) Clements

The focus of this book is the fundamental influence of the cyphering tradition on mathematics education in North American colleges, schools, and apprenticeship training classes between 1607 and 1861. It is the first book on the history of North American mathematics education to be written from that perspective. The principal data source is a set of 207 handwritten cyphering books that have never previously been subjected to careful historical analysis.

Rezeption des antiken Dramas auf der Bühne und in der Literatur

Der vorliegende Band der Reihe widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig der Rezeption des griechisch-römischen Dramas in der Literatur der Antike (hellenistisches Drama) und in der Moderne (in der Literatur Südamerikas, besonders Kubas). Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt stellt die Auseinandersetzung mit der »Medea« Senecas aus der Warte eines Regisseurs dar. Weitere kleinere Beiträge zur griechischen Komödie und Tragödie sowie einige Rezensionen zu Neuerscheinungen runden den Band ab.

Rhetoric and Bricolage in European Politics and Beyond: The Political Mind in Action (Rhetoric, Politics and Society)

by Niilo Kauppi Kari Palonen

This book seeks to develop Rhetoric as a field of knowledge in an important new direction, European Union politics. The authors analyse what could be called a “European style of politics”: textual strategies and rhetorical styles evolving within and around the EU’s supranational and national institutions. By fusing rhetorical and sociological approaches, political thought and culture, the book contributes to the analysis of the ‘political’ as a way of thinking and judging the political aspect of any phenomena.

Rhetoric and Violence in Northern Ireland, 1968-98: Hardened to Death

by P. Grant

During the Northern Irish Troubles of the past thirty years, a war of words has accompanied and interpenetrated with the actual conduct of violence in highly complex ways. This book considers how literature of the period engages and participates in this war of words. It draws on a range of contemporary authors and on a variety of printed sources, including journalists' reports, political speeches, interviews, memoirs, pamphlets and autobiography. The book places the Northern Ireland conflict within a broad European debate about the legitimate use of force, and provides an original analysis of the inter-relationship between language, literature and violence.

Rhetoric in British Politics and Society (Rhetoric, Politics and Society)

by James Martin Judi Atkins Alan Finlayson Nick Turnbull

Although the art of rhetoric is central to the practice of politics it also plays an important role in civic and private life. Using Aristotelian notions of ethos, pathos and logos, this collection offers engaging discussions on everything from Prime Minister's Questions and Welsh devolution to political satire and the rhetoric of cultural racism.

The Rhetoric of Violence: Arab-Jewish Encounters in Contemporary Palestinian Literature and Film

by Kamal Abdel-Malek

Despite the urgent need to develop understandings of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the light of the current situation in the Middle East, the role of violence and reconciliation in Palestinian and Israeli literature and film has received only brief treatment. This book is intended to fill that void; that is to explore how Israelis and Palestinians view and depict themselves and each other in situations that lead to either violence or reconciliation, and the ways in which both parties define themselves in relation to one another. The book examines selected Palestinian and Israeli literary works and a small number of films and their tacit assumptions about Israeli Jews. It will attempt to look at, among other questions a) is violence perceived as a means of empowerment, b) is there connection between imaginary violence in literature and actual violence, and what is the nature of the association between creative writers and violence? (eg. popular writer Ghassan Kanafani who is also a spokesman for the violent PFLP).

Rhetorik und Wahrheit: Ein prekäres Verhältnis von Sokrates bis Trump

by Gyburg Uhlmann

Es wird heute – in Zeiten von ‚Fake News‘ und alternativen Fakten – wieder gerungen um die Wahrheit. Das ist eigentlich eine gute Nachricht für unsere Gesellschaft. Denn wenn es um wahr oder falsch geht, dann bildet sich daraus eine Diskussionskultur, in der unterschiedliche Meinungen nicht nur festgestellt und ausgehalten, sondern in Frage gestellt und geprüft werden. Verschiedene Deutungen von Fakten und Ereignissen gibt es nicht erst seit heute. Es ist das tägliche Geschäft der Politik, aber auch der Geschichtsschreibung. Die Technik solcher Deutungen ist die Rhetorik. Sie hat sich daher in ihrer Geschichte immer wieder in ein Verhältnis gesetzt zur Wahrheit. Sie hat Strategien entwickelt, wie Fakten richtig erkannt und kommuniziert werden, aber auch gezeigt, wie man erfolgreich die Zuhörer und ihre Meinungen manipulieren kann. Das Buch erklärt, wie das funktioniert und dass wir aus der Geschichte der Rhetorik eben deshalb das beste Heilmittel gegen Demagogie und Manipulation gewinnen können: Selbständiges Wissen.

The Rhyme and Reason of Politics in Early Modern Europe: Collected Essays of Herbert H. Rowen (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées #132)

by Craig E. Harline

Herbert Rowen has always insisted that historians don't need biographers. Outside "a small circle of family, friends and students," what matters most is not the individual but his or her work.' Thus the main purpose of the present volume is to highlight Professor Rowen's contributions to the political history of early modem Europe. Part I includes assessment of his work by others, while Parts ll-V contain examples of his best articles, papers, and reviews, some published here for the first time, most previously hard-to-get. These essays not only add substantively to our understanding of early modem politics, but treat both implicitly and explicitly the historian's task per se. Hence, this is not biography, much less "innocuous laudation" or hagiography, which Herb would not forgive. Yet it is only fitting that someone who lays so much stress on the human side of History should by way of introduction have something said about his person as well as his work.

Rice and Agricultural Policies in Japan: The Loss of a Traditional Lifestyle

by Nicole L. Freiner

This book chronicles Japan’s rice farmers who live in mainly rural areas in the west and south of Japan through original interviews conducted in Japanese. It argues that current agricultural policy as well as the tightening relationship between the US and Japan is a death sentence for a traditional lifestyle that is vital to Japan’s notion of national identity. The project covers recent agricultural policies, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement and its potential consequences on Japan’s food sovereignty and documents the effect of these policies on rice farmers. This volume is ideal for those interested in Japan’s agricultural policies and rural and traditional Japanese lifestyle.

Richard Aldington: A Biography

by Charles Doyle

This is the first biography of Richard Aldington, contemporary and friend of Ezra Pound, D.H. Lawrence and T.S. Eliot and notable as a poet, translator, editor, novelist, biographer and significant member of the Modernist era. A critical appraisal of his major writings is included.

Richard Congreve, Positivist Politics, the Victorian Press, and the British Empire

by Matthew Wilson

This book is about the life and times of Richard Congreve. This polemicist was the first thinker to gain instant infamy for publishing cogent critiques of imperialism in Victorian Britain. As the foremost British acolyte of Auguste Comte, Congreve sought to employ the philosopher’s new science of sociology to dismantle the British Empire. With an aim to realise in its place Comte’s global vision of utopian socialist republican city-states, the former Oxford don and ex-Anglican minister launched his Church of Humanity in 1859. Over the next forty years, Congreve engaged in some of the most pressing foreign and domestic controversies of his day, despite facing fierce personal attacks in the Victorian press. Congreve made overlooked contributions to the history of science, political economy, and secular ethics. In this book Matthew Wilson argues that Congreve’s polemics, ‘in the name of Humanity’, served as the devotional practices of his Positivist church.

Richard Courant 1888–1972: Der Mathematiker als Zeitgenosse

by Constanze Reid

Richard Dedekind: Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Stefan Müller-Stach

Die beiden Bücher „Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?“ (1888) und „Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen“ (1872) sind Dedekinds Beiträge zu den Grundlagen der Mathematik; er legte darin die Grundsteine der Mengenlehre und der Theorie der reellen und natürlichen Zahlen. Diese Schriften sind aus der modernen Mathematik nicht mehr wegzudenken. Dennoch wurde die Leistung Dedekinds nicht immer entsprechend gewürdigt und der Inhalt dieser Bücher ist auch heute noch vielen Mathematikern wenig bekannt. Dieses Buch enthält neben den Originaltexten eine ausführliche Erklärung der beiden Schriften und eine Interpretation in moderner Sprache, sowie eine kurze Biografie und eine Abschrift des berühmten Briefs an H. Keferstein. Dadurch bietet dieses Buch einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben und Schaffen dieses wegweisenden Wissenschaftlers und stellt sein Werk in Beziehung zu großen Zeitgenossen wie Cantor, Dirichlet, Frege, Hilbert, Kronecker und Riemann.

Richard Dedekind: Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen (Klassische Texte der Wissenschaft)

by Stefan Müller-Stach

Die beiden Bücher „Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?“ (1888) und „Stetigkeit und Irrationale Zahlen“ (1872) sind Dedekinds Beiträge zu den Grundlagen der Mathematik; er legte darin die Grundsteine der Mengenlehre und der Theorie der reellen und natürlichen Zahlen. Diese Schriften sind aus der modernen Mathematik nicht mehr wegzudenken. Dennoch wurde die Leistung Dedekinds nicht immer entsprechend gewürdigt und der Inhalt dieser Bücher ist auch heute noch vielen Mathematikerinnen und Mathematikern wenig bekannt. Dieses Buch enthält neben den Originaltexten eine ausführliche Erklärung der beiden Schriften und eine Interpretation in moderner Sprache, sowie eine kurze Biografie und eine Abschrift des berühmten Briefs an H. Keferstein. Dadurch bietet dieses Buch einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben und Schaffen dieses wegweisenden Wissenschaftlers und stellt sein Werk in Beziehung zu großen Zeitgenossen wie Cantor, Dirichlet, Frege, Hilbert, Kronecker und Riemann.

Richard Hoggart and Cultural Studies

by S. Owen

In this new collection of essays, a range of established and emerging cultural critics re-evaluate Richard Hoggart's contribution to the history of ideas and to the discipline of Cultural Studies. They examine Hoggart's legacy, identifying his widespread influence, tracing continuities and complexities, and affirming his importance.

Richard Hooker and the English Reformation (Studies in Early Modern Religious Tradition, Culture and Society #2)

by W. J. Kirby

This collection addresses the substance of Richard Hooker's achievement as a theologian and philosopher in the context of principal themes of English Reformation thought. Five principal loci of Reformation discourse are addressed: the relation between the "orders" of Grace and Nature; the doctrines of Providence and Predestination; the Church and the liturgy; sacramental theology; and the polemical cut-and-thrust of the late-Elizabethan context. It is of interest to scholars, seminarians, and students.

Richard Ned Lebow: A Pioneer in International Relations Theory, History, Political Philosophy and Psychology (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice #2)

by Richard Ned Lebow

This is the first of four volumes to be published as part of this book series, on the life and work of Richard Ned Lebow. In a career spanning six decades, Richard Ned Lebow has made important contributions to the study of international relations, political and intellectual history, motivational and social psychology, philosophy of science, and classics. He has authored, coauthored or edited 30 books and almost 250 peer-reviewed articles. These four volumes are excerpts from this corpus. The first volume includes an intellectual autobiography, bibliography, and assessments of Lebow's contributions to diverse fields by respected authorities. It shows how a scholar's agenda evolves in response to world events and his efforts to grapple with them theoretically and substantively. It elaborates pathways for addressing these events and their consequences in an interdisciplinary manner, and offers new concepts and methods for doing so.Richard Lebow's research bridges international relations, psychology, history, classics, political theory and philosophy of science. He is author, coauthor, or editor of 34 books and almost 250 peer reviewed articles.Contributors to the book are: Simon Reich – Mervyn Frost - Janice Gross Stein - Stefano Guzzini – Markus Kornprobst - Harald Müller - Christian Wendt - Robert English.

Richard T. Ely’s Critique of Capitalism

by L. Bradizza

This book examines the work and thought of Richard T. Ely in light of his rejection of capitalism and view toward individualism. It concludes that there are real problems with Ely's theories and the principles of Progressivism, and addresses the implications of this for current American political thought.

Richard Wagner for the New Millennium: Essays in Music and Culture (Studies in European Culture and History)

by M. Bribitzer-Stull A. Lubet G. Wagner

Please note this is a 'Palgrave to Order' title (PTO). Stock of this book requires shipment from an overseas supplier. It will be delivered to you within 12 weeks. A central concern of this study is the relationship between Wagner the artist and Wagner the social phenomenon. Many of the essays within explore the most difficult yet most crucial issue in Wagner studies: the impact of the composer's problematic world view and complex personal life on his musical/dramatic creations.

Richard Wagner in Deutschland: Rezeption – Verfälschungen

by Udo Bermbach

Zur problematischen Wagner-Rezeption in Deutschland. Die Geschichte der politisch-ästhetischen Rezeption Richard Wagners ist noch nicht aufgearbeitet. Der Autor geht den sich wandelnden Deutungen von Wagners Denken und Werk seit dem Kaiserreich bis in die Zeit der frühen Bundesrepublik nach und untersucht die Funktionalisierung der Werke zu politischen Zwecken. Als Grundlage dienen u. a. maßgebliche Wagner-Biografien. Die von 1878 bis 1938 erschienenen Bayreuther Blätter werden erstmals umfassend ausgewertet.

Richelieu and Mazarin: A Study in Statesmanship (European History in Perspective)

by David Sturdy

Drawing upon recent research and past studies, David J. Sturdy presents a concise, up-to-date analysis of the private and public careers of two of the most influential ministers in seventeenth-century France.Richelieu and Mazarin:- adopts a broadly chronological approach, interspersed with passages at relevant points which compare and contrast the key achievements of the two Cardinals- examines such central themes as the internal government of France, the ministers' conduct of foreign policy, and the nature of elite and popular resistance to their policies- explores the political ideas and strategies of Richelieu and Mazarin, the relations between the ministers and the Crown, and the patronage they exercisedThe book concludes with a comparative assessment of the significance of the two figures for the history of France.

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