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Reframing Intellectual Property Law in Sri Lanka: Lessons from the Developing World and Beyond (International Law and the Global South)

by Althaf Marsoof Kanchana Kariyawasam Chamila Talagala

This book is a reflection on domestic intellectual property lawmaking from a developing country’s perspective. It focuses on Sri Lanka—a South Asian jurisdiction with a socio-economic, cultural, and political landscape similar to other developing nations in the region, but the intellectual property regime of which has been less explored. The aim of this book is to address the discrepancies, gaps, and flaws in the national intellectual property legal framework of Sri Lanka. In doing so, the book considers Sri Lanka’s obligations under TRIPS and other related intellectual property treaties to which the country is a party. The book also examines approaches adopted by developing countries in the region and beyond, as well as other more developed nations, in calibrating Sri Lanka’s domestic intellectual property regime to better address the country’s domestic needs and national interests. The approach adopted in this book is of relevance, more generally, to policymakers, legislators, legal academics, scholars, jurists, legal practitioners and judges who are keen on exploring the extent to which domestic intellectual property legislation complies with international intellectual property norms and standards and, more importantly, the extent to which domestic law makes use of the flexibilities under international law in addressing domestic needs and national interests.

Modern Corporations and Strategies at Work

by Bhabani Shankar Nayak Naznin Tabassum

Strategies are integral to growth, expansion and sustainability of modern corporations. The agile strategies are central to overcome challenges of the turbulent times accelerated by risks, pandemics, wars, political instabilities and environmental disasters. This book on ‘Modern Corporations and Strategies at Work’ focuses on different strategies followed by corporations. This book makes critical reading of corporate strategies and evaluates them. This book offers insights into the way corporations develop and implement strategies to face different challenges. This book explores wider world of corporate strategies and their limitations. The future of world economy and international business is shaped by large modern corporations and their rapidly changing business, management and marketing strategies. This book explores the way modern nation states are standing behind the corporations to ensure that their strategies are successful in a world of complex challenges. This book further examines how collaborations between the state and modern corporations are part of the corporate strategy at work today. Further how modern strategies are integral to the start, growth, expansion and sustainability of modern corporations. This book explores operational agilities and organisational abilities of modern corporations to engage with diverse challenges and overcome the crisis. The volatile business environment is creating conditions of instabilities for the market to function effectively and efficiently. Such conditions are weakening all agents and structures operating within international business and world economy. This book argues that there is an urgent need for a profound reshaping of the corporate strategies to deal with a post pandemic society. It is perhaps as far reaching as that the remaking of corporate strategies are in the crossroads today due to its intrinsic profit motives. The remaking of modern corporate strategy comes in the wake of pestilence of a global health crisis; its full impacts are yet to be felt, evaluated and understood. A comprehensive shift in corporate strategy from formulation, implementation and evaluation to remaking is at the heart of this transformations in the working of the corporations and their fundamental ideological apparatus.

Life Imprisonment in Asia (Palgrave Advances in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia)

by Dirk van Zyl Smit Catherine Appleton Giao Vucong

Life imprisonment is the punishment most often imposed worldwide for what societies regard as the most serious offences. Yet, in Asia the phenomenon has never been studied systematically. Life Imprisonment in Asia fills this major gap. It brings together thirteen new essays on life imprisonment in key jurisdictions in the region. Each chapter consolidates what is known about the law and practice of life imprisonment in the jurisdiction and then explores aspects of the imposition or implementation of life sentences that the authors regard as particularly problematic. In some instances, the main issue is the imposition of life sentences by the courts and their relationship to the death penalty. In others, the focus is on the treatment of life sentenced prisoners. In many instances, the most prominent question is whether life sentenced prisoners should be released and, if so, according to what processes. In the overview chapter, the editors place the complex picture that emerges of life imprisonment in Asia in a global context and point to reforms urgently required to ensure that Asian life sentences meet international human rights standards.Life Imprisonment in Asia should be read by everyone who has an interest in just punishments for serious offences, not only in Asia, but throughout the world. It will be an invaluable tool for lawyers, criminologists, policy makers and penal reform advocates in the region and beyond.

Broadcasting in Japan: Challenges and Opportunities (Advances in Information and Communication Research #5)

by Hitoshi Mitomo Mikio Kimura

This book provides an analysis of the various challenges and opportunities facing the Japanese broadcasting industry. It is the first book in English that explores how Japanese broadcasting, especially commercial broadcasting, fulfills its social mission under the threat of the increased popularity of Internet-based media services as it reexamines the role and nature of broadcasting. During a series of disasters and the spread of the new coronavirus in Japan, while varied media connected people and supported socio-economic activities, broadcasting continued to be the most trusted. However, as Internet media attract increasing attention, the trend in broadcast viewership is downward. Commercial broadcasting, in particular, will be strongly affected by that trend and the impact of the shrinking population. Recognizing that such dramatic technological and environmental changes are under way, in addition to the eleven researchers participating in the visiting researcher committee at the Research Institute of the Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association (JBA), four research collaborators and the secretariat (director of the JBA) have contributed to this book. They have taken up issues related to challenges and opportunities for the broadcasting industry based on their respective areas of awareness of the problems, including policies for broadcasting, fake news, disaster responses, viewer trust in television programs, competition with Internet-based services, and the business model for broadcasting.

Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations (Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management)

by Tanuja Sharma Rupamanjari Sinha Ray Nayan Mitra

This book contains compilation of emerging discourses on responsible leadership for sustainability in uncertain times. Uncertainty is looming large at global level due to COVID, climatic disruptions and persisting social discriminations, especially since the pandemic, which have disrupted economies at both local and global levels. Technology was a boon to mitigate hardships emerging from such disruptions. The book documents the leadership roles, welfare issues, best practices and innovations that help organizations to sustain in a VUCA world. Economic, social and environmental concerns and their mitigation as documented in this book will be relevant for future planning and execution for sustainable existence. A blend of research by practitioners and academicians, capturing organizational experiences through case studies makes it attractive for a wide range of readership. Business leaders will find this book extremely helpful to understand the nuances and insights for responsible leadership and innovative strategies for stakeholder management and engagement for sustained businesses. Practitioners would get insights into responsible leadership for improving existing sustainable practices and speed up the transition which is necessitated due to disruptions. Prospective entrepreneurs may find that book helpful for creating responsible organizations which are sustainable due to responsible management of resources, employees and environment. Students and researchers can learn from the cases and documentation on responsible leadership, social and environmental concerns and sustainability in this book.

Real Estate Management in China (The Frontier of Public Administration in China)

by Shukui Tan Wenjie Cai Ying Chen

This book reflects the great changes in terms of real estate sales, purchases, finance and policies from planned economy to market economy in China. Real estate system has always been a great concern to the public for its irreplaceable role in people’s lives and various daily affairs, as well as in the development of the whole economy, especially in China’s context. The unique perspective of this book lies in the significant role that the Chinese government plays in real estate system. This book aims to help readers to understand China’s real estate system comprehensively.

The Ignite Project: A Journey in Scrum

by Niyousha Raeesinejad Yousef Mehrdad Bibalan Mohammad Moshirpour

This guidebook highlights the process of a software internship project facilitated by the Schulich School of Engineering. The Scrum Team is comprised of student developers pursuing either a master’s or bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering with their professor as the stakeholder, a consulting tech company serving as the product owner, and a graduate student and seasoned industry expert as project leads. The story of this software development process is communicated through the perspectives of an observing undergraduate SE student and the team, mainly through meetings, interviews, and journal entries. This guidebook is for readers in research, education, and industry who will not only experience the same process from different angles, but they will gain insight into fundamental elements of the Scrum Framework applied in organizational projects.​

The Making of the Civil Codes: A Twenty-First Century Perspective (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #104)

by Michele Graziadei Lihong Zhang

The book provides in-depth analysis of the new perspectives on codifications, and of the related reforms, that give recognition to new ideas, new needs, and new techniques. The contributions from several jurisdictions collected in this book provide a much needed evaluation of the current impact of codification on the law and are a first, essential reference for assessing the importance of civil law codifications in the contemporary world.

Social Justice for Children in the South (Evidence-Based Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies #9)

by Graciela H. Tonon

This book considers that contextual factors are important for the achievement of social justice and it recognizes that vulnerability to which children are exposed is a phenomenon throughout the planet, particularly in the South. It presents a theoretical review of social justice as well as different situations of vulnerability children experience in their daily lives in which they can be injured, affecting their well-being and the exercise of their rights. It examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children, considered as a vulnerable group warranting special social policy considerations. It also presents the need to change power structures in knowledge production and decision-making processes to achieve social justice for children; the importance of investing in children; the exclusion of children from participation in certain activities and the shame of not being able to participate in equal conditions with others; the lives of migrant children belonging to ethnic minorities exposed to language barriers and access to technological devices; and the analysis of the process of social re-integration of children from conditions of armed conflict. The book concludes that governments need to assume social justice as part of universal human interests, providing security, conditions for well-being, and guaranteeing social justice for all children.

Black Swan: Economic Crises, Volume I (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application)

by Bernur Açıkgöz

This book presents to the reader the economic, fiscal and financial crises in world history that have had a great impact on the entire world and the fiscal measures taken by governments to combat each crisis since the 1600s in chronological order. Such events are often described as Black Swans, a concept introduced by economist and risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb in the book Fooled By Randomness in 2001, in reference to events that were thought to be impossible but had a huge impact when they did happen.The first part of the book discusses the crisis models in order to allow the reader to better understand the financial, fiscal and economic crises that are detailed in the following chapters. Each chapter starts with an overview of the crisis in question followed by an analysis of the impact on the affected countries. They go on to highlight the causes of the crisis in question, the fiscal and financial measures employed to recover from it and ends on a description of the post-crisis period.Given the profusion of black swan events that the 21st century has already witnessed, this book would be a valuable read for academics and students of economics as well as practitioners and policy makers.

Vanishing Borders of Urban Local Finance: Global Developments with Illustrations from Indian Federation

by Shyam Nath Yeti Nisha Madhoo

This book examines the emerging trends in vanishing borders of urban local government finance due to uncertain local tax and expenditure regimes. It analyzes the global developments with illustrations from state budgetary operations of the Indian federation. This trend has gained momentum due to concentration of population in cities and big towns as a consequence of globalization, leading to enhanced environmental vulnerability due to climate change. Expanding expenditure needs have not been corresponded by revenue regimes and transfers. Moreover, involving corporate sector in local area preference initiatives through mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an interesting development. It is expected to work as a local fiscal additionality to supplement locally provided civic and infrastructure services. This additionality may also evolve into public private partnerships at the local level. Such development however has the potential of displacing local government operations. The focus of the book hinges around critically examining setbacks to fiscal decentralization and challenges in improving the status of urban local finances to enhance fiscal autonomy of these governments, particularly in Indian scenario. The book also explores the possibility of an expanded role of local fiscal policy in the context of globalization and climate change, besides addressing the conventional responsibilities with respect to quality of civic services.

Managing Multiple Organizational Goals in Turbulent Environments: Organizational Control, Goal Polychronicity and Performance Impact

by Feifei Yang Mirjam Goudsmit George Shinkle

This book examines the management of multiple goals in organizations especially in today's increasingly turbulent business environment. In this book, authors develop a novel concept of goal polychronicity, wherein organizations may attend to multiple goals simultaneously, rather than mono-chronically through sequential attention. This book further investigates the impact of internal organizational control systems and external environmental turbulence on multiple goals management. Empirical evidence is drawn from in-depth interviews of top executives and large-scale survey of top executives from four countries (US, Australia, China, and Israel). The book enriches the understanding of multiple goals and provides evidence-based recommendations to researchers and practitioners in managing multiple goals.

Introduction to Basics of Pharmacology and Toxicology: Volume 3 : Experimental Pharmacology : Research Methodology and Biostatistics

by Gerard Marshall Raj Mageshwaran Lakshmanan Deepak Gopal Shewade

This volume is designed to impart the fundamental concepts in experimental pharmacology, research methodology and biostatistics. Through this book, the readers will learn about different methods involved in drug discovery, experimental animals and their care, equipments and the various bioassays used in experimental pharmacology. This book contains special sections on various drug screening methods involved in the evaluation of different body systems. Certain sections provide the healthcare professionals with the knowledge necessary to interpret clinical research articles, design clinical studies, and learn essential concepts in biostatistics in an expedient and concise manner. Basic principles and applications of simple analytical methods employed in drug analysis are well written under one section. It focuses on the basic and advanced laboratory techniques and also on computer simulated data, written extensively under the Biostatistics section. The methods used for drug analysis have been described in adequate detail with cross-references for further studies and comprehension. Overall, the book is designed systematically with four broad sections with extensive subdivisions for easy tracking, interpretation, and understanding.

Safeguarding Against Statelessness at Birth: International Law and Domestic Legal Frameworks of ASEAN Member States

by Rodziana Mohamed Razali

This book covers the essential aspects of prevention of childhood statelessness focusing on norms governing the subject through the rights to acquire a nationality and to birth registration, two vital safeguards to prevent statelessness among children. Its unique feature lies in its exposition of the international legal norms focusing on prevention of childhood statelessness and systematic analyses of domestic legal frameworks on nationality and birth registration of the 10 ASEAN Member States. This book is designed for a wide range of readers comprising academics, advocates, students, policy makers, and other stakeholders working on statelessness affecting children, especially in Southeast Asia.

The US-DPRK Peace Treaty: A Commentary

by Eric Yong Lee Ridoan Karim

This book delivers an in-depth analysis of the US-DPRK Peace Treaty which will be concluded as a final result of the Korean Peninsula peace process that is currently ongoing. Since North Korea launched its nuclear weapons development program in the early 1990s, the Korean peninsula has become a critical point of global politics along with the Sino-American (G2) hegemonic competition. The US-DPRK Peace Treaty is the key to the denuclearization and de jure peace on the peninsula as well as Northeast Asia. Different from the comprehensive peace treaty between the four parties (US, China, and the two Koreas) already proposed for the past few years, the book suggests a ‘bilateral’ approach to the agreement between the US and the DPRK, which will trigger the peace as a system considering the US’s practices in this regard after 1783. Such a challenging and provocative method provides deeper understanding of the legal and political circumstances for the expected US-DPRK Peace Treaty. The book will navigate scholars, practitioners, and students towards terminating the 1953 Armistice, establishing nuclear peace as well as a rapprochement between the two countries. In practice, it will be a useful guideline for the conflicting parties in the various parts of the globe to adopt peace treaties in the twenty-first century.

Impact Assessment for Developing Countries: A Guide for Government Officials and Public Servants (Contributions to Economics)

by Takuya Nakaizumi

Impact Assessment (IA) is introduced in this book, with a guide to the process, scope, content, and management of IA for the governments of developing economies. In doing so, evidence-based policy making is taken into full consideration. After the principles of IA are set forth, its procedures are described, illustrated by typical cases from the United States and Japan. Then an explanation follows of the components of IA such as necessity, alternatives, and assessment of cost and benefit, with a description of competition assessment. In developing economies, it is not effective to simply import a system from developed countries directly into developing countries, especially for economic regulation and in consideration of compliance and competition issues. Thus the book provides recommendations on how to appropriately modify developed countries’ systems for countries that are still developing. The book concludes by taking up several issues surrounding IA, especially nudge theory and public involvement.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Corporations and Corporate Law in Malaysia

by Loganathan Krishnan Wai Meng Chan

This book analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on corporations in Malaysia, discussing the challenges and the corporations’ responses to them. The relevant provisions in the Companies Act 2016 are examined, and where necessary, reforms are proposed in light of the new business environment brought on as a result of the pandemic. The book also discusses the interim measures initiated by the various regulators in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and analyzes the adequacy of such measures by drawing analogous positions from countries such as the UK, Australia, and Singapore. This book is a helpful guide for practitioners to manage the impact of COVID-19 on corporations and the Companies Act 2016. The book is a reference point for regulators and policy makers in crafting policies to combat the impact of COVID-19.

Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Business and Policy Studies (Applied Economics and Policy Studies)

by Xiaolong Li Chunhui Yuan Ivoslav Ganchev

This proceedings volume contains papers accepted by the 2022 International Conference on Business and Policy Studies (CONF-BPS 2022), which are carefully selected and reviewed by professional reviewers from corresponding research fields and the editorial team of the conference. This volume presents latest research achievements, inspirations, and applications in applied economy, finance, enterprise management, public administration, and policy studies. CONF-BPS hopes this volume could be inspiring and of academic value.Business and policy studies both are heated research topics and are related to multiple fields. Held by Eliwise Academy, CONF-BPS aims at bringing together intellectuals from related fields including applied economy, finance, and public administration for academic exchange. Its goal is to serve as an international platform for researchers to present latest research progress, share ideas and inspirations, and exchange experience. Through more academic communication and exchange, this conference hops to promote international corporation and joint initiatives in relevant fields. This volume will be of interest to researchers, academics, professionals, and policy makers in the field of business, economics, management, and policy studies.

China’s Plan for Economic and Social Development: A Review from the 1st to 14th Five-Year Plan (Understanding China)

by Jun Yin Jia Xu

This book reviews the basic process of China’s fourteen five-year plans with systematic theoretical overview and rich historical data and moves on to discuss the theoretical logic of plan-based state governance. The authors hold that the five-year planning system with Chinese characteristics is a flexible planning system; through adaptive macro-planning and incentive target governance, it mobilizes government, market and social forces to work together to fulfill national objectives and is a representative mechanism of the state governance system and a symbol of modernized state governance capacity. From an academic point of view, it theoretically answers questions about what, why and how concerning the five-year plans. From an interdisciplinary perspective, it explores the theoretical logic and experience of plan-based governance by combining Marxism, western theories, and the science of history. Also, it tries to represent historical facts based on a vast literature about the history of CPC and PRC, reviews historical details of the previous thirteen five-year plans, and describes the great journey of the plan preparation and implementation under the CPC leadership. This book has been published in Simplified Chinese (Peking University Press) and Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong Open Page Press). It has won the 2021 Annual Books of China Economics Education and Research Network, the first prize of excellent Works of the First Young Marxism Prize, 100 "Red Classic Reading" recommended reading books of Jiangsu National Reading Activity Leading Group celebrating the Centennial of the Founding of the Party, and Jintai Good Books of People's Daily Library.

CSR Image Discursive Construction of Banks and the Effects on Capital Markets: Comparative Study of China and US

by Muchun Wan

This book attempts to establish an inter-disciplinary discourse evaluation framework to analyze multi-dimensional discursive features along 4 dimensions in Chinese and American banks’ CSR reports: sentiment, readability, CSR keyword, and visualization. It analyzes Chinese and American banks’ different discursively constructed CSR images via the employment of various discursive features in CSR reports within their different contexts. Lastly, it examines the effects of Chinese and American banks’ discursively constructed CSR images on capital markets, with an inter-disciplinary approach of linguistics, management, and economics. Theoretically, this book contributes to the development of institutional identity’s cross-disciplinary research. Additionally, it reveals the problem-solving function of discourse. This sheds light on theoretical research into both corporate governance and business discourse. Practically, this book contributes to the improvement of Chinese banks’ awareness in CSR disclosure and the establishment of Chinese banks’ international images. Since more and more Chinese companies in different sectors are choosing overseas listings, findings in this book also have practical implications for their information disclosure, international images construction, and corporate value enhancement through corporate narratives, such as annual reports and IPO prospectuses.

Post-trauma and the Recovery Governance of Cultural Heritage

by Toshiyuki Kono Junko Okahashi

This book successfully represents the indispensable interdisciplinarity of viewpoints by its authors combining legal perspectives with architectural and anthropological approaches. With the observation and analysis presented here, this book is the first to demonstrate research-based governance solutions for cultural heritage within the process of recovering from traumatic events. Its opening statement is that universal international standards are not effective enough for the specific situations of disaster-struck places.A major objective of this monograph is to allow its readers to go through a learning experience, from plural cases where reconstruction of cultural heritage became central to rebuilding a post-disaster society. This book introduces Japan as the most disaster-prone country, with a long history of confronting and overcoming the power of nature, resulting in its unique solutions for cultural heritage resilience and sustainability. But how do leadership and decision making become efficient in times of recovery? Bearing in mind what may be lacking in Japanese practices, this work also presents comparable governance models from other countries which indicate alternative solutions.While a traumatic event may occur within one night, the process of recovery could last for decades. Such disasters also tend to recur. In order that directly affected communities can sustain resilience throughout the long recovery period, and that equally severe social trauma will not be repeated, a continuous, well-maintained governance response is required, whether grounded in local knowledge or national policy frameworks. At the heart of this book is the matter of the reconstruction process involving networks of small and large communities. Each of those has a role that becomes operational through linkages of contacts, the interchange of knowledge and skills, and above all through the sharing of common goals.

The First 100 Days of Covid-19: Law and Political Economy of the Global Policy Response

by Aleksandar Stojanović Luisa Scarcella Christina R. Mosalagae

This book provides a novel in-depth study of the early pandemic response policy at the intersection of political economy and law. It explores: (1) whether the responses to COVID-19 were democratically accountable; (2) the ways in which new surveillance and enforcement techniques were adopted; (3) the new monetary and fiscal policies which were implemented; (4) the ways in which employed and unemployed persons were differently impacted by the new policies; and (5) how companies were economically sustained through the pandemic. A compelling look at what happens to societies when disaster strikes, this book will be of interest to legal scholars, political scientists and economists.

The Defaulting State and the South China Sea Arbitration

by Alfredo C. Robles Jr.

This book focuses on the legal and procedural problems caused by China’s default in the South China Sea Arbitration. Many of these problems arose because in several respects, China departed from the conduct of other defaulting States in cases before the International Court of Justice. The book argues that the Tribunal, confronted with the difficulties of maintaining the balance between two parties in a situation of default, drew on the full range of its powers to ensure that neither China nor the Philippines would suffer from China’s default. Further, the book describes the shortcomings of the submissions of putative amicus curiae. It refutes China’s questioning of the independence and impartiality of the experts and of the judges. In so doing, it explains the expert opinions and the Tribunal ’s assessments of the latter in the areas of satellite imagery, coral reef ecology, and navigational safety, while rebutting the half- truths and counter-truths disseminated by Chinese scholars about the proceedings. The book compares China’s threats to the independence of the Tribunal to its behavior towards Chinese judges. It places China’s accusations of bias against the Tribunal in the context of China’s domestic situation, and concludes that the Tribunal, acting independently and impartially, was able to perform the judicial function, despite China’s default.

Design Evolution and The Law: Protecting Product Designs Today and Tomorrow

by Vladimir Samoylov

This book focuses on product design which is evolving conceptually and practically with advances in technology. Product design is no longer solely about product stylization and decoration, but rather about providing a holistic product experience for the consumer. Therefore, in the foreseeable future, product designs will increasingly communicate not only to our eyes, but to our other senses as well.This book examines the frameworks for the protection of product designs in New Zealand and Australia and evaluates the appropriateness of expanding legal mechanisms for the accommodation of product design evolution. The value of more holistic design protection is balanced against other important considerations such as the “right to repair".The book not only anticipates the extent to which product design will cater to senses other than visual, but also provides a novel framework (with reference to industry examples) for discerning originality in such work for the purposes of copyright. This book also makes suggestions for how designs can be protected from foreseeable infringement (analogous to copyright infringement of music and movies on file sharing networks) resulting from future advances in technologies such as 3D printing and virtual reality.

The Chinese Path Toward a Leaner Government

by Yining Li Zhiqiang Cheng

This book focuses on the administration streamlining aligned with the market-oriented reform process in China. The book is divided into two parts. The first part clarifies why administration is necessary and important, what it covers, and how to deal with the relation between the central and the local governments. The second part presents empirical analysis in specific areas, including agricultural reform, fiscal reform, government reform and education reform, and a series of decentralization reforms. This book is a collective wisdom from Peking University and is edited by Chinese economist Yining Li.

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