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Heine-Jahrbuch 2021 (Heine-Jahrbuch)

2021 erscheint der 60. Jahrgang des Heine-Jahrbuchs mit wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung Heinrich Heines. Unter anderem enthält er Studien von Gerhard Höhn über ästhetische Korrespondenzen zwischen Heine und Baudelaire und von Manfred Windfuhr über Heines Schriftsellerbegriff. Neben Untersuchungen zur Vorgeschichte der Heine-Säkularausgabe oder zu Heine und Delacroix präsentiert er zudem unbekannte Briefe von Fanny Lewald, Karl Hillebrand und Robert Wesselhöft, die alle mit Heine verbunden waren.

Heine-Jahrbuch 2022 (Heine-Jahrbuch)

2022 erscheint der 61. Jahrgang des Heine-Jahrbuchs. Er enthält u. a. Untersuchungen zu zwei der berühmtesten lyrischen Werke Heines: eine narratologische Analyse der „Heimkehr“ und eine Quellenstudie zum „Sklavenschiff“. Neben Artikeln von Norbert Waszek über Heines Verhältnis zu dem französischen Philosophen Victor Cousin, Ernst-Ulrich Pinkert über Heine-Rezeption in Dänemark und von Inge Rippmann und Joseph A. Kruse über Literatur und Judenemanzipation im 19. Jahrhundert präsentiert er bisher unbekannte Briefe Heinrich Heines.

Heiner Müller-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Heiner Müller (1929-1995) gilt als der wichtigste deutsche Theaterautor seit Brecht. Der vorliegende Band gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über das Gesamtwerk. Über die Werkanalysen hinaus lassen die Autoren auch grundlegenden Aspekten, dem Verhältnis zur Tradition und den Stellungnahmen Müllers zum Zeitgeschehen, genügend Raum. Auf diese Weise kommt die Vielfalt von Müllers eigener Produktion ebenso zum Tragen wie die thematisch und motivisch übergreifenden Momente. Der Leser bekommt eine Vorstellung von Voraussetzungen und Wirkungen seines Schaffens und der Bedeutung von Müllers Positionen und Reflexionen zu politischen und ästhetischen Problemen. Eine detaillierte Bibliografie rundet den Band ab.

Heinrich Heines Werk im Urteil seiner Zeitgenossen: Rezensionen und Notizen zu Heines Werken aus den Jahren November 1841 bis Dezember 1843 (Heine Studien)

Band 7 enthält 430 Texte aus den Jahren November 1841 bis Dezember 1843. Er dokumentiert die Nachwirkung der Auseinandersetzungen um die Denkschrift über Ludwig Börne und die Aufnahme des Versepos Atta Troll. Ein Sommernachtstraum .

Heinrich von Kleist: Textkritische Edition der Handschrift. Sonderband des Kleist-Jahrbuchs 2020

Mit dieser Edition von Kleists Handschrift »Der zerbrochne Krug« wird eine textgenetische Darstellung vorgelegt, die Kleists zahlreiche, teilweise komplexen Textänderungen en detail rekonstruiert. Methodisches Instrumentarium für die Rekonstruktion bildet die Handschriftanalyse. Wesentliches Ergebnis der Rekonstruktion ist die chronologische Darstellung der einzelnen Versvarianten und ihrer vers­übergreifenden Bezüge. Sofern die Versfassungen sich unterscheiden, werden auch die Fassungen der ­»Phöbus«­Fragmente und des Erstdrucks mitgeteilt. Auf diesem Weg entsteht ein komplexes Bild der zahlreichen Übereinstimmungen und Abweichungen der unterschiedlichen »Krug«-Textzeugen, deren dichtes Beziehungsgeflecht hier erstmals systematisch und vollständig erfassbar ist. Abgeschlossen wird der Band mit einer Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Kleists Handschrift, deren Methodik diese Edition erst ermöglicht hat. Die Darstellung wird unterstützt durch den Abdruck zahlreicher Faksimile-Ausschnitte. Die Edition erscheint als Sonderband des Kleist-Jahrbuchs.

Henry James: A Selection of Critical Essays (Modern Judgements)

Herder Jahrbuch / Herder Yearbook 1998

Die Beiträge dieses Jahrbuchs befassen sich vor allem mit der Herder-Kant-Konstellation im Kontext mit Herders Geschichtsphilosophie, seiner Beschäftigung mit Begriff und Problem der Nation und mit Herders Stellung im erkenntnistheoretisch-ethischen Spektrum der Zeit.

Herder Jahrbuch - Herder Yearbook 2002

Die im Auftrag der Internationalen Herder-Gesellschaft herausgegebenen Herder-Jahrbücher erscheinen alle zwei Jahre und dienen der Diskussion neuer Einsichten in Herders Sprach-, Natur- und Geschichtsphilosophie, Anthropologie, Theologie und Ästhetik sowie ihres historischen Kontextes. Die Beiträge des Jahrbuchs 2002 widmen sich - u.a. mit Beiträgen von Günter Arnold, Ulrich Gaier und Gerhard Sauder - neben biographischen Aspekten (mit neuen Brieffunden) Fragen von Herders Poetik und ihrer Rezeption auch Gerstenbergs Drama "Ugolino". Den Abschluss bildet die Herder-Bibliographie für die Jahre 1999-2001.

Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States

Herencia (meaning "inheritance" or "heritage") is the first anthology to bring together literature spanning the entire history of Hispanic writing in the United States, from the age of exploration to the present. The product of a ten-year project involving hundreds of scholars nationwide, Herencia is the most comprehensive literary collection available, covering over three centuries and including writers from all the major Hispanic ethnic communities as well as a broad sample of writing from diverse genres. Here is the voice of the conqueror and the conquered, the revolutionary and the reactionary, the native and the uprooted or landless. Of course, readers will find pieces by such leading writers as Piri Thomas, Luis Valdez, Isabel Allende, Oscar Hijuelos, and Reinaldo Arenas. But what truly distinguish this anthology are its historical depth and its rich, complex portrait of Hispanic literature in the United States. Beginning with Cabeza de Vaca's account of his explorations in the New World, the anthology includes a passage from La Florida, a narrative historical poem of 22,000 verses, written by Franciscan friar Alonso de Escobedo. It also features an attack on Mexican stereotypes in the nascent movie industry written by Nicasio Idar, editor of Laredo's La Cronica; and an essay about Coney Island written by revolutionary Jose Marti. Embracing Chicano, Nuyorican, Cuban American, and Latino writings, the voices of immigrants and the voices of exiles, Herencia makes a vital contribution to our understanding not only of Hispanic writing in the United States, but also of the great contribution Hispanics have made to the United States.

Hermeneutical Narratives in Art, Literature, and Communication

Exploring the relationship between hermeneutics and the arts, including painting, music, and literature, this book builds on hermeneutics from a practical perspective, connecting this area of critical research with others to reveal how it is viewed from different perspectives. International and interdisciplinary in scope, this edited volume draws on the work of scholars and practitioners working across a variety of subject areas, themes and topics, including philosophy, literature, religious paintings, musical oeuvres, Chinese urbanscapes, Moroccan proverbs, and Ukrainian internet blogs. Focusing on the idea of hermeneutics as a discipline that can connect different areas of interest, the book offers an inside view into how the contributors 'interpret' it within their own academic remits, demonstrating its presence in qualitative academic interpretations and canonical contemporary research in humanities.

A Historical Guide to Edith Wharton (Historical Guides to American Authors)

Edith Wharton, arguably the most important American female novelist, stands at a particular historical crossroads between sentimental lady writer and modern professional author. Her ability to cope with this collision of Victorian and modern sensibilities makes her work especially interesting. Wharton also writes of American subjects at a time of great social and economic change-Darwinism, urbanization, capitalism, feminism, world war, and eugenics. She not only chronicles these changes in memorable detail, she sets them in perspective through her prodigious knowledge of history, philosophy, and religion. A Historical Guide to Edith Wharton provides scholarly and general readers with historical contexts that illuminate Wharton's life and writing in new, exciting ways. Essays in the volume expand our sense of Wharton as a novelist of manners and demonstrate her engagement with issues of her day.

A Historical Guide to Ernest Hemingway (Historical Guides to American Authors)

The 1999 Hemingway centennial marks the perfect time for the reevaluation of his position as America's premier modernist writer. These essays, all written specially for this collection, plumb unexplored historical details of Hemingway's life to illuminate new and often unexpected dimensions of the force of his literary accomplishment. Discussing biographical details of his personal and professional life along with the subtleties of his character, the text includes a number of fascinating photos and images.

A Historical Guide to Henry David Thoreau (Historical Guides to American Authors)

As an essayist, philosopher, ex-pencil manufacturer, notorious hermit, tax protester, and all-around original thinker, Thoreau led so singular a life that he is in some ways a perfect candidate for the historical and biographical treatments made possible by the Historical Guides to American Authors series format. William E. Cain, the volume editor, includes contributions on his relationship with 19th century authority and concepts of the land, which should help the volume's reach beyond those who read Thoreau for illumination to those general readers who love him for embodying the spirit of American rebellion.

A Historical Guide to Mark Twain (Historical Guides to American Authors)

Mark Twain (born Samuel Clemens), a former printer's apprentice, journalist, steamboat pilot, and miner, remains to this day one of the most enduring and beloved of America's great writers. Combining cultural criticism with historical scholarship, A Historical Guide to Mark Twain addresses a wide range of topics relevant to Twain's work, including religion, commerce, race, gender, social class, and imperialism. Like all of the Historical Guides to American Authors, this volume includes an introduction, a brief biography, a bibliographic essay, and an illustrated chronology of the author's life and times.

A Historical Guide to Nathaniel Hawthorne (Historical Guides to American Authors)

Nathaniel Hawthorne remains one of the most widely read and taught of American authors. This Historical Guide collects a number of original essays by Hawthorne scholars that place the author in historical context. Like other volumes in the series, A Historical Guide to Nathaniel Hawthorne includes an introduction, a brief biography, a bibliographical essay, and an illustrated chronology of the author's life and times. Combining cultural criticism with historical scholarship, this volume addresses a wide range of topics relevant to Hawthorne's work, including his relationship to slavery, children, mesmerism, and the visual arts.

A Historical Guide to Ralph Ellison (Historical Guides to American Authors)

Ralph Ellison has been a controversial figure, both lionized and vilified, since he seemed to burst onto the national literary scene in 1952 with the publication of Invisible Man. In this volume Steven C. Tracy has gathered a broad range of critics who look not only at Ellison's seminal novel but also at the fiction and nonfiction work that both preceded and followed it, focusing on important historical and cultural influences that help contextualize Ellison's thematic concerns and artistic aesthetic. These essays, all previously unpublished, explore how Ellison's various apprenticeships--in politics as a Black radical; in music as an admirer and practitioner of European, American, and African-American music; and in literature as heir to his realist, naturalist, and modernist forebears--affected his mature literary productions, including his own careful molding of his literary reputation. They present us with a man negotiating the difficult sociopolitical, intellectual, and artistic terrain facing African Americans as America was increasingly forced to confront its own failures with regard to the promise of the American dream to its diverse populations. These wide-ranging historical essays, along with a brief biography and an illustrated chronology, provide a concise yet authoritative discussion of a twentieth-century American writer whose continued presence on the stage of American and world literature and culture is now assured.

A Historical Guide to Ralph Waldo Emerson (Historical Guides to American Authors)

There is no question that Emerson has maintained his place as one of the seminal figures in American history and literature. In his time, he was the acknowledged leader of the Transcendentalist movement and his poetic legacy, education ideals, and religious concepts are integral to the formation of American intellectual life. In this volume, Joel Myerson, one of the leading experts on this period, has gathered together sparkling new essays that discuss Emerson as a product of his times. Individual chapters provide an extended biographical study of Emerson and his effect on American life, followed by studies of his concept of individualism, nature and natural science, religion, antislavery, and women's rights.

Historical Memory and Foreign Policy

This book explores the uses of the past in foreign policy-making. It outlines why and how political leaders refer to historical events in contemporary foreign policy discourses; the goals they hope to achieve; and the sometimes unintended foreign policy consequences of their (ab)use of historical memory. Furthermore, it looks at how political leaders shape domestic collective memories in pursuit of their international agendas, and highlight historical events leaders forget, reinterpret or obscure through selective narratives. The chapters explore a variety of theoretical concepts that shed light on how memory and foreign policy are linked in a complex and reciprocal way. The following mechanisms are discussed: the application of historical analogies; the construction of historical narratives; the creation of memory sites; the marginalisation and forgetting of the past; and the securitisation of historical memory. Through the use of a number of methodological approaches (such as discourse analysis, narrative analysis and content analysis of securitising moves) and a broad range of qualitative and quantitative data (newspaper articles, policy documents, commemorative speeches, interviews with policymakers and the observation of memory sites), the contributions highlight the interdependence of the international, national, regional and local dimensions of memory practices and history writing. Although they mostly focus on national case studies of foreign policy-making, they also reveal how representations of historical events evolve through interaction between political actors at the international level of analysis. The collection originated in the section entitled ‘Exploring the Link between Historical Memory and Foreign Policy’ at the annual Pan-European Conference of the European International Studies Association (EISA) 2018 held in Prague, the Czech Republic.

Historical Networks in the Book Trade (The History of the Book)

The book trade historically tended to operate in a spirit of co-operation as well as competition. Networks between printers, publishers, booksellers and related trades existed at local, regional, national and international levels and were a vital part of the business of books for several centuries. This collection of essays examines many aspects of the history of book-trade networks, in response to the recent ‘spatial turn’ in history and other disciplines. Contributors come from various backgrounds including history, sociology, business studies and English literature. The essays in Part One introduce the relevance to book-trade history of network theory and techniques, while Part Two is a series of case studies ranging chronologically from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. Topics include the movement of early medieval manuscript books, the publication of Shakespeare, the distribution of seventeenth-century political pamphlets in Utrecht and Exeter, book-trade networks before 1750 in the English East Midlands, the itinerant book trade in northern France in the late eighteenth century, how an Australian newspaper helped to create the Scottish public sphere, the networks of the Belgian publisher Murquardt, and transatlantic radical book-trade networks in the early twentieth century.

Historical Research, Creative Writing, and the Past: Methods of Knowing (Routledge New Textual Studies in Literature)

Although historical research undertaken in different disciplines often requires speculation and imagination, it remains relatively rare for scholars to foreground these processes explicitly as a knowing method. Historical Research, Creative Writing, and the Past brings together researchers in a wide array of disciplines, including literary studies and history, ethnography, design, film, and sound studies, who employ imagination, creativity, or fiction in their own historical scholarship or who analyze the use of imagination, creativity, or fiction to make historical claims by others. This volume is organized into four topical sections related to representations of the past—textual and conceptual approaches; material and emotional approaches; speculative and experiential approaches; and embodied methodologies—and covers a variety of temporal periods and geographical contexts. Reflecting on the methodological, theoretical, and ethical underpinnings of writing history creatively or speculatively, the essays situate themselves within current debates over epistemology and interdisciplinarity. They yield new insights into historical research methods, including archival investigations and source criticisms, while offering readers tangible examples of how to do history differently.

Historical Understanding: Past, Present, and Future

The first decades of the new century shake old certainties. In a whirlwind of profound changes, do we have more history or less? Does history overwhelm us in all domains of life or is historical understanding in yet another crisis? The answers do not come easily. The recent demise of humanities education, the technological alterations of our social lifeworlds and the human condition, the anthropogenic changes in the Earth system, the growing sense of memory, trauma and historical injustice as alternative approaches to the past, seem to entail contradictions and complexities that do not fit very well with our existing notions of historical understanding. Historical thought as we know it is facing manifold challenges, and we struggle to grasp a larger picture that could encompass them.Boasting a range of contributions from leading scholars, this volume attempts just that. In an innovative collection of short essays, Historical Understanding explores the current shape of historical understanding today, by surveying a variety of historical relations to the past, present, and future in the face of socio-political, ecological and technological upheavals. This book is an invaluable research tool for students and researchers alike, presenting a kaleidoscope-like overview of manifold new ways which we navigate “historically” in coping with present-day challenges, both in wider society and in historiography

Historicism: A Travelling Concept

Throughout the twentieth century, scholars, artists and politicians have accused each other of “historicism.” But what exactly did this mean? Judging by existing scholarship, the answers varied enormously. Like many other “isms,” historicism could mean nearly everything, to the point of becoming meaningless.Yet the questions remain: What made generations of scholars throughout the humanities and social sciences worry about historicism? Why did even musicians and members of parliament warn against historicism? And what explains this remarkable career of the term across generations, fields, regions, and languages?Focusing on the “travels” that historicism made, this volume uses historicism as a prism for exploring connections between disciplines and intellectual traditions usually studied in isolation from each other. It shows how generations of sociologists, theologians, and historians tried to avoid pitfalls associated with historicism and explains why the term was heavily charged with emotions like anxiety, anger, and worry.While offering fresh interpretations of classic authors such as Friedrich Meinecke, Karl Löwith, and Leo Strauss, this volume highlights how historicism took on new meanings, connotations, and emotional baggage in the course of its travels through time and place.

Historicizing Modernists: Approaches to ‘Archivalism’ (Historicizing Modernism)

Focussing upon both canonical figures such as Woolf, Eliot, Pound, and Stein and emergent themes such as Christian modernism, intermedial modernism, queer Harlem Renaissance, this volume brings together previously unseen materials, from various archives, to bear upon cutting-edge interpretation of modernism. It provides an overview of approaches to modernism via the employment of various types of primary source material: correspondence, manuscripts and drafts, memoirs and production notes, reading notes and marginalia, and all manner of useful contextualising sources like news reports or judicial records. While having much to say to literary criticism more broadly, this volume is closely focused upon key modernist figures and emergent themes in light of the discipline's 'archival turn' – termed in a unifying introduction 'achivalism'. An essential ingredient separating the above, recent tendency from a much older and better-established new historicism, in modernist studies at least, is that 'the literary canon' remains an important starting point. Whereas new historicism 'is interested in history as represented and recorded in written documents' and tends toward a 'parallel study of literature and non-literary texts', archival criticism tends toward recognised, oftentimes canonical or critically-lauded, writers, presented in Part 1. Sidestepping the vicissitudes of canon formation, manuscript scholars tend to gravitate toward leading modernist authors: James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot and Samuel Beckett. Part of the reason is obvious: known authors frequently leave behind sizeable literary estates, which are then acquired by research centres. A second section then applies the same empirical methodology to key or emergent themes in the study of modernism, including queer modernism; spatial modernism; little magazines (and online finding aids structuring them); and the role of faith and/or emotions in the construction of 'modernism' as we know it.

Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons

This book presents a series of case studies and reflections on the historiographical assumptions, methods and approaches that shape the way in which philosophers construct their own past. The chapters in the volume advance discussion of the methods of historians of philosophy, while at the same time illustrating the various ways in which philosophical canons come into existence, debunking the myth of analytical philosophy’s ahistoricism and providing a deeper understanding of the roles historiographical devices play in philosophical thought. More importantly, the contributors attempt to understand history of philosophy in connection with other historical and historiographical approaches: contributors engage classical history of science, sociology of knowledge, history of psychology and historiography, in dialogue with historiographical practices in philosophy more narrowly construed. Additionally, select chapters adopt a more diverse perspective, by making place for non-Western approaches and for efforts to construe new philosophical narratives that do justice to the voice of women across the centuries. Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in history of philosophy, meta-philosophy, philosophy of history, historiography, intellectual history and sociology of knowledge.

Historische Musikwissenschaft: Grundlagen und Perspektiven

Grundsätzliches und Interdisziplinäres. Welches sind die Fragen und Methoden der Historischen Musikwissenschaft? Und im Rahmen aktueller Debatten in Kunst-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft: Kann sie damit Anschluss an diese Disziplinen finden? Die Autoren des Bandes erörtern musikalische und musikwissenschaftliche Phänomene aus Geschichte und Gegenwart und erproben Zugänge aus historischer, soziologischer, ästhetischer, medientheoretischer, philologischer oder kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht.

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