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Showing 99,926 through 99,950 of 100,000 results

Postcolonial Settings in the Fiction of James Clarence Mangan, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and Bram Stoker: Strange Surroundings (New Directions in Irish and Irish American Literature)

by Richard Jorge

This book explores how three Anglo-Irish writers, J.C. Mangan, J.S. Le Fanu and Bram Stoker, use settings in their short fictions to recreate, depict and confront Ireland’s colonial situation in the nineteenth century. This study provides an innovative approach by targeting a genre (the short story) which has not been explored in its entirety— certainly not within nineteenth century Ireland - much less using a postcolonial approach to the short story. Added to this is the fact that it analyses how these writers used settings as an anticolonial tool. To do so, the book is divided into two major sections, an analysis of Irish settings and non-Irish ones. It works on the premise that all three writers used the idea of displacement to target colonialism and its effects on Irish society. In short, this book addresses a gap in scholarship, as the Irish Gothic short story as a decolonizing tool has not been sufficiently and globally studied.

Postcolonial Theory and Organizational Analysis: A Critical Engagement

by A. Prasad

This book takes up a question that has rarely been raised in the field of management: 'Could modern Western colonialism have important implications for the practices and theories that inform management and organizations?' Employing the frameworks of postcolonial theory, an international group of scholars addresse this question, and offer remarkable insights about the implications of the colonial encounter for management. Wide-ranging in scope, the book covers major topics like cross-cultural management, control and resistance, corporate culture, the discourse of exoticization in museums and tourism, and stakeholder issues, and sheds new light on the troubling legacy of colonialism. Scholars and practitioners searching for a new idiom of management will find this book's critique of contemporary management invaluable.

Postcolonial Theory and Psychoanalysis: From Uneasy Engagements to Effective Critique

by Mrinalini Greedharry

Psychoanalytic theory has been the critical instrument of choice for colonial critics. This book examines why critics who are otherwise suspicious of Western forms of knowledge are drawn to psychoanalytic theories, and whether it is possible to use such theories without reproducing the colonial discourse that also structures psychoanalytic thought.

A Postcolonial Woman’s Encounter with Moses and Miriam (Postcolonialism and Religions)

by Angeline M.G. Song

This book is grounded in a theorization of the author's personal story including growing up as a female adoptee of a single parent in a patriarchal context, and current material context as an immigrant in New Zealand.

Postcolonialism and Science Fiction

by J. Langer

Using close readings and thematic studies of contemporary science fiction and postcolonial theory, ranging from discussions of Japanese and Canadian science fiction to a deconstruction of race and (post)colonialism in World of Warcraft, This book is the first comprehensive study of the complex and developing relationship between the two areas.

Postcolonialism and Social Theory in Arabic: Intellectual Traditions and Historical Entanglements (The Modern Muslim World)

by Dietrich Jung Florian Zemmin

Since Edward Said’s publication of Orientalism in 1978, so-called Western social theory and its claim to universal analytical validity has been exposed to severe criticism. Scholars from the field of postcolonial studies were most vocal in criticizing the Eurocentric nature of the conceptual apparatus of the social sciences. Indeed, contemporary social theory almost exclusively refers to the historical experiences of Western Europe and North America. Yet what is the alternative to these Eurocentric frameworks? Many postcolonial critics use very few non-English sources and tend to focus on the deconstruction of European and American theories. This chapters of this volume provide a turn of perspective. The authors critically reflect upon the concepts of so-called Western social theory by engaging with social science literature and social theory in Arabic. Questions addressed include: What are the concepts, themes, and historical narratives in contemporary Arabic social theory? In which ways do Arab social theorists provide us with alternatives to the conceptual apparatuses employed by so-called Western social theory? To what extent are Arab and Western social theories entangled with each other?

Postcolonialism, Heritage, and the Built Environment: New Approaches to Architecture in Archaeology (SpringerBriefs in Archaeology)

by Jessica L. Nitschke Marta Lorenzon

This book proposes new ways of looking at the built environment in archaeology, specifically through postcolonial perspectives. It brings together scholars and professionals from the fields of archaeology, urban studies, architectural history, and heritage in order to offer fresh perspectives on extracting and interpreting social and cultural information from architecture and monuments. The goal is to show how on-going critical engagement with the postcolonial critique can help archaeologists pursue more inclusive, sensitive, and nuanced interpretations of the built environment of the past and contribute to heritage discussions in the present. The chapters present case studies from Africa, Greece, Belgium, Australia, Syria, Kuala Lumpur, South Africa, and Chile, covering a wide range of chronological periods and settings. Through these diverse case studies, this volume encourages the reader to rethink the analytical frameworks and methods traditionally employed in the investigation of built spaces of the past. To the extent that these built spaces continue to shape identities and social relationships today, the book also encourages the reader to reflect critically on archaeologists’ ability to impact stakeholder communities and shape public perceptions of the past.

Postcolonialism in the Wake of the Nairobi Revolution: Ngugi wa Thiong’o and the Idea of African Literature

by A. Amoko

This work examines both the emergence of African literature and its institutionalization within nationalist African academies. Amoko analyzes the relationship between such institutions of literature and the processes of nationalist legitimization and between colonial and postcolonial school cultures and national cultures.

Postenvironmentalism: A Material Semiotic Perspective on Living Spaces

by Chiara Certomà

This book presents a vibrant study of the rise, decline, and transformation of environmental thinking. The author’s analysis moves from the proclaimed death of environmentalism toward the emerging theory and practices of postenvironmentalism in its manifold interpretations. Building upon current transformation of the relationship between science, technology, society and the environment, the book combines a theory-informed presentation of worldwide cases and crucial events in the history of environmentalism with a journey into scholarly explorations in order to answer the crucial question: where is environmental thinking heading?

Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema

by Joel Gwynne and Nadine Muller

By analyzing the negotiation of femininities and masculinities within contemporary Hollywood cinema, Postfeminism and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema presents diverse interrogations of popular cinema and illustrates the need for a renewed scholarly focus on contemporary film production.

Postfeminism and the Fatale Figure in Neo-Noir Cinema

by Samantha Lindop

This book is a thought-provoking study that expands on film scholarship on noir and feminist scholarship on postfeminism, subjectivity, and representation to provide an inclusive, sophisticated, and up-to-date analysis of the femme fatale , fille fatale , and homme fatal from the classic era through to recent postmillennial neo-noir .

The Postfeminist Biopic: Narrating the Lives of Plath, Kahlo, Woolf and Austen

by B. Polaschek

This book contributes to the growing literature on the biopic genre by outlining and exploring the conventions of the postfeminist biopic. It does so by analyzing recent films about the lives of famous women including Sylvia Plath, Frida Kahlo, Virginia Woolf and Jane Austen.

The Posthumous Life of Plato

by F. Novotny

Plato's earthly life ended in the year 347 B. C. At the same time, however, began his posthumous life - a life of great influence and fame leaving its mark on aU eras of the history of European learning -lasting until present times. Plato's philosophy has taken root earlier or later in innumerable souls of others, it has matured and given birth to new ideas whose proliferation further dissemi­ nated the vital force of the original thoughts. It happened sometimes, of course, that by various interpretations different and sometimes altogether contradictory thoughts were deduced from one and the same Platonic doctrine: this possibility is also characteristic of Plato's genius. Even though in the history of Platonism there were times less active and creative, the continuity of its tradition has never been completely interrupted and where there was no growth and progress, at least that what had been once accepted has been kept alive. When enquiring into Plato's influence on the development of learning, we shall above all consider the individual approach of various personalities to Plato's philosophy, personal Platonism, which at its best concerns itself with the literary heritage of Plato and though accessible was not always much sought for.

Postkommunistische Regime: Akteure, Institutionen und Dynamiken (Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft)

by Bálint Magyar Bálint Madlovics

In 120 Thesen entwickelt das Buch einen konzeptionellen Rahmen mit einer Typologie post-kommunistischer Regime und einer detaillierten Darstellung von idealtypischen Akteuren und den politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Phänomenen in diesen Regimen. Befreit von den impliziten Annahmen der Mainstream-Demokratisierungstheorie liefert die neue Terminologie ein leicht verwendbares Instrumentarium eindeutiger Ausdrucksmittel, um über den Postkommunismus zu sprechen.

Postmemories of Terror: A New Generation Copes with the Legacy of the "Dirty War" (Palgrave Studies In Oral History Ser.)

by S. Kaiser

Postmemories of Terror focuses on how young Argentineans remember the traumatic events of the military dictatorship (1976-83). This fascinating work is based on oral histories with sixty-three young people who were too young to be directly victimized or politically active during this period. All were born during or after the terror and possessed an entirely mediated knowledge of it. Susana Kaiser explores how the post-dictatorship generation was reconstructing this past from three main sources: inter-generational dialogue, education and the communication media. These conversations discuss selected and recurrent themes like societal fears and silences, remembering and forgetting, historical explanations and accountability. Together they contribute to our understanding of how communities deal with the legacy of terror.

Postmemory and the Partition of India: Learning to Remember (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)

by Shuchi Kapila

This book examines the memories of the Partition of India in 1947 with a focus on the generation of postmemory (those who came after it) and how partition experiences have been shared (or not) and understood. It explores the formal and narrative properties of different memory practices that have been built around the partition, and the methods of oral historians involved in collecting testimonies as part of the 1947 Berkeley partition archive.

Postmodern Chick Flicks: The Return of the Woman's Film

by R. Garrett

In this extensive analysis of the renewed popularity of the 'woman's film' in the 1990s, Roberta Garrett examines melodrama, romantic comedy, costume drama and female-led noirs , revealing the way they blend classical and contemporary themes and formal devices.

Postmodern Metanarratives: Blade Runner and Literature in the Age of Image

by Décio Torres Cruz

Postmodern Metanarratives investigates the relationship between cinema and literature by analyzing the film Blade Runner as a postmodern work that constitutes a landmark of cyberpunk narrative and establishes a link between tradition and the (post)modern.

The Postmodern Significance of Max Weber’s Legacy: Disenchanting Disenchantment

by B. Koshul

One of Max Weber's contemporaries described him as 'a child of the Enlightenment born too late' whose work is a 'vitriolic attack on religion'. Subsequent Weber scholarship has largely affirmed this valuation of Weber and characterized his scholarship as a manifestation of the very disenchantment that Weber describes. In The Postmodern Significance of Max Weber's Legacy , Basit Koshul challenges this idea by showing Weber to be a postmodern thinker far ahead of his time.

Postmodern Theory and Progressive Politics: Toward a New Humanism (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)

by Thomas De Zengotita

This book examines the lasting influence of the academic culture wars of the late 20th century on the humanities and progressive politics, and what to make now of those furious debates over postmodernism, multiculturalism, relativism, critical theory, deconstruction, post-structuralism, and so on. In an effort to arrive at a fair judgment on that question, the book reaches for an understanding of postmodern theorists by way of two genres they despised; and hopes, for that reason, to do them justice. The story, in its telling, justifies two basic claims: first, that the phenomenological/hermeneutical tradition is the most suitable source of theory for a humanism that aspires to be truly universal; and, second, that the ethical and political aspect of the human condition is authentically accessible only through narrative. In conclusion, it argues that the postmodern moment was a necessary one, or will have been if we rise to the occasion—and that that is its historical significance.

Postmodern Time and Space in Fiction and Theory (Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies)

by Michael Kane

Postmodern Time and Space in Fiction and Theory seeks to place the contemporary transformation of notions of space and time, often attributed to the technologies we use, in the context of the ongoing transformations of modernity. Bringing together examples of modern and contemporary fiction (from Defoe to DeLillo, Frankenstein to Finnegans Wake) and theoretical discussions of the modern and the post-modern, the author explores the legacy of modern transformations of space and time under five headings: “The Space of Nature”; “The Space of the City”; “Postmodern or Most Modern Time”; “The Time and Space of the Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction”; and “Travel: from Modernity to…?”. These five essays re-examine the meanings of modernity and its aftermath in relation to the spaces and times of the natural, the urban and the media environment.

The ‘Postmodern Turn’ in the Social Sciences

by Simon Susen

Simon Susen examines the impact of the 'postmodern turn' on the contemporary social sciences. On the basis of an innovative five-dimensional approach, this study provides a systematic, comprehensive, and critical account of the legacy of the 'postmodern turn', notably in terms of its continuing relevance in the twenty-first century.

Postmodernism and History (Theory and History)

by W. Thompson

In this clear, jargon-free guide, Willie Thompson provides a concise introduction to postmodernist theory and its significant impact on the study of history. Although this is a hotly-debated topic, with much of the current literature being both polemical and inaccessible to the beginner, Thompson offers straightforward explanations of complex concepts and shows how the debates are relevant to students' own work.Postmodernism and History:- considers the origins of postmodernism in both the ideas of poststructuralist thinkers, particularly Michel Foucault, and the political and cultural developments of the late 20th century- explores themes such as the treatment of historical evidence, problems of historical representation, feminist history, ethical judgements on past events, and the validity of metanarrative or long-term historical explanation- discusses critically the work of a number of current and recent practicing historians - including Joan Scott, Roy Porter, Patrick Joyce and James Vernon - who have used postmodernist ideas in their writing- enquires how far postmodern thought has been absorbed into mainstream historiography

Postnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography

by J. Kuukkanen

Narrativism has made important contributions to the theory and philosophy of historiography but it is now time to move beyond it to postnarrativism. Kuukkanen shows how it is possible to reject the absolutist truth-functional evaluation of interpretations in historiography and yet accept that historiography can be evaluated by rational standards.

Postsecular History: Political Theology and the Politics of Time (Radical Theologies and Philosophies)

by Maxwell Kennel

This book explores how contemporary approaches to the meaning of time and history follow patterns that are simultaneously political and theological. Even after postsecular critiques of Christianity, religion, and secularity, many influential ways of dividing time and history continue to be formed by providential narratives that mediate between experience and expectation in movements from promise to fulfilment. In response to persistent theological influences within ostensibly secular ways of understanding time and history, Postsecular History revisits and revises the concept of periodization by tracing powerful efforts to divide time into past, present, and future, and by critiquing historical partitions between the Reformation and Enlightenment. Developing a postsecular critique of theopolitical periodization in six chapters, Postsecular History questions how relations of possession, novelty, freedom, and instrumentality implied in the prefix ‘post’ are reproduced in postsecular discourses and the field of political theology.

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