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The Literature of Terrorism: A Selectively Annotated Bibliography

by Edward F. Mickolus

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Charity Law, Accounting and Taxation in Scotland: Improvisation And The Theatre (Bloomsbury Revelations Ser.)

by Gillian Donald Simon Mackintosh

Charity Law, Accounting and Taxation in Scotland (originally titled: Charity Law in Scotland) offers an accessible, intelligent and comprehensive account of the wide-reaching changes in Scottish charity law in recent years. Changes covered include:Implementation of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and regulations;The formation of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) which has responsibility for charity status and maintains the Scottish Charity Register. This book is essential reading for legal practitioners and accountants, as well as trustees and managers of charities.

Chemical Criminalistics

by A. Maehly L. Strömberg

In recent years, a number of textbooks on forensic science have been published, most of them directed to two groups, viz. the students of forensic science, and the customers so to say, (prosecutors, police officers, judges, defense lawyers). In this book, while covering fundamental concepts, we try to go a little further and address also active workers in the field of forensic chemistry. This is mainly achieved by relatively nu­ merous literature references. We hope that they may assist the forensic chemist in penetrating further into the subjects covered in this volume. At the end of most chapters there are examples of actual cases handled at the Swedish National Laboratory of Forensic Science. Many of these cases could, no doubt, have been investigated in greater detail, but they reflect the compromises often necessary for achieving a reasonable turnover. Some parts of the book are quite strongly colored by the personal opinions of the authors. We felt that these passages will give a little more life to the text than in other treatises of a more objective, but possibly duller character. The authors welcome all constructive criticism which will help to improve the book, should there be a second edition.

The Complete Anti-Federalist

by Herbert J. Storing Murray Dry

The Complete Anti-Federalist, first published in 1981, contains an unprecedented collection of all the significant pamphlets, newspaper articles and letters, essays, and speeches that were written in opposition to the Constitution during the ratification debate. Storing’s work includes introductions to each entry, along with his own consideration of the Anti-Federalist thought. This new three-volume set includes all the contents of the original seven-volume publication in a convenient, manageable format. “A work of magnificent scholarship. Publication of these volumes is a civic event of enduring importance.”—Leonard W. Levy, New York Times Book Review

Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis

by Martin Shapiro

In this provocative work, Martin Shapiro proposes an original model for the study of courts, one that emphasizes the different modes of decision making and the multiple political roles that characterize the functioning of courts in different political systems.

Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis

by Martin Shapiro

In this provocative work, Martin Shapiro proposes an original model for the study of courts, one that emphasizes the different modes of decision making and the multiple political roles that characterize the functioning of courts in different political systems.

Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis

by Martin Shapiro

In this provocative work, Martin Shapiro proposes an original model for the study of courts, one that emphasizes the different modes of decision making and the multiple political roles that characterize the functioning of courts in different political systems.

Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis

by Martin Shapiro

In this provocative work, Martin Shapiro proposes an original model for the study of courts, one that emphasizes the different modes of decision making and the multiple political roles that characterize the functioning of courts in different political systems.

The Custom-Made Child?: Women-Centered Perspectives (Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society)

by Helen B. Holmes Betty B. Hoskins Michael Gross

Women most fully experience the consequences of human reproductive technologies. Men who convene to evaluate such technologies discuss "them": the women who must accept, avoid, or even resist these technologies; the women who consume technologies they did not devise; the women who are the objects of policies made by men. So often the input of women is neither sought nor listened to. The privileged insights and perspectives that women bring to the consideration of technologies in human reproduction are the subject of these volumes, which constitute the revised and edited record of a Workshop on "Ethical Issues in Human Reproduction Technology: Analysis by Women" (EIRTAW), held in June, 1979, at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Some 80 members of the workshop, 90 percent of them women (from 24 states), represented diverse occupations and personal histories, different races and classes, varied political commitments. They included doctors, nurses, and scientists, lay midwives, consumer advocates, historians, and sociologists, lawyers, policy analysts, and ethicists. Each session, however, made plain that ethics is an everyday concern for women in general, as well as an academic profession for some.

Das Ermessen im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsanwendung und Kontrolle (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #56)

by Herbert Hofer-Zeni

Seit der Einfuhrung der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit ist die Diskus­ sion urn das Ermessen nicht zur Ruhe gekommen. Es gehort offenbar zu jenen Themen, die nicht endgultig lOsbar sind, wei! sie sich auf einen lebendigen Gegenstand, das Recht, beziehen und deshalb immer neu erfahren werden mussen. In dies em Sinne ist fUr mich die vor­ liegende Arbeit ein Versuch gewesen, am Leitfaden der Ermessenspro­ blematik nach dem Recht zu fragen. Fur die wohlwollende Einstellung zu meiner Arbeit und ihrem Er­ gebnis bin ich Herrn Univ. -Prof. DDr. FRIEDRICH KOJA zu Dank ver­ pflichtet. Fur die Bereitschaft, dieses Buch in die Reihe "Forschungen aus Staat und Redlt" aufzunehmen und fUr die Finanzierung der Drucklegung Sorge zu tragen, danke ich herzlich Herrn Univ. -Prof. Dr. GUNTHER WINKLER. Salzburg, August 1981 HERBERT HOFER-ZENI Inhaltsverzeichnis Stitt I. Einleitung. 1 A. Vorbemerkung 1 B. Problemstellung 2 II. Entwicklung des Ermessensbegriffes 9 A. Vorbemerkung . 9 B. Die altere Literatur . 12 C. Die Entwicklung in der BRD nam 1945 . 31 D. Die osterreichische Literatur nam 1945 54 III. Die remtlime Grundlage einer Entsmeidung 65 A. Vorbemerkung . 65 B. Geltungsbegrundung durm inhaltlime Ableitung 67 1. Die Vermittlung des Remts durm die Sprame 69 a) Die Sprame ist ungenau . 69 b) Die Ungenauigkeit der Remtssprame . 74 c) Zusammenfassung und Konsequenzen fur die Rem- auslegung 77 d) Der Wortlaut als Grenze 78 e) Das Ideal einer exakten Sprame 80 2. Auslegung des Normtextes 82 3. Auslegung, die iiber den Normtext hinausgeht 88 C.

Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals and International Arbitrations

by Rudolf Bernhardt

Encyclopedia of Public International Law, 2: Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals and International Arbitrations focuses on articles on cases of major importance in international law that have come before international courts and arbitral tribunals.The publication first elaborates on the Abu Dhabi Oil Arbitration, Acquisition of Polish Nationality, Admission of a State to Membership in United Nations, Aramco Arbitration, Argentina-Chile Frontier Case, and Arbitration Award under the Treaty of Finance and Compensation of 1961. The text then takes a look at the Barcelona Traction Case, Buraimi Oasis Dispute, Certain Expenses of the United Nations, Clipperton Island Arbitration, Costa Rica Packet Arbitration, and Customs Regime between Germany and Austria. The manuscript examines the Tinoco Concessions Arbitration, Timor Island Arbitration, Sovereignty over Certain Frontier Land Case (Belgium/Netherlands), Sapphire Arbitration, Railway Traffic between Lithuania and Poland, Preferential Claims against Venezuela Arbitration, and Pious Fund Arbitration. The publication is a dependable source of data for researchers interested in the decisions of international courts and tribunals and international arbitrations.

Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review

by John Hart Ely

This powerfully argued appraisal of judicial review may change the face of American law. Written for layman and scholar alike, the book addresses one of the most important issues facing Americans today: within what guidelines shall the Supreme Court apply the strictures of the Constitution to the complexities of modern life? Until now legal experts have proposed two basic approaches to the Constitution. The first, “interpretivism,” maintains that we should stick as closely as possible to what is explicit in the document itself. The second, predominant in recent academic theorizing, argues that the courts should be guided by what they see as the fundamental values of American society. John Hart Ely demonstrates that both of these approaches are inherently incomplete and inadequate. Democracy and Distrust sets forth a new and persuasive basis for determining the role of the Supreme Court today. Ely’s proposal is centered on the view that the Court should devote itself to assuring majority governance while protecting minority rights. “The Constitution,” he writes, “has proceeded from the sensible assumption that an effective majority will not unreasonably threaten its own rights, and has sought to assure that such a majority not systematically treat others less well than it treats itself. It has done so by structuring decision processes at all levels in an attempt to ensure, first, that everyone’s interests will be represented when decisions are made, and second, that the application of those decisions will not be manipulated so as to reintroduce in practice the sort of discrimination that is impermissible in theory.” Thus, Ely’s emphasis is on the procedural side of due process, on the preservation of governmental structure rather than on the recognition of elusive social values. At the same time, his approach is free of interpretivism’s rigidity because it is fully responsive to the changing wishes of a popular majority. Consequently, his book will have a profound impact on legal opinion at all levels—from experts in constitutional law, to lawyers with general practices, to concerned citizens watching the bewildering changes in American law.

Der Bausparvertrag

by Achim Zink

Development, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Report of a Conference Held in the Hague on 27 April—1 May 1981

by Unknown Author

Development, Human Rights and the Rule of Law is a collection of papers that covers various concerns in the preservation of human rights in the context of development and legal systems. The title details the concept of “development," “human rights," and the “right to development." Next, the selection deals with the topics that cross paths with human rights, such as militarization, agrarian reform, and labor and social legislation. The text also covers the role of the lawyer, along with legal assistance. The book will be of great use to political scientists, economists, behavioral scientists, and sociologists.

Development of Judicial Control of the European Communities

by Gerhard Bebr

The development of the judicial control of the European Communities is perhaps best illustrated by comparing the first decision the Court of Justice rendered in December 1954, under the ECSC Treaty, with its preliminary rulings van Gend & Loos (1962), ENEL (1964) and Simmenthal II (1978) rendered under the EEC Treaty. In the first case the Court quashed a decision of the High Authority impugned by an annulment action of a Member State for an illegal exercise of Community powers - a judicial control which at the time already represented a spectacular legal in­ novation introduced by the ECSC Treaty. At that time the Court was, for evident reasons, still reserved as to its role within the unprecedented institutional structure of the Community. In van Gend, ENEL and Simmenthal II, on the other hand, the Court resolutely pursued a judicial policy intended to ensure an effective operation of the Community legal order, a problem hardly envisaged in 1954. In these rulings the Court characterized the emerging legal order and stated its fundamental and indispensable requirements: the unlimited supremacy of Community law and its direct effect. The development of a superior and autonomous Community legal order was finally completed by the Court's recognition of fundamental Communiry rights of individuals. This development from an initially reserved stand of the Court searching for its proper role and its potentialities to a bold and determined judicial policy is truly remarkable.

Die Rechtspflicht (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #58)

by V. Kubes

Wenn der bekannte Philosoph des »Als Ob", HANS V AlHINGER, nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, im Januar 1919, in den »Annalen der Philosphie" feststellte, daB es dem Positivismus niemals gelingen wird, ein Geschlecht oder ein Yolk zu jener geistigen Erhebung iiber das Wirkliche zu befahigen, die der Anfang aller inneren GroBe ist, dann sah er klar, und die weitere Entwicklung gab ihm Recht. Nach den Erfahrungen des Zweiten Weltkrieges habe ich im Vor­ wort meines Buches »Rechtsphilosophie des XX. Jahrhunderts (Kantia­ nismus, Hegelianismus, Phanomenologie und Theorie der Gedanken­ ordnung)" im Jahre 1946 geschrieben, daB es unmoglich ist, das We­ sen des Rechtes zu begreifen, wenn man nicht durch das reinigende Feuer der allgemeinen Philosophie hindurchgegangen ist. Denn die Rechtsphilosophie ist mit allen ihren Aufgaben Philosophie vom Recht. In der Einleitung zu meinen »Grundfragen der Philosophie des Rechts" (1977) fiihrte ich aus, daB »nichts fiir das Leben des konkre­ ten Menschen wichtiger ist, als daB sich gerade heute die zeitgenossischen Trager des philosophischen und rechtlichen Denkens auf das Vermacht:" nis besinnen, das ihnen ihre groBen Vorganger hinterlieBen, namlich die Pflege des philosophischen Denkens uber das Recht. « In meinem Beitrag zum auBerordentlichen WeltkongreB fiir Rechts­ und Sozialphilosphie (Sydney und Canberra, 1977), der der Bearbei­ tung des Themas »Das Recht und die Zukunft der Gesellschaft" ge­ widmet war, habe ich folgende Thesen zu begriinden versucht: 1.

Die Vertretung der Gebietskörperschaften im Privatrecht (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #54)

by G. Wilhelm

Da auch offentlich-rechtlich organisierte juristische Personen rechts­ geschaftlich natiirlich nur durch Vertreter handeln konnen, fiihrt die Teilnahme des Staates oder anderer Verwaltungstrager am Privatrechts­ verkehr in jedem Fall unausweichlich zu der Frage nach den Voraus­ setzungen, unter denen ein Vertreterhandeln dem Rechtstrager zuge­ rechnet werden kann. Von den sich in diesem Zusammenhang stellen­ den Sachfragen sind in dem sonst ja gewiB nicht diirftigen Schrifttum zur sogenannten Privatwirtschaftsverwaltung nur einige wenige erortert und auch diese keineswegs abschlieBend. Die vorliegende Arbeit ver­ sucht daher, die Zurechnungsprobleme bei juristischen Personen offent­ lichen Rechts auf breiterer Ebene zu behandeln. Auf welche Sach­ fragen des Stellvertretungsrechts hiebei eingegangen wird, ergibt sich aus dieser Zielsetzung. Solche Problemstellungen sollen nicht ihrerseits systematischer Ausgangspunkt sein, sondern nur dann erortert werden, wenn von der Zurechnungslehre her dazu AnlaB besteht. Da nun also der systematische Ausgangspunkt ein sehr allgemeiner ist, namlich allein die Qualitat der Zurechnungssubjekte als juristische Personen of­ fentlichen Rechts, kommt an sich - auch bedingt durch die Vielzahl und Vielfalt organisationsrechtlicher Spezialvorschriften - eine bunte Fiille sehr verschiedener und durchaus klarungsbediirftiger Zurechnungs­ fragen ins Blickfeld, deren umfassende Behandlung im Rahmen dieser Schrift, der an einer gewissen Konzentration ihres Untersuchungsge­ genstandes gelegen sein muB, nicht angestrebt werden kann. Ich hielt es daher fUr notwendig, mich auf die Untersuchung bestimmter - wie ich hoffe, nicht unbegriindet - ausgewahlter Zurechnungsfragen zu be­ schranken.

Einkommensteuer / Lohnsteuer

by Werner Sacher

Lernziel: Der Studierende soU am Schluß dieses Kapitels das Wesen der Einkommensteuer und ihre Stellung im deutschen Steuerrecht kennen. Wie sich aus dem Wort bereits ergibt, hat die Einkommensteuer die Besteuerung des Ein­ kommens der natürlichen Person zum Gegenstand; das Einkommen der natürlichen Per­ son bildet gleichzeitig auch die Besteuerungsgrundlage. Die Einkommensteuer stellt auf die persönliche Leistungsfähigkeit ab, die sich in erster Linie in der Höhe des Einkom­ mens widerspiegelt. Bemessungsgrundlage für die Einkommensbesteuerung war früher auch eine andere Größe als das Einkommen, nämlich der Verbrauch. Wenn die Aufwen­ dungen des Steuerpflichtigen für seine Lebensführung im Mißverhältnis zu seinem Ein­ kommen standen, hatten die Finanzämter das Recht, den höheren Verbrauch als eine Art Selbsteinschätzung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Steuerpflichtigen anzusehen und an Stelle der Besteuerung nach dem Einkommen die Verbrauchsbesteuerung vorzunehmen. Diese Möglichkeit ist ab 1980 weggefallen. Hinsichtlich der Stellung der Einkommensteuer im System des deutschen Steuerrechts gilt folgendes: 1. Bezüglich der in der Finanzwirtschaft und der steuerlichen Verwaltungspraxis üblichen Unterscheidung zwischen direkten und indirekten Steuern ist die Einkommensteuer eine direkte Steuer (eine indirekte Steuer ist z. B. die Umsatzsteuer). 2. Bezüglich der Dreiteilung der Steuern in Besitz-, Verkehr-und Verbrauchsteuern ist die Einkommensteuer eine Besitzsteuer (Verkehrsteuern sind z. B. die Umsatzsteuer, Grunderwerbsteuer, Kraftfahrzeugsteuer; als Verbrauchsteuer gelten z. B. Zuckersteuer, Salzsteuer Tabaksteuer , , Kaffeesteuer , Mineralölsteuer ). 3. Bezüglich der Unterscheidung zwischen Personen- (= Subjekt-) und Sach-(= Objekt-, Real-) steuern ist die Einkommensteuer eine Personensteuer (eine Sachsteuer ist z. B. die Grundsteuer.

Enforcing Antitrust Against Foreign Enterprises: Procedural Problems in the Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust laws

by Cornelis Canenbley

Introduction VII I. Brief outline of substantive law provisions I Introduction I 1. 0 1. 1 I USA Germany 1. 2 2 1. 3 EEC 2 1. 4 France 3 1. 5 U. K. 4 1. 6 Switzerland 5 1. 7 Italy 5 1. 8 Australia 5 2. Is there substantive provision under national law for the extrat- ritorial application of that law? 7 2. 0 Introduction 7 2. 1 USA 7 2. 2 Germany 8 2. 3 EEC 9 2. 4 France 9 2. 5 U. K. 10 2. 6 Switzerland 11 2. 7 Italy 11 2. 8 Australia 11 3. Relevant principles of intemationa11aw 12 The princip1e of State Sovereignty 3. 1 12 The intemational1aw princip1e of Comity 3. 2 13 3. 3 The right to be heard in your own defence 13 3. 4 Jurisdiction based upon nationality; Personal Jurisdiction 14 3. 4. 1 USA 14 3. 4. 2 Germany 15 3. 4. 3 EEC 15 France 3. 4. 4 15 3. 4. 5 U. K. 16 3. 4. 6 Switzer1and 16 3. 4. 7 Ita1y 16 Australia 3. 4. 8 16 IX 3. 5 State hospitality to commerce 16 3. 5. 1 USA 17 3. 5. 2 EEC 17 3. 5. 3 Germany 18 3. 5. 4 Switzerland 18 4. National procedural ru1es 19 4. 0 Introduction 19 4. 1 USA 20 4. 1. 1 Written requests for information (discovery orders) 20 4. 1.

Ethics in Hard Times (The Hastings Center Series in Ethics)

by Arthur L. Caplan and Daniel Callahan

There is widespread agreement among large segments of western society that we are living in a period of hard times. At first glance such a belief might seem exceedingly odd. After all, persons in western society find themselves living in a time of unprecedented material abundance. Hunger and disease, evils all too familiar to the members of earlier generations, although far from eradicated from modern life, are plainly on the wane. Persons alive today can look forward to healthier, longer, and more comfortable lives than those of their grand­ parents. Nevertheless, the feeling that life today is especially difficult is rampant in government, in the media, in popular books, and in academic circles. Western society is perceived in many quarters as wracked by crises of all sorts-of faith, of power, of authority, of social turmoil, of declining quality in workmanship and products, and of a general intellectual malaise afflicting both those on the Left and the Right. A tone of crisis permeates the language of public life. Editorials in major newspapers are full of dire warnings about the dangers of unbridled egoism, avarice and greed, and the risks and horrors of pollution, overpopulation, the arms race, crime, and indulgent lifestyles.

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