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Showing 55,551 through 55,575 of 57,187 results

Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation

International courts and tribunals are often asked to review decisions originally made by domestic decision-makers. This can often be a source of tension, as the international courts and tribunals need to judge how far to defer to the original decisions of the national bodies. As international courts and tribunals have proliferated, different courts have applied differing levels of deference to those originial decisions, which can lead to a fragmentation in international law. International courts in such positions rely on two key doctrines: the standard of review and the margin of appreciation. The standard of review establishes the extent to which national decisions relating to factual, legal, or political issues arising in the case are re-examined in the international court. The margin of appreciation is the extent to which national legislative, executive, and judicial decision-makers are allowed to reflect diversity in their interpretation of human rights obligations. The book begins by providing an overview of the margin of appreciation and standard of review, recognising that while the margin of appreciation explicitly acknowledges the existence of such deference, the standard of review does not: it is rather a procedural mechanism. It looks in-depth at how the public policy exception has been assessed by the European Court of Justice and the WTO dispute settlement bodies. It examines how the European Court of Human Rights has taken an evidence-based approach towards the margin of appreciation, as well as how it has addressed issues of hate speech. The Inter-American system is also investigated, and it is established how far deference is possible within that legal organisation. Finally, the book studies how a range of other international courts, such as the International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Tribunal, have approached these two core doctrines.

Defining Disaster: Disciplines and Domains

This timely book unpacks the idea of ‘disaster’ from a variety of approaches, broadening understanding and improving the usability of this complex and often contested concept. Including multidisciplinary perspectives from leading and emerging scholars, it offers reflections on how the concept of disaster has been shaped by and within various fields of research, providing complementary and thought-provoking comparisons across many domains.Functioning as an important point of reference between and across disciplines, chapters explore the forces and building blocks of disaster and how these are interpreted, providing opportunities for dialogue between multiple points of view. The book concludes with a broader, integrated discussion of the aspects of disaster research covered, putting forward suggestions for further cooperation between disciplines and a future research agenda.Defining Disaster will be a fascinating read for disaster researchers in disciplines including law, sociology, and social and public policy who wish to improve their understanding of how their work maps onto the wider field. It will also be beneficial for policy makers and practitioners in this area looking for a rounded view of contemporary cross-disciplinary research on the subject.

Defining Issues in International Arbitration: Celebrating 100 Years of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

Defining Issues in International Arbitration: Celebrating 100 Years of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators brings together world-renowned international arbitration specialists - both practitioners and academics - who have never before appeared in the same volume. This book contains an invaluable collection of essays that provide expert guidance on some of the most recent developments and current issues in this burgeoning discipline, ranging from Professor William Park's hands-on explanation of international arbitration law to Professor Martin Hunter's recollections of past events and reflections on future trends. In between are essays by some of the most distinguished international arbitration practitioners and world-renowned academics that provide guidance on a broad spectrum of defining issues in the field. The volume is intended to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators - the first learned society in the world devoted to the teaching of arbitration.

Delivering Justice: A Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach

In this Liber Amicorum, leading experts and old-time friends from around the world come together to pay tribute to Christopher Hodges' multifaceted career and work by exploring what can be done to deliver justice and fairness, focusing on collective redress, consumer dispute resolution, court system reform, ethical business regulation and regulatory delivery.After a decade-long career as a solicitor, Christopher Hodges became Professor of Justice Systems at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. Throughout his academic career he worked on a variety of topics dealing with access to justice and dispute resolution: from product liability, procedural/funding systems and collective redress, to alternative dispute resolution and ethical business regulation. In 2021 Christopher Hodges was awarded an OBE for services to business and law. His ground-breaking research not only inspired students and colleagues, but also influenced policymakers worldwide.Delivering justice, and “making things better”, runs like a thread through his work; the same thread connects the chapters in this book.

Democracy and Rule of Law in China's Shadow (Constitutionalism in Asia)

This book provides detailed insight into some of the most contentious events occurring in jurisdictions operating within China's vast shadow. Epic clashes between law and politics have become a regular fixture throughout the world, and no region has seen more of these than Asia. In some cases these conflicts have involved newfound democratic aspirations or democratic deepening, while in others it has arisen because of pushback against authoritarian or semi-authoritarian governments. Indeed, many of these clashes centre on or involve the region's most powerful and controversial player: China. This book focuses on several of these critical struggles, examining how democracy and the rule of law play out in a number of jurisdictions highly influenced by China's presence. Chapters provide insightful analysis on issues such as: major threats to the rule of law and attempts to uphold the principle, oath-taking controversies, foreign judges and the disparagement of the judiciary, unconstitutional and undemocratic provisions, changing ideas of representation, a right to democracy in international law, same-sex marriage rights, and the legal responses to civil disobedience in Taiwan and Hong Kong, among other topics. Ultimately, the book delivers a contemporary understanding of how democracy and the rule of law both complement and converge in this fascinating region.

Democracy, Elections, and Constitutionalism in Africa (Stellenbosch Handbooks in African Constitutional Law)

The third wave of democracy that reached African shores at the end of the Cold War brought with it a dramatic decline from 1990 onwards in dictatorships, military regimes, one-party governments, and presidents for life. Multiparty democracy was at the core of the constitutional revolutions that swept through most of Africa in those watershed years. However, that wave is either losing momentum or receding - or being reversed in its entirety. This volume examines democracy and elections in Africa, a focus motivated by two concerns. First, after 30 years it is important to take stock of the state of constitutional democracy on the continent. The democratic gains of the 1990s and 2000s seem to be falling by the wayside, with the evidence mounting that regimes are concealing authoritarianism under the veneer of elections, doing so in an international context where populist regimes are on the rise and free and fair multiparty elections are consequently no longer a given. It is becoming a battle to protect and retain constitutional democracy. The second reason for this volume's focus on democracy and elections is that multiparty democracy is essential for the proper functioning of the state in addressing the major problems facing Africa - internal conflict, inequality and lack of development, and poor governance and corruption. The focus of this volume is thus on how competitive politics or multiparty democracy can be realized and how, through competition, such politics could lead to better policy and practice outcomes.

Democracy, Religion, and Commerce: Private Markets and the Public Regulation of Religion (Law and Religion)

This collection considers the relationship between religion, state, and market. In so doing, it also illustrates that the market is a powerful site for the cultural work of secularizing religious conflict. Though expressed as a simile, with religious freedom functioning like market freedom, “free market religion” has achieved the status of general knowledge about the nature of religion as either good or bad. It legislates good religion as that which operates according to free market principles: it is private, with no formal relationship to government; and personal: a matter of belief and conscience. As naturalized elements of historically contingent and discursively maintained beliefs about religion, these criteria have ethical and regulatory force. Thus, in culture and law, the effect of the metaphor has become instrumental, not merely descriptive. This volume seeks to productively complicate and invite further analysis of this easy conflation of democracy, religion, and the market. It invites scholars from a variety of disciplines to consider more intentionally the extent to which markets are implicated and illuminate the place of religion in public life. The book will be a valuable resource for researchers and academics working in the areas of law and religion, ethics, and economics.

Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union: Comparing the Law of Democracy in Continental Polities (Studies in Comparative Law and Legal Culture series)

Comparing the structures and challenges of democratic constitutionalism in India and the European Union, this book explores how democracy is possible within vastly diverse societies of continental scale, and why a constitutional framework is best able to secure the ideals of collective autonomy and individual dignity. It contributes to an emerging comparative discussion on structures of power, separation of powers and a comparative law of democracy, which has long been neglected in comparative constitutional studies. This timely and invigorating book showcases a novel comparative approach termed ‘slow comparison’, counters the conceptual focus on nation-states in comparative studies and develops a broader understanding of democratic constitutionalism. In the context of the contemporary crisis of constitutional democracy, triggered by populism, majoritarianism and authoritarianism, chapters continue older ongoing debates about multiculturalism, identity politics and democratic equality that hold important insights for both India and the EU to deal with contemporary challenges. This book will be an important read for scholars of comparative constitutional law and theory. It will also benefit those studying EU law and Indian constitutional law.

Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration (Studies in Penal Theory and Philosophy)

The United States leads the world in incarceration, and the United Kingdom is persistently one of the European countries with the highest per capita rates of imprisonment. Yet despite its increasing visibility as a social issue, mass incarceration - and its inconsistency with core democratic ideals - rarely surfaces in contemporary Anglo-American political theory. Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration seeks to overcome this puzzling disconnect by deepening the dialogue between democratic theory and punishment policy. This collection of original essays initiates a multi-disciplinary discussion among philosophers, political theorists, and criminologists regarding ways in which contemporary democratic theory might begin to think beyond mass incarceration. Rather than viewing punishment as a natural reaction to crime and imprisonment as a sensible outgrowth of this reaction, the volume argues that crime and punishment are institutions that reveal unmet demands for public oversight and democratic influence. Chapters explore theoretical paths towards de-carceration and alternatives to prison, suggest ways in which democratic theory can strengthen recent reform movements, and offer creative alternatives to mass incarceration. Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration offers guideposts for critical thinking about incarceration, examining ways to rebuild crime control institutions and create a healthier, more just society.

DenkWege - Ethik und Seelsorge in der Polizei: Für Werner Schiewek (Geschichte und Ethik der Polizei und öffentlichen Verwaltung)

Ethik und Seelsorge sind Bereiche, in denen menschliches Sein und Handeln reflektierend begleitet wird, um Orientierung, Unterstützung oder Trost zu geben. Bei Berufen, in denen Menschen auf eine gewaltverstrickte Lebenswelt treffen, ihrerseits staatlich legitimiert Gewalt ausüben und selbst von Gewalt betroffen sind, tauchen dabei besondere Widersprüche und Sinnfragen auf.Diese Herausforderungen in den Blick zu nehmen und an der Schnittstelle von Philosophie und praktischer Theologie zu erörtern, so wie es der Münsteraner Theologe Werner Schiewek richtungsweisend vorgezeichnet hat, ist das Ziel des vorliegenden Bandes.

Depression: Law and Ethics

Depression is amorphous. It defies easy generalization, and eludes medical and legal categories. Is it part of the self, or its predator? Can a sufferer be held responsible for their actions? This edited collection provides a holistic study of a protean illness. If the law is to regulate the lives of those who suffer from depression, it is vital that lawyers understand the condition. Drawing upon a wide-ranging expertise, this volume looks at depression from four viewpoints: that of the sufferer, the clinician, the ethicist, and the lawyer. Topics covered include the cultural history of depression; causes, epidemiology, and diagnosis; the autonomy debate; criminal responsibility; public health law; depression in the workplace; depression and children; and assisted suicide. First-hand accounts from sufferers are followed by contributions from clinicians who say what depression is, outline its demography and therapeutic options, and indicate the legal and ethical problems that trouble them the most. The essays then go on to explore legal and ethical questions in depth. This collection is essential reading for lawyers seeking a broader understanding of depression, and non-lawyers seeking an insight into the difficulty law has engaging with the condition.

Der Gerechtigkeitsanspruch des Rechts: Festschrift für Theo Mayer-Maly zum 65. Geburtstag (Rechtsethik #3)

Nach der Gerechtigkeit ist das Recht benannt. Dies sagt der spätklassische römische Jurist Ulpian zur Einbegleitung der einzi­ gen Definition des Rechts durch einen römischen Juristen, die auf uns gekommen ist. Die für den modemen Leser im ersten Ein­ druck seltsam wirkende Aussage, die am Anfang des ersten Frag­ ments der DigestenJustinians steht, darf natürlich nicht als etymo­ logische Annahme verstanden werden. Ihrem Autor ging es nicht um die Frage nach der Herkunft der sprachlichen Bezeichnung des Rechts, sondern um die inhaltlichen Grundlagen seiner Substanz. Verdeckt durch die Klischees "Rechtspositivismus" und "Na­ turrechtslehre" stehen einander heute wie schon lange Zeit zwei Grundpositionen gegenüber. Nach der einen leiten die Rechtssät­ ze ihren Geltungsanspruch aus einer gesellschaftlichen Entschei­ dung zwischen mehreren Regelungsmöglichkeiten ab. Nach der anderen steht hinter dem Geltungsanspruch von positivem Recht seine Prätention, gerecht zu sein. Die Autoren dieses Bandes wis­ sen, daß Theo Mayer-Maly, der am 16. August 1996 sein 65. Le­ bensjahr vollendet, seine gesamte juristische Arbeit an der Frage, welche Grundlagen und welche Tragweite der Gerechtigkeitsan­ spruch von Recht hat, orientiert hat. Obwohl sie zur Frage der Er­ kennbarkeit und Umsetzbarkeit von Gerechtigkeit durchaus un­ terschiedliche Auffassungen haben, wollen sie durch Analysen zu verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Jurisprudenz, die natürlich kei­ nen Vollständigkeitsanspruch erheben, den Stand des Problembe­ wußtseins fördern. Sie wissen, daß sie mit dieser Vorgangsweise dem, dem sie den Band widmen, die meiste Freude bereiten. Sie schließen ihre aufrichtigen Glückwünsche und den Ausdruck ih­ rer herzlichen persönlichen Verbundenheit an.

Der Status des Hirntoten: Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse der Grenzen des Lebens (Medizin und Ethik)

(Zum Verhältnis von Naturwissenschaft und Philosophie) Mit dem Fortschritt der medizinischen Intensivbehandlung und der Transplantationschirurgie in den 60er Jahren bedurfte es exakterer Me­ thoden zum Nachweis des eingetretenen Todes. Seitdem es nämlich die Intensivmedizin ermöglicht. den Blutkreislauf und die Atmung über einige Zeit hinweg künstlich aufrecht zu erhalten, sind für den Arzt die üblichen Todeskriterien wie Herz- und Atemstillstand nicht mehr in jedem Fall verwertbar. Relati v einmütig einigte man sich auf den Ausfall der Gehirnfunktionen (Hirntod) als markantestes Zeichen für den einge­ tretenen Tod beim Menschen. Doch die Diskussionen um die endgültige Festlegung des mensch­ lichen Todes mit dem Eintritt des Hirntodes verstummten bis heute nicht. Einerseits wird den Medizinern von philosophischer Seite ein viel zu oberflächlicher Umgang mit diesem äußerst sensiblen Abschnitt des menschlichen Lebens nachgesagt. Die Festlegung des Todes, der philo­ sophisch die Trennung von Leib und Seele bedeutet, auf das Versiegen von rein körperlichen Funktionen, scheint einigen Philosophen viel zu vordergründig. Andererseits versuchen verschiedene ethische Strömun­ gen die menschliche Existenz in ein biologisches und ein personales Leben aufzuspalten, indem sie das Sterben des Menschen mit dem Verlust seiner personalen Ausdrucksweise gleichsetzen und zu dem Schluß gelangen, daß auch schon ein Teilhirntod, wie z. B. das Absterben des Großhirns und damit der Verlust des Bewußtseins, mit dem Tod des Menschen gleichzusetzen sei.

Der Wiener Kreis und sein philosophisches Spektrum: Beiträge zur Kulturphilosophie, Metaphysik, Philosophiegeschichte, Praktischen Philosophie und Ästhetik (Studien zur Philosophie des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts)

Philosophiehistorische Überblicksdarstellungen vermitteln häufig den Eindruck, im Wiener Kreis herrsche ein Verständnis von Philosophie vor, das auf eine an der modernen Logik und den Naturwissenschaften orientierte ahistorische Spielart der Erkenntnistheorie und Wissenschaftstheorie beschränkt ist. Die vorliegende Sammlung von Fachbeiträgen trägt in Fortsetzung neuerer Forschungstendenzen zu einer Korrektur dieses Eindrucks bei, indem sie verdeutlicht, wie weit das philosophische Spektrum des Wiener Kreises ist. Die Felder, die sie in den Blick nimmt, reichen von der Kulturphilosophie und Metaphysik, über die Philosophiegeschichte und Praktische Philosophie bis hin zur Ästhetik.

Design Rights: Functionality and Scope of Protection (AIPPI Series #3)

Protection of industrial and other designs has developed as a distinct and important area of intellectual property law. This book, while providing a solid foundation on the law regarding the protection and enforcement of design rights, focuses on the ever-present, and always contentious, issue of functionality in the context of design rights. While there is considerable harmonization on the fundamental principle that design rights regard aesthetic appearance and not underlying technical function, courts and legislatures the world over have long struggled with determining whether to permit and how to interpret the scope of, designs rights directed at products whose appearance may, partially or completely, be the result of functional consideration. This detailed country-by-country analysis provides clarity, insight, and guidance on the legal issues and practical implications of functionality in key jurisdictions worldwide. This book was developed within the framework of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), a nonaffiliated, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving and promoting the protection of intellectual property at both national and international levels. The authors of the country chapters have been carefully selected based on their extensive experience and in-depth knowledge about design protection in their respective jurisdictions. Each chapter considers such issues and topics as the following: availability of protection—granting authority, statutory requirements, drawing requirements, and disclaimers; tests or approaches applied to determine whether a design right is ineligible for protection based on functionality grounds, including related policy considerations; strategies employed to mount, and fend off, challenges to design rights based on functionality; determination of a design right’s scope of protection, including the impact of any visual elements of the overall design having appearances that are nonnovel and/or functional; tests or approaches applied to determine whether a visual element of a design right is excluded from the overall scope of protection based on functionality grounds, including related policy considerations; and examples of how visual elements of a design right whose appearance is driven by function are treated in infringement and validity contexts. Each chapter includes case law examples, hypothetical fact patterns, and graphic images of designs to bring issues to life. An introductory chapter covers the basic tenets of design rights, terminology, and discussion of design rights in relation to other areas of intellectual property. As a comparative law study and a collection of contributions from around the world on an important and controversial field, this book proves to be of tremendous practical interest for the industry involved and for the public. Applicants for design protection, parties involved in or contemplating enforcement proceedings, and interested legal practitioners will benefit greatly from its thorough comparative analysis and guidance. It is also exceptionally valuable as a matchless and thorough resource for academics and researchers interested in the international harmonization of intellectual property law.

Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 5/6 - Subjekt – Taufzeuge

Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.

Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 7/8 - taugbar – Toppschilling

Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.

Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch der älteren deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 9/10 – Tor – Trittrecht

Was hat Liebe mit Recht zu tun? Wozu diente ein Reilenagel? Was ist ein Schnappreitel ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Deutsche Rechtswörterbuch, das neben juristischen Fachbegriffen auch Wörter der Alltagssprache in rechtlichem Kontext erklärt. Über 1.200 Jahre Wortgeschichte anhand von Belegen aus der gesamten westgermanischen Sprachfamilie.

Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Vierzehnter Band. Stegreif–Trittrecht. 2019–2024

Mit dem vorliegenden DRW-Band 14 sind nun über 100.000 Wortartikel auf über 22.000 Spalten gedruckt. Sie reichen in alphabetischer Folge von Aachenfahrt bis Trittrecht. Die Artikel enthalten mehr als 500.000 Belegzitate bzw. Belegstellenangaben mit insgesamt über 5,5 Millionen Wörtern. Allein der neue Band enthält über 5600 Wortartikel.

Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives

Ethicists and psychologists have become increasingly interested in the development of virtue in recent years, approaching the topic from the perspectives of virtue ethics and developmental psychology respectively. Such interest in virtue development has spread beyond academia, as teachers and parents have increasingly striven to cultivate virtue as part of education and child-rearing. Looking at these parallel trends in the study and practice of virtue development, the essays in this volume explore such questions as: How can philosophical work on virtue development inform psychological work on it, and vice versa? How should we understand virtue as a dimension of human personality? What is the developmental foundation of virtue? What are the evolutionary aspects of virtue and its development? How is virtue fostered? How is virtue exemplified in behavior and action? How is our conception of virtue influenced by context and by developmental and social experiences? What are the tensions, impediments and prospects for an integrative field of virtue study? Rather than centering on each discipline, the essays in this volume are organized around themes and engage each other in a broader dialogue. The volume begins with an introductory essay from the editors that explains the full range of philosophical and empirical issues that have surrounded the notion of virtue in recent years.

The Development of European Competition Policy: Social Democracy and Regulation (Routledge Explorations in Economic History)

This book considers a central issue of our time: the relationship between the macroeconomic objectives of political parties in democratic countries and the legal framework of market economies. The impressive panel of contributors examines social-democratic policies on cartels, market concentration and competition in different European countries, spanning a hundred-year period (specifically the interwar period, the initial postwar period, the 1960s and 1970s, the 1980s and 1990s, and the 2000s).This thought-provoking volume challenges the dominant belief that the EU’s economic system and competition policy were mainly influenced by neoliberal economic thinking, instead showing that Keynesian and social-democratic positions played a major role in the emergence of this system.It will be valuable reading for advanced students, researchers and policymakers interested in modern economic history, industrial organization, political economy, European legal history and political science.

Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law: 20 Years of The IPKat

Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law celebrates the 20th anniversary of award-winning intellectual property (IP) blog, The IPKat, originally founded in 2003. Over the past two decades, The IPKat has covered and commented on several of the most topical developments in the IP field from substantive, practical, and policy standpoints. Today, The IPKat is considered the “Most Popular Intellectual Property Law Blawg” of all time (source: Justia) and its readers are academics, members of the judiciary, policy and law-makers, practitioners, and students from all over the world. By bringing together several of the current and past contributors to The IPKat, this book reflects on the developments and directions that have emerged in the IP field over the past twenty years. Topics covered include changes within substantive IP rights, as well as IP law, policy, and practice broadly intended and from a global perspective. From copyright to trade marks, patents to designs, image and publicity rights to geographical indications, and developments in IP practice and the court system to contract drafting, readers of this book will find expert insights into some of the most notable developments in IP since the inception of The IPKat blog.

Die ethischen Grundlagen des Privatrechts (Rechtsethik #1)

Die Abteilung "Rechtsethik" am InsUtut fUr poliUsche Wissenschaften des Intemationalen Forsch ungszentrums Salz­ burg hat am 9. und 10. 4. 1992 ein Symposion fiber die Ethik des Privatrechts veranstaltet. Das sehr konzentrierte Gesprach war zum einen durch die Auseinandersetzung mit relaUv neuen Denkmodellen wie der okonomtschen Analyse des Rechts (Peter Behrens). der Diskursethik (Wolfgang Enderle in) und den aktuellen Varianten der Sozialvertragstheorien (Georg GraD gepragt. Zum andem wurde nach den ethischen Grundlagen des Privatrechts in der Rechtsgeschichte (Okko Behrends) und der Freiheitsphilosophie Kants (Dieter Reuter) gefragt. Mit Erich Streissler konnte ein juristisch qualiflzierter Nationalokonom als Gesprachspartner und Referent gewonnen werden. Besonders ausffihrlich. von ihm selbst redigierte Diskussionsbeitrage steuer­ te Hans Martin Pawlowski bel. Den Bericht fiber den fibrigen Diskursverlauf hat Georg Graf redigiert. In prominenter Weise nahm Franz Wieacker an den Gesprachen teil. Seinem Andenken widmen wir diesen Band. Franz Bydlinski Theo Mayer-Maly Inhalt Okko Behrends Die rechtsethischen Grundlagen des Privatrechts 1 Peter Behrens Utilitaristische Ethik und okonomische Analyse des Rechts 35 Wolfgang Enderlein Diskursethik und Privatrecht 53 Georg Graf SozialvertragstheOrie und Zivilrecht 81 Dieter Reuter Freiheitsethik und Privatrecht 105 Erich Streissler Soztalevolutorische Ethik und Privatrecht 131 Hans Martin Pawlowski Diskussionsbeitnlge 157 Diskussionsbericht 167 Verzeichnis der Tetlnehmer 175 Okko Behrends Die rechtsethischen Grundlagen des Privatrechts I. Fragestellung (1) Das Thema. uber das ich zu sprechen hatte. war von sehr grundsatzlicher Art. Nachdem ich gebeten worden war.

Die Verfassung der Republik: Zentrale Fragen der Verfassung und des Verfassungslebens — 75 Jahre Bundesverfassung (Texte zur Rechtspolitik #1)

Unsere Verfassung beginnt lapidar und einprägsam: "Österreich ist eine demokratische Republik. Ihr Recht geht vom Volk aus", sagt uns Art. 1 des Bundes-Verfassungsgesetzes (B-VG) von 1920. Heißt "Republik" heute nur noch "Nichtmonarchie" oder ist es in einem bestimmten Umfang gerechtfertigt, ihr einen normativen Gehalt zukommen zu lassen? Um diese Fragen kreisen die in diesem Band veröffentlichten Beiträge.

Digital Assets and the Law: Fiat Money in the Era of Digital Currency (Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Law)

This book delves into the intricacies of digital assets. With the increasing reliance on crypto and the potential adoption of digital currencies by central banks, our monetary system is at a critical point. The importance of taking the next step has become even more stringent, as evidenced by this systematic scientific reconstruction. Divided into five concentric parts, the book starts with a historical, technical and financial introduction to digital assets. It then explores the changing role of central banking and monetary economics in the upcoming era. Finally, it focuses on the broad legal issues arising from the new digital landscape, not shying away from exploring forward-thinking solutions and policies for the future. With the contributions of prominent international experts in the field, this collection supplies a transdisciplinary analysis based on the belief that complex phenomena can only be handled by complex solutions. This groundbreaking work aims to be more than just an academic treatise; it is a must-read for students, scholars, financial professionals, and all those who want to understand the emerging digital currency reality that many have yet to fully recognise.

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