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Showing 16,676 through 16,700 of 56,018 results

Governing Biobanks: Understanding the Interplay between Law and Practice

by Jane Kaye Susan Gibbons Catherine Heeney Andrew Smart Michael Parker

Biobanks are proliferating rapidly worldwide because they are powerful tools and organisational structures for undertaking medical research. By linking samples to data on the health of individuals, it is anticipated that biobanks will be used to explore the relationship between genes, environment and lifestyle for many diseases, as well as the potential of individually-tailored drug treatments based on genetic predisposition. However, they also raise considerable challenges for existing legal frameworks and research governance structures. This book critically examines the current governance structures in place for biobanks in England and Wales. It shows that the technologies, techniques and practices involved in biobanking do not always conform neatly to existing legal principles and frameworks that apply to other areas of medical research. Using a socio-legal approach, including interview data gathered from the scientific community, this book provides unique insights and makes recommendations about appropriate governance mechanisms for biobanking in the future. It also explores the issues around the secondary use of information, such as consent and how to protect privacy, when biobanks are accessed by a number of different third parties. These issues have relevance both within England and Wales and to a wide international audience, as well as for other areas where large datasets are used.

The Governing Law of Companies in EU Law (Studies in Private International Law)

by Justin Borg-Barthet

The manner in which the governing law of companies is determined has attracted much attention from academics and practitioners alike ever since the European Court of Justice began receiving references for preliminary rulings regarding the compatibility of protective conflict of corporate law norms with the EC Treaty provisions concerning freedom of establishment. Although recent developments have been less controversial than the ground-breaking judgment in Centros, they have not only consolidated the general thrust of liberalisation occasioned by the Court of Justice, but have added new dimensions to the regulatory landscape. These developments include amendments to the European constitutional order enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty, European legislation on cross-border mergers, the proposed statute for a European Private Company, the judgment of the Court of Justice in Cartesio and a Commission communication that contemplates the introduction of legislation on the governing law of companies. This book examines these recent developments and appraises the current law, as well as the foreseeable trajectory of the law, within a theoretical setting that addresses the socio-economic and legal-theoretical concerns associated with choices of the governing law of companies. In addition to considering the present and probable future state of EU law, the book also develops new theoretical perspectives and proposes novel solutions to long-standing dilemmas. In particular, it suggests that the use of information technology may render possible previously impossible compromises between party autonomy and the proper locus of prescriptive sovereignty.

The Governing Law of Companies in EU Law (Studies in Private International Law)

by Justin Borg-Barthet

The manner in which the governing law of companies is determined has attracted much attention from academics and practitioners alike ever since the European Court of Justice began receiving references for preliminary rulings regarding the compatibility of protective conflict of corporate law norms with the EC Treaty provisions concerning freedom of establishment. Although recent developments have been less controversial than the ground-breaking judgment in Centros, they have not only consolidated the general thrust of liberalisation occasioned by the Court of Justice, but have added new dimensions to the regulatory landscape. These developments include amendments to the European constitutional order enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty, European legislation on cross-border mergers, the proposed statute for a European Private Company, the judgment of the Court of Justice in Cartesio and a Commission communication that contemplates the introduction of legislation on the governing law of companies. This book examines these recent developments and appraises the current law, as well as the foreseeable trajectory of the law, within a theoretical setting that addresses the socio-economic and legal-theoretical concerns associated with choices of the governing law of companies. In addition to considering the present and probable future state of EU law, the book also develops new theoretical perspectives and proposes novel solutions to long-standing dilemmas. In particular, it suggests that the use of information technology may render possible previously impossible compromises between party autonomy and the proper locus of prescriptive sovereignty.

Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries (Public Sector Organizations)

by Koen Verhoest, Sandra Van Thiel, Geert Bouckaert, Per Lægreid

This book describes and compares how semi-autonomous agencies are created and governed by 30 governments. It leads practitioners and researchers through the crowded world of agencies, describing their tasks, autonomy, control and history. Evidence-based lessons and recommendations are formulated to improve agencification policies in post-NPM times.

Government Transparency: Impacts and Unintended Consequences (Public Sector Organizations)

by T. Erkkilä

Transparency has become a global concept of responsible government. This book argues that the transnational discourse of transparency promotes potentially contradictory policy ideas that can lead to unintended consequences. It critically examines whether or not increased transparency really leads to increased democratic accountability.

The Governor's Wife

by Mark Gimenez

Have you ever wondered how one split-second decision could change your life for ever?The Bonners are the most powerful couple in Texas. Bode Bonner is the Republican Governor and his wife, Lindsay, is always by his side. From the outside everything looks rosy.But the Bonners are not happy. Bode is bored - he longs for more excitement in his life. Lindsay is at the end of her tether. She's had enough of Bode's womanising and of playing the dutiful wife.She is desperate to break free of her bland, wealthy lifestyle.Then Lindsay makes an impulsive decision that helps save the life of a poor Hispanic boy. From that moment on, nothing will be the same for the Bonners. Everything is about to change...From the author of the international bestsellers The Colour of Law and Accused, this is an addictively readable novel, filled with dramatic and ingenious twists and turns, that delves deep into the dark heart of Texas.

The Grangegorman Murders: Dean Lyons, Mark Nash and the Story behind the Grangegorman Murders

by Alan Bailey

On the morning of 7 March 1997, the bodies of two elderly female patients were discovered in their sheltered accommodation at Grangegorman Psychiatric Hospital in Dublin.It would be a further 16 years before Mark Nash was convicted of the notorious Grangegorman murders, but not before Dean Lyons, an innocent man, spent months in prison for a crime he did not commit, only to tragically die of a heroin overdose before his name was cleared. Here Alan Bailey, a retired member of the Garda Síochána who worked on the original case and who always insisted Lyons was innocent, recalls the investigation of the most brutal murders in Irish criminal history, and how pressure on the Garda Síochána to solve the crime led to one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in the history of the Irish state.

Great Debates in Family Law (Great Debates in Law)

by Jonathan Herring Rebecca Probert Stephen Gilmore

This textbook is an ambitious and engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on family law, primarily designed to allow students to 'get under the skin' of the topic and begin to build their critical thinking and analysis skills. Each chapter is structured around key questions and debates that provoke deeper thought and, ultimately, a clearer understanding. The aim of the book is therefore not to present a complete overview of theoretical issues in family law, but rather to illustrate the current debates which are currently going on among those working in shaping the area. The text features summaries of the views of notable experts on key topics and each chapter ends with a list of guided further reading.

Great Debates in Land Law (Great Debates in Law)

by David Cowan Lorna Fox O'Mahony Neil Cobb

This textbook is an ambitious and engaging introduction to the more advanced writings on land law, primarily designed to allow students to 'get under the skin' of the topic and begin to build their critical thinking and analysis skills. Each chapter is structured around key questions and debates that provoke deeper thought and, ultimately, a clearer understanding. The aim of the book is therefore not to present a complete overview of theoretical issues in land law, but rather to illustrate the current debates which are currently going on among those working in shaping the area. The text features summaries of the views of notable experts on key topics and each chapter ends with a list of guided further reading.

Green Growth: Learning By Doing in East Asia and Europe (Greening of Industry Networks Studies #1)

by Diego A. Vazquez-Brust and Joseph Sarkis

This volume is a practical guide that helps the reader build a quick, evidence-based understanding of green-growth strategies and challenges. Its cogent analysis of real-life case studies enables policy makers and company executives identify successful strategies they can adopt, and pitfalls they can avoid, in drafting and implementing green growth policies. The contributors’ empirical assessment of these studies identifies the structural conditions required for economic growth to be compatible with environmental sustainability and how the transition to a new economic paradigm should be managed. A crucial addition to the debate now beginning in earnest around the world, this volume attempts to understand how we can nurture a new-born model of sustainable growth and help it evolve to maturity.

Green Jujitsu: The Smart Way to Embed Sustainability into Your Organization

by Gareth Kane

Business has recently woken up to the need to address environmental sustainability in a meaningful way. No longer is it sufficient to have an environmental policy or environmental management system – substantial changes to business practice are required. Culture change is widely regarded as the most vital and the most difficult element of this paradigm shift. The standard methods of "switch it off" stickers, awareness presentations and proclamations from the top have proved incapable of delivering the shift in attitudes required. Green Jujitsu is a completely different way of looking at culture change for environmental sustainability. Instead of trying to correct your colleagues’ perceived "weaknesses", it focuses instead on playing to their strengths to get them truly interested and engaged. This principle is applied to the "elephant model" of culture change: providing clear guidance, inspiring people emotionally and altering the working environment. These techniques are illustrated with case studies from the author’s own experience of facilitating culture change on the front line in some of the world’s leading organizations.

Green Jujitsu: The Smart Way to Embed Sustainability into Your Organization (Doshorts Ser.)

by Gareth Kane

Business has recently woken up to the need to address environmental sustainability in a meaningful way. No longer is it sufficient to have an environmental policy or environmental management system – substantial changes to business practice are required. Culture change is widely regarded as the most vital and the most difficult element of this paradigm shift. The standard methods of "switch it off" stickers, awareness presentations and proclamations from the top have proved incapable of delivering the shift in attitudes required. Green Jujitsu is a completely different way of looking at culture change for environmental sustainability. Instead of trying to correct your colleagues’ perceived "weaknesses", it focuses instead on playing to their strengths to get them truly interested and engaged. This principle is applied to the "elephant model" of culture change: providing clear guidance, inspiring people emotionally and altering the working environment. These techniques are illustrated with case studies from the author’s own experience of facilitating culture change on the front line in some of the world’s leading organizations.

Growing Moral Relations: Critique of Moral Status Ascription

by M. Coeckelbergh

New scientific and technological developments challenge us to reconsider our moral world order. This book offers an original philosophical approach to this issue: it makes a distinctive contribution to the development of a relational approach to moral status by re-defining the problem in a social and phenomenological way.

Grundbegriffe der grünen Gentechnik: Wissenschaftstheoretische und naturphilosophische Grundlagen (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment #39)

by Susanne Hiekel

Die Autorin analysiert grundlegende Begrifflichkeiten, die in der normativen Argumentation zur grünen Gentechnik verwendet werden, und liefert damit eine philosophisch fundierte Argumentationsgrundlage. Sie geht von der Annahme aus, dass Begriffe wie z. B. Lebewesen‚ (natürliche) Art oder Gen in verschiedenen Bedeutungsnetzen unterschiedlich konnotiert sind und daher nicht kontextunabhängig definiert werden können. Die Begriffsklärung ist notwendige Voraussetzung, um zu einer angemessenen Bewertung der grünen Gentechnik kommen zu können.

Grundlagen des Bürgerlichen Rechts: Eine Einführung für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (BA KOMPAKT)

by Klaus Sakowski

Das Lehrbuch vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse im Bürgerlichen Recht. Nach einer Einführung in das Fach Recht werden im Wesentlichen die ersten drei Bücher des BGB erläutert und abschließend einige Anmerkungen zum Zivilprozessrecht gegeben. Insgesamt enthält das Lehrbuch eine übersichtliche und praxisorientierte Darstellung des relevanten Prüfungsstoffes für Studierende der BWL im Bachelorstudium. Es eignet sich auch für Praktiker, die sich einen raschen Überblick über die behandelten Rechtsmaterien verschaffen wollen. Der Stoff wird verdeutlicht durch zahlreiche Beispiele und Fälle, teilweise aus der Anwaltspraxis des Autors. Kontrollfragen und Musterlösungen sowie Musterklausuren erleichtern das Selbststudium. Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt den aktuellen Stand der Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung. Weiter wurden Erfahrungen des Autors bei der Verwendung des Buches als vorlesungsbegleitendes Skriptum eingearbeitet.

Grundrechte (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Volker Epping

Dieses Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende, die entweder einen Einstieg in den Bereich der Grundrechte suchen oder aber die Materie zwecks Prüfungsvorbereitung wiederholen möchten. Das Werk ist konsequent auf die Anforderungen zugeschnitten, mit denen Studierende in Klausuren, Haus- und Studienarbeiten konfrontiert werden. Alle Grundrechte mitsamt ihren europarechtlichen Bezügen sowie die prüfungsrelevanten Grundzüge der Verfassungsbeschwerde werden ausgehend vom Verfassungstext systematisch erschlossen.

Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten im Mehrebenensystem – Konkurrenzen und Interferenzen (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #229)

by Nele Matz-Lück Mathias Hong

Der Band widmet sich in acht Beiträgen den vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen des Schutzes von Grundrechten und Grundfreiheiten im europäischen Mehrebenensystem aus nationalen Verfassungen, Europäischer Menschenrechtskonvention und dem Recht der Europäischen Union. Zu Konkurrenzen und Interferenzen kommt es sowohl innerhalb dieses Mehrebenensystems als auch in seinem Verhältnis zu anderen Staaten und zu internationalen Organisationen wie etwa den Vereinten Nationen. Die Interdependenzen der verschiedenen Ebenen begründen vielgestaltige neue rechtsdogmatische und methodische Herausforderungen. Vor dem Hintergrund der Frage, wie sich die rechtlichen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Ebenen in Einklang bringen lassen, entwickeln die Beiträge zum einen Konturen eines Grundrechtskollisionsrechts für vernetzte Rechtsordnungen. Zum anderen werden die allgemeinen Erkenntnisse durch Untersuchungen von Referenzgebieten bereichsspezifisch konkretisiert.

The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2009 & 2010 (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs #23)

by Anatol Dutta

In 2007, the International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs together with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), both based in Hamburg, decided to establish an annual lecture series, the "Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs" - giving distinguished scholars and practitioners the opportunity to present and discuss recent developments in this field. The present volume - the second in the series - collects eight of the lectures held in 2009 and 2010 by David Joseph Attard, Lucius Caflisch, Beate Czerwenka, Lars Gorton, Francesco Munari, Kyriaki Noussia, Peter Wetterstein and Wolfgang Wurmnest.

Handbook of Analytic Philosophy of Medicine (Philosophy and Medicine #113)

by Kazem Sadegh-Zadeh

Medical practice is practiced morality, and clinical research belongs to normative ethics. The present book elucidates and advances this thesis by: 1. analyzing the structure of medical language, knowledge, and theories; 2. inquiring into the foundations of the clinical encounter; 3. introducing the logic and methodology of clinical decision-making; 4. suggesting comprehensive theories of organism, life, and psyche; of health, illness, and disease; of etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, and therapy; and 5. investigating the moral and metaphysical issues central to medical practice and research.

Handbook of Surveillance Technologies

by J.K. Petersen Pamela Taylor

From officially sanctioned, high-tech operations to budget spy cameras and cell phone video, this updated and expanded edition of a bestselling handbook reflects the rapid and significant growth of the surveillance industry. The Handbook of Surveillance Technologies, Third Edition is the only comprehensive work to chronicle the background and curre

Handbook of Surveillance Technologies

by J.K. Petersen Pamela Taylor

From officially sanctioned, high-tech operations to budget spy cameras and cell phone video, this updated and expanded edition of a bestselling handbook reflects the rapid and significant growth of the surveillance industry. The Handbook of Surveillance Technologies, Third Edition is the only comprehensive work to chronicle the background and curre

Handbuch des internationalen und ausländischen Baurechts

by Götz-Sebastian Hök

Das Handbuch macht das internationale und ausländische Bau- und Bauvertragsrechts verständlich. Erläutert wird, wie das jeweils anwendbare Recht ermittelt und vereinbart wird. Vertragstypen werden eingehend besprochen und international übliche Vertragsklauseln erläutert. Länderberichte erschließen das ausländische Baurecht. Die 2., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage wurde um Abschnitte zur Abwicklung von Bauablaufstörungen und Hinweise zum Claim Management sowie um weitere Länderberichte (Indien, Qatar, Rumänien und Südafrika) ergänzt.

Handbuch des Meeresnaturschutzrechts in der Nord- und Ostsee: Nationales Recht unter Einbezug internationaler und europäischer Vorgaben (Schriftenreihe Natur und Recht #14)

by Martin Gellermann Peter-Tobias Stoll Detlef Czybulka

Das Werk dient der systematischen Aufbereitung der in der deutschen AWZ und in den Küstengewässern der Nord- und Ostsee geltenden Regelungen des Meeresnaturschutzes. Unter Einbezug internationaler und europäischer Vorgaben erläutert die Schrift die einschlägigen nationalen Bestimmungen und bietet praktische Hilfestellung zur Bewältigung von Konflikten zwischen Schutz- und Nutzungsinteressen. Neben den Mechanismen des Habitat-, Biotop- und Artenschutzrechts sowie der Eingriffsregelung werden im Schwerpunkt die für den Meeresnaturschutz relevanten Vorgaben des Fachrechts behandelt, die für eine naturschonende Ausführung lokaler Eingriffe Sorge tragen und eine den Naturschutzbelangen Rechnung tragende Steuerung der Fischerei, der wissenschaftlichen Meeresforschung und der Schifffahrt ermöglichen. Fragen der Überwachung und Durchführung naturschutzbezogener Anforderungen werden ebenso thematisiert wie die konzeptionell-planerischen Aspekte des Meeresnaturschutzes.

Handbuch Europarecht: Band 1: Europäische Grundfreiheiten

by Walter Frenz

Die Grundfreiheiten bilden auch nach der Lissabonner Vertragsänderung das Herzstück des Europarechts. Es ergaben sich viele aktuelle Entwicklungen, so zum Glücksspielrecht und zu den Goldenen Aktien. Die Keck-Rechtsprechung wurde auf die Behinderung des Marktzugangs ausgerichtet. In weiten Teilen neukonturiert wurde das allgemeine Freizügigkeits- und Aufenthaltsrecht und dabei wesentlich verstärkt. Das Urteil Zambrano schuf einen aus der Unionsbürgerschaft abgeleiteten Mindestschutz, der aber eng begrenzt ist (s. bereits Urteil Mc Carthy).Diese aktuellen Entwicklungen bleiben wie in der 2004 erschienenen ersten Auflage rückgebunden und eingebettet in die allgemeine Dogmatik und Systematik der Grundfreiheiten. Diese wird in Auseinandersetzung mit Rechtsprechung und Literatur ausführlich entwickelt. Auf diese Weise erschließt sich dem Leser ein umfassendes Bild vor allem auf der Basis der Judikatur des Gerichtshofs der EU als Hauptinterpretationsquelle in der Praxis.

Handbuch Föderalismus - Föderalismus als demokratische Rechtsordnung und Rechtskultur in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt: Band III: Entfaltungsbereiche des Föderalismus

by Ines Härtel

Das föderale Prinzip hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland entscheidend geprägt – von der Nachkriegszeit bis in das 21. Jahrhundert. Theoretischer Anspruch und praktische Ausgestaltung, Wunsch und Wirklichkeit, waren und sind dabei nicht immer deckungsgleich. Band III entfaltet die große Bandbreite der Föderalismuswelt in Deutschland. Namhafte Experten zeigen problemorientiert Strukturen und Entwicklungen in einzelnen Politikfeldern auf.

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