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Showing 75,251 through 75,275 of 76,323 results

Joan of Arc and Spirituality (The New Middle Ages)

Joan of Arc is an unusual saint. Canonized in 1920 as a virgin, she died in 1431 as a condemned heretic. Uneducated, militant, and youthful, she obeyed 'Voices' that counselled her to pursue an unprecedented vocation. The various trial records provide a wealth of evidence about how Joan and others understood her spiritual life. This collection explores multiple facets of Joan's prayerful life. Two-thirds of the essays focus on Joan in her own time; the later chapters study Joan's formative influence upon modern women. Taken together, these essays offer new perspectives on the heroism of Joan's original way of sanctity.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Edition der Handschrift von 1786

Edition einer bisher nicht veröffentlichten Handschrift der "Leiden des jungen Werthers", die gegenüber allen nachfolgenden Drucken höchste Authentizität beansprucht.

John Donne: Selected Writings (21st-Century Oxford Authors)

This volume in the 21st Century Oxford Authors series offers students and readers a comprehensive selection of the work of John Donne (1572-1631). Accompanied by full scholarly apparatus, this authoritative edition enables students to study Donne's work in the order in which it was written, and, wherever possible, using the text of the first published version. The volume presents a wholly new edition of Donne's verse and prose, consisting of a selection of Donne's compositions that circulated in manuscript or in print form during his lifetime. Each text is paired with a generous complement of historical and textual annotation, which enables students to access and appreciate the excitement with which Donne's contemporaries—his first readers—discovered his famous and incomparable originality, audacity, ingenuity, and wit. The edition incorporates new directions and emphases in scholarly editing that equip students with a better understanding of the texts and the contexts in which they were produced, such as the history of readership and the history of texts as material objects. Explanatory notes and commentary are included, to enhance the study, understanding, and enjoyment of these works, and the edition includes an Introduction to the life and works of Donne, and a Chronology.

John Keats and Romantic Scotland

Between 22 June and 18 August 1818, John Keats and his friend and collaborator Charles Armitage Brown embarked on an epic walking tour of the English Lake District, South West Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Ayrshire Burns Country, the Scottish Highlands and Western Isles, and the Great Glen north eastwards to Inverness, Beauly, the Black Isle, and Cromarty. During the tour, Keats and Brown both wrote extensive and detailed accounts of their experiences. The twelve new essays in this collection each explore the significance of the 1818 tour for understanding Keats's achievements, ranging across topics such as the contemporary Highland tour; Scottish literature, history, landscape and culture; Romantic responses to Robert Burns's life, works and places; and Keats's health and influence on Scottish artists.

Joseph Addison: Tercentenary Essays

Joseph Addison: Tercentenary Essays is a collection of fifteen essays by a team of internationally recognized experts specially commissioned to commemorate the three hundredth anniversary of Addison's death in 2019. Almost exclusively known now as the inventor and main author of The Spectator, probably the most widely read and imitated prose work of the eighteenth century, Addison also produced important and influential work across a broad gamut of other literary modes—poems, verse translations, literary criticism, periodical journalism, drama, opera, travel writing. Much of this work is little known nowadays even in specialist academic circles; Addison is often described as the most neglected of the eighteenth century's major writers. This volume is the first collection to address the full range and variety of Addison's career and writings. Its fifteen chapters fall into three groupings: the first set study Addison's work in modes other than the literary periodical (poetry, translation, travel writing, drama); the second set address The Spectator from a variety of disciplinary perspectives (literary-critical, sociological and political, bibliographical); and the final set explore Addison's reception within several cultural spheres (philosophy, horticulture, art history), by individual writers or across larger historical periods (the Romantic age, the Victorian age), and in Britain and Europe, especially France. The volume provides an overdue and appropriately diverse memorial to one of the dominant men of letters of the Georgian era.

Journalism and Truth in an Age of Social Media

Truth qualities of journalism are under intense scrutiny in today's world. Journalistic scandals have eroded public confidence in mainstream media while pioneering news media compete to satisfy the public's appetite for news. Still worse is the specter of "fake news" that looms over media and political systems that underpin everything from social stability to global governance. This volume aims to illuminate the contentious media landscape to help journalism students, scholars, and professionals understand contemporary conditions and arm them to deal with a spectrum of new developments ranging from technology and politics to best practices. Fake news is among the greatest of these concerns, and can encompass everything from sarcastic or ironic humor to bot-generated, made-up stories. It can also include the pernicious transmission of selected, biased facts, the use of incomplete or misleadingly selective framing of stories, and photographs that editorially convey certain characteristics. This edited volume contextualizes the current "fake news problem." Yet it also offers a larger perspective on what seems to be uniquely modern, computer-driven problems. We must remember that we have lived with the problem of people having to identify, characterize, and communicate the truth about the world around them for millennia. Rather than identify a single culprit for disseminating misinformation, this volume examines how news is perceived and identified, how news is presented to the public, and how the public responds to news. It considers social media's effect on the craft of journalism, as well as the growing role of algorithms, big data, and automatic content-production regimes. As an edited collection, this volume gathers leading scholars in the fields of journalism and communication studies, philosophy, and the social sciences to address critical questions of how we should understand journalism's changing landscape as it relates to fundamental questions about the role of truth and information in society.

Journalism Research That Matters (Journalism and Political Communication Unbound)

It is now well-established that the long-time economic model on which the news industry has relied is no longer sustainable. Facebook, Google, and declining levels of popular trust in the media have been major contributors to this situation. Simultaneously, the closure of local media outlets across the country has left many areas without access to regional news, compounded the distance between media and publics, and further eroded civic engagement. Despite the looming crisis in journalism, a research-practice gap plagues the news industry. This book argues that an underappreciated factor in the news crisis is a potentially symbiotic relationship between journalism studies and the industry that it researches. As this book contends, scholars must think about their work in a public context, and journalists, too, need to listen to media scholars and take the research that they do seriously. Including contributions from journalists and academics, Journalism Research That Matters offers journalists a guide on what they need to know and journalism scholars a call to action for what kind of research they can do to best help the news industry reckon with disruption. The book looks at new research developments surrounding audience behavior, social networks, and journalism business models; the challenges that scholars face in making their research available to the public and to journalists; the financial survival of quality news and information; and blind spots in the way that researchers and journalists do their work, especially around race, diversity, and inequality. A final section includes contributions from journalists about how researchers can better engage on the ground with newsrooms and media professionals.

Joyce: The Return of the Repressed

Did James Joyce, that icon of modernity, spearhead the dismantling of the Cartesian subject? Or was he a supreme example of a modern man forever divided and never fully known to himself? This volume reads the dialogue of contradictory cultural voices in Joyce’s works—revolutionary and reactionary, critical and subject to critique, marginal and central. It includes ten essays that identify repressed elements in Joyce’s writings and examine how psychic and cultural repressions persistently surface in his texts. Contributors include Joseph A. Boone, Marilyn L. Brownstein, Jay Clayton, Laura Doyle, Susan Stanford Friedman, Christine Froula, Ellen Carol Jones, Alberto Moreirias, Richard Pearce, and Robert Spoo.

Joyce's Ulysses: Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford Studies in Philosophy and Literature)

Though James Joyce was steeped in philosophy and humanism, he has received too little attention from contemporary philosophers in comparison to many of the other titans of modernist fiction. This book probes the possibilities for thinking philosophically about Joyce's masterpiece, Ulysses, presenting readings by renowned scholars such David Hills, Garry L. Hagberg, Vicki Mahaffey, Martha C. Nussbaum, Sam Slote, Wendy J. Truran, and Philip Kitcher, who also provides an introduction to the volume that considers broader themes and situates Ulysses as a work of philosophical interest. For the central characters of Ulysses--Leopold Bloom, Molly Bloom, and Stephen Dedalus, "How to live?" is an urgent question. Each must either start anew, or attempt to recover lost paths. Chapters plumb the depths of the philosophical quandaries that present themselves to these characters--reflections on death and overcoming disgust, Leopold Bloom's evocations of conscious thought, the dominance of vision in our thinking about the senses, identity, and the possibility of revising one's values are only a handful of the subjects covered in the volume. Ulysses is an intrinsically and deeply philosophical work, and these readings provide new inroads and firm orientation for Joyce's project. Readers will come away with renewed appreciation for one of our greatest works of literature in the English language, and deepened understanding of Joyce's attempt to offer alternative ways of structuring and enriching the world of our experience.

Justice Scalia: Rhetoric and the Rule of Law

Justice Antonin Scalia (1936–2016) was the single most important figure in the emergence of the “new originalist” interpretation of the US Constitution, which sought to anchor the court’s interpretation of the Constitution to the ordinary meaning of the words at the time of drafting. For Scalia, the meaning of constitutional provisions and statutes was rigidly fixed by their original meanings with little concern for extratextual considerations. While some lauded his uncompromising principles, others argued that such a rigid view of the Constitution both denies and attempts to limit the discretion of judges in ways that damage and distort our system of law. In this edited collection, leading scholars from law, political science, philosophy, rhetoric, and linguistics look at the ways Scalia framed and stated his arguments. Focusing on rhetorical strategies rather than the logic or validity of Scalia’s legal arguments, the contributors collectively reveal that Scalia enacted his rigidly conservative vision of the law through his rhetorical framing.

Juvenal Satires: A Selection

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin AS and A-Level (Group 3) prescription of Juvenal, Satire 6 and the A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Satires 14 and 15, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English for A Level. Juvenal was the last and the greatest of the Roman verse satirists and his poetry gives us an exuberant and outrageously jaundiced view of the early Roman Empire. This book contains a selection from three of his satires: Satire 6 attacks women and marriage, Satire 14 critiques the role played by parents in the education of children and Satire 15 describes all too vividly the cannibalism perpetrated by warring Egyptians. These Satires expose the folly and the wickedness of the world in some of the finest Latin to have survived from antiquity.Supporting resources are available on the Companion Website:

Kafka-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung

Der wirkungsmächtigste deutschsprachige Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Franz Kafkas Werk gilt bis heute als Musterfall der ästhetischen Moderne. Das Handbuch präsentiert die Kontexte, in denen Kafka stand und stellt sein Leben sowie die wichtigsten Werke, Fragmente, Tagebücher und Briefe vor. Dabei wird deutlich, welchen Einfluss z. B. der Prager Kreis, Judentum/Zionismus, Philosophie, Psychoanalyse, Film und Fotografie auf Kafkas Texte hatten. Besonderer Wert wird erstmals auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Kafka schen Werkes gelegt.

Kafka's The Trial: Philosophical Perspectives (Oxford Studies in Philosophy and Lit)

Kafka's novel The Trial, written from 1914 to 1915 and published in 1925, is a multi-faceted, notoriously difficult manifestation of European literary modernism, and one of the most emblematic books of the 20th Century. It tells the story of Josef K., a man accused of a crime he has no recollection of committing and whose nature is never revealed to him. The novel is often interpreted theologically as an expression of radical nihilism and a world abandoned by God. It is also read as a parable of the cold, inhumane rationality of modern bureaucratization. Like many other novels of this turbulent period, it offers a tragic quest-narrative in which the hero searches for truth and clarity (whether about himself, or the anonymous system he is facing), only to fall into greater and greater confusion. This collection of nine new essays and an editor's introduction brings together Kafka experts, intellectual historians, literary scholars, and philosophers in order to explore the novel's philosophical and theological significance. Authors pursue the novel's central concerns of justice, law, resistance, ethics, alienation, and subjectivity. Few novels display human uncertainty and skepticism in the face of rapid modernization, or the metaphysical as it intersects with the most mundane aspects of everyday life, more insistently than The Trial. Ultimately, the essays in this collection focus on how Kafka's text is in fact philosophical in the ways in which it achieves its literary aims. Rather than considering ideas as externally related to the text, the text is considered philosophical at the very level of literary form and technique.

Kanadische Literaturgeschichte

Literatur im Zeichen des Ahornblatts. Atwood, Ondaatje, Munro, Hémon, Tremblay, Hébert - diese Namen stehen für die kanadische Literatur, die losgelöst von der US-amerikanischen Tradition ihre eigenen Merkmale aufweist. Aus dem Schatten der französischen und englischen Mutter-Literaturen ist die kanadische Literatur schon lange herausgetreten. Die Literaturgeschichte setzt ein bei den mündlichen Traditionen der Inuit und den "First Nations". Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den anglo- und frankokanadischen Literaturen, deren spannungsreiches Verhältnis lange das kulturelle Gedächtnis Kanadas dominierte. Seit der multikulturellen Orientierung des Landes verwandelt sich auch die kanadische Literatur zunehmend in ein polyfones Gedächtnis. Eine facettenreiches Panorama ebenso für Kenner wie für Literatur-und Kultur-Begeisterte.

Kanon Macht Kultur: Theoretische, historische und soziale Aspekte ästhetischer Kanonbildungen. DFG-Symposion 1996 (Germanistische Symposien)

Weltweit ist der literarische Kanon der abendländischen Kultur zum Gegenstand leidenschaftlicher Kontroversen geworden. Ist er notwendiger Garant der Tradierung zeitloser ästhetischer Werte oder blockiert er, selbst durch und durch historisch, die gegenwärtigen epochalen Umwälzungen im Bereich der Künste und ihrer Medien? Zementiert er die Herrschaft eines überholten, logozentrischen (und frauenfeindlichen) ästhetischen Diskurses? Oder entzieht er sich gerade durch Deutungsoffenheit und Wandelbarkeit der Festlegung auf und durch das je Herrschende? Die 37 Beiträge dieses Bandes sprechen diese und weitere Fragen der Kanondebatte vielfach explizit und implizit an. Statt vorschneller Stellungnahme suchen sie jedoch zunächst aus der Sicht verschiedener kulturwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen und Methoden an historischen wie aktuellen Fallbeispielen Begriff und Sache des Kanons zu klären, die Entstehung, Veränderung und Wirkweise von Kanons zu beschreiben sowie die Titelfrage nach dem Potential von Gewalt in Kanonwirkungen zu beantworten.

Katherine Mansfield: New Directions (Historicizing Modernism)

Includes a literary reflection on Mansfield's work by award-winning novelist Ali Smith.Katherine Mansfield: New Directions brings together leading international scholars to explore and celebrate the modernist short fiction writer, Katherine Mansfield. Reassessing Mansfield's life, work and reputation in the light of new research in literary modernism the book maps new directions for future Mansfield studies in the twenty-first century. Drawing on current work from postcolonial studies, eco-criticism, affect studies, book, periodical and manuscript studies, and auto/biographical and critical-theoretical approaches to her life and art as well as new archival discoveries, this is an essential contribution to our deepening understanding of a central modernist figure.

Keats’s Negative Capability: New Origins and Afterlives (Romantic Reconfigurations: Studies in Literature and Culture 1780-1850 #6)

In late December 1817, when attempting to name “what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature,” John Keats coined the term “negative capability,” which he glossed as “being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.” Since then negative capability has continued to shape assessments of and responses to Keats’s work, while also surfacing in other contexts ranging from contemporary poetry to punk rock. The essays collected in this volume, taken as a whole, account for some of the history of negative capability, and propose new models and directions for its future in scholarly and popular discourse. The book does not propose a particular understanding of negative capability from among the many options (radical empathy, annihilation of self, philosophical skepticism, celebration of ambiguity) as the final word on the topic; rather, the book accounts for the multidimensionality of negative capability. Essays treat negative capability’s relation to topics including the Christmas pantomime, psychoanalysis, Zen Buddhism, nineteenth-century medicine, and Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. Describing the “poetical Character” Keats notes that “it enjoys light and shade; it lives in gusto, be it foul or fair, high or low, rich or poor, mean or elevated.” This book, too, revels in such multiplicity.

Keywords for India: A Conceptual Lexicon for the 21st Century

What terms are currently up for debate in Indian society? How have their meanings changed over time? This book highlights key words for modern India in everyday usage as well as in scholarly contexts. Encompassing over 250 key words across a wide range of topics, including aesthetics and ceremony, gender, technology and economics, past memories and future imaginaries, these entries introduce some of the basic concepts that inform the 'cultural unconscious' of the Indian subcontinent in order to translate them into critical tools for literary, political, cultural and cognitive studies. Inspired by Raymond Williams' pioneering exploration of English culture and society through the study of keywords, Keywords for India brings together more than 200 leading sub-continental scholars to form a polyphonic collective. Their sustained engagement with an incredibly diverse set of words enables a fearless interrogation of the panoply, the multitude, the shape-shifter that is 'India'. Through its close investigation and unpacking of words, this book investigates the various intellectual possibilities on offer within the Indian subcontinent at the beginning of a fraught new millennium desperately in need of fresh vocabularies. In this sense, Keywords for India presents the world with many emancipatory memes from India.

Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary

Keywords for Today takes us deep into the history of the language in order to better understand our contemporary world. From nature to cultural appropriation and from market to terror, the most important words in political and cultural debate have complicated and complex histories. This book sketches these histories in ways that illuminate the political bent and values of our current society. Written by The Keywords Project, an independent group of scholars who have spent more than a decade on this work, Keywords for Today updates and extends Raymond Williams's classic work, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society. It updates some 40 of Williams's original entries and adds 86 new entries, ranging from access to youth. The book is both a history of English, documenting important semantic change in the language, and a handbook of current political and ideological debate. Whether it is demonstrating the only recently-acquired religious meaning of fundamentalism or the complicated linguistic history of queer, Keywords for Today will intrigue and enlighten.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 1997/98: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 1997

Die vierte Folge des mittlerweile im In- und Ausland viel beachteten und intensiv genutzten Jahrbuches bietet wie stets das Verzeichnis der im Vorjahr erschienenen Fachliteratur - ca. 1600 Titel - sowie zahlreiche Rezensionen wissenschaftlicher Neuerscheinungen zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, zur literarischen Sozialisation und zur Lese(r)forschung.

Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung 1998/99: Mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 1998

Die fünfte Folge des im In- und Ausland viel beachteten »Jahrbuchs« steht ganz im Zeichen des 100. Geburtstags von Erich Kästner, dem wohl bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Kinderschriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts.

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