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Showing 54,951 through 54,975 of 55,933 results

Cheating and Deception

by J. Bowyer Bell Barton Whaley

Cheating and deception are terms often used but rarely defined. They summon up unpleasant connotations; even those deeply involved with cheating and deception rationalize why they have been driven to it. Particularly for Americans and much of Western civilization, official cheating, government duplicity, cheating as policy, and conscious, contrived deception, are all unacceptable except as a last resort in response to threat of extinction. As a distasteful tool, deception is rarely used to achieve national interests, unless in relation to the deployment of military force. As an area of study, it has by and large been ignored.Intrigued by attitudes toward cheating and deception, the authors decided to analyze its roots, structure, and process. They asked fundamental questions: are there categories of deception, general steps in the process of deception, and ways to evaluate its results across time and in different modes? The book that results is a typology of kinds of deception, beginning with military deception, but extending into other categories and stages.In his introduction to this new edition, Bell outlines how the book came to be written, describes the mixed emotions toward the subject displayed by govenmental and nongovernmental funding sources, and speculates about its critical and commercial reception. He discusses widespread new interest in the subject, the research that has been undertaken since this book was first published, and its limitations.This book provides a general overview of this complex subject, creating a framework for analysis of specific instances of cheating or deception. It will be of particular interest to political scientists, those interested in military affairs and strategy, and psychologists. The general reader will find the book written with a light touch, drawing examples of cheating and deception in the pursuit of love and money. The specialist reader will be intrigued by its broad-ranging examples drawn from policy and politics,

The Private Sector's Role in Disasters: Leveraging the Private Sector in Emergency Management

by Alessandra Jerolleman John J. Kiefer

This book examines the role of the private sector in emergency management and how that role is changing through private sector intersections with government, government agencies, and the public sectors in all phases of emergency management. It particularly focuses on the areas in which government regulations and guidelines promote or encourage priv

A Director's Guide to Governance in the Boardroom: Across the Private, Public, and Voluntary Sectors

by Arturo Langa

This book is a practical guide for executive and non-executive directors and aspiring directors to lead, govern, and steer UK-based organisations to long-term sustainable success. In today’s turbulent environment, corporate governance is increasingly scrutinised, and this book will consider how directors can ‘bring the future forward’ with respect to responsible and ethical governance and leadership against the challenging political, environmental, and economic backdrop. While other books discuss UK corporate governance, this one uniquely demonstrates how the work of directors can build an organisation’s antifragility, and offers a view of stewardship approaches to every sector and type of UK organisation, from large premium listed companies to start-ups, the public sector, not-for-profits, partnerships, and family-owned and private-equity-backed organisations. Aspiring and experienced directors will each benefit from this book as well as those who provide board evaluation services, professional advisers, auditors, and those who provide training and other support for board members.

Law and Society in Transition: Toward Responsive Law

by Philippe Nonet Philip Selznick Robert A. Kagan

Year by year, law seems to penetrate ever larger realms of social, political, and economic life, generating both praise and blame. Nonet and Selznick's Law and Society in Transition explains in accessible language the primary forms of law as a social, political, and normative phenomenon. They illustrate with great clarity the fundamental difference between repressive law, riddled with raw conflict and the accommodation of special interests, and responsive law, the reasoned effort to realize an ideal of polity. To make jurisprudence relevant, legal, political, and social theory must be reintegrated. As a step in this direction, Nonet and Selznick attempt to recast jurisprudential issues in a social science perspective. They construct a valuable framework for analyzing and assessing the worth of alternative modes of legal ordering. The volume's most enduring contribution is the authors' typology-repressive, autonomous, and responsive law. This typology of law is original and especially useful because it incorporates both political and jurisprudential aspects of law and speaks directly to contemporary struggles over the proper place of law in democratic governance. In his new introduction, Robert A. Kagan recasts this classic text for the contemporary world. He sees a world of responsive law in which legal institutions-courts, regulatory agencies, alternative dispute resolution bodies, police departments-are periodically studied and redesigned to improve their ability to fulfill public expectations. Schools, business corporations, and governmental bureaucracies are more fully pervaded by legal values. Law and Society in Transition describes ways in which law changes and develops. It is an inspiring vision of a politically responsive form of governance, of special interest to those in sociology, law, philosophy, and politics.

Redefreiheit in der Wissenschaft – wo sind ihre Grenzen? (#philosophieorientiert)

by Oliver Hallich

Die Debatte um Redefreiheit und ihre Grenzen wird lebhaft, teils sehr emotional geführt. Soll man gegen die Äußerungen einer gender-kritischen Philosophin Stellung beziehen, die man im Verdacht hat, transphob zu sein? Darf man politische Agitatoren zu einer Lehrveranstaltung einladen? Sollte man einen renommierten Professor von einer Konferenz ausladen, wenn er einen verschwörungstheoretischen Appell unterzeichnet hat? Der Autor versucht, diese Debatten von Ideologisierungen zu befreien und zu zeigen, wie sich solche Fragen nüchtern und vorurteilsfrei beantworten lassen. Dabei entwickelt er Kriterien, die es ermöglichen, im Einzelfall zu entscheiden, ob eine Einschränkung von Redehandlungen legitim ist. Er unterscheidet verschiedene Formen der Einschränkung von Redehandlungen und verschiedene Formen des Schadens, der durch eine solche Einschränkung verhindert werden soll. So können Argumente statt Ideologien vorgebracht werden, um die Grenzen der Redefreiheit in der Wissenschaft zubestimmen.

Capital and Capitalism: Old Myths, New Futures (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)

by Rogene A. Buchholz

Capitalist societies need to undergo major change to provide for the material needs of all the people who work within the system, not just the 1 percent. They have become dysfunctional and need a different kind of orientation to continue in existence. Instead of creating wealth, which is what they are supposed to accomplish, they have created nothing but debt for the past several decades and are now in serious trouble with regard to finding the wherewithal to keep on functioning as viable societies that can provide job opportunities for their workers and the promise of a better life in the future for their citizens. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed just how many people live paycheck to paycheck and have not been able to accumulate any kind of savings. The 1 percent, meanwhile, have benefited greatly and have vastly increased their wealth over the past several decades. This book does not advocate the need to turn to a form of socialism, however, to give most workers a chance at a decent life for themselves. What is needed is a redefinition of capitalism to make it work for everyone. Capital and Capitalism seeks to uncover various myths about capitalism that hinder our ability to change the system and discuss the task of redefining capitalism by examining where neo-liberalism went wrong and what role restructuring the corporation along stakeholder lines can play in making capitalism more responsive to the entire society.It will be of interest to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of business and society, leadership, and business ethics.

Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation

by John S. Buckleton, Jo-Anne Bright and Duncan Taylor

Now in its second edition, Forensic DNA Evidence Interpretation is the most comprehensive resource for DNA casework available today. Written by leaders in the fields of biology and statistics, including a contribution from Peter Gill, the father of DNA analysis, the book emphasizes the interpretation of test results and provides the necessary formulae in an easily accessible manner. This latest edition is fully updated and includes current and emerging techniques in this fast-moving field. The book begins by reviewing all pertinent biology, and then provides information on every aspect of DNA analysis. This includes modern interpretation methods and contemporary population genetic models available for estimating DNA frequencies or likelihood ratios. Following a chapter on procedures for validating databases, the text presents overviews and performance assessments of both modern sampling uncertainty methods and current paternity testing techniques, including new guidelines on paternity testing in alignment with the International Society for Forensic Genetics. Later chapters discuss the latest methods for mixture analysis, LCN (ultra trace) analysis and non-autosomal (mito, X, and Y) DNA analysis. The text concludes with an overview of procedures for disaster victim identification and information on DNA intelligence databases.Highlights of the second edition include: New information about PCR processes, heterozygote balance and back and forward stuttering New information on the interpretation of low template DNA, drop models and continuous models Additional coverage of lineage marker subpopulation effects, mixtures and combinations with autosomal markers This authoritative book provides a link among the biological, forensic, and interpretative domains of the DNA profiling field. It continues to serve as an invaluable resource that allows forensic scientists, technicians, molecular biologists and attorneys to use forensic DNA evidence to its greatest potential.

Adverse Impact Analysis: Understanding Data, Statistics, and Risk

by Scott B. Morris Eric M. Dunleavy

Compliance with federal equal employment opportunity regulations, including civil rights laws and affirmative action requirements, requires collection and analysis of data on disparities in employment outcomes, often referred to as adverse impact. While most human resources (HR) practitioners are familiar with basic adverse impact analysis, the courts and regulatory agencies are increasingly relying on more sophisticated methods to assess disparities. Employment data are often complicated, and can include a broad array of employment actions (e.g., selection, pay, promotion, termination), as well as data that span multiple protected groups, settings, and points in time. In the era of "big data," the HR analyst often has access to larger and more complex data sets relevant to employment disparities. Consequently, an informed HR practitioner needs a richer understanding of the issues and methods for conducting disparity analyses.This book brings together the diverse literature on disparity analysis, spanning work from statistics, industrial/organizational psychology, human resource management, labor economics, and law, to provide a comprehensive and integrated summary of current best practices in the field. Throughout, the description of methods is grounded in the legal context and current trends in employment litigation and the practices of federal regulatory agencies. The book provides guidance on all phases of disparity analysis, including: How to structure diverse and complex employment data for disparity analysis How to conduct both basic and advanced statistical analyses on employment outcomes related to employee selection, promotion, compensation, termination, and other employment outcomes How to interpret results in terms of both practical and statistical significance Common practical challenges and pitfalls in disparity analysis and strategies to deal with these issues

Conflict, Power, and Organizational Change (ISSN)

by Deborah A. Colwill

A capacity for learning, adapting, and changing is an important facet of organizational resilience. What is involved in generative organizational change? Is it an event, a process, or constantly ongoing? What makes organizational change "good" for the organization? Who has the power to decide what is "good" for the organization and its members? How is it decided? What if there is strong disagreement or conflict? How is that handled? What is the role of organizational members and leaders in these discussions? As these questions demonstrate, the triad of change, power and conflict are intimately linked. The purpose of this book is to explore the topics of change, power and conflict as they relate to the experiences of everyday organizational life. It will provide readers the opportunity to reflect critically on their own local experience and involvement in organizations and to glean actionable wisdom for meaningful engagement and impactful contributions to their organization(s) in the present and future.Conflict, Power, and Organizational Change will be of interest to students, researchers, academics and professional colleagues interested in the fields of business and organizational studies, especially those wanting to get acquainted with the concepts of change, power and conflict in contemporary organizational settings.

How to Stop a Hijacking: Critical Thinking in Civil Aviation Security

by Clay W. Biles

Hijackings and bombings have plagued civil aviation since 1930 and air rage incidents are on the rise. While there is aircraft and inflight training available for air marshals, other first responders receive minimal training on inflight security awareness and protocols. There are no other resources currently available to flight crews or armed first responders that specifically address inflight security and how to address threats of disturbances on airplanes.How to Stop a Hijacking provides readers with fundamental principles on how to think more critically about onboard security threats. The aircraft cabin poses unique environment and security challenges, and first responders can apply security awareness and critical thinking skills to establish a safer environment in the cabin and airport for everyone onboard. The lessons in this book are driven with the central objective of teaching the reader how to counter inflight aggression and maintain tactical control of the cabin. Written by a former federal air marshal instructor, this book looks at the recent rash of air rage incidents and violence on airplanes, in addition to the real and ever-present threat of hijack or potential explosive device.How to Stop a Hijacking is a practical guide that offers methodological and tactically proven strategies for stopping violent acts onboard an aircraft inflight.

Ethical Decision-Making in Management: Perspectives of the Philosopher, the Sociologist and the Manager (Routledge Studies in Business Ethics)

by Matej Drašček Dana Mesner Andolšek Adriana Rejc Buhovac

Moral pragmatism has been largely ignored in Business Ethics, despite its natural attraction and the fact that it is prominent in philosophy and socio-economic theories. The main premise of the book is that the complexity of today’s business world does not permit a grand ethical theory, notwithstanding the different attempts made by scientists. Moral pragmatism is the ‘go-to’ approach where the ethical decision-making of managers varies dependent on different circumstances but it always integrates moral considerations. Ethical decision-making is no longer based simply on known rules, but entails the constant dynamic interaction of circumstances, the development of new rules, managers’ past experiences, their knowledge concerning ethics, and skills of moral reasoning.This book interweaves the postmodern approach to management studies and, based on its innovative research, reintroduces moral pragmatism in Business Ethics. The combination of decision-making theories, philosophy and postmodernism paves the way for future novel research in Business Ethics, making it an excellent resource for researchers, academics, and advanced students in the field of Business Ethics. Practitioners, on the other hand, will benefit by improving their skills in ethical decision-making and leadership.

The Ethics of Political Dissent (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)

by Tony Milligan

A broadly liberal politics requires political compassion, not simply in the sense of compassion for the victims of injustice but also for opponents confronted through political protest and (more broadly) dissent. There are times when, out of a sense of compassion, a just cause should not be pressed.There are times when we need to accommodate the dreadfulness of loss for opponents, even when the cause for which they fight is unjust. We may also have to come to terms with the irreversibility of historic injustice and reconcile. Political compassion of this sort carries risks. Pushed too far, it may weaken our commitment to justice through too great a sympathy for those on the other side. It would be convenient if such compassion could be constrained by a clear set of political principles. But principles run the quite different risk of promoting an ‘ossified dissent,’ unable to respond to change.In this book, Tony Milligan argues that principles are only a limited guide to dissent in unique, contingent circumstances. They will not tell us how to deal with the truly difficult cases such as the following: Should the Lakota celebrate Thanksgiving? When is the crossing of a picket line justified? What kind of toleration must animal rights advocates cultivate to make progress within a broadly liberal political domain? And how should we respond to the entangling of aspiration towards social justice with anger and prejudice (such as the ‘anti-Zionist’ discourse)? We may be tempted to answer these questions by presupposing that alignment (the business of choosing sides) is ultimately more important than compassion, but sometimes political compassion trumps alignment. Sometimes, being on the right side is not the most important thing.

Kierkegaard and Bioethics (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy)

by Johann-Christian Põder

This book explores Kierkegaard’s significance for bioethics and discusses how Kierkegaard’s existential thinking can enrich and advance current bioethical debates.A bioethics inspired by Kierkegaard is not focused primarily on ethical codes, principles, or cases, but on the existential 'how' of our medical situation. Such a perspective focuses on the formative ethical experiences that an individual can have in relation to oneself and others when dealing with medical decisions, interventions, and information. The chapters in this volume explore questions like: What happens when medicine and bioethics meet Kierkegaard? How might Kierkegaard’s writings and thoughts contribute to contemporary issues in medicine? Do we need an existential turn in bioethics? They offer theoretical reflections on how Kierkegaard’s existential thinking might contribute to bioethics and apply Kierkegaardian concepts to debates on health and disease, predictive medicine and enhancement, mental illness and trauma, COVID-19, and gender identity.Kierkegaard and Bioethics will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working on Kierkegaard, bioethics, moral philosophy, existential ethics, religious ethics, and the medical humanities.

The Ethics of Drone Design: How Value-Sensitive Design Can Create Better Technologies (Routledge Research in Applied Ethics)

by Dylan Cawthorne

This book presents a holistic approach to the design and use of drones. It argues that this powerful technology requires high levels of ethical analysis and responsibility – our moral progress must keep pace with our technological progress. Drone technologies support and diminish the flourishing of certain human values, impact power relations between individuals and groups, and add an additional element to the complex network of humans and objects in modern society. The book begins by introducing four prototype drones designed and built by the author: the healthcare drone, the search and rescue drone, the educational drone, and the spiritual drone. These drones have been developed using a value-sensitive design approach – with values such as human welfare, privacy, trust, environmental sustainability, and justice at the forefront. Ethical analyses and social impacts are taken as design inputs, leading to the creation of better, more responsible drone designs. The book then showcases additional methods used to develop the prototype drones from the fields of engineering, ethics, and art, including ethical frameworks, ethics standards, capability caution, and speculative design. The holistic approach reveals a more subtle and nuanced view of drones than the currently polarized characterization of "the good drone" or "the killer drone". The book concludes with recommendations for drone engineers, companies, lawmakers, and citizens on how to support ethics in drone design. The Ethics of Drone Design is an essential resource for scholars, advanced students, engineers, and designers interested in the ethics of technology.

Strategic Negotiation: A Roadmap to Harnessing The Power of Alignment

by Joshua Gordon Gary Furlong

Empowering organizations to thrive, this book provides a clear diagnostic framework with specific approaches and processes that leaders can use to build a negotiation function that will succeed each and every time.Negotiation is a required skill and a core competency, but most organizations focus exclusively on individual negotiation skills and abilities and pay little attention to the internal culture and environment that shapes and guides these individuals. This book takes a dramatically different approach to building success in each and every negotiation, producing results that align with organizational strategy at all levels.Professionals in sales, procurement and supply chain, human resources, change management, mergers and acquisitions, contracts, start-ups, construction partnering, and training consultants and students of business and law will value a text that understands how to build negotiation skills and capability across the organization by aligning individual skills with an evidence-based approach that actually works.

The Guise of the Good: A Philosophical History (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Francesco Orsi

This is the first book to trace the doctrine of the guise of the good throughout the history of Western philosophy. It offers a chronological narrative exploring how the doctrine was formulated, the arguments for and against it, and the broader role it played in the thought of different philosophers. In recent years there has been a rich debate about whether value judgment or value perception must form an essential part of mental states such as emotions and desires, and whether intentional actions must always be done for reasons that seem good to the agent. This has sparked new theoretical interest in the classical doctrine of the guise of the good: whenever we desire (to do) something, we see it under the guise of the good; that is, we conceive of what we desire as good, desirable, or justified by reasons, in some way or another. This book offers a systematic historical treatment of the guise of the good. The chapters span from Ancient and Medieval philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas), through the early modern period (Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, and Kant) and up to Elizabeth Anscombe's rediscovery in the 20th century after a period of relative neglect. Together they demonstrate how history can offer potential new models of the guise of the good—or new arguments against it—as well as to give a sense of how the guise of the good can bear on other philosophical issues.The Guise of the Good: A Philosophical History is an excellent resource for scholars and students working on the history of ethics, philosophy of action, and practical reason.

A Modern Credit Rating Agency: The Story of Moody’s (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance)

by Daniel Cash

This book aims to present a picture of one of the world’s leading credit rating agencies. Credited as being the first credit rating agency, Moody’s stands as the epitome of the rating sector and all that it effects. However, outside of internal and non-public histories compiled within the rating agency itself, the story of Moody’s has never been told, until now. However, this is not a historical book. Rather, this book paints a picture of Moody’s on a wider canvas that introduces the concept of rating to you, taking into account the origins of the sector, the competitive battles that formed the modern-day oligopoly, and the characters that have each taken their turn on sculpting the industry that, today, is critical to the modern economy.The book is a story of personable people who provided the market with what it needed, but it is more than that. It is a story of conflict, impact, strategy, and most of all the relationship between big business and modern society. Standing as the gatekeeper to the capital markets that form the core of modern society, Moody’s represents the very best of what the marketplace can produce, but also the very worst. This story takes in economic crises in the antebellum US, the Panics of the early 1900s, the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression and, of course, the Global Financial Crisis. It does this because, at the heart of each one was a member of the rating industry or the reporting industry that preceded it. Associated with almost any financial scandal you may care to remember the credit rating agencies, in their often-uncomfortable role as gatekeepers, have their fingerprints on most financial scandals and calamities. This book tells the story of the industry’s founding member.

Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories

by Donnell R. Christian, Jr.

Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories, Second Edition is fully updated to address all aspects of the forensic investigation of clandestine laboratories. While, the first edition focused on the domestic clandestine manufacture of contraband substances, this edition expands the scope to more fully address the clandestine manufacture of explosives that have become a threat that is global in nature. In clandestine laboratory operations, equipment is often simple, household chemical products are utilized, and the education of the operators basic. In fact, most of the time these elements individually are perfectly legal to sell and possess. However, the combination of all these elements is what becomes the scene of illicit activity and a criminal operation. In response to the increase in use of homemade explosive mixtures by terrorists, both domestically and internationally, the section clandestine manufacture of explosives is greatly enhanced. Topics are presented in a manner which, while detailed, will not compromise the tactics, techniques, or procedures utilized by law enforcement and military personnel in their ability to combat the clandestine manufacture of contraband substances and the battle against domestic and international terrorism.Key features: • Examines tell-tale signs to look for in recognizing a clandestine lab• Outlines how to safely process the site of a clandestine lab• Details how to analyze collected evidence in the examination laboratory • Provides guidelines as to what to derive from the physical evidence• Offers specific tactics to effectively present the opinions associated with evidence that has been collected during the investigation in a written report, military style briefing or to a jury in a legal proceeding.Forensic Investigation of Clandestine Laboratories, Second Edition guides the reader through the process of recognizing these illegal manufacturing operations. Then it examines the methods as to how to compile the volume of associated evidence into a package that can be presented in a court of law, or to military commanders for decisive action. It is an invaluable resource, that will prove useful to chemistry lab technicians, forensic investigators, fire and first responder professionals, military personnel, police investigative agencies and narcotics units, and lawyer trying cases involving clandestine labs.

Evolutionary Debunking Arguments: Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mathematics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)

by Diego E. Machuca

Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in evolutionary debunking arguments directed against certain types of belief, particularly moral and religious beliefs. According to those arguments, the evolutionary origins of the cognitive mechanisms that produce the targeted beliefs render these beliefs epistemically unjustified. The reason is that natural selection cares for reproduction and survival rather than truth, and false beliefs can in principle be as evolutionarily advantageous as true beliefs. The present volume brings together fourteen essays that examine evolutionary debunking arguments not only in ethics and philosophy of religion, but also in philosophy of mathematics, metaphysics, and epistemology. The essays move forward research on those arguments by shedding fresh light on old problems and proposing new lines of inquiry. The book will appeal to scholars and graduate students interested in the possible skeptical implications of evolutionary theory in any of the above domains.

Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI

by Madhumita Murgia

SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2024What does it mean to be human in a world that is rapidly changing with the development of artificial intelligence?'Highly readable and deeply important' – The Guardian'Exposes the hidden consequences of our existing AI technologies' – The TimesThrough the voices of ordinary people in places far removed from Silicon Valley, Code Dependent explores the impact of a set of powerful, flawed, and often exploitative technologies on individuals, communities, and our wider society. Madhumita Murgia, AI Editor at the FT, exposes how AI can strip away our collective and individual sense of agency – and shatter our illusion of free will.AI is already changing what it means to be human, in ways large and small. In this compelling work, Murgia reveals what could happen if we fail to reclaim our humanity.'The intimate investigation of AI that we’ve been waiting for, and it arrives not a moment too soon.' – Shoshana Zuboff, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism'A nuanced, thoughtful and very accessible picture of a world deeply affected by AI' – Martha Lane Fox

Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory)

by Hugo Viciana Antonio Gaitán Fernando Aguiar

This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics.Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, and our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental work on morality to previously underexplored areas. The contributions in Part 1 explore the methods and foundations of experimental work in areas such as folk moral judgments, metaethical beliefs, moral explanations, and reflective equilibrium. Part 2 focuses on issues in normative ethics and legal and political philosophy such as virtue ethics, utilitarianism, theories of justice, and criminal responsibility. Finally, the chapters in Part 3 tackle various applied ethical issues, including feminist X-Phi, animal welfare, experimental bioethics, and self-driving cars.Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working in ethics, applied ethics, experimental philosophy, social and political philosophy, and philosophy of law. Chapter 1 and 15 of this book are available for free in PDF format as Open Access from the individual product page at They have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

The European Union as a Normative Power: The Role of the CJEU (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Yuval Reinfeld

Examining the role of the CJEU in shaping the European Union as a Normative power, this book explores the influence of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Normative Power Europe to evaluate the extent to which the CJEU’s actions consolidate normative foreign policy in third states. Combining perspectives from international relations and law, it explores the EU’s normative impact in the international arena, offering a multidimensional view which characterizes the power of the EU as a normative power while examining its role as a regulatory power alongside a historical review of the legal doctrinal development of the CJEU. Distilling the EU's uniqueness in the international arena and emphasizing that its fundamental strength lies in the technical normative power approach, the book argues that the genuine EU impact is emphasized in unique sectoral niches noting the EU’s dominance in terms of agriculture, environmental protection, privacy, and data protection or tech policies- a classic technical normative power that combines a legal basis and a value base.The book analyses several case studies which present the triangular relations between CJEU rulings, EU institutions, and third countries to identify both direct and indirect signs of a genuine normative effect. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book will be of interest to academics and students researching aspects of European law, international law, or international relations.

The European Union as a Normative Power: The Role of the CJEU (Routledge Research in EU Law)

by Yuval Reinfeld

Examining the role of the CJEU in shaping the European Union as a Normative power, this book explores the influence of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Normative Power Europe to evaluate the extent to which the CJEU’s actions consolidate normative foreign policy in third states. Combining perspectives from international relations and law, it explores the EU’s normative impact in the international arena, offering a multidimensional view which characterizes the power of the EU as a normative power while examining its role as a regulatory power alongside a historical review of the legal doctrinal development of the CJEU. Distilling the EU's uniqueness in the international arena and emphasizing that its fundamental strength lies in the technical normative power approach, the book argues that the genuine EU impact is emphasized in unique sectoral niches noting the EU’s dominance in terms of agriculture, environmental protection, privacy, and data protection or tech policies- a classic technical normative power that combines a legal basis and a value base.The book analyses several case studies which present the triangular relations between CJEU rulings, EU institutions, and third countries to identify both direct and indirect signs of a genuine normative effect. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book will be of interest to academics and students researching aspects of European law, international law, or international relations.

The Buyer: The making and breaking of an undercover detective

by Liam Thomas

An undercover detective is a buyer, and their commodity is intelligence. But what is the real price of justice?'A compelling and powerful account from the darker side of policing and the terrifying impact it has on those who strive to keep us safe' Nazir AfzalLiam Thomas was an officer in the Met for over a decade, many of those years spent deep at the heart of Britain's most dangerous criminal enterprises in the murky world of undercover surveillance. Before him, his father had also been a police officer, a pillar of their small community.Fighting corruption was Liam's life. But the murky world of undercover work teaches him that justice is far from black and white - and a family secret reveals that corruption is closer to home than he had ever expected. The revelations push him to the edge of his sanity - and then he discovers that his bosses are investigating him...A thrilling memoir of a life lived amongst a world of corruption, justice and loyalties, this book tells the real story of the police's line of duty.

Privacy Symposium 2022: Data Protection Law International Convergence and Compliance with Innovative Technologies (DPLICIT)

by Stefan Schiffner Sebastien Ziegler Adrian Quesada Rodriguez

This book presents a collection of high-quality research works and professional perspectives arising from the call for papers of the Privacy Symposium 2022; an international conference aimed towards the promotion of international dialogue, cooperation and knowledge sharing on data protection regulations, compliance and emerging technologies. Gathering legal and technology expertise, this publication provides cutting-edge perspectives on the convergence of international data protection regulations, as well as data protection compliance of emerging technologies, such as: Artificial Intelligence, e-health, blockchain, edge computing, Internet of things, V2X and Smart Grids. It includes selected papers from the Privacy Symposium conference 2022 (PSC 2022) call for papers, encompassing relevant topics, including: international law and comparative law in data protection cross-border data transfers emerging technologies and data protection compliance data protection by design technologic solutions for data protection compliance data protection good practices across industries and verticals cybersecurity and data protection assessment and certification of data protection compliance, and data subject rights implementation This publication includes papers authored by academics and professionals involved on various areas of data protection, technical, legal and compliance services.Chapter 8 and 10 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

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