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Showing 5,451 through 5,475 of 76,304 results

A History of English Phonology (Longman Linguistics Library)

by Charles Jones

This is an attempt to view historical phonological change as an ongoing, recurrent process. The author sees like events occurring at all periods, a phenomenon which he considers is disguised by too great a reliance upon certain characteristics of the scholarly tradition. Thus he argues that those innovations arrived at by speakers of the English language many years ago are not in principle unlike those that can be seen to be happening today. Phonological mutations are, on the whole, not to be regarded as unique, novel, once only events. Speakers appear to present to speech sound materials, a limited set of evaluative and decoding perceptions, together with what would seem to be a finite number of innovation producing stratagems in response to their interpretation. It is stressed that this interpretation may itself be a direct product of the kinds of data selected for presentation in traditional handbooks and Jones notes the fact that phonological change is often "messy" and responsive to a highly tuned ability to perceive fine phonetic detail of a type which, by definition, rarely has the opportunity to surface in historical data sources.

A History of English Phonology (Longman Linguistics Library)

by Charles Jones

This is an attempt to view historical phonological change as an ongoing, recurrent process. The author sees like events occurring at all periods, a phenomenon which he considers is disguised by too great a reliance upon certain characteristics of the scholarly tradition. Thus he argues that those innovations arrived at by speakers of the English language many years ago are not in principle unlike those that can be seen to be happening today. Phonological mutations are, on the whole, not to be regarded as unique, novel, once only events. Speakers appear to present to speech sound materials, a limited set of evaluative and decoding perceptions, together with what would seem to be a finite number of innovation producing stratagems in response to their interpretation. It is stressed that this interpretation may itself be a direct product of the kinds of data selected for presentation in traditional handbooks and Jones notes the fact that phonological change is often "messy" and responsive to a highly tuned ability to perceive fine phonetic detail of a type which, by definition, rarely has the opportunity to surface in historical data sources.

How to Study a Joseph Conrad Novel (Study Guides: Literature)

by Brian Spittles

This clear and practical guide shows the reader how to organise a critical response to Joseph Conrad's novels and short stories. It provides systematic guidance on how to analyse Conrad's major works, showing students how to discuss the themes, characters, settings, plots, and tone of his fiction. In addition, it deals with the historical context of Conrad's writings and provides advice on how to discuss such matters as his complex use of narrators and narrative time, his views on politics, and his use of satire and irony. Particular works analysed include Youth, Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, The Secret Agent, Victory and The Shadow-Line. The final chapter offers a step-by-step guide to how to write an essay or examination answer on a Conrad novel. If you are a student looking for help in understanding and writing about Conrad this is the one book you need to read.

Ideology in Russian Literature (Studies in Russia and East Europe)

by Richard Freeborn Jane Grayson

The contributions in this volume, which is part of a series, examine the connection beween literature and ideas in important 19th-century instances. The editor contends that they demonstrate that Russian literature often subverts the ideology to suit its own autonomous needs.

In Flanders Fields: Scottish Poetry and Prose of the First World War

by Trevor Royle

This anthology is the first ever acknowledgement of Scotland's unique contribution to the literature of the First World War. Here are gathered together well-known writers like John Buchan, Eric Linklater, Hugh MacDiarmid and Compton Mackenzie, as well as poets like Joseph Lee and Roderick Watson Kerr, who found their true voices fighting in a war to end wars. There is also a substantial contribution from women writers in the work of Violet Jacob, Naomi Mitchison and Mary Symon.

In Pursuit of Doris Lessing: Nine Nations Reading

by Claire Sprague

The phenomenon of Doris Lessing's global reputation and readership is addressed for the first time in In Pursuit of Doris Lessing through a series of essays that also provide a provocative overview of Lessing's long career from The Grass Is Singing, the first of a series of African and woman-centered politically radical works, to her latest galactic and politically conservative works. Nine different Lessings emerge from these essays, forcing us to question received propositions about the universality of literature and the stability of the text and uncovering and recovering in the process the pungent, variable, controversial Lessing who has been and remains as international and transcultural as she is African and English.

Ingardeniana II: New Studies in the Philosophy of Roman Ingarden With a New International Ingarden Bibliography (Analecta Husserliana #30)

by Hans H. Rudnick

This Ingardenia volume is the second in the Analecta Husserliana series that is entirely devoted to the phenomenology of Roman Ingarden. The first was volume IV (1976). Twenty years after Ingarden's death, this volume demonstrates that the Polish phenomenologist's contribution to philosophy and literary scholarship has received world-wide attention. His ideas have proven especially fruitful for the definition of the structure of the literary work of art and the subsequent recognition of its characteristic features. Of all the early phenomenologists who were students of Husserl, it is Ingarden whose work has faithfully pursued the original tenet that language "holds" the essence of the life-world "in readiness" (bereit halten). To investigate this premise with the rigor of a science, as Husserl had envisioned for phenomenology, was Ingarden's life work. That Ingarden did not quite reach his ambitious goal does not diminish his unquestionable achievement. The understanding of the nature of the literary work of art has increased enormously because of his analyses and aesthetics. The Polish phenomenologist investigated above all the work of art as a structure of necessary components which define and determine its nature. That the artistic ingredient was shortchanged under those conditions should not be surprising, particu­ larly since Ingarden usually kept a purist's philosophical distance from the concrete detail of the material under consideration. He was not concerned with individual works of art but with the principle that was shared by all of them as the defining feature of their being.

Interpreting the Past, Understanding the Present (Explorations in Sociology.)

by Stephen Kendrick David McCrone Pat Straw

The British Sociological Association held a conference on the theme "Sociology and History". In 1964, E.H. Carr had called for an open frontier between the disciplines. This book examines the traffic across this frontier and in particular, what might be called the sociological uses of history.

Intertextual Dynamics within the Literary Group of Joyce, Lewis, Pound and Eliot: The Men of 1914

by D. Brown

The book examines key texts by the writers James Joyce, Wyndham Lewis, Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot as moves within a shared group-game - that of creating a new literature for the new age. It maps a great deal of intertextual reference, allusion and influence and suggests a psychoanalytically-informed hypothesis that certain literature can be constituted a species of interpersonal groupwork. It demonstrates how the core grouping within literary modernism developed an experimental discourse through mutual rivalry and sharing. And it describes different group roles, contributions and changes of emphasis within an overall project stretching from 1914 into the 1950s.

An Introduction to Arab Poeti

by Adonis

Poetry is the quintessence of Arab culture. In this book, one of the foremost Arab poets reinterprets a rich and ancient heritage. He examines the oral tradition of pre-Islamic Arabian poetry, as well as the relationship between Arabic poetry and the Qur'an, and between poetry and thought. Adonis also assesses the challenges of modernism and the impact of western culture on the Arab poetic tradition. Stimulating in their originality, eloquent in their treatment of a wide range of poetry and criticism, these reflections open up fresh perspectives on one of the world's greatest - and least explored - literatures. 'The most intellectually stimulating of several Arab books of unique literary distinction in fine translations ... Translated with uncommon intelligence ... As important a cultural manifesto as any written today.' Edward Said, Independent on Sunday 'Adonis's only prose work available in English is this book. The loss is ours and it is massive, for Adonis is a writer like Neruda or Marquez.' Geoff Dyer, Independent 'Introduces the reader to a new way of interpreting all poetry, and to many marvellous words that do not have an English equivalent.' Arts Letter

An Introduction to the Language of Literature (The Language of Literature)

by Norman Blake

This book presents an introduction to stylistics for students of literature. It does not presuppose linguistic knowledge, but it approaches literature in a linguistic way. In the first half it looks at the make-up of a sentence in English and how sentence elements are exploited by literary authors. In the second half it looks at the way in which a text is unified by elements beyond the sentence. The conclusion exemplifies the theory explained in the previous chapters.

Investigating Victorian Journalism

by Laurel Brake Aled Jones Lionel Madden

Iris Murdoch: Figures Of Good

by Suguna Ramanathan

James Joyce: Interviews and Recollections

by E. H. Mikhail

Johann Nestroy (Sammlung Metzler)

by Jürgen Hein

Der Band zeichnet die Züge eines bedeutenden Zeitgenossen des 19. Jahrhunderts nach, dessen Leben als Sänger, Schauspieler und Direktor im Theater aufging.

Joseph Conrad: Interviews and Recollections (Interviews and Recollections)

by Martin Ray

These 60 recollections present some of the many facets of Conrad the writer, the adventurer and the recluse, the Polish gallant and the neurotic modernist, the Edwardian country gentleman and the penniless beggar.

Journalism: State of the Art

by Jim Willis

A necessity for the professional journalist's library, Journalism: State of the Art will prove a valuable resource for the student journalist as well. This book summarizes some 200 media studies many from the most prestigious journal in the trade, Journalism Quarterly. In a paraphrased-synthesis format, and using informal terms, the author arranges some of the most interesting studies of the 1980s into eight subject headings including: Ethics Law, and the Journalist; Advertising in the 1980s; Polling and Precision Journalism; and Predictors of Readership and Viewship.For many years there has been a gap between media researchers and the practicing journalist. Published research about journalism as a discipline may receive attention in the classroom but seldom gets in the newsroom. Viewing the gap between the researcher and practitioner, Willis offers comments from both sides. He surveys nearly 150 news executives on media research and gives an insightful look at what factors cause readers or viewers to pay attention to the news media. From trends in the industry to types of audiences, Journalism: State of the Art uses practical research studies presented in an accessible style. Offering the most current data available on media research, this book will prove a great instructional as well as reference tool. It is a must for college journalists, working press, and media marketers.

Journalismus & Kompetenz: Qualifizierung und Rekrutierung für Medienberufe

by Siegfried Weischenberg

Die Qualifizierung und Rekrutierung für Medienberufe enthält im Prozeß sozialen Wandels zu einer "Informationsgesellschaft" besondere Bedeutung. Was müssen Journalisten wissen und können, um den gestiegenen Ansprüchen an ihre Kompetenz gerecht zu werden? Wie können sich Berufsaspiranten am besten auf den Journalismus vorbereiten? Welche Vorzüge und Nachteile haben die Ausbildungswege in die Medien? Diese Fragen werden in den 15 Originalbeiträgen des Readers beantwortet. Sie enthalten nicht nur Informationen, sondern erstmals auch (empirische) Evaluationen zu allen Formen der Journalistenausbildung in der Bundesrepublik. Themen sind u.a. die in Stellenanzeigen nachgefragten Qualifikationen, die Weiterbildungsangebote für Journalisten, die Didatik der Journalistenausbildung, die Qualität der Lehrbücher zum Journalismus und die Berufschancen von Publizistik-Studenten."(...) Dem vorliegenden Reader ist das Erreichen seiner Zielsetzung voll zu bescheinigen. Er leistet - und das unterscheidet ihn durchaus von anderen einschlägigen Publikationen - eine weitreichende Problematisierung sowie vor allem empirisch gestützte Evaluation der Qualifizierung für die Medien und arbeitet damit einen bedeutenden Defizitbereich der Forschung auf. Trotz der Vielfalt der behandelten Einzelthemen bleibt der Problemzugriff insgesamt doch kohärent, was durch häufige Querverweise unterstützt wird. Berufsaspiranten, aber auch die Ausbilder selbst sollten nicht von der Lektüre dieses wichtigen Beitrags absehen."Medienwissenschaft 1/91"(...) Das Buch empfiehlt sich nicht nur für Berufsaspiranten, die sich über die diversen Ausbildungswege ein Bild verschaffen wollen, sondern auch für Journalisten, die nach Ergänzungen suchen und die Anregungen zur Reflexion über die Bedingungen ihres Berufes erwarten."Medium 1/92

Kingsley Amis: In Life And Letters

by Dale Salwak

A Kipling Chronology (Author Chronologies Series)

by Harold Orel

Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning (Studies in Cognitive Systems #5)

by Henry E. Kyburg Jr. R. P. Loui G. N. Carlson

This series will include monographs and collections of studies devoted to the investigation and exploration of knowledge, information, and data­ processing systems of all kinds, no matter whether human, (other) ani­ mal, or machine. Its scope is intended to span the full range of interests from classical problems in the philosophy of mind and philosophical psy­ chology through issues in cognitive psychology and sociobiology (concerning the mental capabilities of other species) to ideas related to artificial intelli­ gence and computer science. While primary emphasis will be placed upon theoretical, conceptual, and epistemological aspects of these problems and domains, empirical, experimental, and methodological studies will also ap­ pear from time to time. The present volume provides a collection of studies that focus on some of the central problems within the domain of artificial intelligence. These difficulties fall into four principal areas: defeasible reasoning (including the frame problem as apart), ordinary language (and the representation prob­ lems that it generates), the revision of beliefs (and its rules of inference), and knowledge representation (and the logical problems that are encountered there). These papers make original contributions to each of these areas of inquiry and should be of special interest to those who understand the crucial role that is played by questions of logical form. They vividly illustrate the benefits that can emerge from collaborative efforts involving scholars from linguistics, philosophy, computer science, and AI. J. H. F.

Landmarks in Modern Latin American Fiction (Routledge Revivals)

by Philip Swanson

In the 1960s, there occurred amongst Latin American writers a sudden explosion of literary activity known as the ‘Boom’. It marked an increase in the production and availability of innovative and experimental novels. But the ‘Boom’ of the 1960s should not be taken as the only flowering of Latin American fiction, for such novels dubbed ‘new novels’ were being written in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as in the 1970s and 1980s. In this edited collection, first published in 1990, Philip Swanson charts the development of Latin American fiction throughout the twentieth century. He assesses the impact of the ‘new novel’ on Latin American literature, and follows its growth. Nine key texts are analysed by contributors, including works by the ‘big four’ of the ‘Boom’ – Fuentes, Cortázar, Garcia Márquez and Vargas Llosa. This book will be of interest to critics and teachers of Latin American literature, and will be useful too as supplementary reading for students of Spanish and Hispanic Studies. It will also serve as a helpful introduction to those new to Latin American fiction.

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