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Showing 2,676 through 2,700 of 55,934 results

Österreichisches Staatskirchenrecht (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by H. Pree

Das vorliegende Buch will einerseits eine Einfuhrung in das österrei­ chische Staatskirchenrecht sein, die von ihrem Umfang her auf das Wahl­ pflichtfach "Kirchenrecht" nach der derzeitigen österreichischen Rege­ lung des Studiums der Rechtswissenschaften zugeschnitten ist. Über Stu­ denten hinaus wendet sich das Werk auch an alle jene, die mit staatskir­ chenrechtlichen Fragen in der Praxis befaßt sind. Die grundrißartige Darstellung umfaßt den ,.Allgemeinen Teil" des österreichischen Staatskirchenrechts. Das sind jene Regelungsgebiete, welche die Rechtsstellung des Individuums in den Sphären von Glaube, Gewissen und Weltanschauung zum Gegenstand haben, sowie die alle oder mehrere Kirchen oder Religionsgesellschaften betreffenden Normen des staatlichen Rechts. Auf Regelungen des »Besonderen Teiles" des öster­ reichischen Staatskirchenrechts, dh der staatlichen Rechtsstellung der einzelnen Kirchen und Religionsgesellschaften, finden sich zahlreiche Hinweise. Um die Kosten des Lehrbuches so niedrig wie möglich zu halten, wurde auf geschichtliche Ausführungen weitgehend und auf Fußnoten vollstän­ dig verzichtet. Aus demselben Grund stellen auch die Literaturangaben lediglich eine Auswahl des österreichischen staatskirchenrechtlichen Sie sind als Verzeichnis der hauptsächlich herangezoge­ Schrifttums dar. nen Literatur gedacht. Für zahlreiche Anregungen und Hinweise habe ich dem geschätzten Kollegen o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Spielbüchler sowie dem Dir.-Stellv. der Diözesanfinanzkammer Linz, Herrn Dr. Josef Wöckinger, zu danken.

Österreichisches Verfassungsrecht: Verfassungsrechtslehre unter Berücksichtigung von Staatslehre und Politikwissenschaft (Springers Kurzlehrbücher der Rechtswissenschaft)

by Ludwig K. Adamovich Bernd-Christian Funk

Buchmann, Frau Gisela Klammer, Frau Dr. Gudrun Maurer, Herr Dr. Franz Merli und Herr Dr. Armin Stolz am Institut tiitig. Unser Dank gilt gleichermagen jenen Mitarbeitern, die in der Zwischenzeit aus dem Personalstand des Insti­ tuts ausgeschieden sind. Wien/Graz, im Oktober 1982 Ludwig K. Adamovich Bernd-Christian Funk Vorwort zur zweiten Auflage Die zweite A uflage des Lehrbuches ist als N achdruck der ersten in Verbin­ dung mit einem vorangestellten Erganzungsteil gestaltet. Der Text der ersten Auflage ist bis auf die Korrektur von Druckfehlern gleichgeblieben. Der Er­ in der Rechts­ ganzungsteil bietet eine Ubersicht iiberwichtige Veranderungen lage und Verfassungswirklichkeit, die sich seit der ersten Auflage ergeben ha­ ben. Die systematische Einarbeitung dieser und kommender Anderungen so­ wie der Entwicklungen in Lehre und Rechtsprechung bleibt einer spater fol­ genden Neuauflage vorbehalten. Wir hoffen, auf diese Weise dem Bediirfnis nach Information iiber den aktuellen Stand des Staatsrechts und des Verfassungslebens in entsprechender Weise Rechnung zu tragen. Der Wegfall des Untertitels des Buches auf der erst en Umschlagseite hat drucktechnische Griinde. In der positiven Auf­ nahme, die das Buch seit seinem Erscheinen im Spatherbst 1982 gefunden hat, sehen wir eine Bestatigung unseres Bemiihens urn eine moglichst vielseitige Betrachtungsweise des osterreichischen Verfassungsrechts.

Peacekeeper's Handbook: International Peace Academy

by Sam Stuart

Peacekeeper's Handbook is a ready reference for the planning and conduct of peacekeeping operations, both within the framework of the United Nations and in a regional or multinational setting. Topics covered include standing operating procedures, operational handling and techniques, logistics, and communications, along with preparation and preparedness and the role of civilian police in peacekeeping operations. Planning and procedures for medical services for international peacekeeping operations are also considered. This guidebook is comprised of 14 chapters and begins with an overview of the theoretical concept of international peacekeeping, followed by a discussion on the main organs of the United Nations, their functions in relation to international peace and security, and their powers and their responsibilities. The following chapters focus on the principles on which the policy on UN peacekeeping is based; the skill and technique requirements for the chief aspects of a peacekeeper's duties; and the organization and procedures for the logistics support of a UN operation at the level of UN Headquarters, Force Headquarters, and National Contingent. The organization and structure of the communications system within a UN Force are then described, along with the organization and procedure employed by the UN and its Forces/Missions to facilitate good public relations and an effective press information service. This text concludes by outlining the main principles and procedures in establishing a medical service. This handbook will be a valuable resource for diplomats, military officers, policymakers, academicians, students, and those interested in dispute settlement and conflict management.

Randomisation und Aufklärung bei klinischen Studien in der Onkologie (Recht und Medizin)

by K. Zum Winkel W. Doerr R. Herrmann B. R. Kern A. Laufs

Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachwissenschaftler

Recht und Gesellschaft: Einführung in die Rechtssoziologie

by Leo Kißler

Einführung in die Rechtssoziologie? Warenbezeichnungen pflegen in der Regel mehr zu versprechen, als sie halten (können). Gilt dies auch für den Titel dieses Buches? Ich denke nein, allerdings mit zwei Einschränkungen. Zum einen gil- wie für die Soziologie im allgemeinen, so auch für die Rechtssozio­ logie im besonderen -, daß sie zerfällt in unterschiedliche Ansätze, Paradigmen, Theorien und Methoden, die ihrerseits Ausfluß unter­ schiedlicher Vorstellungen über Forschungsgegenstand und -interesse sind. In die Rechtssoziologie einführen zu wollen, kann demnach zweierlei heißen: einmal, sich auf die Darstellung einer Rechtssozio­ logie zu beschränken und damit implizit den als richtig erkannten rechtssoziologischen Ansatz zu der Rechtssoziologie aufzuwerten, oder aber die Tatsache, daß es unterschiedliche Soziologien des Rechts gibt, selbst zum Gegenstand der Darstellung zu machen. Dann führt allerdings kein Weg an grundlegenderen methodologi­ schen und methodischen tlberlegungen vorbei. Eine solchermaßen reflexive Einführung beabsichtigt das vorliegende Studienbuch. Zum anderen handelt es sich bei der Rechtssoziologie, gleich wel­ cher wissenschaftstheoretischen Couleur, auf den ersten Blick um einen bunten Warenkorb. Im Unterschied zur Jurisprudenz sind rechtssoziologische Erkenntnisse und Forschungsergebnisse kaum kanonisiert. Es gibt demnach keinen verbindlichen rechtssoziologi­ schen "Stoff', den sich anzueignen hat, wer erfolgreich Rechtssozio­ logie studieren will. Ja, es wird zu Recht gefragt, ob diese überhaupt "lehrfähig" sei. Mit jedem Versuch, in die Rechtssoziologie einzu­ führen, geht deshalb eine vorab getroffene Entscheidung über die als relevant erachteten Inhalte und Themen einher.

Resolving Development Disputes Through Negotiations (Environment, Development and Public Policy: Environmental Policy and Planning)

by Timothy J. Sullivan

In the last decade, disputes between developers and local commu­ nities over proposed construction projects have led to increasing litiga­ tion. Environmental legislation, in particular, has greatly enhanced the rights and powers of organized groups that desire to participate in local development decisions. These powers have allowed citizen groups to block undesired and socially unacceptable projects, such as highways through urban areas and sprawling suburban developments. At the same time, these powers have produced a collective inability to construct many needed projects that produce adverse local impacts. Prisons, airports, hos­ pitals, waste treatment plants, and energy facilities all face years of liti­ gation before a final decision. At times, prolonged litigation has pro­ duced especially high costs to all participants. Despite these new powers, citizen action has often been limited to participation in public hearings or adjudicatory proceedings. Typically, this occurs so late in the decision process that citizen input has very little affect in shaping a project's design. Those who dislike some element of a project often have little choice other than to oppose the entire project through litigation.

Schriftenreihe „Die Versicherung“ (Die Versicherung)

by Karl Sieg

State Immunity: An Analytical and Prognostic View (Developments in international law)

by Gamal Badr

Ours is a world in which the volume of the external trade of the vast majority of nations has greatly expanded and continues to be on the rise. Transnational intercourse of all kinds is now a feature of an interdependent world economy in which no nation can afford to stand aloof from a market-place which has assumed global dimensions. It is also a world where many nations, and not only of the Socialist bloc, conduct some of their transnational business themselves, or else they entrust it to state-owned cor­ porations and to agencies of the state. In these circumstances it becomes of prime importance to know whether a foreign state or an agency or instrumentality thereof can be sued before the local courts and, if so, whether the final judgement obtained can be enforced against the funds or property of the judgement debtor. The question of the immunity of states from suit and from execution is thus one of direct practical relevance not only to the legal profession but also to governments and the business and banking communities all over the world. The economic effects of a particular legal stand on state immunity are obvious. The position of national courts on state immunity can either attract more business or discourage further dealings with foreign states or their agencies. It can thus affect the balance of payments and, in general, the role the country plays in the world market.

The Status of Morality (Philosophical Studies Series #31)

by Thomas L. Carson

My interest in the issues considered here arose out of my great frustration in trying to attack the all-pervasive relativism of my students in introductory ethics courses at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. I am grateful to my students for forcing me to take moral relativism and skepticism seriously and for compelling me to argue for my own dogmatically maintained version of moral objectivism. The result is before the reader. The conclusions reached here (which can be described either as a minimal objectivism or as a moderate verson of relativism) are considerably weaker than those that I had expected and would have liked to have defended. I have arrived at these views kicking and screaming and have resisted them to the best of my ability. The arguments of this book are directed at those who deny that moral judgments can ever be correct (in any sense that is opposed to mistaken) and who also deny that we are ever rationally com­ pelled to accept one moral judgment as opposed to another. I have sought to take their views seriously and to fight them on their own grounds without making use of any assumptions that they would be unwilling to grant. My conclusion is that, while it is possible to refute the kind of extreme irrationalism that one often encounters, it is impossible to defend the kind of objectivist meta-ethical views that most of us want to hold, without begging the question against the non-objectivist.

The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy

by John Agresto

In The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy John Agresto traces the development of American judicial power, paying close attention to what he views as the very real threat of judicial supremacy. Agresto examines the role of the judiciary in a democratic society and discusses the proper place of congressional power in constitutional issues. Agresto argues that while the separation of congressional and judicial functions is a fundamental tenet of American government, the present system is not effective in maintaining an appropriate balance of power. He shows that continued judicial expansion, especially into the realm of public policy, might have severe consequences for America's national life and direction, and offers practical recommendations for safeguarding against an increasingly powerful Supreme Court. John Agresto's controversial argument, set in the context of a historical and theoretical inquiry, will be of great interest to scholars and students in political science and law, especially American constitutional law and political theory.

Theory of Legal Science: Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosopy of Science Lund, Sweden, December 11–14, 1983 (Synthese Library #176)

by Aleksander Peczenik Lars Lindahl Bert Van Roermund

Proceedings of the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosophy of Science, Lund, Sweden, December 11-14, 1983

The Wallace Case: Britain’s Most Baffling Unsolved Murder

by Roger Wilkes

'It is a formidable, indeed a damning indictment and Wilkes presents the result of his detective work with journalistic panache'P. D. JAMES, Times Literary Supplement'Roger Wilkes's seminal book lays out the facts . . . one of the great unsolved murders of the century' CRAIG TAYLOR, Guardian'I call it the impossible murder because Wallace couldn't have done it. And neither could anyone else. The Wallace case is unbeatable, it will always be unbeatable'RAYMOND CHANDLERWho really killed Julia Wallace? The final verdict.Ever since that terrible night in January 1931, when the body of Julia Wallace was found in her Liverpool home, her head crushed by violent blows, the identity of her killer has remained a mystery. Her husband, William, was accused, tried, convicted and sentenced to hang for murder, but he was then acquitted in a sensational appeal court judgement. Yet the police refused to reopen their investigation. So who did kill Julia? When Roger Wilkes started researching a dramatised radio documentary for Liverpool's Radio City, he uncovered new evidence which suggested a disturbing story - a crucial witness ignored by the police, even a suggestion of a deliberate cover-up. Finally, he provides compelling evidence as to the identify of the real killer.

When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community

by James Boyd White

Through fresh readings of texts ranging from Homer's Iliad, Swift's Tale of a Tub, and Austen's Emma through the United States Constitution and McCulloch v. Maryland, James Boyd White examines the relationship between an individual mind and its language and culture as well as the "textual community" established between writer and audience. These striking textual analyses develop a rhetoric—a "way of reading" that can be brought to any text but that, in broader terms, becomes a way of learning that can shape the reader's life. "In this ambitious and demanding work of literary criticism, James Boyd White seeks to communicate 'a sense of reading in a new and different way.' . . . [White's] marriage of lawyerly acumen and classically trained literary sensibility—equally evident in his earlier work, The Legal Imagination—gives the best parts of When Words Lose Their Meaning a gravity and moral earnestness rare in the pages of contemporary literary criticism."—Roger Kimball, American Scholar "James Boyd White makes a state-of-the-art attempt to enrich legal theory with the insights of modern literary theory. Of its kind, it is a singular and standout achievement. . . . [White's] selections span the whole range of legal, literary, and political offerings, and his writing evidences a sustained and intimate experience with these texts. Writing with natural elegance, White manages to be insightful and inciteful. Throughout, his timely book is energized by an urgent love of literature and law and their liberating potential. His passion and sincerity are palpable."—Allan C. Hutchinson, Yale Law Journal "Undeniably a unique and significant work. . . . When Words Lose Their Meaning is a rewarding book by a distinguished legal scholar. It is a showcase for the most interesting sort of inter-disciplinary work: the kind that brings together from traditionally separate fields not so much information as ideas and approaches."—R. B. Kershner, Jr., Georgia Review

When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community

by James Boyd White

Through fresh readings of texts ranging from Homer's Iliad, Swift's Tale of a Tub, and Austen's Emma through the United States Constitution and McCulloch v. Maryland, James Boyd White examines the relationship between an individual mind and its language and culture as well as the "textual community" established between writer and audience. These striking textual analyses develop a rhetoric—a "way of reading" that can be brought to any text but that, in broader terms, becomes a way of learning that can shape the reader's life. "In this ambitious and demanding work of literary criticism, James Boyd White seeks to communicate 'a sense of reading in a new and different way.' . . . [White's] marriage of lawyerly acumen and classically trained literary sensibility—equally evident in his earlier work, The Legal Imagination—gives the best parts of When Words Lose Their Meaning a gravity and moral earnestness rare in the pages of contemporary literary criticism."—Roger Kimball, American Scholar "James Boyd White makes a state-of-the-art attempt to enrich legal theory with the insights of modern literary theory. Of its kind, it is a singular and standout achievement. . . . [White's] selections span the whole range of legal, literary, and political offerings, and his writing evidences a sustained and intimate experience with these texts. Writing with natural elegance, White manages to be insightful and inciteful. Throughout, his timely book is energized by an urgent love of literature and law and their liberating potential. His passion and sincerity are palpable."—Allan C. Hutchinson, Yale Law Journal "Undeniably a unique and significant work. . . . When Words Lose Their Meaning is a rewarding book by a distinguished legal scholar. It is a showcase for the most interesting sort of inter-disciplinary work: the kind that brings together from traditionally separate fields not so much information as ideas and approaches."—R. B. Kershner, Jr., Georgia Review

When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community

by James Boyd White

Through fresh readings of texts ranging from Homer's Iliad, Swift's Tale of a Tub, and Austen's Emma through the United States Constitution and McCulloch v. Maryland, James Boyd White examines the relationship between an individual mind and its language and culture as well as the "textual community" established between writer and audience. These striking textual analyses develop a rhetoric—a "way of reading" that can be brought to any text but that, in broader terms, becomes a way of learning that can shape the reader's life. "In this ambitious and demanding work of literary criticism, James Boyd White seeks to communicate 'a sense of reading in a new and different way.' . . . [White's] marriage of lawyerly acumen and classically trained literary sensibility—equally evident in his earlier work, The Legal Imagination—gives the best parts of When Words Lose Their Meaning a gravity and moral earnestness rare in the pages of contemporary literary criticism."—Roger Kimball, American Scholar "James Boyd White makes a state-of-the-art attempt to enrich legal theory with the insights of modern literary theory. Of its kind, it is a singular and standout achievement. . . . [White's] selections span the whole range of legal, literary, and political offerings, and his writing evidences a sustained and intimate experience with these texts. Writing with natural elegance, White manages to be insightful and inciteful. Throughout, his timely book is energized by an urgent love of literature and law and their liberating potential. His passion and sincerity are palpable."—Allan C. Hutchinson, Yale Law Journal "Undeniably a unique and significant work. . . . When Words Lose Their Meaning is a rewarding book by a distinguished legal scholar. It is a showcase for the most interesting sort of inter-disciplinary work: the kind that brings together from traditionally separate fields not so much information as ideas and approaches."—R. B. Kershner, Jr., Georgia Review

When Words Lose Their Meaning: Constitutions and Reconstitutions of Language, Character, and Community

by James Boyd White

Through fresh readings of texts ranging from Homer's Iliad, Swift's Tale of a Tub, and Austen's Emma through the United States Constitution and McCulloch v. Maryland, James Boyd White examines the relationship between an individual mind and its language and culture as well as the "textual community" established between writer and audience. These striking textual analyses develop a rhetoric—a "way of reading" that can be brought to any text but that, in broader terms, becomes a way of learning that can shape the reader's life. "In this ambitious and demanding work of literary criticism, James Boyd White seeks to communicate 'a sense of reading in a new and different way.' . . . [White's] marriage of lawyerly acumen and classically trained literary sensibility—equally evident in his earlier work, The Legal Imagination—gives the best parts of When Words Lose Their Meaning a gravity and moral earnestness rare in the pages of contemporary literary criticism."—Roger Kimball, American Scholar "James Boyd White makes a state-of-the-art attempt to enrich legal theory with the insights of modern literary theory. Of its kind, it is a singular and standout achievement. . . . [White's] selections span the whole range of legal, literary, and political offerings, and his writing evidences a sustained and intimate experience with these texts. Writing with natural elegance, White manages to be insightful and inciteful. Throughout, his timely book is energized by an urgent love of literature and law and their liberating potential. His passion and sincerity are palpable."—Allan C. Hutchinson, Yale Law Journal "Undeniably a unique and significant work. . . . When Words Lose Their Meaning is a rewarding book by a distinguished legal scholar. It is a showcase for the most interesting sort of inter-disciplinary work: the kind that brings together from traditionally separate fields not so much information as ideas and approaches."—R. B. Kershner, Jr., Georgia Review

Women and the Family: Two Decades of Change

by Beth Hess Marvin B Sussman

Despite the pervasive changes that have taken place in women’s lives in the past twenty-five years--increased participation in the labor force, the attainment of higher levels of education, and higher salaries--comparable changes in the division of family labor and in the roles of men have lagged considerably. In this timely book, the editors and other experts in feminism and family studies examine the effects of two decades of influence by the women’s movement on sex roles and child rearing. While applauding some positive changes, the contributors point to powerful forces of resistance to equality between the sexes, especially “the question of family”--the fear of depriving children of maternal attachment and the belief that working mothers are placing their own interests above those of other family members--as an issue that, until fully addressed, prevents genuine equality between the sexes.

Women and the Family: Two Decades of Change

by Beth Hess Marvin B Sussman

Despite the pervasive changes that have taken place in women’s lives in the past twenty-five years--increased participation in the labor force, the attainment of higher levels of education, and higher salaries--comparable changes in the division of family labor and in the roles of men have lagged considerably. In this timely book, the editors and other experts in feminism and family studies examine the effects of two decades of influence by the women’s movement on sex roles and child rearing. While applauding some positive changes, the contributors point to powerful forces of resistance to equality between the sexes, especially “the question of family”--the fear of depriving children of maternal attachment and the belief that working mothers are placing their own interests above those of other family members--as an issue that, until fully addressed, prevents genuine equality between the sexes.

Advances in Animal Welfare Science 1984 (Advances in Animal Welfare Science #1)

by Linda D. Mickley and Michael W. Fox

This book, the first in an annual series, written by academicians­ scientists, philosophers and others-is not intended exclusively for an­ imal welfarists and conservationists. Since it is written* by scholars, it will appeal to a wide range of academic and professional readers who are involved with animals for scientific, economic, altruistic, and other reasons. While this first volume cannot cover the entire spectrum of animal welfare science-related topics, it does, in its diversity of con­ tributions, demonstrate the multi-faceted and interdisciplinary nature of the subject of this new series. Indeed, animals are as much an integral part of society as we are dependent upon them. The many interfaces between us and the billions of animals under our dominion (as well as the environment upon which the welfare of human and non-human animals alike is ultimately de­ pendent) have their separate features: trapping and wildlife manage­ ment; laboratory animal research; whaling and fishing; veterinary practice; agriculture and farm animal husbandry; horse racing and the ownership of animal companions; the propagation of captive wildlife and their preservation in the wild; the use of animals as companions and for the purposes of vicarious entertainment.

Alcoholic Beverages (Routledge Library Editions: Alcohol and Alcoholism)

by John Cavanagh Frederick F. Clairmonte

For most of the post-war period, alcohol problems had been viewed primarily as individual problems. During the 1970s and 1980s, research highlighted the importance of larger socio-economic factors in shaping drinking levels, patterns and problems. However, it largely ignored a paramount force which shaped this larger socio-economic environment: the modern multinational corporation. The aim of this book, originally published in 1985, was to demonstrate, on the basis of historical analysis, that transnational corporate structures and marketing strategies exercised a powerful impact on the availability and consumption of alcoholic beverages in both developed and developing marketing economies. While the authors did not want to suggest a single causal relationship between corporate strategies and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, the implications of their work were of the greatest significance to public health throughout the world. The book was an indispensable work for those interested in public health, alcoholism, and multinational business at the time. Today it can be read in its historical context.

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