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Showing 3,401 through 3,425 of 76,323 results

Young Charles Lamb, 1775-1802

by Winifred F. Courtney

Abroad: British Literary Traveling between the Wars

by Paul Fussell

A book about the meaning of travel, about how important the topic has been for writers for two and a half centuries, and about how excellent the literature of travel happened to be in England and America in the 1920s and 30s.

20th-Century Poetry (PDF)

by Stan Smith

20th-Century Poetry

Acquiring conversational competence (RLE: Discourse Analysis)

by Elinor Ochs Bambi B. Schieffelin

First published in 1983, this book represents a substantial body of detailed research on children’s language and communication, and more generally on the nature of interactive spoken discourse. It looks at areas of competence often examined in young children’s speech have that have not been described for adults — leading to insights not only in the character of adult conversation but also the process of acquiring this competence. The authors set forward strategies for conversing at different stage of life, while also relating these strategies to, and formulating hypotheses concerning, the dynamics of language variation and change.

Acquiring conversational competence (RLE: Discourse Analysis)

by Elinor Ochs Bambi B. Schieffelin

First published in 1983, this book represents a substantial body of detailed research on children’s language and communication, and more generally on the nature of interactive spoken discourse. It looks at areas of competence often examined in young children’s speech have that have not been described for adults — leading to insights not only in the character of adult conversation but also the process of acquiring this competence. The authors set forward strategies for conversing at different stage of life, while also relating these strategies to, and formulating hypotheses concerning, the dynamics of language variation and change.

The Acquisition of Symbolic Skills (Nato Conference Series #22)

by Don Rogers John A. Sloboda

This book is a selection of papers from a conference which took place at the University of Keele in July 1982. The conference was an extraordinarily enjoyable one, and we would like to take this opportunity of thanking all participants for helping to make it so. The conference was intended to allow scholars working on different aspects of symbolic behaviour to compare findings, to look for common ground, and to identify differences between the various areas. We hope that it was successful in these aims: the assiduous reader may judge for himself. Several themes emerged during the course of the conference. Some of these were: 1. There is a distinction to be made between those symbol systems which attempt, more or less directly, to represent a state of affairs in the world (e. g. language, drawing, map and navigational skill) and those in which the representational function is complemented, if not overshadowed, by properties of the symbol system itself, and the systematic inter-relations that symbols can have to one another (e. g. music, mathematics). The distinction is not absolute, for the nature of all symbolic skills is, in part, a function of the structure of the symbolic system employed. Nonetheless, this distinction helps us to understand some common acquisition difficulties, such as that experienced in mathematics, where mental manipulation of symbols can go awry if a child assumes too close a correspondence between mathematical symbols and the world they represent. 2.

American Literature in Context: 1620-1830 (Routledge Revivals: American Literature in Context)

by Stephen Fender

First published between 1982 and 1983, this series examines the peculiarly American cultural context out of which the nation’s literature has developed. Covering the years from 1620 to 1830, this first volume of American Literature in Context examines a range of texts from the writings of the Puritan settlers through the declaration of Independence to the novels of Fenimore Cooper. In doing so, it shows how early Americans thought about their growing nation, their arguments for immigration, for political and cultural independence, and the doubts they experienced in this ambitious project. This book will be of interest to those studying American literature and American studies.

American Literature in Context: 1865-1900 (Routledge Revivals: American Literature in Context)

by Andrew Hook

First published between 1982 and 1983, this series examines the peculiarly American cultural context out of which the nation’s literature has developed. Covering the years from 1865 to 1900, this third volume of American Literature in Context focuses on the struggles of American writers to make sense of their rapidly changing world. In addition to such major figures as Walt Whitman, Henry James, Emily Dickinson and Mark Twain, it analyses the writings of an unorthodox economist (Henry George), a Utopian reformer (Edward Bellamy) and a critical sociologist (Thorstein Veblen). Particular attention is paid to the challenge to conventional literary and cultural values represented by writers such as William Dean Howell who pursued a new form of scientific, democratic realism in American writing. This book will be of interest to those studying American literature and American studies.

American Literature in Context: 1865-1900 (Routledge Revivals: American Literature in Context)

by Andrew Hook

First published between 1982 and 1983, this series examines the peculiarly American cultural context out of which the nation’s literature has developed. Covering the years from 1865 to 1900, this third volume of American Literature in Context focuses on the struggles of American writers to make sense of their rapidly changing world. In addition to such major figures as Walt Whitman, Henry James, Emily Dickinson and Mark Twain, it analyses the writings of an unorthodox economist (Henry George), a Utopian reformer (Edward Bellamy) and a critical sociologist (Thorstein Veblen). Particular attention is paid to the challenge to conventional literary and cultural values represented by writers such as William Dean Howell who pursued a new form of scientific, democratic realism in American writing. This book will be of interest to those studying American literature and American studies.

American Literature in Context: 1620-1830 (Routledge Revivals: American Literature in Context)

by Stephen Fender

First published between 1982 and 1983, this series examines the peculiarly American cultural context out of which the nation’s literature has developed. Covering the years from 1620 to 1830, this first volume of American Literature in Context examines a range of texts from the writings of the Puritan settlers through the declaration of Independence to the novels of Fenimore Cooper. In doing so, it shows how early Americans thought about their growing nation, their arguments for immigration, for political and cultural independence, and the doubts they experienced in this ambitious project. This book will be of interest to those studying American literature and American studies.

Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation (Routledge Library Editions: Semantics and Semiology)

by Tanya Reinhart

First published in 1983, this book examines anaphora — a central issue in linguistic theory as it lies at the crossroads of several major problems. On the one hand it is believed that the same conditions that govern the interpretation of anaphora also govern syntactic movement rules but on the other, while anaphora is known to interact with various discourse and semantic considerations, it also provides a clear instance of the dependency of the semantic interpretation of sentences upon semantic properties of natural language. This book has two major goals: the first is a comprehensive analysis of sentence-level anaphora that addresses the questions posed above, and the second is an examination of the broader issues of the relations between the structural properties of sentences and their semantic interpretation within the hypotheses of the autonomy of syntax and of interpretative semantics shown by Chomsky.

Anaphora and Semantic Interpretation (Routledge Library Editions: Semantics and Semiology)

by Tanya Reinhart

First published in 1983, this book examines anaphora — a central issue in linguistic theory as it lies at the crossroads of several major problems. On the one hand it is believed that the same conditions that govern the interpretation of anaphora also govern syntactic movement rules but on the other, while anaphora is known to interact with various discourse and semantic considerations, it also provides a clear instance of the dependency of the semantic interpretation of sentences upon semantic properties of natural language. This book has two major goals: the first is a comprehensive analysis of sentence-level anaphora that addresses the questions posed above, and the second is an examination of the broader issues of the relations between the structural properties of sentences and their semantic interpretation within the hypotheses of the autonomy of syntax and of interpretative semantics shown by Chomsky.

Art And Mind Of Shaw: Essays In Criticism (pdf)

by A M Gibbs

Arthurian Literature and Society: (pdf)

by S. Knight Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks

Aspects of the Epic: (pdf)

by Tom Winnifrith

Biomedical Institutions, Biomedical Funding, and Public Policy

by H. HughFudenberg

The world is on the threshold of a great new industrial revolution, a 1 scientific-industrial revolution. Recombinant DNA technology and hybridoma technology ("monoclonal antibodies") have already pro­ vided unique investment opportunities for venture capitalists. Hence published reports of biomedical research are no longer restricted to scientific journals, but now appear regularly not only in weekly news­ 2 magazines like Time and U. S. News & World Report,3 but also in the financial sections of The New York Times,4 The Wall Street Journal,S 6 8 Business Week, Fortune,7 and The Economist, as well as in such stock 9 market advisory publications as New Issues and Inc. (The Magazine for Growing Companies). 10 These publications now appear to be as impor­ tant to biomedical scientists in keeping abreast of new scientific devel­ opments in biotechnology as is Current Contents. (The costs of health­ cost provision and of fundamental biomedical research are now also being followed by such media. ) Conversely, Wall Street financial bro­ kers increasingly no longer confine their reading to economic journals but are also perusing Nature,ll Science,12 and Science N 13 for infor­ ews mation on both fiscal and scientific advances in these areas. It is obvious that the information explosion in biotechnology is crossing traditional boundaries (e. g. , ref. 14). This volume is the second of several that are intended to inform both the biomedical community and interested intelligent laymen of the political and economic implications of biomedical research.

Black Personalities in the Era of the Slave Trade

by P. Edwards James Walvin

Blake's Prophetic Psychology

by Brenda Schwabacher Webster

The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow: Sepher Nopheth Suphim by Judah Messer Leon

by Isaac Rabinowitz Judah Messer Leon

Judah Messer Leon's The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow, written in the second half of the fifteenth century, is a treatise on the art of rhetoric in which the classical rehtorical doctrine of the Greeks and Romas is applied to the Hebrew Bible. It is the earliest such work by a competent Hebrew scholar. Duscussing or alluding to a wide variety of theological, philosophical, political, legal, and psychological subjects, it is one of the most important books of early Renaissance humanism.As the indispensable basis of his annotated English translation, Isaac Rabinowitx has provided the first critical edition of the Hebrew text, drawing on an early manuscript, the first print edition of 1475/6, and other pertinent sources. Besides supplying paragraphing and punctuation, his Hebrew text includes references to all passages of Scripture cited for exposition or for illustration of rhetorical doctrine, apparatuses of the variant readings and of the book's implicit scriptural allusions and reminiscences, and other textual notes. The annotated translation—the first in any modern European language—includes full referneces to all Messer Leon's classical sources. The introduction to the entire work contains a detailed reconstruction of Messer Leon's life and a full discussion of the nature and intended purposes of The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow.The publication of the The Book of the Honeycomb's Flow will help scholars to appreciate more fully the importance of the vital Italian Jewish culture of the Renaissance.

Brontë Facts and Brontë Problems

by Edward Chitham Tom Winnifrith

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