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Wirtschafts- und Rechtskunde (Viewegs Fachbücher der Technik)

by Rudolf Ott

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights

by Council of Europe Staff

This Volume contains the Report of the European Commission of Human Rights on the "Greek Case" (Applications No. 3321/67, Den­ mark v. Greece; No. 3322/67, Norway v. Greece; No. 3323/67, Sweden v. Greece; No. 3344/67, Netherlands v. Greece) and the Resolution DH (70) 1 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 15 April 1970 relating to this case. These four applications, which were filed with the Commission of Human Rights in September 1967, alleged that the Greek Government which had come into power in April of that year had violated its obliga­ tions under the European Convention on Human Rights. They referred to the suspension of certain articles of the Greek Constitution and other legislative measures and administrative practices; they alleged that, re­ gardless of any individual or specific injury, these acts affected the cor­ responding Articles of the Convention on Human Rights. The Applicant Governments also submitted that the derogation made by the Greek Government under Article 15 of the Convention (which permits a government to take measures derogating from its obligations under the Convention in time of war or public emergency) was not justified. The Commission on 2 October 1967, decided to give priority to these cases and, after hearing the submissions of the parties on 23 and 24 January 1968, it declared the applications admissible on 24 January 1968. The decision on admissibility was published in this Yearbook Vol. 11, pages 690 to 728.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights / Annuaire de la Convention Europeenne des Droits de L’Homme

by Council of Europe Staff

Volume I3 of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights relates to the year I970 and reflects a return to the usual pattern of activity under the Convention during that year, after the exceptional situation produced in I969 by the "Greek Case". This volume is published somewhat later than usual, because an extra volume in this series has been published between volumes I2 and I3 containing the Report of the European Com­ mission of Human Rights and the Resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe relating to the "Greek Case". Part I of this Volume contains, as usual, the basic texts, chief among which are the amendments now made to the Convention following the entry into force on 2I September I970 of the Third Protocol, which relates to the procedure of the Commission. On the same date, the Second Protocol also entered into force, conferring on the Court of Human Rights competence to give advisory opinions. The text of this Protocol is to be found in Volume 6 at pages 3ff. The amendments and additions to the Rules of Court consequent upon the entry into force of the Second Protocol are set out in Part I of this Volume.

Annuaire Européen / European Yearbook: Vol. XIX

by Council of Europe Staff

Bilanzieren — gestern, heute, morgen

by Herbert Möhle

Community Law in the French Courts: The Law of Treaties in Modern Attire

by Eric E. Bergsten

The European Communities are only two decades old. The most important of the three Communities, the European Economic Community (EEC), is even younger, having come into existence in 1958. 1 Two decades have been hardly enough time to have more than reached, much less settled, the impor­ tant questions of the relationship between Community law and institutions and those of the Member States. Among the most challenging of the questions is the extent to which the courts of the Member States will fulfill the obligation of safeguarding the rights created by the Treaty of Rome in favor of private persons, both indivi­ dual and corporate, an obligation which the Court of Justice of the European Communities has said rests upon the national courts. This obligation flows naturally, though not necessarily, from the commitment of the Court of Justice to an effective Community. However, the result depends on that commitment, and there is a natural concern that the national courts may not share the commitment to an effective Community to a degree necessary to fulfill their obligations under Community law as those obligations have been defined by the Court of Justice. In order to fu1fi11 their obligations to Community law the courts of the Member States will have to solve some serious problems, and do it with comparatively little help from the Court of Justice.

Company Law: A comparative Review

by Floris O. Vogelaar Martin G. Chester

The Concept of Discrimination in International Law: With Special Reference to Human Rights

by E.W. Vierdag

This book was written as a dissertation for the Doctorate of Laws, University of Amsterdam. I am most grateful, first of all, to Professor A. J. P. Tammes, who acted as Promotor. Throughout my working at this study he managed to afford at the same time guidance, inspiration, and complete freedom. I have also benefited much from the suggestions and advice of Dr. Th. e. van Boven of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Member of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, who was a very helpful Co­ referent. In earlier stages of the work, the critical remarks by Mr. S. A. Kuipers, Dr. H. Meijers and Miss J. M. van Wouw were of great im­ portance to me. So was the experience of participating in the program of graduate studies of the Columbia University School of Law, in I968- I969. lowe gratitude to the Amsterdam Law Faculty for having offered this opportunity to me. I am indebted to Miss Sinja Alma for her transforming a chaotic manuscript into a neat typescript in a most capable and patient manner; to Miss E. D. ]. ]ongens for her assistance in sorting out the United Nations documentation; and to Howard S. Gold (Gersono­ vitch), who was so kind as to correct the faults in my English. Since I went on tinkering with the text I am to blame for all linguistic errors in it. The research for this study was concluded in October, I972.

Crime or Disease?: (pdf)

by Antony G. Flew

Der völkerrechtliche Vertrag im staatlichen Recht: Eine theoretische, dogmatische und vergleichende Untersuchung am Beispiel Österreichs (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #23)

by Theo Öhlinger

Der volkerrechtliche Vertrag ist eine der Rechtsquellen (Rechts­ satzformen) des Volkerrechts. Er gehort dieser Rechtsordnung aber nicht ausschlieBlich in dem doppelten Sinne an, daB nur das Volker­ recht Regeln enthielte, die diese Rechtssatzform konstituieren, und daB das aus dieser Rechtsquelle flieBende Recht nur im Rahmen des Volker­ rechts relevant sei. In beider Hinsicht reicht er vielmehr auch und sehr weitgehend in die einzelstaatlichen Rechtsordnungen. Diese staatsrecht­ liche Seite der Rechtssatzform "volkerrechtlicher Vertrag" hat im Recht der Republik Osterreich eine sehr eigenstandige Auspdigung erfahren, die iiber die Grenzen der nationalen Rechtsordnung hinaus Interesse beanspruchen kann, weil sie manche Tendenzen vorwegnimmt, die die jiingste Rechtsentwicklung in iibernationaler Sicht charakterisieren. Die Grundlage dieser eigenstandigen Entwicklung liefertdie von HANS KELSEN begriindete Wiener Rechtsschule. Die Wissenschaft yom offentlichen Recht hat das von dieser Schule gepragte Begriffsinstru­ mentarium Freilich weitgehend ohne kritische Analyse der methodisch­ theoretischen Grundlagen und dogmatischen Implikationen iiber­ nommen. Eine solche Analyse ist das Ziel des ersten Teiles der folgen­ den Untersuchung. In ihm werden die traditionellen staatsrechtlichen Losungen der durch den volkerrechtlichen Vertrag aufgeworfenen Pro­ bleme den dafiir maBgebenden Lehren der Wiener Schule gegeniiber­ gestellt und beide "Modelle" nach ihren unreflektiert vorausgesetzten methodischen und werthaften (in der Sprache des Positivismus: "politi­ schen") Komponenten hinterfragt.

Die Theorie des gerichtlichen Erkenntnisverfahrens: Die Grundlinien des zivil-, straf- und verwaltungsgerichtlichen Prozesses

by Jürgen Rödig

Die Grundlinien, die ich in diesem Buch zu zeichnen versuche, bilden keinen Grundriß des zivil-, straf- und verwaltungsgerichtlichen Verfahrens. Was die Zusammenfassung dieser Linien ergibt, das ist vielmehr Struktur; Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Struktur des gerichtlichen Verfahrens als eines Rechtsanwendungsprozesses. Die gerichtliche Entscheidung wird als Erkenntnis, der Prozeß als das auf die Erlangung dieser Erkenntnis gerich­ tete Erkenntnisverfahren gesehen. In diesem Rahmen versuche ich, einen Beitrag zur allgemeinen Lehre des gerichtlichen Verfahrens zu leisten, einige der für die einzelnen Verfahrensarten entwickelten Resultate auf einen ge­ meinsamen Nenner zu bringen und von diesem Nenner her den Zusammen­ hang des Erkenntnisverfahrens mit juristischer Methodenlehre und juristi­ scher Argumentationstheorie sichtbar zu machen. Herrn Staatssekretär Prof. Dr. U. KLUG schulde ich herzlichen Dank; er hat mir den Anstoß zur Anwendung der mathematischen Logik gegeben und mir in großzügiger Weise Gelegenheit zu eigener Forschung geboten. Herrn Prof. Dr. F. RITTNER bin ich vor allem verpflichtet, was den zivil­ rechtlichen Einschlag der Arbeit betrifft. Das Interesse am Verfahrensrecht hat namentlich Herr Senatspräsident T. FEICKERT zu wecken verstanden, dessen Arbeitsgemeinschaft ich während meiner Ausbildung als Gerichts­ referendar besuchte. Jedoch auch zahlreiche Gespräche, die ich mit Herrn Prof. Dr. K. ADOMEIT, Herrn Prof. Dr. E. BUND sowie besonders mit Herrn Privatdozenten Dr. B. SCHMIEDEL habe führen dürfen, sind für die Entste­ hung des Buches von Bedeutung gewesen.

The Diplomatic Kidnappings: A Revolutionary Tactic of Urban Terrorism

by Carol Edler Baumann

The recent series of diplomatic kidnappings has produced some serious thinking not only in Washington but in most of the foreign offices and embassies throughout the diplomatic world. The kidnappings-and how to deal with them-have been the subject of Congressional committee hearings, State Department deliberations, and international debate and action by the Organization of American States. It is the purpose of this study to analyze them within the context of urban guerilla terrorism, international legal norms, and world diplomatic practice. Selected examples of diplomatic kidnappings, particularly those in Latin America and Canada, strikingly illustrate the new revolutionary strategy of utilizing terrorism as a political tactic to achieve long-range political· goals. As with its kindred phenomenon-the airplane hijack­ ings-the kidnappings of foreign diplomats seize upon and exploit innocent victims as hostage pawns; a bargaining situation is thus created in which the revolutionary minority can achieve a diplomatic leverage which is far greater than in proportion to its numbers, military strength, or popular appeal. Through terrorism the urban guerillas hope to achieve tactical advances within the general strategy of political revolu­ tion; even temporary governmental repression if it occurs in reprisal becomes part of that strategy. Chapter I in particular and the entire manuscript in general examine the kidnappings within the parameters of revolutionary terrorism. The kidnappings have also had serious legal and political ramifications in the realm of world diplomacy.

Dr. Gablers ABC der Steuervorteile für Arbeitnehmer

by Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler

Sie zahlen zuviel Steuern, weil Sie wegen der komplizierten Steuer­ gesetze die legalen Steuervorteile nicht ausnutzen können. Es gibt zu viele und für den Laien zu schwer verständliche Vorschriften. Grund für Sie, die vor'liegende alphabetische Zusammenstellung zu nutzen, die Ihnen hilft, alle gebotenen legalen Steuervorteile zu nutzen. Um Steuern zu sparen, brauchen Sie kein Steuerexperte zu sein, sondern der vorliegende Band ist im Aufbau und Inhalt ganz auf die prakti­ sche Anwendung durch Laien abgestellt; es werden keinerlei Vor­ kenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Nach einer kurzen Einleitung mit notwendigen Hinweisen, wann, wo und wie Sie die legalen Möglichkeiten zur Steuerersparnis geltend machen können, folgt ein umfassendes Abc der berufstypischen Steuervorteile für Angestellte und Arbeiter in der privaten Wirtschaft oder im öf­ fentlichen Dienst. Wer die zu erwartenden Steuereinsparungen gleich ausrechnen will, findet leichtverständliche Berechnungsbeispiele und ein übersichtliches Gesamt-Berechnungsschema. Der letzte Abschnitt enthält verschiedene Hilfsmittel gegen die etwaige Ablehnung von Steuervorteilen sowie Musterbriefe, Kosten- und Steuertabellen. Für denjenigen, der sich eingehender mit dem Stoff befassen oder seine Anträge ans Finanzamt quellenmäßig belegen will, sind entsprechende Hinweise auf Gesetze, Verwaltungsvorschriften, Gerichtsurteile und Fachaufsätze in Klammern angebracht, die mithelfen sollen, die lega­ len Steuervorteile erfolgreich geltend zu machen. Inhaltsverzeichnis Seite Vorwort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Einleitung Welche Steuervorteile gibt es für Sie? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Wo werden die Steuervorteile geltend gemacht? . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Wie werden die Steuervorteile geltend gemacht? . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Wann sind die Steuervorteile geltend zu machen? . . . . . . . . . . 10 Welche Grundbegriffe und Mindestbeträge müssen beachtet werden? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Element of Negotiation in the Pacific Settlement of Disputes between States: An Analysis of Provisions Made and/or Applied since 1918 in the Field of the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

by P.J.I.M. Waart C.R. Sibson

The system of the pacific settlement of disputes contained in the United Nations Charter - confirmed in 1970 in the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States - is based on agreement between the parties on both the method to be applied and the acceptance of its results. From the juridical point of view states are free in this system to establish in advance their choice of the appli­ cation of one or more methods to a dispute and their willingness to accept the result in respect of all or certain groups of disputes or only to determine their choice when a dispute arises. The functioning of the International Court must be regarded in this light. The practice of pacific settlement shows that there is not too great a distance between the standpoints of the Soviet countries, who emphasise direct negotiation as the starting point in settling disputes, and that of the Western countries, who lay particular stress on judicial settlement as such, because the Western countries usually make the application of arbitration and judicial settlement to a specific dispute dependent on the cooperation of all parties, in obtaining which negotiations are essential.

The Element of Negotiation in the Pacific Settlement of Disputes Between States: An Analysis of Provisions Made And/Or Applied Since 1918 in the Field of the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

by NA Waart

The system of the pacific settlement of disputes contained in the United Nations Charter - confirmed in 1970 in the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States - is based on agreement between the parties on both the method to be applied and the acceptance of its results. From the juridical point of view states are free in this system to establish in advance their choice of the appli­ cation of one or more methods to a dispute and their willingness to accept the result in respect of all or certain groups of disputes or only to determine their choice when a dispute arises. The functioning of the International Court must be regarded in this light. The practice of pacific settlement shows that there is not too great a distance between the standpoints of the Soviet countries, who emphasise direct negotiation as the starting point in settling disputes, and that of the Western countries, who lay particular stress on judicial settlement as such, because the Western countries usually make the application of arbitration and judicial settlement to a specific dispute dependent on the cooperation of all parties, in obtaining which negotiations are essential.

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