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Algebra of Conscience: A Comparative Analysis of Western and Soviet Ethical Systems (Theory and Decision Library #26)

by V.A. Lefebvre

In this book two ethical systems are described in the language of mathematics. Ordinarily mathematics is thought to be a science of quantity. Indeed, manipulation of quantities constitutes much of mathematics. Elementary applied mathematics deals with reckoning and measurement, where concrete quantities are objects of attention, such as counting sheep or weighing corno But the operations on these quantities are performed with the help of symbols, from which concrete referents have been 'abstracted out': 3 + 5 = 8 regardless of whether the symbols stand for numbers of sheep or tons of corno Thus, the first principle that exhibits the power of mathematics is abstraction. It is one ofthe three pillars on which the edifice of mathematics rests. Another pillar is precision. Ordinarily, man communicates by words. W ords serve communication to the extent that they refer to things, events, states of affairs, feelings of the speaker, and so on. These are the meanings attributed to words. Communication is successful to the extent that the meanings coded upon words by the speaker correspond to the meanings decoded by the hearer. As is weH known, the degree ofthis correspondence varies enormously in different contexts of discourse and with the back­ grounds or attitudes of the speakers and hearers. Mathematics is a language in which the meanings ofthe symbols (the 'words' ofthis language) are absolutely precise. This precision is achieved by abstraction. Abstract terms are defined by their relations to other terms and by nothing else.

Bankrecht: Grundzüge des bürgerlichen Rechts, Familienrecht, Erbrecht, Vertretung — Vollmacht (Bankwirtschaftliche Schriftenreihe)

by Raban von Spiegel

Das vorliegende Heft beschäftigt sich mit drei ve1'schiedenen Themengruppen: 1. Familienrecht, 2. Erbrecht und 3. Vertretung - Vollmacht. Diese drei Gebiete stehen in der Bankpraxis in vorderster Linie der Proble­ matik im Zusammenhang mit der Führung von Konten und Depots bzw. mit der Rückführung von Krediten. Es kann jedoch nicht geleugnet werden, daß gerade auf diesem Schwerpunkt bei vielen Bankangestellten nur bruchstück­ artiges Wissen vorhanden ist. Meist besteht die Begründung für die Lösung eines Problems darin, daß man sagt: "Wir machen es eben so." Es darf hier hervorgehoben werden, daß man es "eben so" machen kann, daß man aber wissen muß, was das Gesetz in der einzelnen Situation als rechtens ansieht. Erst wenn man das weiß, kann man das Risiko ermessen, das man läuft, wenn man es "eben so" macht. Als Generalformel kann man daher für die drei Gebiete sagen: Man sollte genau wissen, was man - entsprechend den zwingenden Vorschriften des Ge­ setzes - im Einzelfall tun muß, um zu wissen, was man tun darf. Im einzelnen: die erste Einführung in das Familienrecht ist die Grundlage fÜl1 die bankbetrieblichen Konsequenzen. Man muß etwas wissen über Ehe- und Familiennamen, über die Schlüsselgewalt und über Haushaltsführung, Erwerbs­ tätigkeit und Familienunterhalt. Dann erst kann man den ersten wesentlichen Punkt, das Verhältnis Eltern-Kind leicht erfassen.

Beiträge zum Zivilprozeßrecht (Linzer Universitätsschriften #1)

by Walter Buchegger Alfred Burgstaller Heinz Keinert Ewald Kininger Walter Rinner

Der vorliegende Band soIl, wie der Titel bereits andeutet, den Anfang einer Publikationsreihe bilden, die sich mit dem ZivilprozeBrecht im umfassenden Sinn beschaftigt. Die Herausgeber denken nicht an ein periodisch erscheinendes, jahrbuchahnliches Werk; es sollen vielmehr Abhandlungen und Entscheidungsbesprechungen, die das ZivilprozeB­ recht betrefTen, in loser Folge gesammelt und herausgegeben werden. Dies ist umso mehr ein Anliegen, als es in Osterreich keine Fachzeit­ schrift des Zivilprozesses etwa vergleichbar der deutschen ZZP gibt und eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen, die sich mit diesem Rechtsgebiet befassen, sicherlich neue Impulse setzen kann. Wir mochten vor aHem junge Autoren des ZivilprozeBrechts anregen, mit uns auf dem bescheidenen Grundstein, der mit diesem Buch gelegt wurde, aufzubauen und sich mit Abhandlungen oder Kommentaren an der geplanten Reihe zu beteiligen. FUr die Hilfe bei der Redaktion dieses ersten Bands gilt unser besonde­ rer Dank Frau Gisela Savel und Frau Ilse Gundlach. Die Herausgeber Linz, im Juni 1982 v Inhaltsverzeichnis Walter Buchegger Das "fair hearing" - der Anspruch auf gerichtsfdrmige Behandlung pri­ vater Rechtssachen im Volkerrecht und seine Auswirkungen auf das innerstaatliche ZivilprozeBrecht . . . . . . . . . . .

Beneficence and Health Care (Philosophy and Medicine #11)

by Earl E. Shelp

The meaning and application of the principle of beneficence to issues in health care is rarely clear or certain. Although the principle is frequently employed to justify a variety of actions and inactions, very little has been done from a conceptual point of view to test its relevance to these behaviors or to explore its relationship to other moral principles that also might be called upon to guide or justify conduct. Perhaps more than any other, the principle of benef­ icence seems particularly appropriate to contexts of health care in which two or more parties interact from positions of relative strength and weakness, advantage and need, to pursue some perceived goal. It is among those moral principles that Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress selected in their textbook on bioethics as applicable to biomedicine in general and relevant to a range of specific issues ([1], pp. 135-167). More narrowly, The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behav­ ioral Research identified beneficence as among those moral principles that have particular relevance to the conduct of research involving humans (2). Thus, the principle of beneficence is seen as pertinent to the routine delivery of health care, the discovery of new therapies, and the rationale of public policies related to health care.

BGB — Familienrecht, BGB — Erbrecht (Gabler-Studientexte)

by Karl Braun

Business Law in Europe: Legal, tax and labour aspects of business operations in the ten European Community countries and Switzerland

by Association Europpeene D'etudes Juridiques et Fisc

This book is intended to serve as a guide to businessmen and their advisers, either from outside the Common Market or from within, who seek basic information on questions in three main fields: company law and related legal matters, taxation, and labour law. For those who wish to establish an enter­ prise or form a holding or financing company in one of the Member States of the Common Market (including Greece, of course) or Switzerland this guide offers a unique opportunity to compare conditions in the various countries in the three fields. This is facilitated by the strict adherence to one format for each national chapter. Those who are already present in one or more of the eleven countries will find a global answer to a number of practical questions that may arise. For detailed answers the local lawyer or other consultant remains indispensable. The format is based on two different approaches the foreign investor may take: either he 'goes it alone', by way of establishing a branch, setting up a subsidiary or taking over an existing company, or he joins forces with another investor from within the host country or from outside. In the latter event there are a number of legal forms (jointly owned company, partnership, etc. ) which may be used.

Cases and Materials on Sale of Goods (Routledge Revivals)

by John Adams

This book, first published in 1982, focuses on a specific area of commercial law: the Sale of Goods Act. The book contains key cases and statutes relating to the sale of goods, each prefaced by a contextualising introduction. Notes and questions are also included, as are the full texts of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the relevant parts of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

Cases and Materials on Sale of Goods (Routledge Revivals)

by John Adams

This book, first published in 1982, focuses on a specific area of commercial law: the Sale of Goods Act. The book contains key cases and statutes relating to the sale of goods, each prefaced by a contextualising introduction. Notes and questions are also included, as are the full texts of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the relevant parts of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

Charles Bonnet and the Order of the Known (Studies in the History of Modern Science #11)

by L. Anderson

Charles Bonnet began his career as a naturalist, from an early age establishing a reputation as a careful observer. It is for those youthful observations, as well as for some suggestive speculations proposed relative to this field, that he is best remembered in English-speaking countries: regarding the taxonomic de­ mands of natural history he refurbished the idea of a chain of beings; regarding the question of generation he marshaled evidence in support of preforma­ tion theory; and regarding the analysis of the physiology of the nervous system he advanced a theory that individual nerve fibers receive and retain specific sensations. Following his loss of eyesight in his mid-twenties Bonnet entered a more reflective period, turning to philosophy and pondering the nature of human understanding - considerations he had formerly disdained, but that now seemed a natural outgrowth of his reflections on nature. This essay focuses on the philosophical and psychological works of the later period, the period in which he wrote all his major books. By giving these writings a broader exposure it has been one of my hopes that Bonnet's audience would also be broadened, releasing him, so to speak, from the charge of historians of science so that he might fmd his way, in general books on the "Enlightenment", from scattered footnotes into the texts themselves.

Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution

by Philip Bobbitt

Here, Philip Bobbitt studies the basis for the legitimacy of judicial review by examining six types of constitutional argument--historical, textual, structural, prudential doctrinal, and ethical--through the unusual method of contrasting sketches of prominent legal figures responding to the constitutional crises of their day.

Die Überleitung von Herrschaftsverhältnissen am Beispiel Österreichs (Österreichische Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht - Supplementa #5)

by Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern

Diese Arbeit ist das Ergebnis eines Forschungsauftrages des Bundesministeriums rur Wissenschaft und Forschung iiber die Rechts­ stellung Osterreichs im Licht der Rechtsprechung seiner Hochst­ gerichte. Der Verfasser baute damit Aufzeichnungen aus, die er wah­ rend seiner Dienstzeit im osterreichischen Bundeskanzleramt 1946 bis 1954 gemacht hatte. Eine vollstandige Erfassung allen einschlagigen Materials wurde nicht angestrebt. Fiir Themenkreise, die in der Lite­ ratur bereits ausgiebig behandelt wurden, mufSte es schon aus Raum­ mangel bei Verweisungen bleiben. Sonst aber sind besonders bezeich­ nende Entscheidungen im Wortlaut wiedergegeben. Die ausgewahlten Falle sollen tunlichst aus sich selbst heraus die Zeit, ihre grundlegen­ den Probleme und deren Bewaltigung schildern. Ein Abschnitt iiber den Alltag der Besatzungszeit solI gesondert in der Zeitschrift "Zeit­ geschichte" erscheinen. Mein Dank gilt zunachst Frau Bundesminister Dr. Dr. h. c. Hertha Firnberg fiir die Erteilung dieses Forschungsauftrages und dem Springer-Verlag in Wien fiir die Veroffentlichung der Arbeit als Supplementum zu der "Osterreichischen Zeitschrift fiir offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht". Ich danke ferner meinen Assistenten Dr. Th. Desch und Dr. A. Tuchacek rur ihre wertvolle Mitarbeit und Frl. I. Lettner fiir ihre unermiidliche Arbeit bei der Herstellung des Manuskriptes.

Earl Warren: A Public Life

by G. Edward White

This is a major biography of one of America's most influential and respected Supreme Court justices by a leading law scholar. In the late 1970s, Earl Warren's papers were opened and G. Edward White, a former law clerk of Warren, was given complete access to research this book. The result is the first study of the Chief Justice to cover his entire political career and to examine aspects of Warren's character that have seemed paradoxical. White goes back to Warren's roots in California Progressivism to illuminate his mid-century liberalism and the controversial decisions over which he presided in the Supreme Court. Based on a wealth of newly available information and White's understanding of Warren's work and personality, this is a fascinating, original portrait of Chief Justice Earl Warren.

EARTH-HONORING FAITH C: Religious Ethics in a New Key

by Larry L. Rasmussen

Grand Winner of the 2014 Nautilus Book Awards Thoughtful observers agree that the planetary crisis we now face-climate change; species extinction; the destruction of entire ecosystems; the urgent need for a more just economic-political order-is pushing human civilization to a radical turning point: change or perish. But precisely how to change remains an open question. In Earth-honoring Faith, Larry Rasmussen answers that question with a dramatically new way of thinking about human society, ethics, and the ongoing health of our planet. Rejecting the modern assumption that morality applies to human society alone, Rasmussen insists that we must derive a spiritual and ecological ethic that accounts for the well-being of all creation, as well as the primal elements upon which it depends: earth, air, fire, water, and sunlight. He argues that good science, necessary as it is, will not be enough to inspire fundamental change. We must draw on religious resources as well to make the difficult transition from an industrial-technological age obsessed with consumption to an ecological age that restores wise stewardship of all life. Earth-honoring Faith advocates an alliance of spirituality and ecology, in which the material requirements for planetary life are reconciled with deep traditions of spirituality across religions, traditions that include mysticism, sacramentalism, prophetic practices, asceticism, and the cultivation of wisdom. It is these shared spiritual practices that can produce a chorus of world faiths to counter the consumerism, utilitarianism, alienation, oppression, and folly that have pushed us to the brink. Written with passionate commitment and deep insight, Earth-honoring Faith reminds us that we must live in the present with the knowledge that the eyes of future generations will look back at us.

EISS Yearbook 1980–1981 Part II / Annuaire EISS 1980–1981 Partie II: The social security and the economic crisis Proceedings of the European Institute for Social Security / La sécurité sociale et la crise économique Travaux de l’Institut Européen de Sécurité Sociale

by Eiss

The Col loque of our European Institute for social security to prepare the Conference in the Hague on the social security and the economic crisis was held from the 17th ti 11 the 19th of September in Toledo. Part II of the Yearbook 1980-1981 contains the reports presented in Toledo. The reports are focussed on the over­ a! 1 economic situation (Richard Draperie); the specific problems of Pensions (Bernd Schulte); the cost of medical care (Leo Crijns); unemployment insurance (Joachim Volz); the social minimum (Andre Laurent) and two special reports on the economic crisis and social security. Finally it contains my own synthesis report. Al 1 the participants had the opinion that the colloque created a fruitful 1 basis for a further in depth discussion in the Hague in 1982. The Institute once again wants to express its sincere gratitude to Antonio Chozas and his colleques for the excellent and adequate way in which they organised the colloque.

Ethical Problems in Psychological Research

by Heinz Schuler

Ethical Problems in Psychological Research focuses on the relationship between experimenter and subject within investigations in the biomedical and social sciences. The book discusses on the potential conflict between methodological and ethical norms; ethical problems of psychological experiments; and the ethical and methodological problems of alternatives to laboratory experiments. The text also describes the codification of ethical principles for psychological research.

The Ethics of Psychological Research

by J. D. Keehn

The Ethics of Psychological Research contains expanded versions of original presentations reported in a two-day symposium on Ethics in Psychological Research held at Atkinson College, York University, near Toronto in September 1980. The book is organized into three major sections, wherein the first deals with ethical principles and regulations, the second with ethics of research with special populations, and the third with problems associated with applications of scientific knowledge. A concluding section then details the results of a psychological research method applied to the question of a psychological ethic.

Grundzüge des Außensteuerrechts

by Gerd Rose

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