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Chinese Civil Adjudications III: Lagging Law and Advancing Society

by Cui Jianyuan

As the final volume of a three-volume set that critically examines typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on resolving conflicts between outdated laws and an advancing society.Laws may become obsolete over time, or their relevance may be greatly diminished. With social changes and changes in the social system, it becomes inevitable to update laws. In China's reform and opening-up era, the social relations governed by civil and commercial laws are constantly evolving, resulting in noticeable changes. However, the enacted and effective civil and commercial laws may not immediately keep pace with these changes. Against this background, it may not always be appropriate to apply the law mechanically, especially in individual cases. Judgments in particular cases may be based on the details of those cases, guided by fundamental principles, and may disregard certain specific provisions in order to achieve fairness and justice. Some of the nine cases discussed in this volume have successfully practiced these principles, but most still have room for criticism and improvement.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Chinese Civil Adjudications II: The Constitutive Requirements

by Cui Jianyuan

As the second volume of a three-volume set that critically reviews typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on the importance of constitutive requirements of legal rules.A legal rule consists of constitutive requirements and legal effects. The constitutive requirements should trigger specific legal effects and not lead to unintended consequences. If they do not, the application of a legal rule may not produce the desired result. Any change in the constitutive requirements should result in a corresponding change in the legal effects. A mismatch between the two can lead to unfairness and injustice. In the nine cases discussed in this volume, these principles were either seriously overlooked or given insufficient attention, with various negative consequences.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Chinese Civil Adjudications III: Lagging Law and Advancing Society

by Cui Jianyuan

As the final volume of a three-volume set that critically examines typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on resolving conflicts between outdated laws and an advancing society.Laws may become obsolete over time, or their relevance may be greatly diminished. With social changes and changes in the social system, it becomes inevitable to update laws. In China's reform and opening-up era, the social relations governed by civil and commercial laws are constantly evolving, resulting in noticeable changes. However, the enacted and effective civil and commercial laws may not immediately keep pace with these changes. Against this background, it may not always be appropriate to apply the law mechanically, especially in individual cases. Judgments in particular cases may be based on the details of those cases, guided by fundamental principles, and may disregard certain specific provisions in order to achieve fairness and justice. Some of the nine cases discussed in this volume have successfully practiced these principles, but most still have room for criticism and improvement.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Chinese Civil Adjudications II: The Constitutive Requirements

by Cui Jianyuan

As the second volume of a three-volume set that critically reviews typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on the importance of constitutive requirements of legal rules.A legal rule consists of constitutive requirements and legal effects. The constitutive requirements should trigger specific legal effects and not lead to unintended consequences. If they do not, the application of a legal rule may not produce the desired result. Any change in the constitutive requirements should result in a corresponding change in the legal effects. A mismatch between the two can lead to unfairness and injustice. In the nine cases discussed in this volume, these principles were either seriously overlooked or given insufficient attention, with various negative consequences.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Chinese Civil Adjudications I: The Use of the Legal-Relationship Method

by Cui Jianyuan

As the first volume of a three-volume set that provides critical reviews of typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on the methodology of legal relations and their importance in adjudication.It is crucial to identify and determine the specific legal relationship that encompasses certain civil rights or obligations. This allows for the application of appropriate or analogous legal norms. By using these norms, along with the entire body of law or rule of law, it becomes possible to identify all the civil rights and obligations within that legal relationship and to understand their interrelationships. This leads to the proper handling of controversial cases. In the nine cases discussed in this volume, the method of legal relations was overlooked to varying degrees. Therefore, an important goal of this volume is to encourage both legal practice and theoretical research to take note of and implement the methodology of legal relations.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Chinese Civil Adjudications I: The Use of the Legal-Relationship Method

by Cui Jianyuan

As the first volume of a three-volume set that provides critical reviews of typical civil cases in China, this book focuses on the methodology of legal relations and their importance in adjudication.It is crucial to identify and determine the specific legal relationship that encompasses certain civil rights or obligations. This allows for the application of appropriate or analogous legal norms. By using these norms, along with the entire body of law or rule of law, it becomes possible to identify all the civil rights and obligations within that legal relationship and to understand their interrelationships. This leads to the proper handling of controversial cases. In the nine cases discussed in this volume, the method of legal relations was overlooked to varying degrees. Therefore, an important goal of this volume is to encourage both legal practice and theoretical research to take note of and implement the methodology of legal relations.The book will appeal to scholars and students interested in China's civil litigation, civil law system and judicial reform, and comparative law.

Citizenship: New Trajectories in Law (ISSN)

by Engin Isin

This book outlines a critical theory of citizenship, with an emphasis on how citizenship institutes power relations and organises the rights and obligations of those who become its subjects.Whether it is the question of the rights of animals, children, migrants, minorities, mothers, or mountains, and whether such rights are protected or guaranteed by national law, international law, or human rights law, the issue of citizenship has already indelibly marked the 21st century. As an institution, citizenship governs the relationship between a polity and its peoples by dividing them into citizens and noncitizens, with differentiated rights and obligations. So necessarily, this book argues, citizenship is an institution of domination and emancipation that brings into play the struggles of those who want to protect certain privileges and the struggles of those who are against being caught in either second-class or noncitizen categories. Deconstructing dominant theories and practices of citizenship, a critical theory of citizenship must, therefore, not only analyse intersecting rights, but also connect citizenship to these broader social struggles. For it is these struggles, the book maintains, that give meaning to citizenship itself.The book will be of interest to scholars and students in sociolegal studies, sociology, politics, and as well as those working in citizenship, migration, and refugee studies.

Citizenship: New Trajectories in Law (ISSN)

by Engin Isin

This book outlines a critical theory of citizenship, with an emphasis on how citizenship institutes power relations and organises the rights and obligations of those who become its subjects.Whether it is the question of the rights of animals, children, migrants, minorities, mothers, or mountains, and whether such rights are protected or guaranteed by national law, international law, or human rights law, the issue of citizenship has already indelibly marked the 21st century. As an institution, citizenship governs the relationship between a polity and its peoples by dividing them into citizens and noncitizens, with differentiated rights and obligations. So necessarily, this book argues, citizenship is an institution of domination and emancipation that brings into play the struggles of those who want to protect certain privileges and the struggles of those who are against being caught in either second-class or noncitizen categories. Deconstructing dominant theories and practices of citizenship, a critical theory of citizenship must, therefore, not only analyse intersecting rights, but also connect citizenship to these broader social struggles. For it is these struggles, the book maintains, that give meaning to citizenship itself.The book will be of interest to scholars and students in sociolegal studies, sociology, politics, and as well as those working in citizenship, migration, and refugee studies.

In and Out: Rights of Migrants in the European Space (UNIPA Springer Series)

by Francesco Lo Piccolo Annalisa Mangiaracina Giuseppe Paternostro Vincenzo Todaro

This book examines contemporary migratory movements, starting from the European zone, but with an extension to other territorial contexts as well, with research orientation that focuses on the account of the migratory experiences collected in the research activity of the different authors, according to a multidisciplinary dimension. Starting from these key topics, the authors articulated and further developed its reflections through its own experiences at the national and international level, taking root within the current scientific debate on migration. The interdisciplinary approach and the different and innovative ways of analysing in depth the thematic contents of the migration phenomenon have made it possible to identify some key research questions. The relative answers find space in the articulated and complex system of contributions that is developed within this book and in particular in the three thematic parts into which it is divided. The first one deals with the theme of migration confronted with issues related to the 'right to the city' and the 'right to housing'; the second one deals with issues related to human rights; finally, the third one focuses on the different narratives of migrants' life experiences and aspects related to the linguistic representation of the urban space.

Verbraucherinformatik: Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder der digitalen Konsumgesellschaft

by Alexander Boden Gunnar Stevens Lena Recki Paul Bossauer Dirk Schreiber

In einer Zeit, in der digitale Technologien nahezu jeden Aspekt unseres Lebens durchdringen, ist es unerlässlich, die tieferen Zusammenhänge des digitalen Konsums zu verstehen. Erstmalig bietet dieses open access-Lehrbuch einen Wegweiser durch die vielfältigen Facetten der Digitalisierung des Konsums. Dabei verbindet es die Disziplinen der angewandten Informatik und Verbraucherwissenschaften. Die Leserinnen und Leser erhalten Einblick in die digitale Konsumlandschaft, ausgehend von der historischen Entwicklung des (digitalen) Konsums. Dazu vermittelt das Lehrbuch zentrale Grundbegriffe und Themen der Verbraucherinformatik und stellt verschiedene Konsumtheorien aus den Disziplinen Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften vor. Praxisnahe Beispiele aus der Digitalisierung bieten Einsichten in unterschiedliche Perspektiven, während vertiefende Textboxen und Selbstreflexionsfragen das Verständnis fördern. Inhaltlich decken die Autorinnen und Autoren Themen von Datenschutz bis zur Sharing Economy ab und geben insbesondere auch praktische Ansätze für Themen wie Verbraucherschutz und Nachhaltigkeit mit auf den Weg. Die Anwendungs- und Querschnittsthemen der Verbraucherinformatik reichen von der Digitalisierung der Haushalte und Märkte über Fragen des digitalen Verbraucherschutzes bis hin zu zentralen gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen rund um die Themen Fairness, Verantwortung und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Gestaltung von digitalen Technologien. Das Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick, der sowohl für Studierende der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften als auch der angewandten Informatik von bedeutendem Wert ist.

Indigenous Legal Judgments: Bringing Indigenous Voices into Judicial Decision Making

by Nicole Watson and Heather Douglas

This book is a collection of key legal decisions affecting Indigenous Australians, which have been re-imagined so as to be inclusive of Indigenous people’s stories, historical experience, perspectives and worldviews.In this groundbreaking work, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars have collaborated to rewrite 16 key decisions. Spanning from 1889 to 2017, the judgments reflect the trajectory of Indigenous people’s engagements with Australian law. The collection includes decisions that laid the foundation for the wrongful application of terra nullius and the long disavowal of native title. Contributors have also challenged narrow judicial interpretations of native title, which have denied recognition to Indigenous people who suffered the prolonged impacts of dispossession. Exciting new voices have reclaimed Australian law to deliver justice to the Stolen Generations and to families who have experienced institutional and police racism. Contributors have shown how judicial officers can use their power to challenge systemic racism and tell the stories of Indigenous people who have been dehumanised by the criminal justice system.The new judgments are characterised by intersectional perspectives which draw on postcolonial, critical race and whiteness theories. Several scholars have chosen to operate within the parameters of legal doctrine. Some have imagined new truth-telling forums, highlighting the strength and creative resistance of Indigenous people to oppression and exclusion. Others have rejected the possibility that the legal system, which has been integral to settler-colonialism, can ever deliver meaningful justice to Indigenous people.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Why Politicians Lie About Trade: ... and What You Need to Know About It

by Dmitry Grozoubinski

Pithy and humorous guide for anyone in politics, business, and charity who needs to know how cross-border trade works Written by a skilled communicator who trains staff at the United Nations and leading NGOs Crucial to understanding modern politics and diplomacy

Secession and European Union Law: The Deferential Attitude (Oxford Studies in European Law)

by N?ria Gonz?lez Campa??

Secession is a live issue in today's Western Europe. In the last decade, we have witnessed the consolidation of pro-independence movements in Scotland and Catalonia and in the near future, we might see their re-emergence or the rise of other pro-secession movements in other European regions. The response of the EU institutions to secession within EU Member States may well be based mainly on political considerations. However, since the EU is a community based on the rule of law, it has also to justify its position with normative arguments of principle. Secession and European Union Law provides such normative support, drawing on a pluralist reading of the relation between EU law and national law, to support the conclusion that EU law should respect domestic constitutional orders. This book studies secession within EU Member States through legal methodology: the theoretical-doctrinal analysis of concepts and institutions, considering the evolving reality and case law. The legal approach has three dimensions, given the three different legal orders that interact at the EU level: international law, EU law and national constitutional law. Based on Article 4 (2) TEU, the central claim of this book is that the EU duty to respect national identity and fundamental constitutional structures generate obligations to respect Member States' constitutional orders, provided that the values enshrined in the Article are not violated by the Member State affected. Topical and original, Secession and European Union Law reviews and rethinks key features of the EU and the EU legal order.

A Barrister's Guide to Your Personal Injury Claim

by Julian Benson

Every day, people get injured, often by accidents where no one is to blame. However, sometimes injuries happen because someone else - a person or an organisation - is at fault. These personal injuries can lead to compensation, particularly if the injury is life changing. Usually, people only experience one significant injury that leads to a personal injury claim in their lifetime. So, for most, dealing with a claim is unfamiliar and stressful, especially when they're already coping with the injury. This guide aims to explain the legal process and help injured individuals (and their loved ones) understand what to expect. Aimed at members of the public in England and Wales, this guide contains authoritative, impartial advice to enable individuals to understand and participate in their personal injury claim with confidence. The guide aims to: - Help you understand the legal process, what to expect, and your role. - Assist you in building a clear and reasonable claim, maximising the prospect that you will receive a reasonable compensation settlement. - Guide you in choosing the right representatives, assessing their service, identifying and addressing problems early, and replacing advisors if needed. It is written by a highly regarded specialist barrister with 30 years experience and is aimed at making the claims process less stressful whilst promoting fairer, quicker and more cost-effective settlements.

The Right to Punish: Political Authority and International Criminal Justice (Studies on International Courts and Tribunals)

by null Luise Müller

What gives international courts the authority to punish individuals for international crimes? Through the lens of political philosophy, Luise Müller provides an original perspective on the justification of the authority of international criminal courts and tribunals. She argues that institutions of international criminal justice are permitted to pierce the sovereignty of states in order to punish high-profile politicians for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and other mass human rights violations. Their right to punish is justified by virtue of their function to deter mass violations of fundamental human rights. However, to legitimately exercise that right, international criminal justice institutions must fulfil two conditions: first, they must conduct criminal trials with the highest level of fairness; second, they must treat those who are subject to their authority as equals. This last condition can be satisfied by international criminal justice institutions by including procedures of democratic decision-making and democratic accountability.

Sustainable Development, International Law, and a Turn to African Legal Cosmologies (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

by null Godwin Eli Dzah

This original book analyses and reimagines the concept of sustainable development in international law from a non-Western legal perspective. Built upon the intersection of law, politics, and history in the context of Africa, its peoples and their experiences, customary law and other legal cosmologies, this ground-breaking study applies a critical legal analysis to Africa's interaction with conceptualising and operationalising sustainable development. It proposes a turn to non-Western legal normativity as the foundational principle for reimagining sustainable development in international law. It highlights eco-legal philosophies and principles in remaking sustainable development where ecological integrity assumes a central focus in the reimagined conceptualisation and operationalisation of sustainable development. While this pioneering book highlights Africa as its analytical pivot, its arguments and proposals are useful beyond Africa. Connecting global discourses on nature, the environment, rights and development, Godwin Eli Kwadzo Dzah illuminates our current thinking on sustainable development in international law.

Terrible Humans: The World's Most Corrupt Super-Villains And The Fight to Bring Them Down

by Patrick Alley

'Few people have shown more commitment to investigative journalism than Patrick Alley. His latest book is a vivid, compelling testament to the importance of revealing corruption and wrong-doing and shining a light into dark places, wherever in the world they are.' -Peter Geoghegan, author of Democracy for SaleA small number of people, motivated by an insatiable greed for power and wealth, and backed by a pinstripe army of enablers (and sometimes real armies too), have driven the world to the brink of destruction. They are the super-villains of corruption and war, some with a power greater than nation state and the capacity to derail the world order. Propping up their opulent lifestyles is a mess of crime, violence and deception on a monumental scale. But there is a fightback: small but fearless groups of brilliant undercover sleuths closing in on them, one step at a time.In Terrible Humans, Patrick Alley, co-founder of Global Witness and the author of Very Bad People, introduces us to some of the world's worst warlords, grifters and kleptocrats who can be found everywhere from presidential palaces to the board rooms of some of the world's best known companies. Pitted against them, the book also follows the people unravelling the deals, tracking the money and going undercover at great risk. From the oligarch charged with ordering the killing of an investigative journalist to the mercenary army seizing the natural resources of an entire African country, this is a whirlwind tour of the dark underbelly of the world's super powerful and wickedly wealthy, and the daring investigators dragging them into the light.***PRAISE FOR Very Bad People:'Reads like a John le Carré novel but is, in fact, very real.' -The Big Issue'Part true crime tale, part investigative procedural, this is the account of the brilliant and necessary superheroes of Global Witness, whose superpower is the truth.' -Edward Zwick, Director of Blood Diamond'Very Bad People reads like a non-stop high-speed chase' -David Farr, Screenwriter, The Night Manager'Simply riveting. Don't miss it.' -Misha Glenny, author of McMafia'A clear-eyed account of a world poisoned by dark money, and a welcome reminder that resistance is possible.' -Irish Times

Media and Society After Technological Disruption

by Kyle Langvardt Gus Hurwitz

The internet has reshaped the media landscape and the social institutions built upon it. Competition from online media sources has decimated local journalism and diminished the twentieth century's established journalistic gatekeepers. Social media puts individual users front and center in the creation of the content that they consume. Harmful speech can spread further and faster, and the institutions responsible for policing that speech-Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and the like-lack any clear twentieth-century analog. The law is still working to catch up to the world these changes have wrought. This volume gathers sixteen scholars in law, media, technology, and history to consider these changes. Chapters explore the breakdown of trust in the media, changes in the law of defamation and privacy, challenges of online content moderation, and financial viability for journalistic enterprises in the internet age. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

Public Administration and Expertise in Democratic Governments: Comparative Public Law in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Research in Public Law)

by Suan Rose-Ackerman

This collection deals with challenges confronting public law and public administration in twenty-first century democracies across the world. It draws together contributions from leading scholars, examining cutting-edge topics, and projecting the scholarship forward. It emphasizes the importance both of justifying executive policymaking to citizens and of drawing on bureaucratic expertise and professional competence. Contributors examine the role of courts and argue for new forms of public participation that can incorporate democratic values into executive-branch policymaking. Finally, the work confronts problems in the administration of the criminal law that are generating increased public concern. Building on Rose-Ackerman’s scholarship, writers compare the American experience with contemporary developments in other leading democracies – in particular, Germany, France, the EU, Canada, and Latin America. The work will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of Administrative Law, Public Law, and Political Science.

Public Administration and Expertise in Democratic Governments: Comparative Public Law in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Research in Public Law)

This collection deals with challenges confronting public law and public administration in twenty-first century democracies across the world. It draws together contributions from leading scholars, examining cutting-edge topics, and projecting the scholarship forward. It emphasizes the importance both of justifying executive policymaking to citizens and of drawing on bureaucratic expertise and professional competence. Contributors examine the role of courts and argue for new forms of public participation that can incorporate democratic values into executive-branch policymaking. Finally, the work confronts problems in the administration of the criminal law that are generating increased public concern. Building on Rose-Ackerman’s scholarship, writers compare the American experience with contemporary developments in other leading democracies – in particular, Germany, France, the EU, Canada, and Latin America. The work will be an invaluable resource for academics, researchers and policymakers working in the areas of Administrative Law, Public Law, and Political Science.

Environmental Law in Finland

by Pekka Vihervuori

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to legislation and practice concerning the environment in Finland. A general introduction covers geographic considerations, political, social and cultural aspects of environmental study, the sources and principles of environmental law, environmental legislation, and the role of public authorities. The main body of the book deals first with laws aimed directly at protecting the environment from pollution in specific areas such as air, water, waste, soil, noise, and radiation. Then, a section on nature and conservation management covers protection of natural and cultural resources such as monuments, landscapes, parks and reserves, wildlife, agriculture, forests, fish, subsoil, and minerals. Further treatment includes the application of zoning and land-use planning, rules on liability, and administrative and judicial remedies to environmental issues. There is also an analysis of the impact of international and regional legislation and treaties on environmental regulation. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for environmental lawyers handling cases affecting Finland. Academics and researchers, as well as business investors and the various international organizations in the field, will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of comparative environmental law and policy.

Private International Law in Sweden

by Michael Bogdan Ulf Maunsbach

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides ready access to the law applied to cases involving cross border issues in Sweden. It offers every lawyer dealing with questions of conflict of laws much-needed access to these conflict rules, presented clearly and concisely by a local expert. Beginning with a general introduction, the monograph goes on to discuss the choice of law technique, sources of private international law, and the relevant connection with other laws. Then follows clear description and analysis of the rules of choice of law on natural and legal persons, contractual and non-contractual obligations, movable and immovable property, intangible property rights, company law, family law (marriage, cohabitation, registered partnerships, matrimonial property, maintenance, child law), and succession law (including testamentary dispositions). The presentation concludes with an overview of relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori and issues of national and international jurisdiction, acceptability and enforcement of foreign judgements, and international arbitration. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers handling cases in Sweden. Academics and researchers, as well as judges, notaries public, marriage registrars, youth welfare officers, teachers, students, and local and public authorities will welcome this very useful guide, and will appreciate its value in the study of private international law from a comparative perspective.

Labour Law in Sweden

by Axel Adlercreutz† Birgitta Nyström

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph on Sweden not only describes and analyses the legal aspects of labour relations, but also examines labour relations practices and developing trends. It provides a survey of the subject that is both usefully brief and sufficiently detailed to answer most questions likely to arise in any pertinent legal setting. Both individual and collective labour relations are covered in ample detail, with attention to such underlying and pervasive factors as employment contracts, suspension of the contracts, dismissal laws and covenant of non-competition, as well as international private law. The author describes all important details of the law governing hours and wages, benefits, intellectual property implications, trade union activity, employers’ associations, workers’ participation, collective bargaining, industrial disputes, and much more. Building on a clear overview of labour law and labour relations, the book offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. It will find a ready readership among lawyers representing parties with interests in Sweden, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative trends in laws affecting labour and labour relations.

Constitutional Law in Cyprus

by Achilles C. Emilianides

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this very useful analysis of constitutional law in Cyprus provides essential information on the country’s sources of constitutional law, its form of government, and its administrative structure. Lawyers who handle transnational matters will appreciate the clarifications of particular terminology and its application. Throughout the book, the treatment emphasizes the specific points at which constitutional law affects the interpretation of legal rules and procedure. Thorough coverage by a local expert fully describes the political system, the historical background, the role of treaties, legislation, jurisprudence, and administrative regulations. The discussion of the form and structure of government outlines its legal status, the jurisdiction and workings of the central state organs, the subdivisions of the state, its decentralized authorities, and concepts of citizenship. Special issues include the legal position of aliens, foreign relations, taxing and spending powers, emergency laws, the power of the military, and the constitutional relationship between church and state. Details are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable time-saving tool for both practising and academic jurists. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Cyprus will welcome this guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative constitutional law.

Media Law in Hungary

by Judit Bayer Ágnes Urbán Gábor Polyák

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this analysis of media law in Hungary surveys the massively altered and enlarged legal landscape traditionally encompassed in laws pertaining to freedom of expression and regulation of communications. Everywhere, a shift from mass media to mass self-communication has put enormous pressure on traditional law models. An introduction describing the main actors and salient aspects of media markets is followed by in-depth analyses of print media, radio and television broadcasting, the Internet, commercial communications, political advertising, concentration in media markets, and media regulation. Among the topics that arise for discussion are privacy, cultural policy, protection of minors, competition policy, access to digital gateways, protection of journalists’ sources, standardization and interoperability, and liability of intermediaries. Relevant case law is considered throughout, as are various ethical codes. A clear, comprehensive overview of media legislation, case law, and doctrine, presented from the practitioner’s point of view, this book is a valuable time-saving resource for all concerned with media and communication freedom. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Hungary will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative media law.

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